No. 49: Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) of The Indian Rupee

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Current Statistics

Trade and Balance of Payments

No. 49: Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective Exchange
Rate (NEER) of the Indian Rupee
(6-Currency Trade Based Weights)

Year/Month Base: 2004-05 (April-March) =100 Base: 2009-10 (April-March) =100

1 2 3 4
2004-05 100.00 100.00 114.88 98.10
2005-06 103.04 105.17 118.34 103.13
2006-07 98.09 104.30 112.66 102.28
2007-08 104.62 112.76 120.16 110.58
2008-09 90.42 102.32 103.85 100.34
2009-10 87.07 101.97 100.00 100.00
2010-11 92.02 115.28 105.69 113.05

2008-09 April 99.35 110.58 114.10 108.44

May 94.86 105.92 108.94 103.87
June 93.26 105.77 107.11 103.72
July 92.49 105.29 106.22 103.25
August 94.33 108.24 108.33 106.14
September 90.35 103.67 103.76 101.66
October 86.86 99.98 99.76 98.04
November 88.08 100.80 101.16 98.85
December 86.83 98.30 99.72 96.39
January 87.00 97.86 99.92 95.96
February 87.66 97.58 100.68 95.69
March 84.00 93.90 96.47 92.08

2009-10 April 85.28 96.12 97.94 94.26

May 86.48 98.51 99.32 96.60
June 86.71 98.71 99.59 96.80
July 85.22 97.84 97.87 95.95
August 85.04 98.90 97.66 96.99
September 84.18 98.48 96.68 96.58
October 86.67 101.53 99.54 99.57
November 86.56 102.86 99.41 100.87
December 87.21 103.99 100.16 101.98
January 89.30 107.33 102.56 105.25
February 90.03 107.98 103.40 105.88
March 92.19 111.43 105.88 109.28

2010-11 April 94.70 116.00 108.76 113.75

May 94.24 116.19 108.24 113.94
June 93.51 115.23 107.40 112.99
July 90.96 112.64 104.47 110.46
August 90.91 112.71 104.41 110.52
September 91.38 113.96 104.95 111.75
October 92.32 115.20 106.03 112.97
November 91.52 115.08 105.10 112.85
December 92.47 117.94 106.19 115.66
January 91.46 117.31 105.04 115.04
February 90.37 115.54 103.78 113.30
March 90.43 115.56 103.86 113.32

2011-12 April 90.60 117.68 104.05 115.40

All Figures are Provisional.
Notes: 1. Rise in indices indicate appreciation of rupee and vice versa.
2. For “Note on Methodology” on the indices presented here, please see December 2005 issue of this Bulletin.
3. Base year 2009-10 is a moving one, which gets updated every year.

S 626 RBI Monthly Bulletin June 2011

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