SIN: 12010420956
Table of Content
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
D. Definition of Term.................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................... 7
1. Population ........................................................................................... 24
2. Sample ................................................................................................ 25
1. Test...................................................................................................... 26
2. Questionnaire ...................................................................................... 27
F. Trustworthiness .......................................................................................... 28
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 29
List of Table
Table 3. 1 ............................................................................................................... 25
Table 3. 2 ............................................................................................................... 26
Reading is one of the skills that the students should master in learning
English as a foreign language. In learning English, is one of the language skills that
the students need to acquire is reading. The aim of teaching reading is to make
students able to read the text effectively and efficiently. According to Patel and Jain
(2008), reading is an active proses which consist of recognition and comprehension
skills. Furthermore, reading is useful for language acquisition, the more they read,
the better they get at it. In reading, the students need comprehension skill. Linda
(2005) states that the true comprehension means making sense of what you read
and connecting the idea in the text to what you already know it also means the
students remember what they have read.
Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a written
language. It is the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning
through interaction and involvement with a written language. Lehr (2013), reading
comprehension is the process simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning
through interaction and involvement with written language. Reading
comprehension is the ability to understand information in a text and interpret it
appropriately what is meant by the text. It means that reading comprehension is the
ability to read text, process and understand its meaning.
Through reading students can get a lot of information, knowledge,
enjoyment and even problem solution. In addition, the ability to read the text in
any form will bring great advantages to the students. Reading for foreign language
learners is not an easy task because reading in English is complicated and it is hard
to get the meaning from the text. It needs comprehension to get meaning or to get
information conveyed by the writer. It can be caused by the language system of
English is different from the students own language. However, reading has always
been seen as a fundamental skill that could assist the students in mastering the
other skills.
related problem, Karanja (2015) reports that poor readers often have low self-
esteem which results in their decreasing learning achievement. Also, poor reading
comprehension can hinder problem-solving skills as well because people need to
fully understand what they read in order to be competent problem solvers
(Ozdemir, 2009). Ultimately, Cordeur (2010) and Park (2020) note that reading
comprehension is the ability to remember important details and draw conclusions.
Aradi (2021) conducted a study, eighth-grade students at SMP Bukit Raya
Pekanbaru had difficulty understanding English reading texts, especially when
attempting to identify the main concept, locate supporting details, and comprehend
vocabulary. However, the students only occasionally have trouble finding
references and drawing inferences.
Hidayati (2018), also conducted research about students' difficulties and
factors faced by the students in reading comprehension at the first grade students
of SMA N 1 Darussalam, Aceh Besar. The results showed that most of the first
grade students of SMA N 1 Darussalam Aceh Besar had difficulty answering the
main idea, making conclusions, and looking for reference questions. The most
difficult aspect faced by students is finding the main idea questions, because the
location of the main ideas is difficult to find. In addition, they mostly have
difficulty in understanding vocabulary, poor grammar mastery, difficulty
understanding long sentences, lack of learning media, lack of support from family,
and lack of knowledge about strategies in reading comprehension.
Based on the previous studies, this research has different and similar
aspects to be researched. The different from those researcher, dealing with
objective, theme and subject, this research focus on English recount texts. The
subject of this research is the tenth grade at SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru. Thus, it is
clear that this research is different from those previous research.
Based on a preliminary research in SMKF Ikasari. In teaching reading, the
teacher used Direct Instruction Method. Direct instruction method is a fast paced
method of teaching that provides very high levels of interaction between students
and their teacher. In this method, the activity is teacher centered and the students
have lack of opportunities to express their own idea in the class.
The researcher is going to find out the statements of the problem as follows:
1. The difficulties faced by students in finding the main idea and detail
information from the texts.
2. The difficulties faced by students to understand meaningof vocabulary
from the texts.
3. The difficulties faced by students in making inferences from the texts.
4. The difficulties faced by students to identify the structure and language
features from the texts.
5. Students’ interest to read English texts.
After identifying the problems stated above, the researcher needs to limit and
focus on the analyzing students reading comprehension problems in recount texts
and factors causing the students reading comprehension problem of the tenth
grade at SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru.
Practically for teacher this research will be useful to identify the students’
reading comprehension problems especially in recount texts. For students this
research will be applicable to help them to be active to do their reading and to
motivate them in reading as often as possible. For future researcher this research
will useful for who wants to conduct a research in English teaching and learning
process to get reference.
D. Definition of Term
1. Reading Comprehension
According to Halik (2016), reading is the activity between the reader and the
writer’s idea, where the writer sends his idea in the written symbol and then the
reader catching the idea in it. Furthermore, Kirmizi (2010) states that reading
comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by connecting what has been
read to what the reader already knows and thinks about all of this information until
it is understood. In this research, the researcher focused on reading comprehension
of recount texts.
2. Recount Text
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (2003, p. 24) states that recount texts
is a texts which informs the reader about events from the past, usually in the order
of occurrences. Also, Novi Gusneli, (2016, p. 229-235) states that recount text
is a type of text that informs the reader about the events and activities that happened
to someone's experience in the past. From the explanation above, it can be
concluded that the recount texts is a retelling of the past event of which the writer
occurred. The events can be informed on the basis of a true chronological order.
A. Theoretical Framework
cannot understand what the texts means, we are not reading. Based on the Gerald
explanation comprehension is the essence of reading because the goal of written
language is communication message. Reading comprehension is resulted when the
reader knows which skills and strategies are appropriate for the type of texts and
understand how to apply them to accomplish the reading comprehension.
must understand which strategies and skills are suitable for this type of texts and
exactly how to apply them to achieve reading goals in order to develop students'
that students have understood the texts because Yes/No questions can be
answered correctly by chance.
6. Open-ended questions
These questions are used in standardized tests. They are useful in
assessing comprehension component skills such as learners' ability to draw
inferences from texts.
7. Matching
A matching task requires students to select from a list of prompts.
Statements, headings, or question completion may be used as prompts.
Learners may be asked, for example, to match a description to the suitable
paragraph or to match phrases and words to their meanings.
There are 7 reading comprehension assessments that can be applied by
teachers during the learning process, namely; gap filling, WH questions, multiple
choice, true or false, yes or no, open-ended questions and matching.
Another issue that EFL students have is the capacity to interpret complicated
sentences in reading comprehension. Complex sentences are composed of
numerous clauses and may include conjunctions such as although, since,
additionally, and however. Coordinating conjunctions, prepositional phrases,
participial phrases, and nominalizations are further reasons of reading
comprehension issues in EFL learners. They exacerbate reading comprehension
difficulties by making compositions more complex and harder to understand
(Nuttall, 2000). However, Trehearne and Doctorow (2005), identified additional
aspects such as good reading comprehension tactics, relevant learning approaches,
reading habits, and text form.
According to Davoudi and Yousefi (2015), environmental, educational, and
biological factors all contribute to reading difficulty for many students. The author
suggested that learners who have reading issues have comprehension problems for
one cause or another, and that for certain students, these comprehension problems
may be related to imprecise or inadequate word recognition and decoding
procedures. The learners' reading comprehension is influenced by their
surroundings. They may struggle to interpret reading content in a disorderly
atmosphere. Those who live in a tranquil and controlled atmosphere, on the other
hand, may be able to read more effectively. Students who live in an unsafe
environment find it difficult to concentrate on their studies. However, when kids
are in a safe atmosphere, their reading comprehension efficiency improves.
According to Zhang & Shanshan (2011), background knowledge is required
for learners to gain global comprehension and fill relative gaps in the write-up. If
the learners' background knowledge is poor and deficient in this situation, their
readings will contradict the information in the texts. Background knowledge is
essential for developing reading comprehension skills. It plays a dynamic function
in texts comprehension, and its absence can have a negative impact on reading
comprehension. Nguyen (2007), found that learners with prior knowledge quickly
absorb reading materials.
Several cognitive processes are involved in reading comprehension. Good
vocabulary abilities are required for students to read competently (Taylor et al.,
2009). Unfortunately, most students avoid reading because they find it difficult to
read. Furthermore, Cain and Oakhill (2011) discovered that reading increases
vocabulary improvement, since learners who do not read regularly had lower
vocabulary skills. According to research, the extent of vocabulary knowledge has
the greatest influence on reading comprehension.
According to several research, grammatical knowledge has a significant
impact in reading comprehension. EFL learners' comprehension of texts is
influenced by their level of grammar expertise. Learners who lack grammar skills
sometimes struggle with reading comprehension. As a result, grammar knowledge
is required for EFL learners to comprehend the meaning of expressions in passages
(Koda, 2005). According to research, there is a link between grammar expertise and
reading comprehension. The grammatical level of EFL learners is an important
factor in a thorough written composition. Bernhardt (2000) demonstrate that the
reading ability of EFL learners is largely determined by their grammatical skills.
According to the preceding discussion, second language learners' reading
comprehension is determined by aspect such as their vocabulary, cognitive ability,
text complexity, nature of setting, background information, and prior knowledge. It
is considered that once the students have a sufficient vocabulary, their language
skills will increase.
Teachers are one of the school environment factors that can help
improve student achievement. According to Westwood (2001), teachers are
subjects in education who have a duty to transfer knowledge to students
because teachers determine whether or not their students become good
readers. Teachers must exercise caution when selecting teaching techniques.
When the teacher is unable to select the appropriate technique for teaching
the material, the students' difficulties are exacerbated.
3. Student environment
Environmental factors can also have an impact on students' ability to
learn and master English. Someone who lives in a reading- friendly
environment will be indirectly supported by their surroundings. Practice and
application of English outside of school will assist students in fully
comprehending English. There are two types of student environments that
can have an impact on their reading achievement. Namely:
1) The Home Setting. According to Freeman and Long (1990), every
student requires parental attention to achieve their learning goals.
To learn English, children require the attention of their parents or
family. Students will struggle to learn to read without the attention
of their families. They may become depressed if no one encourages
them to learn English.
2) The School Setting. Schools that lack learning media such as
English books, magazines, or newspapers make reading learning
ineffective and hinder students' understanding of the material.
Some factors of causes of poor comprehension followed by Westwood (2008) are:
1. Limited vocabulary knowledge
Vocabulary is the most important component in creating meaning.
That is because the texts consist of several words namely vocabulary. Is a
student has difficulty understanding what he or she is reading, it is worth
consider whether there is a serious mismatch between the students' own
knowledge of word meanings and the word used in the texts.
2. Lack of fluency
Some student often find this problem because they are nor reading
well. Student who read very slowly or very fast often comprehend poorly.
Slow reading tends to restrict cognitive capacity to the low level processing
of letters and words rather than allowing full attention to be devoted to
higher order ideas and concepts within the texts. But very fast reading may
result in accurate word recognition and important details being overlooked.
3. Lack the familiarity with the subject matter
Commonly, at the first meeting the teacher directly gives
apperception from the school textbook. Whereas it is better to provide
information first by other terms like video, posters, mini lecture, etc. But in
fact, many teachers give introduction theory use school textbook directly. It
makes the students poor in comprehension.
4. Difficulty level of the text (reliability)
The difficulty level of texts is a major factor influencing whether or
not material can be read with understanding. Text that is complex in terms
of concepts, vocabulary, sentence length and structure is difficult for readers
to process. It means that the students have to read based on their level. For
example the students at eight grades are taught narrative text, it also taught
at the ninth grade. But the level of the text is different.
5. Inadequate use of effective reading strategies
This causes of difficulties which always happened in teaching and
learning process. Actually the students need variety strategies from the
teacher, because the teachers as the facilitator and the manager in the
classroom. Strategy in reading in extremely needed for enhancing their
comprehension. Unfortunately, there is evidence that reading is not being
taught as a thinking activity and many teachers do not spend much time
instructing students in the use of comprehension strategies.
6. Weak verbal reasoning
This difficulty is caused by poor students' connection between new
information and their existing knowledge. But it depends on the students'
ability to reason while reading process. It determined by an individual's
level intelligence.
2. Recount Text
According Barwick (1999, p. 4-5) there are different types of recounts with
varying levels of language and content according to the audience and purpose.
1. Personal recount
A personal recount retells an activity that the writer or speaker has
experienced. It has personal and emotive comments and anecdotes added
and may take the form of an oral story, a letter or a diary entry. It is written
in the first person using personal pronouns, I and we. Details of who, what,
when, where and sometimes why are included but the sequence of
recounting may change.
2. Factual Recount Text
A factual recount documents a series of events sequentially and evaluates
their significance. This can be presented as a historical recount, science
experiment, traffic report, sport report or in film, television and video. At
this stage recounts involve detailed research about unfamiliar topics for
which students should be using print and technological resources.
Appropriate technical language, precise details of time, place and manner
and retelling with appropriate explanations and justifications assists readers
to accurately reconstruct what happened. The focus is on language that
shows time sequence (before shifting, while they were, after a number)
using evaluative language (importance, significance, influence,
achievement) and emphasizing assessment language (amazing, successes
influence, achievement). This recount is usually written in third person
using pronouns he, she and they. It may be written in the passive voice.
3. Imaginary recount
The imaginary details of a literary or story recount are placed in a realistic
context. Character development is emphasized with the narrator responding
emotively to the events. The sequence of details may be changed but who,
what, when and where are still included. The literary recount is generally
written in the first person using me or us, establishing a relationship between
the writer and reader or speaker and listener, for example my diary as a child
in space.
4. Procedural Recount
Procedural recounts record, in an oral or written form, the sequential steps
needed to achieve a result. This is written after the completion of a
procedure. Procedural recounts are found in information books, television,
films and books that explain how things were made. The focus is on the
accurate order of sequence, the selection of the correct language for the topic
and the use of time conjunctions. Diagrams and drawings are often included
to assist with the clarification of the stages.
5. Critical Recount
A critical recount looks at an issue, comments and evaluates negative and
positive aspects. Selected details are included to suit the argument, but this
recount may not be sequenced chronologically. It is generally written in the
first or third person using me or us but may be written in the passive voice.
For example, a recount of exploration in Antarctica may critically assess the
damage caused to the environment and ecosystem by this exploration.
B. Relevant Research
The first research, a thesis entitles Student's Ability and Problem in Reading
Comprehension at The Eight Grade Students of MT's N1 Surakarta in The
Academic Years 2014/2015. The research conducted by Nurina Elvandari of
English Education, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty in the State
Islamic Institute of Surakarta. The result of this research showed that the students
problem in reading comprehension at the eighth grade students and difficulties in
reading comprehension.
The second study is a thesis by Aradi (2021) conducted a study entitles An
Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Comprehending English Reading Text at SMP
Bukit Raya Pekanbaru. According to the study's findings, eighth- grade students at
SMP Bukit Raya Pekanbaru had difficulty understanding English reading texts,
especially when attempting to identify the main concept, locate supporting details,
and comprehend vocabulary. However, the students only occasionally have trouble
finding references and drawing inferences.
The third study is a thesis entitles An Analysis of Students' Difficulties in
Comprehension Narrative Text at Senior High School 8 Mandau. The research was
conducted by Novita, Dian Hervi (2019), this study was a descriptive research. The
subject of this research was the first grade students of Senior High School 8 Mandau
while the object of this research was students' difficulties in reading narrative text.
Based on data analysis, the researcher found that the highest difficulty in reading
narrative text was identifying generic structure.
Next, journal entitles An Analysis of Students' Difficulties in
Comprehending Narrative Text were conducted by Sapitri Desi et al. from English
Language Education Study Program at FKIP Islamic University of Ogan Komering
Ilir Kayuagung, South Sumatera. Based on the result, it was found that the
percentage of difficulty in indicator not clearly stated information was 55.90%, the
percentage of difficulty in indicator reference of the text was 59.54%, the
percentage of difficulty in indicator find moral value of the text was 64.23%, the
percentage of difficulty in indicator find the deducing meaning was 55.27%, the
percentage of difficulty in indicator find the specific information was 56.35%, the
percentage of difficulty in indicator find the detailed information was 67.05%, and
the percentage of difficulty in indicator find the main idea was 54.81%.
Moreover, Hidayati (2018) conducted a study entitles Students Difficulties
in Reading Comprehension at The First Grade of SMAN 1 Darussalam Aceh Besar.
This study was carried out at SMAN 1 Darussalam Aceh Besar. The study's
objectives were to identify the difficulties encountered by first-grade students at
SMAN 1 Darussalam in Aceh Besar, as well as the factors causing difficulties in
reading comprehension. The descriptive quantitative method was used in this study,
with the test and questionnaire serving as data collection instruments. The test
included 20 question items divided into five types: main idea, detail information,
making inferences, locating reference, and vocabulary. The test results revealed that
the majority of the first grade students at SMAN 1 Darussalam, Aceh Besar
struggled with answering main idea, making inference, and locating reference
questions. Finding main idea questions was the most difficult aspect that the
students of SMAN 1 Darussalam, Aceh Besar encountered, because the located
main idea was difficult to find. Furthermore, based on the responses provided by
the students in the questionnaire, they mostly had difficulties understanding
vocabulary, poor mastery of grammar, difficulty understanding long sentences, lack
of media learning, less support from the family, and a lack of knowledge of reading
comprehension strategies.
Based on the previous studies, this research has different and similar aspects
to be researched. The different from those researcher, dealing with objective, theme
and subject, this research focus on English recount texts. The subject of this
research is the tenth grade at SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru. Thus, it is clear that this
research is different from those previous research.
C. Conceptual Framework
Picture 2.1
The Framework of Reading Comprehension
Locating reference
Reading Comprehension
Comprehension Understanding vocabulary
Making inference
Detail information
A. Research Design
The research will use descriptive method. According Moh. Nazir (2005, p.
54), descriptive method is a method in researching the status of human groups, an
object, and a set of conditions, a system of thought, or a class of events in the
present. So, descriptive as a method for collecting data in research without make
comparison and connect with other variable. Descriptive research design is a
scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject
without influencing it in any way.
Sugiyono (2005, p. 21) says that descriptive method is a research used to
describe or analyze the results of the study but not used to make broader
conclusions. This method is conducted to determine the value of an independent
variable, either one or more variables (independent) without making comparisons,
or connect with variables.
Based on the experts above, it can be concluded that descriptive research is
a method in researching without make comparison which involves observing and
describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. In this
research, the writer will describing student's reading comprehension of recount texts
at the first grade of SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru.
This research will conduct at SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru which is located at Bangau
Sakti Street, Tampan district, Pekanbaru city, Riau. This research will conduct on
May until June 2024.
1. Population
The population of this research is all the tenth grade students of SMKF
Ikasari Pekanbaru. It has 8 class, the number at the tenth grade students of SMKF
Ikasari Pekanbaru are 271 students. Creswell (2012, p.142) says that population
is a group of individuals who have the same characteristic.
The population of the research can be seen as follows:
Table 3. 1
The Number of the Tenth Grade of SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru
No Class Population
1 X 1 Farmasi 36
2 X 2 Farmasi 36
3 X 3 Farmasi 35
4 X 4 Farmasi 33
5 X 5 Farmasi 34
6 X 6 Farmasi 35
7 X 7 Farmasi 35
8 X 1 Kimia Industri 27
Total 271
2. Sample
sample based on the specific consideration. The class that will use is grade X 3
Farmasi. The reason the researcher chose this class because almost half of the
students from that class scored below the KKM in English subject.
1. Test
In this research, the researcher will use the test as a technique for
collecting the data. According to Brown (2004), test means a method
measuring of a person's ability, knowledge or performance. The researcher
give reading test to the students to measure the students' comprehensibility
in reading. By giving the reading test, the researcher try to find out whether
the students can answer the test well or not. The right and the wrong answer
from the students were used as an indicator whether the students find the
difficulties or not. The researcher will conduct a test which consists of 25
multiple choice questions. The researcher also use five aspects of reading
comprehension in this test. The five aspects of reading comprehension
according to Nuttal (2000) namely; determining main idea, understanding
vocabulary, locating reference, making inference and finding detail
Table 3. 2
Blue Print of Reading Comprehension Test
2. Questionnaire
The data are will display after reduce to the most important information.
The data are will present in a narrative format. Data narratives enable the discussion
of research findings. The researcher describes the data in the form of a description
or narrative when presenting it. The researcher classifies students' comprehension
of the reading texts by calculating the appropriate percentage of students' answers
of the questionnaires. To calculate the percentage of researcher, use the formula;
𝐹 𝑥 100
(Sudijono, 2012, 40)
Notes: P = Percentage of students who have difficulty in each indicator
F = Number of the students who answer the item incorrect
N = The total number of students
And classification for index of difficulty adopted in Arikunto (2010) as follow:
0-30 = Easy
31-70 = Fair
71-100 = Difficult
The researcher also measure the average percentages of incorrect answer by using
measurement of the mean:
A = Average
Σp =The total percentage of incorrectness
N= The total question per item
F. Trustworthiness
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