4.1 Analyse The Outcomes of A Project in Terms of The Original Project Specification

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1 Analyse the outcomes of a project in terms of the original project specification

Specification Evaluation
Objective - Using the limited budget - This project is over budget
of.... to establish a new.... 4.590.000 VND
within... of research and - The project analyzes
development requirements, designs and
- Complete all requirements deploys new management
deliverables by the project software for commercial
deadline software product banks and ATM networks
according to the requirements
specified by customers.
- To provide the optimum
solution, all aspects of the
customer, market, and
product are thoroughly
examined using real data.
Timeline Time? 03/01/2021 – 20/05/ 2022
Technical issue The quality of the product There is a method to clearly
depends on the level of the describe the definition of the
team that needs a certain requirements of the user
skill. System architecture or (customer) so that after
design problems can arise at handing over the product,
any time. The progress of the problems can easily arise.
project is highly dependent Besides, the design
on the risk analysis phase. methodology is consistent,
Therefore, the management not designed in a unique way
requirements are more to depend too much on
complex. people. Take advantage of
software reuse
Human resource Human resources are not The project has chosen highly
merely an element of the skilled personnel, cutting-
production and business edge technology, and a
process but also a valuable balanced human resource
asset of the Company. distribution.
Therefore, it is advisable to
switch from "saving labor
costs to reduce costs" to
"investing human resources
to have a more competitive
advantage, higher profits and
more efficiency.
4.2 Evaluate outcomes of the project

Based on table on we can be see, The company should analyze and recalculate the cost
indicators because this project is over budget (CV = -4,590,000 VND) and (CPI <1). Set
SV=0 and SPI=1 to show that the project is complete finished and on schedule.
4.3. Make justified recommendations for improvements to the project

Problems Recommendations
Senior management must pay closer
In the project, there is a lack of frequent
Setting establishing the rules and
regulations for the regular meeting by
soliciting comments on a regular basis
Labor technical expertise Proper initial appraisal of physical assets
and project requirements.
The efficiency of the equipment and
machine is measured on a regular basis.
Employees should be given training to
help them increase their technical
The actual budget may exceed the original Reduce workload to reduce labor costs.
estimate. Although the difference is not Reduce production costs by contacting the
too large, it is necessary to reallocate it to real production material's source.
avoid additional risks

5.1 Produces a report of all project procedures used

Before beginning a project, think about the reasons and implications, and make a
contingency plan as soon as possible. Managers will be able to make more accurate
decisions as a result of this. It will be considerably more convenient for the overall
operation as well as for the majority of the job of the team members if the department
manager oversees and allows early and precise project execution.
The current project's team includes those who have worked in the bank and others
who are specialists from other banks to consult; they come from various organizations
and may confront issues with working styles. To assist the project scope leader from the
start in this regard. As a result, as each phase of the project progressed, it offered a
detailed analysis (WBS) and outlined the project's overall timetable. At the time of each
WBS to the project roadmap. Some have to bring up the WBS so the project manager has
the opportunity to ask them.
Every employee who works on the project is required to produce a report on their
efforts. More importantly, it connects with all team members and management
stakeholders. The project team has to be organized. The constitution is the foundation of
the institutions that will support the project throughout its life cycle. In WBS, define
WBS, business needs, and expectations. It means that the WBS packet can be removed
from the relevant data. It is about the age, the start of the problem, and the end of the
crisis, including knowledge, the employer, and the budget, as well as some requirements.
The WBS aids in defining what is required to accomplish the functions necessary for
each stage's task.
The WBS acts as a road map for each project phase. Other teams might be
consulted as needed, even though the production and quality departments were active
throughout the process. The project manager is in charge of managing the work
breakdown structure and involving other teams as needed.
The PMO will be utilized to keep track of the entire budget during the project. Each
member of the project team is in charge of overseeing the other aspects of the project. A
member of the planning team, for example, is in charge of overseeing activities
connected to the WBS and the quality plan, while a member of the quality team is in
charge of ensuring that the phases are carried out as planned.
5.2 Present the outcomes of the project to an audience using an agreed format and
appropriate media

Our company's most important project will be led by a capable project manager. It
will be a chance to raise the company's profile and enhance its reputation. The project
manager leads the team in offering a practical propose to seal the deal, with upper
management's support. The project managers will create a precise and thorough project
development strategy to assure the highest success rate. There will be a risk assessment
and mitigation plan in place. Control mechanisms will be implemented to monitor and
react to issues as quickly as practicable.

The completion of this project will provide several benefits to the firm. Aside from
establishing a higher reputation for services than other banks, ensuring customer
happiness by meeting their needs and thus building customer confidence, increasing
market share and prestige, and increasing financial efficiency are all aims that can be
achieved. All of our efforts are directed at producing high-quality goods. Any
shortcomings will be corrected as quickly as feasible. Furthermore, the project's
completion serves as a recognition of achievements, providing incentives to increase
employee morale. Knowledge management techniques, which are necessary for the
company's growth, will assist the future project team in the management of similar works
and projects, as well as increase cost efficiency and work efficiency.

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