IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller With Servlink: Technical Manual 26263 (Revision F, 3/2017)
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller With Servlink: Technical Manual 26263 (Revision F, 3/2017)
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller With Servlink: Technical Manual 26263 (Revision F, 3/2017)
(Revision F, 3/2017)
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Manual 26263
Copyright © Woodward 2004–2017
All Rights Reserved
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
CHAPTER 8. CONFIGURING THE IC-920/-922 ............................................. 35
Introduction ...........................................................................................................35
Engine Configuration Page ...................................................................................36
Timing Configuration Page ...................................................................................38
Speed Configuration Page ...................................................................................40
CAN Configuration Page for Controls without J1939 or CANopen ......................42
CAN Configuration Page for Controls with J1939 or CANopen ...........................43
Modbus® Configuration Page ...............................................................................44
Working with Configuration Files ..........................................................................44
CHAPTER 9. D-1 DISPLAY USAGE ............................................................. 50
CANbus Interface with the D-1 Display ................................................................50
D-1 Display ...........................................................................................................50
CANbus Cable ......................................................................................................51
CAN Disabled .......................................................................................................52
J1939 CAN Enabled .............................................................................................52
J1939 CANbus Status ..........................................................................................53
SAE J1939 CAN Communications with Woodward EGS-02 ...............................54
CAN Disabled .......................................................................................................64
CANopen Enabled ................................................................................................64
CANbus Status with CANopen .............................................................................65
CANbus Operation with CANopen .......................................................................66
SDO Support and EDS File ..................................................................................71
CHAPTER 12. START-UP PROCEDURE ....................................................... 72
CHAPTER 13. TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................ 74
Sensor Input Faults ..............................................................................................74
SCR Faults ...........................................................................................................75
Ignition Coil Faults ................................................................................................75
Self Test................................................................................................................75
CHAPTER 14. PRODUCT SUPPORT AND SERVICE OPTIONS ......................... 78
Product Support Options ...................................................................................78
Product Service Options ....................................................................................78
Returning Equipment for Repair .......................................................................79
Replacement Parts .............................................................................................79
Engineering Services .........................................................................................80
Contacting Woodward’s Support Organization ..............................................80
Technical Assistance ............................................................................................81
APPENDIX A. REFERENCE INFORMATION ................................................... 82
LED Operation ......................................................................................................82
APPENDIX C. MODBUS ADDRESSES .......................................................... 88
REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................. 92
DECLARATIONS ....................................................................................... 93
IC-920/-922 CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................... 94
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Regulatory Compliance
European Compliance for CE Mark:
EMC Directive: 2004/108/EC COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 15
December 2004 on the approximation of
the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility and all
applicable amendments.
This product is certified as a component for use in other equipment. The final
combination is subject to acceptance by CSA International or local inspection.
Do not connect more than one main power supply to any one fuse or circuit
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Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
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Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Chapter 1.
General Information
The purpose of this manual is to aid in the installation and operation of the
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller.
This manual and its contents assume that the reader has a high level of expertise
on the operation of spark-ignited engines and basic understanding of electronic
capacitance discharge (CD) ignition systems. DO NOT attempt to install this
equipment without reading and understanding this manual.
This manual contains information for two different versions of the IC-920/-922.
The CANbus operation is very different between the two versions, and the
Service Tool screens vary slightly or have different options.
Theory of Operation
The IC-920/-922 is a modern high-energy capacitance discharge ignition system.
The system consists of a 16-bit CPU and other CPU related peripherals, sensor
signal conditioning circuitry, a high voltage power supply, and 20 outputs*. The
system can be configured for two cylinders up to 20 cylinders. The system
includes all the required software needed to configure any type of industrial
engine. There is never a requirement for factory reprogramming of the IC-920/
-922 software. All user programming/configuration is completed by free IC-900
Series Service Tool software residing on a PC (personal computer).
During operation, the IC-920/-922 continuously monitors the status of the system
by verifying proper information from all timing sensors and proper operation of
the primary ignition circuit. Depending on the severity of a detected fault, the unit
will either shut down or warn the operator. A message is transmitted in either
case to a PC or optional display via a serial link.
In addition to protecting the engine from ignition faults, the IC-920/-922 also
includes a user programmable overspeed shutdown.
The IC-920 is a CD system that stores a maximum of 180 mJ (at 100% energy
setting) while the IC-922 stores a maximum of 360 mJ (at 100% energy setting).
(*) A 24-output option is available for 12-cylinder engines with 2 coils per cylinder.
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Chapter 2.
Timing Sensors
The IC-920/-922 requires two timing sensors for a two-cycle engine and three for
a four-cycle engine.
Type—Normally the MPU is a variable reluctance type (passive), but other types
can be used (passive or active).
Location—The location, relative to TDC (top dead center) of the engine, is not
Air Gap—Typically the voltage range requires an air gap setting between 0.020
and 0.040 inch (0.51 and 1.02 mm) (1/3 to 3/4 turn for a 5/8”-18 MPU).
To ensure proper operation, the flywheel or ring gear must have at least 60 teeth
and the MPU must be able to generate a 6 V p-p (2.1 Vrms) signal at cranking
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The exact location is not critical, but the actual positions must be programmed
into the IC-920/-922.
Type—Normally the MPU is a variable reluctance type (passive), but other types
can be used (passive or active).
If the engine runs at 22 degrees BTDC (before TDC), then the reset position
must be at least 22 +10 = 32 degrees BTDC. In this example, the reset
location could be anywhere from 32° to 120° BTDC.
If the most advanced is 22 degrees BTDC and the engine was rotated an
additional 10 degrees, record 32 degrees (32=22+10).
5. Now inspect the location of the trigger MPU relative to the teeth or holes it is
sensing. For optimum performance, the trigger MPU should be equally
spaced between teeth when the reset MPU is aligned with its target. If this is
not the case, manually rotate the engine an additional amount so that the
trigger MPU is between two teeth. Then, with the same small drill bit, using
the previously drilled pilot hole in the shroud/bracket as a guide, drill into the
flywheel. Once the depth of the hole is sufficiently deep to act as a guide, the
engine may be rotated to get better access to the flywheel to complete the
If the surface area is smooth and free of any nicks, burrs, or gouges, then a
hole could be used as the index or target. The hole should be enlarged to
0.5 inch (13 mm) diameter with a depth of at least 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
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Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
If the surface is not smooth, then the index or target needs to be above the
rotating surface of the flywheel. One easy method to do this is to drill and
tap for a hex head bolt (1/4-20, 6 mm or similar). With an additional locking
(jam) nut, screw in the bolt. The height of the hex head should be at least
3/4 inch (19 mm) above any nicks, burrs, or gouges. Lock the bolt in place
by tightening the jam nut.
6. Now drill and tap the flywheel housing or mounting bracket pilot hole for the
reset MPU.
Air Gap—Typically the voltage range requires an air gap setting between 0.020
and 0.040 inch (0.51 and 1.02 mm) (1/3 to 3/4 turn for a 5/8”-18 MPU).
To ensure proper operation, the reset MPU must be able to generate a 6 V p-p
(2.1 Vrms) signal at cranking speed.
The cam timing sensor is used to determine which cycle the engine is on. This
sensor must be mounted to sense a marker or event (hole or projection) that
occurs once every 720 degrees of crankshaft rotation (two crankshaft
revolutions) or once every camshaft revolution.
Location—The mounting location is relative to the reset sensor location and the
cycle of the engine. The cam sensor should be mounted at least 20 degrees
more advanced than the reset MPU on the compression stroke of the #1 cylinder.
The cam sensor must not be located more than 350 degrees before TDC on the
compression stroke of the #1 cylinder.
If the engine runs at 22 degrees BTDC, then the reset sensor position must
be at least 22+10=32° BTDC of #1 cylinder. In this example, the reset
sensor location could be mounted anywhere from 32 to 120° BTDC. If the
reset sensor is located 32° BTDC then the cam sensor position could be
mounted between 52° and 350° BTDC. If the reset sensor is located 120°
BTDC then the cam sensor could be mounted between 140° and 350°
Air Gap—Typically 0.030 to 0.060 inch (0.76 to 1.52 mm) (1/2 to 1 turn for a
5/8”-18 sensor).
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Type—Normally the cam sensor is a zero-velocity sensor (active pickup).
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Chapter 3.
Timing Controls
The IC-920/-922 has embedded in its operating program sophisticated yet
simple-to-use timing control features:
Manual timing potentiometers (2)
4–20 mA or 0–5 V input
Timing vs. Speed curve
Timing controlled via CANbus network
Individual cylinder timing
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Speed Curve
The IC-920/-922 has the ability to change the timing of the engine based on
engine speed. Normally this is a non-linear relationship, so the IC-920/-922
provides up to five breakpoints to assist in establishing a piece-wise linear
relationship. Timing changes caused by the speed curve are relative to the global
timing established by schedule A, schedule B or CAN. See Figure 3-1.
Speed Curve
Ignition Timing Degrees
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Engine Speed
Schedule A timing could consist of: Pot A+4–20 mA or 0-5 V+Speed Curve.
Schedule B timing could consist of only Pot B.
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Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
4-20mA HW Pot A HW
Timing @ 4mA SW (Display) CCW timing A SW
IC-920/-922 Timing Diagram
Timing @ 20mA SW CW timing A SW
Loss Signal SW
Speed Curve
+ Max Retard SW
Max Advance SW
close Disable
SW Contact B Schedule
Switch HW B SW
0 to 5 points (speed,
timing) SW Speed
Timing Setup SW
Sequence # SW
# of Cylinders SW
Reset Position SW
Figure 3-2. Ignition Timing Diagram (controls without the J1939 option)
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Offset SW
Timing Setup SW
Sequence # SW
# of Cylinders SW
Reset Position SW
Timing Signal HW
Trigger MPU HW
Reset Pulse HW
Cam Pulse HW
Figure 3-3. Ignition Timing Diagram (controls with the J1939 or CANopen option)
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Chapter 4.
Input Power and Ignition Coil
Primary Outputs
1. For 1800 rpm, 20 outputs, 4-stroke: (1800 * 20) / (4 * 900) = 10 A
2. For 330 rpm, 24 outputs, 2-stroke: (330 * 24) / (2 * 900) = 4.4 A
*—100% energy set point may not be achieved at input voltages less than 18 V.
IC-922 Input Power 12 A slow blow fuse in each power line near the
power supply.
The range of adjustment is 100 V (10% energy) to 300 V (100% energy). Voltage
signals proportional to the charge voltages can be monitored at the Monitor
Outputs. The signal at each output connector is approximately a 10:1 reduction
of the charge voltage. The IC-920 contains one monitor output per bank (odd
bank, even bank), while the IC-922 contains two monitor outputs per bank (two
per odd bank and two per even bank).
Primary wiring provides the connection between the IC-920/-922 ignition outputs
and the CD ignition coil primary windings. These connections contain high
voltage (up to 300 V) and high pulsating currents.
See Figure 1-6 for a 16-cylinder wiring example and for the complete connector
wiring diagram.
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These tables assume a 0.5-ohm worse case total resistance (25 deg
C) in the Primary ignition wiring (plus and return) and a 1.5 V worse
case voltage drop on the Power input wiring (plus and return).
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Chapter 5.
Energy Control
The IC-920/-922 is capable of delivering a substantial amount of energy to the
ignition coil/spark plug. Most rich-burn or lean-burn engines with pre-combustion
chambers do not need a substantial amount of energy with new spark plugs.
Lean burn engines without pre-combustion chambers need more spark energy to
ensure proper ignition of the fuel-air mixture. Because of the unique
circumstances for each engine configuration, the IC-920/-922 allows run time
energy adjustment for each (odd and even) primary output.
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Chapter 6.
Engine Controls and Safety Features
The IC-920/-922 has built-in features that protect the engine if any malfunction
related to the ignition system is detected:
Overspeed Protection
Permissive Start Output
Auxiliary Shutdown Input
Misfire Limit
Timing Sensor Fault Detection
Alarm Output
Overspeed Protection
Integral to the IC-920/-922 is overspeed protection. The user can program the
exact speed at which the ignition should stop (see Chapter 8). The power must
be cycled to reset this shutdown.
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Misfire Limit
Integral to the IC-920/-922 is primary misfire detection. The IC-920/-922
measures the misfires per second and compares this to a user-specified
maximum misfire rate and will shut down the ignition if this rate is exceeded (see
Chapter 8). The power must be cycled to reset this shutdown. Misfire detection is
not activated below the Fuel Shutoff Threshold setting. When a misfire is
detected, it indicates there is no current flowing to the primary of the ignition coil.
This feature does not detect ignition secondary or combustion misfires.
The PC service tool Misfire page or optional display shows the rate as misfires
per second. See Chapter 7, for an illustration of the Misfire page.
Speed Switch
The IC-920/-922 provides one speed switch, called Trip 1. The trip point is
adjustable from 0 to 5000 rpm. The speed switch has a separately adjustable
Hysteresis trip point, with a range from 0 to 5000 rpm. The switch changes states
when engine speed exceeds the trip point, and the switch is reset when engine
speed goes below the trip point minus the hysteresis value. If the hysteresis
value is equal to or greater than the trip speed setting, the output is reset at 0
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The Trip1 status LED is illuminated when the Trip 1 contact is closed and turned
off when the Trip 1 contact is open.
Do NOT use the speed switch as the sole means of any critical
control function, such as overspeed trip. Be sure to have a separate
and independent shutdown device.
Alarm Output
The IC-920/-922 provides one alarm output, called Trip 2. The alarm output is
hard coded to close at power-up when no alarm condition exists and to open with
any an alarm condition. The alarm switch remains closed when Contact A is
closed (shutdown request). The alarm conditions tied to Trip 2 are faults that will
cause the ignition control to stop firing.
The Ignition Status on the PC service tool or on an optional display will list the
specific condition causing the alarm. The Trip 2 status LED is illuminated when
the Trip 2 contact is closed and turned off when the Trip 2 contact is open.
See Figure 1-5 for the Permissive (Safety) Start Output, Speed Switch (Trip 1)
and Alarm Switch (Trip 2) wiring diagram. See Control Specifications inside the
back cover for output types and ratings.
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Chapter 7.
IC-900 Series Service Tool
The IC-920/-922 is a versatile ignition control that is user configurable for a
variety of engine installations. A single IC-920/-922 ignition control can be
configured to fit numerous engine makes, models, and sizes.
The IC-900 Series Service Tool is a Windows-based software tool that is used to
configure, monitor, and troubleshoot an IC-920/-922 ignition system. It runs on a
personal computer and communicates with the IC-920/-922 ignition control
through a serial connection.
The IC-900 Series Service Tool software can be downloaded free from the
Woodward website at www.woodward.com/software under Ignition System
Tools. Click Go, then select IC 900 Series Service Tool, Download OR More Info
for download instructions. The Service Tool software detects which CAN
protocols are available for the version of the IC-92x control and displays screens
and options for that version.
Required Equipment
To program the IC-920/-922, the following items are needed:
12 to 24 Vdc power supply
RS-232 null modem cable
PC / Laptop
IC-900 Series Service Tool software
System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP
300 MHz Pentium CPU
800 by 600 pixel screen
Serial Port
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The screen shots shown in this manual are subject to change and
may be modified without notice.
Establishing Communications
To establish communication between the IC-900 Series Service Tool and the
IC-920/-922 ignition control, connect a null modem cable (see Figure 7-1) between
the RS-232 port on the IC-920/-922 and a serial port on the personal computer.
Connect a +12/24 Vdc supply to the IC-920/-922 (see Figure 1-5). From the IC-900
Series Service Tool menu bar select Communication, Connect….
The IC-920/-922 has two DB9 connectors. Identify and use the one
marked “RS-232”.
You will be prompted to select a serial port. The service tool will attempt to
connect to the IC-920/-922 using the selected serial port, and the communication
status message in the status bar will change from Not Connected to Connecting.
You may stop communication between the service tool and IC-920/-922 at any
time by selecting Communication, Disconnect from the menu bar of the IC-900
Series Service Tool. When the service tool is disconnected, the window is grayed
and parameters are frozen at their last value.
Switching the serial cable from one IC-920/-922 to another while the
communication status is connected may result in invalid data being
read from and/or written to the IC-920/-922. Always Disconnect the
IC-900 Service Tool before plugging the serial cable into a different
The overview status and monitoring parameters common to all pages include
Ignition Status, Engine Speed, Total Timing, Engine Run Time, Average Energy
and the shutdown Contact A position. For the J1939 or CANopen controls, there
is a CAN Status line also. A menu bar is located across the top of the window
and a status bar is located across the bottom.
The main window opens with the Energy Level page visible as shown below.
Tabs are provided to open other pages that show additional ignition system
information and tunable parameter settings.
The service tool screens are slightly different between the J1939 or CANopen
controls and the ones without J1939 or CANopen. The screens for the controls
with J1939 or CANopen are shown in the J1939 or CANopen controls section
(Chapter 10 or 11).
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Once the correct password is entered, the Energy Control window opens to allow
energy setting changes.
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Highlight and type the desired energy setting (%) for the Even and Odd outputs.
When editing numeric parameters, you must press enter or select another item to
accept the change. Level changes take effect immediately when they are
entered. Click on the Close button to save the new settings to the IC-920/-922
Once the correct password is entered, the Energy Graph Levels window opens to
allow alarm level setting changes. Highlight and type the desired setting (%) for
the parameters listed. When editing numeric parameters, you must press enter or
select another item to accept the change. Click on the Close button to save the
new settings to the IC-920/-922 control.
The alarm level settings appear as dashed lines on the energy levels bar graph.
An alarm condition toggles individual energy level bar color from light blue to red.
The alarm conditions are provided as follows:
The Failure Level is an absolute energy level setting that indicates a
maximum energy level has been demanded and there is no remaining
energy in reserve.
The Warning Level is an absolute energy level setting that indicates a
maximum energy level is being approached.
The High-High Level and Low-Low Level settings are differential alarms
that indicate a significant deviation from the average energy level.
The High Level and Low Level are differential alarms that indicate a small
deviation from the average energy level.
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Configuration Page
Viewing IC-920/-922 Configuration
The Configuration page shows the current control configuration settings. A scroll
bar is provided on this screen to allow viewing all configuration settings.
To change the control configuration, click the Change Configuration button. The
configuration can be opened from the control while the engine is running for
editing or saving to a file. However, an existing, new or modified configuration
cannot be loaded to the control while the engine is running. The engine must be
stopped to load a configuration to the control.
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Timing Page
The Timing page shows all timing settings including individual cylinder timing
offset settings. The Edit Timing Offset button provides a way to achieve precise
ignition timing for each cylinder or to offset the timing of a particular cylinder to
possibly compensate for combustion anomalies (e.g., detonation).
Individual Cylinder Timing Offsets are not adjustable with the service tool if
J1939 or CANopen is enabled.
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Once the correct password is entered, the Timing Offsets window opens to allow
timing offset changes.
The coils are listed by firing order sequence and not engine cylinder
number sequence. Be sure to make the correct correlation to an
actual engine cylinder before adjusting any timing offsets.
When editing numeric parameters, you must press enter or select another item to
accept the change. Timing offset changes take effect immediately when entered.
This allows verification, by timing light, the timing is correct before closing the
Timing Offsets window. Click on the Close button to save the new settings to the
IC-920/-922 control.
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Misfire Page
The Misfire page displays Misfires/Second and Indicators adjacent to each coil
change from gray to a bold red color when a misfire occurs. Failure to discharge
the capacitor (no current flow), upon demand, is a misfire. While this also causes
a combustion misfire, other factors related to the air and fuel delivery systems
also cause combustion misfire. Ignition misfire is not equal to combustion misfire.
Identification Page
The Identification page shows the IC-920/-922 ignition control software part
number, revision level and serial number. Refer to this part number, revision level
and serial number in any correspondence with Woodward.
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Chapter 8.
Configuring the IC-920/-922
The IC-900 Series Service Tool is used to create, edit and load all configuration
settings into the IC-920/-922 ignition control.
A Configuration File Editor opens with an incomplete configuration ready for edit
to create a new IC-920/-922 configuration.
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The Configuration File Editor organizes configuration settings into a set of four
(4) tabbed pages: Engine, Timing, Speed and CAN. To open a specific
configuration page, click that page tab.
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Firing Interval—Select the crank angle degrees between coil firing events.
The first angle listed in the firing interval string is the crank angle degrees
between the #1 output firing and the #2 output firing. The second firing angle
listed in the string is the crank angle degrees between the #2 output firing
and the #3 output firing, etc. Firing events continue and repeat at the
configured firing intervals until the ignition is stopped. Use the engine
manufacturer’s specifications to determine the correct firing Intervals. The
firing Intervals must be correct for the number of coils programmed.
Magnetic Pickup
Number of Teeth— Enter the number of teeth on the ring gear, pins or
holes in the flywheel that the trigger MPU senses per one revolution of the
engine crankshaft.
Range: 60–500
Reset Position—Enter the location of the reset MPU relative to TDC of
cylinder #1 (output #1). This value is adjusted to precisely set ignition timing
of the cylinder connected to the output #1.
Ignition will fire at speeds below 30 rpm with less than 200 teeth—Do
not check except for very large engines that crank below 30 rpm and the
number of teeth is less than 200. This allows ignition firing at very slow
cranking speeds.
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The MAX ADV and MAX RET need to be set for safe operation for the
fuel type being used. This applies to both Schedules A and B.
Analog Input
The analog input settings are used to choose an analog input source for
controlling the ignition timing. Choose the analog input source by selecting the
appropriate radio button. If no analog input will be used, select the No Analog
Input button. Choosing an analog input radio button changes the settings that are
displayed for the analog input. Only settings appropriate for the selected radio
button are displayed.
No Analog Input—Select to ignore the analog input in any timing scheme.
Analog Input 4–20 mA—Select to use the 4–20 mA analog input signal in a
timing scheme. Timing varies linearly between the 4 and 20 mA settings.
Analog Input 0–5 Vdc—Select to use the 0–5 Vdc analog input signal in a
timing scheme. Timing varies linearly between the 0 and 5 Vdc settings.
Timing at 4 mA—This is the Timing OFFSET to be applied to the manual
ignition timing setting of Pot A or Pot B (whichever is configured and
selected) with 4 mA applied to the analog input. This is NOT an absolute
timing setting. Enter the desired timing offset.
Timing at 20 mA—This is the Timing OFFSET to be applied to the manual
ignition timing setting of Pot A or Pot B (whichever is configured and
selected) with 20 mA applied to the analog input. This is NOT an absolute
timing setting. Enter the desired timing offset.
Signal Loss Timing—This is the Timing OFFSET to be applied to the
manual ignition timing setting of Pot A or Pot B (whichever is configured and
selected) if the mA analog input is failed. This is NOT an absolute timing
setting. Enter the desired timing offset.
Timing at 0 Vdc—This is the Timing OFFSET to be applied to the manual
ignition timing setting of Pot A or Pot B (whichever is configured and
selected) with 0 Vdc applied to the analog input OR if the Vdc analog input
is failed. This is NOT an absolute timing setting. Enter the desired timing
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Timing at 5 Vdc—This is the Timing OFFSET to be applied to the manual
ignition timing setting of Pot A or Pot B (whichever is configured and
selected) with 5 Vdc applied to the analog input. This is NOT an absolute
timing setting. Enter the desired timing offset.
Speed Curve
The speed curve table is used to enter timing offsets applied at different engine
speed settings. A new speed curve setting is entered by double-clicking the next
available cell in the Speed column of the table then typing the desired speed.
Adjacent to the speed entry, enter the timing offset in the Timing column of the
table. Select from the drop-down menu in the Units column whether the timing
offset should advance or retard the timing.
Speed curve settings must be entered in increasing speed order in the table. For
instance, if a speed of 500 rpm already exists in the table, the next speed setting
must be greater than or equal to 500 rpm. If a lower speed setting is desired, the
higher speed setting must be removed from the table and re-entered after the
lower speed setting is entered.
To remove a speed curve breakpoint, delete the speed setting from the table.
Speed curve breakpoints can only be deleted one at a time beginning with the
last speed setting in the table.
Speed—Engine speed, in rpm, for each ignition timing breakpoint. Up to 5
breakpoints can be entered. Enter desired engine speeds in increasing
Timing—This is the Timing OFFSET, in crank angle degrees, to be applied
to the manual ignition timing setting of Pot A or Pot B (whichever is
configured and selected) for the adjacent speed setting. This is NOT an
absolute timing setting. Enter the desired timing offset.
Units—Select either Advance or Retard for applying the timing offset
The switch action can be configured either Normally Open or Normally Closed. If
the switch is configured normally open, the output will be open to ground below
the trip point rpm and closed to ground above the trip point rpm. If the switch is
configured normally closed, the output will be closed to ground below the trip
point rpm and open to ground above the trip point rpm. The Trip1 status LED
reflects this operation. At 0 rpm, the LED is on if configured normally closed and
off if configured normally open.
Trip Point 1—Enter the rpm at which the Trip 1 output is activated. Can be
set normally opened or normally closed.
Hysteresis 1—Enter desired amount of rpm below the speed switch Trip
Point 1 rpm to reset the output.
Normally Open—Select to make output open to ground below the trip point.
Normally Closed—Select to make output closed to ground below the trip
40 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Engine Control
Shutdown if maximum misfire rate is exceeded—Check to use a
maximum misfire rate shutdown.
Maximum Misfire Rate—Enter the number of misfires per second that is
permissible before the engine shuts down due to excessive misfire.
Overspeed—Enter the rpm at which the ignition will shut down if exceeded.
Fuel Shutoff Threshold—This is essentially a programmable ‘Run’ speed
setting that governs operation of the Contact A (Run/Stop) input. The fuel
shutoff threshold also enables the Maximum Misfire Rate shutdown when
checked for use. The Contact A (Run/Stop) enables or disables the primary
outputs as follows:
o Below the fuel shutoff threshold speed but above 30 rpm (approx.), the
primary outputs will fire or stop firing each time the Run/Stop Contact is
opened to ground (Run) or closed to ground (Stop).
o Above the fuel shutoff threshold speed the primary outputs will stop
firing when the Run/Stop Contact is closed to ground and will not fire
again when the contact is opened until the engine has come to a full stop
(zero rpm is sensed) and the engine is re-started.
o Above the fuel shutoff threshold speed the primary outputs will fire if the
Run/Stop Contact was closed to ground then opened for the first time.
This allows engine starting when the fuel shutoff threshold speed is set
below cranking speed.
Typically the fuel shutoff threshold speed is set above cranking speed but below
minimum or idle speed. Enter a suitable fuel shutoff threshold speed setting.
Start Energy
Start energy provides a means to set a higher energy level for engine starting.
Once the engine starts and speed exceeds the start speed threshold, the energy
level is switched to the manual energy level setting (usually a reduced level).
Speed Threshold—Enter the engine rpm to cut off the start Energy Level
setting. Above the speed threshold, the start energy level is ignored and the
manual energy level setting is in force.
Energy Level—Enter the Energy Level used during engine starting when
engine rpm is below the Speed Threshold.
Woodward 41
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
CAN Identifier—Used for CAN communication. Must be set at 2 when used with
the D-1 Display OR it must match the CAN master setting.
42 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
J1939 CAN control enabled—If J1939 CAN control is selected, operation is with
CAN control. There must be a master on the CANbus that sends the IC-92x
timing and energy information. See Chapter 10 for J1939 CAN enabled.
J1939 Diagnostic Priority—The Priority for the Diagnostic message may be set
from 0-7. Priority 0 is the highest priority, 7 is the lowest.
CAN Control Disabled—Select this to disable the CAN and use the ignition
without CAN control.
Woodward 43
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Once all configuration settings have been correctly entered the configuration can
be saved to a file and loaded to the IC-920/-922 ignition control.
Select File, Save to save the configuration to the existing filename or select File,
Save As to save the configuration to a new filename.
44 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Use the browser to select a folder in which to save the configuration and enter an
appropriate filename (e.g., Example.cfg).
Any saved configuration file may be opened and edited without connecting the
service tool to an IC-920/-922 ignition control. On the menu bar of the IC-900
Series Service Tool, select File, Open Configuration File.
Woodward 45
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
You will be prompted to open a saved configuration file. (e.g., Example.cfg). Use
the browser to find, select and open the desired configuration file for editing.
The selected configuration file opens in the Configuration File Editor window.
This configuration is now available in the IC-900 Series Service Tool for use ‘As-
is’ to load into an IC-920/-922 ignition control or to edit before loading the
configuration. If editing is necessary, select or enter the correct value or setting
for each parameter listed on all 4 configuration screens.
Select File, Save to save the edited configuration to the existing filename or
select File, Save As to save the configuration to a new filename. Use the browser
to select a folder in which to save the configuration and enter an appropriate
This choice uploads the existing IC-920/-922 configuration into the IC-900 Series
Service Tool. Once this file is made available in the IC-900 Series Service Tool,
the configuration settings can be:
Saved to a file
Downloaded ‘As-is’ into another IC-920/-922
Edited and saved to a file
Edited and downloaded into the existing IC-920/-922
Edited and downloaded into another IC-920/-922.
The IC-900 Series Service Tool must be in communication with the IC-920/-922
ignition control before the control configuration can be opened. The control
configuration can be safely opened while the engine is running. However,
configuration changes made in the IC-900 Series Service Tool do not take effect
in the IC-920/-922 ignition control until the changes are loaded from the service
tool into the control.
46 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
On the IC-900 Series Service Tool menu bar, select File, Open Control
Configuration or click the Change Configuration button on the Configuration
screen, then click the Open from Control icon.
Configuration changes made in the IC-900 Series Service Tool do not take effect
in the IC-920/-922 control until the configuration file is loaded into the control. To
load a completed configuration into the IC-920/-922 control, the engine must be
stopped and the IC-900 Series Service Tool, with the correct configuration file
open, must be connected to the IC-920/-922 ignition control.
Any of the following actions may be used to load an open configuration into the
IC-920/-922 ignition control:
Click the Load To Control icon
Select File, Load To Control
Press Ctrl + L hot key
Woodward 47
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
You will be prompted for a password.
Enter the Password and select OK. The Password is hours + 10. The following
screen appears while configuration settings are loading.
Once loading is completed, the new configuration settings take effect. Upon
closing the Configuration File Editor screen, you will be prompted to save or not
new or revised configuration settings to a file. This prompt does not appear if an
already existing saved file was loaded.
48 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Select Yes to save the configuration to a file. Select No if you do not want to save
the configuration to a file. When Yes is selected, the following Save window
Browse to an appropriate folder and enter a new filename to create a New file or
select an Existing filename to overwrite (e.g., Example.cfg) then click Save.
Woodward 49
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Chapter 9.
D-1 Display Usage
The WRITE mode is enabled with the IC-900 Series Service Tool by checking
Write values through the CAN Port.
If the IC-920/-922 is set to Write values through the CAN Port, it is possible to
read and write values on the CANbus. When the CANbus is enabled, writing of
all engine parameters is allowed.
If the IC-920/-922 is not set to Write values through the CAN Port, it is only
possible to read values on the CANbus.
Read/Write Mode
When the IC-920/-922 is set to Write values through the CAN Port, the CANbus
is set to read/write. It is possible to program the configuration data, individual
cylinder timing, or energy level over CAN.
In order to set any configuration data, the D-1 Display must first have the ignition
RUN parameter set to disable. This allows configuration data to be changed/set
to the desired values. It also signals the CPU to disable the primary outputs since
the configuration might be changed.
Once the entire configuration is correctly entered, set the D-1 Display RUN
parameter to enable to save all changed configuration data to non-volatile
memory. This also checks for errors between parameters dependent on each
other such as, the number of cylinders and the firing intervals, reset position and
most advanced timing limit, and the speed curve set points. If there are no errors,
the RUN parameter is set to enable and the ignition will start firing as soon as
valid MPU inputs are sensed. In this mode it is necessary to set the RUN
parameter to enable before the outputs will fire.
In order for the CANbus to function properly, the correct CAN ID must be used.
This ID number is 2 with the D-1 display.
D-1 Display
To make the number of cylinders displayed on the D-1 Display match the number
of cylinders programmed on the IC-920/-922, refer to D-1 Manual 26143, section
4.1, Configuration of D-1. If you are already familiar with the D-1 configuration
screens, select configure base? = NO, then config. Ignition controlling = YES.
The next screen is number of cylinders. Set the number of cylinders to the same
number configured in the IC-920/-922. This does not set the number of cylinders
in the IC-920/-922, it just sets the D-1 display to match the number of cylinders
programmed in the IC-920/-922.
50 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
The D-1 Display has fewer parameters than the IC-900 Series Service
Tool Configuration menu. Since the IC-900 Series Service Tool is
needed to enable or disable the CANbus, it is best to set all the IC-
920/-922 Configuration parameters with the IC-900 Series Service
Tool at that time.
CANbus Cable
Connect the IC-920/-922 to the D-1 display as shown below.
Woodward 51
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Chapter 10.
CANbus Information for J1939 Operation
CAN Disabled
On Controls with the J1939 or CANopen, there is a second status line that shows
the CANbus status. If CAN is disabled, all that is shown is CAN Control Disabled,
and the service tool is the means for monitoring and adjusting the control. The
Total Timing, Energy adjustment, and Individual timing are the same as
previously described.
52 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
The “Edit Energy Control” is not available with J1939 CAN enabled.
The J1939 CAN Status displays shows additional status information about the
mode of the ignition based on the CANbus. The mode is displayed on the status
line as:
Woodward 53
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Global timing and energy values received—Active
A valid Global Timing and energy message has been received. Once the Global
Timing and energy is received, the ignition will fire whenever the MPU signals are
Waiting for Global timing and energy values—Can’t claim address: Power
has to be cycled to start CAN
An address claim message was received with higher priority and the ignition will
not receive or transmit on the CANbus. In order to try and reestablish CAN
communication, the power must be cycled. The ignition will not fire because no
valid Timing and Energy has been received.
Global timing and energy values received—Can’t claim address: Power has
to be cycled to start CAN
The ignition will continue to fire if firing or will start firing if the MPU
signals become valid.
Since a valid timing and energy is received, the ignition will not shut-down and
will start firing or continue firing with the timing and energy at the last received
An address claim message was received with higher priority and the ignition will
not receive or transmit on the CAN.
The CAN link can support 11 Bit and 29 Bit identifiers, compatible with the 2.0A
and B standards. All controls on the CAN network must share the same battery
minus connection between the controls.
Request Message
Description Value
Transmission repetition rate On request
Data length 3 bytes
Data page 0
PDU format 234 Eah
PDU specific IC-92x address
Default priority 6
Parameter Group Number x Eaxxh
54 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Response Messages
The message format is the same as in the J1939 specification (Vehicle
Application Layer - J1939-71).
Ignition Timing 6
Description Value
Transmission repetition rate On request
Data length 8 bytes
Data page 0
PDU format 254 FEh
PDU specific 135 87h
Default priority 7
Parameter Group Number 65159 FE87h
Actual Ignition Timing —Actual Global Timing the IC-92x is using: Will be
different from desired if no Commanded Timing has been received or the last
received Commanded timing was not within the timing range of the ignition.
Data length: 8 bytes
Resolution: 1/128 deg/bit, -200 deg offset
Range: -200 to 301.99 degrees
Operational Range: The IC-920 only allows operation between -60.00 and +
60.00 degrees. The Actual Ignition timing will be limited by the user
programmable values for maximum and minimum timing. The Actual
Ignition timing will be 0° and the Desired Global ignition Timing will be 308°
until a valid Global timing is received (PGN 61236, 0xEF34).
Type: Status
56 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
IC-92x Diagnostics and Status—Actual Cylinder Timing IC-92x is using.
PGN 65294
Transmission rate: 1 s or when there is a change in one of the status bits.
This may be requested with a PGN request.
Data length: 8 bytes
Data page: 0
PDU format: 255 (0xFF)
PDU specific: 14 (0x0E)
Priority: 4, May be set from 0-7 in the Service tool.
Byte. Alarm or
Name Specification
Bit Shutdown
1.1 Go/No Go Data 1=Ignition Firing, 0=Not Firing N/A
1.2 Error Missing Ring Gear Signal Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
1.3 Error Missing Reset Signal Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
1.4 Error Missing Camshaft Signal Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
1.5 Error Number of Gear Teeth Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm *
1.6 Unknown Engine Application Code Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
1.7 Over-speed Shutdown Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
1.8 Reserved Data 0 Reserved
2.1 E2PROM Checksum Error Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
2.2 Global Timing out of Range Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
2.3 Unknown Global Timing or Energy Level Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown *
2.4 Individual Timing out of Range Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
2.5 Reserved Data 0 Reserved
2.6 Self-Test Shutdown Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
2.7 Open Primary Rate Exceeded Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
2.8 Wait for 0 RPM Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm *
3.1 Open Primary, Channel 1 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
3.2 Open Primary, Channel 2 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
3.3 Open Primary, Channel 3 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
3.4 Open Primary, Channel 4 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
3.5 Open Primary, Channel 5 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
3.6 Open Primary, Channel 6 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
3.7 Open Primary, Channel 7 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
3.8 Open Primary, Channel 8 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.1 Open Primary, Channel 9 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.2 Open Primary, Channel 10 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.3 Open Primary, Channel 11 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.4 Open Primary, Channel 12 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.5 Open Primary, Channel 13 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.6 Open Primary, Channel 14 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.7 Open Primary, Channel 15 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
4.8 Open Primary, Channel 16 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.1 Open Primary, Channel 17 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.2 Open Primary, Channel 18 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.3 Open Primary, Channel 19 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.4 Open Primary, Channel 20 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.5 Open Primary, Channel 21 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.6 Open Primary, Channel 22 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.7 Open Primary, Channel 23 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
5.8 Open Primary, Channel 24 Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
6.1 Warning Missing Ring Gear Signal Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm *
6.2 Warning Missing Reset Signal Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm *
6.3 Warning Missing Camshaft Signal Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm *
6.4 Reserved Data 0 Reserved
6.5 SCR Fault Odd Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
6.6 SCR Fault Even Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Shutdown
6.7 Odd Energy Level out of Range Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
6.8 Even Energy Level out of Range Data 0=OK, 1=Fault Alarm
7 Reserved Data 0 Reserved
8 Misfires /sec Data 0-255 Status
Woodward 57
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Alarm or Shutdown Column: A '*' indicates a special case as explained.
Alarm is used to indicate the ignition will fire with this bit=1, except for bits 1.5,
2.8 and 6.1-6.3. The ignition will not fire when these bits=1, but any of these bits
may be set as the engine starts and stops, or as the MPU signals become valid.
These bits can only active if the engine is rotating, so they are called Alarms.
A Shutdown indicates the ignition either was firing and shutdown due to a fault,
or had a fault and is now in a "latched" shutdown mode. Firing will not be allowed
and the power must be cycled to clear the fault. Bit 2.3 is the exception to this. It
is equal to 1 until a valid Global Timing and energy is received.
1.1 Go/No Go
This indicates if the ignition is firing or not. It is the same as Contact A.
1.2 to 1.4 Ring Gear, Reset, and Cam Errors
These indicate the ignition shut down with the indicated MPU error. The power
must be cycled to clear this error.
1.5 Error Number of Gear Teeth
This indicates that the sensed number of teeth is different than what is
programmed. Only active/possible if there is a signal from the ring gear.
1.7 Over-speed Shutdown
This indicates the ignition shut down because the speed was greater than the
over-speed. The power must be cycled to clear this error.
2.2 Global Timing out of Range
This indicates the Global timing received was outside the max/min allowed
timing. The actual timing will be set to the maximum advance or maximum retard
and this bit will stay set until a timing is received that is within the limits. PGN
65159 will reflect the Global Timing that is out of range with the Desired Global
Ignition Timing and the actual timing that is either the max or min timing allowed
with the Actual Ignition Timing.
2.3 Unknown Global Timing or Energy Level
This bit is set after the IC-920 sends an address claimed message until a valid
Global Timing, Odd and Even energy level are received with PGN 61236 - Global
Timing and Energy Level.
2.4 Individual Timing out of Range
The Individual Timing out of Range is set if at least one of the eight values
received is out of range. It is cleared when one of the Individual cylinders is in
range and none are out of range. If an Individual timing PGN has all eight bytes
equal to 255, the status of the Diagnostic bit is unchanged. Any Individual timing
that is out of range will not be written and the last valid value received is used.
2.6 Self-Test Shutdown
This indicates the ignition shut down because engine rotation was sensed during
Self-Test. The power must be cycled to clear this error. It is only possible to put
the ignition in self-test mode with the service tool. If the CANbus is active, this
error will be reported.
2.7 Open Primary Rate Exceeded
This indicates the ignition shut down because Misfire rate was equal or greater
than the user programmed value for maximum misfire rate. The ignition can only
detect if there was an open in the primary circuit of the ignition coil. It cannot
detect any other misfire. The power must be cycled to clear this error.
2.8 Wait for 0 RPM
This indicates rotation is being sensed and the ignition will not fire until the rpm is
3.1 - 5.8 Open Primary, Channel 1-24
This indicates there an open in the primary circuit.
58 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
6.1 to 6.3 Ring Gear, Reset, and Cam Warnings
These indicate a faulty or missing MPU signal. This is warning and will be
cleared if the signal becomes valid, zero rpm, or there is no signal on 2 of the 3
6.5 to 6.6 Odd or Even Bank SCR Fault
This indicates the ignition shut down because of an SCR fault. The power must
be cycled to clear this error.
6.7 Odd Energy Level out of Range
This is set if the Odd Energy is less than 10 or greater than 100. It is cleared
when a valid energy level is received. There is no message that indicates the
status of the energy level, so if this bit is 0 after a PGN 61236 is sent, the ignition
accepted the energy level.
6.8 Even Energy Level out of Range
This is set if the Even Energy is less than 10 or greater than 100. It is cleared
when a valid energy level is received. There is no message that indicates the
status of the energy level, so if this bit is 0 after a PGN 61236 is sent, the ignition
accepted the energy level.
8 Misfires/sec
The number of Misfires/sec. Misfire is an open in the primary circuit.
Woodward 59
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Truncate the value and send only the integer portion. This is the firing interval
from the base table -- not adjusted for user offsets of timing.
Usable range: 0 - 250
Error range: 251 - 254 (not used)
Not supported: 255 (not used)
Byte 6: Firing Interval between Coil #3 and Coil #4
Scale = 1, Offset = 0
Truncate the value and send only the integer portion. This is the firing interval
from the base table -- not adjusted for user offsets of timing.
Usable range: 0 - 250
Error range: 251 - 254 (not used)
Not supported: 255 (not used)
Byte 7: Firing Interval between Coil #4 and Coil #5
Scale = 1, Offset = 0
Truncate the value and send only the integer portion. This is the firing interval
from the base table -- not adjusted for user offsets of timing.
Usable range: 0 - 250
Error range: 251 - 254 (not used)
Not supported: 255 (If cylinder count = 4, this output shall be set=255).
Byte 8: Firing Interval between Coil #5 and Coil #6
Scale = 1, Offset = 0
Truncate the value and send only the integer portion. This is the firing interval
from the base table -- not adjusted for user offsets of timing.
Usable range: 0 - 250
Error range: 251 - 254 (not used)
Not supported: 255 (If cylinder count = 4, this output shall be set=255).
These proprietary PGNs allow Global and Individual Timing changes to be made
to the IC-920.
PGN # Description
61236 (0xEF34) IC-92x Global Timing & Energy
65525 (0xFFF5) Individual Timing Cyl 1-8
65526 (0xFFF6) Individual Timing Cyl 9-16
65527 (0xFFF7) Individual Timing Cyl 17-24
60 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Application Range: The IC-920 limits the range of the Global timing from –60.00
to +60.00 degrees. The maximum and minimum timing range is user
programmable and is generally limited to a much smaller range than ±60.00.
Data length: 8 bytes
Data page: 0
PDU format: 239
PDU specific: 52
Priority: 5
Data Format:
Byte/Bit Name Specification
1-2 IC-92x Global Timing Data length Resolution 2 bytes
Range 1/128 deg/bit, -200 offset
-200 to 301.99 deg
Application Range -60.00 to 60.00 deg
3 Odd Energy Data length 1 byte
Resolution 1%/bit, 0 offset
Range 10 to 100
4 Even Energy Data length Resolution 1 byte
Range 1%/bit, 0 offset
10 to 100
5 Reserved Data 0xFF (not supported)
6 Reserved Data 0xFF (not supported)
7 Reserved Data 0xFF (not supported)
8 Reserved Data 0xFF (not supported)
Woodward 61
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Individual Timing Cylinders 9-16
Expected reception rate: Greater than 45 ms.
Fastest allowed reception rate: 5 ms. The Individual Timing is only updated once
every engine cycle. A 45 ms update rate for each of the three Individual timing
messages allows all cylinders to be adjusted every engine cycle. The IC-920
polls this message generally several times a millisecond, but other tasks and
interrupts can cause delays of up to 5 ms.
Data length: 8 bytes
Data page: 0
PDU format: 255
PDU specific: 246
PGN: Parameter Group Number: 65526 (0xFFF6)
Priority: 6
Resolution: .1 deg/bit, -125 offset
Range: -10.0 to 3.0 degrees. The value 255 is valid also. Any cylinder with 255 is
ignored: There is no change to the Individual cylinder timing.
The offset allows for a greater range than is accepted by the IC-920. This range
may be reduced more by the Global timing and the Max/Min timing. If the Max
timing is set to 35 degrees and the Global Timing is set to 35 degrees, it is not
possible to advance the individual cylinders. If the Global Timing is set to 15
degrees and the Maximum retard is 10 degrees (BTDC), the maximum individual
cylinder retard is 5 degrees.
Byte/Bit Name
1 # 9 Individual Cylinder Timing
2 # 10 Individual Cylinder Timing
3 # 11 Individual Cylinder Timing
4 # 12 Individual Cylinder Timing
5 # 13 Individual Cylinder Timing
6 # 14 Individual Cylinder Timing
7 # 15 Individual Cylinder Timing
8 # 16 Individual Cylinder Timing
62 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Byte/Bit Name
1 # 17 Individual Cylinder Timing
2 # 18 Individual Cylinder Timing
3 # 19 Individual Cylinder Timing
4 # 20 Individual Cylinder Timing
5 # 21 Individual Cylinder Timing
6 # 22 Individual Cylinder Timing
7 # 23 Individual Cylinder Timing
8 # 24 Individual Cylinder Timing
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Chapter 11.
CANbus Information for CANopen
CAN Disabled
On Controls with CANopen, there is a second status line that shows the CANbus
status. If CAN is disabled, all that is shown is CAN Control Disabled, and the
service tool is the means for monitoring and adjusting the control. The Total
Timing, Energy adjustment, and Individual timing are the same as previously
CANopen Enabled
When Enabling the CANbus with CANopen, it is necessary to have a master that
sends Timing and Energy information and the NMT message “Go to Operation
Mode” to the IC-92x. Since the IC-92x is being controlled, the only means of
adjusting the Total Timing, Energy Levels, and Individual timing is with the
CANbus. As the next two screens show, the “Edit Timing Offsets” and “Edit
Energy Control” are not available with CANopen enabled. There is no
potentiometer, speed curve or analog input timing adjustment, and the timing of
these is not displayed.
64 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
The CANopen Status display shows additional status information about the mode
of the ignition based on the CANbus. The mode is displayed on the status line
Woodward 65
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
All ignition CANopen messages use the CAN 2.0 11-bit Standard Data Frame
Format. All data in CANopen is formatted as “Little Endian” also known as “Intel
Baud Rate
The baud rate is configurable in the service tool for 125, 250, 500, and 1000
kbps. The default is 250 kbps. The ignition will accept a change in the baud if the
ignition is not firing, which is the same as all the configuration items. However,
the ignition must be power cycled for the change to take effect. The CANbus will
remain operational at the baud rate that was in effect at power up.
Node ID
The Node is Configurable in the Service Tool.
The Default value is 19 and 1-31 are the allowed Node IDs.
Heartbeat Rate
Description: Heartbeat transmission rate time in ms. A rate of 0 disables this.
Range/Type: 0–10000
Default Value: 2000
Vendor ID
This value is fixed at 368, which is Woodward's assigned number.
CANopen State
The ignition starts in boot-up mode, sends the required Boot Message, and then
goes to the pre-operational state. An operational command needs to be received
on the CANbus to enter the Operational mode.
Once in Operational mode, the ignition needs to receive a valid Global Timing
and a valid energy level message. The ignition will then start firing with valid
MPU signals.
66 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Transmit PDOs (TX PDOs) sent from the IC-920
Name NODE_ID COB_ID Type Rate
Ignition Timing 19 1 403 (193h) ASYNC 2000 ms & COS
IC-92x Diagnostics 19 2 659 (293h) ASYNC 2000 ms & COS
Timing Status ASYNC
19 3 915 (393h) 80 ms/cyl & COS
Cylinders 1-24 MPDO
COS is Change of State, if the value changes.
The 8 data bytes of this message are the same as PGN 65294. Refer to the
IC-92x Diagnostics and Status, PGN 65294 in the J1939 section.
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Bytes 1: Diagnostic Byte 1
Data length: 8 bits, byte
Bytes 2: Diagnostic Byte 2
Data length: 8 bits, byte
Bytes 3: Diagnostic Byte 3
Data length: 8 bits, byte
Bytes 4: Diagnostic Byte 4
Data length: 8 bits, byte
Bytes 5: Diagnostic Byte 5
Data length: 8 bits, byte
Bytes 6: Diagnostic Byte 6
Data length: 8 bits, byte
Bytes 7: Diagnostic Byte 7
Data length: 8 bits, byte
Bytes 8: Diagnostic Byte 8
Data length: 8 bits, byte
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Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Even Energy
Units: %
Type: Float, Bytes 5-8
Range: 10 to 100%
Once a valid timing is received, the last good value is maintained (customer not
required to send this except on change.)
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Multiplexing scheme:
The standard CANopen MPDO scheme will be used for this data. One Cylinder
Ignition Timing value will be accepted per receipt of this PDO. Validity checks will
not accept any message with the wrong Destination Address, the wrong Index
value, or an out of range Sub-Index value. There is no indication that the
destination, index or sub index were wrong.
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Chapter 12.
Start-up Procedure
2. The firing interval (sequence) is correct for the engine type. If you are not
sure, contact your engine manufacturer.
3. The cylinder firing order is known and the ignition coils are wired in
accordance with the MS Output Receptacle Wiring Diagram, Figure 1-6.
7. Secondary leads are tightly secured at the coils and spark plugs and that
there is adequate separation between the leads and engine surfaces.
II. Apply power to the IC-920/-922 (fuel valve remains in the off
1. Check and verify that the IC-920/-922 is programmed correctly (see Chapter
The service tool should indicate the status of the above items.
3. Purge the engine to be sure that there is no fuel present in the intake and
exhaust systems before the ignition is turned ON.
4. Perform the normal engine start-up procedure (prelube, etc.), except that the
fuel must remain OFF (crank and ignition only). DO NOT START THE
5. With a timing light connected to the #1 cylinder, verify that the cylinder is
firing within ±2 degrees of the programmed setting. If not, verify the wiring is
connected correctly and that the reset BTDC program position is correct.
Refer to Chapter 13, Troubleshooting, for additional guidance.
6. Check all remaining cylinders for proper timing. If not correct within ±2
degrees, stop the engine and recheck wiring and firing interval (sequence)
for correctness.
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Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
7. If applicable, select the alternate timing schedule with the contact B input or
Schedule B signal (CAN) and repeat steps 5 & 6.
8. Disengage the starter. If no problems are encountered, continue with step III.
Otherwise make necessary corrections before proceeding.
III. Set the fuel valve to its normal position and start the engine:
2. When the engine starts, verify ignition timing of #1 cylinder with a timing light.
Adjust Pot A or Pot B (whichever is selected) as needed, to precisely set the
timing of the #1 cylinder firing at the correct crank angle.
4. Check timing of #1 cylinder again and compare measured timing to the total
timing displayed on the IC-900 Series Service Tool.
5. If the IC-900 Series Service Tool is measuring ignition timing too high, the
reset BTDC program position needs to be reduced by the difference.
If the IC-900 Series Service Tool displays 22.0 Adv. and the timing light
measured timing is 20.5 Adv., the reset position will have to be reduced by
1.5 degrees (22–20.5). If the reset program position is 50 Adv., the reset
position will have to be changed to 48.5 degrees (50-1.5).
6. If the IC-900 Series Service Tool is measuring ignition timing too low, the
reset BTDC program position will have to be increased by the difference.
7. If the reset BTDC program position must be changed, shut down the engine
using the normal shutdown procedure and make the necessary reset BTDC
program position changes (see Chapter 8).
8. Re-start the engine and verify that the #1 cylinder is firing at the correct crank
angle and that the displayed total timing matches the timing light timing.
9. Check all remaining cylinders for proper timing. If not correct, stop the engine
and recheck wiring and sequence number for correctness. Minor variations
(±0.5°) can be eliminated without shutting down the engine, if needed, by
adjusting the individual cylinder timing.
10. If all cylinders are operating properly, gradually apply full load to the engine.
11. Verify that all cylinders continue operating properly. If not refer to Chapter 12,
12. If possible, verify that all cylinders are carrying their share of the total engine
load (e.g., by peak firing pressure, exhaust temp, etc.). Recommend load
balancing to the operator if load is not shared equally.
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Chapter 13.
74 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
SCR Faults
The IC-920/-922 monitors each firing event. An SCR fault shutdown occurs when
there is:
(a) an unexpected firing event is detected and is immediately followed by a low
capacitor voltage and a coil misfire. The low capacitor voltage and coil
misfire verify an unexpected firing event actually occurred. Corrective action:
Return the IC-920/-922 ignition unit for repair. OR
(b) an open / disconnected primary.
Corrective Action: Reconnect the primary.
Self Test
The self-test feature of the IC-920/-922 allows the installer, operator or mechanic
to conduct performance checks on the primary wiring to the coil, the ignition coil,
high tension leads, and spark plugs by discharging the energy stored in the high
voltage capacitor into each coil in successive order. The IC-920/-922 will “fire” a
primary output every 0.1 second. The energy delivered to each coil is determined
by the manual energy level setting. The engine must be stopped and a valid
password must be entered before Self Test operation is allowed.
To run the self-test feature of the IC-920/-922, select Tools, Start Self-Test from
the service tool menu bar.
Woodward 75
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
The IC 900 Series Service Tool displays a step-by-step Self Test wizard. First
you will be prompted to enter a password.
After the correct password is entered, you will be prompted to verify the engine is
purged. Be sure the fuel is shut-off and the engine is purged of any raw fuel.
After the engine is purged check the box then ‘Next”. Self-test will begin to
sequentially fire each output at 0.1 second intervals and will continue until the
STOP icon is clicked or the Alt + S hot key is pressed.
76 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Cycling power also stops self-test. The following message is displayed if power
to the IC-920/-922 ignition module is interrupted or if communication is lost during
self-test. It is important to be prepared to interrupt power should communications
be lost since the service tool cannot stop self-test without an operating
communications link.
Click the STOP icon or press the Alt + S hot keys to stop Self Test operation.
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Chapter 14.
Product Support and Service Options
OEM or Packager Support: Many Woodward controls and control devices are
installed into the equipment system and programmed by an Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) or Equipment Packager at their factory. In some cases, the
programming is password-protected by the OEM or packager, and they are the best
source for product service and support. Warranty service for Woodward products
shipped with an equipment system should also be handled through the OEM or
Packager. Please review your equipment system documentation for details.
78 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Replacement/Exchange: Replacement/Exchange is a premium program
designed for the user who is in need of immediate service. It allows you to
request and receive a like-new replacement unit in minimum time (usually within
24 hours of the request), providing a suitable unit is available at the time of the
request, thereby minimizing costly downtime.
This option allows you to call your Full-Service Distributor in the event of an
unexpected outage, or in advance of a scheduled outage, to request a
replacement control unit. If the unit is available at the time of the call, it can
usually be shipped out within 24 hours. You replace your field control unit with
the like-new replacement and return the field unit to the Full-Service Distributor.
Flat Rate Repair: Flat Rate Repair is available for many of the standard
mechanical products and some of the electronic products in the field. This
program offers you repair service for your products with the advantage of
knowing in advance what the cost will be.
Flat Rate Remanufacture: Flat Rate Remanufacture is very similar to the Flat
Rate Repair option, with the exception that the unit will be returned to you in “like-
new” condition. This option is applicable to mechanical products only.
When shipping the item(s), attach a tag with the following information:
return number;
name and location where the control is installed;
name and phone number of contact person;
complete Woodward part number(s) and serial number(s);
description of the problem;
instructions describing the desired type of repair.
Packing a Control
Use the following materials when returning a complete control:
protective caps on any connectors;
antistatic protective bags on all electronic modules;
packing materials that will not damage the surface of the unit;
at least 100 mm (4 inches) of tightly packed, industry-approved packing material;
a packing carton with double walls;
a strong tape around the outside of the carton for increased strength.
Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts for controls, include the following information:
the part number(s) (XXXX-XXXX) that is on the enclosure nameplate;
the unit serial number, which is also on the nameplate.
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Engineering Services
Woodward’s Full-Service Distributors offer various Engineering Services for our
products. For these services, you can contact the Distributor by telephone or by
Technical Support
Product Training
Field Service
Technical Support is available from your equipment system supplier, your local
Full-Service Distributor, or from many of Woodward’s worldwide locations,
depending upon the product and application. This service can assist you with
technical questions or problem solving during the normal business hours of the
Woodward location you contact.
You can also contact the Woodward Customer Service Department at one of the
following Woodward facilities to obtain the address and phone number of the
nearest facility at which you can obtain information and service.
80 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Technical Assistance
If you need to contact technical assistance, you will need to provide the following information.
Please write it down here before contacting the Engine OEM, the Packager, a Woodward
Business Partner, or the Woodward factory:
Your Name
Site Location
Phone Number
Fax Number
Number of Cylinders
Type of Fuel (gas, gaseous, diesel,
dual-fuel, etc.)
Power Output Rating
Application (power generation, marine,
Control/Governor Information
Control/Governor #1
Serial Number
Control/Governor #2
Serial Number
Control/Governor #3
Serial Number
If you have an electronic or programmable control, please have the adjustment setting positions or
the menu settings written down and with you at the time of the call.
Woodward 81
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Appendix A.
Reference Information
LED Operation
Eight LEDs are visible inside the IC-920/-922 enclosure. Their operation is as
Power LED
The illumination of this LED indicates the input power is properly connected.
System LED
This is an IC-920/-922 CPU status LED and is not associated with any
contact pin.
1 short flash per second indicates either “Ready” mode without CAN
CAN Communication is on and the ignition is firing with valid MPU inputs.
Ready mode is: MPUs are not active, the ignition is not firing, there are no
errors or warnings, and the configuration programming screen/mode is not
2 short flashes indicate the ready mode with the CAN communication active.
Always off: The ignition is firing and the CAN communication is not active.
Trip 1 LED
An illuminated Trip 1 LED indicates that the Trip 1 Output contact is in the
closed state. When the LED is off, the Trip 1 Output contact is open. See
the Speed Switch section in Chapter 6 for a detailed description of the Trip 1
Output contact.
Trip 2 LED
Alarm Output.
The Cam LED illuminates every time the Cam Timing Sensor Input goes
high. See Chapter 2 for detailed description of the Cam Timing Sensor
82 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Reset LED
The Reset LED illuminates every time the Reset Timing Sensor Input goes
high. See Chapter 2 for detailed description of the Reset Timing Sensor
Trigger LED
The Trigger LED illuminates every time the Trigger Timing Sensor Input
goes high. At high frequency, this LED may appear continuously illuminated.
See Chapter 2 for detailed description of the Trigger Timing Sensor Input.
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Appendix B.
Definitions and Programming Parameters
84 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Manual Timing Range
Analog Input
Speed Curve
Woodward 85
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Include speed curve in
Speed Switch 1
Trip Point 1—Speed at which the Trip output is activated. Can be set normally
opened or normally closed.
Hysteresis 1—Amount of rpm below the Speed Switch Trip Point RPM needed
to reset the output.
Normally Open—Check to make output open to ground below the trip point.
Normally Closed—Check to make output closed to ground below the trip point.
Engine Control
Overspeed—The rpm at which the ignition will shut down if exceeded. This
setting must not be set to 0 rpm.
Fuel Shutoff Threshold—This is essentially a programmable ‘Run’ speed
setting that governs operation of the Contact A (Run/Stop) input. Fuel
shutoff threshold is rendered inoperable when the Contact A input is not
connected. The Contact A (Run/Stop) enables or disables the primary
Below the fuel shutoff threshold speed but above 30 rpm (approx.), the
primary outputs will fire or stop firing each time the Run/Stop Contact is
opened to ground (Run) or closed to ground (Stop).
Above the fuel shutoff threshold speed the primary outputs will stop
firing when the Run/Stop Contact is closed to ground and will not fire
again when the contact is opened until the engine has come to a full
stop (zero rpm is sensed) and the engine is re-started.
Above the fuel shutoff threshold speed the primary outputs will fire if
the Run/Stop Contact was closed to ground then opened for the first
time. This allows engine starting when the fuel shutoff threshold speed
is set below cranking speed.
Typically the fuel shutoff threshold speed is set above cranking speed
but below minimum or idle speed.
Start Energy
Speed Threshold—The engine rpm, below which, the Start Energy
Level is active.
Energy Level—The energy level used when the engine rpm is below
the Start Energy Speed Threshold.
86 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
CAN with D-1 Display Versions
Write values through the CAN Port—Enabling CAN write values makes the
discrete and analog inputs inactive. This should NOT be checked for simply
monitoring the IC-920/-922 with a CANbus device (read only). This should
be checked to write values to the IC-920/-922 with a CANbus device
(read/write) and to ignore the discrete and analog inputs.
CAN Identifier—Used only for CAN communication. Must be set at 2 when used
with the D-1 Display OR it must match the CAN master setting.
J1939 CAN control enabled—If using the IC-92x in a system with a J1939
CANbus, this must be enabled for the J1939 CAN communication to be
J1939 Diagnostic Priority—Used only for CAN communication. Allows the
priority of the Diagnostic message to be set to an appropriate level for the
CANbus system.
Monitor Tunables
Edit Graph Levels—Password protected. Used to edit energy failure and alarm
level settings associated with the Energy Levels bar graph display.
Edit Energy Control—Password protected. Used to set the Manual Energy Set
Change Configuration—Password protected to download. Used to change the
control configuration in the IC-920/-922 Service Tool. The configuration may
be edited and saved to a file without the password.
Edit Timing Offsets—Password protected. Used to edit individual cylinder
timing offsets. Set to zero to disable an offset.
Woodward 87
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Appendix C.
Modbus Addresses
Function Modbus Content (Read Only from Input
Word Bit Remarks
Code Address and Holding Registers)
3,4 5 Ignition Error Status Bits 33-48 0 Warning Missing Ring Gear Signal
1 Warning Missing Reset Signal
2 Warning Missing Camshaft Signal
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
Woodward 89
IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Function Modbus Content (Read Only from Input
Word Bit Remarks
Code Address and Holding Registers)
8 Open Primary, Channel 17
9 Open Primary, Channel 18
10 Open Primary, Channel 19
11 Open Primary, Channel 20
12 Open Primary, Channel 21
13 Open Primary, Channel 22
14 Open Primary, Channel 23
15 Open Primary, Channel 24
90 Woodward
Manual 26263 IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink
Function Code Content (Holding Register - Read/Write) Units Range
3,4 500 Even Energy Set Point % as Integer 10-100
3,4 501 Odd Energy Set Point % as Integer 10-100
3,4 502 Start Energy RPM rpm
3,4 503 Start Energy Level % as Integer 10-100
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IC-920/-922 Ignition Controller with Servlink Manual 26263
Revision History
Changes in Revision F—
Updated Figure 3-1 Speed Curve
Added IC-92x Diagnostics and Status data to Chapter 10 (page 59)
Changes in Revision E—
Updated Compliance information and Declarations
Updated SCR Faults information (page 73)
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