Comparative Study of Quality of Drinking Water: A Project Report
Comparative Study of Quality of Drinking Water: A Project Report
Comparative Study of Quality of Drinking Water: A Project Report
I Would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my project guide “Hemant Shukla”,
who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the “TOPIC
me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about to many new Things. His
contributions are beyond the preview of acknowledgement and working under the his
guidance has always been faithful and urforgets able experience which is very much voluable
Secondly I would also like to give a warm expression of thanks to “Dr. Tanzeel
Ahmed” and Dr. Nabeel Ahmed” HOD of school of Biotechnology. IFTM UNIVERSITY,
experience and at the same t i,e to gair the knowledge through hands on observation
and job execution from the industrial training the students will also develop skills in
manufacturing industry.
To build a good communication skill with group of workers and to learn proper
WHO GMP certified and one of the leading contract manufacturing company, ranked 19 th in
the list of Next fortune 500 companies in India Pharma sector 2020. Its business forcases on
the manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical product and services across the globe.
Akums journey of grouth and expansion is testimony to the company’s dedicated efforst is
bringing novelty and eminence across its varied service range since its inception on 19 April
2004 first plant set up for oral solid dosage (Plant 1). Akums has how grown up to have I
plant in total with different dedicated units for solid oral, oral liquids, Injectables,
Horomonals, oiatment and cosmetics maxcure nutrauedics, Pure and cure, Malik
Akums plant-III INjectablues has been designed and consteructs in year 2007 convering area
Cephalosporin) Large valume parenteral (LUP), and small volume parenteral (SUP) Pre filed
Byringes and ophthalmic preparations. The state of the art of plant-III conforms adherance of
quality system, Manufacturing process and analysis as per international standards and ensures
compliance of product quality as per laid standrads effecitve, safe and unique.
Facilities :
Beta Loctum :
General Section :
Mission :
to customers and people of the world and to dedicate ourselves for human’s quest for longer,
Vision :
To become amongst top vice pharmaceutical companies of India, to have its own
medical College and pharmacy college and to have its own clinical research, Bio
Business Partners :
In proquissing, hand in hand, with all the business parthers few of them includes all
Scope of Study
Water is first place in the priority list of the life on our planet earth. Out of the total
aount of global water only 2.4% in distributed on the main land of which only a small portion
canbe utilized water for about 70% of Indian population in ground water and its considered
turbility colour andodour and tuxbiduty and from any objectionable taste.
Drinking water also should have a reasonable temperature water meeting these
conditions is termed “potable” meaning that it maybe consumed in any desired amount
1. Introduction
Objective of the work
2. Materials and Method
Study area
Sampling Sites
Analysis of the Sample
Physical Parameters
Chemical parameters
3. Technique used Atomic absorption
Spectero & Copy.
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusion
Water is the most previous gift of Mother Nature. The need of proper planning in
development, management and optimal utiligation of this vital resource is paramauntys for
Water is second to oxygen as being essential for life. A water resource like. ground
water, surface is primarily developed for domestic purpose. Rictures people can survive days,
week without food, but only about four days without water its many uses, industrial,
Drinking water in never pure. Water naturally contains minerals and microorgarisms
from the rock, soil, and air with which it came in contact. Human activities can add many
more substances to water but drinking water does not need to be pue do be safe.
Sciences) states that drinking water containing dissolved calcium and magnesium generally
contribute a small amount toward fluoride either naturally occuring or added to water supply
Water pollution problem today exist in every part of our country, it increasing day by
day around industrial and urban center generally tap water and ground water are consumed by
people for drinking pupose. But tap water consumed by people for drinking purpose serveral
Contaminants like pesticide and heavy metals. People Either boil water to drink it or
install purifier given human dependence on water, we cannot afford to be careless about the
The present report is attempt to provide relevant information about the quality of
drinking water. There are three basic criteria to evalaute the quality of water i.e. the physical
chemical and bacteriological. In the present study a number of volumetric, gravimeteric and
instrumental methods are used to determine the various constituent of water samples. The
study of water shall be help full to evaluate drinking water quality of Akums, Haridwar.
Study Area :
The Area is situated in different area of Akums Haridwar in Uttarakhand. The attitude
of Haridwar is 800 meter from sea level. Haridwar touches the border area of Dehradun,
Garhwal, and paur & Rishikesh. The track is mainly hilly surrounded by a number of sleep
ridges and valleys alternating with each other. The average rainfall is around 200 mm the
maximum rains are due to the south west monsoon from July to September.
Sampling Sites :
Samples collection :
Taping water samples was collected by keeping and opening in the mouth of
container against the flow of water in 0.2 litres plastic bottles at 8:30 am. Natural water can
never be completely pure. During their precipitation and their passage over or through
The concentrations of these impurities are large in ordinary chemical sense but they
i. Turbidity
v. conductivity
Chemical parameters :
i. pH
ii. Alkalinity
iii. Hardness
iv. Calcium
v. Magoesium
vi. Chloride
vii. Sulphate
viii. Flouride
Heavy Parameters :
1. Cadmium
2. Lead
3. Axenic
4. Copper
5. Zinc
S.N Parameters Analytical Equipment used
Physical parameters
1. Turbidity Turbidimetric Cyberscan WL TB 1000
2. Total Solids Gravimetric Electrical oven
3. TDS Gravimetric Electrical oven
4. TSS Gravimetric Electrical oven
5. Conductivity Conductometric 3173 Conductivity meter
Chemical Parameters
6. pH pH Metric Digital pH meter NIV 333
7. Allcalinity Volumetric -
8. Hardness Volumetric -
9. Ca Hardness Volumetric -
10. Mg Hardness Volumetric -
11. Chloride Volumetric -
12. Sulphate Turbidimetric Cyber scan WL TB 1000
13. Fluoride Spectrophotometer Gererye 10 Spectrophotometer
14. Cadmium AAS SOLAR series
15. Lead AAS SOLAR series
16. Arsenic AAS SOLAR series
17. Copper AAS SOLAR series
18. Zinc AAS SOLAR series
1. Turbidity is the important parameter for characterizing the quality of water. Any
substance having more than 10-9 size particles will produce turbidity. In most of the
water, turbidity is due to colloidal particle and extremely fine dispersion particle, such
as clay slid, organic and inorganic matter constitute its turbidity. So determination of
Principal :
When light is passed through a sample having suspended turbidity some of the light is
scattered by the particles. The scattering of the light is generally proportional to the turbidity.
The turbidity of a sample is thus measured from the amount of light by the sample taking
Reagent Used :
effluent and sewage contain huge amount of undissolved matter. A well mixed sample is
evaporated in a weighted dish and dried to constant weight in an even at 103 OC to 105 OC.
The increase in weight to that of the emply dish represents the total solid.
Principle :
The total solid are determined by the residue left after evapoation of the unfiltered
Calculation :
contributing to total dissolved solid are carbonate, bicarbonate, Chloride, sulphate, nitrites,
Total dissolved solid influence hardness, erosive properties and tendency to rotation.
Principal :
A well mixed sample is filtered through standard filter paper and filtrate is evaporated
to dryness in a weighted dish and dried to constant weight in an oven at 103 OC to 105OC.
Apparatus :
4. Filter paper
5. Disc
Calculation :
Principle :
Total suspended solid can be determined by the difference between the total solid and total
dissolved solids.
Calcualtions :
TS = Total solid
Conductivity usually measured with the help of conductivity meter having conductance cell
containing electrode of platinum coated with platinum coated with platinum and black
carbon. These electrode are mounted rigidly and placed parelled at fixed distance.
Conductance when measured between the elctrodes having surface area of 1cm and placed at
a distance of 1cm is called electrical conductivity and is the property of water sample rather
than the measuring conductivity is an absolute term. The unit of conductivity measurement is
siements (s) Cm-1. The conducvity of most water is generally low. So the unit μs cm-1 shall be
much appropriate.
Calculation :
1. pH
Concept of ionic product of water enables to classify solution as acidic, basic and neutral by
specifying the hydronium ion concentration. For expressing the hydronium ion
concentraqtion a logrithmic scale was devised by P.L. Sorensen (1909). This scale is called
As a given temperature the intensity of the acidic or basic character of a water sample is
measurement with a standard hygroden electrode and a reference electrode (combined glass-
calomal electrodes) .
The symbol pH is derived from Potenz, the Danish word for power pH refers to potency of
hydronium ion in solution. The potency of hydroxyl ion of solution may also be expressed in
terms of pOH.
pH = - log 10 aH+
= - log10 i1aH+
Alkalinity of water & Waste water is that capacity to neutralize acids and characterized by
carbonate and hydroxide of calcium magnesium, sodium, potassium etc. Because of ready
availability of carbon dioxide most water contain carbonates and bicabonates only. The
occurrence of hroxide ions in natural water is rare. Borate, phosphate, silicates also contribute
Principle :
Alkalinity is the measure of the capacity of the water to neutralize a strong acid. The
phosphates, nitrates, porates, silicates, etc, together with hydroxyl ions in free State.
However, most of the water are rich in carbonate and bicarbonate with little concentration of
other alkalinity imparting. Alkalinity can be estimated by titrating the sample with strong acid
Calculation :
Hardness is the property of water which prevents the lather formation with soap & increase
scale & reduce entry of heavy metals from to water. Harness of water is due to the
accumlation of salts from contact of water with soil & geological by industrial effluent.
Hardness of water is caused of the presence of bivalent metallic ions with anions.
Principles :
The hardness which remains after boiling is known as permanent hardness & it is due
Principles :
Many indicators such as ammonical pupurate (murexide) form a complex only with
Mg at higher ph. As EDTA is having & higher affinity towards Ca. the former complex is
combines with both Ca and Mg therefore Mg is largely precipitate as its hydroxide at higher
Calculation :
Principle :
Calcium and Magnesium form a complex of wind red colour is formed. The value of
Calculation :
Chloride ion is common ion occurs in all type of water and waste water the concentration of
chloride inns is due to the leading of chioride containing rocks & solids with which water
comes in contact with water Discharge of agricultural runoff, industrial & domestic waste
water also be the source of chloride ion in the natural water. Water softness also adds the
Principle :
When silver nitrate is added to water sample then it reacts with chloride ions of
water to form silver chloride. The titrant or silver ion to forms brown onlour of silver
Calculation :
Sulphate occurs naturally in water as a results of leaching from gypsum and other
common minerals. In addition sulphare ion may be added to water system in several
treatment processes.
clarification by alum. Sulphate ion is one of the important anion for forming scales in boilers
and heat exchangers. In waste water under reducing environment sulphate are converted us
Principle :
The sulphate ion is precipitated in the form of barium sulphate by adding barium
Calculation :
A fluride concentration of approximately 1.0 mg/1 in drinking water effectively reduced
dental carrier without harmful effect on health. Flurode occurs in natural water. Fluoride can
The fluoride with xirconium solution and the colors of spadan regents gents bleached due to
the formation of ZrF. Since bleaching is function of fluoride it is directly proptional to the
concentration of fluoride.
Heavy metals are those having a density more than five times higher than that of water. They
are usually present in trace in trace amount in natural water but many of them are toxic event
at very low concentration. There concentration in water due to addition of industrial waste
and sewage. Some of them get biomagnified in the water and get accumulated in tropic level
Some the heavy metals are extremely essential to human for example cohalt, copper,
molybdenum etc. but large quantities of them may cause physiological disorders many of
Most of the rock having these metals is fortunately sparingly solable, hence limiting the
currently the are of greater concern, especially effluent to fresh water without adequate
treatment. Significant quantities of heavy metals get transported through the agricultural
runoff containing residue of organomettalic pesticide corrosion in the pipe are release of
Cadmium is present in the waste water from electroplating chemical industries and milling
and mining wastes from lead mines. It accumulated in various part of the body (liver
pancreas, kidney etc) and is known to cause painful bone disease called ‘itai-itai’. The disease
(Atomic adsorption spectroscopy) with a setting at wave length of 228.8nm using candmium
hollow cathode lamp and directly aspirating the sample in to the air acetylene flame.
Lead is also a toxic element and it increase in water due to the discharge of industrial waste
water, such as from printing dying and oil refineries, etc. It accumulates in the body in the
bones. It also found in the brain, kidney and muscles. Lead is poisoning is due to permanent
cumulative effect and not due to occasional exposure to small doses. However, in extreme
case of lead poisoning death may result. The concentration of lead can be determined by AAS
at λ max 47nm using lead bollow cachode lamp and directly aspirating the sample into the air
acerylene flame.
Arsenic is present in waster water of many industries such to ceramics, tanneries, chemical,
metal preparation and pesticide. It has a tendency to get accumulated in body issue to cause
arsenosis. It effect liver and heart and is also reported to be carcinegenic. The concentration
of arsetic can be determine by AAS at λ max 193.7am using as hollow cathode lamp and
Introduction :
The atomic absorption was given by walsch in 1955. Atomic absorption spectroscopy is an
absorption spectroscopy where radiation is absorbed by non excited atom in the vapour state.
Principle :
This technique invoives the study of the absorption of radiant energy (usually in the ultra
violet region) by natural atom in the gaseous state, thus in atomic absorption spectoscopy the
sample is first converted into an atomic vapour and then measured at selected wavelength
to the concentration and alaysis are made by comparing this absorbance with that given under
An atom absorbing energy changes a low energy state to higher energy state hence when a
light of particualr wavelength in allowed to pass through a flame having atom of metallic
species absorption will be proportional to the intensity of the atom in the flame. By knowing
the value of absorption concentration of metallic species can be determine by total amount of
Copper in the natural water also result in higher concentration due to pollution. It is used with
sulphate as an algecide. Although it passes as such through the body but there is evidence of
acuumulation of trace quantity in liver. The limit of it in the standard are not due to it toxic
effect but are due to its taste producing capacity. The concentration of copper can be
determined on AAS as λ max 324.7nm using copper hollow cathode lamp and directly
Zinc is present in the wastes from pharmaceutical, galvanizing, paint, pigments. Several
insectides cosmetics etc and their discharge increase it conentration in appreciable amount in
the water. Zind is very essential micronutrient in human being and only at higher
concentration it may cuase some toxic effects. Zinc salt produced an undesirable taste to the
water. It also cause water appears milky. The concentration of zic can be determines by AAS
at λ max 213.9nm using zinc cathode lamp and directly aspirating the sample into the air
acetylene flame.
V = xc3me×Nf
e = electronic charge
m = mass of electron
c = velocity of light
1. Radiation source
2. Flame atomization
3. Nebulizer
5. Burner
6. Mouochromator
7. Detector
8. Recorder
The hollow cathode lamp is most common source of radiation which has widely been
used in atomic absorption spectroscopy. The light source (bollow) cathode emits a line
radiation which of the exact wavelength of die element being determined because the source
At one end tungstern wire seeded into the other end the tube, one of tangten wire is attached
In a flame atomizer all or a part of solution of the sample is sprayed into a flame. It enters the
flame through base in the form of minute’s droplet. The droplet loses their water content and
only a few solid particles enter in the inner zone. The solid particle are vaporized to atomic
1. Base
2. Inner Anne
3. Reaction zone
4. Outer zone
The process is called nehulisation. It is the formation of samplies into the mail droplets. The
most common method is gas moving at higher pressure is called pneumatic nebuliser.
Beekman total consumption is commonly used. The various parts are a solution capillary,
aspiration gas inlet, centrining screw, finel inlet and jacket. The top of the bumer due to
which a liquid draw from the capaillary break down into small.
Natural gas like propane, butane, hydrogen, and acetylene are as fuel air enriched with O2 and
N2O are common oxidant. Low temperature flame a advantagenusly used for elements which
are converted to the atomic sate such as cadmium, copper, lead and zinc etc. Alkaline earth
Metals account of their tendency of forming refractory oxides required higher temperature
for decomposition. Rare earth metals alumunium and barium from vary stable oxide and
The samples is aspirated into a large chamber by mean of a stream of a oxidant chamber here
the mist of the samples, the oxidant and the fuel supplied and then force to the burner
opening. oxidant and the fuel supplied are mixed and then force to the burner opening.
In this burner the sample solution the fuel and the fuel and the oxidising gas are passed
through, separate passage and meet an opening at the base of the flame.
The function of Monochromator is to select a gives absorbing line from spectral line emitted
from hollow cathode lamp for many elements high dispresion is not required for example
alkali metals which have a few spaced lines. When the hollow cathode lamp is made of
transition metals, the emission spectrum from the hollow cathode lamp is so complicated that
high dispresion is essential. For such case high dipersion and high resolving Monochronuator
are needed to resolved spectres. A desired line can be isolated by a narrow band pass
Film and photomultiplier is the common detector. Dark are obtained on film whose intensities
is compared. Photomultiplier tube is used for the conversion of the radians energy signal to
an electrical signal.
In most of the atomic absorption measurement chart recorder are used as read out device. A
chart recorder is a potential meter using a eromotor to move the recording pen =. The
Cadmium :
Dissolved 0.100g cd metal in 4ml concentrated HNO3 add 8.0 ml concentrated HNO2 and
Dissolved 0.1598g lead nitrate in a minimum amount of 1+1 HNO3 add 10 ml concentrated
Dissolved 0.100g copper metal in 2 ml concentrated HNO 3 and diluted to 1000 ml with water
Dissoled 1.320g As2O3 in water contamination Hg NaOH and diluted to 100 ml with water
Dissolved 0.001g zinc metal in 20 ml 171 HCL and dilute to 1000 ml with water. 1.00 ml =
100ug Zn.