Venecia Tejada Reyes
Lic. Industrial Psychology, graduated from UAPA
and Modern Languages Student
at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo
Centro UASD
in general. Apparently, they are critical to the success of students in school. There are
varieties of learning techniques, which can focus on the process of organizing, taking and
The conceptions that sustain the learning techniques to contribute to the students'
learning of a foreign language are based on the active and creative appropriation of a new
in close connection with the ability to analysis in the teaching-learning of the English
language to facilitate the resolution of problems, based on their needs and interests. It is
important to work with knowledge, that is, the formation and development of practical and
intellectual skills, of great responsibility in the task of education and in their learning to
achieve an active and creative appropriation of new knowledge to favor their self-
perfecting, in order to apply them in solving problems to transform reality. The objective of
techniques to contribute to the learning of the English language of the students of the
Elpidio Brito Cueto High School, belonging to the Educational District 11-04. For the
validation, research methods and techniques were applied that allowed to verify the
pertinence of the learning techniques in order to contribute to the learning in the students of
During the last decade, the teaching of a foreign language at an early age has been
contributed to this expansion. The acquisition studies suggest that when students learn a
second language at an early age, they develop their grammatical systems in a non-conscious
and natural way, by coming into contact with the linguistic data of the language in question.
(M. Teresa Fleta Guillén, Meeting 16, 2006, pp.51-62) According to the pedagogical
student's mode of action, which models and remodels his experience according to its
adaptation to the contexts in which the environment with which it relates is specified either
in this language, because it is difficult for them to study, since not everyone manages to use
a correct technique to learn content, less to have a fluent communication, they need
dedication and study to overcome difficulties in their training. Education in today's world
deficiency presented by students at both the primary and secondary levels of the high
school Professor Elpidio Brito Cueto, when facing the reality of their learning. This is
where the problem of this research lies, since, although the individual and intrinsic
character of school learning is undeniable, it also depends on the mediation of the teacher,
his classmates and the cultural context in which he or she develops. The students of this
educational center often have difficulties to organize the study and their duties, and show
satisfactory results, and this is because they do not have organization or do not know
techniques and resources that can help them improve their academic performance.
The problematic one raised, in opinion of the authors, is generalized in the primary
and secondary education, since still subsist in the educative units traits of the traditional
education where the student is a passive receiver of information, incapable to activate his
logical knowledge of the thought and produce active learning. Developing skills to learn
ability to analyze and solve problems improving, sequentially, his academic performance,
becoming protagonist and responsible for the new knowledge. The learning of English must
be aimed at generating new knowledge, which enhances the possibilities of the future of the
students of our country; that prepares them to face their educational reality, interpret it and
specialists on how acquisition processes are carried out and serve to better teach these
languages at school. This research presents practical ideas aimed at facilitating English
learning techniques in primary and secondary, keeping in mind the needs of the learners
during the early stages of learning and taking into account factors such as the learning
The research proposal is structured in four parts: Chapter I; Introductory part of the
In the field of education, there is a general agreement to define the self-learning that
could normally be better conceived if the appropriate techniques are used for the adequate
This happens because this problem has been detected in the students of the
elementary and secondary education institution of the teacher Elpidio Brito Cueto of the
San Felipe Province of Puerto Plata, they have not been able to have a visible development,
mainly in the subjects of English, and they have been locked in an arbitrary system of
The lack of a good use of the proper techniques of self-learning to learn a language,
make them a bad practice of memorization, through the repetition of the knowledge
handled by the teacher, which makes that the previous knowledge that had the student,
The lack of motivation is also an important factor since the professors fail to make
the student identify with the subject of English; the student thinks that everything necessary
must be the lyceum and that he does not need to use self-learning techniques for his greater
So, after considering the above, we formulate the following research problem,
which are the self-learning techniques that contribute to the learning of the English
language of the elementary and middle school students of the Elpidio Benito Cueto high
The research group has selected this problem, which is of great importance since the
main drawback with which the students are in this school has been the misuse of self-
learning techniques so that they do not know how to implement it well. I had trouble to
better understand the oral expression, the teaching of grammar, writing and other English
language skills that is totally common and manageable, but that the student does not know
Therefore, our purpose is to show the students the great capacity with which they
The research group has the necessary knowledge to address this research, and we
have the authorization of the educational establishment to investigate, which have given us
all the necessary permits, for the realization of the same, reason for which we are
General Objective
language of the students of basic and average of the high school professor Elpidio Brito
Specific Objectives
Research Questions
2) What are the self-learning techniques and what is your contribution to learning the
English language.
The following research study was defined in the elementary and middle school of
the high school Professor Elpidio Cueto, belonging to the Educational District 11-04, of the
province of San Felipe, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. The problem under study is
the Students. It was conducted during the August-December period of the current school
year 2018-2019.
Characterization of the center. Elpidio Brito Cueto High School is located in front
of the water tank, west part of the Ama Project, of the Municipality of Luperón, province of
Puerto Plata, belonging to Education District 04 of Regional 11, in the rural zone. It is next
The Center was founded by the government, under the presidential mandate of Ing.
Hipólito Mejia on October 19, 2000. Start imparting the first and second grades with the
Licda teachers. Maritza Dominguez and the Licdo. Elpidio Brito Cueto, coordinated by the
Licda. Maritza Dominguez. It was given the name of Juan Bentz in honor of Mr. Juan
Bentz who was the owner of all these lands, being stripped by former President Rafael
Leónidas Trujillo, had to live on the edge of the land full of misery and calamity.
The center is located on flat land with an approximate area of 3145 m2; there are the
basic elements for the proper functioning of the center such as: cistern, sports court, school
garden and adjacent bathrooms. The school environment is characterized by the vegetation
of fruit trees among them: oranges, sour lemons, avocados, cherry, guava, mango, coconut,
trees and ornamental flowers that constitute the beautification of the environment. In the
year 2001, the Third and Fourth grades are completed with the Licda teachers.
Maria de Jesús Ureña and the Licda. Isabel Peralta. The Center is made up of a
director, the faculty, the school board, the students, the course and student councils, the
management team, the parent committee, APMAE, the parents' school, a secretary and the
support staff. In addition, the center at the present time is participating in all the innovations
that are being applied in schools within the ten-year plan to achieve a better quality of
education and obtain the effective school to face the new millennium. . (Operational
In the school year 2018-2019 through the ordinance of 1-2014 the center goes to the
modality of extended school day and according to the operating manual of educational
center, in the organization of the center it passes to category III, in addition in December
2018 they begin the change of name process where the community in general approves that
said center will have the name of Professor Elpidio Brito Cueto in January 2019 is changed
Identity of the center. The Center is a public institution that responds to needs,
providing for the production of young people who join the productive process of their
families, themselves and society. It operates from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM in Extended
School Day.
Values promoted by our center. In the center, the religious beliefs professed by
parents, students and teachers are respected. The ideological pluralism of all actors in the
process is also respected, provided that they do not contradict the principles established in
the constitution of the Dominican Republic, the law 66 97 of education and good customs.
understanding spirit, cultivating the emotional, physical and spiritual faculties that
forming good citizens, useful to the homeland, to themselves and their families, fostering a
dynamic, creative and participatory process, guiding students in a flexible and efficient
meaningful learning. This completely protected with metal gates, has 10 classrooms, an
administrative office and manager, cafeteria, sports court, recreation area, two bathrooms
for students, a bathroom for teachers. (Operational manual of the high school Elpidio Brito
Cueto, 2018).
1. First pavilion with three classrooms, a bathroom and the cubicle of the address
2. Second pavilion with three classrooms one destined for the library
Fourth pavilion with a classroom, kitchen area and multipurpose room. (Operational
In the research conducted, it was found that the investigative works that are most
Institutional Investigations
May Pedraza, Jhon Rodríguez and Paola Cristancho, in their undergraduate thesis
(2011), of the Free University under the title Self-Learning Technique through the
application of workshops in English to second grade students of the middle level of the
district educational institution Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, arriving at the following: this
thesis mentions the importance of the use of different self-learning techniques and the
preparation of students in the classroom. English must motivate to learn and to know
another culture. In the same way, the basic linguistic competences and the diverse
capacities of the human being must be put into practice. For this, workshops can be used to
of the Free Autonomous University of Mexico. in the title of the thesis: Learning
vocabulary in the classroom Techniques and Strategy In order to identify the self-learning
techniques used by students, he concludes that it is important to use the different self-
learning techniques, in the teaching-learning process, because students get richer with these
Definition of Terms
Series of factors that will strengthen or weaken it. One of these factors is the
personality factor that is believed to be an influential factor in learning L2. (Bailey et al.,
Science says "Learning is the activity that the student develops to learn, to assimilate the
subject of study, on the other hand the teaching is referred to the activity that the teacher
The term self-learning strictly refers to learning oneself in a reflexive act, in the
same way that the automobile is the one that moves likewise, and self-learning carried out
by oneself, it is more appropriate to use the term autonomous learning. (Zaya, 1998)
factors that will strengthen or weaken it. One of these factors is the personality factor that is
believed to be an influential factor in learning L2. Before delving deeper into the discussion
Burt, Dulay and Krashen (1982). Technically, the term "acquisition" refers to
collecting an L2 through exposure and the term "learning", on the other hand, refers to the
conscious study of an L2. However, in this document, both terms are used interchangeably,
since the main focus would be on the role of individual personality factors in the SLA
process from an Islamic perspective and the process involved will be learning through
Burt, Dulay and Krashen (1982, as cited in Mohideen, 2001) used the term "second
language" to refer to foreign and host languages other than the mother tongue or mother
tongue. In this document, the focus of the SLA is placed on the use of the English language,
as it often has the official status of a strong L2. In general, learning an L2 is not a set of
easy steps, since young children acquire their first language or their mother tongue. It is
rather a long and complex task in which a student has to struggle to reach beyond the
confines of his first language into a new language. It is possible that some learners have to
work hard to acquire the knowledge of an L2, while others can acquire great skill without
many problems and others are governed by certain needs and interests that influence how
they actually perform. Many researchers would now accept that it is not only important to
know other aspects of the foreign language, but also the fact that different learners in
different situations learn an L2 in different ways in which these differences may be the
result of the indirect influence of the factors of personality (Bailey et al, 2000).
passive receiver of the information but has the role of accessing, processing and structuring
the information actively. Teachers that have this perspective are expected to set their active
In the meantime, students that have this perspective can be said to have important
Teachers and students who have this perspective are expected to adopt modern
teaching approach teacher is the source of information and the student is the passive
information receiver. In this approach teacher centered strategies are more likely to be set
to work. Furthermore, we can say that students that have this perception are more
learning, and with regards to academic success (Cano, 2005; Schunk, 2015). Teachers and
students that have traditional or surface learning teaching approach perspective are
have been pronounced specialists like (Zilberstein, J. 1996, 2000,2002), (Lopez Hurtado, J.
2002), F. González Rey (1995), (Rico Montero, P. 1996, 2002, 2004 ), (D. Castellanos S.
2003), among others, which highlight the position of students in learning and emphasize the
correct direction by the teacher. Similarly, they refer to the need to stimulate the developer
learning as an important condition for the formation and development of the students.
The difficulties in learning that are common in the different levels of education,
which causes that the students who enter the Universities, present gaps and little domain of
the contents that should have expired in the previous levels, what is the result, largely from
the application of the methods of traditional teaching on the part of teachers and the little
From the experience of the authors, the instruments that are applied for the
possible to verify that the students present difficulties in the learning of English, which is
manifests in:
2. Little motivation for the study activity in English and other subjects.
The difficulties mentioned have their origin, therefore, in the insufficiencies in the
Carlos Manuel Alvarez de Zayas (1998), in his work Pedagogy as Science says
"Learning is the activity that the student develops to learn, to assimilate the subject of
study, on the other hand the teaching is referred to the activity that the teacher performs
However, in the traditional educational process the student becomes the object of the
process so that the most important thing is not manifested, that this is inserted into the
According to the research group, self-learning is the way to acquire new knowledge
through self-effort, with the individual assessment of information and processes that each
contributed by the one who learns for the development his capacity to use in the daily life,
the new knowledge, in this context it is spoken of an integral learning that is to say: useful
The term self-learning strictly refers to learning oneself in a reflexive act, in the
same way that the automobile is the one that moves likewise, and self-learning carried out
learning by means of the individual search of information and the individual realization of
mammals and other animals possess in themselves and show themselves when they play,
sometimes play is not present, has the main function of learning new skills or improving
The Study Techniques and their Contribution to the Learning English Language.
In the middle of the daily life of the school, students must be educated, with the best
values and the most advanced advances in science; you have to help them manage their
forces with security and independence, based on the learning activity of the student in
training defines independent work as a means for including them in independent cognitive
highlights an important aspect is to declare the purpose of independent work, the inclusion
of the professional in training in cognitive activity and develop the cognitive independence
A system of independent work tasks with these characteristics should help the
It was assumed that the system of independent work tasks consists in carrying out
conscious, mental (or intellectual) and practical actions, aimed at achieving a higher level
of cognitive independence and with it the real possibility of an application creative of the
knowledge reached, before any professional situation and even of the life, since to learn to
The authors consider that the study is, on the one hand, learning and, on the other,
application of that learning. Knowing how to study means being intellectually efficient.
Learning to study efficiently is much more important and valuable than acquiring a set of
particular knowledge.
From the set of theories and opinions, in the present article it has been decided to
select an aspect that in his opinion is essential: the use of efficient study techniques. In the
act of studying, several factors are present and the denomination of this fact with several
terms is evident. In this regard, it is necessary to assess the technical term to clarify this
The technical word comes from the Greek techné, which means art. According to
the principles of an art or of a special ability A set of procedures and resources that a
procedures that, making correct all its phases, can ensure the success of the task. It seems
undeniably that the techniques understood as ordered succession of actions that they are
directed to a specific, known goal that leads to precise results, respond to an algorithmic
characterization. "
In terms of teaching and learning strategies, Pozo (1996) suggests that following
Danserau (1985), Nisbet and Schucksmith (1986), the acquisition of learning strategies is
chosen for the purpose of facilitating the acquisition or storage and / or the use of
information or knowledge; and that these activities or procedures that are part of the
strategies usually receive the name of techniques or habits of study. This criterion, which is
not fully shared by those who subscribe while it is necessary to consider technique and
habit as synonyms. It agrees with what Oramas Silvestre (2000) bases, in that the
demands at the individual and collective level, and in which communication actions range
According to Pozo and Monereo (2002), techniques are procedures that they allow
to acquire cognitive and metacognitive abilities, the former regulate the latter. These are:
procedures used and the assessment of both these and the task that claims them.
2. Cognitive skills: observe, collect data, compare and relate, summarize, order,
technique is closely linked to that of study. Term that appears analyzed from
Through their experiences the authors consider as study techniques the procedures
that allow to develop the most specific skills, to acquire knowledge in order to understand,
dominate and transform the objective and subjective reality, the student, in the study
activity can propose new goals and improve the quality of their learning, be better prepared
Although, learning the study techniques is not the absolute solution for all the
learning problems, they improve the educational experience of the students in formation.
With good study techniques students can reduce the preparation time for the solution of
long and complex tasks, strengthen memory, be organized, and prepare with quality for the
Some have a great ability to solve problems that allows them to develop study
techniques independently. Unfortunately, not all students develop good study strategies by
itself and, consequently, cannot solve the tasks with success. Most teachers recognize that
study techniques are important, but in many cases, especially in schools and high schools,
teachers emphasize the teaching of content and neglect to teach students how to learn.
the anxiety created by the pressure to carry out tasks they do not know how to solve. The
become active participants in the learning process, not only understand their individual
style of learning, but also why and how to apply study techniques. When students become
aware of how they learn and know why some techniques benefit them, they are more likely
to apply the techniques that are learning when they work independently.
Santos Diego (2013), on the other hand, proposes how to improve learning with
study techniques since it is unusual to study by heart, that it is important to apply more fun
and dynamic study techniques, so that students can improve their development and achieve
in less time the development of tasks and consolidate their knowledge making use of
technology with the online tools where you can create mental maps, fact sheets, practical
case exercises, tests, brainstorming, group work and generate new ideas, thus enhancing the
perspectives and organization of agreements, also the use of the internet allows you to
create groups to exchange opinions and resources online, they can create memotècnicas
rules, tabs, notes, slides, organize the study and generate a learning calendar quickly and
technical revolution.
capacity or ability for life, the learning techniques to study and work effectively will
Different Technique
This technique´s efficiency can be easily proved because people who have never studied or
lived in an English speaking country, manage it in a really acceptable way, moreover this is
something that students enjoy provide that they do not have to make any difficult learning
process, they only have to listen to the musical genre they most like.
Technique Lyrics
Song´s lyrics are studying tools which nowadays have become so popular because
of globalization phenomena and in fact we are rounded by English language but more than
that, actors and actresses, singers and many others who are English speakers. Speak like
them, dress like them, and more important young people wants to act and sing like them
that is why they get the lyrics of their songs to try to understand what they are saying in
their songs and nowadays those lyrics can be found unaccountably on the internet.
This special technique named the mirror is applied to make a first selt-testing of the
development of the speaking skill. When you are in front of a mirror, you will be able to
take in account the movements you make with the mouth while speaking plus, you will be
able to listen to yourself and thus compare your speech with the one on the songs.
Whenever you practice this technique, you will be closer to a sort of a real conversation in
Sometimes we have seen that TV is used as a mean of teaching in schools, you might use
movies you like to develop your listening and speaking in English making it interesting.
This way you would lead your brain to think directly in English if you practice it and plus
you would get the fluency you need so much to talk to somebody else.
Technique Reading
From a simple text message to bestseller, all the material which contains English
and off course you like it, should be used. This reading technique has show through the
year that is a tool to enlarge your horizons. One of the many ways to improve vocabulary
without a doubt is reading providing that using it as a mean of learning; the brain realizes
some actions and at the same time improves your aptitude to memorize in an extraordinary
Technique Volunteering
Volunteering is an activity you can realize in your community in the case there is
tourism program but if there is not one, look for a close place where there is one. This
technique will be useful for you to relate with native speakers thus you will be on touch
with the target language. In this activity, you can offer your help as a volunteer to guide
tourists this just to have the time to hung out with them and have this way real practice.
Technique Telephone
Talking in English by phone, is not going to be nothing easy at the mere beginning
but, if you practice it enough, as the time passes it will become a simple phone conversation
in English. These sorts of techniques are really important provided that they might
familiarize you with the language and when you get this relationship, you will be as self-
Technique Spanglish
Spanglish has become the top ten among young people therefore; with no additional
efforts the students can learn many English words. Nowadays it is so normal to say
“diskette, CD, Party” among other words which are part of the students” lexica that is why
Technique Interviews
Everybody wants to know their favorite singer´s life, actor, actress, soccer player,
comedian or personage whoever it is their favorite; you can read magazines, watch news or
paparazzo´s news who can be saying the truth or not but, in the internet there exclusive
interviews with these people and this way you can get to know many things of their lives by
This document defines the methodology to effectively fulfill the purpose of the
research topic, with different stages to follow to achieve scientific knowledge of the
Method. we use in this field research is the analytic-deductive method, this method
is taken the data and its exhaustive study of them, their causes and effects, coming to
understand the phenomenon presented today where we can consider as a point of heading
or main base the content and general data and find mechanism that are helpful to improve
Instruments. According to the purpose of the research, the survey instrument was
chosen in a statistical manner, carried out with the help of a questionnaire. The same to
English students to gather information about this situation was carried out during the
Technique. For the data collection, we use the interview technique and the
observation that will be applied to the students of the elementary school and middle school
Design of the investigation. The term research design refers to the plan or strategy
designed to obtain the information that is desired. The present investigation has a non-
because the causes and consequences in which the phenomenon appears were taken into
account, in the same way that the bibliographic reviews were carried out to establish the
Population. The object of study of the universe in this project is the student‟s new
students of the area of English of the center of basic and average study teacher Elpidio
Brito Cueto. The research was carried out with a population of 30 students chosen at
Calendar of Activities
Expect Results
In this chapter, the data collection based on the self-learning techniques of English
language learning, is presented in a detailed manner, the results provided by the searches of
the instruments applied in accordance with the purposes of this study, which was
demonstrated among the correlation of technique and self-learning in the area of English as
a foreign language, where it was applied a questionnaire and / or test, to determine the
possible causes, followed by an analysis and interpretation of the information. The research
was carried out in the elementary and middle school of the high school teacher Elpido Brito
Cueto, belonging to the Educational District 11-04, of the Puerto Plata Province, during the
the objectives:
The large percentage of the respondents, that is, more than half of the students in
the English area said that sometimes they actively participate and give their opinions freely
and spontaneously in classes. They also expressed that most of the activities are done based
on watching a movie in English or with subtitles in English and only some of them do
But the most serious and obvious problem is that the vast majority of students do
not understand and cannot have a fluent conversation in English. So the student must make
The English language is heard, spoken, read, published, in all parts of the world and
in all possible ways to communicate and is immersed in a society where the main language
is Spanish.
The teaching of English in schools is deficient and does not lead to very favorable
learning outcomes. For this reason it is important that the participation of students within
English classes is a little more dynamic and that flow naturally, is lacking logical reasoning.
Our society has not adopted the good habit of self-learning, which is reflected in the
little interest on the part of students to explore new languages and in the case of this study
This ability to discover, use and present information effectively will be one of the
learning the English language apart from the didactic text handled by the institution as a
base book, limiting their oral expression and form of communication, generating interest in
the subject.
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Barbieri R. and others (1996), Education in Old Age. National University of Cordoba.
Celce Murcia, M. (1991). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. 2Nd Edition.
Chomsky, N. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
De Houwer, A. 1990. The acquisition of two languages from birth: a case study. Cambridge
University Press.
Fernández Gonzales, Ana María and others (1995), Comunicación Educativa, Ciudad
Gonzalez Castro Vicente (1984). The oral communication in classes. Some ideas from
Lee, E-J. 2001. “Interlanguage development by Two Korean Speakers of English with
M. Teresa Fleta Guillen (Encounter, 16, 2006). Learning and Technique of Teaching
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Tomlinson, B. (ed.), London, Continuum. {Online}. {April 20, 2013} available at:
Thank you