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First I would like to thank Ato Demeke Desta for providing me with necessary
information and positions, brotherly approach and there in valuable suggestion &
comments during the preparation of the project with an intention to achieve my

My special thanks also go to MIE maintenance department staff for sacrificing

their precious time in providing me with necessary information and data regarding to
the maintenance activities of the company.

Last but not last acknowledgement is also made to the valuable contributions
and,comments by my advisor Ato Kenfi Tsegay.

MIE - Mesfin industrial engineering

MTBF- Mean time between failures

MWRV- maintenance works report voucher

MORV- maintenance order request voucher

P M -preventive maintenance

N F-number of failures

T Dt -total down time of the j th failure.


µ-mean repair rate

λ -mean failure rate

MDT-mean down time

T Dt -total down time due to preventive/periodic maintenance


T Dt -total down time due to breakdown maintenance


N-number of workers

A-availability of machines

U-unavailability of machines

C em-cost per employee

TAH-total number of annual hours

TLC-total labor cost

BR-benefit ratio

Mps-material preparation shop


Maintenance can be defined as all actions appropriate for retaining an

item/equipment in or restoring it to a given condition. Mesfin industrial engineering has
been applying preventive and breakdown maintenance systems. There is a definite need
for effective maintenance practices such as safety, product quality, and speed of
innovation, price, profitability and reliable delivery.

Even if the company has been applying these maintenance systems, it is not to
say fully-effective. The company has got many problems on maintenance systems, some
of which include

 Continuous machine failure happened;

 Coincidence of machine breakdown with periodic maintenance time
 Lack of some reliability analysis of machines.

Therefore, this project is designed to reduce:-the possibilities of Continuous machine

failure, Coincidence of machine breakdown with periodic maintenance time plan by
estimating reliability of machines, MTBF, MDT to prepare and to create an awareness
about the condition of the machine timely; maintenance costing with respect to labor
cost estimation & spare part cost estimation. And adding some reliability concepts on
current maintenance system was suggested.



List of abbreviation…………………………………………………………………2



1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the company……………………………………..6
1.2. Background and justification…………………………………….6
1.3. Objective of the study………………………………………………..8
1.3.1. General objective……………………………………………….8
1.3.2. Specific objective……………………………………………….8
1.4. Methodology…………………………………………………………...8
1.5. Scope of the study…………………………………………………….8


2. Literature review
2.1. Maintenance…………………………………………………………9
2.1.1. The importance of maintenance…………………………….9
2.1.2. Why does maintenance exist?........................................9
2.2. Preventive maintenance …………………………………………10
2.3. Principles of reliability…………………………………………...11
2.3.1. The meaning of reliability……………………………………11
2.3.2. Practical reliability definitions ……………………………..11 Non repairable items …………………………………11 Repairable items ………………………………………12
2.3.3. The meaning of availability …………………………………14
2.4. Maintenance costing ……………………………………………..15
2.4.1. Maintenance labor cost estimation ……………………….16
2.4.2. Spare part cost estimation ………………………………….16


3. Results and discussions ………………………………………………..17

3.1. Total down time, MDT, repair rate …………………………..18
3.2. Total up time, MTBF, failure rate ……………………………..27
3.3. Availability and unavailability analysis……………………….30
3.4. Accidental budget analysis ……………………………………..32
3.4.1. Labor cost estimation ………………………………………..32
3.4.2. Spare cost estimation ………………………………………..34


4. Conclusion and recommendation ………………………………………35

4.1. Conclusion …………………………………………………………..35
4.2. Recommendation …………………………………………………..35

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………36
List of tables

Table-1-MWRV- preventive maintenance performed time for

Pantograph machine……………………………………………………………….17

Table-2-MORV- breakdown maintenance performed time for

Pantograph machine………………………………………………………………..18

Table-3-MWRV- preventive maintenance performed time for

0xygen plant...………………………………………………………………………..21

Table-4-MORV- breakdown maintenance performed time for

0xygen plant………………………………………………………………………….22

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the company

Mesfin industrial engineering (MIE) was established in1992 with a starting

capital of birr 7 million in Tigray regional state, Mekelle town. Currently it has close
to one thousand employees out of whom 520 are permanent and the remaining are
contract & temporary employees. Currently the net capital of MIE reaches more than
birr 250 million.

As an engineering company, MIE can be engaged in manufacturing various

products as well as render engineering services to sectors of industries. So far MIE
has been mainly engaged in the fabrication and supply of trailer related products
that are serving the transport sector. About 90% of all types of trailers (dry & fuel
trailers, semi-trailers, low beds etc…) required by the local market have been
supplied by MIE during the last 10 years. Other fabricated products required by
other sectors have also been supplied by MIE. Among the products supplied to other
sectors includes:-

 Penstock and transition elements for hydro power plant.

 Fuel storage tanks for depots administer by national petroleum
reserve depots administration.
 Ethanol tanks and sugarcane trailers for sugar factories.
 Industrial cranes for industries.
 Fabricated components for cement factories.
 Steel bridge for a rail way line.

MIE has also been engaged in rendering engineering electro-mechanical

erection services. It has executed electro-mechanical works that include EPC
(engineering, procurement and construction projects).

1.2. Background and justification

MIE uses two types of maintenance systems namely preventive and breakdown
maintenance. Even if the company has been applying these maintenance systems, it
is not to say fully effective. According to the following data, there are top ten falling

Machine failures (Frequency of failures)

Top ten failing machines, planned failure frequency was 9 times

Machine Freq in No Planned freq. Variance

Oxygen plant 29 9 20
Acetylene plant 26 9 18
Pantograph 17 9 8 -ve variance is good
Gasparini shear 10 9 1
Band saw 7 9 -1
Small Rolling 6 9 -3
Notching 6 9 -3
Omag shear 5 9 -4
Milling Machine 4 9 -5
Gasparini Bending 3 9 -6
Machine Down Time
Top 4 unavailable machines

Machine Unavailability in % Planned Variance In %

unavailability in %
Omag bending 100 5 95
Oxygen plant 50 5 45
Omag shearing 18 5 13
Milling machine 16 5 11

 Oxygen plant needs top management intervention

 The remaining machines unavailability was less than 5% i.e. these
machines were available above 95% and meet the target.
Spare parts cost:

Spare part cost trend over the last 9 months

Month Cost (birr)

July 49,162.80
August 13,203.63
September 52,410.76
October 80,341.26
December 3,356.31
November 39,525.14
January 73,335.81
February 165,887.00
March 20,420.79
Sum 497,643.50

 Since most of spare parts were used for corrective maintenance work and MIE’s
production order based, we were unable to plan ahead.

The company has got many problems on maintenance system, some of which

 Continuous machine failure happened;

 Coincidence of machine breakdown with periodic maintenance time plan;
 Lack of some reliability analysis of machines.

Therefore, this project is designed to reduce:-the possibilities of Continuous machine

failure, Coincidence of machine breakdown with periodic maintenance time plan by
estimating reliability of machines, MTBF, MDT to prepare and to create an awareness
about the condition of the machine timely; maintenance costing with respect to labor
cost estimation & spare part cost estimation. And adding some reliability concepts on
current maintenance system was suggested.


Introducing the reliability concepts on current system that help to improve and to
increase the profit of the organization by allocating optimum maintenance costs on
pantograph machine and oxygen plant with utilization of maintenance techniques
and costs.


 Introducing the company about the reliability concepts on current system by

determining :-
- MDT/MTTR and
- Availability and unavailability of machines
 Develop accidental budget through
- Labor cost estimation and
- Spare cost estimation.


Data collection

The data collection process was conducted in the two perspectives of data types,
which include:-primary data

 Interview with concerned body

 Observation and
 Manual data record

Secondary data

 Different maintenance reference and exercise books.

 Internet
 From recorded data

Data analysis tools

 Machine availability and unavailability
 Figures and tables


The project scope is limited to some selective machines whose function of operation
influence the process of production most. These machines are pantograph (MPs),
oxygen plants and, extend to improve the reliability of Machines through labor cost
and spare cost estimation.

2. Literature review

2.1. Maintenance

The term maintenance covers all activities undertaken to keep equipment in a

particular condition or to return it to such condition.

2.1.1. The importance of maintenance

All enterprises try to do as good maintenance as possible. However this is not so

easy. It is to forecast and do the right activities at the right time by the right people.

The work must be, as priority one, directed on to avoid failures and by this reduce
the risks for unplanned stops.

Modern maintenance management is not to repair broken equipment as fast as

possible. Modern maintenance management is to keep the equipment in operation
and produce quality.

The important of maintenance will considerable increase, because of that a high

productivity and quality can be achieved by means of a well developed and organized

2.1.2. Why does maintenance exist?

Because of repairing broken/damaged equipment


Keeping equipment into operation and making quality products?

The answer to this question is obvious, but not for everybody. Some still believe that
the objective of maintenance is to repair damaged equipment. This approach is very
costly and crates a lot of problems for the maintenance and production department.

In modern maintenance management, it is not recommendable to concentrate too

much on break down jobs and repairing equipment when they are broken. Each time
a break down occur, it is evident that the maintenance strategy is unsuccessful.
Modern maintenance management is to act in the way that the plant is running all
the time the production department has planned for it. The plant must be available
for production and produce quality products at any time.

Production buy Maintenance sell

Why does production buy from maintenance?

Production buys availability performance from maintenance.

Poor maintenance of equipment will result in deterioration and the worn out period will arrive much
earlier than for well maintained equipment.

The upper priority in the objectives of maintenance is to keep up planned available

performance at the lowest cost possible.

2.2. Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance covers all programmed maintenance which is carried out in order to

prevent the occurrence of failures or to detect failures before they develop to a break down or

interruptions in productions.

A preventive maintenance is always programmed/schedule; it means that all preventive

maintenance is decided in advance. Corrective maintenance activities are on the other hand difficult to
forecast when they are going to happen. Perhaps it is known that corrective maintenance will happen
some times, but nobody knows when.

Direct and in direct preventive maintenance

As could be seen from the definition, the preventive maintenance is divided into two other parts i.e.
Preventive maintenance which done to prevent the occurrence of failure and preventive maintenance
which is done to detect failures before they develop in to a break down or disturbances in the

The part were measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of failures is called direct preventive
maintenance. The reason why this preventive maintenance is called direct preventive maintenance is
because the condition of the equipment will improve directly. There is a direct impact of the machine.
Some examples of jobs which are direct preventive maintenance are programmed replacement of
parts, overhauls, lubrication, oil change and cleaning.

Direct preventive maintenance is also called fixed time maintenance because it is totally controlled by

The other part of preventive maintenance is called indirect preventive maintenance and is carried out
to find the failures in an early stage of development. The indirect preventive maintenance can be done
the condition of equipment or inspect it to find out the condition level.

Indirect Preventive maintenance is also called condition monitoring .The performance of the indirect
preventive maintenance is also controlled by the time but it is done in order to find out the actual need
of maintenance.

Preventive maintenance

Indirect direct

- Detection of failure before brake down -cleaning, lubrication, oil- change…

(Condition based maintenance) (Fixed-time maintenance)

2.3. Principles of reliability

The word reliability is commonly used in everyday life when a product such
as a car or washing machine breaks down, the user is forcibly made aware of
the limited reliability of the product.
2.3.1. The meaning of reliability
Suppose that a newly manufactured individual item of a given product is
tested, either before dispatch from the manufacturer or receipt by the user, or
both, and performance characteristics { x } are found to satisfy the specification
{ xT } , { }. The product then placed in service. If as time goes on, the product
continuous to meet the specification, then it is considered to have survived
The reliability R of the product can therefore be defined as the probability
that the product continuous to meet the specification, over a given time period,
subject to given environmental conditions. If, however, as time goes on the
product failed to meet the specification, then it is considered to be failed.
The unreliability F of the product can be defined as the probability that the
product fails to meet the specification, over a given time period, subjected to
given environmental conditions. Failure can occur due to many factors:
examples are wear, mechanical fracture, and chemical corrosion.
Both reliability and unreliability vary with time. Reliability R(t) decreases with
time. An item that has just been tested and shown to meet specification has a
reliability of 1 when placed in service: one year letter this may have decreased
in to 0.5. Unreliability F(t) increases with time; an item that has just been
tested and shown to meet specification has unreliability of 0 when first placed
in service, increasing to say 0.5 after one year.
Since at any time, t, the product either survived or failed the sum of
reliability and unreliability must be 1, i.e. they are complementary and:


We can now discuss the relationship between reliability and quality. The
reliability of the product is its ability to retain its quality as time progresses.
Thus a product can only have high quality if it also has high reliability; high
initial quality is of little use if it is soon lost. The opposite is, however, not true;
a product with a high reliability does not necessarily have high quality, but
may be merely retaining low quality over a long period of time.
2.3.2. Practical reliability definitions
R (t) and F (t) are dependent on time; it is useful to have measures of
reliability which are in dependent of time. We will consider two cases:- in the
first the items are non-repairable and in the second the items are repairable. Non-repairable item
Suppose that N individual items of a given non-repairable products are placed
in service and the times at which failures occur are recorded during a test
interval T. We further assume that all the N items fail during T and that the i th
failure occurs at time T i that is, T i is the survival time or up time for the i th
, ,

failure. The total up time for N failures is therefore ∑ T i and the mean time


failure is given by:-

Total up time
Mean time to fail=
Number of failures

i.e 1
MTTF= ∑ Ti
N i=1
The mean failure rate λ is correspondingly given by:
Number of failures
Mean failure rate=
Total up time

i.e. mean failure rate is the reciprocal of MTTF

i.e N
. λ=
∑ Ti ,

There N survivors at time t=0, N-i at time t=T i ,,
decreasing to zero at time t=T; figure 1(a) show how the probability of survival,
(N −i)
i.e., reliability, Ri = decreases from Ri=1 at t=0, to Ri=0 at t=T. The i th
1 T
rectangle has height and length T i and area i . Therefore equation 1 we
MTTF=Total area under the graph
In the limit that N ∞, The discrete reliability function Ri becomes the
continuous function R (t).the area under R(t) is ∫ R (t) d t so that we have in


MTTF=∫ R (t) d t

The upper limit of t=0 corresponds to N being infinite. Repairable items

The failure pattern for N items of a repairable product observed over at a test
interval T. The down time T DJ associated with the j th failure is the total time that
elapses between the occurrence of the failure and the repaired item being put back
j =N F
into normal operation. The total down time for N F Failure is therefore ∑ T DJ and the

mean down time is given by:

Total down time

Mean down time=
Number of failures

j= N F
∑ T DJ

The total up time can be found by subtracting the total down time from N T , i.e
j =N F
total up time= N T - ∑ T DJ

The mean up time or the mean time between failures (MTBF) is therefore given by:

Total up time
Mean time between failures=
Number of failures


The mean failure rate λ is correspondingly given by:-


I.e. again the mean failure rate is the reciprocal of MTTF

Reliability ( Ri )



R (t)




0 time, t


1 up down up down up

2 up down up

3 up down up

4 up down up

5 up down up
6 Test time (T)


Failure patterns: (a) non repairable items; (b) repairable items

2.3.3. The meaning of availability

When a repairable product is up, i.e., working satisfactorily, it is available for

use. When the product is down, i.e., being repaired, it is unavailable for use. It is
important to have an average measure of the degree to which the product is either
available or unavailable.

The availability of the product is the fraction of the total test interval that it is
performing within specification, i.e. up; thus we have:

Total up time
Test interval

Total up time
Total up time+Total down time



……………………………………… eqn (I)

MTBF+ MDT Unavailability U is similarly defined as the fraction of the total test
interval that it is not performing to specification, i.e., failed or down,
thus we have:

Total down time

Test interval


…………………………………… eqn (II)

It follows from eqn (I) and eqn (II) that:

…………………………………….. eqn (III)

A+U=1 we see from eqn (I) & eqn (II) that A and U depend on MTBF, i.e.
availability depends by increasing on reliability. Availability can
therefore be increased by increasing MTBF, i.e., reducing mean
failure rate. We see also that A and U depend on mean down time, MDT; availability
can be increased by reducing MDT. Thus availability also depends on maintainability,
i.e. how quickly the product can be repaired and put back into service.
2.4. Maintenance costing

The cost of maintenance is defined as costs that include lost opportunities in up

time, rate, yield, and quality due to no operating or unsatisfactorily operating
equipment in addition to costs involved with equipment related degradation of the
safety of people, property and the environment. However, often maintenance cost is
simply described as labor and material expenses needed to maintain equipment/item
in satisfactory operational state.

Reasons for maintenance costs, Factors influencing maintenance costs, some of the
reasons for maintenance costing are as follows:

 Determine maintenance cost drivers

 Prepare budget
 Provide input in equipment
 Provide input in the design of new equipment/item/system
 Control costs
 Make decisions concerning equipment replacement
 Develop optimum PM policies
 Provide feedback to upper level management
 Improve productivity

Many factors influence maintenance costs including asset condition (i.e. age, type, and condition),
operator expertise and experience, company policy, type of service, skills of maintenance personnel,
equipment specification and regulatory controls.

Maintenance budget preparation, approaches, and steps

Operating budget is concerned with itemizing each category of operating expenses forecasting for
every department in the organization. The purpose of this type of budget is to control normal
operating labor, material and overhead costs forecasted for the coming fiscal year.

Budget preparation approaches

With a historical approach, the budget is based on historical perspective. Professionals involved in the
preparation of this type of budget rely on the experience of earlier years to determine cost estimates
for the coming year. This approach is efficient, rational, and requires a relatively small amount of paper
work. The main drawback is that past errors tend to be perpetuated and ineffective operations are
funded proportionally to effective ones.

Maintenance budget preparation steps:

 Collect information on trends over the past few years.

 Seek inputs from the operating group concerning its plans for the coming
 Seek input from the accounting department concerning cost trends and
 Obtain information on sales by product and department.
 Determine maintenance labor-hours by skill and department.
 Estimate the amount of material required by department, in particular high-
cost and high-volume items.
 Estimate overhead cost.
 Establish separate cumulative cost charts for every important variable, e.g.,
material, labor and overhead.
 Update individual and total costs periodically and plot them on appropriate

2.4.1. Maintenance labor cost estimation

The labor cost is an important component of the maintenance cost. Labor costs are made of pay roll
information that is usually obtained from labor distribution reports prepared by the accounting
department. The information is required for four key areas:

 Total number of hours worked annually on a pre-employee basis.

 Hourly cost of employee benefits on a pre-employee basis.
 Ratio of cost of annual benefits to yearly wages.
 Base pay rates per hour by labor grade.

The cost per employee is expressed by:-

C em=LR (1+BR) TAH Where C em = cost per employee

LR=hourly labor rate

BR=benefit ratio

TAH=total number of annual hours

The total labor cost is given by:-

TLC= C em N Where TLC= Total labor cost

N=Number of employees

2.4.2. Spare part cost estimation

The cost of maintenance material is an important component of the total maintenance cost. Well-
planned and efficiently operated stock and storerooms can significantly reduce the cost of materials as
the costs of successive inventory and obsolete materials parts are important factors in most
maintenance storerooms and stockrooms.



The result and discussions are obtained by conducting the following analysis:-

 Calculating total down time, MDT, and mean repair rate (µ).
 Calculating total up time, MTBF, mean failure rate (λ) ;
With an assumption of:-
 The machine operator starts work (operating the machine) sequentially after
the machine has been maintained without idleness.
 The Maintenance personal perform their tasks continuously without any
break unless it is lunch time.
 A working hour of 1 shift, 8 hour; 1 hour of the total working hours for break
due to lunch, and twice of 30 minutes each working day for tea time.-
 For the case of machine break down, if the date/time of job compilation is
not written I assume that the job is received by the customer in the next day,
3.1. Total down time, MDT, Repair rate (µ).

Table - 1- MWRV for pantograph machine

S. Job requested by Job compilation by Job received by Remark Total machin

N customer maintenance department customer (manpower in down time(h
date time date time date time hr)
1 11/02/201 _ 11/02/2011 _ 11/02/2011 _ 3 operator 50 0:50min
1 min each
2 18/01/201 _ 18/01/2011 _ 18/01/2011 _ M,1:00,e-2:00 2:00
3 2/12/2011 _ 2/12/2011 _ 2/12/2011 _ M4,e4=1:20 1:20
4 19/11/201 _ 19/11/2011 _ 19/11/2011 _ M3=1:00 1:00
5 06/10/201 1:30pm 06/10/2010 3:00pm 06/10/2010 3:00pm _ 1:30
6 28/09/201 2:00pm 28/09/2010 3:00pm 28/09/2010 3:00pm _ 1:00
7 10/7/2010 8:00 10/7/2010 9:00 10/7/2010 9:00 M3,f2=1:00 1:00
8 12/6/2010 7:30 12/6/2010 8:30 12/6/2010 8:30 M3,e4=1:00 1:00
9 3/5/2010 4:30 3/5/2010 6:00 3/5/2010 6:00 M3,f2=1:30 1:30
10 11/4/2009 2:10 12/4/2009 3:00 12/4/2009 3:30 E3,f=2:30 8:30
11 1/03/2010 7:30 1/03/2010 10:30 1/03/2010 5:30 E4=3:00;e2=1:30; 9:00
12 02/2/2010 8:30am 02/2/2010 10:00am 02/2/2010 10:00am _ 1:30
13 2/12/2009 9:00am 2/12/2009 12:00am 2/12/2009 12:00am M,e2=3:00hr 3:00
14 1/11/2009 1:15pm 1/11/2009 5:00pm _ _ F2,e3=3:00hr 4:45
15 1/10/2009 8:10am 1/10/2009 10:10am _ _ _ 2:00
16 7/3/2009 2:00 8/3/2009 6:30 8/3/2009 7:00 E1,f1=8:50: 8;30
17 7/2/2009 5:45 9/2/2009 2:10 9/2/2009 6:30 E, f=3:00 11:45

18 15/11/200 1:30pm 16/11/2008 2:00pm 16/11/2008 2:00pm F1,m2,h=11:00 8:30

19 11/10/200 2:00pm 12/10/2008 1:30pm 12/10/2008 1:30pm F2,m2,f1=10:30 10:30
20 9/8/2008 7:30 10/8/2008 6:30 10/8/2008 6:30 M2,h=1:30;f=8:0 8:00
21 6/6/2008 8:00am 7/6/2008 12:00am 7/6/2008 12:00 E3,e2=12:00 11:00
22 12/12/07 2:00 12/12/2007 6:00 12/12/2007 7:00 M3,m2,e3=4:00 4:00
23 12/11/200 4:05 12/11/2007 8:00 12/11/2007 8:10 M3,e3,m2=4:00 3:05
24 29/1/2006 7:00am 29/1/2006 8:30am 29/1/2006 8:35am M, e=1:35 1:35
25 26/2/2006 7:00am 26/2/2006 10:00am 26/2/2006 10:55am E, m=3:00 2:55
26 26/3/2006 7:00am 26/3/2006 11:00am 26/3/2006 11:45am E, m=4:00 4:00
27 23/4/2006 7:00am 29/4/2006 12:25am 29/4/2006 12:55am E, m=5:25 5:25
28 28/5/2006 7:00am 28/5/2006 9:30am 28/5/2006 9:45am M, e=2:50 2:50
29 25/06/06 7:00am 25/06/2006 12:00am 25/06/2006 12:55am M, e=5:00 5:00
30 23/07/06 11:30a 23/07/2006 2:30am 23/07/2006 3:30am E,f,2m=3:00 3:00
31 27/8/2006 6:00am 27/8/2006 10:00am 27/8/2006 10:30am E, m=4:00 4:00
32 24/9/2006 11:00a 24/9/2006 3:00pm 24/9/2006 3:05pm M, e=4:00 4:00
33 22/10/206 7:00am 22/10/2006 10:00am 22/10/2006 10:30am E, m=3:00 3:00
Table- 2- MORV for pantograph machine

Job requested by Job compilation by Job received by Remark (manpower Total

S. customer maintenance customer in hr) machine
N department down
Date Time Date Time Date Time
1 20/12/2010 4:25 22/12/2010 - 22/12/2010 - 2M3=1:00 12:35
2 11/02/2011 - 11/02/2011 - 11/02/2011 - 3m3=0:40 0:40
3 1/2/2011 11:30 1/2/2011 - 1/2/2011 - E=1:30 1:30
4 3/11/2010 2:00 3/11/2010 3:30 3/11/2010 3:30 F=1:30 1:30
5 2/10/2010 3:00am 2/10/2010 4:00am 2/10/2010 4:00 E=1:00 1:00
6 23/09/2010 8:30 23/09/2010 9:15 23/09/2010 9:15 E=0:45 0:45
7 16/09/2010 7:05 16/09/2010 8:45 16/09/2010 8:45 - 1:40
8 2/08/2010 7:50 2/08/2010 10:50 2/08/2010 10:50 M3,f2=3:00 3:00
9 21/07/2010 8:40 22/07/2010 3:15 22/07/2010 3:15 F2,e4=0:45 8:35
10 29/06/2010 8:55am 29/06/2010 4:00pm 29/06/2010 4:00 M, e=4:00 4:00
11 11/05/2010 3:00am 12/05/2010 11:00 12/05/2010 1:00 F ,m=5:00; 10:00
12 7/05/2010 10:10am 7/05/2010 11:05 7/05/2010 11:05 M3,f1=0:40 0:40
13 17/04/2010 2:00 17/04/2010 5:00 17/04/2010 5:00 M3=3:00hr 3:00
14 14/4/2010 2:30 14/4/2010 5:30 14/4/2010 5:30 2m3,f=3:00 3:00
15 11/4/2010 7:30 11/4/2010 10:30 11/4/2010 10:30 F,2m3=3:00 3:00
16 29/3/2010 2:10 29/3/2010 10:40 29/3/2010 10:49 F,m3=4:45; 7:39
17 24/03/2010 2:00 25/03/2010 4:30 25/03/2010 4:30 2M3=14:00;m3=10:00 9:30
18 7/12/2009 3:00 7/12/2009 8:30 7/12/2009 8:45 - 4:45
19 16/06/2009 - 17/06/2009 1:20pm 17/06/2009 1:20pm F1,e3=10:00hr 10:00
20 12/3/2009 4:30 12/3/2009 10:30 12/3/2009 10:30 F2=5:00 5:00
21 11/3/2009 4:50 11/3/2009 7:25 11/3/2009 7:30 F2=1:20 1:40
22 11/3/2009 2:15 11/3/2009 9:40 11/3/2009 9:45 F, h=1:40 6:25
23 31/12/2008 7:00 1/1/2009 5:00 1/1/2009 5:00 F, e=2:30;2m=4:00 7:00
24 14/11/2008 3:30 14/11/2008 5:40 14/11/2008 6:00 F=2:10;gop2:10; 2:30
25 07/11/2008 10:45 08/11/2008 4:00 08/11/2008 7:20 F=1:50,gop=0:50 4:35
26 06/11/2008 7:15 07/11/2008 7:10 07/11/2008 7:20 F,gop=7:45 7:05
27 03/11/2008 3:30 03/11/2008 5:55 04/11/2008 - F=2:20;gope=1:00; 2:20
28 20/10/2008 2:10 24/10/2008 2:30 24/10/2008 2:35 F=5:00;gop=3:30 28:25
29 23/09/2008 2:10 24/09/2008 5:30 24/09/2008 5:35 F=2:30 12:25
30 23/04/2008 7:20 23/04/2008 9:30 23/04/2008 10:00 E2,f1=2:10 2:30
31 23/04/2008 7:25 23/04/2008 9:40 23/04/2008 9:50 E3,f2=1:45 2:15
32 29/01/2008 3:20 29/01/2008 10:00 29/01/2008 10:10 F1=1:40 1:50
33 16/01/2008 7:25 16/01/2008 7:30 16/01/2008 9:30 E3,2eng=2hr 2.05
34 15/01/2008 9:15 15/01/2008 9:17 15/01/2008 9:40 E3=0:20 O:25
35 01/01/2008 2:30 01/01/2008 2:30 01/01/2008 3:05 E3=0:35 0:35
36 04/10/2007 4:45 04/10/2007 5:00 04/10/2007 5:00 F1,e3=0:15 0:15
37 03/10/2007 5:307 03/10/2007 7:50 03/10/2007 7:50 F1,e2=0:50 2:00
38 25/10/2007 2:45 25/10/2007 4:10 25/10/2007 4:20 F1=1:25 1:35
39 19/09/2007 2:50 19/09/2007 5:35 19/09/2007 - F1,e3=1:40 1:40
40 18/09/2007 4:45 18/09/2007 8:50 18/09/2007 - E3,f1=0:50 0:50
41 27/08/2007 2:11 27/08/2007 4:40 27/08/2007 4:50 E3=2:20;f1=2:30 3:11
42 04/08/2007 2:40 04/08/2007 10:45 04/08/2007 11:00 M2,m3,e3=7:05 7:05
43 24/07/2007 3:52 28/7/2007 2:30 28/7/2007 2:35 F1=34:00;s=31:00; 36.43
44 19/7/2007 2:20 19/7/2007 3:50 19/7/2007 - F1=1:30;f2=1:30 1:30
45 10/7/2007 10:40 11/7/2007 7:00 11/7/2007 7:15 F1=5:20;e2=5:00 5:20
46 04/07/2007 4:30 04/07/2007 5:00 04/07/2007 5:20 3M2=0:30 0:50
47 27/11/2005 7:00 27/11/2005 11:00 27/11/2005 12:00 E, m=4:00 4:00
48 25/12/2005 7:00 25/12/2005 9:30 25/12/2005 10:00 E, m=2.5 3:00
-From MORV (breakdown report voucher)

Number of
Year failures
2010 15
2009 5
2008 13
2007 11

In 2010
j =N F
Total down time= ∑ T DJ

In 2009
Total down time=∑ T DJ

In 2008
j =13
Total down time= ∑ T DJ



In 2007
j =14
Total down time= ∑ T DJ



Therefore, we can conclude that:-

Year Number of failures Total down time

( hr/year)
2007 11 61.23
2008 13 74
2009 5 27.833
2010 15 69.9

To calculate mean down time (MDT)

In 2007
j= N F
∑ T DJ
1 1
= ∑ T DJ = *61.23=5.566hr
11 j=1 11

In 2008

j= N F
∑ T DJ

j =13
1 1
∑ T DJ = 13 *74=5.6925hr

In 2009
j= N F
∑ T DJ

1 1
= ∑ T DJ = *27.833=5.5666hrµ
5 j=1 5

In 2010
j= N F
∑ T DJ

j =15
1 1
∑ T DJ = 15 *69.9=4.66hr

In 2011


5.566+5.6923+5.566+ 4.66
MDT 2011 = =5.371

To calculate repair rate,

1 1
µ2011= = =0.1862per hour.
MDT 5.371


1 1
µ2007=¿ ¿ = =0.1799 per hour.
MDT 5.566

µ 1
2008=¿ ¿= =0.17568 per hour.
MDT 5.6923

µ 1
2009=¿ ¿= =0.1799 per hour.
MDT 5.566

µ 1
2010=¿ ¿= =0.2146 per hour.
MDT 4.66

Taking the average,

µ2011= =0.1874 per hour.

In a table,
year No of failures Total down MDT(hr/month) µ(1/hr)

2007 11 61.23 5.566 0.17966

2008 13 74 5.6923 0.17568

2009 5 27.833 5.5666 0.17966

2010 15 69.9 4.66 0.2146

Therefore, we can say that MIE of the maintenance department need to accomplish the break down activities of
pantograph machine with an average time of 5.371 hr

For oxygen plant

Table-3.MWRV (Periodic maintenance report voucher) of oxygen plant

S. Job requested Job compilation Job received Description of man- Total

N by customers by the by the maintenance power down
maintenance time
Date Time Date Time Date Time (in hr)
1 20/7/2010 2:00 20/7/2010 4:00 20/7/2010 4:00 M3=2:00 2:00
2 17/6/2010 2:00 17/6/2010 5:30 17/6/2010 - M3=3:30;e4=2:00 3:30
3 18/5/2010 7:30 18/5/2010 10:00 18/5/2010 10:00 M3,e4=2:30 2:30
4 11/4/2010 12:30 11/4/2010 3:00 11/4/2010 3:00 M3=2:30 2:30
5 15/3/2010 3:00 15/3/2010 5:30 15/3/2010 5:30 2m3=2:30;e4=0:30 2:30
6 19/2/2010 8:10 19/2/2010 11:50 19/2/2010 11:50 2m3=3:25;e=3:25; 3:25
7 14/1/2010 2:10 14/1/2010 5:30 14/1/2010 5:30 3m=3:00 3:20
8 12/2/2009 8:00 12/2/2009 10:00 - - 2m,e2=2:00; 2:00
9 13/11/2009 8:10 13/11/2009 12:00 - - M3,e1,e2=3:35; 3:35
10 10/05/2009 - 10/05/2009 - 11/05/2009 - M3,2m2=6:30;ope=3:00 6:30
11 23/8/2008 7:30 24/08/2008 7:30 24/08/2008 - M2=9:00;m2=2:00;f=4:0 9:00
12 Des-4-07 - Des-4-07 - Des-4-07 - M2=2:30;2e2=2:30 2:30
13 Des-4-07 - Des-4-07 - Des-4-07 - E3,m2,e2=3:00 3:00
14 27/01/2007 1:30 28/01/2007 2:00 28/01/2007 2:00 M2,m3,f1=12:00 7:30
15 17/12/2006 6:00 17/12/2006 1:00 17/12/2006 1:23 M2,m3=7:00 7:00
16 19/1/2006 6:00 19/1/2006 1:00 19/1/2006 1:30 M1,m2,e3=7:00 7:00
17 23/10/2006 8:00 23/10/2006 1:50 23/10/2006 2:00 M1=5:50;m3=4:00; 5:50
18 20/8/2006 6:00 20/8/2006 12:00 20/8/2006 12:30 M1=6:00 6:00
19 18/6/2006 8:30 18/6/2006 2:30 18/6/2006 3:00 M, f=4:30 4:30
20 16/04/2006 6:00 16/04/2006 11:00 16/04/2006 12:00 E,2f=5:00 5:00
21 19/02/2006 7:00 19/02/2006 12:00 19/02/2006 12:30 M1,m2=5hr 5:00
22 18/12/2005 7:00 1:00 2:00 3m=6hr 6:00
Table-4 MORV (Brake down maintenance order request voucher)

Job requested Job compilation Job received Description of Total

S. by customers by the maintenance by the maintenance man-power(in hr) down
N time
Date Time Date Time Date Time
1 3/12/2010 - 4/12/2010 - 4/12/2010 - M3=2:00 2:00
2 12/1/2011 - 16/1/2011 5:50am 16/1/2011 - E=6:00;f=13:00 13:00
3 20/1/2011 5:15 20/1/2011 5:20 20/1/2011 - M=2:30 2:30
4 31/01/2011 3:30 31/1/2011 3:30 31/1/2011 - M=3:45;m=7:15 7:15
5 16/11/2011 10:00 16/11/2011 4:00 16/11/2011 5:30 2m3=1:30 1:30
6 14/10/2010 1:00 14/10/2010 9:30 14/10/2010 9:30 M3=1:30 1:30
7 28/09/2010 3:00 29/09/2010 1:00 29/09/2010 1:00 M3=2:30 6:30
8 23/09/2010 8:45 23/09/2010 5:30 23/09/2010 - M3=1:30 1:30
9 16/09/2010 10:45 16/09/2010 10:15 16/09/2010 2:00 M3=2:30 2:30
10 4/09/2010 2:40 4/09/2010 2:40 06/09/2010 10:00 M3=3:00 4:20
11 17/8/2010 8:30 17/8/2010 8:45 17/8/2010 2:30 M3=2:00 5:00
12 22/7/2010 4:40 22/7/2010 10:40 23/7/2010 8:00 M3=6:30 6:30
13 15/7/2010 5:35 15/7/2010 5:35 18/7/2010 6:00 M3=22:00; 22:00
14 20/06/2010 10:50 20/06/2010 11:00 20/06/2010 10:50 M3=1:00; 1:00
15 08/06/2010 2:15 08/06/2010 2:15 08/06/2010 5:45 M3=3:30 3:30
16 21/05/2010 9:00 21/05/2010 9:00 21/05/2010 11:50 M3=2:30 2:30
17 8/05/2010 8:25 8/05/2010 8:30 8/05/2010 11:00 S=2:00 2:00
18 4/5/2010 11:00 4/5/2010 11:00 4/5/2010 4:00 M3=3:00;s=2:00 4:00
19 28/04/2010 9:00 28/04/2010 9:00 29/04/2010 8:30 M3,e4=3:30 6:50
20 16/04/2010 9:10 16/04/2010 9:40 17/04/2010 6:30 2m3=5:30 5:50
21 06/04/2010 5:00 06/04/2010 11:00 07/04/2010 4:00 M3=5:00 7:00
22 30/3/2010 9:40 30/3/2010 9:40 31/3/2010 4:00 m3=5:00;m3:30 8:20
23 07/03/2010 11:00 07/03/2010 11:00 13/03/2010 4:00 M=10:00,1:00, 27:00
24 24/02/2010 2:45 24/02/2010 2:50 26/02/2010 7:50 M3=3:30;m4=12:00 12:25
25 17/02/2010 8:30 17/02/2010 8:40 17/02/2010 9:00 E2=0:30 0:30
26 15/02/2010 8:15 15/02/2010 8:40 15/02/2010 3:10 E,2m=1:00 1:00
27 03/02/2010 10:00 03/02/2010 10:35 04/02/2010 9:30 M3=6:00;e=5:00 6:30
28 26/01/2010 8:25 26/01/2010 8:30 26/01/2010 3:20 M, e=0:45 0:45
29 11/01/2010 9:50 11/01/2010 4:00 11/01/2010 11:00 M=5:00,2:00; 5:00
30 01/01/2010 9:30 01/01/2010 3:41 02/01/2010 5:30 M=10:00;h=8:00 12:30
31 25/12/2009 8:30 25/12/2009 8:30 25/12/2009 9:00 M, e=3:00 3:00
32 18/12/2009 8:30 18/12/2009 8:30 18/12/2009 9:10 E,2m=0:40 0:40
33 12/12/2009 6:30 13/12/2009 7:30 14/12/2009 9:10 M, e=6:10; 10:30
34 07/12/2009 2:00 7/12/2009 2:05 8/12/2009 10:30 E, m=4:50; 11:20
35 03/11/2009 7:30 3/11/2009 7:30 3/11/2009 2:05 M3,e2=0:35 0:35
36 02/10/2009 3:10 02/10/2009 5:30 02/10/2009 8:00 M3=1:50 1:50
37 27/10/2009 4:00 27/10/2009 4:00 27/10/2009 11:50 M3,e,m2=1:50 1:50
38 24/10/2009 5:00 24/10/2009 11:00 26/10/2009 4:00 E,m4,m3=4:00 18:00
39 20/10/2009 2:20 20/10/2009 8:45 20/10/2009 9:45 M3=1:00 1:00
40 19/10/2009 9:10 19/10/2009 9:10 19/10/2009 10:10 M3,m2=1:00 1:00
41 07/10/2009 8:40am 07/10/2009 8:40am 14/10/2009 10:45pm M3,m4=5:45 53:35
42 3/10/2009 2:20 3/10/2009 8:23 5/10/2009 8:20 F,m3=0:50; 23:00
43 21/09/2009 8:10 21/09/2009 2:15 21/09/2009 8:30 2m=7:00 7:00
44 16/09/2009 8:26 16/09/2009 8:30 16/09/2009 11:00 2m=2:30 2:30
45 2/08/2009 4:20 2/8/2009 4:25 3/08/2009 4:30 3m3=5:30 5:30
46 30/06/2009 2:30 30/06/2009 2:35 1/7/2009 3:30 M3,m2=8:30; 8:30
47 06/06/2009 2:00 06/06/2009 3:00 06/06/2009 3:00 M3,m2=1:50 1:50
48 27/04/2009 2:30 27/04/2009 8:44 27/04/2009 9:14 M3,m2=0:30 5:44
49 27/03/2009 3:05 27/03/2009 4:30 28/03/2009 3:30 2m2=4:00 7:25
50 05/03/2009 12:00 05/03/2009 8:30 05/03/2009 9:30 2m2=1:00 2:30
51 24/09/2008 2:00 24/09/2008 2:05 24/09/2008 5:00 M=2:30 3:00
52 18/08/2008 7:40 18/8/2008 1:54 18/8/2008 8:15 F=0:10 0:35
53 13/08/2008 4:00 13/08/2008 4:00 13/08/2008 5:50 2m2=1:20 1:50
54 21/07/2008 4:30 21/07/2008 4:30 21/07/2008 9:30 2m2,e3=4:30 4:30
55 14/07/2008 8:30 14/07/2008 8:30 19/07/2008 8:30 M2=23:45;e3=16:0 35:00
56 07/7/2008 1:20 7/7/2008 7:20 8/7/2008 11:00 E2,m3,e3=2:30 2:40
57 29/06/2008 1:00 29/06/2008 3:30 29/06/2008 3:30 E=2:30 2:30
58 25/06/2008 3:30 25/06/2008 9:35 26/06/2008 2:45 F1,gop=2:00 6:75
59 23/02/2008 10:00a 23/02/2008 10:00am 24/02/2008 2:00pm E3,2m3=15:30;e2= 15:30
m 13:30
60 20/02/2008 8:00am 20/02/2008 3:30pm 20/2/2008 3:30pm M3,e3=5:30 6:30
61 17/12/2007 4:00am 18/12/2007 4:00am 18/12/2007 6:00am E3=3:00 6:00
62 22/10/2007 7:40pm 22/10/2007 1:50pm 22/10/2007 4:50pm F=1:00,e2=3:00 2:50
63 17/10/2007 3:20pm 17/10/2007 3:20pm 18/10/2007 3:00am M2=5:40; 6:40
64 29/09/2007 2:10pm 29/09/2007 2:10pm 30/10/2007 10:20am F=6:00; 10:30
65 28/09/2007 2:30 28/09/2007 2:30pm 28/09/2007 5:00pm M2=7:30;m2=7:00 7:30
66 07/09/2007 4:30 07/09/2007 - 09/09/2007 - M2=14:00;e3=6:00; 14:00
67 05/09/2007 3:45am 05/09/2007 3:50am 05/09/2007 11:15am E3,e2=1:30 7:30
68 02/01/2007 8:30am 02/01/2007 8:30am 02/01/2007 - M1,m2=1:00 1:00
69 10/01/2007 4:50 10/01/2007 4:50 11/01/2007 4:00 M1,m3=7:00 7:00
70 24/12/2006 6:00am 24/12/2006 6:00am 25/12/2006 10:00am M1,m2,m3=10:00 10:00
71 26/11/2006 6:00am 26/11/2006 8:00am 27/11/2006 11:10am F,m1=13:00 13:00
72 25/09/2006 9:00am 25/09/2006 9:30am - 9:00am M1=12;m2; 13:00
73 07/09/2006 4:10pm 7/09/2006 4:20 15/09/2006 3:15pm F=13;m1,m2=48 43:00
74 23/08/2006 2:00am 23/08/2006 8:10 23/08/2006 4:15pm 2:00;3:00;1:00 3:00
75 03/08/2006 8:00am 3/08/2006 8:15am 4/08/2006 9:40pm M1,f,m2=1:00 8:40
76 4/7/2006 8:30am 4/08/2006 8:45am 6/08/2006 8:10am M1,f,m2,m3=8:00 14:20
77 27/06/2006 8:00am 27/06/2006 9:35am 27/06/2006 9:45am F,m1=1:35 1:45
78 29/05/2006 9:00am 29/05/2006 9:10am 29/05/2006 2:40pm S=2:00;m1=4:00 4:40
79 28/05/2006 8:30am 28/05/2006 8:40 28/05/2006 11:15 S=1:00; 2:30
80 22/05/2006 8:00am 22/05/2006 8:15am 22/05/2006 12:40pm F=3:00;m1=4:00 4:00
81 14/05/2006 7:00am 14/05/2006 7:10am 16/05/2006 11:40am S, f=9:00; 17:40
82 3/05/2006 8:20 3/05/2006 8:40 4/05/2006 1:40pm F=10;f,m1=4:00; 11:20
83 20/04/2006 8:20am 20/04/2006 8:35am 20/04/2006 11:00pm M1=2:30 2:30
84 27/03/2006 4:30pm 27/03/2006 4:40pm 28/03/2006 11:10am F,m1,e1=3:00 4:40
85 17/03/2006 4:40pm 17/03/200 4:50pm 21/03/2006 2:15pm F,m1=4:00 26:35
86 2/03/2006 4:55pm 2/03/2006 5:00pm 2/03/2006 6:00pm F=0:50;e2=0:30 0:50
87 1/3/2006 3:00pm 1/3/2006 3:10pm 1/3/2006 4:05pm S, f=0:40 0:40
88 24/02/2006 9:10am 24/02/2006 9:20am 24/02/2006 10:15am F, e1=0:20 1:10
89 06/02/2006 4:35 06/02/2006 5:00pm 07/02/2006 4:10pm S,e1=6:00 6:00
90 09/01/2006 2:30 09/01/2006 2:40 09/01/2006 3:00am F=0:30 0:30
91 29/12/2006 7:00 29/12/2006 7:10 29/12/2006 10:20am F2,e1=4:10 4:10
92 25/01/2007 3:50 25/01/2007 10:30am - - - -
93 03/04/2007 8:40am - - 04/4/2007 10:10am E2=6:00,e3=10 10:00
94 21/02/2007 8:05 21/02/2007 2:10pm - - - -
95 19/04/2007 8:00am - - 20/04/2007 4:10pm M2,m3=13:00 13:00
96 21/03/2007 2:10am - - 22/03/2007 9:30am E2,2m2=6:00 6:00
97 12/04/2007 10:31 - - 12/04/2007 12:05am M2=1:45,e2=1:30 1:45

-From MORV (breakdown report voucher)

Number of
Year failures
2010 27
2009 20
2008 10
2007 13
2006 21

In 2010
j =N F
Total down time= ∑ T DJ


In 2009
j =20
Total down time= ∑ T DJ

In 2008
j =10
Total down time= ∑ T DJ


In 2007
j =13
Total down time= ∑ T DJ

In 2006
j =21
Total down time= ∑ T DJ

We can summarize the result as follows:-

year Number of failures Total down time

2006 21 193.833
2007 13 93.75
2008 10 44.92
2009 20 169.733
2010 27 161.92

To calculate the mean down time (MDT)

In 2006
j= N F
∑ T DJ

1 1
= ∑ T DJ = 21 *193.833=9.2301hr/month
21 j=1

In 2007
j= N F
∑ T DJ

j =13
1 1
= ∑ T DJ = 13 *93.75=7.212hr/month
13 j=1

In 2008
j= N F
∑ T DJ

j =10
1 1
= ∑ T DJ = 10 *44.92=4.492hr/month
10 j=1

In 2009
j= N F
∑ T DJ

j =20
1 1
= ∑ T DJ= 20 *169.733=8.487hr/month
20 j=1

In 2010
j= N F
∑ T DJ

1 1
= ∑ T DJ= 27 *161.92=5.99703hr/month
27 j=1

In 2011


9.2301+7.212+ 4.492+ 8.487+5.99703

MDT 2011 = =7.08363hr/month

In general,

year No of failures Total down MDT

time(hr/year) ( hr/month)
2006 21 193.833 9.2301
2007 13 93.75 7.212
2008 10 44.92 4.492
2009 20 169.733 8.487
2010 27 161.92 5.99703

To calculate repair rate, µ

1 1
µ2006=¿ ¿ = =0.10834 per hour.
MDT 9.2301

1 1
µ2007=¿ ¿ = =0.13866per hour.
MDT 7.212

µ 1
2008=¿ ¿= =0.22262per hour.
MDT 4.492

µ 1
2009=¿ ¿= =0.11783 per hour.
MDT 8.487
µ 1
2010=¿ ¿= =0.16675per hour.
MDT 5.99703


Taking the average,

µ o .10834+o .13866+0.22262+0.11783+0.16675 =0.15084per hour.

2011=¿ ¿

In a table,

year No of failures Total down µ(1/hr)

time(hr/year) MDT(hr/month)
2006 21 193.833 9.2301 0.10834
2007 13 93.75 7.212 0.13866
2008 10 44.92 4.492 0.22262
2009 20 169.733 8.487 0.11783
2010 27 161.92 5.99703 0.16675

3.2. Total up time, MTBF and mean failure rate (λ)

To calculate total up time, we need data

- Pm check list report voucher (MWRV) to get the time taken due to periodic
- Break down report voucher (MORV) to get the time elapsed due to sudden
machine break down.


Down Down

From this,

Data from MIE;

Number of days per year=365

Working hours per days=8 hr’s

Working days=6 days per week

Number of hours per year=365days*8=2920hr

1. Public holidays, Sundays & Saturday afternoon (for all) = 90.5days*8=724hr’s.

2. Annual, sick, and mortality leave (others) = 25days*8=200hr’s.
3. Special leave (projects) = 47 days*8=376hr’s.

-Total availability time per year= {no hours per year} – {(time lost due to public holiday) +
(Sundays, Saturdays (afternoon)) + (annual, sick and mortality)}
= 2920hr- 724hr-200hr
= 1996hr/year
-To calculate total down time due to PM (T Dt ) pm

T Dt = ∑ T D pm where N =number of data
pm t i

T D pm =¿i ¿Data down time due to PM

t i
For pantograph machine

In 2010
i=N i=9
T Dt = ∑ T D pm = ∑ T D pm =1:20+1:00+1:30+1:00+1:00+1:00+1:30+9:00+1:30=18.8334hr
pm t i t i
i=1 i=1

T D pm 18.833hr
T Dt Permonth= ∑
i=1 = t i

In 2009
i=N i=6
T Dt = ∑ T D pm = ∑ T D pm =8:20+3:00+4:45+2:00+8:30+11:45=38.333hr
pm t i t i
i=1 i=1

T D pm 38.333 hr
T Dt Per month= ∑
i=1 = t i
= 6.388

In 2008
i=N i=4
T Dt = ∑ T D pm = ∑ T D pm =8:30+10:30+8:00+12:00=39hr
pm t i t i
i=1 i=1

T D pm 39 hr
T Dt Per month= ∑
i=1 = t i

In 2006
i=N i=8
T Dt = ∑ T D pm = ∑ T D pm =2:55+4:00+5:25+2:50+5:00+3:00+4:00+3:00
pm t i t i
i=1 i=1
T D pm 34.166 HR
T Dt Per month= ∑
i=1 = t i

In table;

Year Number of data T Dt pm

T Dt pm

(N) (hr/month) (hr/year)

2006 8 4.271 51.252
2008 4 9.75 117
2009 6 6.3889 76.6668
2010 9 2.0926 25.1112

Taking the average; the pantograph machine takes a down time for performing a periodic maintenance

51.252+117+ 76.668+ 25.1112

T Dt = =67.508hr/year

4.271+9.75+6.3889+ 2.0926
T Dt =5.626hr/month

-Total down time due to break down maintenance ¿ ¿);

Input data:
year No of failure Total down
2007 11 61.23
2008 13 74
2009 5 27.833
2010 15 69.9

T Dt = =58.24075hr/year


Total up time=Total machine availability time - ( T Dt +T Dt ) pm Bm

=1996hr/year – (67.508 + 58.24075) hr/year


-To calculate MTBF;

Inputs: - Total up time, previously calculated and number of failures


Year No of failures 15+5+13+12

The average no of failures per year= =11 failures
2010 15 4
2009 5
2008 13 MTBF= Total up time = 1870.292 =17O.0265hr/failure
2007 11
Number of failures 11

-To calculate the machine failure rate (λ)

1 1
λ= = =0.00588failure/hour
MTBF 170.0265hr /failure

For oxygen plant

In 2010
T Dt =∑ T D pm =2:00+3:30+2:30+2:30+2:30+3:25+3:20=19.75hr
pm t i

T D pm 19.75hr
T Dt Permonth= ∑
i=1 = t i

In 2009
i=N i=3
T Dt = ∑ T D pm = ∑ T D pm =2:00+3:35+6:30+=12.0833hr
pm t i t i
i=1 i=1

T D pm 12.083hr
T Dt Per month= ∑
i=1 = t i
= 4.0277hr/month

In 2007
i=N i=3
T Dt = ∑ T D pm = ∑ T D pm =2:30+3:00+7:30=13hr.
pm t i t i
i=1 i=1

T Dt Per month= ∑ T D pm 13
i=1 = =4.333hr/montht i

In 2oo6
i=N i=8
T Dt = ∑ T D pm = ∑ T D pm =7:00+7:00+7:00+5:50+6:00+4:30+5:00+5:00
pm t i t i
i=1 i=1
= 47.333hr
T D pm 47.333
T Dt Per month= ∑
i=1 = t i

In table;

Year Number of data T Dt pm

T Dt pm

(N) (hr/month) (hr/year)

2006 8 5.9166 70.9992
2007 3 4.333 51.9996
2009 3 4.027767 48.333204
2010 7 2.8214 33.8568

Taking the average; the pantograph machine takes a down time for performing a periodic maintenance

70.9992+51.9996+48.333204 +33.8568
T Dt = =51.297hr/year

5.9166+4.333+ 4.027767+2.8214
T Dt =4.2hr/month

-Total down time due to break down maintenance ¿ ¿);

Input data:

Year No of failure Total down

2006 21 193.833
2007 13 93.75
2008 10 44.92
2019 20 169.733
2010 27 161.92

193.833+ 93.75+44.92+169.733+161.92
T Dt = =132.8312hr/year


Total up time=Total machine availability time - ( T Dt +T Dt ) pm Bm

=1996hr/year – (51.297 + 132.8312) hr/year


-To calculate MTBF;

Inputs: - Total up time, previously calculated and number of failures

Year No of failures 21+ 13+10+20+27
The average no of failures per year= =18.2failures
2006 21 5
2007 13
2008 10 MTBF= = =100.6596hr/failure
2009 20 Total up time 1811.8718
2010 27 Number of failures 18

-To calculate the machine failure rate (λ)

1 1
λ= = =0.0099344failure/hour
MTBF 100.659hr /failure

3.3. Availability and unavailability

For pantograph machine

MTBF 170.02654
Availability, A= = =0.9694=96.94%
MTBF+ MDT 170.02654+5.371

MDT 5.371
Unavailability, U= = =0.031=3.1%
MDT + MTBF 5.371+170.02654

For oxygen plant

MTBF 100.6596
Availability, A= = =0.9342=93.42%
MTBF+ MDT 100.6596+7.08363

MDT 7.08363
Unavailability, U= = =0.0657=6.57%
MDT + MTBF 7.08363+ 100.6596
2.4. Accidental budget analysis

2.4.1. Labor cost estimation

Input data:- MIE maintenance department

S. Job-title Quantity Existing salary per

N month
1 Maintenance dep’t 1 8320
2 Office engineer 1 2919
3 Satellite keeper 1 1176
4 Shop cleaner 2 992
5 Mechanical maintenance 1 4396
division manager
6 supervisor 1 4015
7 Forman 1 2 2436
8 Forman 1 2 2919
9 Mechanic 2 1 1617
10 Senior mechanic 1 2224
11 Auto mechanic 1 1 1349
12 Auto mechanic 2 1 2224
13 Electrical maintenance 1 5000
division manger
14 Superviser2 1 4607
15 Engineer1 3 2224
16 Engineer1 1 3349
17 Technologist 1 2 2224
18 Electrician 1 7 1349
19 Forman 3 1 3667
20 Electrician 3 1 2224
21 Electrician 3 1 2666
22 Forman 3 1 4396
23 Electrician 3 1 3500
24 Electrician 3 1 2919
25 Electrician 1 1 1027
26 Generator operator 1 978
27 Welder 2 1 2224
28 Welder helper 1 792

The cost per employee is expressed by:-

C em=LR (1+BR) TAH Where C em = cost per employee

LR=hourly labor rate

BR=benefit ratio

TAH=total number of annual hours

Now cost per employee is calculated as:-

Total number of working hours=26days/month*8hours=208hours/month

LR1= =40

LR2= =14.034

LR3= =5.654

LR28= =3.808

Actual working time 7

BR=Benefit ratio= = =0.875
Standared working time 8

TAH=Total number of annual hours=26days/month*8hr*12 month/year=2496hr/year

T o calculate cost per employee is calculated as:-

C em1=40(1+0.875)2496=187,200birr/year

C em2=14.034(1+0.875)2496=65679.12birr/year

C em3=5.654(1+0.875)2496=26460.72birr/year

. .

. .

C em28=3.808(1+0.875)2496=17820birr/year

S. Job-title Existing LR C em TLC

N Quantity salary per (Hourly (cost per (Total labor cost)
month labor rate) employees)
1 Maintenance dep’t 1 8320 40 187200 187200
2 Office engineer 1 2919 14.034 65679.12 65679.12
3 Satellite keeper 1 1176 5.654 26460.72 26460.72
4 Shop cleaner 2 992 4.769 22318.92 22318.92
5 Mechanical 1 4396 21.135 98911.8 98911.8
division manager
6 supervisor 1 4015 19.303 90338.04 90338.04
7 Forman 1 2 2436 11.712 54812.16 109624.32
8 Forman 1 2 2919 14.034 65679.12 131358.24
9 Mechanic 2 1 1617 7.774 36382.32 36382.32
10 Senior mechanic 1 2224 10.692 50038.56 50038.56
11 Auto mechanic 1 1 1349 6.486 30354.48 30354.48
12 Auto mechanic 2 1 2224 10.692 50038.56 50038.56
13 Electrical 1 5000 24.038 112708.44 112708.44
14 Superviser2 1 4607 22.149 103657.32 103657.32
15 Engineer1 3 2224 10.692 50038.56 150115.68
16 Engineer1 1 3349 16.101 75352.68 75352.68
17 Technologist 1 2 2224 10.692 50038.56 100077.12
18 Electrician 1 7 1349 6.486 30354.48 212481.36
19 Forman 3 1 3667 17.629 82503.72 82503.72
20 Electrician 3 1 2224 6.486 30354.48 30354.48
21 Electrician 3 1 2666 12.817 59983.56 59983.56
22 Forman 3 1 4396 21.135 98911.8 98911.8
23 Electrician 3 1 3500 16.827 78750.36 78750.36
24 Electrician 3 1 2919 14.034 65679.12 65679.12
25 Electrician 1 1 1027 4.9375 23107.5 23107.5
26 Generator operator 1 978 4.702 22005.36 22005.36
27 Welder 2 1 10.692 50038.56 50038.56
28 Welder helper 1 792 3.803 17821.44 17821.44
∑ ¿2,182,253.58
Therefore, total labor cost for employees calculated as:-
TLC¿ ∑ C em ∗N i i

= ∑ C em ∗N i = (187200*1) + (65679.12*1) + (26460.72*1) + ………+ (17820*1)


Therefore, at the very beginning, the organization must allocate 2,182,253.58 birr of accidental budget
per year in order to avoid financial problems pertaining to maintenance department employee salary
at the end or at the third quarter of the year.

3.4.2. Spare part cost estimation

Input data: From “performance of critical machines”

S. Machine name Initial machine Book value Year of spare Costs for spare
N cost(birr) purchased parts(in birr)
2008 69,005.54
2007 147,544.35
2006 200,492.00
1 pantograph 1,003,805.92 126,308.01 2005 79,834.18
2004 308,565.19
2003 88,653.52
2000 197,601.51
2010 183,508.03
2009 196,157.49
2 Oxygen plant 1,086,377.93 239,192.25 2007 303,453.05
2004 31,019.43
2001 470,110.08

The spare part cost for pantograph machine

69,005.005+ 147,544+200,492+200,492.00+79,834.18+308,565.19+88,653+.52

The spare part cost for Oxygen plant

183,508.03+ 196,157.49+ 303,453.05+ 31,019.43+ 470,110.08

= =236,849.616birr/year

Therefore, at the very beginning, the organization must allocate 155,956.612 Birr& 236,849.616 Birr of
accidental budget for pantograph machine and oxygen plant respectively in order to avoid financial problems
pertaining to spare part purchase at the end or at the third quarter of the year.


4. Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1. Conclusion

Even if, the organization has been applying preventive and breakdown maintenance, it is not to say fully
effective. As a result, continues machine failure happened; Coincidence of machine breakdown with periodic
maintenance time plan and, lack of some reliability analysis of machines. Therefore, as part of the general
outcomes of the project is designed through:-

 Reliability analysis of machines by using MTBF, MDT, failure rate (λ), and repair rate (µ)
were conducted.
 Probability of machine availability (A) and unavailability (U). And,
 Accidental budget plan analysis for labor cost & spare cost estimation was prepared.

4.2. Recommendation

For future maintenance effectiveness and productivity the organization should:-

 Apply reliability analysis of machine.

 Estimate probability of machine availability and unavailability.
 Apply accidental budget plan.

1. John P .Bentley, Introduction to reliability and quality engineering; 2nd edition, Addison Wesley long
man limited. England, 1999.
2. B.S Dhillon, Engineering maintainability; eastern economy edition, New Delhi, Prentile - hall of India plc ,
3. Maintenance engineering and management handout.
4. Mesfin industrial engineering plc , maintenance manual and document.

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