Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

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Chapter 3

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presented the result of findings. The topics and discussed and

presented as follows: level of english fluency inside the classroom in terms of past

english classroom experiences, current english classroom perception, perceived social

value of speaking English, and the significant relationship of english fluency inside

the classroom as a predictor of academic performance of grade 12 automotive

students in DBTC.

English Fluency inside the Classroom

In terms of Past English Classroom Experiences

Reflected in Table 2 is the level of english fluency inside the classroom in

terms of past english classroom experiences. The statements: I did enjoyable and

interesting activities in my high school english class, I enjoyed doing pair works in

my high school english class, I like my high school english class, I spoke english

fluently with my classmates in high school, I felt encourage to speak english in my

high school english class, I enjoyed speaking with my classmates in my high school

english class, and high school english class has comfortable atmosphere got a mean

scores of 3.25, 2.95, 2.8, 2.78, 2.75, 2.7, and 2.53 respectively with a moderate

adjectival rating.

Generally, past English classroom experiences as an indicator of english

fluency inside the classroom got an over-all mean of 2.79 with a moderate adjectival

rating. The results implied that students have moderate skills in speaking english

fluently during their past english classroom experiences.


Table 2

English Fluency inside the Classroom in term of

Past English Classroom Experiences
Statements Mean al
I felt encourage to speak English in my high Moderat
1 2.75
school english classes. e
I enjoyed doing pair work in my high school Moderat
2 2.95
english classes. e
I enjoyed speaking with my classmates in my 2.7 Moderat
high school english class. e
I spoke english fluently with my classmates in Moderat
4 2.78
high school. e
I did enjoyable and interesting activities in my
5 high school english class. 3.25
6 I like my high school english class. 2.85
High school english classes has comfortable Moderat
7 2.53
atmosphere. e
I got along well with classmates in my high Moderat
8 2.8
school english classes. e

Total Moderat

John (2011), stated that the main reason why students has moderate or in other

cases poor learning in english language it is because the school lacks in resources to

teach the students, the environment where students use to study, the class size, the

quality of teacher’s technique or delivery to the students, and the students school


English Fluency inside the Classroom

In terms of Current English Classroom Perception

Shown in Table 3 is the level of english fluency inside the classroom in terms

of current english classroom perception. The statements: I enjoy doing pair works in

my current english class, my current english class makes me relaxed, I enjoy speaking

english with my classmates in my current english class, the current english class is

good, I get along with my current english classmates, I feel comfortable expressing

my opinions in my current english class, I feel comfortable with my current english

class, there are many opportunities to speak with classmates in my current english

class has a mean of 2.95, 2.88, 2.68, 2.63, 2.6, 2.55, 2.55, and 2.35 with an adjectival

rating of moderate.

Moreover, the indicators mentioned above got an overall mean of 2.65, which

is rated as moderate in adjectival rating. Therefor this conclude that even in the

current english classroom perception the students still moderately competent in terms

of english proficiency.

Sephong (2008) states that in secondary school, students have studied english

for two hours per week, which was not sufficient to enhance english proficiency.

Most students were not motivated to study english because they found it as a boring


Table 3

English Fluency inside the Classroom in term of

Current English Classroom Perception

Ite Adjectiv
m Statements Mea al
No. n Rating
I feel comfortable expressing my opinions in my Moderat
1 2.55
current english class. e
2 I feel comfortable in my current english class. 2.55
2.63 Moderat
3 The current english class is good.
There are many opportunities to speak with Moderat
4 2.35
classmates in my current english class. e

5 I get along with my current english class. 2.6
6 My current english class makes me relaxed. 2.88
I enjoy speaking english with my classmates in my Moderat
7 2.68
current English class. e
8 I enjoy doing pair works in my current english class. 2.95

Total 2.65

English Fluency inside the Classroom

In terms of Perceived Social Value of speaking English

Presented in Table 4 is the level of english fluency inside the classroom in

terms of perceived social value of speaking english. The statements: my classmates

wants to speak english during class, my english teacher hope that I improve my

english speaking abilities, my friends think that it’s cool to speak english, my

classmates wants to be able to speak english, many companies think highly of workers

who have english speaking abilities, speaking english help me become an

internationally minded person, speaking english helps me become a valued member of

society, my parents hope that I become a good speaker in english got a mean of 2.95,

2.75, 2.68, 2.65, 2.6, 2.58, 2.55, and 2.3 respectively with an adjectival rating of


Perceived social value of speaking english got an overall mean of 2.63 with a

moderate adjectival rating. This implied that due to moderate competent rating of

english fluency skill and knowledge, the students moderately perceived social value

of speaking english like becoming a valuable member in the society.

According to Coleman (1997), english proficiency also affects social

interaction. Local students may resist working with international students on group

projects because of their weak writing or presentation skills. International students

may experience more loneliness and homesickness than domestic students

(Rajapaksa, et. al. 2002) and fail to interact socially due to the demands of course

work (Lewthwaite, 1996).

Table 4

English Fluency inside the Classroom in term of

Perceived Social Value of speaking English
Ite Adjectiv
m Statements Mea al
No. n Rating
My parents hope that I become a good speaker in
1 english. 2.3

My friends think that it’s cool to speak english. Moderat

2 2.68

2.65 Moderat
3 My classmates wants to be able to speak english.
Speaking english will help me become a valued
4 member of society. 2.55
My english teachers hope that I improve my English
5 speaking abilities. 3.75
Many companies think highly of workers who have
6 english speaking abilities. 2.6
Speaking english helps me become and
7 internationally minded person. 2.58

8 My classmates wants to speak english during class. 2.95

Total Moderat

English Fluency inside the Classroom


Presented in Table 5 is the English fluency inside the classroom. The

statements: past English classroom experiences, current English classroom perception,

and perceived social value of speaking English has a mean of 2.79, 2.64, and 2.63

respectively with moderate adjectival rating.

In overall, the English fluency inside the classroom got a mean of 2.68 with a

respective adjectival rating of moderate. Therefor this conclude that the students

really had a moderate learning in terms of english proficiency.

Murray et. al. (2010), says that many students think English as a school

subject only and they do not see its significance for their prospective employment to

work with multinational or national companies where English speaking employed.

Table 5

English Fluency inside the Classroom


Items Adjectival
Statements Mean
No. Rating

1 Past English classroom experiences. 2.79 Moderate

2 Current English classroom perception. 2.64 Moderate

Perceived social value of speaking

3 2.63 Moderate

Total 2.68 Moderate

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