d20 System™ Espionage Role-Playing Game
d20 System™ Espionage Role-Playing Game
d20 System™ Espionage Role-Playing Game
Clayton A. Oliver
Melee and Hurled Weapons
Table Of Contents Firing a ballistic knife requires 1 half action, and reassembling
a fired ballistic knife requires 3 full actions. The agent’s Strength
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
modifier is not added to the ballistic knife’s damage when he fires
Melee and Hurled Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
the blade.
Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
Cattle Prod: A cattle prod is similar in principle to a contact
Backup Pistols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
stun gun (see below), except that it’s designed to motivate large
Pocket Pistols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
animals rather than to subdue unruly opponents. Accordingly,
Service Pistols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
it doesn’t inflict nearly as much pain, nor does it significantly
Hunting Revolvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06
impair motor function.
Service Revolvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07
A cattle prod is a Medium-sized melee weapon, and is consid-
Assault Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07
ered a club for purposes of applying feat and class abilities that
Semi-Automatic Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08
affect specific weapon types. When an agent makes a successful
Sniper Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09
standard melee attack with a cattle prod and inflicts 1 or more
Combat Shotguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
points of damage (after damage reduction and other effects are
Pump-Action Shotguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
applied), his target must make a Will save (DC 5 + the amount of
Submachineguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
subdual damage inflicted) or move along as direct a route as pos-
Machineguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
sible away from the attacker until he is out of the attacker’s melee
Rocket Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
range. If the target cannot flee the attacker’s melee range (or
Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
doing so would cause him additional injury, he ignores this effect
Protective Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
(though he still suffers the weapon’s standard damage).
Standard-Issue Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Contact Stun Gun: This simple electrical stun weapon
Vehicle Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
consists of a grip and a hand shield, from which two metal
New Optional Combat Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
electrodes project. An agent must physically bring these electrodes
into contact with the target’s body to deliver the shock.
The shock’s high voltage enables it to pass through heavy clothing
without difficulty.
INTRODUCTION A contact stun gun is a Small-sized melee weapon, and is con-
sidered a club for purposes of applying feat and class abilities that
affect specific weapon types. Its stun effects depend upon the
Superspies are never satisfied with their current toys.
duration of shock exposure.
Whether it’s bigger guns, faster cars, or just shinier electronics
When an agent makes a successful standard melee attack with
with more blinking lights, their quest for new gear is almost as
a stun gun and inflicts 1 or more points of damage (after damage
intense as the missions during which they put that gear to use.
reduction and other effects are applied), his target must make a
This file — hopefully the first in an irregular series — provides a
Will save (DC 5 + the amount of subdual damage inflicted) or
sampling of new gear available to Spycraft agents and Stargate
immediately cease all hostile action toward the agent wielding the
SG-1 characters.
stun gun, taking no actions that target or otherwise affect the
Special Note: When this document contradicts the Modern
wielder until he sustains lethal damage from the wielder or until
Arms Guide, this document is considered canon.
the current combat ends, whichever comes first.
Special Note: Except where noted all material in this release
When an agent spends 1 full action to make a successful
is permitted in the Living Spycraft campaign. Future versions of
melee attack with a stun gun and inflicts 1 or more points of
the Living Spycraft Master Rules Document (MRD) will reflect this.
damage (after damage reduction and other effects are applied),
the victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + the amount of
subdual damage inflicted) or become stunned until the end of his
MELEE AND next initiative count, at which point he must succeed with a Will
save (DC 15 + the total amount of subdual damage inflicted upon
HURLED him by stun guns during this combat) or immediately cease all
hostile action, taking no actions other than move actions until he
WEAPONS sustains further lethal damage or until the current combat ends,
whichever comes first.
A contact stun gun may be requisitioned in disguised form as
For additional statistics for the following weapons, see Table 1:
a pager, a cellular phone, an umbrella, or a cane at a cost of 2
Melee and Hurled Weapons on page 5.
additional BP (in Spycraft) or 1 additional gear pick (in Stargate
SG-1) or $30 (in either game). The error ranges of all attacks made
Ballistic Knife: Originally developed for Soviet Spetznaz
with a disguised contact stun gun are increased by 1, but
troops, this fighting knife features an added surprise for oppo-
observers only notice such a weapon for what it is with a
nents who “know” the agent is armed with only a melee weapon.
successful Electronics or Spot check (DC 20).
If the agent removes the knife's safety pin (akin to a grenade's pin)
Pepper Spray: "Pepper spray" and "Mace spray" are broad
and flicks the trigger on one side of the crossguard, a steel spring
terms for a variety of inflammatory chemical agents used as non-
propels the knife's blade at an initial speed close to that of a cross-
lethal weapons. The most common version used by civilians and
bow. The knife is wildly inaccurate beyond point-blank pistol
law enforcement is OC (Oleoresin Capsicum), which is derived
range, but can cause serious injury to someone who thinks him-
from a compound found in peppers. Inorganic chemical irritants
self out the agent's reach.
such as the trademarked Mace are still in service as well, but
In melee combat, the ballistic knife functions as a standard
falling into disfavor due to differences in the way they operate on
survival knife. Making a ranged attack with a ballistic knife
the human body (differences which are immaterial from a game
requires the Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled) feat, and allows
the agent to make a feint attack against his target as a free action
if the target is unaware of the weapon's true nature.
Melee and Hurled Weapons
Training Melee Weapons If an attack with pepper spray results in a critical miss, the GC
or an opposing player may spend 1 additional action dice to cause
Training with live steel can be hard on novices. Weapons
an allergic reaction, inflicting 1d4 points of temporary
made of rubber or other less-than-lethal substances provide the
Constitution damage upon the target. This temporary Constitution
basic shape and balance of a regular melee weapon without the
damage wears off at a rate of 1 point per hour.
associated hazards.
Pepper spray is available in a variety of containers, both overt
Any solid melee weapon may be requisitioned in a training
and disguised, as follows.
version (e.g. an agent may requisition a rubber whip).
A training melee weapon’s damage dice are reduced by 1 die • Bear Sprayer: Euphemistically marketed as a defense for
type, to a minimum die type of d4 (e.g. a damage value of 1d6 campers against bears and other aggressive wild animals, this
becomes 1d4). high-capacity pepper spray dispenser also sees use in jails
Additionally, an agent using a training melee weapon and similar institutions. Like most spray dispensers, it is
inflicts subdual damage with each non-critical hit, regardless of immediately obvious for what it is.
feats and class abilities that might otherwise enable him to
• Disguised Sprayer: This pepper spray containers is disguised as
inflict normal damage. Critical hits inflict normal damage as
a common personal item, such as a pen, a lipstick, a pager, or
standard, though the damage is applied to the target’s vitality
a jogging weight. An observer only notices it for what it is
before his wounds.
with a successful Search or Spot check (DC 30).
Finally, all training melee weapons inflict blunt trauma,
even if the weapons upon which they’re modeled typically • Keychain Sprayer: The most common pepper spray dispenser
feature edges or points. carried by civilians is immediately obvious for what it is.
• Standard Sprayer: Most law enforcement officers carry a
high-capacity pepper spray canister on their duty belts.
Pepperball Launchers This standard spray model is also sold for home defense.
Both versions are immediately obvious for what they are.
Derived from commercially-available paintball guns,
pepperball launchers are a “less-than-lethal” weapon available An empty pepper sprayer cannot be reloaded.
to law enforcement agencies. They are the same caliber as Special Note: These pepper spray rules are an expansion/revi-
paintball guns (.68), but project balls containing OC solution sion of the basic "Mace spray" item seen in the Spycraft Espionage
rather than paint. Handbook. They replace this basic edition item in the Living
When a target is struck by one or more pepperballs, Spycraft campaign.
he suffers no damage, but he must make a Fortitude save Pepperball Carbine: A pepperball carbine uses a 13-cubic in.
(DC 14, +3 for each pepperball that has already hit him during pressurized air bottle to propel up to 150 shots at full power.
the current round past the first, +10 per critical hit he suffered Past this limit, each subsequent shot’s range increment is reduced
as a result). With failure, the target is blinded for a number of by 5 ft. When the weapon’s range increment reaches 0, the bottle
rounds equal to the amount by which he failed the save. is completely depleted. Replacing it requires 1 full action (or 1 half
If an attack with pepper launcher results in a critical miss, action for an agent possessing the Quick Reload feat). Loading a
the GC or an opposing player may spend 1 additional action dice new 180-round hopper of pepperballs requires 1 full action (or 1
to cause an allergic reaction, inflicting 1d4 points of temporary half action for an agent possessing the Quick Reload feat).
Constitution damage upon the target. This temporary A pepperball carbine is considered a submachinegun for the
Constitution damage wears off at a rate of 1 point per hour. purposes of concealment and item damage. It may be fired in
Pepperball launchers may fire ordinary paintball ammuni- single-shot, burst, and strafe modes.
tion and vice versa, but due to different firing pressures, Caliber: .68 paintball
the error ranges of all attacks made with a paintball or pepper- Length: 33 in. Weight: 3.5 lb.
ball weapon using mismatched ammunition are increased by 3. Pepperball Pistol: A pepperball pistol uses a 12-gram carbon
Noticing the firing of a pepperball launcher requires a suc- dioxide cartridge to propel up to 30 shots at full power. Past this
cessful Listen check (DC 15). Even with success, the character limit, each subsequent shot’s range increment is reduced by 5 ft.
only hears a "normal" sound — not a sound typically associated When the weapon’s range increment reaches 0, the cartridge is
with a firearm. As such, this Listen check’s base DC is increased completely depleted. Replacing it requires 1 full action (or 1 half
by 2 per 50 ft. between the firing and the potential observer. action for an agent possessing the Quick Reload feat). Loading a
Pepperball launchers may not be further silenced. new tube of pepperballs requires 1 half action (or 1 free action for
an agent possessing the Quick Reload feat).
A pepperball pistol is considered a service pistol for the
Most pepper spray sold for self-defense purposes also contains purposes of concealment and item damage. It may be fired in
a UV-fluorescing compound that can be used by police to single-shot, burst, and strafe modes.
identify a suspect who flees after being sprayed. Caliber: .68 paintball.
When a target is hit by pepper spray, he suffers no damage, Length: 12.25 in. Weight: 2.6 lb.
but he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10, + the difference Taser™: The flagship product of Taser International, this
between his Defense and the attack roll, +10 if the attack result- weapon utilizes a compressed nitrogen charge to project a pair of
ed in a critical hit). Sunglasses provide a +2 gear bonus with this metal probes at a target. The probes trail insulated wires through
save, and a helmet with a face shield provides a +8 gear bonus which the Taser delivers an electrical charge akin to that of a stun
with this save. If the victim fails the save, the target is blinded for gun. This weapon’s primary advantage is that it enables the user
a number of rounds equal to the amount by which he failed the to stop an adversary without closing to melee range. Each set of
save. probes, wires, and gas reservoirs is only good for a single shot,
however, and reloading is a somewhat cumbersome process in the
heat of combat.
A Taser is a Small-sized weapon, and may be used as either a
melee or a ranged weapon. When used as a melee weapon, a Taser
operates like a contact stun gun (see page 3), and is considered a
club for the purposes of applying feat and class abilities that
affect specific weapon types.
When used as a ranged weapon, a Taser is considered a For additional statistics for the following weapons, see Table 2:
handgun for the purposes of applying feats and class abilities that Firearms and Table 4: Ammunition on pages 11–13.
affect specific weapon types. The agent is considered proficient
with a ranged Taser attack if he possesses either the Weapon
Group Proficiency (Hurled) feat or Weapon Group Proficiency Backup Pistols
(Handgun) feat. When an agent makes a successful ranged touch Taurus Millennium Family (Brazil/USA): Designed for the
attack with a Taser and inflicts 1 or more points of damage American civilian market, the Millennium series from Brazilian-
(after damage reduction and other effects are applied), his target owned Taurus has enjoyed good sales since its introduction in
is connected to the Taser by the probe’s trailing wires, and remains 2000. Millennium-family weapons are designed with polymer
so until the probes are removed. Removing the probes without frames and are available in a variety of common calibers and
injury requires 1 full minute and a successful First Aid skill check finishes. These pistols are double-action only and feature manual
(DC 12). Yanking them out requires 1 full action and inflicts 2 safeties. They have a reputation for accuracy, but can best be
points of normal damage. Further, the victim must make a described as "fussy" about ammunition due to a tendency to jam
successful Will save (DC 15) or become flat-footed. or misfeed if loading truncated ammunition (in game terms, the
While a target is connected to a Taser, the wielder may make error ranges of attacks made with the weapon when using hollow
either type of contact stun gun attack (see page 3). Each such point, Hydra-Shok, jacketed hollow point, soft point, or talon
attack automatically succeeds so long as the target remains ammunition are increased by 1 — in addition to the ammunition’s
connected to the Taser. If a connected target attempts to move standard effects).
out of a Taser’s maximum range, he suffers 2 points of normal Two other minor design issues also plague Millennium users.
damage and must make a successful Will save (DC 15) or become First, the safety has a tendency to snag during a draw from
flat-footed as he leaves the Taser’s maximum range. concealment, inadvertently switching off. Second, the barrel
Reloading a Taser requires 4 half actions (or 2 half actions for audibly rattles inside the slide, applying a –1 penalty with Move
an agent possessing the Quick Reload feat). During the reloading Silently checks made when carrying the weapon.
process, the agent may not make attacks with the Taser, as its Caliber: 9mm (PT-111), .32 ACP (PT-132), .380 ACP (PT-138),
delivery wires are out of contact with the weapon’s battery. .40 S&W (PT-140), .45 ACP (PT-145)
Length: 6.2 in. (PT-111, -132, -138, and -140) / 6 in. (PT-145)
Weight: 1.2 lb. (PT-111, -132, -138, and -140) / 1.5 lb. (PT-145)
* These statistics apply when this weapon is thrown. See weapon description for additional rules.
** This weapon inflicts subdual damage.
† This weapon’s damage is electrical, and although subdual for the purpose of determining the effects of damage, is considered normal for
the purpose of determining the effects of damage reduction.
†† A Taser’s maximum range may not be increased by feats, class abilities, or other agent options or effects.
Para-Ordnance LDA (Canada): Ontario-based Para-
Pocket Pistols Ordnance primarily produces handguns built upon the Colt
American Derringer Model 1 (USA): American Derringer M1911A1 platform. The LDA series is virtually identical to the
manufactures extremely small handguns for last-ditch defense. original Colt design, save for its double-action trigger and its
Classified as pocket pistols for Spycraft purposes, derringers are immense magazine capacity. The LDA family includes three
actually much smaller than most other pocket pistols listed in weapons that are mechanically identical in all but caliber and
Modern Arms Guide, easily fitting in a pocket, on a belt buckle, capacity.
or in a wrist holster. The Model 1 single-action derringer is Caliber: 9mm (18¥9 LDA), .40 S&W (16•40 LDA), .45 ACP
available in a dizzying array of calibers. (14•45 LDA)
Caliber: .22 LR, .380 ACP, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, 9mm P, Length: 8.5 in. Weight: 2.5 lb.
.40 S&W, .410 shotgun, .45 ACP, .45 Long Colt, .44 Magnum, Walther P99/Smith & Wesson SW99 (Germany/USA):
5.56x45mm NATO Commander Bond’s most recent sidearm choice is the product of
Length: 4.8 in. Weight: 1 lb. a collaborative effort between German-based Walther and
American Derringer Semmerling LM4 (USA): One of the American Smith & Wesson. The P99’s initial design was in 9mm,
smallest .45 ACP pistols ever produced, the LM4 is a scant 5 in. × with a .40 caliber version appearing shortly thereafter. All 9mm
3 in. and resembles a tiny semi-automatic pistol (though it’s in P99s are manufactured in Walther facilities, and most .40 caliber
fact manually operated). The shooter must pull the slide forward models are Smith & Wesson products sold under the designation
after every shot to eject the empty casing and chamber the next "SW99." There are no mechanical differences between P99s and
round. SW99s, however, aside from caliber and manufacturer imprint.
Manually chambering each new round requires both hands, The P99 is a polymer-framed weapon, available in black
and more time than simply pulling the trigger. If fluid initiative is (civilian and law enforcement models) or olive drab (military
used, each attack with the LM4 reduces the agent’s current models). It features four separate safety mechanisms, and the
initiative count by 4. This effect doesn’t apply to the first attack action is based on John Browning’s legendary design as seen in the
made after each full reload, however, as the agent automatically Browning Hi-Power. The P99 frame is equipped with a mounting
chambers the first bullet as part of his reloading action. rail for a laser sight or tactical flashlight.
An LM4 may never be fired in burst or strafe mode, regardless Caliber: 9mm P, .40 S&W
of the agent’s feats, class abilities, or other effects that would Length: 7 in. Weight: 1.8 lb.
typically allow the action.
The LM4 accepts no accessories in any location.
Special Note: Originally produced by Semmerling in the late Hunting Revolvers
1970s and early 1980s, the LM4 is currently in licensed production Smith & Wesson Model 500 (USA): Developed as the latest
from American Derringer. entry in the "biggest damn revolver in the world" arms race, the
Caliber: .45 ACP Smith & Wesson Model 500 can only be described as a juggernaut.
Length: 5.2 in. Weight: 1.5 lb. This double-action revolver was built around S&W’s big game
hunting .500 Magnum round. Delivering almost 2,600 foot-
pounds of muzzle energy (3,525 Joules for those hunting metric
Service Pistols Cape buffalo), the round hits as hard at close range as a
Dornhaus and Dixon Bren Ten (USA): Introduced in 1983, 7.62×51mm NATO rifle bullet. The Model 500 is over 1 ft. long,
the Bren Ten was the first production weapon to use the 10mm counting its 8.75-in. ported barrel. Initial reviews indicate that it’s
Auto round. Mechanically, the Bren Ten is a cross between the surprisingly comfortable to shoot, with "only" 50 degrees of
M1911A1 and the CZ 75, but it shares neither design’s reputation muzzle flip.
for reliability. The Bren Ten was plagued by mechanical problems Caliber: .500 Magnum
throughout its 1,500-gun production run, and faded away in 1986 Length: 15 in. Weight: 4.9 lb.
when Dornhaus and Dixon went out of business. Its most spectac- Taurus Model 22H “Raging Hornet” (Brazil/USA): Brazilian-
ular glory moment was a brief period of service as Sonny based Taurus is noted for the occasionally whimsical handgun
Crockett’s sidearm during most of the first two seasons of Miami design. The Raging Hornet (official model designation 22H) is one
Vice. Today, Bren Tens are collector’s pieces, fetching upwards of such weapon. Built upon the frame of the .454 Casull Raging Bull,
several thousand dollars apiece at auction. the Hornet is chambered for a much smaller round: the .22
Developed at the request of the American FBI as a replace- Hornet. Originally developed for varmint hunting, .22 Hornet
ment for .45 ACP ammunition, the 10mm Auto round features a ammunition enjoys something of a cult following amongst
slightly smaller projectile with a significantly higher muzzle shooters, and persistent rumors state that it was one of the
velocity. Its original configuration was sufficiently powerful that inspirations for Fabrique Nationale’s 5.7×28mm cartridge.
small persons had severe difficulty controlling its recoil — perhaps With such a light round being flung from a weapon originally
the same issue that contributed to the Bren Ten’s perceived lack of designed to handle three times as much kinetic energy, the Raging
reliability. Later design changes reduced the round’s impulse to Hornet is an exceptionally steady weapon, though weaker
something that most shooters could handle, but the damage was shooters may have difficulty with its weight.
already done, and 10mm has never become a huge commercial Caliber: .22 Hornet
success. Smith & Wesson learned from mistakes made during Length: 16.5 in. Weight: 4.1 lb.
10mm Auto’s development when creating the virtually identical
.40 S&W round, which enjoys ever-increasing popularity today.
Special Note: The Bren Ten can use original 10mm Auto and
modern 10mm Auto ammunition interchangeably — there is no
difference between the cartridge sizes, only their loading.
Caliber: 10mm Auto
Length: 8.7 in. Weight: 2.4 lb.
Taurus Model 608 (USA): One effect of the Brady Act's Subsonic Ammunition
limitation upon semi-automatic handgun capacities was to renew
The following ammunition calibers are automatically
the American firearm industry's interest in revolvers, which had
subsonic in any standard ammunition type (except magnum
previously fallen by the wayside during the march of the
loads). Weapons firing these calibers do not need to use
"wondernines." The late 90s saw the release of several double-
specialized subsonic ammunition to gain maximum benefit
action wheelguns with capacities greater than 6 rounds. The
from a sound suppressor.
Taurus Model 608 is notable for being the most widely-known
8-round revolver in one of the most respected personal defense .22 LR
calibers, .357 Magnum. .25 ACP
The Model 608 is built on a large frame common to the Taurus .32 ACP
.44 Magnum and .454 Casull revolvers in order to accommodate .380 ACP
an 8-round cylinder, and is consequently not a good candidate for .38 Special (though revolvers can’t typically be silenced)
concealed or covert carry. Its capacity makes it the equal of many 9mm Makarov
.45 ACP semi-automatics, however, and this combined with its the .45 ACP
simplicity of operation common to a double-action revolver leads
The following ammunition calibers are readily available in
many gun critics and casual observers to consider it an excellent
subsonic form, though the damage they inflict in subsonic form
weapon for home defense or open carry in the wilderness.
is reduced as shown when fired through a sound suppressor.
Caliber: .357 Magnum
Length: 9.4 in. Weight: 2.8 lb. Caliber Damage
9mm P 1d10+1
5.7mm FM 1d6+1
Service Revolvers 5.56x45mm NATO 1d8+2
Colt Single Action Army (USA): The most famous revolver in 7.62x39mm Soviet 1d8+2
the world, the Colt Single Action Army ("Peacemaker") has been in 7.62x51mm NATO 2d6
production since 1873, save for an 8-year hiatus after the end of
There is no BP cost adjustment when requisitioning these
WWII. The weapon is produced in a wide array of calibers, though
ammunition calibers in subsonic form.
most of these are special orders or limited runs. The statistics
provided in this release are for the modern production version.
Older examples may command thousands of dollars at auction,
Mechanically, switching between the Grapeshot Revolver’s
depending on rarity and condition, and may possess wildly
revolver and shotgun barrels requires 1 free action. Further, the
divergent traits.
revolver cylinder must be reloaded separately from the shotgun
Calibers: .45 Long Colt, .44-40
barrel. Also, an agent capable of firing the weapon in burst or
Length: 11 in. Weight: 2.5 lb.
strafe mode may not use the shotgun when taking these actions.
Le Mat Grapeshot Revolver (France): An historical curiosity
Finally, the Grapeshot Revolver may not accept .44 Magnum
and collector’s piece in the modern era, the Le Mat Grapeshot
Revolver was developed in 1856 by Jean Alexandere Francois Le
Caliber: .44 Gauge: 18
Mat, a Paris-born aristocrat serving on the staff of the Louisiana
Length: 13.25 in. Weight: 3.1 lb.
governor. Intended for close-quarters battle (CQB) use almost a
Thunder 5 (USA): Marketed as a home defense weapon "for
century and a half before the term was coined, the Grapeshot
not killing your neighbors by accident," the Thunder 5 is
Revolver features a 9-round cylinder revolving around a secondary
something of a unique weapon. At first glance, it appears to be a
barrel containing a single shotgun round. A selector level switched
flare pistol — but this revolver is actually designed to fire .410
the firing pin between barrels. The weapon’s original target
gauge shotgun shells. The Thunder 5 can also accept .45 Long Colt
market was dragoons and other cavalry troops.
ammunition in the same cylinder, and is one of the relatively few
The Grapeshot Revolver was first manufactured in 1861 in .40
revolvers manufactured with a manual safety.
and .42 caliber, and 18 gauge for the Army of the Confederate
Calibers: .45 Long Colt/.410 gauge
States of America. Inquiries from the Confederate Navy led to a
Length: 9 in. Weight: 3 lb.
very limited number of .35 caliber/28 gauge models, though these
calibers made up only a small part of production. Additionally,
most of the original models were converted to .44 caliber, as that Assault Rifles
was the Confederacy’s military sidearm standard. After the end of
Colt M4/M4A1 (USA): The M4 is the current carbine version
the American Civil War, production of Le Mat’s design continued
of the M16 assault rifle (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 93).
in England and Belgium until the late 1870s, with most of the
It is 6 in. shorter and 1 lb. lighter than the M16, featuring a
post-war pistols going to French penal colony garrisons.
shorter barrel and an adjustable 4-position telescoping stock.
The original Grapeshot Revolver design was a percussion cap
The M4 also replaces the M16’s carrying handle with a flat top
revolver, which required the user to separately load a percussion
suitable for mounting a variety of optics. Originally intended to
cap and a bullet for each cylinder. By 1865, however, virtually all
replace all submachineguns and other carbines in Army inventory,
new production was tooled for metallic centerfire cartridges
the M4 is now being discussed as an interim replacement for most
(e.g. modern ammunition). Today, several thousand Grapeshot
or all M16s in service until the OICW enters full deployment.
Revolvers survive in private collections, virtually all of which are
The M4 may accept virtually any accessory or underbarrel
.44 caliber and 18-gauge, and modernized for centerfire
weapon the M16 can support, including the M203 grenade
cartridges. The statistics provided in this release reflect only the
launcher (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 133). It also accepts
most common and modernized design.
M16 magazines.
The original M4 model is capable of semi-automatic fire and
3-round bursts only. The more common M4A1 replaces the
3-round burst capability with fully automatic fire. Aside from this
difference, however, the two models possess identical statistics.
The M4 and M4A1’s adjustable stock allows any Medium-sized • Removable Suppressor: This item operates as a standard
agent with an average or near-average human physique removable suppressor (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 114).
— i.e. combined Strength and Constitution scores ranging between Subsonic ammunition is available in 5.56mm NATO, but using
18 and 32 — to gain the benefits of the custom stock masterwork it limits the weapon to being fired only in single-shot mode
modification by spending 1 full action to adjust the weapon to fit (feats and masterwork modifications may not overcome this
his arm length and shooting stance. limitation). The M4 SOPMOD loses the discreet (DT) quality
Caliber: 5.56×45mm NATO when this accessory is attached.
Length: 33 in. (29 in. with fully retracted stock)
• Tactical Flashlight: This item operates as a standard tactical
Weight: 7.5 lb.
flashlight (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 116). It may be
Colt M4A1 SOPMOD (USA): The American special operations
attached to any of the M4 SOPMOD’s 4 adapter rails, but is
community utilizes a progressive development of the M4 carbine
most frequently mounted at 6 o’clock (in the underbarrel
known as the M4 SOPMOD (Special Operations Peculiar
Modification). This is an M4A1 with several modifications and a
large array of modular accessories, most of them courtesy of • Vertical Foregrip: This vertical handle attaches to the weapon’s
Knight Armament Corporation (KAC). underbarrel adapter rail. When used, it grants a +1 gear bonus
The M4 SOPMOD’s basic modifications begin with the addition with all autofire and strafe attacks. It may share the under-
of an ambidextrous magazine release and selector switch. barrel adapter rail with either the weapon’s standard laser
The barrel shroud is also replaced with a lighter version bearing a sight or tactical flashlight accessories, but it may not share
set of adapter rails that enable the wielder to quickly mount or this position with a grenade launcher.
dismount accessories as needed for the mission. The barrel is
Caliber: 5.56×45mm NATO
threaded to accept a suppressor. The adapter rail effectively gives
Length: 33 in. (29 in. with stock fully retracted, or 39 in. with
the weapon three extra mounting positions which can accept
suppressor mounted)
accessories up to 2 lb. in weight that are normally rail- or under-
Weight: 7.5 lb.
barrel-mounted — in addition to its normal underbarrel and rail
positions. On the M4 SOPMOD, the normal "rail" position (e.g. on
top of or replacing the weapon’s carrying handle) is designated Semi-Automatic Rifles
the "optics" position, and accessories attached to the top adapter
The semi-automatic rifle sub-category includes both military
rail are limited to those that are small enough not to block the
and civilian rifles with semi-automatic actions. Semi-automatic
optics (per the GC’s discretion).
rifles may only be fired in single-shot mode unless otherwise
Each M4 SOPMOD is issued with a kit containing several
specified. Accessories may be attached to a semi-automatic rifle’s
accessories, the cost of which is included in the weapon’s BP cost
barrel, grip, and rail mount only. Semi-automatic rifles possess the
(see page 12). The M4 SOPMOD’s modular (MD) quality applies to
following common characteristics: hardness 9, damage threshold
all items in this kit, which are optimized for mounting on the
4/8/12/15, break DC 25, and concealment DC 10. Additional
weapon’s adapter rail system. Modifying any item in the kit to
weapons in this new category appear in The 1960s Decade Book.
mount upon another weapon requires 2 hours and a Craft
(Gunsmithing) roll (DC 22). The modular quality also applies to the
Springfield Armory M1 Garand (USA): The M1 Garand was
M203PI grenade launcher (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 133),
the first semi-automatic rifle adopted by the U.S. military.
which is not included in the M4 SOPMOD kit but may be
Designed in 1927 by Canadian John Garand, it was originally
mounted on the weapon’s underbarrel adapter rail after it is
chambered for .276 caliber. In 1932, the U.S. Army requested that
requisitioned as standard.
the design be changed to accept the preferred .30-06 cartridge,
M4 SOPMOD Kit Accessories: When requisitioned, the M4
and 4 years later, the "U.S. Semi-Automatic Rifle, Caliber .30, M1"
SOPMOD comes with one of each of the following accessories at
formally entered service. Over 4 million Garands were produced
no additional cost.
during the Second World War, and another 1.4 million between
• 4× Day/Night Scope: This item operates as a standard 4× 1945 and the M1’s departure from U.S. service in 1957.
day/night scope (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 115). The Garand is still considered a superior weapon today, and
It may be attached to the top of the M4 SOPMOD in the optics thousands remain in circulation around the world, in the hands of
position. civilians, criminals, police, and soldiers alike. The weapon enjoys a
following that approaches cult status, which is perhaps best
• Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight: This item operates as a
exemplified in General Patton’s description of it as "the greatest
standard advanced combat optical gunsight (see the Modern
battle implement ever devised." It has consistently been proven to
Arms Guide, page 116). It may be attached to the top of the
retain accuracy and reliability under the worst possible battlefield
M4 SOPMOD in the optics position.
• Assault Sling: This item operates as a standard advanced com- The M1 is loaded with a "stripper clip," a metal clip that holds
bat assault sling (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 116). 8 individual rounds in place. When the last round is fired, the
weapon ejects the empty clip upwards with a distinctive sound.
• Infrared Laser Sight: This item operates as a standard infrared
This automatic ejection feature may be noticed with a
laser sight (see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 131),
successful Spot or Listen check (DC 20), as appropriate, and its
though it is only visible through night-vision gear. It may be
rather unique sound may be identified with a successful Craft
attached to any of the M4 SOPMOD’s 4 adapter rails, but is
(Gunsmithing) or Knowledge (Firearms) check (DC 16).
most frequently mounted at 12 o’clock (along the top, in the
Caliber: .30-06
optics position).
Length: 44 in. Weight: 9.5 lb.
• Laser sight: This item operates as a standard laser sight
(see the Modern Arms Guide, page 115). It may be attached to
any of the M4 SOPMOD’s 4 adapter rails, but is most
frequently mounted at 12 o’clock (along the top, in the optics
law enforcement professionals. Most M24s are chambered for the
Sniper Rifles military standard 7.62×51mm NATO round, but a few use .300
Barrett Model 95 (USA): Type-standardized as the M107 in Winchester Magnum instead.
U.S. military service, the bolt-action Model 95 is a relatively light- Caliber: 7.62×51mm NATO, .300 Winchester Magnum
weight and portable .50 caliber sniper rifle. Unlike its big brother, Length: 43 in. Weight: 13 lb.
the Model 82, the Model 95 is a bullpup-configuration weapon — Robar RC-50 (USA): This rare bolt-action weapon bears the
rare amongst sniper rifles and even rarer in .50 weapons. distinction of being the only sniper rifle in U.S. Coast Guard
This layout makes it one of the most compact .50 BMG weapons service. Sharpshooters firing from MH-68 helicopters use it as an
in existence today. anti-material weapon during drug interdiction missions (even the
Caliber: .50 BMG fastest cigarette boat can’t outrun a .50 caliber round).
Length: 45 in. Weight: 22 lb. The RC-50F — an exceptionally uncommon variant of the
Cheyenne Tactical Intervention (USA): The new .408 RC-50 — features a folding stock. This stock is solid, but hinged
Cheyenne Tactical cartridge falls midway between 7.62mm NATO just behind the rear end of the action, allowing it to fold forward
and .50 BMG, and is designed to replace the former round while along the left side of the gun. The gun cannot be fired while the
providing the anti-material capabilities of the latter. At present, stock is folded. Unlike the RC-50, the RC-50F is not available for
the only production rifle designed for this round is the civilian sale.
Intervention (advertised as undergoing military testing under the Caliber: .50 BMG
designation XM107). The Intervention is intended for military and Length: 55 in. (36 in. with stock collapsed)
law enforcement deployment, though most of its first (very small) Weight: 25 lb.
production run reportedly went to civilian buyers. Aside from its
rare ammunition type, the Intervention’s most outstanding
feature is its breakdown capability — the barrel and stock are Combat Shotguns
removable, and the weapon may be stored in a 30 in.-long case. Franchi SPAS-12 (Italy): The predecessor of the SPAS-15,
Disassembling and reassembling the Intervention each require 10 the SPAS-12 has a more civilian-friendly appearance, with an
full actions (this time requirement replaces the standard time for 8-round tube magazine under the barrel rather than its descen-
a weapon possessing the multi-part (MP) quality). dant’s detachable box magazine. It has most of the features of the
Caliber: .408 Cheyenne Tactical later model, including pump-action operation for clearing jams
Length: 55 in. (48 in. with stock collapsed) and feeding specialty ammunition, and various folding and fixed
Weight: 27 lb. stocks. Despite the weapon’s obviously militarized features,
Heckler & Koch G3 SG/1 (Germany): The G3 SG/1 is a the SPAS model designation stands for "Sporting Purpose
battlefield sniper's variant of the G3. Designed at the request of Automatic Shotgun" — a calculated marketing maneuver
the Bundeswehr, the G3 SG/1 began its life as a solid-stocked G3 intended to clear the SPAS-12 for import into the U.S.
(G3A3) tested at the H&K factory for exceptional accuracy and Special Note: Unlike the SPAS-15, which features a
consistency off the production line. It then passed an initial detachable magazine and may be reloaded with 1 half action,
quality assurance screening and was fitted with a set trigger, the SPAS-12’s internal magazine must be loaded with individual
a match-grade barrel, and a Zeiss 1.5-6× power variable scope. shells at a rate of 3 per half action.
The full-auto setting on the G3 SG/1's selector remains to allow Gauge: 12
the shooter to function as part of a standard infantry squad when Length: 41 in. Weight: 9.7 lb.
necessary, while giving him room to assume sharpshooting duties
when required.
Special Note: When fired in single-shot mode as a half action, Pump-Action Shotguns
or when fired in strafe mode, the G3 SG/1’s threat range drops to Knight Armaments Corporation Masterkey (USA): This
19–20 (not 20 as is standard for a sniper rifle). weapon is based upon the popular Ithaca Model 37 pump-action
Caliber: 7.62×51mm NATO shotgun. At the Knight Armaments Corporation facility, a standard
Length: 40.4 in. Weight: 9.7 lb. Model 37 undergoes extensive retooling — ts stock and grip are
Knight Armaments Corporation SR25 (USA): Built upon a completely removed, its barrel and magazine are shortened, and
highly modified AR-10 frame, the SR25 is a semi-automatic sniper attachment lugs are fastened to the new 10-in. barrel. The result
rifle chambered for 7.62mm NATO ammunition. Widely regarded is a shotgun capable of being mounted under the barrel of an M16
as one of the most accurate semi-automatic sniper rifles in the or M4, or any other assault rifle that could accept an M203-series
world, it sees use with U.S. Navy SEAL teams and Israeli Defense underbarrel grenade launcher.
Force special operations units as the Mk 11 Mod 0. It comes with The Masterkey’s short barrel severely limits its effective range,
a removable sound suppressor which slides around the end of its though this isn’t an issue for its intended role. The Masterkey’s
barrel, socketing into the end of its foregrip. This suppressor has most common use classifies it as a "breaching shotgun."
no effect upon the round’s muzzle velocity, resulting in unaltered The wielder fires the Masterkey into the hinges and/or lock of a
muzzle energy at the expense of noise reduction. The suppressor door, then immediately enters the room with his assault rifle
only inflicts a –5 penalty with Listen checks made to hear the ready. This combination weapon removes the need for the
weapon, as opposed to the standard –15. shooter to swap weapons in a dynamic entry situation.
Caliber: 7.62×51mm NATO The Masterkey is supposed to be fired only when firmly
Length: 40 in. Weight: 12.3 lb. mounted upon an assault rifle, using the rifle’s magazine as its
Remington M24 Sniper Weapon System (USA): Based on grip. It may be requisitioned with a "stand-alone assembly,"
the Remington 700 series of hunting rifles (which were used as however, which consists of a grip and folding stock that may be
sniper rifles in Vietnam under the designation M40 and still see added for use without an assault rifle. If an agent attempts to fire
U.S. Marine Corps service today), the M24 is the U.S. Army’s a dismounted Masterkey without a stand-alone assembly,
current standard-issue sniper rifle, and also finds limited use with its complete lack of a grip or stock inflicts a penalty with the
attack roll equal to 30 minus the agent’s Strength (minimum –8),
and its recoil values become 25 for shot and slug ammunition.
Attaching or detaching a stand-alone assembly, or detaching
a Masterkey from an assault rifle, requires 5 minutes and no skill
check. Mounting a Masterkey upon an assault rifle requires 15
minutes (or 10 minutes when mounting it to an M16 or M4)
and a Craft (Gunsmithing) skill check (DC 18, or DC 12 when
mounting it to an M16 or M4). With failure, the Masterkey is still
mounted, but all attacks with it suffer a penalty equal to the
amount by which the agent failed the check. A successful re-try For additional statistics for the following weapons, see Table 3:
removes this penalty. Tactical Weapons and Table 4: Ammunition on pages 11–13.
Special Note: A Masterkey’s recoil trait depends upon the
assault rifle to which it’s attached. If attached to an M16A2 (9 lb.),
its recoil becomes 10 (when using shot ammunition), or 12 (when MachineGuns
using slug ammunition). If attached to an M4A1 (7 lb.), its recoil Browning M2HB (USA): The Browning "Ma Deuce" .50
becomes 11 (when using shot ammunition), or 14 (when using slug caliber heavy machine gun has been in service since World War II,
ammunition). with only minor changes to its design along the way. While
Gauge: 12 technically man-portable in the sense that it may be picked up
Length: 16.7 in. (29.5 in. with stand-alone assembly) and moved, its design makes it impossible to use unsupported.
Weight: 5.5 lb. (9.1 lb. with stand-alone assembly) In order to be fired, M2HB must be mounted on a tripod (which
weighs 44 lb. and is included with the weapon at no additional
cost), or upon a vehicle or other solid structure. Unlike most
Submachineguns machineguns, the M2HB may be fired in single-shot mode and has
H&K MP7 (Germany): Originally known as the PDW (Personal seen limited use as a sniping weapon.
Defense Weapon), H&K’s MP7 is a direct answer to the FN P90. Caliber: .50 BMG
The MP7 makes extensive use of polymers in its construction, Length: 61 in.
reducing its weight to just a few ounces more than that of some Weight: 84 lb. (or 128 lb. with tripod)
service pistols. It is built with a machine pistol configuration, Browning M1918 BAR (USA): The Browning Automatic Rifle
nicely placing the magazine in the pistol grip. was the first American weapon to fill the role known in the
The MP7’s standard features include a fold-down foregrip and modern era as the SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon). Developed by
collapsible stock, and several of its internal features benefit from John Browning in response to requests from American soldiers
lessons learned during H&K’s G36 project. Its 4.6×30mm round is serving in Europe during the Great War, the BAR is light for its era,
copper-jacketed steel, making it less likely to deform than a and capable of automatic fire, allowing it to provide squad
conventional copper-jacketed lead (FMJ) bullet, and providing the support. The BAR entered service in 1917 and was designated
same superior armor-penetrating capability found in the the M1918 by the U.S. Army, seeing limited use across Europe
competing 5.7×28mm round. thereafter.
Caliber: 4.6x30mm The original M1918 featured no bipod and was prone to over-
Length: 20.2 in. (13.4 in. with stock collapsed) heating. The M1918A1, introduced in 1937, added a bipod and
Weight: 2.6 lb. heat dissipation features, as well as a shoulder support plate
Kalashnikov AKS-74U (Russia): This compact derivative of hinged at the back of the stock. The M1918A2 followed in 1940,
the AK-74 was originally designed for vehicle crews and airborne with two selectable rates of automatic fire that provide
troops, to provide them with the power but not the bulk of an discernable no game effect, and remained in American service
assault rifle. The weapon’s reduced mass makes it extremely through the end of the Korean War.
difficult to control when fired in full automatic mode. The following traits apply to this weapon’s most common
Caliber: 5.45×39.5mm Soviet version, the M1918A2, and the A1, which possesses identical
Length: 28.7 in. (19.3 in. with stock collapsed) statistics. The original weapons costs 32 BP, does not feature an
Weight: 6 lb. integral bipod, and possesses an error range of 1–3.
RSA Bizon-2 (Russia): The Bizon (Bison) submachinegun is Caliber: .30-06
one of the first production weapons designed for the 9×18mm Length: 48 in. Weight: 19.3 lb.
Improved round (the modernized version of 9mm Makarov).
It feeds from a helical magazine similar to that of Calico’s designs,
housed under and parallel to the barrel. Rocket Launchers
The Bizon-2 is currently being marketed to special operations Bofors Carl Gustav (Sweden): The Carl Gustav is a shoulder-
units in former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact nations as a fired 84mm rocket launcher with a variety of ammunition types,
highly concealable weapon for covert carry. Its internal action is making it equally useful for use against armored vehicles, bunkers,
based on that of the venerable AK-47 design, resulting in an and unprotected infantry. It’s rugged enough to be air-dropped
exceptionally reliable weapon. with a parachutist, or to be submerged by a combat swimmer with
Special Note: The Bizon-2 can use modern 9×18mm Improved no special protection. One of the weapon’s most unique functions
"classic" and 9mm Makarov ammunition interchangeably — there is the airburst capability of its HE ammunition — if the user spends
is no difference between the cartridge sizes, only their loading. 1 additional half action setting a loaded HE round for airburst,
Caliber: 9x18mm Improved/9mm Makarov then targets a 5-ft. square, the DCs of Reflex saves made to avoid
Length: 26 in. (16.7 in. with stock collapsed) damage from the blast are increased by 5.
Weight: 4.6 lb. Ammunition Diameter/Type: 84mm (HEAT, HEDP, HE, smoke,
illumination only — these ammunition types are proprietary and
this weapon cannot accept any others)
Weight: 25 lb.
Weapon Tables
Table 2: Firearms
BP/Pick Range Qualities Actual
Weapon Name Cost Recoil Acc. Damage Error Threat Increment Ammo & Mods Weight Cost
Pocket Pistols
American Derringer Model 1
.22 LR 11/1 16 — 1d4+2 1 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL 1 lb. $345
.380 ACP 7/1 18 –1 2d4 1 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL 1 lb. $340
.38 Special 8/1 20 –1 1d8+1 1 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL 1 lb. $345
.357 Magnum 10/1 25 –2 3d4+1 1–2 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL 1 lb. $360
9mm P 9/1 22 –2 1d10+1 1 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL 1 lb. $345
.40 S&W 8/1 25 –2 1d12 1–2 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL, TD 1 lb. $360
.410 shot 15/2 25 –2 3d4+1 1–2 20 2.5 ft. (max 12.5 ft.) 2 DT, SL, TD 1 lb. $423
.410 slug 15/2 25 –2 2d6+2 1–2 19–20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL, TD 1 lb. $423
.45 ACP 12/1 25 –2 1d12 1–2 19–20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL, TD 1 lb. $360
.45 Long Colt 8/1 25 –2 1d8+2 1–2 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL, TD 1 lb. $410
.44 Magnum 14/1 25 –3 2d6+2 1–2 19–20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 2 DT, SL, TD 1 lb. $495
5.56x45mm NATO 10/1 25 –3 4d4 1–2 20 10 ft. (max 50 ft.) 2 DT, SL 1 lb. $515
American Derringer LM4 Simmerling
.45 ACP 18/2 25 — 1d12 1–2 19–20 10 ft. (max 50 ft.) 5 DT, SL, TD 1.5 lb. $2,700
Backup Pistols
Taurus PT-111
9mm P 10/1 10 — 1d10+1 1 20 20 ft. (max 200 ft.) 10 CP, DA 1.2 lb. $425
Taurus PT-132
.32 ACP 7/1 10 — 1d6+1 1 20 20 ft. (max 200 ft.) 10 CP, DA 1.2 lb. $425
Taurus PT-138
.380 ACP 8/1 10 — 2d4 1 20 20 ft. (max 200 ft.) 10 CP, DA 1.2 lb. $425
Taurus PT-140
.40 S&W 12/1 19 — 1d12 1 20 20 ft. (max 200 ft.) 10 CP, DA, TD 1.2 lb. $455
Taurus PT-145
.45 ACP 15/2 25 — 1d12 1 19–20 20 ft. (max 200 ft.) 10 CP, DA, TD 1.5 lb. $490
Service Pistols
Dornhaus and Dixon Bren Ten
10mm Auto (original) 18/2 23 — 1d12+2 1–3 19–20 30 ft. (max 300 ft.) 10 TD 2.4 lb. Restricted
10mm Auto (modern) 18/2 20 — 2d6 1–3 19–20 25 ft. (max 250 ft.) 10 TD 2.4 lb. Restricted
Para-Ordnance 18•9 LDA
9mm P 17/2 11 — 1d10+1 1 20 25 ft. (max 250 ft.) 18 DP, RG 2.5 lb. $860
Para-Ordnance 16•40 LDA
.40 S&W 19/2 15 — 1d12 1 20 25 ft. (max 250 ft.) 16 DP, RG, TD 2.5 lb. $940
Para-Ordnance 14•45 LDA
.45 ACP 23/3 20 — 1d12 1 19–20 25 ft. (max 250 ft.) 14 DP, RG, TD 2.5 lb. $940
Walther P99/S&W SW99
9mm P 18/2 14 — 1d10+1 1 20 25 ft. (max 250 ft. 16 CP, DP, DS 1.8 lb. $645
.40 S&W 20/2 20 — 1d12 1 20 25 ft. (max 250 ft. 12 CP, DP, DS, TD 1.8 lb. $645
Hunting Revolvers
S&W Model 500
.500 Magnum 33/4 25 — 4d4+2 1 19–20 45 ft. (max 450 ft.) 5 RG, TD 4.9 lb. $990
Taurus Model 22H "Raging Hornet"
.22 Hornet 27/4 10 — 3d4+1 1 19–20 40 ft. (max 400 ft.) 8 AA, DP, RG 4.1 lb. $900
Taurus Model 608
.357 Magnum 26/3 21 — 3d4+1 1 19–20 30 ft. (max 300 ft.) 8 DP 2.8 lb. $525
Weapon Tables
Table 2: Firearms (Cont.)
BP/Pick Range Qualities Actual
Weapon Name Cost Recoil Acc. Damage Error Threat Increment Ammo & Mods Weight Cost
Service Revolvers
Colt Single Action Army
.45 Long Colt 23/3 25 — 1d12 0 19–20 30 ft. (max 300 ft.) 6 TD 2.5 lb. $1,380
.44-40 27/4 25 — 1d12+2 0 19–20 30 ft. (max 300 ft.) 6 TD 2.5 lb. $1,380
Le Mat Grapeshot Revolver
.44 31/4 17 — 1d8+2 1 20 20 ft. (max 200 ft.) 9 AK, TD 3.1 lb. Restricted
18 gauge shot 31/4 25 — 4d4+1 1 20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 1 AK, TD 3.1 lb. Restricted
18 gauge slug 31/4 25 — 4d4+2 1 19–20 5 ft. (max 25 ft.) 1 AK, TD 3.1 lb. Restricted
Thunder 5
.45 Long Colt 24/3 19 — 1d8+2 1 20 20 ft. (max 200 ft.) 5 DS, MC, RG, TD 3 lb. $595
.410 shot 24/3 25 — 3d4+1 1 20 10 ft. (max 50 ft.) 5 DS, MC, RG, TD 3 lb. $595
.410 slug 24/3 17 — 2d6+2 1 19–20 10 ft. (max 50 ft.) 5 DS, MC, RG, TD 3 lb. $595
Assault Rifles
Colt M4
5.56x45mm NATO 28/4 0 — 4d4 1–2 20 100 ft. (max 1,000 ft.) 30 DT, MD (optics only), 7.5 lb. Restricted
IN adjustable stock, no strafe
Colt M4A1
5.56x45mm NATO 29/4 0 — 4d4 1–2 20 100 ft. (max 1,000 ft.) 30 DT, MD (optics only), 7.5 lb. Restricted
IN adjustable stock, no burst
5.56x45mm NATO 42/6 0 — 4d4 1–2 20 100 ft. (max 1,000 ft.) 30 DT, MD, 7.5 lb. Restricted
IN adjustable stock, no burst
Semi-Automatic Rifles
Springfield Armory M1 Garand
.30-06 37/5 15 — 2d10+1 1 19–20 150 ft. (max 1,500 ft.) 8 DP, FL, RG 9.5 lb. $500
Sniper Rifles
Barrett Model 95
.50 BMG 59/9 23 — 2d12+2 1–2 17–20 375 ft. (max 3,750 ft.) 5 AP, BP, TD, 22 lb. $5,100
IN adjustable bipod
7.62x51mm NATO 40/6 10 +1 4d4+2 1–2 18–20 200 ft. (max 2,000 ft.) 20 IN adjustable bipod, 12.3 lb. Restricted
10x scope, suppressor*
Cheyenne Tactical Intervention
.408 CheyTac 57/9 12 — 3d8 1–2 17–20 300 ft. (max 3,000 ft.) 5 AP, CS, MP, TD, 27 lb. $7,100
IN adjustable bipod, muzzle brake
H&K G3 SG/1
7.62x51mm NATO 50/7 0 — 4d4+2 1 18–20 175 ft. (max 1,750 ft.) 20 AA, DP, RG, ST, 9.7 lb. Restricted
IN adjustable bipod,
6x scope, no burst
Remington M24
7.62x51mm NATO 41/6 10 — 4d4+2 1 18–20 200 ft. (max 2,000 ft.) 5 IN 10x telescopic sight, 13 lb. Restricted
.300 Winchester 44/6 10 — 3d6+2 1 18–20 250 ft. (max 2,500 ft.) 5 IN 10x telescopic sight, 13 lb. Restricted
Magnum bipod
Robar RC-50
.50 BMG 58/9 19 — 2d12+2 1–2 17–20 375 ft. (max 3,750 ft.) 5 AP, TD 25 lb. $7,000
Robar RC-50F
.50 BMG 59/9 19 — 2d12+2 1–2 17–20 375 ft. (max 3,750 ft.) 5 AP, CS, TD 25 lb. Restricted
Combat Shotguns
Franchi SPAS-12
12 gauge shot 33/5 16 — 5d4 1–2 20 30 ft. (max 150 ft.) 8 CS, DP, RG, TD 9.7 lb. $1,000
12 gauge slug 33/5 19 — 2d12 1–2 19–20 30 ft. (max 150 ft.) 8 CS, DP, RG, TD 9.7 lb. $1,000
Weapon Tables
Table 2: Firearms (Cont.)
BP/Pick Range Qualities Actual
Weapon Name Cost Recoil Acc. Damage Error Threat Increment Ammo & Mods Weight Cost
Pump-Action Shotguns
KAC Masterkey
12 gauge shot 19/2 * –1 5d4 1–2 20 15 ft. (max 75 ft.) 3 AK, DP, RG 5.5 lb. $1,900
12 gauge slug 19/2 * –1 2d12 1–2 19–20 15 ft. (max 75 ft.) 3 AK, DP, RG 5.5 lb. $1,900
KAC Masterkey Stand-Alone
12 gauge shot 29/4 16 –1 5d4 1–2 20 15 ft. (max 75 ft.) 3 AK, CS, DP, RG 5.5 lb. $2,500
12 gauge slug 29/4 19 –1 2d12 1–2 19–20 15 ft. (max 75 ft.) 3 AK, CS, DP, RG 5.5 lb. $2,500
H&K MP-7
4.6x30mm 18/2 10 –1 2d4+1 1–2 20 30 ft. (max 300 ft.) 20 or 40 AP, CP, CS, 2.6 lb. Restricted
DT, SS, no burst
Kalashnikov ASK-74U
5.45x39.5mm Soviet 21/3 22 –2 3d6+1 1 20 45 ft. (max 450 ft.) 30 CS, RG 6 lb. Restricted
RSA Bizon-2
9x18mm Improved 20/2 0 –1 1d12 1 19–20 40 ft. (max 400 ft.) 66 CS, DT, RG, 4.6 lb. Restricted
SS, no burst
9mm Makarov 20/2 0 –1 2d4 1–2 20 30 ft. (max 300 ft.) 66 CS, DT, RG, 4.6 lb. Restricted
SS, no burst
Table 4: Ammunition
Ammunition Type BPs Picks Damage Error Threat Blast Actual Qualities, Mods, and Effects
Increment Cost
Pepperball Ammunition
12g CO2 cartridge 1 per 3 1 per 6 — — — — $10 propellant for pepperball pistol
13ci air bottle 2 each 1 per 2 — — — — $25 propellant for pepperball carbine
.68 pepperball 1 per 30 1 per 100 * — — — Restricted Special (see page 4)
Taser Ammunition
Taser wire/dart package 1 each 1 per 5 — * * — $30 each Special (see page 4)
Wax Ammunition
Pistol 1 per 50 1 per 200 * * — — $25 per 50 1 point subdual per damage die
Rifle 1 per 20 1 per 100 * * — — $20 per 20 1 point subdual per damage die
Shotgun 1 per 10 1 per 25 * * — — $20 per 10 1 point subdual per damage die
Rocket Ammunition
ATGM, Javelin 25 each 3 each 8d6 1–3 —* 10 ft. Restricted AD, 35 lb. each
HE, 84mm Carl Gustav 20 each 2 each 3d10 1–3 — 15 ft. Restricted
HEAT, 84mm Carl Gustav 18 each 2 each 3d12 1–3 — 10 ft. Restricted AD
HEDP, 84mm Carl Gustav 13 each 1 each 3d12 1–2 — 10 ft. Restricted AP
Illumination, 6 each 1 per 2 Special 1 — — Restricted
84mm Carl Gustav
Smoke, 84mm Carl Gustav 6 each 1 per 2 Special 1 — — Restricted
* See text for details or specific rules pertaining to this ammunition type.
Protective Gear
Raytheon Javelin (USA): Fielded in 1996, the Javelin is an
infrared-guided fire-and-forget antitank missile. Like many
modern man-portable guided missile, the Javelin consists of two
components — a reusable guidance/launch unit with all the unit’s
expensive electronics, and a disposable launch tube containing a
single missile. The weapon’s guidance/launch unit incorporates an
integral 4× daylight scope and a 9× thermal viewer. Removing the
guidance/launch unit from an expended launch tube requires 2 For additional statistics for the following items, see Table 4:
half actions, as does attaching it to a fresh round. Protective Gear on page 15.
The Javelin missile is a top-attack weapon, using an arched
flight path to strike its target from above, where armor is thinnest. Interceptor Body Armor: The current standard-issue body
This grants the weapon an increased threat range of 19–20 armor for American ground troops is produced by Point Blank
against vehicles only. Body Armor, and features a full-torso vest with removable neck
Ammunition Diameter/Type: 127mm (ATGM — this ammunition and groin protection, as well as optional boron carbide trauma
type is proprietary and this weapon cannot accept any others) plates for the chest and back.
Weight: 49 lb. (14 lb. for guidance unit, 35 lb. for missile and Unlike the other components of the Land Warrior system
launch tube) (see page 17), Interceptor body armor is currently in field use and
available to be requisitioned by agents. Each set of requisitioned
Interceptor armor comes with a basic vest, as well as neck and
groin guards. Trauma plates must be requisitioned separately.
AMMUNITION The body armor’s traits depend upon which components the agent
wears, as described on Table 4: Protective Gear (see page 15).
Wax Ammunition: Marketed under various brand names Knee and Elbow Pads: Tactical knee and elbow pads have
(Simunition being the most popular), ammunition made from wax attained wide acceptance in military and police circles,
and similar compounds is theoretically non-lethal and used for particularly for use in urban environments. Pads sold for such
live-fire training. A subject struck with a wax round feels the applications are "hard-shell" models, with rigid ballistic protection
impact, but the round is insufficiently dense that it inflicts no over soft padding. Putting on or taking off a set of knee and
more than a heavy bruise unless it strikes a particularly sensitive elbow pads requires 1 full action per pad.
area. A full set of knee and elbow pads grants a +2 gear bonus with
Wax ammunition inflicts 1 point of subdual damage per Tumble checks. Additionally, it grants 2 points of damage
damage die the weapon possesses, unless the attacker scores a reduction against road rashing, as well as trip attacks and attacks
critical hit, in which case it inflicts the minimum possible wound that specifically target the knee or elbow. However, it also applies
damage (i.e. as if every damage die rolls a 1). a –2 armor check penalty with Escape Artist skill checks made to
Wax ammunition may be obtained in a realistic blood hue at escape confinement.
no additional cost. Anyone struck by such a round gains a +10 Motorcycle Leathers: This full-body leather ensemble
gear bonus with his Bluff check when attempting to feign an includes a pair of boots, a set of pants or chaps, a jacket, and a
actual wound. pair of gloves. It provides limited crash protection during a
catastrophic wipeout — or at least ensures that the luckless
agent’s corpse remains intact for burial — but it’s more restrictive
than just a motorcycle jacket and offers less freedom to
move. When an agent wearing motorcycle leathers suffers
damage from a personal vehicle crash or road rashing (see the
Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, page 55), each damage die’s result
is reduced by 2, to a minimum of 1.
Browning M2HB
.50 BMG 55/8 — — 2d12+2 1–2 18–20 300 ft. (max 3,000 ft.) 50 AD, AK, DP, MP, 84 lb. Restricted
RG, SS. IN tripod
Browning M1918 BAR
.30-06 30/4 — — 2d10+1 1–3 19–20 180 ft. (max 1,800 ft.) 20 SS 19.3 lb. Restricted
Browning M1918A2 BAR
.30-06 38/5 — — 2d10+1 1–2 19–20 180 ft. (max 1,800 ft.) 20 DP, SS. IN bipod 19.3 lb. Restricted
Rocket Launchers
Bofors Carl Gustav 20/2 — –2 per ammo per ammo per ammo 200 ft. (max 2,000 ft.) 1 RG 25 lb. Restricted
Raytheon Javelin 30/4 — –2 per ammo per ammo per ammo 750 ft. (max 7,500 ft.) 1 MP, IN 4× scope, 14 lb. Restricted
IN 9x night vision sight
Protective Gear
Table 5: Protective Gear
Gear Name BPs/Picks DB DR Weaknesses MDB ACP Speed Weight Actual Cost
Light Armor
Racing jacket 10/2 +1 3 C, E, F +5 –1 Same 6 lb. $300
Racing jumpsuit 12/2 +0 3 E, M, F, S +5 0 Same 10 lb. $1,200
Medium Armor
Interceptor body armor
vest 24/5 +1 4 C, E, M +4 –1 Same 7 lb. $1,700
vest with guards 24/5 +0 5 C, M +4 –2 Same 8 lb. $1,700
vest with plates 36/8 +0 7 C, E +3 –2 –5 ft. 14.5 lb. $1,700
vest with guards and plates 36/8 +0 8 C +3 –3 –5 ft. 15.5 lb. $1,700
Motorcycle leathers 16/3 +0 5 C, E, F +3 –2 –5 ft. 15 lb. $900
Red man suit 10/1 +1 6* C, E, F, S +3 –3 –5 ft. 15 lb. $1,300
Protective gear
Knee and elbow pads 4/1 — 2* — — –2* Same 2 lb. $80
Nomex undersuit 7/1 — 5* — — 0 Same 3 lb. $2,000
Sparring pads 2/1 — 2* — — –2 Same 5 lb. $100
Nomex Undersuit: Resembling long underwear, this flame- Sparring Pads: Designed to minimize the risk of serious injury
retardant outfit includes a pair of socks, a pair of gloves, in full-contact hand-to-hand combat, sparring pads are essential
and a hood, and is used by race drivers and firefighters alike to training tools for unarmed defensive tactics. They are, however, of
keep cool. It grants 5 points of damage reduction against fire limited use in the field. An agent wearing sparring pads inflicts
damage only. Unlike most protective gear effects, the benefits of subdual damage with each non-critical unarmed hit, regardless
this item stack with those of the racing jumpsuit. of feats and class abilities that might otherwise enable him to
Racing Jacket: Commonly worn by street bike riders who inflict normal damage. Additionally, he gains 2 points of damage
don’t want (or can’t afford) a full riding ensemble, the racing reduction against unarmed and blunt melee attacks. Finally, an
jacket provides an economic balance of protection and style. agent wearing sparring pads must spend 2 additional action dice
When an agent wearing a racing jacket suffers damage from a to activate any threat scored when making an unarmed attack.
personal vehicle crash or road rashing (see the Soldier/Wheelman
Class Guide, page 55), each damage die’s result is reduced by 1, to
a minimum of 1. Body Armor Masterwork
Racing Jumpsuit: Usually covered with as many sponsors’ Modifications
logos as a race car driver’s vehicle, this jumpsuit includes padded Adding masterwork modifications to body armor is handled in
and insulated gloves, as well as boots with heat shields to protect the same fashion as adding it to other gear (see the Modern Arms
the wearer from heat buildup in the cockpit during an extended Guide, pages 17–21), except that the Craft (Tailoring) skill is used
race. It grants 2 points of damage reduction against fire damage instead of Craft (Weaponsmithing). When adding a masterwork
only. Unlike most protective gear effects, the benefits of this item modification to body armor, the DC is 25 + the number of
stack with those of the nomex undersuit. masterwork modifications the armor already possesses.
Red Man Suit: For close combat training to be fully effective, Larger and heavier armor requires more materials and time,
trainees must be able to throw full-force blows and gauge the which is reflected in the cost if the work is performed outside
effects of their attacks. A "red man" suit — so named because of Agency channels. When a modification is made to medium armor,
its typical coloration — is a full-body set of protective pads with a the cash cost of each masterwork modification is multiplied by 2,
face cage, usually worn by an instructor taking the aggressor role. and when a modification is made to heavy armor, the cash cost of
A red man suit grants 6 points of damage reduction against blunt each masterwork modification is multiplied by 3. The BP and/or GP
trauma only (i.e. unarmed attacks and blunt melee weapons). costs for adding masterwork modifications are unaffected.
It also includes a pair of sparring pads (see the next column), the The following masterwork modifications may be added to
damage reduction of which is already factored into the red man standard-issue body armor only. They may not be added to other
suit’s statistics. standard-issue protective gear, to any other standard-issue gear,
or to any gadget.
Standard-Issue Gear
Ballistic-Rated: The armor’s inner liner is augmented with
layers of antiballistic fiber, removing the armor’s (F)irearm Computer Software
vulnerability, but increasing its weight to 150% of standard Engine Diagnostic and Control Software ("Datalogger"):
(rounded up). This item includes both a software and a hardware component.
Flame-Retardant: The armor’s outer shell is replaced with The software runs on any computer, though it’s almost always
flame-resistant synthetic fibers, removing the armor’s (C)hemical installed on a laptop for portability. The hardware is a link cable
vulnerability when resisting fire damage. This modification may and adapter that connects the agent’s computer to a vehicle’s
only be applied to medium and heavy armor. engine control computer. Because of its specific nature, a data-
HAZMAT-Rated: This rare modification is usually provided by logger system must be requisitioned for an individual vehicle
agents conducting raids on facilities containing exceptionally make and model.
toxic materials. The armor’s outer shell is replaced with several The primary benefit of a datalogger is to provide the agent
layers of non-reactive substances, removing the armor’s with a constant readout of all engine performance characteristics,
(C)hemical vulnerability when resisting damage from liquids from fuel-air ratios to turbo-charger boost pressure to operating
(e.g. acids). This modification may be applied only to medium and temperature. Access to this information grants the agent a gear
heavy armor. bonus with all skill checks made to repair the specified vehicle’s
Lightweight: This exhaustive process replaces the armor’s engine criticals, or to install any gadget or masterwork modifica-
normal protective layers with cutting-edge synthetics, resulting in tion in the vehicle that affects engine performance (e.g. speed
significantly lighter protection and reducing the armor’s weight to traits). This gear bonus is equal to the power rating of the agent’s
67% of standard (rounded down), and reducing its speed penalty computer, minus 1 (to a minimum of +1 and a maximum of +4).
(if any) by 5 ft. Additionally, a datalogger may serve as an efficient means of
Load-Bearing: The armor is festooned with pockets and controlling certain volatile or unstable engine subsystems. Setting
attachment rings for carrying various items of Small- or smaller- a datalogger up to run in tandem with a vehicle’s engine requires
size, and distributing their weight evenly over the wearer’s body. 1 half action to launch the software and hardware. When a
When wearing the armor, an agent’s Strength is considered to datalogger is running while a vehicle is operated, the following
be 1 higher for the purposes of determining encumbrance. additional effects apply.
This benefit is not cumulative with the benefit granted by load-
• The chance of a nitrous oxide system igniting is vastly reduced
bearing equipment (see Modern Arms Guide: Chapter 9 Website
— for each stage of nitrous applied, roll 2d6. If both dice
Download, page 12).
come up 1, the system ignites. For more information about
Non-Restrictive: Extensive adjustment of seams and
nitrous oxide systems, see the Spycraft Espionage Handbook,
fasteners makes the armor easier to move in than an off-the-rack
page 153.
model without sacrificing any protection. The armor’s maximum
Dexterity penalty (MDB) is increased by 1 (to a maximum of +6), • The benefits granted by a performance chip are doubled
and its armor check penalty (ACP) is reduced by 1 (to a minimum (see the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, page 80).
of 0).
• The initiative penalty inflicted by a turbo kit is eliminated
Personally Tailored: The pinnacle of modern armoring, this
(see the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, page 81).
modification requires a minimum of 8 hours to measure the agent
for whom the armor is intended and tailor it to his personal A datalogger’s connection to a vehicle’s engine also makes it
specifications. For the agent — and the agent alone — the armor’s susceptible to damage. Each time a vehicle suffers an engine
armor check penalty (ACP) is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0), critical while a datalogger is running in tandem with its engine,
and its Defense bonus (DB) is increased by 1 (to a maximum of +2). the GC should roll 1d6. If the result is equal to or less than the
If the agent gains or loses more than 2% of his body weight, or if total number of engine criticals from which the vehicle is
his physical ability scores change at all, he also loses all benefits currently suffering (including the critical it just suffered), a power
of this modification. surge destroys the linked computer, the link cable, and the data-
logger software.
Programming DC: 20
Programming Time: 6 hours (requires access to a shop
STANDARD-ISSUE manual for the vehicle to which the software is tailored, and at
least 1 rank each in Electronics and Mechanics)
GEAR Medical Data Tracker: This software may be installed on any
computer with a power rating of +1 or higher, and allows for
For additional statistics for the following items, see Table 5: simultaneous monitoring of up to a number of remote medical
Standard-Issue Gear on page 19. sensors equal to 4 + the computer’s power rating — but only so
long as the computer is connected to a radio receiver. Anyone
with access to this medical data feed gains a +4 gear bonus with
Clothing and Accessories all skill checks made to evaluate an observed patient’s emotional
Cologne/Perfume, Designer: An agent wearing 1 application state or physical condition, or to perform any medical diagnosis
of designer cologne or perfume gains a +1 gear bonus with skill upon an observed patient. For more information about remote
checks made as part of a seduction attempt targeting a character medical sensors, see page 18.
of appropriate sexual preference. An agent wearing 2 or more Programming DC: 15
applications of designer cologne or perfume, however, suffers a –2 Programming Time: 8 hours (requires at least 2 ranks in
gear penalty per application beyond the first with skill checks made Knowledge (Medicine))
as part of any seduction attempt. Each application of designer
cologne or perfume lasts for 8 hours or until washed off.
Standard-Issue Gear
Battery Power
Land Warrior Sharp-eyed Spycraft players will note the Duration column
The Land Warrior project arose in 1991 from a U.S. Army
in the gear tables. The standard-issue gear and the Land Warrior
initiative to improve the battlefield performance of the individual
system presented in this document are designed with Stargate
infantryman through multiple integrated technologies. It consists
SG-1’s rules for battery-powered gear rather than those found
of five separate modular subsystems: a weapon, a helmet,
in Modern Arms Guide. Under those rules, a battery-powered
a computer/radio, software, and protective clothing. The system is
item works for its duration — whether a set time or a specific
still under development, and is scheduled for limited deployment
number of uses — without incident (barring hostile action or
between 2004 and 2008. Each subsystem is described separately in
accidents, of course). After that duration expires, every time the
the following sections.
item is used without a recharge, the player must roll 1d20.
This roll initially has an error range of 1. With a roll of 20, the
The Weapon Subsystem: Land Warrior’s weapon subsystem is
error range increases by 1 (first to 1–2, then to 1–3, and so on).
designed to enhance the user’s target acquisition capabilities in
If the player suffers an error, the GC may spend 1 action die to
adverse visual conditions, using a set of sighting electronics
cause the item’s power to run down, requiring new batteries or
designed to integrate with current (M16 and M4) and next-
a recharge before it may be used again.
generation (XM29 and XM8) assault rifles. It consists of a thermal
sight, a daylight video camera, and a laser rangefinder.
This enables the user to relay his sight picture to allies, or to shoot
Computer/Radio Subsystem (CRS): The Land Warrior’s CRS
around corners without exposing more than his hands and rifle.
subsystem is built into the flexible frame of a rucksack. The device
The thermal sight functions as a standard 3rd-generation
is constructed around 3 core components: a set of radios in its
night vision sight (see the Modern Arms Guide, page 115), with a
upper section and a computer and GPS unit in its lower section.
range increment of 50 ft. and a Spot check cap of 18. The daylight
For close-range voice communication among the agent’s fire
video camera has a range increment of 100 ft. and a Spot check
team, the CRS contains the electronics of an off-the-shelf
cap of 22, and the laser rangefinder grants the rifle onto which it’s
Motorola commercial radio. For data transmission and tactical
mounted the advanced aim (AA) quality.
voice communication outside the fire team, it calls upon a
The thermal sight and daylight video camera can both
standard military SINGCARS (Single Channel Ground and Airborne
display their images on the weapon’s IHAS display (see page 18).
Radio System) encrypted unit. The CRS computer features an
When the weapon subsystem is connected to the IHAS, the agent
off-the-shelf 500MHz processor and runs a Linux operating
can fire the weapon from behind full cover, so long as he has room
system (initial versions used Windows 2000 but could not meet
to expose the rifle itself. When firing in this manner, the agent
Army requirements for 10 continuous days of uptime). The anten-
cannot brace the weapon (even if he has a feat or class ability that
nae for both radios and the GPS are integrated into the backpack
would enable him to do so under adverse circumstances). Further,
frame, and the whole unit is controlled through a chest-mounted
he substitutes the range increment of the sighting device he’s
multi-function handgrip.
using for the weapon’s standard range increment, and applies the
Without the IHAS display and radio headset, the CRS is just a
lower of his Dexterity or Wisdom modifiers to his ranged attack
backpack containing a bunch of rugged electronics gear, and the
rolls. Finally, each attack directed at the weapon when it is linked
following standard-issue gear: 1 standard headset radio,
to the IHAS has a 25% chance of striking the agent’s hands,
1 standard encrypted tactical radio, 1 "laptop" computer with a +0
bypassing any damage reduction granted by his body armor.
power rating, and standard 1 GPS receiver. All of these items are
Powering up a Land Warrior weapon subsystem requires 1 half
housed in a pair of waterproof, impact-resistant, ballistic-resistant
action, after which the subsystem requires 3 full rounds to warm
shells (one for the radios, and another for the computer and GPS).
up. Changing the weapon subsystem’s batteries requires 2 half
Each shell grants the contents 8 points of hardness and damage
thresholds of 4/6/8/9. Each set of components operates even if the
Integrated Helmet Assembly Subsystem (IHAS): The Land
others are destroyed, but tasks which require the integration of
Warrior’s IHAS subsystem is built around the Modular Integrated
both become impossible without a fully functional unit.
Communications Helmet (MICH), a set of headgear that’s lighter
Powering up a Land Warrior CRS subsystem requires 1 full
than the current "k-pot," yet still provides the same degree of
action, after which the radios require 2 full rounds to warm up
ballistic protection. The helmet’s most visible feature is a flip-
and the computer requires 3 full minutes (30 full rounds) to boot.
down full-color SVGA display that can accept data from both the
Changing a CRS subsystem’s batteries requires 6 half actions.
Land Warrior computer and the weapon-mounted thermal
No accessories may be attached to the Land Warrior’s com-
sight/video camera. Additionally, the helmet incorporates an
puter system, nor may any additional software be installed on it.
integral set of night-vision equipment, and an earpiece and
The system is a hardwired only for its programmed functions.
microphone connect to the computer/radio subsystem to provide
Software Subsystem: The Land Warrior’s software subsystem
radio communication or an audio data feed. The data connection
is designed to provide the agent with all available tactical data
is made through a single cable that runs across the right temple
without inflicting information overload upon him. It includes
of the helmet and down back of the agent’s neck.
several applications, as follows. Obviously, all of the following
On its own, the IHAS functions as a standard ballistic helmet,
applications require the CRS computer to be operational,
granting a +2 Defense bonus, a –1 armor check penalty, and a
and most require other Land Warrior components to be
standard set of night-vision goggles. The other portions of the
operational as well. Specific requirements are listed in each
helmet subsystem are dead weight without data input from the
application’s description.
computer/radio subsystem.
The Fire Direction application uses the weapon subsystem’s
Powering up an Land Warrior IHAS subsystem requires 1 half
laser rangefinder and GPS to determine the exact locations of the
action, after which the subsystem requires 3 full rounds to warm
agent and anything at which he points his laser. In turn, this
up. Changing the IHAS’s batteries requires 3 half actions.
information enables the agent to send a request for fire support,
artillery, or air support without having to relay map coordinates
by voice. When the agent devotes 1 full action to painting a
Standard-Issue Gear
target and relaying the data to an artillery or air unit capable of modular configuration and an articulated backpack frame that
receiving that data, the error range of any attack made by the enables the wearer to adjust the weight of his load between his
receiving unit against the target before the start of the target’s shoulders and his hips for maximum comfort and balance.
next initiative count is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). For information about the Interceptor vest, see page 14. Land
Alternately, when the agent uses this application to call for Warrior’s load-bearing equipment and pack frame operate as
artillery (as described in the Spycraft U.S. Militaries Sourcebook), standard load-bearing equipment, raising the agent’s Strength by
the error ranges of skill checks and attack rolls he makes to 1 for the purpose of determining his carry weight and encum-
support an artillery crew until the start of his next initiative count brance. It also includes a 3-quart camelback (see the Spycraft U.S.
are reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). In order for the Fire Militaries Sourcebook, or the Stargate SG-1 Rulebook).
Direction application to function, the Land Warrior’s GPS, laser Requisitioning Land Warrior: Land Warrior is designed as a
rangefinder, and tactical radio must remain operational. modular system, and each subsystem may be requisitioned
The Power Management application conserves battery power separately — though some subsystems are of little use on their
in all Land Warrior electronic components by placing them in own. The entries on Table 6 present the cost to requisition each
"sleep" mode when they aren’t needed. Time spent in sleep mode subsystem separately (see page 19 for details).
only counts as 1/10 the standard operational time when making When an agent requisitions the full Land Warrior system as
power checks for battery-powered equipment, rounded up one package, he receives a slight cost discount. A complete Land
(see page 17). Putting a functional Land Warrior component into Warrior system — including the weapon, IHAS, CRS, software, and
sleep mode requires 1 half action. Bringing all sleeping Land individual equipment subsystems (but not a weapon or a set of
Warrior components back online requires 1 half action, after Interceptor body armor — may be requisitioned as a 35 BP bundle
which they become ready at the start of the agent’s next initiative by any Spycraft agent, or as a weapons bundle for any Stargate
count. The Power Management application relies upon no other SG-1 character.
Land Warrior systems to remain operational.
The Tactical Mapping application uses global mapping Medical Supplies
software to display the agent’s location — and the locations of
Automatic Defibrillator: Designed for use by individuals with
every other friendly unit in his immediate area who also possess-
minimal first aid training, an automatic defibrillator consists of a
es a functional Land Warrior system, or a vehicle-mounted equiv-
set of medical sensors that can detect cardiac arrest, and a "shock
alent (for more information about global mapping software, see
paddle" system capable of restarting a victim’s heart.
the Modern Arms Guide: Chapter 9 Website Download, page 6).
An agent using an automatic defibrillator gains a +4 gear
When using this application, the agent gains all the benefits of a
bonus with First Aid checks made to stabilize a dying character or
standard piece of global mapping software, and is aware of the
provide treatment for a heart attack. An automatic defibrillator’s
exact location of anyone of his teammates with has a functional
built-in safeguards prevent its use for any sort of attack — unless,
Land Warrior GPS and tactical radio. In order for the Tactical
of course, the agent uses it as an improvised weapon (see the
Mapping application to function, the Land Warrior’s GPS,
Modern Arms Guide, page 34).
tactical radio, and IHAS display must remain operational.
Blood Sample, Human: Despite trying, the Agency’s R&D
The Tactical Map Overlay application is typically used only by
department has yet to produce a synthesized plasma or blood
unit commanders. It provides a channel for distributing tactical
sample that can identically match a target’s DNA. Thus, "collection
plans to allies who are out of direct visual contact. To the uniniti-
missions" are still regularly launched to retain true blood samples,
ated, a tactical plan composed using this application looks some-
which are in turn used to "trick" DNA samplers and similar
thing like a football play — but the Xs and Os indicate friends and
security devices, and to intentionally contaminate scenes for later
foes, and the arrows represent attack routes. Composing a tactical
discovery. A single blood sample may be used to contaminate one
plan requires 1 half action per participant and a successful
5-ft. square, increasing the error ranges of all skill checks made to
Profession (Military) or Knowledge (Military History) check (DC 10,
collect or analyze forensic evidence from that square by 3.
+2 per participant). Sending a finished plan to all participants
Alternately, blood samples may be used to tamper with blood
requires 1 half action. Once per scene, the agent may compose
evidence as descried under Forensics on page 70 of the Spycraft
and send a tactical plan to gain the benefits of 1 use of the point-
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide.
man’s tactics +1 class ability, with the tactical plan taking the
Remote Medical Sensor: This set of (mostly) non-invasive
place of the order issued. If the agent already possesses the
sensors enables remote monitoring of an agent’s pulse, blood
tactics class ability, he may combine his Intelligence and Charisma
pressure, temperature, blood chemistry, and other vital signs.
modifiers when calculating the number of targets affected by his
This information can be used to evaluate the agent’s performance
tactics ability, and this use of the tactical map overlay application
and stress level during training or live operations, or to diagnose
does not count as one of his uses of the tactics ability during the
trauma while the medics are still on the way to the agent’s side.
current session. In order for the Tactical Map Overlay application
A medical monitoring system includes a short-range transmitter
to function, the Land Warrior’s GPS, tactical radio, and IHAS dis-
(with a range increment of 500 ft. and a signal power rating
play must remain operational.
of +0), and is intended for use with medical data tracker software
The Video Imaging application can capture still or video
(see page 16).
images from the weapon subsystem’s sight and relay them over
the CRS’ SINGCARS unit. It can also receive video and display it on
the IHAS’ video panel. In order for the Video Imaging application Tools
to function, the Land Warrior’s weapon sight, tactical radio, and Fishing/Hunting License: This document identifies the
IHAS display must remain operational. bearer as a registered hunter or fisherman within 1 designated
Protective Clothing and Individual Equipment Subsystem: area (commonly a state or equivalent legislative region). An agent
The portion of the Land Warrior system that stands alone with the may find it useful when supporting his presence in a remote
least loss of function is its load-bearing equipment and body wilderness area — and, in the case of a hunting license, when sup-
armor. Land Warrior’s ballistic protection is built around the porting his possession of a rifles or shotgun. A fishing or hunting
current-issue Interceptor vest, with or without optional boron license grants a +2 gear bonus with Bluff and Bureaucracy skill
carbide plates. Load-bearing capability is provided by the vest’s checks made to exert or support such authorization.
Vehicle Options
Manual, Wildlife Guide: This document helps the reader to
identify creatures native to one type of wilderness terrain, chosen
from aquatic, arctic, desert, forest, jungle, mountain, or swamp.
When making skill checks to identify indigenous wildlife within
the designated terrain, the agent gains a +2 gear bonus with all
Handle Animal, Spot, Survival, and education checks. An agent may apply the following masterwork modifications
Map, Architectural: This document depicts all known to a vehicle using the Mechanics skill uses described on page 35
features of a building — commonly all features registered with of the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide.
a municipal zoning authority. An agent referring to an architec-
tural map of his present location (or in verbal communication Performance Modifications
with another character in possession of such a map) gains a +1 Brushcutter (any non-personal ground vehicle): A set of
gear bonus with all Hide, Search, and Spot, and navigation checks metal bars and dull cutting edges protects this vehicle from
made within the structure. collisions with vegetation. Once per chase, if the chase happens
Permit, Travel: Particularly in the former Soviet Bloc, many off-road, this vehicle’s driver may ignore the results of a failed
nations carefully control borders, both at the state and national obstacle check. Additionally, any pedestrian or animal struck by
levels. This document identifies the bearer as having official the front of this vehicle suffers an additional 2d6 damage.
permission to travel within a specific country or region. It grants Cost: 1 GP or $600.
a +2 gear bonus with Bluff and Bureaucracy skill checks made to Off-Road Suspension (ground and personal ground vehi-
exert or support such authorization. cles only): This vehicle’s suspension is raised, strengthened, and
Ram, Portable: This miniature version of the standard SWAT fitted with oversized, rugged tires. Its handling is reduced by 2, but
model features only one set of handgrips, but is light enough to it gains the off-road (ORD) quality. Cost: 1 GP or $6,000.
be carried without assistance by a sturdy agent. A portable ram Skid Plates (any non-personal ground vehicle): A set of
grants 1 agent — and 1 agent only — a +4 gear bonus with metal plates protects this vehicle’s underbody from impact,
Strength checks made as part of a strike an object action (see the granting an additional 4 points of hardness against damage
Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 168). When using one or targeting the vehicle’s under-carriage. Additionally, this modifica-
more portable rams, no more than 2 agents may cooperate to tion grants a +2 gear bonus with obstacle checks made while on
strike an object of 5 ft. in width or smaller (including most a road or a +4 gear bonus with obstacle checks made while off-
standard doors). road. Cost: 1 GP or $800. All vehicles possessing the off-road
Additionally, a portable ram may be used as a melee weapon, (ORD) or tracked (TRK) qualities, and all performance (police) cars,
though only against a target who is flat-footed or otherwise are assumed to possess this masterwork modification at no addi-
denied his Dexterity bonus to Defense. In this case, the ram oper- tional cost.
ates like a sledge hammer with an accuracy penalty of –1 (see the Winch (any non-personal ground or water vehicle): Affixed
Modern Arms Guide, page 36). to the vehicle’s front bumper, this heavy-duty winch comes with
a 100-ft. steel cable and can support the vehicle’s own weight —
or pull the vehicle up a 45-degree incline at a rate of 5 ft. per turn.
Cost: 1 GP or $500.
Computer Software
Datalogger 6/1 — 0.1 lb. $1,500
Medical data tracker 2/1 — — $2,000
Medical Supplies
Automatic defibrillator 4/1 6 skill checks 4 lb. $3.500
Blood sample, human 4/1 — — Restricted
Remote medical sensor 3/1 per 2 2 hours 0.2 lb. $1,000 per 2
License, hunting/fishing 1/— — — $25
Manual, wildlife guide 2/1 — 1 lb. $30
Map, architectural 2/1 — — $50
Permit, travel 1/1 — — $60
Ram, portable 2/1 — 50 lb. $75
New Combat Rules
New Vehicle Quality:
All-Wheel Drive (AWD)
A vehicle possessing this quality has independently-driven
front and rear axles, providing superior traction on slick or
unstable surfaces. The AWD quality negates traction-related
Driver skill check penalties up to to the number of intact tires
remaining on the vehicle (to a maximum negation of 4).
This includes penalties for dirt track and ice terrain types Gun Charge (Full Action)
(see the Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, page 55). The vehicle Gun charging allows you to move up to twice your speed in a
also loses 10% of its base speed and MPH, however, due to the straight line, at the end of which you may take a standard attack
added weight of the AWD system. or suppressive fire action with a non-tactical firearm. Your target
must be visible to you at the beginning and end of your
Example: A car hit an oil slick (see the Spycraft Espionage
movement, and must also be within 3 range increments of your
Handbook, page 153). Typically, the car’s driver would suffer a
location at the end of your movement.
–5 penalty with his next maneuver check. If the vehicle
As a free action, you may elect to go prone before or after you
possesses the all-wheel drive quality, however, the driver only
take your standard attack or suppressive fire action, but you are
suffers a –1 penalty if all four of the vehicle’s tires are intact,
not required to do so. Your gun charge ends as soon as you move
a –2 penalty if 1 tire is blown, a –3 penalty if 2 tires are blown,
adjacent to any opponent — you cannot run past one opponent to
a –4 penalty if 3 tires are blown, or the standard –5 penalty if
gun charge another.
all 4 tires are blown.
If you take a standard attack action at the end of your
An agent may requisition the AWD quality with any movement, it suffers a –2 penalty, but its threat range is increased
commuter car (of any sub-type except subcompact), or with any by 2. Additionally, your Defense is reduced by 2 until the start of
modern sports car, at no additional cost other than the speed your next initiative count.
penalty described above. Additionally, all off-road cars and If you take a suppressive fire action at the end of your
trucks are assumed to possess the AWD quality at no additional movement, the penalty applied by your suppressive fire is
cost, but retain their printed speed figures. increased by an additional –2, but any attack action you gain
against your target as a result of the suppressive fire suffers a –2
Combat and penalty. Additionally, your Defense is reduced by 2 until the start
Safety Modifications of your next initiative count.
A gun charge is considered a charge action for the purposes
Field-Expedient Armor (any non-personal vehicle):
of applying feat and class abilities that modify charge actions.
By welding metal plates over the vehicle’s vulnerable areas, a
halfway competent mechanic can provide some degree of protec-
tion from small arms. The vehicle gains an additional 5 points of MachineGun Suppressive
hardness — which are ignored by vehicular ordnance. Unlike most Fire (Full Action)
gadget armor, this modification is obvious to any observer.
The following mechanical changes to machineguns are
Cost: 1 GP or $500.
intended to address the weapon type’s perceived lack of utility.
Field-Expedient Hardpoint (any non-personal vehicle):
They greatly impact machinegun lethality. Thus, when using these
A couple of hours’ work with an acetylene torch and some spare
rules, the cost of each machinegun is increased by 4 BP
metal tubing can provide any vehicle with a mounting point
(in Spycraft and Living Spycraft), or by 1 gear pick (in Stargate
suitable for any machine gun (which must be requisitioned
separately). A weapon mounted in this fashion is considered to
When you wield a braced machinegun with which you’re
feature a tripod. The weapon is obvious and must be operated by
proficient, you may use the suppressive fire action to suppress an
a passenger, who may gain no more than one-half cover from the
area rather than an individual target. Select a number of
vehicle when firing it. This modification is commonly seen on
contiguous squares (i.e. squares that are connected either side-to-
civilian pickup trucks used by irregular or guerrilla forces, with the
side or diagonally) up to your Strength modifier +3 (minimum 2).
gun mounted on a tripod welded into the truck’s bed. Cost: 1 GP
You must possess line of sight to each targeted square, ignoring
or $200.
persons in the way (i.e. no non-person cover or scenery may block
Fire Suppression System (any vehicle): This package
your line of sight to any targeted square). Any person blocking
installs a halon fire extinguisher system in the engine bay and
your line of sight to a target square — whether a teammate, an
replaces all interior fittings with flame-retardant materials.
ally, an opponent, or another NPC type — is subject to the effects
The vehicle suffers 1/2 standard damage from any fire-based
of suppressive fire per the standard Spycraft combat rules (see the
damage (after hardness and other effects are applied is applied).
Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 168).
Additionally, whenever the vehicle catches fire, there is a 50%
After you take this action, you may not move until the start
chance at the beginning of each round that the fire suppression
of your next initiative count.
system extinguishes the fire. Cost: 1 GP or $2,500. All military
Suppressing an area uses up 3 shots of ammunition per
armored vehicles, non-personal racing vehicles, and non-personal
selected square (minimum 6 shots). You cannot suppress more
aircraft are assumed to possess this masterwork modification at
squares than 1/3 the ammunition remaining (rounded down).
no additional cost.
You may still use a machinegun to perform the standard
Racing Seats (any non-personal ground or water vehicle):
suppressive fire action against 1 target, as detailed in the Spycraft
This vehicle’s standard front seats are replaced with racing seats,
Espionage Handbook. If you choose to perform this action, any
granting the benefits of the five-point harness (FPH) quality to
attack you gain as a result of your suppressive fire is resolved as
anyone sitting in these positions. Cost: 1 GP or $800.
an autofire attack (e.g. multiple rounds may strike your target,
depending on the outcome of your attack roll, up to the number
of shots you devoted to your suppressive fire action).