GIJOE Organization Doc Rev5

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The document provides an overview of the Geopolitical Intelligence and Joint Operations Executive (GIJOE) agency including its purpose, organization, and personnel.

The GIJOE is tasked with the clandestine and/or covert collection of actionable geopolitical human-resource intelligence in foreign territory.

The main components/detachments of the agency are the Command & Control Element (C2E), Analysis & Control Element (ACE), Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment, Source Operations & Intelligence Collection (SONIC) Detachment, and Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment.

The Geopolitical Intelligence & Joint

Operations Executive

August 2010
Office of the Director, Geopolitical Intelligence & Joint Operations Executive

Not approved for public distribution, for internal use only

“Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.”

- Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

Document Outline
● Agency Description

● Agency History

● Agency Organization

– Command & Control Element (C2E)

– Analysis & Control Element (ACE)
– Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment
– Source Operations & Intelligence Collection (SONIC) Detachment
– Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment
● Agency Headquarters

● Agency Recruitment, Eligibility Requirements, Training, Uniforms, and Equipment

● Appendices

– Appendix A : GIJOE Sub-unit Composition

– Appendix B : Comparative Enlisted Pay-Grades & Ranks
– Appendix C : Comparative Warrant Officer Pay-Grades & Ranks
– Appendix D : Comparative Officer Pay-Grades & Ranks
– Appendix E : Federal Government Pay-Scales & Their Approximate Military Pay-Grade Equivalents
– Appendix F : GIJOE Insignia
– Appendix G : Acronyms & Abbreviations
– Appendix H : Partial List of GIJOE Position-Specific Duties & Responsibilities
– Appendix I : Glossary of Select Terms
– Appendix J : Sample GIJOE Personnel Files
Agency Description

The Geopolitical Intelligence and Joint Operations Executive (GIJOE) is an independent agency of the United States government tasked with the clandestine and/or covert collection of actionable
geopolitical human-resource intelligence in foreign territory. The agency's statutory role is defined in such a way that the scope of its activities do not interfere with that of other agencies or executive
branch departments. The bulk of GIJOE operators are individual augmentees from the armed forces, with a small number of private contractors and federal employees seconded from the Department
of Defense and the Department of State rounding out the remainder of the agency's approximately 300-strong workforce. Attached military personnel are authorized a substantial hazard pay amount
that keeps compensation competitive between the normally lower-paid Armed Forces personnel and their civilian counterparts.

GIJOE's current operational focus is the gathering of actionable intelligence on the network of relationships linking established corporate entities to conventional weapons proliferation, terrorism, and
state and/or state-sponsored acts of terrorism in the United States and abroad. Of particular interest to the agency at this time are certain private military contractors and arms manufacturers
suspected of directly or indirectly providing training and matériel to militant organizations, international terrorist groups, and state sponsors of terrorism.

Agency History

Current agency director Joseph Colton, PhD, whose research in strategic studies provided much of the theoretical framework for the formation of GIJOE in 2010, cites the strategies and tactics
employed by the United Kingdom's Special Operations Executive (1940-1946) as strongly influencing the basic concepts GIJOE would be founded upon.

The idea of a small, partially autonomous, interagency counterterrorist intelligence gathering unit with limited organic combat and logistics assets was formally forwarded by Col. Colton (US Army, ret.)
in his 2004 doctoral thesis entitled "Modeling Adaptive Organizations in the Current Irregular Warfare Context." Drawing upon organization modeling theory and the real-world lessons learned from the
Intelligence Community's lapses prior to the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks, the continued misrepresentation of intelligence by key government figures that led to the contentious invasion of Iraq
in 2003, and USSOCOM's past successes and failures in managing the growing threat of 21st century terrorism, Colton successfully argued that an independent, operationally agile formation
composed of volunteer individual military augmentees and government and private sector intelligence and security professionals would be more responsive and effective than the traditionally
organized and regimented units the CIA, USSOCOM, and Department of Homeland Security utilize in countering emergent foreign and domestic terrorist threats. This same organization would also be
more accountable for its actions and be held to higher professional military and intelligence-gathering standards than the growing number of private military contractors being hired by the
administration to handle increasingly sensitive force protection and anti-terrorism duties.

It was Dr. Colton's theories that provided the initial impetus for the joint proposal by the US House Committee on Armed Services and the US House Committee on Homeland Security for the creation
of a small, independent, government agency capable of clandestine and covert human-resource intelligence gathering and limited armed engagement of targets of opportunity. Congress authorized
the formation of the Geopolitical Intelligence and Joint Operations Executive (GIJOE) in April of 2009 and Dr. Colton himself was nominated by an ad hoc expert committee to head the newly-minted
agency. President Barack Obama appointed Dr. Colton as the first director of GIJOE in June of 2009. In August of the same year, President Obama issued Executive Order 12333a, amending
Executive Order 12333 and granting GIJOE limited license to conduct covert operations in support of its mandate, making it only the second government agency (after the CIA) authorized to perform
legally deniable military and paramilitary actions. Congress would later provide an authorizing resolution for the executive order the via the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010. After an
initial round of recruiting, organizing, and training that stretched over several months, the agency was formally stood up on 20 June 2010 at its base of operations, the re-commissioned Fort
Wadsworth installation on New York's Staten Island.

Agency Organization

The Geopolitical Intelligence and Joint Operations Executive is structured as a multi-unit task force comparable in size to a small battalion.

Figure 1. GIJOE organizational structure

Command & Control Element (C2E)

The Command & Control Element (C2E) comprises GIJOE's overall command personnel and staff, both civilian and military. The triad of the C2E, the Analysis & Control Element (ACE) and the STEEL
Detachment form what could be considered GIJOE's headquarters in the traditional military organizational sense.

Figure 2. C2E organizational structure

● The Office of the Director plans and oversees GIJOE's activities and analyzes their effects. The director and deputy director are appointed by the president from a list of candidates prepared
by an independent, non-partisan, ad hoc committee composed of leading counterterrorism, intelligence, and security analysts from the public and private sector. There is no statutory
provision which specifically excludes active military personnel from being nominated for the positions, although the Geopolitical Intelligence and Joint Operations Executive's charter
stipulates that the director and deputy director positions cannot be simultaneously filled by active-duty military officers. Neither the candidate list nor appointments require Congressional or
Senate approval. Command staff are appointed by the director and deputy director.
● The Operations Section is the director's primary resource for for planning, coordinating, prioritizing, and synchronizing GIJOE's intelligence-gathering operations.
● The Tactical Deception Group provides deception planning support, supports GIJOE deception operations, and executes limited deception events with organic resources (such as decoys
and communications deception). It is composed of a Group HQ tasked with recommending deception objectives, developing deception plans which present deception narratives to the
adversary intelligence collection system, and monitors, via the appropriate elements, the execution of deception plan; a Plans & Operations Team that functions as a control station for the
Tactical Deception Group; a COMSEC Team in charge of deploying and employing electronic communications deception devices in support of GIJOE deception operations; a Camouflage &
Concealment Team responsible for preparing physical deception measures and organizing material and personnel to be employed in deception operations; an Electromagnetic Emanations
Security Team with the mission of establishing and maintaining the noncommunications profile of replicated units for deception operations; and an ELINT/Imagery Analysis Team that
provides electronic intelligence and imagery analysis support to the components of the Tactical Deception Group.
● The OPINTEL Team is responsible for providing timely and accurate intelligence analysis and products in support of the director and his staff. The team makes analytical predictions on when
and where hostile actions will occur. The team is responsible for evaluating the enemy in terms of doctrine, order of battle, high-value and or high-pay-off targets, capabilities, and
vulnerabilities. It also plans and manages surveillance and reconnaissance activities in coordination with the Office of the Director, the Operations Section, and the various element leaders.
● The Administrative Affairs Team is responsible for maintaining unit strength and conducting personnel actions. The team identifies and reports critical personnel shortages to the director and
deputy director. It ensures attached military personnel transition smoothly into and out of GIJOE and handles routine day-to-day tasks such as preparing element status and strength reports,
monitoring training qualifications, preparing personnel awards and orders, scheduling, and other administrative support as required.
● The Logistics & Mobility Team is tasked with providing logistical planning and support to GIJOE. The team supports the synchronization of intelligence collection and sustainment operations.
● The C-E Team is the primary planning resource for all command and control communication and networking operations. Command communications personnel work closely with the
Operations Section to ensure and maintain clear lines of communication during operations.
● The Legal Team serves as the legal adviser to the director and the agency as a whole. It is responsible for advising on all legal aspects of GIJOE operations and legal issues arising in
connection with agency actions. It handles lawsuits filed against the director in his role as the director and serves as the primary agency contact for the Department of Justice.
● The Public Affairs Team is tasked with managing the public relations risks and opportunities of the agency, both internally and externally. It is responsible for public communications to the
media and other government agencies. It advises and participates in decisions that may impact the ongoing reputation of the agency.

Analysis & Control Element (ACE)

The Analysis & Control Element (ACE) has the primary mission of performing collection management, producing
all-source intelligence, providing IEW technical control, and disseminating intelligence and targeting data. The
element supports the agency director in executing and planning future missions across the range of all-source
collection management and technical intelligence processing operations. It is habitually co-located with the
Command & Control Element to facilitate tasking and communications.
● The Element HQ exercises overall supervision and coordination of current and future Analysis &
Control Element operations.
● The All-Source Intelligence Platoon consists of a Platoon HQ, an Intelligence Distribution Terminal
Station, and four subordinate teams: All-Source Production, Collection Management, Target
Nomination, and Dissemination. The Platoon HQ oversees the full spectrum of the platoon's all-source
intelligence operations. Personnel assigned to the Intelligence Distribution Terminal Station are tasked
with providing the agency director, his staff, and element leaders with a comprehensive and common
view of the tactical space to aid in intelligence and targeting operations. Analysts from the four
subordinate teams are in charge of situation development, intelligence preparation of the tactical space,
battle damage assessment, all-source correlated database maintenance, target development, and
collection management.
● The Technical Control & Processing Platoon consists of a Platoon HQ and three subordinate teams:
SIGINT, HUMINT/CI, and Imagery Analysis. The Platoon HQ oversees and coordinates technical
control and processing operations. Analysts from the three subordinate teams perform discipline-
specific processing, analysis, reporting, and database management. The platoon is also responsible for
providing discipline-specific analysis support to the Source Operations & Intelligence Collection
Detachment's Intelligence & Surveillance Platoon, Collection & Jamming Platoon, and Composite Aerial
Reconnaissance Section.

Figure 3. ACE organizational structure

Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment

The Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment is responsible for providing tailored combat support and combat service support to stateside and deployed GIJOE

Figure 4. STEEL Detachment organizational structure

● The Detachment HQ is composed of three sub-units: the Detachment Command Team, the GIJOE Training Cadre, and the Office of the Ombudsman. The Detachment Command Team
oversees all combat support and combat service support activities. When the Detachment Command Team and the C 2E's Command Logistics Team are simultaneously deployed overseas,
they are frequently colocated to form a secondary Operations Section. The Training Cadre is responsible for developing and implementing GIJOE Professional Qualification Training, the
GIJOE Basic Small Arms Proficiency for Non-Military Personnel Course, the GIJOE Combatives for Non-Military Personnel Course, and various core skills-maintenance programs. Senior
GIJOE members not on active assignment can and do volunteer as cadre guest instructors. The Office of the Ombudsman is a dispute resolution team that provides impartial independent,
and confidential assistance to agency personnel. It is an independent organ answering directly to the agency director, but is administratively attached to the STEEL Detachment HQ.
● The Service Support Platoon provides food service, parachute rigging, and diverse mechanical and electronic/electrical maintenance support to the agency.

The C-E/IEW Maintenance Platoon is composed of specially trained personnel capable of meeting the agency's intermediate C 4I technology maintenance needs.
● The COMMO Platoon is composed of a Platoon HQ which provides signal personnel and equipment for the STEEL Detachment as well as four subordinate transmission teams which can be
attached to individual Element HQs or Detachment Command Teams to facilitate intra-agency communications.
● The Physical Security Platoon executes area physical security operations, conducts limited internment/resettlement operations, and performs law and order functions along with police
intelligence operations in assigned areas as required. It is composed of a Platoon HQ tasked with overseeing the platoon's activities and three subordinate five-man Physical Security Teams.
● The Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Team utilizes the agency's C-27J Spartan transport aircraft. The team operates out of the Francis S. Gabreski Air National Guard Base in New York's
Suffolk County. Aircraft maintenance, unit-level supply services, as well as aviation safety and standardization activities pertaining to the team are the responsibility of non-GIJOE Air National
Guard base personnel, as per an agreement with the state government of New York. In cases where a mission's air movement requirements exceed the logistical capabilities of the team and
its aircraft, the team's senior pilot liaises with the Air Mobility Command (AMC) and the New York Air National Guard to produce air transportation solutions.

● The Medical Treatment Team provides health service support to the agency. This support includes emergency and non-emergency medical and surgical treatment for wounds, injuries, or
illnesses; advanced trauma management; and sick call services. The team is capable of performing split-based operations, with half of the team's personnel performing limited casualty
evacuation missions from the supported elements to the treatment station. The team habitually establishes the treatment station where it can best support the agency's deployed elements.

Source Operations & Intelligence Collection (SONIC) Detachment

GIJOE's Source Operations & Intelligence Collection (SONIC) Detachment provides it

with a multi-spectrum intelligence collection capability.
● The Detachment Command Team exercises overall supervision of current and
future intelligence collection field operations.
● The two RETRANS Teams install, operate, and maintain radio and data
distribution systems and signal support equipment and terminal devices.
● The Intelligence & Surveillance Platoon has four units: a Platoon HQ, a
Counterintelligence (CI) Team, a Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) Section,
and a Special Projects Team. The Platoon HQ is tasked with administrative
and intelligence collection management duties. The CI Team protects GIJOE
assets against espionage/sabotage activities conducted on behalf of foreign
governments or domestic and international terrorist groups. The SSE Section
conducts interrogation, decryption of captured information systems, crime
scene investigations, weapons intelligence collection, and battle/collateral
damage assessment. The Special Projects Team conducts CI and HUMINT
activities that fall outside of conventional intelligence doctrine.
● The Collection & Jamming Platoon is charged with the detection, geolocation,
and exploitation of foreign communications using signals equipment. The
Platoon HQ oversees platoon operations while the Transmission Analysis
Team provides translation and analysis support to the platoon. The Voice
Intercept Team detects, locates, and identifies foreign communications. The
platoon also has three Low Level Voice Intercept (LLVI) Teams tasked with Figure 5. SONIC Detachment organizational structure
conducting voice intercept field operations using portable intercept equipment.
● The Composite Aerial Reconnaissance Section operates the agency's manned surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft in support of the detachment's intelligence collection missions. Aerial
reconnaissance activities may also be conducted in direct support of C2E, ACE, and TIGER Detachment operations. The Platoon HQ oversees operations and is habitually co-located with
the Detachment Command Team. The Fixed-Wing Aerial ISR (for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) Team operates the agency's MC-12W Liberty aircraft. Its personnel are
responsible for piloting the craft and manipulating its surveillance and telemetry equipment. The Rotary-Wing Aeroscout Team operates the agency's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter in
support of target analysis missions. The team is also capable of conducting limited target acquisition and armed reconnaissance activities. Both teams operate out of the Francis S. Gabreski
Air National Guard Base in New York's Suffolk County. Aircraft maintenance, unit-level supply services, and aviation safety and standardization activities pertaining to the section is the
responsibility of non-GIJOE Air National Guard personnel assigned to the base, as per an agreement with the state government of New York.

Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment

The Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment is charged with the collection of human-resource intelligence through long-range special reconnaissance
and surveillance up to 160 miles forward of the front edge of the designated operational space. The detachment can operate unsupported for up to ten days using organic assets. All personnel
assigned to the TIGER Detachment are airborne-qualified and have received military mountaineering and helicopter rope suspension techniques training, as well as basic instruction in the use of
inflatable small craft and non-standard tactical vehicles and many have undergone specialized navigational skills, advanced combat leadership, or special operations/special operations-capable
training such the Pathfinder School (US Army), Sapper Leader Course (US Army), Ranger School (US Army), Special Forces Qualification (US Army), 75th Ranger Regiment Assessment and
Selection Program (US Army), Combat Control School (USAF), Special Tactics Advanced Skills Training (USAF), Basic Reconnaissance Course (USMC), BUD/SEAL Training (USN), SWCC Training
(USN), EOD Diver Training (USN).

Figure 6. TIGER Detachment organizational structure

● The Detachment HQ contains three subordinate units for the command and control of the detachment. Personnel in the Detachment Command Team plan and control the employment of the
LRS teams, coordinate insertion and extraction of the teams to include external support, and receive and report information from deployed teams. The Surveillance & Acquisition (STA)
Sniper Team provides the Detachment HQ with a close reconnaissance capability as well as a limited ability to engage targets of opportunity at range. The Combat Observation/Lasing Team
(COLT) is tasked with requesting, adjusting, and controlling surface-to-surface fires, providing targeting information in support of close air support terminal attack controls, and performing
autonomous terminal guidance operations. While administratively and operationally attached to the Detachment HQ, the COLT directly answers to the C 2E's Fire Support Coordinator.
● The detachment's two COMMO Stations maintain communication between the Detachment HQ and the deployed teams. They operate on a 24-hour basis to ensure that all message traffic
to and from teams is processed immediately.
● The TIGER Detachment has three High-Value Target (HVT) Tracker Teams, each unit consisting of six men and a highly trained detection/tracking dog. The HVT Tracker Teams' primary
responsibilities include the deliberate identification, pursuit, and capture (or when required, neutralization) of senior or otherwise important enemy combatants; reconnaissance of an area for
possible enemy activities; and locating lost or missing friendly personnel.
● The detachment has eight Long-Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance (LRRS) Teams, special mission units charged with infiltrating deep into hostile territory and providing continuous
surveillance of an intelligence target for up to a week, depending on the availability of food and water supplies. These teams are capable of engaging targets of opportunity when allowed by a
mission's profile. LRRS Teams are also tasked with physically securing sensitive sites and conducting basic site assessment ahead of the agency's Sensitive Site Exploitation Section.
● The detachment's fifth LRRS team consists of personnel with extensive training and/or experience in performing their duties in especially arid and rugged terrain. All members of the team are
trained in the conduct of assault climbing operations in addition to the basic military mountaineering training common to all LRS Team personnel. LRS Team Five personnel are also
experienced in “tree jumping.”
● Personnel assigned to LRRS Team 6 are chosen for their prior experience in conducting missions in extreme cold weather environments. Members of the team have received additional
training in cold weather survival, winter navigation and mountaineering, and the use of specialist equipment such as skis, snowshoes, and OSVs (over-snow vehicles).
● LRRS Team 7 is composed of experts in High Altitude-Low Opening (HALO) and High Altitude-High Opening (HAHO) free fall parachuting techniques, making them exceptionally suited for
performing operations in areas that are especially inaccessible via low or medium-altitude airborne or helicopter insertion methods.
● In addition to performing overland reconnaissance and surveillance activities, LRRS Team 8 personnel are also trained to perform hydrographic, coastal, riverine, and port & waterways
reconnaissance, small craft navigation in inclement weather, underwater combat demolition operations against targets of opportunity, and “wet jumping.”

Agency Headquarters: Fort Wadsworth

GIJOE's headquarters is located at Fort Wadsworth, in the New York City

borough of Staten Island. Originally built as a single blockhouse in the late
17th century, the building had grown into an infantry fort by 1924. By 1955, it
had been re-purposed as the headquarters of the 52nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Brigade. In 1974, it became the site of the US Army Chaplain School. Fort
Wadsworth was handed over the the US Navy in 1979, when it became the
headquarters for the New York Naval Station. Fort Wadsworth was
decommissioned as a military installation in 1994 and absorbed by the
Gateway National Recreation Area. In the mid-1990s, the US Coast Guard
became a tenant in some of the buildings and housing previously occupied
by the Navy. The fort was re-commissioned as a federal installation in July of
2009 to serve as the headquarters for the Geopolitical Intelligence & Joint
Operations Executive.

The fort's Battery Weed has been converted to house GIJOE's various
administrative offices, while the former Fort Wadsworth Lighthouse is the
location for the installation's primary communications facility. The converted
Battery Richmond, Battery Dix, Battery Ayres, and Battery Barry structures
serve as living quarters for GIJOE personnel who elect to live on-base.
Battery Hudson has been re-purposed as a repair, parking, and storage
facility for the agency's fleet of tactical and non-tactical wheeled vehicles.
The former Battery Mills, and Battery Turnbull have been re-purposed as
supply depots while Battery Duane, Battery Bacon, and Battery Upton have
been redesigned as training facilities.

While Fort Wadsworth is a self-sustaining federal installation capable of

operating independently with minimal external logistics support for extended
periods, STEEL Detachment personnel tasked with the facility's day-to-day
operations are habitually reinforced and supported by non-GIJOE US Army
Reserve and US Army National Guard garrison units from nearby Fort

GIJOE's Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft, Fixed-Wing Aerial ISR, and

Plate 1. Fort Wadsworth (in dark green) area map
Rotary Wing Aeroscout teams and their aircraft are housed at and fly out of
the Francis S. Gabreski Air National Guard Base, roughly 80 miles east of
Fort Wadsworth in Westhampton Beach, in New York's Suffolk County.
Agency Recruitment, Eligibility Requirements, Training, Uniforms, and Equipment

● Recruitment & Eligibility: Positions in GIJOE are open to any member of the US Air Force, US Army, US Coast Guard, US Marine Corps, and US Navy in the pay-grade of E –4 or above,
provided they fulfill the job-specific requirements for available positions in the agency and are eligible for TOP SECRET security clearance (waiverable to SECRET security clearance at the
discretion of the agency director). A selected military applicant is seconded from his or her parent unit with the joint approval of the President and the secretary of the applicant's respective
service. Military applicants accepted into GIJOE incur a three-year obligatory term of service with the agency. Applications for an extension of the term of service can be submitted to the
office of the director six months prior to the term's expiration. Select positions in GIJOE are also open to non-military personnel. Civilian GIJOE employees are drawn from other federal
government departments and agencies, regional and local government organizations, corporate organizations, and the independent private military contractor community.
● Educational Requirements: Military applicants must have, at minimum, an associate's degree or an equivalent number of college credits from an accredited post-secondary educational
institution (conversion of military experience to college credit accepted). Civilian applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited post-secondary educational institution.
● Training: All selected applicants for potential entry into the agency will have been chosen for the training and experience they already possess prior to application, significantly reducing
agency training costs. Civilian applicants with no prior military or law enforcement small arms and personal defense training or ex-military and law enforcement applicants who have been out
of the services for more than five years must pass the month-long Basic Small Arms Proficiency for Non-Military Personnel Course and the three week-long Basic Combatives for Non-
Military Personnel Course prior to attending the nine month-long GIJOE Professional Qualification Training at Fort Wadsworth. All selected military and civilian applicants are required to pass
Professional Qualification Training for acceptance into GIJOE (no waivers accepted). The training consists of intensive classroom coursework and practical field exercises in the topics of
intelligence collection and management, information operations, international affairs, and cross-cultural competence. The curriculum also incorporates a very demanding physical and mental
resilience training regimen. Applicants for positions in the Command & Control Element, Analysis & Control Element, SONIC Detachment, and TIGER Detachment must also attend SERE
Level-C and Individual Terrorism Awareness training at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School if they have not done so prior to applying for GIJOE entry. Professional
Qualification Training has a 97% attrition rate, with most program withdrawals occurring within the first three months of training. Failed applicants are allowed one opportunity to re-try for the
agency, which they must exercise within two years of their first application.
● Uniforms: Military GIJOE operatives are required to wear their branch's respective service uniforms with GIJOE insignia and markings
(see Appendix F for insignia details) and must adhere to the appropriate grooming standards when in garrison and conducting their
duties in an official public capacity. Civilian operatives are required to wear business casual or international business attire when
doing the same. Service-specific combat and working/utility uniforms such as the Army Combat Uniform, Marine Corps Combat Utility
Uniform, Navy Working Uniform, Airman Battle Uniform, and Coast Guard Operational Dress Uniform are authorized for wear by
military GIJOE personnel in operational circumstances befitting their use. Civilian and military operators are also optionally issued
battle dress uniforms in the M81 Woodland and Three-Color Desert camouflage pattern as well as blue, olive drab, orange, red, and
tan coveralls for use in the appropriate working environments.

GIJOE operatives also have the option of wearing the GIJOE Professional Qualification Training uniform when working in conditions
more suitable for combat and working/utility wear. This uniform consists of a green tactical vest, non-standard COTS khaki trousers in
various cuts and styles, a midnight blue long-sleeved shirt, non-standard COTS green rough-out boots, and a proprietary design
ballistic helmet derived from the Army's Future Force Warrior program which incorporates an IFF-enabled GPS receiver, a
miniaturized combat net radio, integrated situational awareness enhancement sensors and displays, an ARMv6-architecture 32-bit
RISC microprocessor-equipped computer, and a rechargeable battery. For reasons of practicality and security, grooming and uniform
standards are suspended for operatives conducting activities in the field in order to facilitate ease of movement, concealment,
integration into local population and supported units, and other operational concerns.
● Communication Equipment and Information Systems: GIJOE is equipped with a diverse collection of Software Communications
Architecture-compliant combat net radios, secure servers, host applications, and ancillary equipment that communicate using MIL-
STD 188-220 and MIL-STD 2045-47001 network standards, as well as the open communication network standards promulgated by Plate 2. Female (L) and male (R) STEEL
the Internet Engineering Task Force, the World Wide Web Consortium, the International Organization for Standardization, and the Detachment personnel wearing
International Electrotechnical Commission. All GIJOE telecommunications equipment and information systems are continually tested the Professional Qualification
for compatibility and interoperability with current and future Joint Battle Command-Platform network systems and infrastructure. Training uniform

● Individual Weapons: GIJOE personnel are issued Heckler & Koch USP (Universale Selbstladepistole) Compact Tactical semiautomatic pistols as personal side arms. They are also given
concealed carry handgun permits valid in New York and jurisdictions that have reciprocity with the state. Select qualified personnel are also issued Heckler & Kock MP5 submachine guns,
M4 assault rifles, M249 light machine guns, M60E4 general-purpose machine guns, M24 sniper rifles, Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) grenade launchers, M67 grenades, and other
firearms and ordnance as required by their duty assignments. A discretionary fund is provided for SONIC, STEEL, and TIGER detachment personnel to enable the individual acquisition from
federal government and commercial entities any standard and non-standard firearms and firearm attachments and modifications that operatives may deem suitable for agency missions,
although personnel are advised to limit their purchases to STANAG-compliant matériel whenever possible to facilitate interoperability, maintenance, and re-supply.
● Wheeled Vehicles: GIJOE maintains a “white fleet” comprising sixty unmarked automobiles of various makes and
models, ranging in size from subcompact cars to full-sized vans and pickup trucks. These vehicles are used by
personnel for the discreet on-road transportation of passengers and cargo, with the only modifications being the
addition of IFF-enabled GPS receivers and integrated combat net radio systems. Specially-configured full-sized vans,
equipped with a full suite of satellite communications and encryption gear, also serve as mobile command posts.

The agency also maintains a “green fleet” of sixteen tactical utility vehicles primarily intended for use by TIGER
Detachment teams on deep reconnaissance missions where alternative means of insertion, movement, and
extraction are deemed impractical or too risky. Each custom vehicle, called a VAMP (for Variable Applications Mobility
Platform), is a modified Land Rover Defender XD equipped with a Weapons Mounted Installation Kit (WMIK) and
powered by a 111 horsepower, four-cylinder, turbocharged diesel engine chosen for its low noise profile and inherent
resistance to electromagnetic interference. The VAMP has a top speed of 100 miles/hour and an operational range of
315 miles (which can be extended to 515 miles when carrying its full complement of four fuel canisters), although this
range is reduced to about 200 miles when the vehicle is carrying its maximum payload of 2,250 pounds. The VAMP
can fit inside a CH-47 Chinook helicopter's cargo bay and up to two of the vehicles can be carried within the cargo
bay of the agency's C-27J Spartan medium transport plane or a comparably capacious tactical airlift aircraft such as a
C-130 Hercules. It can also be configured for Low-Velocity Air-Drop (LVAD) parachute operations. The WMIK allows
for the attachment of frontal and lateral armor, an M249 light machine gun or a general-purpose machine gun (M60 or
M240) on the front passenger pintle mount, and a general-purpose machine gun (M60 or M240), M2HB heavy
machine gun, or MK 19 automatic grenade launcher on the rear ring mount. It can seat six personnel comfortably
(including the driver, vehicle commander, and the rear gunner) but this capacity can be expanded to eight with the
Plate 3. VAMP (Variable Applications Mobility Platform)
rear ring mount weapon removed. The vehicle can also be fitted with a “periscope” engine snorkel, allowing it to be
operated fully submerged underwater as long as the snorkel's air intake remains above water. Additionally, it can be
converted to a tracked over-snow vehicle (OSV) by replacing its tires with Mattracks-brand rubber track conversion
systems, endowing it with considerable traction and maneuverability in snow and ice-covered environments
● Small Craft: Each of the TIGER Detachment's component teams is issued a modified Zodiac FC470 Evol 7 inflatable boat,
called a SHARC (for Shoreline Hazard Assessment/Raiding Craft). These versatile craft are ideally suited for performing
coastal reconnaissance as well as clandestine over-the-horizon transportation onto beaches, piers, quays, offshore platforms,
and large sea-going vessels. A SHARC can be air-dropped and inflated in a matter of minutes either manually with a foot
bellows or automatically with a fast inflation kit. The craft can be propelled by oar or with a 55 horsepower outboard engine
(capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 knots with a range of about 65 nautical miles). It can carry up to a maximum of ten
scout-observers or eight scout-observer swimmers with full SCUBA/CCUBA gear (maximum payload of 2,756 pounds).
Deflated, the craft weighs 264 pounds (minus the 280 pound outboard engine) and can fit inside a 2'6” x 4'11” container bag.
Plate 4. SHARC (Shoreline Hazard Assessment/Raiding Craft)

● Observation/Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter: The SONIC Detachment's Composite

Aerial Reconnaissance Section operates an unmarked OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter
in support of intelligence collection and target acquisition missions. Its two weapons
pylons, which can be fitted with a combination of M296 .50 caliber heavy machine guns,
7-tube Hydra 70 rocket launchers, twin AGM-114 Hellfire II laser-guided anti-tank missile
racks, or ATAL (Air-to-Air Stinger Launcher) systems, provide the vehicle with the
capability to conduct small-scale armed aerial reconnaissance operations. Nicknamed
“Dragonfly” by its two-man crew, it has a mast-mounted sight (MMS) fitted with a high-
resolution TV camera for long-range, low-light target detection; a thermal imaging sensor
for navigation and target acquisition at night or under low-visibility conditions; a laser
rangefinder for target location and armament guidance, and a boresight assembly for
sensor alignment. The MMS gives the Dragonfly the ability to operate across a range of
visibility conditions at the maximum range of its weapons with minimum exposure to
threats. The aircraft can remain concealed below the horizon or behind structures during
all but a few seconds of an air-to-air or air-to-surface engagement. The helicopter has a
Wire Strike Protection System in the form of two knife-like extensions above and below
the cockpit, which protect the aircraft from the risk of wires (such as telephone lines,
power lines, guy wires) entangling the rotor during Nap-of-the-Earth (NOE) maneuvers by
cutting the wires before they come in contact with the main rotor assembly. The helicopter Plate 5. Dragonfly observation/armed reconnaissance helicopter
has a maximum operational range of 350 miles and a service ceiling of 15,000 feet.
● Fixed-Wing Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance (ISR) Aircraft: The SONIC
Detachment's Composite Aerial Reconnaissance Section also operates a modified
MC-12W Liberty (which itself is a militarized Hawker Beechcraft 350 optimized for
flying surveillance missions). The aircraft, nicknamed “Skystriker” by members of the
agency, is equipped with a cameras and sensors that can supply video and telemetry
data to scout-observers and imagery analysts on the ground. It is also fitted with and
signals equipment that can intercept enemy communications to be analyzed on-board
or transmitted to the detachment's Collection & Jamming Platoon or to the agency's
Analysis & Control Element. The Skystriker is unarmed, but carries an array of
passive and active electronic countermeasures for protection from surface and
airborne threats. The aircraft has a maximum operational range of 2,750 miles and a
service ceiling of 35,000 feet,. Plate 6. Skystriker Fixed-Wing ISR Aircraft
● Medium Military Transport Aircraft: A modified C-27J Spartan medium military transport is assigned to the
STEEL Detachment. The aircraft, nicknamed “Defiant” by its four-man flight crew (pilot, co-pilot, 2 aircraft
loadmasters), is a tactical airlift transport with short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability: it needs a minimum
of only 1,903 feet for a tactical takeoff ground run at maximum takeoff weight and has a landing ground roll of
1,115 feet at the maximum landing weight. The Defiant is capable of carrying a maximum payload of 25,353
pounds and can be configured as a casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) or medical evacuation (MEDEVAC)
transport (with room for 36 stretchers and a six-man treatment team), a troop transport (with room for 68
personnel and their equipment), a paratroop-carrier (with room for 46 paratroopers and their parachuting gear)
or a cargo carrier (see Plate 8 for pallet loading and vehicle load arrangement details). It has a service ceiling
of 30,000 feet, a maximum ferry range of 3,680 miles, an operational range of 2,650 miles while carrying a
13,000 pound payload, and an operational range of 1150 miles while carrying a 22,000 pound payload. The
aircraft's night-flying capabilities and low noise, emissions, and infrared signature makes it perfectly suited for
clandestine insertion, extraction, and re-supply operations.

Plate 4. “Devilfish” small craft

Plate 7. Defiant medium military transport aircraft

Plate 8. Defiant cargo pallet/vehicle loading capabilities Plate 9. Defiant operational range with payload
Command & Control Element (C2E) Command & Control Element (C2E, con't)
● Office of the Director ● Electromagnetic Emanations Security Team
– Director – ELINT Intercept/Analysis NCO
– Deputy Director – ELINT Interceptor/Analyst (2)
– Command Operations Officer ● ELINT/Imagery Analysis Team
– Command Intelligence Officer – ELINT Intercept/Imagery Analysis Team Leader
– Command Administration Officer – ELINT Intercept/Analysis NCO
– Command Logistics Officer – Imagery Analysis NCO
– Command Communications-Electronics Officer – ELINT Interceptor/Analyst
– Command Senior Enlisted Adviser – Imagery Analyst
– Driver (2) ● OPINTEL Team
● Operations Section – Counterintelligence Technical Officer
– Tactical Intelligence Officer – Intelligence Analysis NCO
– Operations Officer ● Administrative Affairs Team
– Fire Support Coordinator – Administrative Affairs Chief
– SIGINT Chief – Administrative Affairs Supervisor
– CBRN Chief – Administrative Affairs NCO
– Counterintelligence Agent – Paralegal NCO
– Intelligence Analysis Supervisor – Administrative Affairs Specialist (2)
– Transmission Operations NCO ● Logistics Team
– Fire Support NCO – Logistics Chief
– Combat Net Radio Operator-Maintainer (2) – Supply Operations Specialist (2)
– Intelligence Analyst ● C-E Operations Team
● Tactical Deception Group – Senior Telecommunications Chief
● Group Headquarters – Signal Support Systems Specialist (2)
– Military Deception Officer ● Legal Team
– Deception Operations Chief-Counterintelligence – Legal Counsel
● Plans & Operations Team – Paralegal Chief
– All-Source Intelligence Analysis Technical Officer – Paralegal NCO (3)
– Deception Operations Supervisor ● Public Affairs Team
– Intelligence Analysis NCO – Public Affairs Officer
– Intelligence Analyst (2) – Public Affairs Chief
– Imagery Analyst – Public Affairs NCO
● COMSEC Team – Public Affairs Specialist (2)
– COMSEC Supervisor Analysis & Control Element (ACE)
– COMSEC NCO (2) ● Element Headquarters
● Camouflage & Concealment Team – Analysis and Control Element Leader
– Deception Operations Chief-Engineering – Analysis and Control Element Chief
– Deception Operations Supervisor-Combat Arms – Intelligence Analysis NCO
– Counterintelligence Agent ● All-Source Intelligence Platoon
– Imagery Analysis NCO ● Platoon Headquarters
● Electromagnetic Emanations Security Team – Tactical Intelligence Officer
– ELINT Intercept/Analysis NCO – All-Source Intelligence Chief
– ELINT Interceptor/Analyst (2)
Analysis & Control Element (ACE, con't) Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment
● All-Source Production Team ● Detachment Headquarters
– All-Source Intelligence Analysis Technical Officer ● Detachment Command Team
– SIGINT Analysis Technical Officer – Detachment Commander
– Intelligence Analysis Supervisor – Detachment Senior Enlisted Adviser
– Intelligence Analysis NCO – Supply Operations NCO
– Intelligence Analyst (2) – Armorer
● Collection Management Team – Supply Operations Specialist
– SIGINT/EW Officer ● GIJOE Training Cadre
– All-Source Intelligence Analysis Technical Officer – Training Officer
– Collection Management Chief – Chief Observer/Controller-Trainer
– Intelligence Analysis NCO – Observer/Controller-Trainer (6)
– Intelligence Analyst ● Office of the Ombudsman
● Target Nomination Team – Organizational Ombudsman
– All-Source Intelligence Analysis Technical Officer – Paralegal NCO
– Intelligence Analysis NCO (2) – Administrative Affairs Specialist (2)
● Dissemination Team ● Service Support Platoon
– SIGINT Analysis Technical Officer ● Platoon Headquarters
– Intelligence Analysis NCO – Platoon Leader
– Intelligence Analyst – Platoon Chief
● Integrated Intelligence Distribution Terminal Station – Automated Logistics Specialist
– Integrated Intelligence Distribution Terminal Operations Chief – CBRN NCO
– Integrated Intelligence Distribution Terminal Station Supervisor ● Food Service Section
– Integrated Intelligence Distribution Terminal Operations NCO (2) – Food Service Operations Chief
– Integrated Intelligence Distribution Terminal Operator (2) – Food Service Operations Supervisor
● Technical Control and Processing Platoon – Food Service Operations NCO (3)
● Platoon Headquarters – Food Service Specialist (5)
– Platoon Leader ● Motor Vehicle Maintenance Section
– SIGINT Analysis NCO (2) – Motor Vehicle Maintenance Technical Officer
– SIGINT Analyst (2) – Motor Vehicle Maintenance Section Chief
– Combat Net Radio Operator-Maintainer (2) – Motor Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor
● SIGINT Team – Motor Vehicle Maintenance NCO (2)
– SIGINT Analysis Technical Officer – Recovery Vehicle Operator
– SIGINT Analysis Supervisor – Medium Fuel Tanker Operator
– SIGINT Analysis NCO (2) – Motor Vehicle Mechanic (4)
– ELINT Intercept/Analysis NCO ● Small Craft Maintenance Team
– SIGINT Analyst (2) – Small Craft Maintenance Supervisor
– ELINT Interceptor/Analyst – Small Craft Maintenance NCO
● HUMINT/CI Team – Small Craft Mechanic (2)
– HUMINT Collection Technical Officer ● SCUBA/CCUBA Equipment Maintenance Team
– Counterintelligence Agent (3) – SCUBA/CCUBA Maintenance Supervisor
● Imagery Analysis Team – SCUBA/CCUBA Maintainer-Repairer (2)
– Imagery Analysis Technical Officer ● Parachute Rigging Team
– Imagery Analysis NCO (2) – Parachute Rigging Supervisor
– Imagery Analyst (3) – Parachute Rigger (3)
Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment (con't) Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment (con't)
● Power Generation Equipment Maintenance Section ● Medical Treatment Team
– Power-Generation Equipment Repair Supervisor – Surgeon
– Power-Generation Equipment Repairer (2) – Physician Assistant
● Signal Support Systems Section – Treatment Team Chief
– Signal Support Systems Supervisor – Ambulance Team Chief
– Signal Support Systems NCO – Medical Specialist (2)
– Signal Support Systems Specialist (2) – Ambulance Aide/Driver (2)
● C-E/IEW Maintenance Platoon Source Operations & Intelligence Collection (SONIC) Detachment
● Platoon Headquarters ● Detachment Command Team
– Platoon Leader – Detachment Commander
– Platoon Chief – Detachment Senior Enlisted Adviser
● C-E Maintenance Section – Supply Operations Supervisor
– Network Management Technical Officer – Armorer
– C-E Maintenance Chief ● RETRANS Team One (2)
– Radio/COMSEC Systems Maintenance NCO – RETRANS Supervisor
– Automated Logistics NCO – RETRANS NCO
– Radio/COMSEC Systems Repairer (2) – RETRANS Systems Operator (2)
– Computer/Detection Systems Repairer ● Intelligence and Surveillance Platoon
● IEW Equipment Maintenance Section ● Platoon Headquarters
– IEW Systems Maintenance Technical Officer – Platoon Leader
– IEW Systems Maintenance Supervisor – Platoon Chief
– IEW Systems Maintenance NCO (2) ● Counterintelligence Team
– Automated Logistics Specialist – Counterintelligence Technical Officer
– IEW Systems Repairer (6) – Counterintelligence Agent (2)
● Transmission Operations Platoon ● Sensitive Site Exploitation Team
● Platoon Headquarters – HUMINT Collection Technical Officer
– Platoon Leader – Criminal Anti-Terrorism Investigator (2)
– Platoon Chief – HUMINT NCO
● Transmission Team (4) – Digital Forensics Investigator (2)
– Transmission Operations Supervisor – EOD NCO (2)
– Combat Net Radio Operator-Maintainer (3) – CBRN Reconnaissance Scout (2)
● Physical Security Operations Platoon – Imaging Equipment Operator
● Platoon Headquarters ● Special Projects Team
– Platoon Leader – Special Projects Team Leader
– Platoon Chief – Special Projects Technician (2)
– Driver ● Collection and Jamming Platoon
● Physical Security Team (3) ● Platoon Headquarters
– Physical Security Operations Supervisor – Platoon Leader
– Physical Security Operations Specialist (4) – Platoon Chief
● Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Team ● Transmission Analysis Team
– Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Pilot/Aircraft Commander – SIGINT Analysis Supervisor
– Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Pilot – SIGINT Analysis NCO
– Aircraft Loadmaster (2) – Voice Communications Intercept NCO
– SIGINT Analyst (2)
– Voice Communications Interceptor

Source Operations & Intelligence Collection (SONIC) Detachment (con't) Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment (con't)
● Voice Communications Intercept Team ● Long-Range Reconnaissance & Surveillance Team (4)
– Voice Communications Intercept Supervisor – LRRS Team Leader
– Voice Communications Intercept NCO (2) – Scout-Observer (5)
– Voice Communications Interceptor (3) ● Long-Range Reconnaissance & Surveillance Team 5-Mountain
● Low-Level Voice Communications Intercept Team (3) – LRRS Team Leader
– Voice Communications Intercept NCO – Scout-Observer (5)
– Voice Communications Interceptor ● Long-Range Reconnaissance & Surveillance Team 6-Cold Weather
● Composite Aerial Reconnaissance Section – LRRS Team Leader
● Section Headquarters – Scout-Observer (3)
– Section Leader – OSV Expert Operator (2)
– Section Chief ● Long-Range Reconnaissance & Surveillance Team 7-HALO/HAHO
● Fixed-Wing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Aircraft Team – LRRS Team Leader
– Fixed-Wing ISR Aircraft Pilot/Aircraft Commander – Scout-Observer (5)
– Fixed-Wing ISR Aircraft Pilot ● Long-Range Reconnaissance & Surveillance Team 8-NSW
– Surveillance Sensor Payload Operator – LRRS Team Leader/Reconnaissance Diver
– Voice Communications Interceptor – Scout-Observer/Reconnaissance Diver (2)
● Rotary-Wing Aeroscout Team – Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent/Ordnance Clearance Diver
– Aeroscout Helicopter Pilot/Aircraft Commander – Small Craft Operator (2)
– Aeroscout Helicopter Pilot
Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment
● Detachment Headquarters
● Detachment Command Team
– Detachment Commander
– Detachment Executive Officer
– Detachment Senior Enlisted Adviser
– Detachment Communications Chief
– Detachment Supply Operations Supervisor
– Combat Net Radio Operator (2)
– Armorer
● Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) Sniper Team
– Scout-Sniper/Spotter (2)
● Combat Observation & Lasing Team (COLT)
– COLT Leader
– Combat Observer (2)
● Communications Station (2)
– Transmission Operations Supervisor
– Transmission Operations NCO
– Combat Net Radio Operator-Maintainer
– Signal Support Systems Specialist
● High-Value Target Tracker Team (3)
– HVT Tracker Team Leader
– Visual Tracker
– Tracking Dog Handler
– Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent/Dynamic Building Entry Technician-
– Security Man
– Countertracker/Rear Security Man

Pay Grade Rank


E–1 Airman Basic (AB) Private E–1 (PV1) Seaman Recruit (SR) Private (Pvt) Seaman Recruit (SR)

E–2 Airman (Amn) Private E–2 (PV2) Seaman Apprentice (SA) Private First Class (PFC) Seaman Apprentice (SA)

E–31 Airman First Class (A1C) Private First Class (PFC) Seaman (SN) Lance Corporal (LCpl) Seaman (SN)

E–4 Senior Airman (SrA) Specialist (SPC) or Corporal (CPL) Petty Officer Third Class (PO3) Corporal (Cpl) Petty Officer Third Class (PO3)

E–5 Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Sergeant (SGT) Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Sergeant (Sgt) Petty Officer Second Class (PO2)

E–6 Technical Sergeant (TSgt) Staff Sergeant (SSG) Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Petty Officer First Class (PO1)

E–7 Master Sergeant (MSgt) Sergeant First Class (SFC) Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Chief Petty Officer (CPO)

E–8 Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt) Master Sergeant (MSG) or First Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) Master Sergeant (MSgt) or First Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) or
Sergeant (1SG)4 Sergeant (1stSgt)9 Command Senior Chief Petty Officer

E–9 Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt), Sergeant Major (SGM), Command Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO), Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt), Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO),
Command Chief Master Sergeant Sergeant Major (CSM)5, or Sergeant Command Master Chief Petty Officer Sergeant Major (SgtMaj)10, or Command Master Chief Petty Officer
(CCM)2, or Chief Master Sergeant of Major of the Army (SMA)6 (CMC)7, or Master Chief Petty Officer Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (CMDCM)13, Fleet Master Chief Petty
the Air Force (SMA)3 of the Coast Guard (MCPOCG)8 (SgtMajMarCor)11 Officer (FLTCM)14, Force Master Chief
Petty Officer (FORCM)14, or Master
Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

1 8
USN, USMC, and USCG personnel in the E–4 pay grade are junior NCOs. In the Army, SPCs The MCPOCG is a unique rank awarded to the senior enlisted adviser to the Commandant of
and CPLs share the same pay grade, but only CPLs are junior NCOs and hold authority over the Coast Guard.
SPCs. Army CPLs are more likely to be found in combat units, and are either PFCs who have
been promoted to CPL or SPCs who have been laterally promoted to CPL. The rank of SPC is the Msgt and 1stSgt represent equivalent ranks with different responsibilities. The former is a senior
entry rank for Army recruits with baccalaureate degrees or those with demonstrated proficiency in leader in technical matters while the latter holds company-level command responsibilities.
select technical areas.
MgySgt and SgtMaj represent equivalent ranks with different responsibilities. MgySgt is
CCM is considered a lateral promotion from CMSgt. The CCM promotion is awarded upon a promoted from MSgt and is a senior leader in technical matters while SgtMaj is promoted from
CMSgt's selection by Wing (or higher) leadership to serve as a senior enlisted adviser. 1Sgt and serves as a battalion (or higher) commander's senior enlisted adviser.
Additionally, senior enlisted non-commissioned officers in the pay-grades E –7 to E–9 can be
assigned the position of First Sergeant (a squadron commander's senior enlisted adviser). 11
SgtMajMarCor is a unique rank awarded to the senior enlisted adviser to the Commandant of
3 the Marine Corps.
The SMA is a unique rank awarded to the senior enlisted adviser to the Chief of Staff of the Air
Force. 12
CMDCS is considered a lateral promotion from SCPO. The CMDCS promotion is awarded to
4 formalize a SCPO's selection as a vessel's Chief of the Boat (the senior enlisted adviser to a
1SG is considered a lateral promotion from MSG. The 1SG promotion is awarded upon a
vessel's commanding officer and executive officer).
soldier's selection by battalion (or higher) leadership to fill available 1SG billets at the company
level. 13
CMDCM is considered a lateral promotion from MCPO. The CMDCM promotion is awarded
CSM is considered a lateral promotion from SGM. The CSM promotion is awarded upon a upon a MCPO's selection to serve as a unit commander's senior enlisted adviser.
SGM's selection by battalion (or higher) leadership to fill an available CSM billet to serve as a 14
battalion (or higher) commander's senior enlisted adviser. FLTCM and FORCM are equivalent ranks and are considered lateral promotions from CMDCM.
The FLTCM/FORCM promotion is awarded upon a MCPO's selection to serve as a Naval Fleet or
The SMA is a unique rank awarded to the senior enlisted adviser to the Chief of Staff of the Naval Force's senior enlisted adviser.
MCPON is a unique rank awarded to the senior enlisted adviser to the Chief of Staff of the
CMC is considered a lateral promotion from MCPO. Navy.

Pay Grade Rank


W–1 discontinued Warrant Officer One (WO1) discontinued5 Warrant Officer One (WO–1) discontinued5

W–2 discontinued Chief Warrant Officer Two (WO2) Chief Warrant Officer Two (CWO–2) Chief Warrant Officer Two (CWO–2) Chief Warrant Officer Two (CWO–2)

W–3 discontinued Chief Warrant Officer Three (WO3) Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO–3) Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO–3) Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO–3)

W–4 discontinued Chief Warrant Officer Four (WO4) Chief Warrant Officer Four (CWO–4) Chief Warrant Officer Four (CWO–4) Chief Warrant Officer Four (CWO–4)
W–5 discontinued Chief Warrant Officer Five (WO5) N/A Chief Warrant Officer Five (CWO–5) Chief Warrant Officer Five (CWO–5)

Warrant Officers are single track technical specialists, ranking above enlisted non-commissioned officers but below the conventional commissioned officer grades (O –1 and above). W –1
appointments are approved by the respective secretaries of the services, while promotion to the Chief Warrant Officer ranks requires presidential approval, similar to conventional officer commissions.
The USAF stopped appointing warrant officers in 1959, although the ranks are still authorized for use should the Secretary of the USAF deem them necessary.
Warrant officers in the US Army primarily come from two sources: the NCO ranks and the civilian population. MOS-appropriate NCOs holding the minimum grade of E –5 (E–6 for those looking to
become Special Forces Warrant Officers) and qualified civilians with demonstrated proficiency in selected technical areas can attend the Army's Warrant Officer Basic Course. After successful
graduation from the course, candidates are given the WO1 rank and continue on to further technical training depending on their specialty and qualifications.
Warrant officers in the USCG are drawn from the NCO ranks (minimum grade of E –6).
The USN and USCG discontinued the W –1 rank in 1975, as senior Navy and Coast Guard NCOs in the pay grades of E –7 to E–9 appointed to W –1 actually received a reduction in pay despite the
promotion. Navy and Coast Guard warrant officer candidates, unlike their Army and Marine Corps counterparts, are appointed directly to Chief Warrant Officer.
The USCG has a W –5 rank, but has not used it since its authorization.
Warrant officers in the USMC are drawn from the NCO ranks. Marine warrant officers are divided into two categories: non-technical warrant officers (a.k.a. Marine Gunners) and technical warrant
officers. Marine Gunners serve as a unit commander's primary adviser on infantry weapons employment and tactics. To be eligible as a Marine Gunner candidate, a Marine NCO must be qualified in
an infantry MOS and hold a minimum rank of E–7. Technical warrant officers are, as their designation implies, leaders and experts in a specific technical area. To be eligible as a technical warrant
officer candidate, a Marine NCO must be qualified in an appropriate MOS and hold a minimum rank of E –5.
Warrant officers in the USN are drawn from the NCO ranks (minimum grade of E –6).

Pay Grade Rank


O–1 Second Lieutenant (2d Lt) Second Lieutenant (2LT) Ensign (ENS) Second Lieutenant (2ndLt) Ensign (ENS)

O–2 First Lieutenant (1st Lt) First Lieutenant (1LT) Lieutenant, Junior Grade (LTJG) First Lieutenant (1stLt) Lieutenant, Junior Grade (LTJG)

O–3 Captain (Capt) Captain (CPT) Lieutenant (LT) Captain (Capt) Lieutenant (LT)

O–4 Major (Maj) Major (MAJ) Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Major (Maj) Lieutenant Commander (LCDR)

O–5 Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Commander (CDR) Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol) Commander (CDR)

O–6 Colonel (Col) Colonel (COL) Captain (CAPT) Colonel (Col) Captain (CAPT)

O–7 Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Brigadier General (BG) Rear Admiral, Lower Half (RDML)4 Brigadier General (BGen) Rear Admiral, Lower Half (RDML)4

O–8 Major General (Maj Gen) Major General (MG) Rear Admiral (RADM) Major General (MajGen) Rear Admiral (RADM)

O–9 Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Lieutenant General (LG) Vice Admiral (VADM) Lieutenant General (LtGen) Vice Admiral (VADM)

O–10 General (Gen) General (GEN) Admiral (ADM) General (Gen) Admiral (ADM)
Special General of the Air Force (GOAF) General of the Army (GA) N/A N/A Fleet Admiral of the Navy (FADM)
Special N/A General of the Armies N/A N/A Admiral of the Navy

The term "officer" is used in this case to refer to commissioned officers, that is to say, officers who are appointed by a sovereign authority such as the President of the United States. Officers in the
US Armed Forces are generally drawn from three sources: service academies (such as the US Military Academy at West Point or the US Naval Academy in Annapolis), service-specific officer
candidate schools, and service-specific ROTC programs. Credentialed civilians in certain special fields such as medical doctors, lawyers, nurses, and ordained members of the clergy who enlist in the
military are also eligible to receive direct officer commissions upon meeting service and specialty-specific requirements.
The special ranks of General of the Army, General of the Air Force, and Fleet Admiral of the Navy are reserved for war-time use. The Marine Corps and Coast Guard (in war-time), being subordinate
to the Department of the Navy, do not have equivalent special war-time ranks superior to General and Admiral, respectively.
The special ranks of General of the Armies and Admiral of the Navy have been used only three times in history: Admiral George Dewey was promoted by Congress to Admiral of the Navy in 1899 for
his actions in the Battle of Manila Bay (1898); General John J. Pershing was granted the rank of General of the Armies in 1919 via an act of Congress in recognition of his performance as the
commander of the American forces in World War I, and George Washington was posthumously awarded the rank of General of the Armies by an act of Congress in 1976.
The USN and the USCG formerly authorized the rank of Commodore at the O –7 pay grade, equivalent to Rear Admiral, lower half. The rank was discontinued by both services in 1983. In current
Navy usage, commodore survives as a title of address for senior captains in command of destroyer, cruiser, submarine, amphibious, and riverine squadrons; coastal warfare groups, special warfare
(SEAL) groups, naval construction regiments, and air wings/air groups (with the exception of carrier air wings). The title of commodore is also occasionally used by high-ranking volunteer members of
the civilian US Coast Guard Auxiliary.
The USN and the USMC maintain Limited-Duty Officer programs, which allow qualified enlisted personnel and warrant officers to enter the officer ranks without going through the US Naval Academy,
NROTC, or Officer Candidate School. In the USN, senior NCOs (grades E –7 to E–9) and E–6s eligible for promotion to Chief Petty Officer with 8 to 16 years of experience and chief warrant officers
(with at least 3 years of experience as chief warrant officers and no more than 19 years of total service) are eligible to apply for the LDO program. In the USMC, active duty warrant officers with at
least 8 years of warrant officer service and less than 20 years of warrant officer service can apply to become LDOs. Limited-Duty Officers are leaders in their technical fields of expertise (similar to
warrant officers), but also hold command authority similar to their unrestricted line officer counterparts (i.e., officers who have received their commissions through traditional channels). "Limited-Duty"
in this case, does not refer to the scope of the LDO's responsibilities and authority; instead, it refers to the LDO's limitations in terms of promotion and career advancement. LDOs rarely advance
beyond O–6; many LDOs are of a relatively advanced age compared to unrestricted line officers of equivalent rank by virtue of the time-in-service requirements for acceptance into the LDO program,
and are thus closer to the mandatory retirement limits of their respective services.

General Schedule Pay-Scale Executive Service Pay-Scale Approximate Military Pay-Grade Equivalent

GS–01 N/A E–1

GS–02 N/A E–2

GS–03 N/A E–3

GS–04 N/A E–4

GS–05 N/A E–5/E–6

GS–06 N/A E–7

GS–07 N/A E–8

GS–08 N/A E–9

GS–09 N/A W–1/W–2/O–1

GS–10 N/A W–2/O–1

GS–11 N/A W–3/O–2

GS–12 N/A W–4/W–5/O–3

GS–13 N/A O–4

GS–14 N/A O–5

GS–15 N/A O–6

N/A ES Level V O–7

N/A ES Level IV O–8

N/A ES Level III O–9

N/A ES Level II/Senior Executive Scale O–10

Note that the pay equivalencies do not convey to civilian employees rank or authority over military personnel. In cases where civilian employees and military
personnel are assigned to the same unit, the line of authority is dictated by job title and not pay-scale or pay-grade.

● GIJOE Distinctive Unit Insignia

● Symbolism: Ultramarine blue signifies the air and sea mission, while green denotes
ground missions. The black V-shape area refers to stealth and victory. The dagger
represents agency members drawn from the Army. The trident, a symbol of naval
prowess, symbolizes personnel drawn from the Navy. The lightning bolt denotes the
agency's Air Force contingent. The anchor represents GIJOE's Marine Corps population.
Each symbol represents the four primary services that contribute to GIJOE's individual
augmentee military force. On the scroll is the Latin phrase “Ex Scientia Victoria”, which
translates into English as “From Knowledge, Victory”.

● GIJOE Beret Flash (authorized for US Army and select USAF career-field personnel only)

● Description: On a blue shield-shaped embroidered item with a semi-circular base 21/4

inches (5.72cm) in height by 17/8 inches (4.76cm) in width overall, edged with a 1/8 inch
(0.32cm) black border, an olive green diagonal band from upper right to lower left,
fimbriated yellow, charged with a gold dagger surmounted by diagonally crossed trident
and anchor and a horizontal lighting bolt.

● GIJOE Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

● Symbolism: The Shoulder Sleeve Insignia is adapted from the GIJOE Distinctive Unit
Insignia, thus its colors and charge have the same symbolism.
Plate 10. GIJOE Distinctive Unit Insignia

Plate 11. GIJOE Beret insignia Plate 12. GIJOE Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

Acronym/Abbreviation Definition Acronym/Abbreviation Definition

AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System DMZ Demilitarized Zone

AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology DoD (also DOD) US Department of Defense

AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps EEOCA Engineer Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent

AIT Advanced Individual Training ELINT Electronic Intelligence

AMEDD US Army Medical Department EMT Emergency Medical Technician

ARCENT-SA United States Army Forces Central Command-Saudi Arabia EMT-B Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
ARFOR-T Army Forces Turkey EOCA Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent
ASAS All-Source Analysis Systems EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal
C2 Command and Control EW Electronic Warfare
CI Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence FAI Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
CBRE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive FEST Foreign Emergency Support Team
CBP-CETC US Customs and Border Protection Canine Enforcement Training Center FLASH Flame Assault Shoulder Weapon
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
CCUBA Closed Circuit Underwater Breathing Apparatus
FORECON Force Reconnaissance Company (USMC reconnaissance unit)
CGSC-SAMS Command and General Staff College School of Advanced Military Studies
GIJOE Geopolitical Intelligence and Joint Operations Executive
CFC Combined Forces Command
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
CI Counterintelligence
HF High Frequency
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
HRST Helicopter Rope Suspension Techniques (also Helicopter Rope Suspension
CJFSOCC Combined Joint Force Special Operations Component Command Training)

CJSOTF-A Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan HUMINT Human Intelligence

CJTF-HOA Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa HVT High-Value Target

COBRA Command Controller-Observer Regional Assistance Command, Inc. IED Improvised Explosive Device

COMMO Communications IEW Intelligence and Electronic Warfare

COMSEC Communications Security IFF Identification Friend-or-Foe

CONUS Contiguous United States INSCOM Intelligence and Security Command (US Army)

COTS Commercial Off-the-shelf INTERFET International Force for East Timor

CRRC Combat Rubber Reconnaissance Craft INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization

CSAR Combat Search and Rescue IO Information Operations

DEW Directed Energy Weapon IPTM Institute of Police Technology and Management

DLIFLC Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center IPW Interrogation of Prisoner of War

Acronym/Abbreviation Definition Acronym/Abbreviation Definition

IRS Internal Revenue Service NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

ISAF International Security Assistance Force NAVSPECWAR Naval Special Warfare; alternatively acronymized as NSW

ISR Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance NAVSPECWARCOM Naval Special Warfare Command; alternatively acronymized as NAVSOC or
ISSEE International School for Security and Explosives Education
NBC Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
ISTC International Special Training Centre (formerly called the NATO LRRP School)
NCO Non-commissioned Officer
IW Information Warfare
NCS Net Control Station
JFCC-ISR Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance NDIC National Defense Intelligence College
JFKSWCS John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
NPS Naval Post-Graduate School
JJIF Ju-Jitsu International Federation
NROTC Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps
JOTC Jungle Operations Training Center (US Army)
NSTV Non-Standard Tactical Vehicle
JSOC Joint Special Operations Command
NSW Naval Special Warfare; alternatively acronymized as NAVSPECWAR
JSOTF Joint Special Operations Task Force
NTOA National Tactical Officers Association
JSOTF-P Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines
NWTC Northern Warfare Training Center (US Army)
JSOU Joint Special Operations University
OCONUS Outside the Contiguous United States
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
OPFOR Opposing Force
JWTC Jungle Warfare Training Center (USMC)
OPINTEL Operational Intelligence
LAAD Low-Altitude Air Defense
OPSEC Operations Security
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
OSV Over-Snow Vehicle
LCM Landing Craft, Mechanized
RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging
LCU Landing Craft, Utility
PSYOP Psychological Operations
LETSS Law Enforcement Training for Safety and Survival
Recon Reconnaissance
LLVI Low-Level Voice Intercept
RETRANS Retransmission
LRRP Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
RHIB Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boat
LRRS Long Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance
ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps
LRS Long Range Surveillance
RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition
MAAWS Medium Anti-Armor Weapon System

Marine Air-Ground Task Force RUTEX Realistic Urban Training Exercise


MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit SCUBA Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

MFO Multinational Force and Observers SEAL Sea, Air, Land (US Navy personnel qualified in special warfare)

MNF-I Multi-National Force-Iraq SERE Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape

MWTC Mountain Warfare Training Center (USMC) SF Special Forces


Acronym/Abbreviation Definition Acronym/Abbreviation Definition

SFOD-A Special Forces Operational Detachment “A” USBATT US Infantry Battalion Contingent

SFOD-B Special Forces Operational Detachment “B” USCENTCOM United States Central Command

SFOD-C Special Forces Operational Detachment “C” USCG United States Coast Guard

SHARC Small Hydrographic/Area Reconnaissance Craft USCGA United States Coast Guard Academy

SIGINT Signals Intelligence USEUCOM United States European Command

SME Subject Matter Expert USFK US Forces-Korea

SOC Special Operations-Capable USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command

SOCKOR Special Operations Command-Korea USMA United States Military Academy

SOCPAC Special Operations Command-Pacific USMC United States Marine Corps

SOF Special Operations Forces USN United States Navy

SONIC Source Operations & Intelligence Collection USNA United States Naval Academy

SOTAC Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller USNORTHCOM United States Northern Command

SPIE Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction USPACOM United States Pacific Command

SRT Special Reaction Team USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command

STA Surveillance and Target Acquisition USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command

STEEL Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command

SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command

TACSAT Tactical Satellite UXO Unexploded Ordnance

TC AIMS II Transportation Coordinators Automatic Information for Movement System II VAMP Variable Applications Mobility Platform

TENCAP Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities VHF Very High Frequency

TIGER Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance VIPER Veteran Infantry Personnel

UFMCS University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies WIT Weapons Intelligence Team

UHF Ultra-High Frequency WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction

UIAA Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme XO Executive Officer

UN United Nations Organization

UNDPKO United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations

UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission

USA United States of America; also United States Army

USAF United States Air Force

USAFRICOM United States Africa Command

USARNG United States Army National Guard


Aeroscout Helicopter Pilot Operates aeroscout helicopter under tactical and non-tactical conditions. Performs aerial armed reconnaissance and route, zone, and/or area reconnaissance in
support of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations.

Aircraft Commander Aircrew member designated by competent authority as being in command of an aircraft and responsible for its safe operation and accomplishment of the mission.

Aircraft Loadmaster Performs aircraft loading and offloading functions as well as pre-flight and post-flight examination of aircraft and aircraft systems. Computes weight and balance and
other mission-specific duties. Provides for safety passengers and troops, and security of cargo and baggage during flight. Conducts cargo and personnel airdrops.

Ambulance Team Chief Administers emergency medical treatment to battlefield casualties, trained in aeronautical medicine and all equipment associated with patient transport and rescue by
actual or designated medical evacuation vehicles (tracked or wheeled) and rotary-wing aircraft.

CBRN Reconnaissance Scout Conducts sensitive site exploitation, mitigation, escort and remediation processes of CBRN devices or hazards. Performs and supervises detection, identification,
decontamination, reconnaissance, surveillance, and survey and monitor operations associated with all aspects of CBRN defense.

Chief Observer/Controller-Trainer Senior NCO tasked with the administrative control, task performance evaluation, and the provision of constructive feedback during training. Manages the conduct of
subordinate observer/controller-trainers and advises the training officer.

COLT Leader/Joint Fires Observer Leads the COLT in its role as an independent forward observer asset tasked with surveying key or vulnerable forward areas. Serves as the primary operator of the
Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder during target ranging and designation operations. Manages the logistical and administrative needs of his team. Coordinates
with terminal attack controllers for close air support and with fires cells/fire support coordination cells for attack aviation and naval gun sections if needed. Trained to
call in indirect surface fires, naval surface fire support, and attack aviation close combat attacks. Must have attended the US Army or USMC Joint Fires Observer
Course or received equivalent training.

Combat Observer/Joint Fires Observer Functions as forward observer tasked with surveying key or vulnerable forward areas as a member of the COLT. Provides team security and serves as the secondary
Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder operator, combat net radio operator, and vehicle driver during target ranging and designation operations. Coordinates with
terminal attack controllers for close air support and with fires cells/fire support coordination cells for attack aviation and naval gun sections if needed. Trained to call in
indirect surface fires, naval surface fire support, and attack aviation close combat attacks. Must have attended the US Army or USMC Joint Fires Observer Course or
received equivalent training.

Command Administration Officer The principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources support (military and civilian). Specific responsibilities include manning, personnel services,
personnel support, and headquarters management.

Command Communications-Electronics Officer The principal staff officer for all matters concerning command, control, communications, and computer operations.

Command Intelligence Officer The principal staff officer for all matters concerning the enemy/threat, the environment as it affects the enemy/threat, intelligence, and counterintelligence. He/She is
responsible for intelligence readiness, intelligence tasks, intelligence synchronization, intelligence support, counterintelligence, and support to security programs.

Command Logistics Officer The principal staff officer for logistic operations and plans, supply, maintenance, transportation, and services.

Command Operations Officer The principal staff officer for all matters concerning training, operations & plans, force development, and modernization.

Command Senior Enlisted Adviser The senior enlisted adviser to the director. Acts as the director’s representative in supervising aspects vital to agency operations.

Commando Mortarman Responsible for the tactical employment of the Arsenal M6C-210 60 mm commando mortar. Provides indirect covering fire in support of LRRS teams during exposed
retrograde movements.

Counterintelligence Agent Supervises and conducts counterintelligence surveys and investigations to detect, identify, assess, counter, exploit and neutralize adversarial, foreign intelligence
service, and terrorist threats to GIJOE activities.

Counterintelligence Technical Officer Conducts investigations/operations by applying sound judgment and analytical reasoning methods to detect and prevent acts of espionage, sabotage, and terrorism
directed against GIJOE activities. Conducts and supervises both overt and covert investigations. Supervises the technical performance of subordinate military and
civilian personnel in related job skills. Develops, evaluates, and manages sources and informants of military intelligence.

Countertracker/Rear Security Man Applies and advises on the use of evasion, camouflage, and deception techniques to keep an HVT Tracker Team from being detected during the conduct of manhunt,
search and rescue, and surveillance missions. Provides rear flank security for the HVT Tracker Team during team movement and withdrawal.

Cover Man Responsible for the tactical employment of the M249 5.56 mm squad automatic weapon, the M60E4 7.62 mm general purpose machine gun, and the M2HB 12.7 mm
heavy machine gun. Provides direct small arms covering fire in support of LRRS teams during exposed retrograde movements.

Criminal Anti-Terrorism Investigator Plans, organizes, conducts, and supervises overt and covert investigations. Examines and processes crime scenes, conducts sensitive site exploitation physical
evidence collection and preservation for scientific examination by crime laboratories and use in judicial proceedings. Obtains and executes arrest and search warrants.
Conducts raids in support of agency operations. Interviews and interrogates victims, witnesses, suspects, and subjects and obtains written statements executed under
oath. Develops, evaluates, and manages informants and other sources of criminal intelligence.

Deception Operations Chief-Counterintelligence Provides counterintelligence threat estimates, studies, and reports. Conducts liaison with command staff for consolidation and coordination of deception tasking.

Deception Operations Chief-Engineering Produces, disseminates, and evaluates physical deception measures for supported elements. Prepares route, road, bridge, tunnel, ferry, and ford engineering reports
for deception operations. Advises supported units in camouflage and concealment techniques to increase OPSEC to support deception. Supervises, advises, and
assists in the fabrication of deception decoys, camouflage, and other activities.

Deception Operations Supervisor-Combat Arms Supervises deployment of personnel in offensive, defensive, and retrograde tactical deception operations. Evaluates terrain for deployment of deception equipment
and systems to include rocket and missile decoys and optical and electronic countermeasures. Supervises the construction of deception fortification and camouflage.

Deputy Director Assists the director in his/her duties and is authorized to exercise the director's powers in his or her absence. Synchronizes and integrates staff activities to optimize
control of agency operations.

Detachment Commander (SONIC Detachment) Manages all aspects of Source Operations & Intelligence Collection (SONIC) Detachment operations. Directs, supervises, and coordinates the planning, collection,
evaluation, fusion, analysis, production, and dissemination of all-source intelligence, HUMINT, and counterintelligence. Performs multi-disciplinary collection
management and coordination of surveillance activities and advises the office of the director and fellow element leaders on enemy situations, capabilities,
vulnerabilities, and weather and terrain, and the use and employment of intelligence resources.

Detachment Commander (STEEL Detachment) Manages all aspects of Security, Training, Encampment & Expeditionary Logistics (STEEL) Detachment activities. Supports agency operational requirements at all
levels of execution as concerns mission planning, development, and execution of tailored combat support and combat service support operations.

Detachment Commander (TIGER Detachment) Manages all aspects of Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment activities. Supports agency operational and tactical
requirements at all levels of execution as concerns mission planning, development, and execution of long-range surveillance and special reconnaissance operations.

Detachment Communications Chief Oversees all Detachment communications-electronics activities. Advises the Detachment Commander on all communications-electronics matters.

Detachment Executive Officer (TIGER Detachment) Responsible for the management of the Tactical Information Gathering & Expeditionary Reconnaissance (TIGER) Detachment's day-to-day activities, such as
maintenance and logistics, freeing the detachment commander to concentrate on tactical planning and execution. Performs the commander's duties in his absence.

Detachment Senior Enlisted Adviser The senior NCO within a detachment. Advises the Detachment Commander concerning the enlisted ranks. Supervises aspects vital to detachment operations as the
commander's representative. Leads contingency-based special teams composed of detachment personnel as necessary

Detachment Supply Operations Supervisor Requests, receives, issues, stores, maintains, and turns in supplies and equipment for a detachment. Coordinates requirements with the detachment's senior enlisted
adviser. Monitors the operational situation with detachment command team members.

Digital Forensics Investigator Gathers digital evidence from captured adversary information systems, to include computers systems, digital storage media (such as portable hard drives), electronic
media (such as e-mails, word processor documents, and digital photographs), mobile devices (such as PDAs and cellular phones), and computer networks.

Director The highest-ranking official within the agency. Primary duties include overseeing the day-to-day operations of the agency and serving as an adviser to the Director of
National Intelligence, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Defense, and the President's Intelligence Advisory Board regarding time-sensitive
geopolitical intelligence matters related to counterterrorism and national security.

Driver Operates wheeled vehicles and equipment over varied terrain and roadways in support of non-reconnaissance/non-combat operations. Employs land navigation
techniques. Corrects or reports all vehicle deficiencies; supports mechanics where necessary. Prepares vehicle for shipment by air, rail, or vessel.

Dynamic Building Entry Technician-Explosives Uses and advises on the use of explosive breaching methods to give HVT Tracker Teams rapid access to barricaded targets. Provides flank security during HVT
Tracker Team movement and withdrawal.

Dynamic Building Entry Technician-Mechanical Uses and advises on the use of mechanical/brute force breaching methods to give HVT Tracker Teams rapid access to barricaded targets.

Dynamic Building Entry Technician-Thermal Uses and advises on the use of high-energy thermal cutting devices to give HVT Tracker Teams rapid access to barricaded targets.

Emergency Medicine Physician Examines, diagnoses, and treats or prescribes course of treatment for the initial phase of disease and injuries. A specialist in advanced cardiac life support, emergency
surgical procedures, trauma resuscitation, and management of other life-threatening situations.

Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent Investigates, detects, locates, marks, reports, and prepares protective works for foreign and domestic UXO. Performs in-place disposal of UXO; supports agency
manhunt missions, physical security activities, and intelligence gathering operations of first-seen foreign ordnance.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal NCO Locates, identifies, renders safe, and disposes of foreign and domestic conventional, biological, chemical, or nuclear ordnance and IEDs and large vehicle bombs;
conducts intelligence gathering operations of first-seen foreign ordnance; supports agency sensitive site exploitation and physical security activities.

Fire Support Coordinator Serves as a special staff officer tasked with planning for and coordinating supporting arms. Resolves conflicts regarding selection of targets and employment means.
Must be a graduate of the Joint Operational Fires & Effects Course.

Fixed-Wing ISR Aircraft Pilot Pilots fixed-wing ISR aircraft and commands its crew. Performs and supervises navigation and surveillance/reconnaissance. Directs sensor payload employment.

FLASH Gunner Responsible for the tactical employment of the M202A1 FLASH (Flame Assault Shoulder Weapon) system. Provides direct incendiary and thermobaric covering fire in
support of LRRS teams during exposed retrograde movements.

HUMINT Collection Technical Officer Conducts and supervises tactical interrogation-related duties to include source operations. Supervises the performance of subordinate personnel in related job skills.
Develops and approves interrogation and document exploitation plans and missions. Develops and manages sources and informants of military intelligence.

HVT Tracker Team Leader Supervises and conducts small-unit high-value target tracking operations. Participates in manhunt mission planning and mission outcome analysis at the detachment-
level. Oversees the security, transportation, and administration of obtained targets. Manages the logistical and administrative needs of his team.

Imaging Equipment Operator Operates electronic and film-based still image and video acquisition equipment in support of surveillance and intelligence/evidence gathering activities.

Interrogation & Strategic Debriefing Supervisor Conducts and supervises source operations, interrogations, and debriefings to collect information about enemy forces, strength, capabilities, vulnerabilities and
intentions, as well as potential battle areas.

LAAD System Operator Operates and performs maintenance on the 70 mm FIM-92 Stinger man-portable LAAD (Low-Altitude Air Defense) surface-to-air missile system.

Logistics Chief Coordinates, plans, conducts, and supervises agency logistics, embarkation, landing support, and encampment operations. Articulates the agency's logistics and
mobility requirements as defined by the agency director and the command logistics officer to cooperating agencies.

LRRS Team Leader Supervises and conducts mounted and dismounted reconnaissance and surveillance missions, specializing in small unit operations conducted up to 160 miles (257.5
km) forward of the front edge of the designated operational space. Serves as the team's lead battle damage assessor and collateral damage estimator. Participates in
mission planning and mission outcome analysis at the detachment-level. Manages the logistical and administrative needs of his team.

MAAWS Gunner Responsible for the tactical employment of the 84 mm man-portable M3 Medium Anti-Armor Weapon System. Provides direct anti-armor covering fire in support of
LRRS teams during exposed retrograde movements.

Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Pilot Pilots medium fixed-wing utility aircraft and commands its crew. Performs, supervises, and directs navigation and payload delivery. Performs administrative and liaison
missions to transport passengers and cargo for agency purposes.

Medium Fuel Tanker Operator Responsible for the operation and maintenance of medium Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants vehicles. Performs vehicle checks and services, takes emergency
precautions affiliated with the operation of Fuel Tank Vehicles. Assists mechanics when necessary.

MGL Gunner Responsible for the tactical employment of the 40 mm Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher). Provides direct and limited indirect covering fire in support of LRRS
teams during exposed retrograde movements.

Military Deception Officer Exercises staff supervision over military deception activities. Provides expertise in, and manages information required for, the conduct of military deception operations.
Evaluates and assesses the execution of the deception plan.

Motor Vehicle Maintenance NCO Performs unit direct and general support-level maintenance and recovery operations on light and heavy wheeled vehicles, their associated trailers and material
handling equipment (MHE). Conducts battlefield damage assessment and repair. Oversees the work of subordinate mechanics.

Motor Vehicle Maintenance Section Chief Advises the Service Support Platoon Leader on all issues regarding the mechanical maintenance of agency motor vehicles. Performs and supervises unit direct and
general support-level maintenance and recovery operations on light and heavy wheeled vehicles, their associated trailers and material handling equipment (MHE).
Performs battlefield damage assessment and repair. Manages the logistical and administrative needs of his section.

Motor Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Performs and supervises unit direct and general support-level maintenance and recovery operations on light and heavy wheeled vehicles, their associated trailers and
material handling equipment (MHE). Performs battlefield damage assessment and repair. Assists the section chief in his managerial duties.

Non-Lethal DEW Operator Responsible for the tactical employment of non-lethal DEW systems such as the GLARE LA-9/P Non-Lethal Visual Disruption Laser, LRAD 100X Portable Loud
Hailer, and PHASR (Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response) rifle in support of LRRS teams during exposed retrograde movements. Advises team leaders on the
use of non-lethal DEW systems. Must be a graduate of the Inter-service Non-lethal Individual Weapons Instructor Course

NSTV Driver An expert in the operation of non-standard tactical vehicles over varied terrain and roadways for support of reconnaissance and surveillance operations. Employs land
navigation techniques. Reports vehicle deficiencies; supports mechanics where necessary. Prepares vehicle for shipment by air, rail, or vessel.

Ordnance Clearance Diver Performs underwater demolition activities and underwater ordnance location, identification, and in-place disposal in support of amphibious landings and coastal,
riverine, maritime, and underwater reconnaissance and surveillance operations. Trained in combat diving tactics and "wet jumping."

OSV Driver An expert in the operation of designated OSVs in snow-covered terrain in support of reconnaissance and surveillance operations. Employs land navigation and basic
cold weather survival techniques. Reports vehicle deficiencies; supports mechanics where necessary. Prepares vehicle for shipment by air, rail, or vessel.

Parachute Rigging Supervisor Oversees and conducts the packing and repair of cargo and personnel parachutes and the rigging of equipment and supply containers for airdrop or air delivery.

Platoon Chief (Physical Security Operations Platoon) Supervises physical security platoon operations and oversees platoon training. Specializes in the planning and interpretation of anti-terrorism/force protection
measures within agency installations. Recommends appropriate anti-terrorism/force protection plans. Serves as the Fort Wadsworth provost sergeant.

Platoon Leader (Intelligence & Surveillance Platoon) Commands the intelligence & surveillance platoon. Manages the intelligence and surveillance activities and supervises the movement control, planning, routing,
scheduling, controlling, and coordination of all units in the designated area of operations. Advises the SONIC Detachment Commander on intelligence and surveillance
as well as force protection matters.

Platoon Leader (Physical Security Operations Platoon) Commands the physical security platoon. Manages the force protection activities and supervises the movement control, planning, routing, scheduling, controlling, and
coordination of all units in the designated area of operations. Conducts synchronization and integration of logistics assets with other movement control teams in a full
spectrum of military operations. Serves as the Fort Wadsworth provost marshal.

Physical Security Operations Supervisor Supervises a five-person Physical Security Team that specializes in the planning, interpretation, and enforcement of physical security measures within installations as
well as performing personal security operations for high-ranking civilian and military personnel. Manages the logistical and administrative needs of his team.

Reconnaissance Diver Conducts surface and underwater area and hydrographic reconnaissance missions in coastal, riverine, maritime, and underwater environments. Trained extensively in
special operations combat diving/swimming tactics and "wet jumping."

Recovery Vehicle Operator Operates tow trucks/wreckers in the performance of vehicle recovery, lifting, and towing operations.

Scout-Observer Conducts mounted and dismounted reconnaissance and surveillance missions, specializing in small unit operations conducted to 160 miles (257.5 km) forward of the
front edge of the designated operational space.

Scout-Sniper/Spotter Conducts close reconnaissance and surveillance/target acquisition operations in support of TIGER Detachment operations. As a secondary mission, delivers long
range, precision fire on selected targets from concealed positions in support of reconnaissance operations.

Section Leader (Composite Aerial Reconnaissance) Uses aviation subject matter expertise to conduct mission planning and to identify airspace coordination requirements. Responsible for coordinating the movement and
linkup of composite aerial reconnaissance section personnel deploying into the Source Operations & Intelligence Collection Detachment's forward area.

Security Man Provides security for the HVT Tracker Team's visual tracker during team movement and withdrawal.

Small Craft Coxswain An expert in the navigation and steering of small craft in support of amphibious landings and reconnaissance and surveillance operations conducted in coastal,
riverine, maritime, and underwater environments. Trained in small unit tactics, combat casualty care, and "wet jumping" with CRRCs and RHIBs.

Small Craft Maintenance Supervisor Establishes and enforces small craft maintenance section safety practices and supervises maintenance personnel. Oversees, instructs and provides technical advice
in the maintenance of small craft engines, electrical systems, fuel systems, power and drive trains, and other associated systems. Conducts section drills and training.
Organizes the training and work of the small craft maintenance section.

Special Projects Team Leader Supervises and conducts HUMINT collection, disinformation, and counter-sabotage missions, specializing in the employment of unconventional and non-traditional
civilian and paramilitary resources and modalities. Liaises with proprietaries and key operational agents. Participates in mission planning and mission outcome
analysis at the detachment-level. Manages the logistical and administrative needs of his team.

Special Projects Technician Conducts HUMINT collection, disinformation, and counter-sabotage missions, specializing in unconventional and non-traditional civilian and paramilitary resources and

Surreptitious Building Entry Technician Accurately identifies and swiftly and silently neutralizes mechanically and digitally actuated locks and locking devices to give HVT Tracker Teams stealthy access to
targets located in buildings and similar structures.

Tracking Dog Handler Supports high-value target tracking activities through the employment of detection/tracking dogs. Assists in the apprehension and administration of targets by using
military working dogs as psychological deterrents.

Training Officer Develops and implements GIJOE's various training programs with the advice of the command staff and the chief observer/controller-trainer.

Transmission Operations Supervisor Responsible for the supervision of forward-deployed COMMO Station personnel in the installation, operation and maintenance of single channel HF, VHF, and
TACSAT radios, JTIDS network control stations, and special communication systems. Implements COMSEC, OPSEC, and physical security policies.

Treatment Team Chief Administers emergency medical treatment to battlefield casualties. Supervises activities of the field/mobile treatment facility. Able to supervise and train all critical skills
as noted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

Visual Tracker Applies tactical tracking skills across a range of operational environments and tactical scenarios in support of manhunt, surveillance, and CSAR operations.

aikido Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba that emphasizes the use of circular motions, throws, and joint trapping to redirect the force of the attacker rather than opposing it

air assault The movement of friendly assault forces (combat, combat support, and combat service support) by rotary-wing aircraft to engage and destroy enemy forces or to seize and hold key

airborne (1) In relation to personnel, troops specially trained to effect an assault debarkation, either by parachuting or touchdown; (2) in relation to equipment, pieces of equipment that have
been especially designed for use by airborne troops during or after an assault debarkation; (3) when applied to materiel, items that form an integral part of the aircraft.

airdrop The unloading of personnel or materiel from aircraft in flight.

all-source intelligence Intelligence products and/or organizations and activities that incorporate all sources of information, most frequently including human resources intelligence, imagery intelligence,
measurement and signature intelligence, signals intelligence, and open-source data in the production of finished intelligence.

anti-terrorism Defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and property to terrorist acts, to include limited response and containment by local military and civilian forces also

Arashikage-ryū bujutsū Tokyo-based martial arts school established by the brothers Tsuyoshi and Yuu Arashikage in 1949. Both founders reputed to be graduates of the legendary Nakano School of
espionage and sabotage. Disciplines emphasized in training include hojōjutsu (the capture and restraint of prisoners using snares and advanced rope tying techniques), kenjutsu
(swordsmanship), kyūjutsu (traditional archery), jujutsu (grappling, ground fighting, and joint trapping), monomi (observation and surveillance), and shurikenjutsu (the expert use of
small, hand-thrown projectiles in combat).

armed reconnaissance A mission with the primary purpose of locating and attacking targets of opportunity, i.e., enemy materiel, personnel, and facilities, in assigned general areas or along assigned
ground communications routes, and not for the purpose of attacking specific briefed targets. See also reconnaissance

assault (1) The climax of an attack, closing with the enemy in hand-to-hand fighting; (2) in an amphibious operation, the period of time between the arrival of the major assault forces of the
amphibious task force in the objective area and the accomplishment of the task force's mission; (3) to make a short, violent, but well-ordered attack against a local objective; (4) a
phase of an airborne operation beginning with delivery by air of the assault echelon of the force into the objective area and extending through attack of assault objectives and
consolidation of the initial airhead.

bājíquán A Northern Chinese martial art that features explosive, short-range strikes. Name can be loosely translated into English as “Eight Extremes Fist.”

biathlon Term used to describe any sporting event made up of two disciplines. In most contexts, the term is usually used to refer specifically to the winter sport that combines cross-country
skiing and rifle shooting.

camouflage The field of military activities, tactics and equipment dealing with the disruption of an object's outline by blending its appearance with that of its surroundings.

casualty evacuation The emergency patient evacuation of injured people from a combat zone.

clandestine operation An operation sponsored or conducted by governmental departments or agencies in such a way as to assure secrecy or concealment. A clandestine operation differs from a covert
operation in that emphasis is placed on concealment of the operation rather than on concealment of the identity of the sponsor. In special operations, an activity may be both covert
and clandestine and may focus equally on operational considerations and intelligence-related activities.

close air support Air action by fixed and rotary-wing aircraft against targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces and that require integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of
those forces.

combat arms A collective name in a system of administrative military reference to those troops within national armed forces which participate in direct tactical land combat. In the US Armed
Forces, they include infantry, armor, cavalry, artillery, and air defense artillery units.

combat diver Personnel specially trained in the use of open and closed circuit diving apparatus in horizontal diving missions such as coastal or ship infiltration and exfiltration, reconnaissance,
and search and rescue; also called combat swimmer.

combat engineering Those engineering capabilities and activities that support the maneuver of land combat forces and that require close support to those forces.

combat search and rescue The tactics, techniques, and procedures performed by forces to effect the recovery of isolated personnel during combat.

combat service support The essential capabilities, functions, activities, and tasks necessary to sustain all elements of operating forces in theater at all levels of war. Within the national and theater logistic
systems, it includes but is not limited to that support rendered by service forces in ensuring the aspects of supply, maintenance, transportation, health services, and other services
required by aviation and ground combat troops to permit those units to accomplish their missions in combat.

combat support The essential capabilities, functions, activities, and tasks necessary for the provision of fire support and operational assistance to combat elements. Combat support units provide
specialized support functions to combat units in the areas of chemical warfare, combat engineering, intelligence, security, and communications.

combatives The techniques and tactics useful to military personnel involved in hand-to-hand combat.

command and control The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and control
functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing,
coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission.

commanding officer An officer in command of a military unit, installation, garrison, or bivouac.

commissioned officer Personnel who derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position.
Commissioned officers are typically the only persons, in a military environment, able to act as the commanding officer of a military unit.

communications (signals) The field of military activities, tactics and equipment dealing with the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of transferring information from one entity to another.

concealment Protective measures taken against observation and surveillance.

counter-sniper A sniper specially trained to detect and neutralize enemy snipers. See also sniper.

counterinsurgency Comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to defeat an insurgency and to address any core grievances.

counterintelligence Information gathered and activities conducted to protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted by or on behalf of foreign
governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, or foreign persons, or international terrorist activities.

countersurveillance All measures, active or passive, taken to counteract hostile surveillance.

counterterrorism Operations that include the offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, preempt, and respond to terrorism.

countertracking Techniques used to avoid alerting the enemy to the tracker's presence.

covering fire (1) Fire used to protect troops when they are within range of enemy small arms; (2) in amphibious usage, fire delivered prior to the landing to cover preparatory operations such as
underwater demolition or mine countermeasures.

covert operation An operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor. A covert operation differs from a clandestine operation in that
emphasis is placed on concealment of the identity of the sponsor rather than on concealment of the operation.

criminal intelligence Information gathered, analyzed, recorded/reported and disseminated by law enforcement agencies concerning types of crime, identified criminals and known or suspected criminal

deception Those measures designed to mislead the enemy by manipulation, distortion, or falsification of evidence to induce the enemy to react in a manner prejudicial to the enemy's interests.

demolition The planned and controlled destruction of structures, facilities, or material using explosive, incendiary, mechanical, or other means.

direct action Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and which employ specialized
military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets.

direct fire The use of weapon systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target using the target itself as a point of aim for either the weapon or the director.

electronic warfare Military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy.

enlisted rank Any rank below a commissioned officer or warrant officer.

executive officer An officer responsible for the management of day-to-day activities, such as maintenance and logistics, freeing the unit commander to concentrate on tactical planning and execution.
The XO also takes charge in the absence of the commanding officer.

exfiltration The removal of personnel or units from areas under enemy control by stealth, deception, surprise, or clandestine means.

expeditionary (military force) A military unit designed for the conduct of military operations abroad on short notice in response to crises with forces tailored to achieve limited and clearly stated objectives.

explosive ordnance disposal The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering safe, recovery, and final disposal of hazardous explosive devices

fire support The use of weapon systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target that directly support land, maritime, amphibious, and special operations forces to engage enemy
forces, combat formations, and facilities in pursuit of tactical and operational objectives.

force protection Preventive measures taken to mitigate hostile actions against Department of Defense personnel (to include family members), resources, facilities, and critical information. Force
protection does not include actions to defeat the enemy or protect against accidents, weather, or disease.

forward observer An observer operating with front line troops and trained to adjust ground or naval gunfire and pass back battlefield information. In the absence of a forward air controller, the observer
may control close air support strikes.

free fall operations Airborne operations generally characterized by flight over the objective area at altitudes not normally associated with conventional parachute operations. Free fall parachuting is a
maneuver in which the parachute is manually activated at the discretion of the jumper or automatically at a preset altitude. In the HALO technique, the parachutist opens his
parachute at a low altitude after free-falling for a period of time, while in the HAHO technique, the parachutist opens his parachute at a high altitude just a few seconds after jumping
from the aircraft.

Gracie Barra jiu-jitsu Brazilian martial art founded by Carlos Gracie, Jr. that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. Derived from the Japanese martial art of Kodokan judo as taught by legendary
judoka Mitsuyo Maeda.

hand-to-hand combat An engagement between two or more persons with or without hand-held weapons such as knives, sticks, or projectile weapons within the range of physical contact.

helicopter rope suspension techniques Term for techniques and methods of rappelling, fast roping, Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction (SPIE) and Jacob’s Ladder operations. HRSTs were developed as a means to insert
and extract, by helicopter, ground forces (primarily reconnaissance teams) into or from rough terrain, urban areas or water, in situations where aircraft landings are impractical due to
terrain or tactical situation.

human intelligence The intelligence derived from the intelligence collection discipline that uses human beings as both sources and collectors, and where the human being is the primary collection
instrument. Also called human-resources intelligence.

imagery analysis The extraction of meaningful information from images. mainly from digital images by means of digital image processing techniques.

indirect fire The use of weapon systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target that is not itself used as a point of aim for the weapons or the director.

individual augmentee A United States military member assigned to a unit for the purpose of filling in for, or augmenting, members of that unit. Individual Augmentees are differentiated from existing
members of that unit by the fact that they are assigned individually rather than as part of a traditional military organization (such as a brigade, battalion or company). Individual
Augmentees can be used to fill shortages or can be used when an individual with specialized knowledge or skill sets is required. As a result, Individual Augmentees can include
members from an entirely different branch of service.

infiltration (1) The movement through or into an area or territory occupied by either friendly or enemy troops or organizations. The movement is made, either by small groups or by individuals,
at extended or irregular intervals. When used in connection with the enemy, it implies that contact is avoided; (2) in intelligence usage, placing an agent or other person in a target
area in hostile territory. Usually involves crossing a frontier or other guarded line.

information operations The integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in
concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting one's own.

information systems The entire infrastructure, organization, personnel, and components for the collection, processing, storage, transmission, display, dissemination, and disposition of information.

insurgency An organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflict. Note that there is nothing inherent in the concept of
insurgency that requires the use of terrorism.

Intelligence (military) The product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign nations, hostile or potentially
hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations. The term is also applied to the activity which results in the product and to the organizations engaged in such

judo Japanese martial art and combat sport developed by Kanō Jigorō in 1882 from the jujutsu (grappling) methods utilized by feudal era samurai warriors. Most prominent feature is its
competitive element, where the object is to throw one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an opponent to
submit by joint locking or by executing a choke. Most popular style is Kodokan judo, based on Jigorō's original teachings.

karate Okinawan martial art emphasizing punches, kicks, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques such as “knife-hands.” Gōjū-ryū, one the art's most popular variants, utilizes
a combination of “hard” and linear as well as “soft” and circular techniques.

Lacoste-Inosanto kali A school of kali (term used to refer to the Filipino martial arts) established by former US Army paratrooper and Bruce Lee contemporary Dan Inosanto, Training centers on 12 areas
of focus: single stick/short sword/axe; double stick/short sword/axe; stick/short sword and dagger/shield; single dagger; double dagger; palm stick/double-ended dagger; empty hand
techniques (striking, grappling, and ground fighting); flexible weapons (flail weapons, whips, scarves, weighted ropes and chains); long weapons (polearm, long staff, oar); thrown
weapons (spears, throwing knives, throwing spikes, blinding powder); projectile weapons (archery, blowguns, slingshots); and mental/spiritual training (includes instruction in
practical Filipino folk medicine practices).

logistics Planning and executing the movement and support of forces. It includes those aspects of military operations that deal with: (1) design and development, acquisition, storage,
movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of materiel; (2) movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel; (3) acquisition or construction,
maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities; and (4) acquisition or furnishing of services.

Muay Thai Thai martial art and combat sport that emphasizes devastating strikes using the fists, elbows, knees, and feet. Also incorporates stand-up clinching and limited grappling.

nán pài táng láng Southern Chinese martial art, name can be loosely translated to “Southern Praying Mantis.” Emphasis is placed on hand and arm techniques, and a limited use of low kicks in close

naval special warfare A designated naval warfare specialty that conducts operations in the coastal, riverine, and maritime environments. Naval special warfare emphasizes small, flexible, mobile units
operating under, on, and from the sea. These operations are characterized by stealth, speed, and precise, violent application of force.

non-commissioned officer An enlisted military member holding a position of some degree of authority who has obtained it by promotion from within the non-officer ranks.

operational intelligence Intelligence that is required for planning and conducting campaigns and major operations to accomplish strategic objectives within theaters or operational areas.

operations security A process of identifying critical information and subsequently analyzing friendly actions attendant to military operations and other activities to: (1) identify those actions that can be
observed by adversary intelligence systems; (2) determine indicators that adversary intelligence systems might obtain that could be interpreted or pieced together to derive critical
information in time to be useful to adversaries; and (3) select and execute measures that eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the vulnerabilities of friendly actions to adversary

paramilitary forces Forces or groups distinct from the regular armed forces of any country, but resembling them in organization, equipment, training, or mission.

physical security Measures used to provide physical protection of resources against deliberate and accidental threats.

provost marshal The officer in command of a confinement facility.

provost sergeant The senior NCO of a confinement facility whose chief duty is the supervision of prisoners and of the military police unit.

psychological operations Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of
foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the
originator's objectives.

reconnaissance A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or adversary, or to secure data
concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area.

retransmission Replication of a signal at a repeater/rebroadcaster/broadcast translator/booster, or relay station

retrograde movement An organized movement to the rear away from the enemy. The force executes retrogrades to accomplish one or more of the following: (1) to disengage from combat; (2) to avoid
combat under undesirable conditions; (3) to draw the enemy into an unfavorable situation; (4) to gain time without fighting a decisive engagement; (5) to place friendly forces in a
more favorable position; and (6) to permit the use of a portion of the force elsewhere.

Ryūkyū kobujutsū The traditional weapons-based martial arts of the Japanese island of Okinawa (the former Ryūkyū kingdom). Weapons emphasized include the rokushakubo (long staff), tambo
(short staff), sai (dagger-shaped truncheon), tonfa (handled club), kama (sickle), nunchaku (two-section flail), tekko (fist-load weapon), tinbe-rochin (shield and short spear.), surujin
(weighted rope or chain), and eku (boat oar of traditional Okinawan design).

sensitive Requiring special protection from disclosure that could cause embarrassment, compromise, or threat to the security of the sponsoring power. May be applied to an agency,
installation, person, position, document, material, or activity.

sensitive site exploitation A related series of activities inside a captured sensitive site to exploit personnel documents, electronic data, and material captured at the site, while neutralizing any threat posed by
the site or its contents.

SFOD-A The basic SF unit. Also known as the "A Detachment" or "A Team". This twelve man unit is specifically designed to organize, equip, train, advise or direct, and support indigenous
military or paramilitary forces in unconventional warfare operations.

SFOD-B The SF company headquarters, also known as "B Detachment," is a multi-purpose C2 element.

SFOD-C The "C Detachment" provides command and control, and staff planning and supervision for SF battalion operations and administration.

Shorinji Kempo Contemporary Japanese martial arts school formally established by Doshin So in 1947, adapted from various Shaolin and other temple-based martial arts from China. Emphasizes
striking but also incorporates throws and joint trapping. Training has a significant religious and spiritual component rooted in Zen Buddhism.

small arms Man-portable, individual, and crew-served weapon systems used mainly against personnel and lightly armored or unarmored equipment.

sniper A highly trained marksman who shoots targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the capabilities of regular personnel. In addition to marksmanship, military snipers
are also trained in camouflage, infiltration, reconnaissance and observation techniques.

source operations The techniques and procedures performed by designated personnel related to the clandestine recruitment and handling of sources with access to vital foreign intelligence; also
referred to as core collection.

special operations Operations conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectives employing military capabilities
for which there is no broad conventional force requirement. These operations often require covert, clandestine, or low visibility capabilities. Special operations differ from
conventional operations in degree of physical and political risk, operational techniques, mode of employment, independence from friendly support, and dependence on detailed
operational intelligence and indigenous assets.

special operations forces Those Active and Reserve Component forces of the military services designated by the Secretary of Defense and specifically organized, trained, and equipped to conduct and
support special operations.

special reaction team A specialized team or element within a military police unit that has been tasked with a level response to a high risk situation within a military base or compound. See also SWAT

spotter An observer stationed for the purpose of observing and reporting results of gunfire to the firing agency and who also may be employed in designating targets.

state terrorism The use of force and terror by a state government against its own people, either a particular group or minority within the state or the entire population.

subject matter expert An individual who exhibits the highest level of expertise in performing a specialized job, task, or skill within an organization.

suppressive fire The use of weapon systems on or about an enemy weapons system to degrade its performance below the level needed to fulfill the enemy's objectives.

surveillance The monitoring of the behavior, activities, or other changing information, usually of people and often in a surreptitious manner.

survival, evasion, resistance, and escape Actions performed by isolated personnel designed to ensure their health, mobility, safety, and honor in anticipation of or preparation for their return to friendly control.

SWAT team An elite tactical unit in American and some international law enforcement departments. They are trained to perform high-risk operations such as hostage rescues, counter-terrorism
operations, serving high risk arrest and search warrants, and engaging barricaded suspects/heavily-armed criminals.

tactical tracking The tactics, techniques, and procedures performed by forces to reestablish contact with the enemy; also called combat tracking.

taekwondo Korean martial art known for its emphasis on powerful kicking techniques. Most popular style is Kukkiwon taekwondo, which forms the basis for the Olympic Games taekwondo

tai chi chuan Traditional Chinese martial art characterized by its deliberately slow, continuous, circular, well-balanced and rhythmic movements. Practiced in modern times as a means of
cultivating the qi, or chi (life-process), for perceived health benefits and spiritual insights.

target (1) An entity or object considered for possible engagement or other action; (2) in intelligence usage, a country, area, installation, agency, or person against which intelligence
operations are directed; (3) An area designated and numbered for future firing; (4) in gunfire support usage, an impact burst that hits the target.

target acquisition The detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons.

targeting The process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate response to them, taking account of operational requirements and capabilities.

Tatsumi-ryū Hyōhō kobujutsu Traditional school of Japanese martial arts founded in the early 16th century by Tatsumi Sankyo. Sub-disciplines include kenjutsu (swordsmanship), iaidō (sword-drawing), sōjutsu
(spear-fighting techniques), jujutsu (grappling, ground fighting, and joint trapping), hojōjutsu (the capture and restraint of prisoners using snares and advanced rope tying
techniques), and monomi (surveillance/observation).

terminal attack control The authority to control the maneuver of and grant weapons release clearance to attacking aircraft.

terrorism The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are
generally political, religious, or ideological.

tree jumping Low-altitude, static-line parachuting into heavily wooded and/or rough terrain environments.

unconventional warfare A broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations, normally of long duration, predominantly conducted through, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces who are organized,
trained, equipped, supported, and directed in varying degrees by an external source. It includes, but is not limited to, guerrilla warfare, subversion, sabotage, intelligence activities,
and unconventional assisted recovery.

warrant officer A highly skilled, single-track specialty officer ranked as an officer above the senior-most enlisted ranks, as well as officer cadets and candidates, but below the commissioned officer
grade of O–1.

wet jumping Low, medium, and high-altitude parachuting into the open sea.

wing chun Southern Chinese martial art utilizing both striking and grappling while specializing in very close-range combat.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Abernathy, Clayton M. Command Operations Officer (Office of the Born into a prominent military family, father a
Director, C2E) highly decorated Army colonel, grandfather a
DOB sergeant with the American Expeditionary
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection Forces. Graduated from West Point at the
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3 rd top of his class, 1990. Went on several
POB rotational deployments with the ARCENT-SA
Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
Denver, Colorado, USA (US Army) PATRIOT Task Force in Saudi Arabia before
going Special Forces in 1995. Took part in
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education numerous missions in Afghanistan between
Hawk BS in Military Art and Science (USMA), MS in 2001 and 2008 as a member of the 5 th
Military Arts and Sciences (CGSC-SAMS); Special Forces Group. Served on part-time
Pay-Grade cadre at the University of Foreign Military
Master of Professional Studies, Strategic
O–5 Leadership concentration (Austin Peay Center- and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth,
Fort Campbell) oversaw Red Team Leader exercises
between 2006 and 2008. A widower (wife
Relevant Training (partial list) succumbed to acute myeloid leukemia in
Air Defense Artillery Officer Basic Course; 2007) with a son, Scott, born in 2001. Fluent
Short-Range, Hawk Missile, and Patriot Missile in Arabic (Modern Standard, Gulf Arabic, and
Air Defense Artillery Resident Training; Air Iraqi), Persian (Dari, Farsi, and Tajiki
Defense Artillery Officer Advanced Course, dialects), and Russian; conversant in French
Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, (Metropolitan), Portuguese, and Spanish.
Ranger School, SF Unit Officer Qualification Recently rated as being in the 99 th percentile
Course, SFQC Individual Skills Phase, SFQC among all active-duty Department of
Collective Training Phase, SF Functional Defense field grade officers in conventional,
Language Training, SOF Inter-agency analytical, creative, and practical intelligence
Collaboration Course, Command & General measures. Has a talent for intentionally
Staff School, Joint Special Operations Irregular obscuring and willfully misrepresenting his
Warfare Advanced Course, Army Red Team dispositional affect.
Leaders Course, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course,
CJFSOCC Staff Officer Course, CJFSOCC
Planning Course, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course, CJFSOCC
Commander's Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, ISAF SOF Operations
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Arashikage, Kimiko Counterintelligence Agent (Counterintelligence At the age of 12, sent by parents to live with
Team, SONIC Detachment) relatives in Tokyo in an effort to instill
DOB discipline and a sense of culture. While
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection abroad, extensively studied Arashikage-ryū
A Company (CI/HUMINT), 524th Military bujutsū. Returned to the United States after
POB graduating as the valedictorian of her high
Intelligence Battalion, 501st Military Intelligence
Los Angeles, California, USA Brigade (US Army) school class at the Saitama Prefectural
Inagakuen Comprehensive Upper Secondary
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education School. Joined the Army as a financial
Jinx BA in Economics (Bryn Mawr College), AA in management technician after receiving her
Mandarin (DLIFLC) economics degree from Bryn Mawr in 2002.
Pay-Grade Re-classed as a counterintelligence agent in
Relevant Training (partial list) 2006, deployed to South Korea in support of
Financial Management Technician AIT, USFK/CFC operations as a member of the
Counterintelligence Special Agent Course, 524th Military Intelligence Battalion. Fluent in
Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, French (Metropolitan), Japanese, Korean,
Defense Strategic Debriefing & Interrogation and Mandarin (Standard dialect); conversant
Course, Defense Against Sound Equipment in Cantonese/Yue (Standard dialect). Also
Course, Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence schooled in Ryūkyū kobujutsū. Spunky and
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, energetic, but never lets her enthusiasm get
Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, the better of her judgment.
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course,
Introduction to Networks & Computer Hardware
Course, Counterintelligence in Cyber Space
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course, NATO SOF Intel Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Armbruster, Bradley J. Section Leader/Fixed-Wing ISR Aircraft Pilot Started flying in high school, working three
(Composite Aerial Reconnaissance Section, jobs in order to afford lessons. After high
DOB SONIC Detachment) school, worked for a year as a bush pilot in
1971-08-22 Alaska to earn money for college. While
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection enrolled in the University of Rhode Island,
POB spent his free time training to be an
362nd Expeditionary Reconnaissance
Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA Squadron, 332nd Expeditionary Operations aerobatic pilot; twice competed in the FAI
Group, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing (USAF) Grand Prix. Joined the USAF in 1996 after
Call-Sign earning his degree in electrical engineering.
Post-Secondary Education As a member of the 22nd Expeditionary
BS in Electrical Engineering (University of Fighter Squadron, flew F-16C Fighting
Pay-Grade Falcons on air interdiction and combat air
Rhode Island); MS in Defense Analysis,
O–4 Combat Systems subspecialty (NPS) patrol missions over Iraq in support of
Operation Northern Watch in 1999,
Relevant Training (partial list) distinguishing himself in encounters against
Private Pilot Certification, Commercial Pilot Iraqi MiG-25 Foxbat fighters (recording two
Certification, Aerobatic Proficiency Training kills) and numerous SA-6 surface-to-air
Certification (Tutima Academy of Aviation), missile batteries. Sent to Yugoslavia later
Initial Flight Screening, USAF Specialized that year for Operation Allied Force. Downed
Undergraduate Training, Transitional and two MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters and a J-22
Operational Flight Training (F-16C/D Fighting Orao in separate air combat incidents,
Falcon), USAF Weapons School (F-16C/D bringing his kill total to five and earning
Fighting Falcon), SERE Level-C Training, Flight fighter ace status. Deployed to Southwest
Commander Course, Introduction to Special Asia in 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi
Operations Course, Organizational Leadership Freedom, served on the same section as
Course, Expeditionary Leadership Course, future GIJOE pilot Gregory Boyajian (call-
Squadron Officer School, Individual Terrorism sign: Slipstream). Seeking new aviation
Awareness Course, NATO Air Integration and challenges, volunteered for Project Liberty, a
Planning Course, Mission Qualification Flight dedicated USAF intelligence, surveillance,
Training (MC-12W Liberty), GIJOE Professional and reconnaissance initiative. Completed
Qualification Training MC-12W Liberty mission qualification
training in early 2009 at the top of his class.
Flew the very first MC-12W Liberty combat
sorties over Iraq in the summer of 2009. An
accomplished amateur poker player,
Armbruster has competed in numerous
poker fund-raising events for various
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Arndt, Philip W. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 7-HALO/HAHO, Enlisted in the Army in 1996 after graduating
TIGER Detachment) summa cum laude with a degree in
philosophy from Southern Illinois University-
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-02-04 Carbondale. Started his military career as an
C Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger aviation operations specialist with the 82 nd
POB Combat Aviation Regiment, deployed to
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army)
Downers Grove, Illinois, USA Bosnia with the 2nd Battalion in support of
Post-Secondary Education Operation Joint Guard (1997). After fulfilling
Call-Sign his term of service, went back to school to
BA in Philosophy (Southern Illinois University-
Free Fall Carbondale), MA in Comparative East-West earn his master's degree in comparative
Philosophy (University of Hawai‘i-Mānoa) east-west philosophy. Re-enlisted in 2004
Pay-Grade and re-trained as an infantryman, eventually
Relevant Training (partial list) joined the 75th Ranger Regiment in 2005.
Aviation Operations Specialist AIT, Joint Air Deployed to Afghanistan in 2006 through
Tasking Order Process Course, Infantryman 2008, where he would participate in
AIT, Basic Airborne School, Ranger School, Air numerous special operations in the country's
Assault School, Ranger Assessment & southeastern provinces in support of
Selection Program, Pathfinder School, SERE CJSOTF-A and ISAF objectives. Fluent in
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism Mandarin (Standard dialect), conversant in
Awareness Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Cantonese/Yue (Standard dialect) and
Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Persian (Dari and Farsi dialects). Highly
Course, Rappel Master Course, Static-Line intelligent and strongly motivated individual,
Jumpmaster Course, Military Free Fall never short on self-confidence. Conducts
Parachutist Course, Special Operations himself with a swagger that borders on
Terminal Attack Controller Course, ISAF SOF arrogance, but GIJOE teammates know that
Operations Course, NATO SOF Technical he has the knowledge, skills, and experience
Exploitation Operations Course, Ranger to back it up.
School, Tactical Information Operations Course,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Ayvazyan, Varujan Special Projects Technician (Special Projects Born and raised in Istanbul Province to
Team, SONIC Detachment) Turkish-Armenian parents. Overcame
DOB cultural and ethnic barriers to become a
Employer prior to GIJOE selection
1971-01-15 ranking police officer with the Istanbul Police
Terrorism and Violent Crimes Division, United Department's Special Security office. Served
POB with distinction in numerous police special
States National Central Bureau of INTERPOL
Istanbul, Istanbul Province, operations against the PKK and other radical
Post-Secondary Education designated terrorist organizations. Cross-
BA in Security Sciences (Güvenlik Bilimleri trained in mountaineering and parachuting
Call-Sign as part of an exchange program with the
Enstitüsü-Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı), AAS in
Taurus Chemical Technology (Essex County College) Turkish Army's 1. Komando Tugayı (1st
Commando Brigade) in Kayseri province.
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Received extensive EOD training at the
GS–09 Pre-Undergraduate Police Training Program International School for Security and
(Polis Akademisi Gölbaşı), Basic Police Special Explosives Education. Hired by INTERPOL
Operations Course (Özel Harekat Polis Okulu), in 2000, immigrated to the United States on
Komando Tugayı Military Mountaineering a National Interest Waiver visa in 2001 to
training, Komando Tugayı Airborne cross- work for the organization's US Bureau as a
training, INTERPOL International Police dangerous devices technician and weapons
Training Program, ISSEE Search and Security intelligence analyst. Joined a fledgling
Foundation Course, ISSEE Search and GIJOE in 2009. Fluent in Armenian (Eastern
Security Advanced Searcher Course, ISSEE and Western dialects), Kurdish, and Turkish;
High Risk Search Course, ISSEE EOD Level 1 conversant in Arabic (Iraqi) and Georgian.
Course, ISSEE EOD Level 2 Course, ISSEE Became a naturalized American citizen in
EOD Level 3 Course, ISSEE IED Awareness 2007. Avid practitioner and promoter of kılıç
Course, ISSEE IED Technician Course, ISSEE kalkan (traditional Turkish fencing) and has
Booby Traps Course, Program in American performed public demonstrations of the
Language Studies (Rutgers University-Newark), martial art as part of the Turkish Cultural
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training Center in New York's annual “Performing Arts
at the Terminal” show.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Barney, James J. COLT Leader/Joint Fires Observer (Combat Was the star quarterback for his high school
Observation & Lasing Team, TIGER football team, led them to back-to-back state
DOB Detachment) championship appearances. Injuries
1976-03-21 prevented a similarly successful college
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection football career, joined the Army almost
POB immediately after graduation. Served as a
A Company, 1st Battalion, 505th Infantry
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, Regiment (Airborne) (US Army) TMDE Maintenance Support Specialist
USA assigned to the Defense Reutilization and
Post-Secondary Education Marketing Service before switching to a
Call-Sign career in the artillery. Went on three
BS in Physics (University of Wisconsin-
Grand Slam Madison) deployments to Iraq between 2003 and 2005
as a forward observer assigned to A
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Company, 1st Battalion, 505th Infantry
E–6 Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment Regiment (Airborne), where his natural
Maintenance Support Specialist AIT; Fire aptitude for judging distances served him
Support Specialist AIT, Advanced Field Artillery well in his duties. Soft-spoken but firm, well-
Tactical Data System (AFATDS) Transition liked by subordinates, peers, and superiors.
Course, Basic Airborne School, Ranger School, Never loses track of his mission's objectives
Joint Fires Observer Course, Tactical in even the most stressful of conditions. A
Information Operations Course, SERE Level-C lifelong fan of escapist fiction, owns an
Training, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer extensive collection of vintage comic books
Course, Individual Terrorism Awareness and science fiction magazines dating back to
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, the early 1930s, spends his free time
Rappel Master Course, GIJOE Professional scouring hobbyist shops and internet auction
Qualification Training sites for pieces to add to his ever-growing
assortment of fantastic literature.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Blais, Robert M. Motor Vehicle Maintenance NCO (Motor Both parents career construction and asphalt
Vehicle Maintenance Section, STEEL equipment operators. Declined stewardship
DOB Detachment) of the family business and joined the Army in
1981-07-16 2003. Drove trucks for the 7th Transportation
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
Battalion, deploying on a tour of Southwest
POB Asia before re-classing as a wheel vehicle
A Company, 296th Brigade Support Battalion
Greensboro, North Carolina, (US Army) mechanic in 2006. Assigned to the 296 th
USA Brigade Support Battalion, deployed to Iraq
Post-Secondary Education in 2007 in support of the 2nd Infantry
Call-Sign Division's 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team.
AAS in Heavy Equipment and Transport
Cross-Country Technology (Guilford Technical Community Has excellent driving instincts and a natural
College) mechanical aptitude honed through a lifetime
Pay-Grade in and around heavy machinery and diesel-
Relevant Training (partial list) powered vehicles. Openly proud of his
Motor Transport Operator AIT, Basic Freight family's Confederate heritage (great-great-
Traffic Course, Installation Traffic Management great grandfather on his mother's side was a
Course, Defense Advanced Traffic soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia), to
Management Course, Passenger Travel the occasional chagrin of some of his more
Specialist Course, Wheel Vehicle Mechanic sensitive and politic GIJOE teammates.
AIT, Automotive Electrical Systems Repair Sentimental political differences aside,
Course, Wheel Vehicle Recovery Specialist teammates know that he can be trusted to
Course, Defense Hazardous Materials/Waste perform his duties to the letter, with the
Handling Course, Mechanical Maintenance utmost efficiency and professionalism.
NCO Common Core Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Blanchet, John Small Craft Coxswain (LRRS Team 8-NSW, Grew up on a small Indiana farm where he
TIGER Detachment) helped his father raise prize-winning pigs.
DOB Quickly gained a reputation as one-half of
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-10-10 Fort Wayne's premier hog breeding duo after
Special Boat Team 12, Naval Special Warfare winning numerous county fairs. Enlisted in
POB the Navy in 2001 in search of a different
Group FOUR (USN)
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA career path, feeling that he had done all that
Post-Secondary Education he wanted in the field of stockbreeding.
Call-Sign Assigned to the Naval Beach Group ONE's
AS in Engineering (San Diego City College)
Topside Assault Craft Unit 1 after graduating from
Relevant Training (partial list) Engineman “A” School. Served aboard an
Pay-Grade LCU-8 during various joint training exercises
Engineman "A" School, Caterpillar Diesel
E–6 Technician Training, MTU Diesel Technician and humanitarian relief operations along the
Training, Outboard Engine Mechanic Training, South American Pacific coast in 2002.
ALCO & General Motors EMD Diesel Engine Participated in oil-platform defense, non-
Technician Training; Non-Compliant Boarding compliant vessel boarding, and amphibious
Visit, Board, Search & Seizure (NCB VBSS) assault landing operations in the Persian
Course; Fairbanks Morse & Colt Pielstick Gulf in 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi
Diesel Engine Technician Training, SWCC Freedom. Took part in humanitarian and
Basic Crewman Training, NAVSPECWAR emergency relief operations along the US
Crewman Qualification Training, Basic Tactical Gulf Coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina
Swimmer Course, Basic Airborne School, in 2005. Joined NAVSPECWARCOM as a
Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, Air Special-Warfare Combatant Crewman in
Assault School, Camp Michael Monsoor 2006. Participated in maritime interdiction
Special Reconnaissance Training, Tactical exchange training with Philippine Navy
Rope Suspension Technician Certification & special operations units in Bangsamoro
HRST Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, waters, early 2007. Took part in relief and
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, rescue operations in San Diego County
Advanced Tactical Swimmer Course, SCUBA during the Southern California wildfires of
Diver Qualification, GIJOE Professional 2007. Possesses a knack for mechanical
Qualification Training improvisation and invention. Never one to
back down from a challenge, frequently
engages GIJOE teammates in one-
upmanship contests of physical strength and
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Bowman, Thomas S. Counterintelligence Agent (Counterintelligence Orphaned at the age of 12, both parents
Team, SONIC Detachment) killed in a skiing accident in Aspen. Raised
DOB by an uncle, a former Marine and Colorado
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1969-11-12 state trooper. Entered the Denver police
Expeditionary Support Branch, Marine Corps force after receiving his degree in criminal
POB justice. Worked for five years as a beat cop
Intelligence Activity (USMC)
Denver, Colorado, USA before joining the Marines in 1997. Opted for
Post-Secondary Education a career in the intelligence field, spent his
Call-Sign initial term of service as an intelligence
BA in Criminal Justice and Criminology
Mace (Metropolitan State College of Denver), AA in specialist with the 2nd Marine Division. Re-
Arabic (DLIFLC) trained as a counterintelligence special
Pay-Grade agent in 2002. As an agent for the MCIA's
Relevant Training (partial list) Expeditionary Support Branch, has served
Basic Recruit Training (Denver Police on numerous missions abroad, most recently
Academy), Colorado Peace Officer Standards in Afghanistan in support of Operation
and Training Qualification, MAGTF Intelligence Enduring Freedom. Fluent in Arabic (Modern
Specialist Entry Course, Intelligence in Standard, Gulf Arabic, and Iraqi) and Persian
Combating Terrorism Course, MAGTF (Dari and Farsi dialects), conversant in
Counterintelligence/HUMINT Course, Technical Spanish.
Surveillance Countermeasures Fundamentals
Course, Technical Surveillance Counter-
measures Course, Advanced Personnel
Administration Course, Defense Strategic
Debriefing & Interrogation Course, Advanced
Foreign Counterintelligence Course,
Introduction to Networks & Computer Hardware
Course, Counterintelligence in Cyber Space
Course, NATO SOF Intel Course, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course,
NATO SOF Advanced Intel Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Boyajian, Gregory S. Fixed-Wing ISR Aircraft Pilot (Composite Aerial An avid video game player and computer
Reconnaissance Section, SONIC Detachment) enthusiast before discovering recreational
DOB flying in his mid-teens. Joined the Civil Air
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-05-13 Patrol as a cadet at the age of 16, eventually
362nd Expeditionary Reconnaissance going to the University of Utah on an
POB AFROTC scholarship. Flew F-16C/D Fighting
Squadron, 332nd Expeditionary Operations
Provo, Utah, USA Group, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing (USAF) Falcons on combat air patrol missions over
Iraq and Afghanistan from 2004 to 2007 as a
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education member of the 332nd Air Expeditionary
Slipstream BS in Computer Engineering (University of Wing's 22nd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron
Utah), MS in Computer Engineering (AFIT) alongside celebrated fighter ace and future
Pay-Grade GIJOE Composite Aerial Reconnaissance
Relevant Training (partial list) Section Leader Bradley Armbruster (call-
Initial Flight Screening, USAF Specialized sign: Ace), who would cultivate a mentor-
Undergraduate Training, Transitional and student relationship with the younger
Operational Flight Training (F-16C/D Fighting Boyajian. Following Armbruster's lead,
Falcon), USAF Weapons School (F-16C/D volunteered for MC-12W Liberty mission
Fighting Falcon), Flight Commander Course, qualification training in early 2009. Flew the
Organizational Leadership Course, 362nd Expeditionary Reconnaissance
Expeditionary Leadership Course, Squadron Squadron's first MC-12W Liberty ISR aircraft
Officer School, Mission Qualification Flight in sorties over Iraq in the summer of 2009.
Training (MC-12W Liberty), GIJOE Professional Has a reputation among GIJOE teammates
Qualification Training as an unrepentant joker and mimic, and is
the acknowledged base “Street Fighter IV”
(video game) champion. Fluent in Armenian
(Eastern and Western dialects), French
(Metropolitan), and Greek.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Breckenridge, Matthew H. Combat Observer/Joint Fires Observer Played drums for various Lousville-area
(Combat Observation & Lasing Team, TIGER heavy metal bands throughout high school
DOB Detachment) and college. Joined the army as a
1979-08-31 bandsperson in 2001. Played percussion
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
with the 101st Airborne Division Band (“Pride
POB of the Eagle”) for four years before making
B Company, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry
Louisville, Kentucky, USA Regiment (Air Assault) (US Army) the somewhat unusual decision to re-class
into a combat arms branch. Deployed to Iraq
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education in 2007 for a 15 month long deployment,
Thunder AA in Music, General (Jefferson Community participating in missions in Salah ad Din
and Technical College) governorate as a forward observer assigned
Pay-Grade to the 101st Airborne Division's 1st Brigade
Relevant Training (partial list) Combat Team. An import racer scene
Army Bandsperson (Percussion) AIT, Air enthusiast in his spare time, owns a heavily
Assault School, Fire Support Specialist AIT, modified and extensively tuned 1995 Nissan
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System Skyline GT-R coupe.
(AFATDS) Transition Course, Basic Airborne
School, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer
Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, Joint Fires
Observer Course, Ranger School, Fast Rope &
SPIE Master Course, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Rappel
Master Course, Tactical Information Operations
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Brown, Eliot Explosive Ordnance Disposal NCO (SSE Worked as a warehouse/data entry clerk at
Section, SONIC Detachment) the FedEx Corporation headquarters in
DOB Memphis before joining the Army in 2002.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-09-18 Initially trained as a multiple launch rocket
744th Ordnance Company, 63rd Ordnance system crewman. Deployed to Iraq in 2003
POB for Operation Iraqi Freedom as a member of
Battalion, 52nd Ordnance Group (EOD) (US
Collierville, Tennessee, USA Army) 1st Battalion, 14th Field Artillery Regiment.
Considered leaving the active-duty service
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education after fulfilling the initial terms of his active-
Fast Draw AAS in Accountancy (Shelby State Community duty contract in 2006, but admits that
College) mounting financial hardships at home, where
Pay-Grade his immediate family was hit hard by the
Relevant Training (partial list) beginning subprime mortgage crisis, made it
Multiple Launch Rocket System Crewmember easier for him to decide on re-enlisting,
AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, choosing re-training as an EOD specialist
EOD Specialist AIT, EOD Advanced Access & primarily because of the specialty's
Disablement Course, EOD Advanced significant signing and seasonal bonuses.
Management & Technology Course, Technical Soon found EOD work to be genuinely
Escort Course, SERE Level-C Training, fulfilling as a career choice and not simply as
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE a means of employment. Sent to Afghanistan
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF in 2008 as a member of a small EOD
Technical Exploitation Operations Course detachment supporting ISAF operations in
Kandahar province. Has incredible manual
dexterity and physical endurance,
approaches the task of explosive ordnance
handling and disposal with supreme
confidence in his ability to overcome any and
all obstacles.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Burns, Matthew Chief Observer-Controller/Trainer (Training Comes from a Marine family, father a retired
Cadre, STEEL Detachment) infantry gunnery sergeant, mother a former
DOB air traffic controller. Reputation as a marine
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1970-08-27 and drill instructor has reached near-mythic
Special Operations Training Group-MEU(SOC) proportions in 18 years in the Corps,
POB something he has been more than willing to
Training Branch, II Marine Expeditionary Force
Parris Island, South Carolina, Headquarters Group (USMC) cultivate and perpetuate by playing the part
USA of the hulking and unfeeling drill instructor to
Post-Secondary Education the hilt in public appearances. Behind all his
Call-Sign outward bluster and theatrics, possesses a
BS in Psychology (University of South Carolina)
Sgt. Slaughter brilliant tactical mind that he has put to use
Relevant Training (partial list) as a member of the 2nd Reconnaissance
Pay-Grade Battalion, participating in missions on four
Marine Rifleman Course, Infantry Squad
E–8 (MSgt) Leaders Course, Basic Reconnaissance continents. Transferred to the II Marine
Course, Combatant Diver Course, Basic Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group's
Airborne School, MEU(SOC) Certification Joint Special Operations Training Group-
Training, Fast Rope Suspension Technician MEU(SOC) Training Branch in 2004.
Certification & HRST Master Course, Drill Conversant in French (Metropolitan)and
Instructor School, Water Safety/Survival Spanish.
Instructor Course, Advanced Personnel
Administration Course, Tactical Information
Operations Course, RUTEX Training,
Marksmanship Coach Course, Martial Arts
Instructor Course, Martial Arts Instructor-Trainer
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic Military
Mountaineer Summer Course, ISAF SOF
Operations Course, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course, NATO SOF
Senior NCO Operations Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Colby, Everett P. Deputy Director (Office of the Director, C2E) As a member of FAIRECONRONTWO, flew
reconnaissance aircraft in support of airstrike
DOB Assignment prior to GIJOE selection and air patrol missions during Operation El
1962-07-24 Operations Department, Fleet Air Dorado Canyon (1986), Operation Desert
Reconnaissance Squadron TWO, Patrol and Storm (1991), Operation Deny Flight (1993)
POB and Operation Joint Endeavor (1995).
Reconnaissance Wing 10 (USN)
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA Awarded the Air Medal for his actions in
Post-Secondary Education Albania during Operation Silver Wake
Call-Sign (1997), using his EP-3E Aries SIGINT
BS in Electrical Engineering (USNA), BS in
Keelhaul Intelligence (NDIC), MS in Information reconnaissance aircraft in an emergency
Operations-Joint Information Operations evacuation of American citizens, non-
Pay-Grade Curriculum (NPS) combatants, and designated third-country
O–6 nationals while under heavy small arms and
Relevant Training (partial list) anti-aircraft fire. Served as commander for a
Flight Screening, Aviation Preflight FAIRECONRONTWO operational
Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, detachment in Afghanistan from 2001 to
Intermediate and Advanced Flight Training 2004. Appointed to head the squadron's
(Land-Based Syllabus, P-3/EP-3 Maritime Operations Department in 2005. Fluent in
Pipeline), SERE Level-C Training, Command Russian, conversant in French
and Staff Officer Program, Introduction to (Metropolitan), German, and Spanish. A
Special Operations Course, Individual Terrorism nationally ranked amateur chess player
Awareness Course, Joint Maritime Operations (USCF rating of 2100), placed third in the
Course, Strategy & War Course, National under 2200 category during the 2007 USCF
Security Decision-Making Course, Maritime National Open Chess Championship. Plays
Staff Operators Course, NATO Air Integration the clarinet as a hobby.
and Planning Course, Special Operations
Combating Terrorism Course, Combating
Terrorist Networks Seminar, NATO SOF Intel
Course, NATO SOF Advanced Intel Course,
NATO Technical Exploitation Operations
Course, Joint SOF Senior Intelligence Leaders
Orientation Seminar, Antiterrorism Evasive
Driving Course-Senior Officer, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Colombani, Cyril Driver (Physical Security Operations Platoon A model student throughout high school,
Headquarters, STEEL Detachment) where he graduated as the class
DOB salutatorian. Spent much of his free time in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1981-05-17 college volunteering for the American Red
89th Transportation Company (Medium Truck), Cross and helping out at various homeless
POB shelters and abandoned pet rescue centers
6th Transportation Battalion (Truck), 7th
Los Angeles, California, USA Sustainment Brigade (US Army) in the Greater Los Angeles area. Only
blemishes in his civilian record were a
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education succession of speeding violations (promptly
Skidmark BA in Art History (UCLA) and duly paid) compiled within twelve
months of receipt of his driver's license at the
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) age of sixteen. Joined the Army in 2004.
E–5 Motor Transport Operator AIT, Basic Freight Deployed to Iraq as a member of the 6th
Traffic Course, Installation Traffic Management Transportation Battalion (Truck) in 2006 and
Course, Defense Advanced Traffic again in 2008. Extremely well-groomed and
Management Course, Passenger Travel courteous, even by the strictest of military
Specialist Course, Anti-terrorism Evasive standards. A stickler for Army and GIJOE
Driving-Staff Driver Course, Military Standard regulations and details, quickly earned an
Transportation & Movement Procedures unflattering reputation as a “locker-room
Course, Battle Command Sustainment Support lawyer” among teammates. Personal habits
System (BCS3) Training; Force XXI Battle stand in stark contrast to his behavior behind
Command, Brigade-and-Below (FBCB2) the wheel of agency vehicles, where a
Software Familiarization Training; Basic single-minded dedication to ensuring
Airborne School, Air Assault School, SERE passenger security, adhering to timetables,
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism and the accomplishment of the
Awareness Course, Basic Military Mountaineer transportation mission overrides his personal
Summer Course, Camp Adder Combat preoccupation with decorum and propriety.
Logistical Patrol (CLP) Academy Training,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Colton, Joseph B. Director (Office of the Director, C2E) Started his career as a lieutenant with the
101st Airborne Division. Made the move to
DOB Employer prior to GIJOE selection SF in 1983, assigned to the 2 nd Battalion, 10th
1955-06-01 Department of Political Science, MIT SFG. Helped train Lebanese soldiers in 1985
and Nigerian paratroopers in 1986. Awarded
POB Post-Secondary Education the Distinguished Service Cross for his
Central Falls, Rhode Island, BS in Foreign Area Studies, Eurasia actions during the Battle of Khafji (1991).
USA concentration (USMA), MS in Military Arts and Served as a member of a Coalition Support
Sciences (CGSC-SAMS), PhD in International Team assisting the 1st Belgian Para-
Call-Sign Commando Battalion during Operation
Relations, Strategic Studies concentration
Eagle-Eye (Johns Hopkins University) Restore Hope (1993). Retired from the Army
with the rank of colonel in early 2001.
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Started working towards his PhD in
ES Level IV Infantry Officer Basic Course, Infantry Officer International Relations at Johns Hopkins that
Advanced Course, Basic Military Mountaineer same year. His doctoral thesis, entitled
Summer Course, Basic Airborne School, Air "Modeling Adaptive Organizations in the
Assault School, Ranger School, Infantry Mortar Current Irregular Warfare Context," is
Platoon Leaders Course, Sniper Employment considered a modern classic in military
Leaders Course, SF Unit Officer Qualification science. An associate professor in MIT's
Course, SFQC Individual Skills Phase, SFQC Political Science Department before being
Collective Training Phase, SF Functional tapped to head GIJOE in 2008. Fluent in
Language Training; Joint, Inter-agency, & Arabic (Modern Standard, Gulf Arabic, and
Multinational Planner's Course; Security Levantine), French (Metropolitan), Russian,
Cooperation Management Overseas Course, and Turkish; conversant in German,
Command & General Staff School, SOF Inter- Spanish, Swahili, and Uzbek. Married future
agency Collaboration Course, SERE Level-C GIJOE Command C-E Officer Jane A. Martell
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness (call-sign: GI Jane) in 1983, divorced in
Course, General Officer/Senior Executive 2004. Couple had one son, Joseph, Jr., killed
Service Force Integration Course, Combating during the Battle of Nasiriyah in Iraq in 2003
Terrorism Executive Inter-agency Seminar, while serving with the Army's 3rd Infantry
Joint Special Operations Staff Officer Course, Division.
CJFSOCC Joint Operations Center Course,
CJFSOCC Commanders Course, Defense
Security Assistance Management Overseas
Course, Antiterrorism Evasive Driving Course-
Senior Officer, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Costello, Ian F. Scout-Observer/OSV Driver (LRRS Team 6- Parents and older siblings involved in the
Cold Weather, TIGER Detachment) cross-border smuggling trade, primarily
DOB bringing in cigarettes into New Brunswick
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1981-05-14 province in Canada while ferrying cheap
D Company, Anti-Terrorism Battalion, 4th Marine medicines into Maine. Somehow managed to
POB steer clear of any significant legal trouble
Madawaska, Maine, USA despite growing up around various criminal
Post-Secondary Education influences. Sent by state social services to
Call-Sign live with relatives in Presque Isle at the age
AAS in Automotive Technology (Northern Maine
Avalanche Community College) of 15. Worked briefly as an automobile
mechanic before joining the Marines in 2002.
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Deployed to Afghanistan's Orūzgān province
E–6 Marine Rifleman Course, USMC Designated as a member of 1st Battalion, 6th Marines in
Marksman School, Basic Reconnaissance 2004. Sent to Al Anbar province in Iraq the
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer following year, taking part in full-spectrum
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Winter combat and nation-building operations.
Course, Fast Rope Suspension Technician Assigned to an active-duty instructor-
Certification & HRST Master Course, MWTC inspector staff post with the MARFORRES
Mountain Survival Course, MWTC Animal Anti-Terrorism Battalion's Alaska-based D
Packers Course, MWTC Scout Skier Training, Company in 2007. An excellent marksman
MWTC OSV/Rough Terrain Driver Training, and an even better over-snow vehicle
Basic Airborne School, Individual Terrorism operator. Fluent in French (Acadian dialect).
Awareness Course, ISAF SOF Operations
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Craig, Judith F. Detachment Senior Enlisted Adviser Enlisted in the Army in 1992 after graduating
(Detachment Command Team, SONIC from Montclair State. Started her military
DOB Detachment) career as a chaplain assistant assigned to
1970-06-24 the 743rd Military Intelligence Battalion. Re-
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
classed as a counterintelligence agent in
POB 1998. Assigned to the 311th Military
Special Activities Division, JFCC-ISR
Montclair, New Jersey, USA (USSTRATCOM) Intelligence Battalion, deployed to
Afghanistan in 2002 as a member of Task
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Force Rakkasan. Sent to Iraq in 2003,
Shooter BA in History, minor in Religion (Montclair State participated in counterintelligence and
University); BS in Intelligence (NDIC), AA in strategic debriefing operations in support of
Pay-Grade Arabic (DLIFLC) Operation Iraqi Freedom. Joined the JFCC-
E–8 (1SG) ISR's Special Activities Division in 2006.
Relevant Training (partial list) Participated in numerous clandestine target
Chaplain Assistant AIT, Emergency Medical development, counterintelligence, and force
Ministry Course, Chapel Tithe and Offering protection operations in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Clerk Course, Counterintelligence Special the Horn of Africa, and Turkey, 2007–2009.
Agent Course, Intelligence in Combating Fluent in Arabic (Modern Standard, Iraqi, and
Terrorism Course, Basic Airborne School, Air Levantine), French (Metropolitan), Hebrew,
Assault School, Defense Strategic Debriefing & and Spanish; conversant in Persian (Dari
Interrogation Course, Defense Against Sound and Farsi dialects), Swahili, and Turkish.
Equipment Course, USAF Counter-sniper Wholly dedicated to her work, relentless and
School, Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence uncompromising in the pursuit of assigned
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, operational objectives, even at the risk of
Rappel Master Course, Battle Staff NCO great personal cost.
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course, NATO SOF Intel
Course, NATO SOF Advanced Intel Course,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training,
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Operations
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Davis, Brian R. Small Craft Maintenance Supervisor (Service Fascination with diesel engine mechanics
Support Platoon Small Craft Maintenance started at an early age, built a fully-
DOB Team, STEEL Detachment) functioning diesel-powered hovercraft from a
1977-04-22 mail-order kit at the age of thirteen.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection Graduated magna cum laude with a degree
POB in mechanical engineering from Florida
Riverine Squadron 1, Riverine Group ONE
Panama City, Florida, USA (USN) International. Worked briefly for the Panama
City-based Eastern Shipbuilding Group
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education before deciding to join the Navy under the
Blaster BS in Mechanical Engineering (Florida Advanced Enlistment Program in 2003.
International University) Initially assigned to the newly established
Pay-Grade Riverine Group ONE after graduating from
Relevant Training (partial list) engineman “A” School. Deployed to Iraq in
Engineman "A" School, Caterpillar Diesel 2007, took part in riverine security patrols
Technician Training, MTU Diesel Technician along the Euphrates River and associated
Training, Outboard Engine Mechanic Training, waterways in the vicinity of the city of
ALCO & General Motors EMD Diesel Engine Haditha.
Technician Training, Fairbanks Morse & Colt
Pielstick Diesel Engine Technician Training,
Riverine Combat Skills Course, Riverine
Crewman Course, Riverine Environment Patrol
Craft Operations Course, Patrol Craft Weapons
Maintenance Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Delgado, Hector Scout-Observer/Reconnaissance Diver (LRRS Orphaned at an early age, raised by a
Team 8-NSW, TIGER Detachment) spinster aunt. Spent his teens working odd
DOB jobs in the San Diego docks. Joined the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1973-03-06 Navy immediately out of high school, served
SEAL Team 4, Naval Special Warfare Group on the USS Yorktown (CG-48) as a gunner's
POB mate, participating in counter-drug
Chula Vista, California, USA operations in the Caribbean during the early
Post-Secondary Education 1990s and was part of the crew that scored a
Call-Sign then-record 101 during the ship's 1994 Naval
BS in Structural Engineering (UCSD)
Shipwreck Gun Fire Support qualification exercise.
Relevant Training (partial list) Separated from the Navy long enough to
Pay-Grade earn his engineering degree from UCSD. Re-
Gunner's Mate "A" School, 5”/54-Caliber MK 45
E–7 MOD 2 Gun Mount Maintenance Course, Crew- enlisted in 1999, joined NAVSPECWAR in
Served Weapons Instructor Course, Basic 2000. Took part in joint UNITAS security and
Underwater Demolitions/SEAL training, SEAL counter-terrorism exercises in 2001 and
Qualification Training, SEAL Professional 2002. Participated in numerous special
Development Phase Training, SEAL Unit Level operations in Iraq, most notably the capture
Training, SEAL Squadron Integration Training, of the Al Basrah and Khawr Al Amaya oil
Basic Airborne School, Military Free Fall terminals and special security patrols in the
Parachutist Course, Desert Environmental the area of the Mukarayin dam in 2003.
Survival Course, Camp Michael Monsoor Operated in-country through 2004. Deployed
Mountain Warfare Training, Camp Michael to Afghanistan in 2007 through to 2008,
Monsoor Special Reconnaissance Training, Air performed armed reconnaissance patrols
Assault School, Tactical Rope Suspension along the country's Arghandab, Helmand,
Technician Certification & HRST Master and Amu Darya rivers in support of CJSOTF-
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual A units, engaging smugglers and Taliban
Terrorism Awareness Course, ISAF SOF forces in combat on several occasions.
Operations Course, NATO SOF Senior NCO Fluent in Spanish. Humorously obstreperous
Operations Course, GIJOE Professional and decidedly idiosyncratic (his keeping of a
Qualification Training trained Cuban Amazon companion parrot is
only one of his many personal quirks). Is an
otherwise peerless professional in the field,
skilled in all aspects of naval special warfare.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Delisi, Samuel C. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 7-HALO/HAHO, Comes from a family with a strong military
TIGER Detachment) tradition, father a Vietnam War veteran who
DOB saw some of the conflict's most intense
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-01-24 fighting as a member of the the 8th Infantry
B Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Regiment, maternal grandfather was a Navy
POB submariner who saw action in the Pacific
Training Group (Airborne) (US Army)
Poteau, Oklahoma, USA theater during World War II. Joined the Army
Post-Secondary Education out of high school in 1992. Took part in
Call-Sign Operation Gothic Serpent (1993) in Somalia
BS in Social Science, History concentration
Drop Zone (Campbell University) as a member of 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry
Regiment (Light). Deployed to the Balkans in
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) 1997 as part of a US Army/NATO
E–7 Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic peacekeeping contingent. Went Special
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Basic Forces in 1998, assigned to the 10 th Special
Airborne School, Ranger School, SFQC Forces Group. Participated in clandestine
Individual Skills Phase, SFQC MOS combat search and rescue and manhunt
Qualification Phase (SF Weapons Sergeant), operations in Albania, Kosovo, and
SFQC Collective Training Phase, SF Functional Macedonia in 2000 and 2001. Deployed to
Language Training; Advanced Reconnaissance, Afghanistan as a member of a joint CIA/10 th
Target Analysis, and Exploitation Techniques Special Forces Group task unit in 2003.
Course; Operations and Intelligence Course, Transferred to the 1st Special Warfare
Advanced Special Operations Techniques Training Group in 2006 where he served as
Training, Combat Lifesaver Course, SERE an instructor at the Military Free Fall School
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism until his selection for GIJOE. Fluent in
Awareness Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese;
Course, SF Military Free Fall Parachutist conversant in Arabic (Modern Standard and
Course, Basic Instructor Course, Static-Line Iraqi), Czech, and Serbo-Croatian.
Jumpmaster Course, Military Free Fall
Jumpmaster Course, Rappel Master Course,
Battle Staff NCO Course, SOF Senior Enlisted
Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, NATO
SOF Technical Exploitation Operations Course,
Weaponeering Applications Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Divljak, Robert S. Command Senior Enlisted Adviser (Office of the Eldest son of immigrant parents from the
Director, C2E) former Yugoslavia. Enlisted in the Army
DOB straight out of high school in 1986, saw
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection action in Operation Just Cause (1989) in
F Company (Pathfinder), 4th Battalion (Assault), Panama and the Persian Gulf War (1990–
POB 1991) as an infantryman with the 505th
101st Aviation Regiment (US Army)
Albany, New York, USA Infantry Regiment (Airborne). Re-assigned to
Post-Secondary Education the 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment
Call-Sign (Light), deployed to Somalia for Operation
BS in Public Management, minor in Decision
Sgt. Savage Sciences (Austin Peay Center-Fort Campbell), Gothic Serpent (1993), served as part of the
AA in Arabic (DLIFLC) task force charged with rescuing members of
Pay-Grade Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu. Served a
Relevant Training (partial list) tour in the Sinai peninsula as a member of
E–9 (CSM)
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air the USBATT Contingent of the MFO in 1995
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer and again in 1996. Took part in joint security
Summer Course, JOTC Jungle Warfare operations in Panama in 1997. Served as a
Course, Pathfinder School, Ranger School, member of the NATO peacekeeping Security
NATO LRRP School Patrol Course, SERE Force in Bosnia in 1998. Joined the 311 th
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism Military Intelligence Battalion's Long Range
Awareness Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Surveillance Detachment in 2001. Led
Course, Rappel Master Course, Combat surveillance operations in support of Task
Lifesaver Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, Force Rakkasan in Afghanistan in 2002 and
Irregular Warfare Course, Joint Special deployed into Iraq with elements of the 101 st
Operations Collaborative Planning Course, Airborne Division in 2003. Assigned to the
Joint Special Operations Advanced Planning 101st Aviation Regiment's newly organized
Applications Course, ISAF SOF Operations Pathfinder Company along with other
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation members of the LRSD after the 311 th Military
Operations Course, NATO SOF Senior NCO Intelligence Battalion's inactivation in 2006.
Operations Course, GIJOE Professional Fluent in Arabic (Modern Standard and Iraqi),
Qualification Training Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish; conversant in
Macedonian, Polish, and Russian. Tough
and uncompromising as GIJOE's most
senior enlisted leader and adviser, steadfast
in his adherence to democratic ideals,
genuinely sympathetic to the plight of the
oppressed the world over.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Dubé, Robert D. Motor Vehicle Maintenance NCO (Motor A professional mechanic, amateur racer, and
Vehicle Maintenance Section, STEEL import car “tuner” specializing in the repair,
DOB Detachment) racing, and modification of European and
1982-10-17 Japanese “sleeper” cars (high-performance
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection vehicles with low-key and unassuming
POB exteriors) prior to enlisting in the Marines in
Motor Transportation Maintenance Company,
East Greenwich, Rhode Island, 1st Maintenance Battalion, Combat Logistics 2004. Assigned to Combat Logistics
USA Regiment 15 (USMC) Regiment 15's 1st Maintenance Battalion
after completing initial MOS-producing
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education school training. Deployed to Afganistan's
Rollbar AS in Mechanical Engineering Technology Helmand province in 2007 as part of a
(Community College of Rhode Island) forward combat logistics detachment
Pay-Grade supporting I Marine Expeditionary Force and
Relevant Training (partial list) ISAF operations in the region. Approachable,
Automotive Organizational Maintenance knowledgable, and cost-conscious, usually
Course, Automotive Intermediate Maintenance the first person GIJOE teammates consult
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer when it comes to issues with their personal
Course, MWTC OSV/Rough Terrain Driver motor vehicles.
Training, Logistics Vehicle Mechanic Course,
Semitrailer Refueler Operator Course,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Duggleby, Wilmer S. Scout-Observer/MGL Gunner (LRRS Team 3, Played outfielder and was a recognized
TIGER Detachment) “power-hitter” in college, led the Ithaca
DOB Bombers baseball team to the second round
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1978-03-10 of the 2001 New York Regional NCAA
Force Recon Company, 1st Reconnaissance playoffs and an Empire Athletics Association
POB title. Was drafted as a junior by the Toronto
Battalion, 1st Marine Division (USMC)
Cooperstown, New York, USA Blue Jays in the 20th round of the 2000 MLB
Post-Secondary Education Draft. Spent his first two years as a
Call-Sign professional baseball player improving his
BS in Therapeutic Recreation (Ithaca College)
Hardball all-around game playing on a Blue Jays
Relevant Training (partial list) minor league affiliate, the Auburn
Pay-Grade Doubledays of the New York-Penn League.
Marine Rifleman Course, RUTEX Training,
E–5 Remote Sensor Operator Training, Basic After two seasons of waiting for a major
Reconnaissance Course, Basic Airborne league call-up that never came, joined the
School, Infantry Squad Leaders Course, Marines in 2004. Participated in counter-
MEU(SOC) Certification Joint Training, Basic smuggling and counterinsurgency operations
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Desert in Iraq's Al Anbar governorate in 2005 and
Operations Course, Fast Rope Suspension 2006. Genuinely modest and guileless,
Technician Certification & HRST Master qualities that might have kept him from
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual achieving more in the professional baseball
Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE leagues despite his major league-level
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF athletic ability. Prefers to work in the
Technical Exploitation Operations Course background but is an effective leader if
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Faireborn, Dashiell R. HVT Tracker Team Leader (HVT Tracker Team A Rhodes Scholar, spent two years at Oxford
1, TIGER Detachment) doing post-graduate work in English
DOB Language and Literature. Returned to the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1967-08-23 United States somewhat disillusioned with
B Company, 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces the professional academic's life and role in
POB society. Joined the army as an infantryman in
Group (Airborne) (US Army)
Wichita, Kansas, USA 1993. Participated in numerous patrol
Post-Secondary Education actions in the Korean DMZ as a member of
Call-Sign the 173rd Airborne Brigade's 503rd Infantry
BA in Comparative Literature (Princeton
Flint University), MSt in English (University of Regiment between 1994 and 1997, serving
Oxford) alongside future GIJOE operatives Conrad
Pay-Grade Hauser (call-sign: Duke) and Marvin Hinton
Relevant Training (partial list) (call-sign: Roadblock). Went Special Forces
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air in 1998. Took part in clandestine manhunt
Assault School, Ranger School, SFQC operations in Albania, Kosovo, and
Individual Skills Phase, SFQC MOS Macedonia, 1999 to 2001. Deployed to
Qualification Phase (SF Weapons Sergeant), Afghanistan as a member of a joint CIA/10 th
SFQC Collective Training Phase, SF Functional SFG task unit in 2003. Appointed warrant
Language Training, SF Military Free Fall officer in 2004. Served as a technical officer
Parachutist Course,Operations and Intelligence during foreign internal defense operations
Course, Advanced Special Operations and Joint Combined Exchange Training
Techniques Training, SERE Level-C Training, exercises in Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic from 2006 to 2008. Fluent in French
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Fast (Metropolitan), German, Serbo-Croatian, and
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Spanish; conversant in Czech, Polish,
Course, Warrant Officer Candidate School, SF Slovak, and Russian. Has a flair for the
Warrant Officer Basic Course, SF Warrant dramatic, perhaps as well known among
Technical and Tactical Certification Course, teammates for his on-field exhibitions of
Joint Special Operations Irregular Warfare bravado as he is for his tactical prowess.
Advanced Course, Joint Special Operations
Warfighter Certification, ISAF SOF Operations
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course, Fort Huachaca Combat
Tracking School, Weaponeering Applications
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Falcone, Vincent R. Detachment Executive Officer (Detachment A second generation Green Beret, father
Command Team, TIGER Detachment) having served with the 10th Special Forces
Group. Served as executive officer, B
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-11-30 Company, 2nd Battalion, 504th Infantry
A Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Regiment (Airborne) from 2003 to 2005,
POB seeing action in two deployments to
Group (Airborne) (US Army)
Fayetteville, North Carolina, Afghanistan in support of Operation
Post-Secondary Education Enduring Freedom. Went Special Forces in
BA in Linguistics (UNC-Chapel Hill); Master of 2006. Participated in numerous foreign
Call-Sign internal defense operations and Joint
Professional Studies, Strategic Leadership
Falcon concentration (Austin Peay Center-Fort Combined Exchange Training exercises in
Campbell); AA in Farsi (DLIFLC) the Horn of Africa region in 2007 and 2008.
Pay-Grade Fluent in Arabic (Modern Standard, Gulf
Relevant Training (partial list) Arabic, and Yemeni), Persian (Dari and Farsi
Infantry Officer Basic Course, Combat Lifesaver dialects), French (Metropolitan/ Standard
Course, Basic Airborne School, Ranger School, and Maghreb dialect), and Spanish;
Infantry Captains Career Course, Infantry conversant in Somali (North-Central dialect)
Mortar Platoon Leaders Course, Sniper and Swahili. Possesses a natural aptitude for
Employment Leaders Course, SF Unit Officer picking up the colloquial nuances of foreign
Qualification Course, SFQC Individual Skills languages, making him a cut above many of
Phase, SFQC Collective Training Phase, SF GIJOE's other polyglots. Uses a keen sense
Functional Language Training, Advanced of cultural awareness and a genuine
Special Operations Techniques Training, Air affability to reliably earn the trust and loyalty
Assault School; Advanced Reconnaissance, of foreign allies.
Target Analysis, and Exploitation Techniques
Course; Rappel Master Course, Fast Rope &
SPIE Master Course, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Joint
Special Operations Warfighter Certification,
ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Fardie, Donovan G. Scout-Sniper/Spotter (Detachment Enlisted in the Marines out of high school in
Headquarters STA Sniper Team, TIGER 2001. Initially assigned to the 1 st Battalion, 5th
DOB Detachment) Marines, participated in military operations in
1982-12-11 Iraq ousting Saddam Hussein in 2003.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
Returned to Iraq in 2004, taking part in
POB security operations in Al Anbar governorate.
Force Reconnaissance Company, 1st
Brockton, Massachusetts, USA Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division Joined the 1st Recon Battalion in late 2004.
(USMC) Entered scout-sniper training in 2005.
Call-Sign Scored 35 of 35 rounds “in the black” during
Post-Secondary Education the Known Distance portion of the Scout
AA in Business Management (Palomar College- Sniper School marksmanship training phase.
Pay-Grade Camp Pendleton) Visual acuity in both eyes, as tested by Navy
E–6 opticians, is listed at 20/10 (LogMAR of
Relevant Training (partial list) -0.30), the generally acknowledged
Marine Rifleman Course, Designated maximum acuity for the unaided human eye.
Marksman School, Scout/Sniper Basic Course, Participated in Operation Green Trident in
Urban Sniper Course, Mountainous Iraq in 2006. Returned to Iraq for a six-month
Scout/Sniper Course, Basic Reconnaissance deployment in 2007 and again in 2008. Quiet
Course, Basic Airborne School, Combatant and unassuming, spends his leisure time
Diver Course, Marksmanship Coach Course, camping, hiking, and hunting with family and
Marksmanship Instructor Course, Tactical Rope friends.
Suspension Technician Certification & HRST
Master Course, MEU(SOC) Certification Joint
Training, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Faria, Jason A. Physical Security Operations Supervisor A five-year veteran of the Detroit Police
(Physical Security Team 1, STEEL Detachment) Department's SRT (Special Response
DOB Team), where he specialized in mechanical
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-01-25 and explosive breaching and tactical entry
65th Military Police Company, 503rd Military techniques. Highlights of his civilian law
POB enforcement career include taking part in the
Police Battalion, 16th Military Police Brigade
Dearborn, Michigan, USA (Airborne) (US Army) successful capture of a number of high-
ranking members of the Detroit Partnership,
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Chaldean mafia, and Almighty Vice Lord
Shockwave AAS in Criminal Justice (Oakland Community Nation organized crime rings during the late
College) 1990s. Joined the Army in 2002 in the wake
Pay-Grade of the 9/11 attacks. Deployed to Bagram Air
Relevant Training (partial list) Base in Afghanistan with elements of the 16 th
Basic Police Training (Oakland Police Military Police Brigade (Airborne) in 2003,
Academy), Patrol Counterambush Tactics and served as a driver and protective services
Techniques, Basic SWAT Training, Response to specialist at the Bagram Theater Internment
Barricade Extremist/Terrorist Incidents Course, Facility until 2005. Conducted detainee and
Booby Trap and Explosives Recognition convoy security operations in Iraq in 2007
Course, Tactical Rappel & Beginning Lead through 2008. Conversant in Arabic (Modern
Climber Course, Intermediate/ Advanced SWAT Standard and Iraqi), Italian and Spanish.
Training, High Risk Warrant Service Course, Volunteers as a choir-member (tenor) at St.
Hostage Rescue Linear Interventions Course, Mary's Church near Fort Wadsworth in his
Military Police AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air spare time.
Assault School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master
Course, Rappel Master Course, Military Police
Investigator Course, Conventional Physical
Security Course, SRT Phase I Course, Combat
Lifesaver Course, SRT Phase II (Marksman/
Observer) Course, Protective Service Training
Course, High Risk Personnel Security Course,
Suicide Bomber Mitigation Training Program,
Critical Infrastructure Protection Training
Program, SERE Level-C Training, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Felix, Dwayne A. Small Craft Coxswain (LRRS Team 8-NSW, Worked in downtown New York's Chinatown
TIGER Detachment) Fair Video Arcade (the former home of the
DOB World Famous Dancing and Tic-Tac-Toe
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-03-04 Chickens) before joining the Navy in 2000.
Special Boat Team 22, Naval Special Warfare Served as a fire controlman on the USS
POB Essex (LHD-2), taking part in humanitarian
Group FOUR (USN)
New York City, New York, USA support operations in East Timor in 2001 and
Post-Secondary Education North Korea in 2002. Participated in riverine
Call-Sign security operations on the Euphrates river as
AS in Electrical Technology (Mississippi Gulf
Rampart Coast Community College-Jefferson Davis part of a patrol boat escort accompanying
Campus) elements of the 31st Marine Expeditionary
Pay-Grade Unit in the lead-up to the Battle of Fallujah in
Relevant Training (partial list) 2004. Returned to the Essex in time to take
Fire Controlman "A" School, NATO Sea part in humanitarian aid operations in
Sparrow Surface Missile System (Mk 57 Mod Indonesia after the 2004 St. Stephen's Day
2/3) Technician Training, Close-In Weapon tsunami. Joined NAVSPECWAR as a SWCC
System (Mk 15/Block 11-14) Technician in 2005. Between 2006 and 2008, sent on
Training, Stinger Anti-terrorist Weapon various assignments in Indonesia and the
Operations and Maintenance Training, Philippines in support of SOCPAC
NAVSPECWAR Small Arms Organizational- operations. Participated in joint training
level Maintenance Technician Training, SWCC exercises with the Kenyan Navy in early
Basic Crewman Training, NAVSPECWAR 2009.
Crewman Qualification Training, Basic Tactical
Swimmer Course, Basic Airborne School,
Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, Air
Assault School, Camp Michael Monsoor
Mountain Warfare Training, Camp Michael
Monsoor Special Reconnaissance Training,
Tactical Rope Suspension Technician
Certification & HRST Master Course, SERE
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Advanced Tactical
Swimmer Course, SCUBA Diver Qualification,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Felton, Joseph Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 5-Mountain, An amateur triathlete and recreational
TIGER Detachment) weightlifter, his team finished among the top
DOB 10 during the week-long Raid Gauloises
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-05-14 adventure race held in Nepal and Tibet in
B Troop (LRS) (Airborne), 2nd Battalion, 38th 2000. Joined the Army in 2001, intent on
POB using his physical gifts for more than the
Cavalry Regiment, 504th Battlefield Surveillance
Vashon, Washington, USA Brigade (US Army) professional pursuit of athletic achievements
and accolades. Initially assigned to the 31 st
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Infantry Regiment (Light), saw action in
Recoil BS in Environmental Health (University of Afghanistan in 2003. Served briefly with the
Washington) now-inactive F Company, 51st Infantry (Long
Pay-Grade Range Surveillance), participated in various
Relevant Training (partial list) long range surveillance operations in
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air northwestern Iraq in 2004 and 2005.
Assault School, Pathfinder School, Ranger Assigned to the 504th Battlefield Surveillance
School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Brigade's Long Range Surveillance Troop in
Rappel Master Course, Basic Military 2007, deployed back to Iraq in 2008. In
Mountaineer Summer Course, SERE Level-C terms of sheer physical stamina, endurance,
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness and pain tolerance, has few peers within the
Course, Reconnaissance & Surveillance GIJOE community.
Leaders Course, Military Free Fall Parachutist
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Ferreira, Stephen A. Platoon Chief (Physical Security Operations Spent 3 years as a police officer with the
Platoon Headquarters, STEEL Detachment) Providence Police Department. Joined the
DOB FBI Police in 1990, assigned to their New
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1968-03-11 Haven field office, eventually joining the FBI
21st Military Police Company, 503rd Military Police SWAT team as a cover team
POB marksman. Has had extensive training and
Police Battalion, 16th Military Police Brigade
Providence, Rhode Island, USA (Airborne) (US Army) field experience in the conduct of
crisis/hostage negotiations. Joined the Army
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education in 1995. As a member of the 21st Military
Bullhorn BS in Chemical Dependency/Addiction Studies Police Company, deployed to Bosnia in
(Rhode Island College) support of Operation Joint Guard (1997–
Pay-Grade 1998). Participated in security operations
Relevant Training (partial list) supporting Task Force Falcon in Kosovo,
Basic Recruit Training Course (Rhode Island 1999. Deployed to Iraq in 2004 and again in
Department of Public Safety Municipal Police 2006. Fluent in Portuguese and Spanish. A
Academy), Uniformed Police Training Program, competitive handgun shooter in his spare
FBI Police Officer Training, FBI Academy time, placed third overall in the US Practical
LETSS Program, Military Police AIT, Basic Shooting Association's 2002 Infinity US
Airborne School, Air Assault School, Military Open event and fourth overall during the
Police Investigator Course, Conventional 2003 Pan Am Championship. Has taught as
Physical Security Course, SRT Phase I Course, a guest instructor for the Federal Law
SRT Phase II (Marksman/Observer) Course, Enforcement Training Center's Tactics For
Protective Service Training Course, Crisis- Flying Armed Training Program and Law
Hostage Negotiations-Level I Course, Crisis- Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor
Hostage Negotiations-Level II Course, Crisis- Training Program.
Hostage Negotiations-Level III Course, Law
Enforcement Advanced Interviewing Training
Program, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course,
Rappel Master Course, High Risk Personnel
Security Course, Suicide Bomber Mitigation
Training Program, Critical Infrastructure
Protection Training Program, Law Enforcement
Supervisor Leadership Training Program,
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Battle Staff NCO Course,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Fine, Seymour P. Scout-Observer/Non-Lethal DEW Operator Started his military career in 2001 as a fire
(LRRS Team 2, TIGER Detachment) control repairer assigned to the 602nd
Forward Support Company. Switched career
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1981-06-22 tracks in 2005, electing to go infantry upon
B Troop (LRS) (Airborne), 2nd Battalion, 38th re-enlistment. Served with the 2nd Battalion,
Cavalry Regiment, 504th Battlefield Surveillance 87th Infantry Regiment (Light) in Iraq before
Geraldine, Montana, USA Brigade (US Army) joining the 504th Battlefield Surveillance
Brigade's Long Range Surveillance Troop (B
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Troop, 2-38 Cav) in 2007. Saw action in
Sci-Fi AAS in Computer Electronics (Central Texas Ninawa governorate, northern Iraq in the fall
College) of 2008 as part of a joint US-Iraqi
Pay-Grade reconnaissance patrol. Has received
Relevant Training (partial list) extensive specialized training in the use of
Fire Control Repairer AIT, Infantryman AIT, non-lethal individual weapons, and is
Basic Airborne School, Squad Designated particularly proficient in the use of man-
Marksman Course, Pathfinder School, Ranger portable non-lethal directed energy
School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, (“dazzler”) devices. His consistently relaxed
Rappel Master Course, Basic Military demeanor can sometimes be mistaken for
Mountaineer Summer Course, SERE Level-C indifference, but his calm and collected
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness disposition in the face of potential harm has
Course, Inter-service Non-lethal Individual served him and his teammates well in the
Weapons Instructor Course, GIJOE field time and again.
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Forrest, Brian M. Scout-Observer/Reconnaissance Diver (LRRS Served as a sonar technician aboard the
Team 8-NSW, TIGER Detachment) USS Avenger (MCM-1), taking part in various
joint exercises in the Pacific in late 2001.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-07-04 Joined NAVSPECWAR in 2004. Participated
SEAL Team 8, Naval Special Warfare Group in numerous counter-terrorist actions in
POB Afghanistan between 2005 and 2008.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Engaged Somali pirates in a successful and
Post-Secondary Education highly-publicized high-seas hostage rescue
BS in Marine Science (University of South mission in the Gulf of Aden in early 2009.
Call-Sign Neither polite nor politic except in the most
Wet-Suit perfunctory of fashions and is considered by
Relevant Training (partial list) most teammates to be somewhat lacking in
Pay-Grade social graces, but is an astute and dedicated
Sonar Technician (Surface) "A" School, Sonar
E–6 Auxiliary Maintenance and Operations student of the military sciences, being well-
Repairman Training, Basic Acoustic Analyst read in both the classics and contemporary
Training, Basic Underwater Demolitions/SEAL texts.
training, SEAL Qualification Training, SEAL
Professional Development Phase Training,
SEAL Unit Level Training, SEAL Squadron
Integration Training, Basic Airborne School,
Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, Desert
Environmental Survival Course, Camp Michael
Monsoor Mountain Warfare Training, Camp
Michael Monsoor Special Reconnaissance
Training, Air Assault School, Tactical Rope
Suspension Technician Certification & HRST
Master Course, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, ISAF
SOF Operations Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Freistadt, Eric W. Scout-Observer/Commando Mortarman (LRRS Comes from a military family, father and
Team 1, TIGER Detachment) grandfather both career first sergeants in the
DOB Army. Served as a fire support specialist for
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-03-03 the 320th Field Artillery Regiment (Air
B Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 509 th Assault), seeing action as a member of an
POB M119 howitzer battery in Iraq during the
Infantry Regiment (US Army)
Chicago, Illinois, USA opening stages of Operation Iraqi Freedom
Post-Secondary Education in 2003. Re-classed as an indirect fire
Call-Sign infantryman in 2004. Joined the 504 th
BS in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
Short-Fuze emphasis, minor in Physics (Northern Illinois Infantry Regiment (Airborne) in 2005,
University) deployed to Afghanistan that year with the
Pay-Grade 2nd Battalion. Received extensive informal
Relevant Training (partial list) instruction in the use and maintenance of the
Fire Support Specialist AIT, Air Assault School, M6C-210 60mm lightweight commando
Joint Fires Observer Course, Indirect Fire mortar from European users in the ISAF and
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, has honed his skills with it to a remarkable
Infantry Mortar Leaders Course, Pathfinder degree on joint operations with the Greek
School, Ranger School, SERE Level-C and Bulgarian contingents, operating the
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness weapon with exceptional speed and
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, accuracy. Assigned to the 1st Battalion
Rappel Master Course, Basic Military (Airborne), 509th Infantry Regiment in 2008,
Mountaineer Summer Course, ISAF SOF where he put his experience with the
Operations Course, NATO SOF Technical commando mortar to practical use in Joint
Exploitation Operations Course, Observer/ Readiness Training Center exercises as a
Controller (O/C) Training Program, GIJOE commando mortarman with the “Republic of
Professional Qualification Training Acadia” OPFOR unit. Has gained some
notoriety for being a somewhat irascible
perfectionist, no doubt a result of his stern
military family upbringing, although not to the
extent that his behavioral quirks become
operational or interpersonal detriments.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Gambello, Anthony S. Scout-Observer/Non-Lethal DEW Operator Served his initial term of service in the Army
(LRRS Team 1, TIGER Detachment) as a CBRN specialist with the 44th Chemical
Company. Conducted CBRN reconnaissance
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-02-20 operations as part of the 2nd Chemical
F Company (Provisional) (Pathfinder), 2nd Battalion's contribution to the V Corps
POB contingent during the start of Operation Iraqi
Battalion (Assault), 10th Aviation Regiment (US
Lodi, California, USA Army) Freedom in 2003. Re-classed as an
infantryman in 2004, participating in combat
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education action in Iraq as a member of the 1st
Flash BS in Electrical/Electronics Engineering Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment (Light) in
(California State University-Chico) late 2006. Assigned to the 10th Mountain
Pay-Grade Division's provisional Pathfinder Company in
Relevant Training (partial list) 2007. In 2008, participated in counter-
CBRN Specialist AIT; Nuclear, Biological, and smuggling operations in Diyala governorate
Chemical (NBC) Reconnaissance Course; near the Iraq-Iran border as part of Task
Technical Escort Course, Infantryman AIT, Force Minuteman. Trained extensively in the
Basic Airborne School, Squad Designated use of non-lethal individual weapons, and is
Marksman Course, Pathfinder School, Ranger schooled in the basic mechanisms and the
School, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer use of man-portable non-lethal directed
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, energy (“dazzler”) devices. Methodical and
Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, persistent, has an innate and unshakeable
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Inter- faith in the order of the universe.
service Non-lethal Individual Weapons
Instructor Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Garcia, Alejandro Logistics Chief (Logistics Team, C2E) Born and raised in the shadow of the iron
and steel mills of Monterrey, father an ore
DOB Assignment prior to GIJOE selection processing plant manager, mother a teller at
1972-04-09 Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, the local Banorte bank. Family immigrated to
7th Transportation Battalion, 82 nd Sustainment the United States when he was twelve,
POB eventually settling in Dallas, Texas. Made a
Brigade (US Army)
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico relatively smooth transition to American life.
Post-Secondary Education Became a naturalized American citizen in
Call-Sign 1990. Joined the Army almost immediately
BA in Classical Civilization (UC-Davis)
Long Range after graduating from UC Davis in 1995.
Relevant Training (partial list) Assigned to the pre-modular 264 th Support
Pay-Grade Battalion after completing motor transport
Motor Transport Operator AIT, Basic Airborne
E–7 School, Air Assault School, Basic Freight Traffic operator AIT. Deployed to Panama for
Course, Installation Traffic Management Operation Jungle Warrior (1997) as part of a
Course, Defense Advanced Traffic forward support element supporting 505 th
Management Course, Passenger Travel Infantry Regiment (Airborne) forces.
Specialist Course, Military Standard Deployed to Iraq in 2006. Sent to
Transportation & Movement Procedures Afghanistan the following year. Fluent in
Course, Battle Command Sustainment Support Spanish, conversant in Ancient Greek (Attic
System (BCS3) Training; Force XXI Battle dialect), French, German, Italian, and Latin
Command, Brigade-and-Below (FBCB2) (Old, Classical, and Vulgar registers). A
Software Familiarization Training; “soldier-scholar” in the truest sense, equally
Transportation Coordinators Automatic comfortable conducting mounted combat
Information for Movement System II (TC AIMS logistical patrols as he is parsing accounts of
II) Training, Automated Air Load Planning ancient battles.
System (AALPS) Training, SERE Level-C
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness
Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, Basic
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Camp
Adder Combat Logistical Patrol (CLP) Academy
Training, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Gonsalves, Blaine M. Imagery Analysis NCO/LAAD Systems Expert Youngest son of working-class Portuguese-
(Tactical Deception Group Camouflage & American parents, father a plumber, mother
Concealment Team, C2E) a certified home health aide. Joined the
1982-10-14 Navy in 2004. Spent the bulk of his pre-
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection GIJOE military career assigned to the USNS
POB Victorious (T-AGOS-19) ocean surveillance
USNS Victorious (T-AGOS-19), Special Mission
San Francisco, California, USA Ships Program, Military Sealift Command ship as a naval imagery interpreter.
(USN) Participated in numerous surveillance and
Call-Sign surveying operations throughout the West
Post-Secondary Education Pacific between 2005 and 2007. In 2008,
AS in Natural Sciences (Pasadena City took part in clandestine surveillance and
Pay-Grade College) surveying operations in international waters
E–5 in the Yellow Sea, just beyond Chinese and
Relevant Training (partial list) North Korean jurisdiction. Cross-trained in
Intelligence Specialist "A" School, Naval FIM-92 Stinger portable infrared homing
Imagery Interpreter Training, Strike Planning surface-to-air missile operations and
Applications Training, Stinger Anti-terrorist maintenance. Conversant in Portuguese and
Weapon Operations and Maintenance Training, Spanish. A recreational skeet shooter in his
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism spare time, represented Pasadena City
Awareness Course, GIJOE Professional College in the Association of College Unions
Qualification Training International 2001 Clay Target
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Goren, Charles Deception Operations Chief-Engineering Was an M60A1 AVLB (Armored Vehicle-
(Tactical Deception Group Camouflage & Launched Bridge) operator with the 1st
Concealment Team, C2E) Armored Division's Engineer Brigade (“Iron
1969-12-19 Sappers”), performing humanitarian
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
demining and proofing missions,
POB construction work, and route reconnaissance
B Company, 4th Battalion, 1st Special Warfare
Boise, Idaho, USA Training Group (Airborne) (US Army) in Bosnia during the late 1990s as a member
of the now-inactive 40th Engineer Battalion.
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Participated in route and bridge
Tollbooth BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering reconnaissance operations in Albania in
(MIT) 1999 and was part of a supporting engineer
Pay-Grade contingent that accompanied Task Force
Relevant Training (partial list) Falcon in Kosovo later that year. Went
Combat Engineer AIT, Basic Airborne School, Special Forces in 2001. Deployed to
Air Assault School, Sapper Leader Course, Afghanistan in 2003 as a member of the 10 th
SFQC Individual Skills Phase, SFQC MOS Special Forces Group. Participated in foreign
Qualification Phase (SF Engineer Sergeant), internal defense operations in Western Africa
SFQC Collective Training Phase, SF Functional in 2006. Served on cadre, SF Engineer
Language Training, Basic Military Mountaineer Sergeant School, 2007 to 2009. Fluent in
Summer Course, SF Military Free Fall Serbo-Croatian, Polish, and Russian;
Parachutist Course; Advanced conversant in Czech, French (Metropolitan),
Reconnaissance, Target Analysis, and German, and Spanish. Resolute and
Exploitation Techniques Course; SF Operations unyielding in the face of all odds, embodies
and Intelligence Course, Advanced Special the dichotomous essence of the military
Operations Techniques Training, SERE Level-C engineer as both maker and destroyer.
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course,
Rappel Master Course, Battle Staff NCO
Course, SOF Senior Enlisted Course, SOF
Inter-agency Collaboration Course, Explosive
Ordnance Clearance Agent Course, Combat
Lifesaver Course,Tactical Information
Operations Course, ISAF SOF Operations
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course, NATO SOF Senior NCO
Operations Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Graves, Robert W. LRRS Team Leader (LRRS Team 1, TIGER Began his military career as a fire support
Detachment) specialist with an M119 howitzer battery in
the 319th Field Artillery Regiment (Airborne).
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1971-01-07 Fought alongside elements of the French
B Troop (LRS) (Airborne), 2nd Battalion, 38th Army's 6e Division Légère Blindée (6th Light
POB Armored Division) in their push into Iraq
Cavalry Regiment, 504th Battlefield Surveillance
Columbus, Ohio, USA Brigade (US Army) during Operation Desert Storm/Opération
Daguet. Separated from the Army in 1993 to
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education get his engineering degree from Georgia
Grunt BS in Industrial Engineering (Georgia Institute Tech. Re-enlisted as an infantryman in 2000,
of Technology) assigned to the 10th Mountain Division's 87th
Pay-Grade Infantry Regiment. Participated in missions
Relevant Training (partial list) supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in
Fire Support Specialist AIT, Air Assault School, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan on two
Airborne School, Joint Fires Observer Course, deployments between 2001 to 2004.
Infantryman AIT, Basic Military Mountaineer Awarded the Army Achievement Medal (with
Summer Course, Light Leaders Course, Valor device) for his actions during Operation
Pathfinder School, Ranger School, Fast Rope Anaconda (2002). Transferred to the 504 th
& SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Course, Battlefield Surveillance Brigade's LRS Troop
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism in 2006. Led a joint US/Iraqi long range
Awareness Course, Reconnaissance & surveillance patrol in northern Iraq in 2008.
Surveillance Leaders Course, Battle Damage Conversant in French (Metropolitan) and
Assessment Course, Collateral Damage Spanish. Married to the former Dolores
Estimation Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, “Lola” Marquez, an erstwhile US Army
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training, helicopter mechanic. Couple have one
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Operations daughter, born in 1998.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Greer, Carl W. Emergency Medicine Physician (Medical Entered the Army in 1996 after completing
Treatment Team, STEEL Detachment) his residency in emergency medicine at
DOB Johns Hopkins Hospital. Deployed to Kosovo
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1964-02-12 as a member of the 86th Combat Support
772nd Forward Surgical Team, 86th Combat Hospital's contribution to Task Force Medical
POB Falcon in 2001. Spent time as an assistant
Support Hospital, 44th Medical Command (US
Concord, Massachusetts, USA Army) medical director for the US Army EMS and
as a Health Care Specialist AIT instructor as
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education part of his emergency medicine service
Doc BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences (State fellowship training at the Brooke Army
University of New York at Buffalo), Doctor of Medical Center. Served as an emergency
Pay-Grade Medicine (Harvard Medical School), Residency physician at the LSA Adder Level III hospital
O–4 in Emergency Medicine (Johns Hopkins facility in Iraq from 2004 to 2006. Deployed
Hospital), Emergency Medicine Service to Afghanistan in 2008 as a member of a
Fellowship (Brooke Army Medical Center/ field surgical team assigned to Forward
University of Texas Health Science Center-San Operating Base Fenty. Conversant in French
Antonio) (Metropolitan), Spanish, Swahili, and Persian
(Dari and Farsi dialects). Research interests
Relevant Training (partial list) include disaster medicine, damage control
AMEDD Officer Basic Leadership Course, Field resuscitation, pre-hospital emergency
Management of Chemical & Biological pharmacology, and trauma informatics.
Casualties Course, Medical NBC Readiness
Workshop, Military Tropical Medicine Course,
Advanced Topics on Medical Defense Against
Biological and Chemical Agents Course,
Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation Course,
AMEDD Captains Career Course, Joint
Humanitarian Operations Course, Basic
Airborne School, Basic Military Mountaineer
Summer Course,Air Assault School, SERE
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Global Medicine Course,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training, Joint
Special Operations Medical Officer's
Orientation Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Guderian, Sherman R. Scout-Observer/NSTV Driver (LRRS Team 4, Spent his formative years living in the
TIGER Detachment) Gowanus low-income housing housing
DOB projects in Brooklyn, the son of Polish
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-07-21 immigrants, father a roofer, mother a
B Troop, 3rd Squadron (RSTA), 7th Cavalry garment industry factory worker. Raised to
POB aspire to more than the hardscrabble
Regiment (US Army)
New York City, New York, USA paycheck-to-paycheck existence of his
Post-Secondary Education parents. Originally viewed the Army as a
Call-Sign route by which he could reach his ultimate
AAS in Accounting (Borough of Manhattan
Heavy Metal Community College) goal to become a CPA. Joined the Army in
late 2000 after earning his associate's
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) degree in accounting, started his military
E–6 Financial Management Technician AIT, Cavalry career as a financial management technician
Scout AIT, Javelin Gunnery Course, Bradley assigned to the Defense Contract Audit
Master Gunner Course, Air Assault School, Agency Headquarters Complex in Fort
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism Belvoir. Transferred to the cavalry in 2004
Awareness Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master upon realizing, after extensive self-
Course, Rappel Master Course, Basic Airborne examination and much introspection, that he
School, Pathfinder School, Ranger School, didn't want to spend his professional life as a
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course, desk jockey. Served as a Bradley M3A3
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training, crewman during the 3-7 Cavalry's
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Operations deployment to Iraq in 2005, conducting
Course numerous combat patrols in hostile territory
southeast of Baghdad covering over 200
square miles. Returned to Iraq in 2007,
where he would perform security and
counterinsurgency operations well into 2008.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Hanrahan, Timothy P. Security Man/Dynamic Building Entry A professional metal worker before joining
Technician-Thermal (HVT Tracker Team 1, the Army, established himself in the Florida
DOB TIGER Detachment) custom motorcycle community as one of its
1974-04-28 preeminent fabricators, having had a hand in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection the design and construction of various
POB Daytona Beach Bike Week custom
C Company, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry
Tampa, Florida, USA Regiment (Airborne) (US Army) motorcycle competition winners during the
late 1990s. Enlisted in the Army in 2001 at
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education the height of his status as a regional
Blowtorch AAS in Industrial Management Technology motorcycle culture celebrity, a move that
(Palm Beach Community College) surprised more than a few peers and fans.
Pay-Grade Deployed to Iraq in 2004 as a member of the
Relevant Training (partial list) 814th Engineer Company (Multi-Role Bridge).
Welding Technology Certification (Palm Beach Took part in the Battle of Al Qa'im (2005) in
Community College), Metal Worker AIT, Basic Al Anbar governorate near the Iraqi-Syrian
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, border, fighting alongside elements of the
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air 25th Marine Regiment against Fedayeen
Assault School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Saddam irregulars and associated
Course, Rappel Master Course, Combat insurgents and opportunistic armed bandits.
Lifesaver Course, ISAF SOF Operations Re-enlisted in 2006 after the expiration of his
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation initial contract's extension, put in for
Operations Course, SERE Level-C Training, infantryman training. Deployed to
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE Afghanistan in 2007 as part of an ISAF
Professional Qualification Training reinforcing airborne infantry contingent from
the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Hardy, William S. Aeroscout Helicopter Pilot/Aircraft Commander Joined the Army at the age of 18, started his
(Composite Aerial Reconnaissance Section, military career as an infantryman with the
DOB SONIC Detachment) 327th Infantry Regiment's 2nd Battalion (Air
1970-12-20 Assault), seeing action in Operation Desert
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
Storm (1991). Separated from the service in
POB 1993 and went on to earn his engineering
B Troop, 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment
Brady, Texas, USA (Attack Reconnaissance) (US Army) degree from Texas Tech. Entered Warrant
Office Candidate School, 1998. Flew OH-
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education 58D Kiowa Warrior observation/ aeroscout
Wild Bill BS in Mechanical Engineering (Texas Tech helicopters on armed reconnaissance
University) missions over Salah ad-Din governorate in
Pay-Grade support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2004 to
Relevant Training (partial list) 2008. Conversant in Spanish. Amiable and
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air slow-talking, fancies himself a country-
Assault School, Warrant Officer Flight Training western singer. As a somewhat curious
Program, Advanced Helicopter Ditching and affectation, carries a pearl-handled, vintage,
Dunker Training, O-58D Pilot Qualification, UH- single-action Colt revolver as a personal
60A/L/M Pilot Qualification, SERE Level-C sidearm; not beyond spinning a tall tale or
Training, Aircraft Survivability Equipment/ two for the amusement of his comrades.
Electronic Warfare Officer Course, Fast Rope &
SPIE Master Course, Aviation Warrant Officer
Advanced Course, C-23 Pilot Qualification, Air
Operations Staff Course, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Air Liaison Officer
Qualification Course, NATO Air Integration and
Planning Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Hart-Burnett, Alison R. HUMINT Collection Technical Officer (SSE Studied linguistics at Bryn Mawr and spent a
Section, SONIC Detachment) year doing postgraduate studies in speech
DOB and language processing at Trinity College in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-01-22 Dublin. Enlisted in the Army in 1999. Initially
Army Operations Group, INSCOM (US Army) assigned to the 201st Military Intelligence
POB Battalion, participated in HUMINT operations
Post-Secondary Education in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2001 and
Martha's Vineyard,
Massachusetts, USA BA in Linguistics (Bryn Mawr College), 2003. Received her warrant officer's
P.Grad.Dip. in Speech and Language appointment in 2005. Assigned to INSCOM's
Call-Sign secretive Army Operations Group in 2006,
Processing (Trinity College-Dublin), AA in Dari
Lady Jaye (DLIFLC) played an instrumental role in a number of
clandestine HUMINT activities conducted in
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Southwest Asia and Western Europe. An
W–2 Human Intelligence Collector AIT, Defense accomplished part-time actor before joining
Strategic Debriefing & Interrogation Course, the military, credits include parts in off-
Basic Airborne School, Static-Line Jumpmaster Broadway stage productions, television
Course, Air Assault School, SERE Level-C advertisements, and voice-over work for a
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness number of cartoons and video games. Fluent
Course, Warrant Officer Candidate School, in Arabic (Modern Standard, Gulf Arabic,
HUMINT Technician Warrant Officer Basic Iraqi, and Levantine), French (Metropolitan),
Course, Responsible Officers Course/Level II German, Hebrew, Irish (Gaeilge), Persian
Anti-terrorism Officer Training, NATO Intel (Dari and Farsi dialects), and Spanish;
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation conversant in Portuguese. Can easily pass
Operations Course, NATO Advanced Intel for a native in Afghanistan, Australia, Iran,
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification Iraq, Ireland, Israel, France, Saudi Arabia,
Training New Zealand, Qatar, Oman, Germany, the
United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium,
Portugal, Brazil, and any number of Spanish-
speaking countries.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Scout-Observer/FLASH Gunner (LRRS Team Spent his formative years living with his
4, TIGER Detachment) paternal grandparents while parents worked
to resolve their marital issues. Grandfather, a
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
spy for the anti-Nazi German resistance
B Company, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry during World War II who managed to evade
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army) capture and fled to the US after the failure of
Arlington, Virginia, USA the July 20 Plot, inculcated in the young
Post-Secondary Education David an enduring pugnacity and folkish
Call-Sign probity. Worked for a few years as a
AS in Management Studies (University of
Salvo Maryland University College Europe) warehouse laborer and construction worker
after high school, joined the Army in 2001.
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 504th Infantry
E–6 Small Arms/Artillery Repairer AIT, Basic Military Regiment (Airborne) as an armorer soon
Mountaineer Course, Combat Lifesaver after graduating from small arms/artillery
Course, Fire Control Repairer Course, repairer AIT. Deployed to Afghanistan in
Armament Repairer Course, Defense 2003 and 2005. Re-classed as an
Hazardous Materials/Waste Handling Course, infantryman and transferred to the 173 rd
Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, Fast Airborne Brigade Combat Team in 2006.
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Returned to Afghanistan in 2007, deploying
Course, Foreign Language Area Study in support of ISAF units. Compiled extensive
Certificate in Italian (University of Maryland experience in the use and maintenance of
University College Europe), ISAF SOF the M202A1 FLASH (Flame Assault
Operations Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, Shoulder Weapon) man-portable incendiary
Ranger School, SERE Level-C Training, rocket launcher during his time in Southwest
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE Asia. Conversant in German and Italian.
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Hauser, Conrad G. Detachment Senior Enlisted Adviser Already fluent in French (Metropolitan) and
(Detachment Command Team, TIGER German when he joined the Army in 1990,
DOB Detachment) father originally from Brandenburg state in
1970-08-22 Germany, mother a Parisian expatriate.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection Stationed in South Korea as a soldier in the
POB 173rd Airborne Brigade's 503rd Infantry
B Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Special Forces
St. Louis, Missouri, USA Group (Airborne) (US Army) Regiment from 1992 to 1997, participated in
numerous operations in the Korean DMZ
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education alongside future GIJOE operatives Dashiell
Duke BA in Psychology, minor in Asian Studies Fairborn (call-sign: Flint) and Marvin Hinton
(University of Maryland University College Asia) (call-sign: Roadblock). Went Special Forces
Pay-Grade in 1998. Took part in demining operations in
Relevant Training (partial list) Cambodia and Vietnam in 1999. Attended
E–8 (1SG)
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Ranger the British Army Jungle Warfare Training
School, Air Assault School, SFQC Individual School (Training Team Brunei) in 2001. Led
Skills Phase, SFQC MOS Qualification Phase a Combat Advisory Team in support of
(SF Weapons Sergeant), SFQC Collective JSOTF-P operations targeting the Abu
Training Phase, SF Functional Language Sayyaf paramilitary organization and various
Training, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer armed bandit groups in the Bangsamoro
Course, SF Military Free Fall Parachutist region, 2002–2007. Went on a six-month
Course, Combat Diver Qualification Course; rotational deployment to Afghanistan in
Advanced Reconnaissance, Target Analysis, 2008. Besides French and German, also
and Exploitation Techniques Course; SF fluent in Malay/ Indonesian, Min Nan
Operations and Intelligence Course, Advanced (Hokkien dialect), and Tagalog; conversant in
Special Operations Techniques Training, British Khmer (Phnom Penh dialect), Korean,
Army Jungle LRRP Course, SERE Level-C Tausūg, Thai, and Vietnamese. A
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness quintessential “first shirt,” a judicious adviser
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, to the commander, a firm but fair martial
Rappel Master Course, Battle Staff NCO disciplinarian; an intelligent and inspirational
Course, SOF Senior Enlisted Course, SOF leader of fighting men.
Inter-agency Collaboration Course, Joint
Special Operations Warfighter Certification,
ISAF SOF Operations Course, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course,
NATO SOF Senior NCO Operations Course,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Hinton, Marvin F. Scout-Observer/Cover Man (LRRS Team 2, Was working as a nightclub bouncer and
TIGER Detachment) short-order cook to raise money to attend the
DOB Ritz Escoffier culinary school in France when
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1972-11-25 a recruiter convinced him that the Army could
Regimental Reconnaissance Company, Special train him just as well to be a professional
POB chef. Joined the service in 1992 as a food
Troops Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
Biloxi, Mississippi, USA (Airborne) (US Army) service operations specialist but transferred
to the infantry after finding Army menus and
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education preparation techniques too appalling. Re-
Roadblock Superior Diploma (Ecole Ritz Escoffier) assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade's
503rd Infantry Regiment in 1995, served
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) briefly alongside future GIJOE operatives
E–6 Food Service Operations Specialist AIT, Air Dashiell Fairborn (call-sign: Flint) and
Assault School, Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne Conrad Hauser (call-sign: Duke) in the
School, Anti-Armor Leaders Course, SERE Korean DMZ. Separated from the service in
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism 1998 and was finally able to attend Ecole
Awareness Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Ritz Escoffier a year later. Started a
Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master restaurant with two partners in Los Angeles
Course, Rappel Master Course, Ranger in 2000 but despite glowing reviews from
School, Ranger Assessment & Selection print and TV food critics, the business
Program, ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE struggled to find loyal clientele in the
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF notoriously fickle LA restaurant scene and he
Technical Exploitation Operations Course sold his stake in the concern after only three
years of operation. Re-enlisted in 2003,
assigned to E Company (LRS) (Airborne) of
the now-inactive 313th Military Intelligence
Battalion. Deployed to Iraq in 2005, taking
part in operations to provide a secure
environment for the country's elections.
Joined the 75th Ranger Regiment's
Regimental Reconnaissance Team in 2006
with E Company's inactivation, participated
in operations in Afghanistan throughout 2008
and 2009. Fluent in French (Metropolitan),
conversant in Spanish.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Holsinger, Philip M. Physical Security Operations Supervisor Raised in a tightly-knit Sudeten German-
(Physical Security Team 3, STEEL Detachment) American extended family. Grandparents on
DOB his father's side of the family were ethnic
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1980-09-16 Germans from Czechoslovakia's
164th Military Police Company, 793rd Military Sudetenland region, immigrated to the
POB United States in the late 1940s to escape
Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade (US
Pittsburg, Kansas, USA Army) post-World War II anti-German ethnic
violence. Father worked as a coal miner with
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education the Pittsburg & Midway Coal Company
Barricade Associate of Arts, General Curriculum before succumbing to lung cancer in the mid-
(University of Maryland University College 1980s, mother a baker. Excelled in sports
Pay-Grade Europe) and academics in high school, although was
E–6 somewhat withdrawn socially. Worked as a
Relevant Training (partial list) factory worker at Pitt Plastics, Inc. out of high
Military Police AIT, Military Police Investigator school before deciding to join the military in
Course, Conventional Physical Security 2002. Assigned to the 793 rd Military Police
Course, Protective Service Training Course, Battalion after graduating from military police
SRT Phase I Course, Combat Lifesaver AIT, stationed in Germany. Deployed to Iraq
Course, SRT Phase II (Marksman/Observer) in late 2004 in support of Operation Iraqi
Course, High Risk Personnel Security Course, Freedom. Helped secure People's Mujahedin
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism of Iran/Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK)
Awareness Course, Basic Military Mountaineer personnel at Camp Ashraf. Also participated
Summer Course, Air Assault School, Fast Rope in military police operations in support of the
& SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Course, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry
Suicide Bomber Mitigation Training Program, Division in their area of operation. Returned
Backcountry Tactics & Tracking Course, to Iraq in 2008 where he took part in the
Commercial Vehicle Counterterrorism Training professionalization training of Iraqi Police
Program, Critical Infrastructure Protection units in the Baghdad and Basra
Training Program, GIJOE Professional governorates. Conversant in Czech and
Qualification Training German.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Iannotti, William V. LRRS Team Leader (LRRS Team 4, TIGER Raised in a single-parent household, father a
Detachment) charter boat operator and a founding
DOB member of the “Conch Republic Army.”
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-08-31 Worked part-time in high school as a tour
F Company (Pathfinder), 2nd Battalion (Assault), guide. Began his military career with the
POB 173rd Airborne Brigade's 503rd Infantry
82nd Aviation Regiment (US Army)
Key West, Florida, USA Regiment, patrolling the Korean
Post-Secondary Education Demilitarized Zone from 1996 to 2003.
Call-Sign Received cross-training in jungle warfare at
AA in Business and Management (University of
Pathfinder Maryland University College Asia), Bachelor of the Camp Gonsalves Jungle Warfare
Applied Sciences (Campbell University-Fort Training Center. Re-assigned to the now-
Pay-Grade Bragg/Pope AFB) inactive 313th Military Intelligence Battalion's
E–7 E Company (LRS) (Airborne) in 2004.
Relevant Training (partial list) Participated in surveillance and armed
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air reconnaissance missions in Iraq in support
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer of the 82nd Airborne Division in 2005. With
Summer Course, JWTC Jungle Skills Course, the 313th Military Intelligence Battalion's
JWTC Jungle Endurance Course, JWTC inactivation in 2006, transferred to the 82 nd
Combat Tracking Course, SERE Level-C Aviation Regiment's Pathfinder Company
Training, Joint Fires Observer Course, along with many of his former LRS
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, comrades. Returned to Iraq in late 2006 on a
Pathfinder School, Combat Lifesaver Course, six-month tour. Deployed to Afghanistan in
Ranger School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master 2007. Fluent in Spanish, conversant in
Course, Rappel Master Course, French (Metropolitan), Haitian Creole, and
Reconnaissance & Surveillance Leaders Portuguese. Inherited his father's quirky
Course, Battle Damage Assessment Course, sense of humor and fierce spirit of
Collateral Damage Estimation Course, Battle individualism, and still celebrates (with
Staff NCO Course, GIJOE Professional tongue firmly in cheek) the Conch Republic's
Qualification Training Independence Day every April 23.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Indiana, Elwood G. Scout-Observer/NSTV Driver (LRRS Team 2, An accomplished amateur mechanic and
TIGER Detachment) street racing legend by the time he
DOB graduated from high school. Toiled in the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-09-23 IMCA stock car racing circuit for five years
A Troop, 1st Squadron (RSTA-Airborne), 91st looking to break into NASCAR. With a
POB professional racing career at a virtual
Cavalry Regiment (US Army)
Lawrence, Kansas, USA standstill, sought another outlet for his
Post-Secondary Education competitive drive and not-inconsiderable
Call-Sign talents. Enlisted in the Army in 2002. As a
AAS in Electronics (Pinnacle Career Institute)
Crankcase member of the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry
Relevant Training (partial list) Regiment, deployed to Iraq in 2004.
Pay-Grade Participated in security and stability
Cavalry Scout AIT, Basic Airborne School, Anti-
E–6 terrorism Evasive Driving-Staff Driver Course, operations conducted from Forward
Ranger School, Air Assault School, Basic Operating Base Mackenzie near the city of
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, MWTC Ad Duluiyah. Battled alongside elements of
OSV/Rough Terrain Driver Training, Fast Rope the the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division
& SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Course, during operations in the city of Samarra in
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism late 2004. With the 1-4 Cav's inactivation in
Awareness Course, ISAF SOF Operations 2006 and its subsequent re-flagging, re-
Course, Reconnaissance & Surveillance assigned to the 1st Squadron (RSTA-
Leaders Course, GIJOE Professional Airborne), 91st Cavalry Regiment. Deployed
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical to Afghanistan in 2007 as part of the US
Exploitation Operations Course military contribution to the ISAF.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Iron-Knife, Charles Visual Tracker (HVT Tracker Team 2, TIGER Grew up in a low-income household in a
Detachment) particularly impoverished section of a town
DOB where almost a quarter of the population
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-10-06 lives below the poverty line. Worked as a
B Troop (LRS) (Airborne), 2nd Battalion, 38th hunting guide throughout high school.
POB Enlisted in the Army at the age of 18,
Cavalry Regiment, 504th Battlefield Surveillance
Taos, New Mexico, USA Brigade (US Army) assigned to the 1st Battalion, 505th Infantry
Regiment (Airborne). Participated in
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Operation Jungle Warrior (1997) in Panama.
Spirit BS in Psychology (University of New Mexico) Separated from the service in 1998, earned
his degree in psychology from the University
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) of New Mexico in 2003. Served as a guest
E–6 Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air lecturer and subject matter expert for the
Assault School, JOTC Jungle Warfare Course, FLETC Artesia Facility's Backcountry Tactics
Substance Abuse Studies Certification, & Tracking Training Program in 2004.
Licensure Track (University of New Mexico); Worked briefly for the Taos Department of
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism Veteran Services after receiving his
Awareness Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master substance abuse counseling license. Re-
Course, Rappel Master Course, Basic Military enlisted in 2006. Assigned to the 504th
Mountaineer Summer Course, Combat Battlefield Surveillance Brigade's Long
Lifesaver Course, Ranger School, Squad Range Surveillance Troop in 2007, deployed
Designated Marksman Course, Basic Military to Iraq in 2008. Was instrumental in the
Mountaineer Winter Course, Assault Climber successful capture of insurgents wanted for
Summer Course, Reconnaissance & the deliberate contamination of Coalition
Surveillance Leaders Course, JWTC Combat water supplies in a joint US-Iraqi manhunt
Tracking Course, Fort Huachaca Combat operation conducted in early 2009 in Ninawa
Tracking Course, GIJOE Professional governorate. Fluent in Hopi, Navajo, Taos,
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical and Spanish; conversant in Apache
Exploitation Operations Course (Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, and Mescalero
dialects), Jemez (Towa), Picurís, and Zuni.
Serves, in an informal capacity, as the
TIGER Detachment's resident expert in
acute combat stress reaction management.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Ito, MacArthur S. Security Man/Surreptitious Building Entry The only child of immigrant parents,
Technician (HVT Tracker Team 2, TIGER Okinawa-born father and Incheon-born
DOB Detachment) mother owned a convenience store in Watts.
1976-05-01 Had difficulty finding social acceptance in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection both the nisei and the hangukgye migugin
POB communities because of his mixed ancestry
A Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 509th
Los Angeles, California, USA Infantry Regiment (US Army) and the long-standing historical divide
between the Japanese and the Koreans.
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Excelled in high school basketball but went
Quick-Kick BA in Film and Television (UCLA) unrecruited going into college despite
displaying freakish athleticism (scouting
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) reports cite his lack of height as the main
E–6 International Stuntman School-Standard concern of college coaches). Turned his
Session (United Stuntmen's Association), attention to the martial arts. Trained in
International Stuntman School-Aerial Intensive Kukkiwon taekwondo, Seigokan Gōjū-ryū
Session (United Stuntmen's Association), karate, Ryūkyū kobujutsū, wing chun (Yip
Infantryman AIT, Bradley Fighting Vehicle Man branch), Chow Gar school nán pài táng
Operators Course, Basic Airborne School, Air láng (Southern Praying Mantis), and Yang-
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer style tai chi chuan. Worked briefly as a
Summer Course, Assault Climber Summer Hollywood-based stuntman and fight
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, choreographer before joining the Army in
Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, 2001. Assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 9th
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Infantry Regiment (Mechanized) stationed in
Combat Lifesaver Course, Ranger School, South Korea, where he joined the 2 nd Infantry
Modern Army Combatives Level 1 Instructor Division's Taekwondo Demonstration Team.
Course; Lock Picking, Lock Bypassing, and Transferred to the 1st Battalion (Airborne),
Subtle Mechanical Breaching Techniques 509th Infantry Regiment in 2003, deployed to
Course; Modern Army Combatives Level 2 Iraq the following year where he participated
Instructor Course, Modern Army Combatives in full-spectrum combat operations. Has
Level 3 Instructor Course, GIJOE Professional received specialized surreptitious building
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical entry training and participated in numerous
Exploitation Operations Course JRTC exercises as a member of various
“Leesville Urban Group” and “Republic of
Acadia” special weapons and special
purpose OPFOR units. Fluent in Japanese
and Korean; conversant in Cantonese/Yue
(Standard dialect) and Spanish.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Jeffries, Jonas S. Fixed-Wing ISR Aircraft Pilot/Aircraft Assigned to the 49th Fighter Wing's 8th
Commander Fighter Squadron in 2002 after completing F-
117A Nighthawk qualification. Flew close air
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-10-15 support, ground attack, and air interdiction
362nd Expeditionary Reconnaissance missions over Iraq in 2003. Transferred to
POB the 417th Weapons Squadron in 2004. Re-
Squadron, 332nd Expeditionary Operations
Chicago, Illinois, USA Group, 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing (USAF) assigned to the Air Force Flight Test Center
as a generalist pilot (non-flying) in 2006 with
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education the squadron's inactivation and the
Ghostrider BS in Aerospace Engineering (University of impending retirement of the F-117A stealth
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), MS in attack aircraft. Volunteered for MC-12W
Pay-Grade Liberty mission qualification training in early
Aeronautical Engineering (AFIT)
O–3 2009. Flew the 362nd Expeditionary
Relevant Training (partial list) Reconnaissance Squadron's first MC-12W
Initial Flight Screening, USAF Specialized Liberty ISR aircraft alongside future GIJOE
Undergraduate Training, Transitional and aviators Bradley Armbruster (call-sign: Ace)
Operational Flight Training (F-117A Nighthawk), and Gregory Boyajian (call-sign: Slipstream)
USAF Weapons School (F-117A Nighthawk), in sorties over Iraq and Afghanistan in the
Flight Commander Course, Organizational summer of 2009. Obliging and good
Leadership Course, Expeditionary Leadership humored in his personal interactions but
Course, Squadron Officer School, SERE Level- generally eschews the attention and
C Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness recognition often accorded to pilots, in sharp
Course, Mission Qualification Flight Training contrast to his more socially inclined aviator
(MC-12W Liberty), GIJOE Professional peers in the SONIC Detachment's
Qualification Training Composite Aerial Reconnaissance Section.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Jesso, Kyle Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 4, TIGER Descended from one of the last true samurai
Detachment) of the 19th century, his paternal great-great-
grandfather fought under the legendary
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-11-23 Saigō Takamori during the Satsuma
A Company, 2nd Battalion, 29th Infantry Rebellion. Great-grandfather immigrated to
POB the United States and labored as a railway
Regiment (US Army)
Sacramento California, USA worker. Grandparents, both American
Post-Secondary Education citizens born in California, forcibly interned at
Call-Sign the Manzanar War Relocation Center from
BS in Exercise Science (Columbus State
Budo University) 1942 to 1945. Father volunteered for three
tours of duty in Vietnam as an Army medic
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) during the late 1960s before embarking on a
E–6 Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic career as an orthodontist. Studied the
Airborne School, Pathfinder School, Combat Tatsumi-ryū Hyōhō disciplines of kenjutsu
Lifesaver Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master (swordsmanship), iaidō (sword-drawing),
Course, Rappel Master Course, Basic Military jujutsu (grappling/ground fighting/joint
Mountaineer Summer Course, SERE Level-C trapping), and monomi (surveillance/
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness observation) throughout his teens and into
Course, Modern Army Combatives Level 1 adulthood. Joined the Army in 2001, initially
Instructor Course, Modern Army Combatives assigned to the 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry
Level 2 Instructor Course, Modern Army Regiment after graduating from Infantryman
Combatives Level 3 Instructor Course, Basic AIT. Participated in joint training exercises in
Instructor Course, Small Group Instructor Pakistan in late 2002, deployed to Iraq for
Course, Ranger School, Modern Army Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Returned
Combatives Level 4 Instructor Course, GIJOE to Iraq in 2005, conducted combat actions
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF and weapons cache search missions in
Technical Exploitation Operations Course support of Task Force Liberty in Diyala,
Salah ad Din, and Kirkuk governorates.
Transferred to the 2nd Battalion, 29th Infantry
Regiment in 2007. Served as an instructor at
the US Army Combatives School in Fort
Benning from 2008 until his selection to
GIJOE. Fluent in Japanese. Spends his free
time working on his vintage 1969 Harley-
Davidson KRTT 750 Racer motorcycle and
collecting 1980s-era demo tapes from
obscure Bay Area heavy metal bands.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Jivoin, Jerome T. Counterintelligence Agent (Tactical Deception Parents owned a small farm on the outskirts
Group Camouflage & Concealment Team, C2E) of metropolitan Bogotá. Farm's location
DOB made it a convenient target for far-right
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection paramilitary forces, Marxist-Leninist rebels,
Joint Staff, Joint Task Force Bravo corrupt law enforcement and military
POB personnel, and drug cartel enforcers looking
Bogotá, Distrito Capital, to restock on food and supplies. Father and
Post-Secondary Education older brother shot and killed by unknown
BA in Legal Studies (University of Maryland assailants in 1982 while attempting to stop
Call-Sign the theft and slaughter of their remaining
University College-Fort Sam Houston)
Switch Gears livestock. Surviving family granted asylum in
Relevant Training (partial list) the United States in 1988. Settled in
Pay-Grade Morristown, New Jersey with mother and
Cavalry Scout AIT, Javelin Gunnery Course,
E–7 Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, younger sister. Became a naturalized
Infantryman AIT, SERE Level-C Training, American citizen in 1993. Joined the Army in
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Rappel 1994 after graduating from high school,
Master Course, Counterintelligence Special initially trained as a cavalry scout. Helped
Agent Course, Intelligence in Combating enforce the Dayton Peace Accords in
Terrorism Course, Defense Strategic Debriefing Bosnia-Herzegovina as an M3A3 Bradley
& Interrogation Course, Defense Against Sound Cavalry Fighting Vehicle driver with the 4th
Equipment Course, Advanced Foreign Cavalry Regiment in 1995. Re-classed as a
Counterintelligence Course, Fast Rope & SPIE counterintelligence agent in 2000. Deployed
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, SERE to Iraq in 2003 as a member of the 201 st
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism Military Intelligence Battalion. Assigned to
Awareness Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, USSOUTHCOM's Joint Task Force-Bravo in
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training, Honduras, 2006. Participated in various
Master Resilience Trainer Course, NATO SOF counter-drug and force protection activities
Technical Exploitation Operations Course, and investigations while also serving the task
NATO SOF Intel Course, NATO SOF Advanced force J2 (staff intelligence office) as a
Intel Course counterintelligence agent. Fluent in Arabic
(Modern Standard and Iraqi), French
(Metropolitan), Portuguese, and Spanish;
conversant in Garifuna, German, and Italian.
Extremely well-conditioned physically.
Endowed with a high threshold for pain
shaped by his life experiences and an innate
unwillingness to give up against even the
most overwhelming odds.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Katzenbogen, David L. Scout-Observer/MAAWS Gunner (LRRS Team Was a running back in college, an athletic
2, TIGER Detachment) standout on an overachieving Fresno State
DOB Bulldogs football team that compiled a
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1978-04-16 respectable 7-5 record in 2000 despite
B Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger injuries to key members of the roster. Went
POB undrafted in the 2001 NFL draft. Briefly
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army)
Hibbing, Minnesota, USA considered a career in the CFL but opted to
Post-Secondary Education enlist in the Army instead. Started his career
Call-Sign as a cavalry scout with the 1st Squadron, 4th
BS in Kinesiology, Athletic Training option
Bazooka (California State University-Fresno) Cavalry Regiment, served as an M3A3
Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicle gunner in
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Iraq throughout 2004 and into 2005. Re-
E–6 Cavalry Scout AIT, Javelin Gunnery Course, Air classed as an infantryman with the 1-4 Cav's
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer inactivation in 2006. Joined the 75 th Ranger
Summer Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Regiment after graduating from infantryman
Winter Course, Assault Climber Summer AIT. Participated in operations in Afghanistan
Course, Pathfinder School, Infantryman AIT, in 2007 and 2008. Extremely proficient in the
Basic Airborne School, Anti-Armor Leaders use of the 84mm M3 Multi-role Anti-armor
Course, Ranger Assessment & Selection Anti-personnel Weapon System. A decisive
Program, Combat Lifesaver Course, Ranger fast-thinker with all the instincts of a natural
School, SERE Level-C Training, Individual survivor.
Terrorism Awareness Course, Rappel Master
Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Kelly, Gabriel A. Security Man/Dynamic Building Entry The seventh Kelly in his direct ancestral line
Technician-Mechanical (HVT Tracker Team 3, to become a firefighter (a Fergus Kelly is
DOB TIGER Detachment) listed as one of the founding members of the
1981-04-14 first Boston Fire Department, formally
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection organized in 1859). Joined the Army in 2001,
POB assigned to Fort Bragg's Fire and
A Company, 1st Battalion, 508th Infantry
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Regiment (Airborne) (US Army) Emergency Services Division after
completing firefighter AIT. Served as an
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education aircraft crash/fire/rescue specialist at
Barbecue AAS in Fire Protection Technology (Fayetteville Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan from 2003 to
Technical Community College) 2005. Re-classed as an infantryman upon
Pay-Grade his return from Southwest Asia, assigned to
Relevant Training (partial list) the 503rd Infantry Regiment (Airborne) in
Firefighter AIT, Airport Rescue Fire Fighting 2006. Returned to Afghanistan in 2007. Has
Truck Operator Certification, Pumper Operator earned a reputation among teammates as
Certification, Fire Protection Apprentice Course, something of a “party animal,” almost
Rescue Technician I Course, Rescue excessively exuberant and enthusiastic
Technician II Course, Air Assault School, Basic during the occasional off-hours social
Airborne School, Combat Lifesaver Course, gatherings organized by agency augmentees
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel and employees. Despite this, he has
Master Course, Infantryman AIT, Ranger managed to avoid getting into situations
School, ISAF SOF Operations Course, SERE necessitating disciplinary action or formal
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism censure from authorities or his superiors,
Awareness Course, GIJOE Professional and the results of informal behavioral
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical monitoring by agency human resources
Exploitation Operations Course personnel and incidental observations by
teammates of his off-base socialization show
no indications of a serious potential to abuse
alcohol or other psychoactive recreational
substances. Powerfully built and
exceptionally strong and agile, gifted with
phenomenally quick reflexes.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Kibbey, Alvin R. Communications Chief (Detachment Command Enlisted in the Army in 1995 an outspokenly
Team, TIGER Detachment) idealistic recent college graduate. Quickly
DOB disabused of any romanticized notions of
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1973-01-07 war after witnessing firsthand the atrocities
B Company, 2nd Battalion, 10th Special Forces committed by the principal belligerents in
POB Bosnia while conducting security and
Group (Airborne) (US Army)
Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA peacekeeping operations in 1996 and 1997
Post-Secondary Education as a member of the 2nd Infantry Regiment's
Call-Sign 2nd Battalion. Participated in operations
BS in Electrical Engineering (University of
Breaker Memphis), Advanced Study Program enforcing UN Security Council Resolution
Fellowship in Electrical Engineering and 1244, calling for the demilitarization of the
Pay-Grade Computer Science (MIT Professional Kosovo Liberation Army, in 1999. Went
E–7 Education), AA in Farsi (DLIFLC) Special Forces in 2003. Has since
participated in numerous missions
Relevant Training (partial list) supporting Operation Enduring Freedom,
Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic most notably in Georgia and Uzbekistan.
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Efficient and self-assured, confident in his
Pathfinder School, Basic Airborne School, ability to turn any adverse situation into an
Ranger School, SFQC Individual Skills Phase, advantage with the proper application of
SFQC MOS Qualification Phase (SF knowledge and reason. Fluent in Albanian,
Communications Sergeant), SFQC Collective Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Persian (Dari,
Training Phase, SF Functional Language Farsi, and Tajiki dialects), and Uzbek;
Training; Advanced Reconnaissance, Target conversant in Georgian, German, and
Analysis, and Exploitation Techniques Course; Macedonian.
SF Operations and Intelligence Course, SERE
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master
Course, Rappel Master Course, White House
Communications Agency Console Control
Operations Course, Special Operations
Terminal Air Control Course, Battlefield
Spectrum Management Course, Battle Staff
NCO Course, SOF Inter-agency Collaboration
Course, Tactical Information Operations
Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Kiley, Thomas P. Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Pilot Introduced to flying at an early age, mother a
(Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Team, crop duster pilot who would occasionally take
DOB STEEL Detachment) the young Thomas with her to work.
1978-06-09 Graduated from the top of his class at the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection US Air Force Academy. Received the Order
POB of Daedalians Orville Wright Achievement
3rd Special Operations Squadron, 27th Special
Ida Grove, Iowa, USA Operations Wing, 27th Special Operations Award for his outstanding performance
Group (USAF) during undergraduate pilot training. Assigned
Call-Sign to the 4th Special Operations Squadron 2002
Post-Secondary Education after completing AC-130U Spooky
BS in Aeronautical Engineering (USAFA), MS in qualification. Flew close air support, air
Pay-Grade Engineering Management (AFIT) interdiction, and force protection missions
O–3 over Iraq from 2003 to 2006. Sent to the L-3
Relevant Training (partial list) Platform Integration Waco facility and Robins
Initial Flight Screening, USAF Specialized Air Force Base in 2008 for C-27J Spartan
Undergraduate Training, Transitional and mission qualification training and to serve as
Operational Flight Training (AC-130H part of an expert team evaluating the C-27J
Spectre/AC-130U Spooky), USAF Weapons Spartan for possible adoption by the Air
School (AC-130H Spectre/AC-130U Spooky), Force Special Operations Command as a C-
Flight Commander Course, Organizational 130 platform replacement (AFSOC would
Leadership Course, Expeditionary Leadership eventually decide to retain its C-130-based
Course, Squadron Officer School, Joint Special special operations aircraft).
Operations Warfighter Certification, C-27J Joint
Cargo Aircraft Schoolhouse training, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
King, Owen Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 4, TIGER Decided to forgo a career in popular
Detachment) literature and enlisted in the Army in 2001.
Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1978-02-21 Regiment stationed in Germany. Participated
Regimental Reconnaissance Company, Special in numerous training exercises with
POB American and European combat units
Troops Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
Bangor, Maine, USA (Airborne) (US Army) deploying to the Balkans, Iraq, and
Afghanistan as part of the 1-4 Infantry's
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education OPFOR mission. Helped train Greek internal
Sneak Peek BA in English (Vassar College) security forces in the lead-up to the 2004
Summer Olympics in Athens. Deployed to
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Afghanistan with other elements of the
E–6 Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air Battalion to reinforce ISAF during the
Assault School, Ranger Assessment & country's national elections, participating in
Selection Program, Combat Lifesaver Course, security and force protection missions,
Joint Firepower Course, Ranger School, SERE including an armed reconnaissance patrol
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism that extended into the mountainous region of
Awareness Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Zabul province. Joined the 75th Ranger
Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Regiment in 2006. Returned to Afghanistan
Course, Patrol Course, Rappel Master Course, in 2009 as a member of the Regimental
Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, ISAF Reconnaissance Company, conducting
SOF Operations Course, GIJOE Professional special reconnaissance missions in support
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical of elements of Combined Joint Special
Exploitation Operations Course Operations Task Force Afghanistan
(CJSOTF-A). Stories of his feats of
endurance in the battlefield (both factual and
apocryphal) have elevated his status to that
of a legend in the 75th Ranger Regiment's
Special Troops Battalion.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Klas, Nicholas D. Aircraft Loadmaster (Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Worked in the construction industry before
Aircraft Team, STEEL Detachment) enlisting in the military. Began his Air Force
DOB career in 2000 as a pavements &
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-12-25 construction equipment operator with the
9th Special Operations Squadron, 1 st Special 819th RED HORSE (for Rapid Engineer
POB Deployable Heavy Operational Repair
Operations Group, 1st Special Operations Wing
Chicago, Illinois, USA (USAF) Squadron Engineers). Assigned to the
squadron's Airborne RED HORSE (ARH)
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education team after completing US Army airborne and
Hardtop AAS in Construction Management (McHenry air assault training. Took part in various civil
County College) engineering operations in Southwest Asia in
Pay-Grade support of Operation Enduring Freedom,
Relevant Training (partial list) 2004 to 2005. Re-classed as an aircraft
Basic Pavements & Equipment Operator loadmaster in 2006. Joined the 9 th Special
Course, Basic Airborne School, Air Assault Operations Squadron that same year.
School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Participated in a number of missions
Rappel Master Course, Enlisted Aircrew involving the infiltration, exfiltration, and
Undergraduate Course, Combat Survival resupply of special operations forces as well
Training Course, Water Survival-Parachuting as PSYOP support sorties over Iraq and
Course, Basic Loadmaster Course, SERE Afghanistan throughout 2008. Approaches
Level-C Training, GIJOE Professional the tasks of aircraft loading, offloading, and
Qualification Training load-balancing with a perfectionist's bent.
Laconic and curt in conversation. Not
unfriendly but places a high-value on
precision and efficiency in all things, even his
social interactions.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Kranseler, Lawrence M. Tracking Dog Handler (HVT Tracker Team 1, Enlisted in the Army in 2002. Deployed to
TIGER Detachment) Iraq in 2004, was a member of an MP
DOB platoon sent to Afghanistan's Kandahar
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1982-09-18 province in the spring of the following year to
13th Military Police Company, 92nd Military support a joint task force composed of
POB elements of the 173rd Airborne Brigade
Police Battalion, 89th Military Police Brigade (US
Newton, Massachusetts, USA Army) Combat Team, the Afghan National Army,
and advisers from France's 13e Régiment de
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Dragoons Parachutistes (13th Parachute
Wide Scope BS in Criminal Justice (Texas A&M University- Dragoon Regiment) special forces unit in
Central Texas) combat operations against entrenched
Pay-Grade insurgents. Returned to Iraq in 2006,
Relevant Training (partial list) participated in various corrections and
Military Police AIT, Military Working Dog security activities, as well as training local
Handler Course, Combined Detector Dog police personnel in contemporary law
Handlers Course, CBP-CETC Basic Narcotic enforcement tactics and techniques. A crack
Detection Course LE, CBP-CETC Passenger pistol shot and trained special reaction team
Processing Course LE, Suicide Bomber marksman/observer. Fiercely protective of
Mitigation Training Program, Backcountry the military working dogs he is partnered
Tactics & Tracking Course, Basic Airborne with, but is affable and easy-going off-duty.
School, Air Assault School, Fast Rope & SPIE
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, Military
Police Investigator Course, Conventional
Physical Security Course, Protective Service
Training Course, High Risk Personnel Security
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course, SRT Phase I
Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, SRT Phase
II (Marksman/Observer) Course, Basic Military
Mountaineer Summer Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Krieger, Courtney A. Driver (Office of the Director, C2E) Employed as a print and runway fashion
model by the Ford Models agency's New
DOB Assignment prior to GIJOE selection York office prior to enlistment. A growing
1981-10-07 546th Transportation Company (Light-Medium disillusionment with the modeling industry
Truck), 7th Transportation Battalion, 82nd convinced her to put new direction in her life.
POB Joined the Army in 2003. Initially assigned to
Sustainment Brigade (US Army)
Peoria, Illinois, USA the 6th Transportation Battalion after
Post-Secondary Education completing motor transport operator AIT.
Call-Sign Participated in Joint Logistics Over the Shore
AA in Business Administration (Campbell
Cover Girl University-Fort Bragg/Pope AFB) (JLOTS) operations in Honduras and
Guatemala in 2004, deployed to Iraq later
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) that year. Transferred to the 82nd
E–5 Motor Transport Operator AIT, Basic Freight Sustainment Brigade's 7th Transportation
Traffic Course, Installation Traffic Management Battalion in 2006. Stationed Iraq in 2007
Course, Passenger Travel Specialist Course, through 2008, performing her duties in
Military Standard Transportation & Movement support of the MNF-I in and around Baghdad
Procedures Course, Battle Command governorate. Finds that she must work
Sustainment Support System (BCS3) Training; against stereotypical notions about beauty
Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade-and- and gender to prove herself to the less
Below (FBCB2) Software Familiarization progressively-minded. Compelled to learn
Training; Basic Airborne School, Air Assault and master conventionally “unfeminine”
School, Automated Air Load Planning System disciplines.
(AALPS) Training, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course,
Combat Lifesaver Course, Camp Adder
Combat Logistical Patrol (CLP) Academy
Training, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, Anti-terrorism Evasive Driving-Staff
Driver Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Kunitz, David F. CBRN Chief (Operations Section, C2E) Father worked as a security guard at the
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating
DOB Assignment prior to GIJOE selection Station and witnessed firsthand the events in
1972-03-28 21st Chemical Company (Administrative 1979 that came to be known as the Three
Control), 82nd Special Troops Battalion, 82 nd Mile Island Accident. Enlisted in the Army in
POB 1995 after graduating from Penn State.
Sustainment Brigade (US Army)
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA Assigned to the 2nd Chemical Battalion after
Post-Secondary Education completing chemical operations specialist
Call-Sign (now called CBRN specialist) AIT.
BS in Physics (Pennsylvania State University)
Ozone Temporarily seconded to UNSCOM in 1996,
Relevant Training (partial list) accompanied UN weapons inspectors in
Pay-Grade their survey of the al-Hakam Special
Chemical Operations Specialist AIT, Technical
E–7 Escort Course, NBC Reconnaissance Course, Weapons Center in Iraq. Attached to the
Biological Integrated Detection Systems multinational Iraq Survey Group (ISG) in
Course, Field Identification of Biological 2003, conducted fact-finding and CBRN
Warfare Agents Course, Master Fox Scout intelligence operations throughout Iraq in
Course, Basic Airborne School, Air Assault search of functional Iraqi WMDs (weapons of
School, Joint Biological Agent Identification and mass destruction). Returned to his parent
Diagnostic System Course, Ranger School, unit in 2005 after the ISG concluded in its
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism final report that Iraq had no functional WMD
Awareness Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, stocks in 2003. Joined the 82nd Special
Field Management of Chemical & Biological Troops Battalion that same year. Deployed to
Casualties Course, Weapons Intelligence southern Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi
Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, GIJOE Freedom, 2006–2007. Analysis of incidental
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF records of his personal interactions with
Technical Exploitation Operations Course GIJOE teammates seems to indicate that his
choice in military career was at least partially
motivated by childhood anxieties that have
been sublimated into a healthy respect for
the attendant risks that come with living in a
post-Atomic Age world.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
LaFitte, Etienne R HVT Tracker Team Leader (HVT Tracker Team Born into a large Cajun clan. Moved to New
3, TIGER Detachment) Orleans at the age of 16, tried his luck as an
DOB amateur boxer where he had some success,
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-12-31 displayed professional pugilistic potential but
Force Recon Company, 1st Reconnaissance was eventually dismissed by his trainer for
POB his continued use of roughhouse tactics in
Battalion, 1st Marine Division (USMC)
Bayou Gauche, Louisiana, USA competition. Spent the next two years
Post-Secondary Education working in construction and completing his
Call-Sign GED requirements. Enlisted in the Marines in
AA in Outdoor Leadership (Palomar College)
Gung-Ho 1993. Initially assigned to the 13th Marine
Relevant Training (partial list) Expeditionary Unit. Took part in maritime
Pay-Grade interdiction operations in the Persian Gulf
Marine Rifleman Course, Remote Sensor
E–7 Operator Training, Basic Reconnaissance supporting Operation Southern Watch
Course, Combatant Diver Course, Basic (1997), was a VBSS team member in the
Airborne School, Infantry Squad Leaders successful boarding of multiple merchant
Course, MEU(SOC) Certification Joint Training, vessels in violation of UN sanctions against
RUTEX Training, Basic Military Mountaineer Iraq. Served in operations protecting and
Summer Course, Fast Rope Suspension evacuating American and third-country
Technician Certification & HRST Master nationals caught in the Eritrean-Ethiopian
Course, Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, War (1998). Joined the 1st Force Recon
JWTC Jungle Skills Course, Advanced Company in 1999. Went to East Timor in
Personnel Administration Course, JWTC Jungle 2000, conducted recon operations in support
Endurance Course, JWTC Combat Tracking of INTERFET units. Deployed to Iraq in 2003
Course, RUTEX Training, SERE Level-C for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Re-assigned to
Training, Reconnaissance & Surveillance the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion's Force
Leaders Course, Desert Operations Course, Recon Company after 1st Force Recon's
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, NATO deactivation in 2006. Participated in
SOF Technical Exploitation Operations Course, counterinsurgency operations in Al Anbar
NATO SOF Senior NCO Operations Course, governorate in Iraq throughout 2005 and into
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training 2006. Fluent in Louisiana Creole and French
(Metropolitan and Louisiana Regional/Cajun
dialect), conversant in Spanish. Wields the
KA-BAR combat/utility knife with deadly
precision, favors a restored, Vietnam War-
vintage EX-41 multiple grenade launcher as
his weapon of choice on patrols.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Lane, David S. Detachment Commander (Detachment Grew up in a single-parent household in Los
Command Team, STEEL Detachment) Angeles' notoriously crime-ridden Central
DOB City East (“Skid Row”) neighborhood. Only
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1968-11-18 sibling, a sister six years his senior, died of a
37th Military Police Detachment, 10th Military heroin overdose when the younger Lane was
POB twelve. Attended Cal State on an academic
Police Battalion (CID) (Airborne), 3rd Military
Los Angeles, California, USA Police Group (CID) (US Army) scholarship. Joined the Los Angeles Police
Department after receiving his degree in
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education criminal justice. An active proponent of
Surefire BS in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement option culturally-sensitive community policing
(California State University-Los Angeles); AA in strategies throughout his six-year tenure with
Pay-Grade Arabic (DLIFLC), Master of Public the LAPD. Entered the Army's Officer
O–4 Administration (Troy University-Fort Jackson) Candidate School in 1998. Led a military
police detachment in support of Task Force
Relevant Training (partial list) Falcon elements in Kosovo in 2000 and
Basic Police Training (LAPD Police Academy), 2001. Joined the 10th Military Police Battalion
Cultural Diversity Training (LAPD Police (CID) (Airborne) in 2003. Deployed to Iraq in
Academy), Spanish Language Training (LAPD 2005 and 2007. Fluent in Arabic (Modern
Police Academy), Civil Liabilities Training Standard and Iraqi) and Spanish.
(LAPD Police Academy), Military Police Officer
Basic Course, Air Assault School, Basic
Airborne School, Ranger School, Conventional
Physical Security Course, Interviews and
Interrogations Course, Crime Scene
Reconstruction Course, Criminal Investigative
Techniques Course, Homicide Investigation
Course, Advanced Interviews and
Interrogations Course, Antiterrorism Officer
Basic Course, High Risk Personnel Security
Course, Military Police Captains Career
Course, Antiterrorism Officer Advanced Course,
Criminal Antiterrorism & Police Intelligence
Management Course, Military Police Pre-
Command Course, Law Enforcement Senior
Leaders Course, Command & General Staff
School, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Larivee, Thomas J. Ambulance Team Chief (Medical Treatment Joined the Navy in 1993 after a brief stint as
Team, STEEL Detachment) a paramedic with the Hartford Hospital's
DOB LIFE STAR Air Medical Transportation
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1970-08-17 Service. Deployed to Naval Station
Independent Duty Corpsman (USN) attached to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba aboard the USNS
POB Comfort (T-AH-20) in 1994, helped provide
B Company, 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion, 2 nd
Hartford, Connecticut, USA Marine Division (USMC) afloat and ashore medical and surgical
support to American and allied forces taking
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education part in Operation Uphold Democracy as well
Stretcher AS in Paramedic Studies (Capital Community as Haitian citizens in need of emergency
College), AS in Respiratory Care (Manchester medical and surgical attention. Became a
Pay-Grade Community College), BS in Health Science Fleet Marine Force Reconnaissance
E–7 (Goodwin College) Corpsman in 1995. Deployed to the Balkans
in 1996 as an attached member of the
Relevant Training (partial list) USMC's 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit,
EMT Training (Capital Community College), engaged in supporting operations enforcing
EMT-Paramedic Certification (Capital the conditions of the Dayton Peace Accords
Community College), Hospital Corpsman "A" alongside joint NATO forces. Took part in
School, Field Medical Service Technician Operation Dynamic Response exercises in
Training, Search and Rescue Medical Kosovo (2000) and Albania (2001). Has
Technician Training, Basic Reconnaissance served on deployments to Iraq (2003, 2004,
Course, Combatant Diver Course, Special and 2005) and Afghanistan (2008) as a Fleet
Operations Combat Medic Course, Special Marine Force Reconnaissance Independent
Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman Diving Duty Corpsman. A recreational powerlifter in
Medicine Training, Basic Airborne School, his spare time, has competed in numerous
JWTC Jungle Trauma Course, CBRE Clinicians amateur deadlift and squat events in the 90
Course, Independent Duty Corpsman School, kg weight class.
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Basic Military Mountaineer
Summer Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Lavigne, Christopher M. Tracking Dog Handler (HVT Tracker Team 2, Walked a beat in Houston's notorious
TIGER Detachment) “Gulfton Ghetto” area. A veteran of
DOB numerous violent confrontations between
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1978-04-20 police and gangs such as the Southwest
Joint Security Force, Joint Task Force-Bravo Cholos and the local chapter of the Mara
POB Salvatrucha. An expert detection dog
Houston, Texas, USA handler, has received inter-agency cross-
Post-Secondary Education training in narcotics detector dog handling,
Call-Sign passenger processing passive response
AAS in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement (San
Law Jacinto College) detector dog handling, and backcountry
fugitive tracking. Enlisted in the Army in 2004
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) in search of a more fulfilling professional law
E–5 Basic Police Training (Houston Police enforcement career. Assigned to the Joint
Academy), CBP-CETC Basic Narcotic Security Force component of Joint Task
Detection Course LE, CBP-CETC Passenger Force-Bravo in the Honduras after
Processing Course LE, Suicide Bomber completing military police AIT. Participated in
Mitigation Training Program, Backcountry a number of force protection, search and
Tactics & Tracking Course, Military Police AIT, rescue, and counter-drug operations in
Basic Airborne School, Military Working Dog support of USSOUTHCOM objectives,
Handler Course, Combined Detector Dog including the successful rescue of a
Handlers Course, Air Assault School, Fast kidnapped American expatriate and the
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master arrest of his captors in 2008. Fluent in
Course, Military Police Investigator Course, Spanish.
Conventional Physical Security Course,
Protective Service Training Course, High Risk
Personnel Security Course, Basic Military
Mountaineer Summer Course, Commercial
Vehicle Counterterrorism Training Program,
Critical Infrastructure Protection Training
Program, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, SERE Level-C Training, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
LeClaire, Daniel M. Visual Tracker (HVT Tracker Team 3, TIGER Enlisted in 1994, assigned to the 1st
Detachment) Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment (Light).
Served a six month tour in the Sinai
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-07-09 peninsula as a member of the USBATT
A Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Contingent of the MFO in 1995, and again in
POB 1996. Took part in joint training exercises
Group (Airborne) (US Army)
Wheaton, Wisconsin, USA and security patrols in Panama in 1997.
Post-Secondary Education Participated in Operation Joint Forge in the
Call-Sign Balkans in 1998, went Special Forces soon
BA in Social Science, History concentration
Recondo (Campbell University-Fort Bragg/Pope AFB) thereafter. Trained Northern Alliance fighters
in Afghanistan in 2001 as a member of a 3 rd
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Special Forces Group detachment.
E–7 Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, JOTC Conducted counterinsurgency operations
Jungle Warfare Course, Basic Military alongside ISAF units in 2002 and 2003.
Mountaineer Summer Course, Basic Airborne Participated in clandestine operations in Haiti
School, Ranger School, Reconnaissance & in 2004. From 2005 to 2007, deployed as a
Surveillance Leaders Course, SFQC Individual technical adviser to Colombian government
Skills Phase, SFQC MOS Qualification Phase forces in their counter-narcotics and
(SF Weapons Sergeant), SFQC Collective counterinsurgency operations against the
Training Phase, SF Functional Language FARC-EP and other criminal paramilitary
Training; Advanced Reconnaissance, Target organizations. Spent most of 2008 on
Analysis, and Exploitation Techniques Course; exchange at British Military Garrison Brunei,
Operations and Intelligence Course, Advanced studied the finer points of jungle
Special Operations Techniques Training, reconnaissance and combat tracking with
Combat Lifesaver Course, SERE Level-C the Brigade of Gurkhas Training Team while
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness also serving as a guest instructor at the
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, British Army Jungle Warfare Training School.
Rappel Master Course, British Army Jungle Fluent in French (Metropolitan), Haitian
Tracking Course, British Army Jungle LRRP Creole, Nheengatu, Portuguese, and
Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, SOF Senior Spanish; conversant in Persian (Dari and
Enlisted Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, Farsi dialects), Malay/Indonesian, and Thai.
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Operations
Course, NATO SOF Senior NCO Operations
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Leialoha, Edward W. LRRS Team Leader/Reconnaissance Diver A scuba diving instructor before joining the
(LRRS Team 8-NSW, TIGER Detachment) Navy in 1989. Served as a torpedoman's
DOB mate aboard the USS Curts (FFG-38) from
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1968-04-26 1990 to 1994. Saw action in Operations
SEAL Team 1, Naval Special Warfare Group Desert Storm and Fiery Vigil in 1991.
POB Participated in exercises with the Japanese
Aiea, Hawaii, USA Maritime Self-Defense Force in 1993. Joined
Post-Secondary Education NAVSPECWAR in 1995. Went on joint
Call-Sign training exercises with Indonesian and
BS in Domestic Security Management (National
Torpedo University-Naval Base Coronado Learning Malaysian combat diver units between 1996
Center) and 1998. Was part of Task Force K-Bar,
Pay-Grade one of the first joint special operations teams
Relevant Training (partial list) to enter Afghanistan in late 2001 after the
Torpedoman's Mate "A" School, Very Shallow September 11 attacks on the United States.
Water Mine Countermeasures (VSWMCM) Served on a JSOTF-P Combat Advisory
Operator Training, Basic Swimming and Water Team conducting foreign internal defense
Survival Instructor Course, Surface Rescue operations targeting Abu Sayyaf insurgents
Swimmer Training, Basic Underwater in the Southern Philippines throughout 2004
Demolitions/SEAL training, SEAL Qualification and into 2005. Received his warrant officer's
Training, SEAL Professional Development commission in 2006. Returned to
Phase Training, SEAL Unit Level Training, Afghanistan in 2007 to conduct missions
SEAL Squadron Integration Training, Basic alongside ISAF SOF units. Fluent in
Airborne School, Military Free Fall Parachutist Hawaiian, conversant in Japanese,
Course, Air Assault School, Tactical Rope Malay/Indonesian, Min Nan (Hokkien
Suspension Technician Certification & HRST dialect), and Tagalog. A thoroughly schooled
Master Course, Camp Michael Monsoor practitioner of Seigokan Gōjū-ryū karate,
Mountain Warfare Training, Camp Michael Shorinji kempo, and bājíquán (Eight
Monsoor Special Reconnaissance Training, Extremes Fist), and is an expert in the use of
Desert Environmental Survival Course, JWTC the balisong (Filipino butterfly knife) in
Jungle Skills Course, SERE Level-C Training, combat. Strict vegetarian. Carries himself
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Chief with a somewhat detached and chilly
Warrant Officer Program, Joint Special demeanor, but is regarded by teammates as
Operations Irregular Warfare Advanced Course, a consummate professional.
ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Levin, Robert A. Scout-Observer/NSTV Driver (LRRS Team 3, Born into a large French-Canadian clan.
TIGER Detachment) Showed early flashes of athletic potential
DOB playing AAA-league Atom/Pee Wee division
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-06-19 hockey. Immediate family moved to Detroit,
B Company, 2nd Battalion (Mechanized), 8th Michigan for economic reasons when he was
POB twelve. Was a Silver Gloves 106 lbs. weight
Infantry Regiment (US Army)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada class amateur boxing champion at the age of
Post-Secondary Education 14. Became a naturalized American citizen in
Call-Sign 1992. After high school, represented the
AAS in Homeland Security/Emergency
Backstop Management (Pikes Peak Community College) Detroit Golden Gloves Franchise in
consecutive 165 lbs. National Title fights
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) before embarking on a career as a
E–6 Infantryman AIT, Combat Lifesaver Course, professional monster truck driver. Competed
Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, in numerous USHRA-sanctioned events
Bradley Leaders Course, Anti-Armor Leaders between 1996 and 2000 with a custom-built
Course, Ranger School, Basic Military truck nicknamed “Persuader.” Enlisted in the
Mountaineer Summer Course, MWTC Army in 2001. Assigned to the 2nd Battalion,
OSV/Rough Terrain Driver Training, Bradley 8th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized) after
Master Gunner Course, Fast Rope & SPIE graduating from infantryman AIT. Took part in
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, SERE some of the heaviest fighting against
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism Republican Guard forces during the opening
Awareness Course, GIJOE Professional stages of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003).
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical Returned to Iraq in 2006 and again in 2008,
Exploitation Operations Course performed security operations as well as
helped train elements of the newly re-
organized Iraqi Army. Fluent in French
(Metropolitan and Quebec dialect).
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Li, Nicholas Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent/Dynamic Comes from a Trinidadian Chinese family,
Building Entry Technician-Explosives (HVT parents and siblings run a small but relatively
DOB Tracker Team 1, TIGER Detachment) successful Chinese Caribbean-themed
1977-03-10 eatery along Brooklyn's 8th Avenue. Grew up
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
hard in the streets of New York, but was
POB smart enough to stay out of any serious
57th Engineer Company (Rough Terrain), 27th
New York City, New York, USA Engineer Battalion (Airborne), 20th Engineer trouble. Worked as a sewer maintenance
Brigade (Combat) (US Army) worker before joining the Army in 2001.
Call-Sign Assigned to the 27th Engineer Battalion
Post-Secondary Education (Combat) (Airborne) after completing combat
Tunnel Rat
AAS in Civil Engineering Technology (New York engineer AIT. Deployed to northern Iraq in
Pay-Grade City College of Technology) 2003, participated in land surveys, combat
E–6 patrols, and mobility/countermobility
Relevant Training (partial list) operations in support of elements of the
Combat Engineer AIT, Javelin Gunnery Course, 101st Airborne Division. Sent to Afghanistan
Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, in 2006 on a year-long deployment to
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course, provide combat engineering support to
Engineer Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent CJSOTF-A and ISAF units. Engaged Taliban-
Course, Assault Climber Summer Course, backed insurgents and various armed
Combat Lifesaver Course, Sapper Leader smugglers in operations to clear mountain
Course, Ranger School, SERE Level-C dugouts being used by enemy elements in
Training, Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, the provinces of Kunar and Nangarhar.
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Rappel Attached to the 82nd Airborne Division's 1st
Master Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Brigade Combat Team's Special Weapons
Course, Weapons Intelligence Course, GIJOE Exploitation Team in 2007, taking part in
Professional Qualification Training sensitive site exploitation operations
throughout northern Iraq. Fluent in
Cantonese/Yue (Standard dialect) and
Trinidadian Creole English, conversant in
Bhojpuri (Caribbean Hindustani dialect),
Spanish, and Tobagonian Creole English.
Audacious and bold, but never to the point of
recklessness. His short stature and slight
build (Army records list his height at
5'4”/162.5 cm and weight at 130 lbs./60 kg)
belie a wiry strength and a rugged
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Light, Robert Countertracker/Rear Security Man (HVT Joined the Army in 1993. Assigned to the 1 st
Tracker Team 2, TIGER Detachment) Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment (Airborne).
Deployed to the Korean DMZ where he
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1973-11-30 would serve alongside and forge a friendship
Special Activities Division, JFCC-ISR with future independent military contractor
POB and COBRA Command consultant
Springfield, Minnesota, USA Tomasiburo Arashikage (alias: Storm-
Post-Secondary Education
Shadow). Joined the 75th Ranger Regiment
Call-Sign in 1997. Deployed to Kosovo in 2000 as part
BA in Asian Studies (University of Maryland
Snake-Eyes University College Asia) of a Regimental Reconnaissance
Detachment Team that included Arashikage
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) and future GIJOE member Lonzo Wilkinson
E–7 Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic (call-sign: Stalker). Deployed to Afghanistan
Airborne School, Pathfinder School, Ranger for Operation Rhino (2001). Survived a
Assessment & Selection Program, Ranger helicopter crash that killed two fellow
School, NATO LRRP School Patrol Course, Rangers while on standby for a CSAR
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel mission, but the accident left him with severe
Master Course, Basic Military Mountaineer facial scarring and partially paralyzed vocal
Summer Course, SERE Level-C Training, cords despite the best efforts of Army plastic
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, surgeons and speech therapists. Placed on
Reconnaissance & Surveillance Leaders the Temporary Disability Retirement List in
Course, Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, 2002. Immediate family killed in a vehicular
Combat Diver Qualification Course, Modern accident later that same year. Spent the next
Army Combatives Level 1 Instructor Course, three years in Japan studying martial arts
Modern Army Combatives Level 2 Instructor with Arashikage, who had returned to the
Course, Modern Army Combatives Level 3 ancestral family home after separating from
Instructor Course, Modern Army Combatives the service. Returned to active duty (with
Level 4 Instructor Course, British Army Jungle assignment limitations due to his vocal
Tracking Course, Fort Huachaca Combat impairment) in 2006, attached to the JFCC-
Tracking Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, ISR's Special Activities Division. Sent to
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training, Afghanistan in 2008, conducted clandestine
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Operations ISR operations in support of USSTRATCOM
Course objectives. Fluent in American Sign
Language and Japanese. Besides
Arashikage-ryū bujutsū, also schooled in
Kodokan judo, Lacoste-Inosanto kali, muay
thai, and Seigokan Gōjū-ryū karate.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
London, Robert Platoon Leader (Intelligence & Surveillance Each year about 200 qualified Active Duty,
Platoon Headquarters, SONIC Detachment) Reserve, and National Guard soldiers are
DOB offered entry to the US Military Academy
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-03-30 Preparatory School. Of that number, a select
C Company, 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, few are offered direct admission to the US
POB Military Academy. London was offered direct
504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (US Army)
Seattle, Washington, USA admission in his second year as an enlisted
Post-Secondary Education infantryman with the 14th Infantry Regiment
Call-Sign (Light) on the strength of the endorsement of
BS in Human Geography (USMA), MA in
Rapid Fire International Relations (Saint Mary's University- his company commander. Commissioned as
Fort Hood) an infantry officer in 2002. Served as B
Pay-Grade Company XO, 2nd Battalion, 504th Infantry
Relevant Training (partial list) Regiment (Airborne) during the unit's 2003
Infantryman AIT, Basic Military Mountaineer deployment to Afghanistan. Returned to
Summer Course, Infantry Officer Basic Course, Afghanistan in 2005, conducted security
Combat Lifesaver Course, Basic Airborne operations near the Pakistan border. Made
School, Air Assault School, Ranger School, the transition to the Military Intelligence
Maneuver Captains Career Course, Infantry Corps in 2006. Assigned to the newly
Mortar Platoon Leaders Course, Sniper organized 504th Battlefield Surveillance
Employment Leaders Course, Tactical Brigade's 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion
Intelligence Familiarization Course, Military in late 2007. Deployed to Iraq in 2008. Fluent
Intelligence Officer Transition Course, Defense in Arabic (Modern Standard and Iraqi),
Strategic Debriefing & Interrogation Course, French (Metropolitan), and German;
Defense Against Sound Equipment Course, conversant in Hebrew, Persian (Dari, Farsi,
Military Intelligence Captains Career Course, and Tajiki dialects), Russian, and Spanish.
Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence Course, Possesses a powerful drive to succeed in all
Introduction to Networks & Computer Hardware he does that is exceeded only by his
Course, Counterintelligence in Cyber Space unwavering determination to do what is best
Course, NATO SOF Intel Course, NATO SOF for a given mission.
Advanced Intel Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Lydon, Terrence Training Officer (Training Cadre, STEEL Played quarterback for the US Army Black
Detachment) Knights football team. Graduated from the
DOB US Military Academy at West Point in 2002.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-01-12 Assigned to 2nd Battalion, 325th Infantry
A Company, 4th Ranger Training Battalion, Regiment (Airborne). Fought alongside the
POB 75th Ranger Regiment (Airborne) against
Ranger Training Brigade (US Army)
Evergreen Park, Illinois, USA loyalist troops and Fedayeen Saddam
Post-Secondary Education irregulars as part of a task force conducting
Call-Sign an airborne assault on Saddam International
BS in Kinesiology (USMA), Master of Public
Grid-Iron Administration, Government option (Columbus Airport in Baghdad during the opening
State University) stages of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003).
Pay-Grade Joined the 75th Ranger Regiment in 2005.
Relevant Training (partial list) Participated in counterinsurgency operations
Infantry Officer Basic Course, Basic Military in Afghanistan through 2007. Re-assigned to
Mountaineer Summer Course, Combat 5th Ranger Training Battalion, Ranger
Lifesaver Course, Air Assault School, Basic Training Brigade shortly after his return from
Airborne School, Ranger School, Maneuver Southwest Asia. Besides serving as
Captains Career Course, Infantry Mortar company commander for the battalion's A
Platoon Leaders Course, Sniper Employment Company, also taught as a senior instructor
Leaders Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master at the Fort Benning-based US Army
Course, Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C Combatives School. Conversant in Spanish.
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness Has trained extensively in Greco-Roman
Course, Basic Instructor Course, Cadre wrestling, muay thai, American kickboxing,
Training Course, Systems Approach to Training and Gracie Barra jiu-jitsu. Outgoing and
Course, Modern Army Combatives Level 1 gregarious almost to a fault.
Instructor Course, Modern Army Combatives
Level 2 Instructor Course, Modern Army
Combatives Level 3 Instructor Course, Modern
Army Combatives Level 4 Instructor Course,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Lynton, Felix N. LRRS Team Leader (LRRS Team 7- Enlisted in the Army in 1991, trained as an
HALO/HAHO, TIGER Detachment) infantryman, assigned to the 1st Battalion,
87th Infantry Regiment (Light). Participated in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1970-05-13 combat operations in Somalia and Haiti and
A Company, 4th Ranger Training Battalion, joint security activities in Saudi Arabia, 1993–
Ranger Training Brigade (US Army) 1995. Joined the 75th Ranger Regiment in
Pensacola, Florida, USA 1996. Deployed to Kosovo in 2000 as part of
Post-Secondary Education a 75th Ranger Regiment C2 element
Call-Sign supporting Operation Joint Guardian.
BBA in Management (Columbus State
Skydive University) Conducted counterinsurgency operations in
Afghanistan, 2001. Took part in airborne
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) assaults in Baghdad governorate in 2003 in
E–8 (MSG) Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Airborne School, Ranger Assessment & Transferred to the Ranger Training Brigade
Selection Program, Pathfinder School, Ranger in 2004, where he would earn a reputation
School, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer as one of the toughest and most exacting
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Ranger Instructors on cadre. Fluent in
Rappel Master Course, Basic Instructor Spanish, conversant in Arabic (Iraqi), French
Course, Small Group Instructor Training (Metropolitan), and Persian (Dari and Farsi
Course, Assault Climber Summer Course, dialects).
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Reconnaissance &
Surveillance Leaders Course, ISAF SOF
Operations Course, Military Free Fall
Parachutist Course, Static-Line Jumpmaster
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course, Battle Staff NCO Course,
Battle Damage Assessment Course, Master
Resilience Trainer Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Makepeace, Philo R. Scout-Observer/NSTV Driver (LRRS Team 5- Father a retired sergeant formerly assigned
Mountain, TIGER Detachment) to the US Army Communications Command
DOB based in Fort Huachaca. Exhibited a
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-07-27 fascination with driving and heavy vehicles at
B Troop, 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment an early age. Trained to be a commercial
POB long haul truck driver after high school, plied
(US Army)
Huachuca City, Arizona, USA the National Network and Primary System
Post-Secondary Education roadways of the Southwest for several years
Call-Sign before deciding to follow in his father's
AA in General Studies (Central Texas College)
Armadillo footsteps and join the military. Completed
Relevant Training (partial list) cavalry scout AIT, 2001. Assigned to the 3 rd
Pay-Grade Infantry Division's armored reconnaissance
Semi-trailer, Tank Truck, and Hazardous
E–6 Materials-endorsement Commercial Driver squadron, the 6-8 Cavalry, in 2004.
training; Cavalry Scout AIT, Javelin Gunnery Performed combat patrols, security
Course, Basic Airborne School, Air Assault operations, and persistent manned ISR
School, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer activities in the areas south of Baghdad
Course, MWTC OSV/Rough Terrain Driver throughout 2005, occasionally engaging
Training, Bradley Master Gunner Course, Fast insurgents in heavy fighting along the once-
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master notorious Baghdad Airport Road (“Route
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual Irish”) area. Returned to Iraq in 2007, helped
Terrorism Awareness Course, Combat train elements of the Iraqi Army's 9th Armored
Lifesaver Course, Ranger School, Division.
Reconnaissance & Surveillance Leaders
Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Mangiaratti, Thomas P. Physical Security Operations Supervisor Joined the Los Angeles Police Department in
(Physical Security Team 2, STEEL Detachment) 1995. Participated in a number of high-profile
DOB police operations against armed urban
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1973-01-05 gangs such as the Mara Salvatrucha and the
40th Military Police Company, 185th Military 14K Triad. Decorated for his actions during
POB the 1997 North Hollywood Shootout. Entered
Police Battalion, 49th Military Police Brigade
Boulder Creek, California, USA (USARNG) the LAPD's Metropolitan Division in 1999,
assigned to the division's “D” Platoon
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education (Special Weapons and Tactics). Signed up
Long Arm AA in Administration of Justice (Los Angeles for Army National Guard duty in 2002, joined
City College), BS in Public Policy, Management the 185th Military Police Battalion.
Pay-Grade and Planning (University of Southern California) Participated in airport security operations
E–6 across the United States in support of
Relevant Training (partial list) Operation Noble Eagle from 2002 to 2006.
Basic Police Training (LAPD Police Academy), Deployed to Kosovo in 2004 in support of
Advanced Tactical Training (LAPD Police NATO peacekeeping operations. Performed
Academy), Mobile Field Force Tactics Training and supervised evacuation security
(LAPD Police Academy), Police Air Support operations during the Southern California
Operations (LAPD Police Academy), Spanish wildfires of 2007. Deployed to northern Iraq
Language Training (LAPD Police Academy), in 2008, participated in Iraqi Police
Civil Liabilities Training (LAPD Police professionalization training and convoy
Academy), Basic SWAT Training, Military Police security missions. Fluent in Italian and
AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, Spanish.
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel
Master Course, Military Police Investigator
Course, Conventional Physical Security
Course, Protective Service Training Course,
SRT Phase I Course, Combat Lifesaver
Course, SRT Phase II (Marksman/Observer)
Course, High Risk Personnel Security Course,
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course,
Suicide Bomber Mitigation Training Program,
Commercial Vehicle Counterterrorism Training
Program, Critical Infrastructure Protection
Training Program, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Martell, Jane A. Command Communications-Electronics Officer Joined the Navy in 1982 after graduating
(Office of the Director, C2E) from the Salve Regina University with a
DOB nursing degree. Assigned to the National
Employer prior to GIJOE selection Naval Medical Center in Bethesda,
Command and Control Systems and Software Maryland. After a whirlwind romance,
POB married future GIJOE director Joseph Colton
Division, L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.
Cumberland, Rhode Island, (call sign: Eagle-Eye) in 1983, spent the rest
Post-Secondary Education of the year on maternity leave. Separated
BS in Nursing (Salve Regina University), BS in from the service in 1989 and moved with the
Call-Sign couple's six year-old son, Joseph, Jr., to
Electrical Engineering (University of Denver),
GI Jane MS in Electrical Engineering (California Institute Denver to be close to Colton's posting at Fort
of Technology) Carson. Found herself disinterested in a
Pay-Grade civilian nursing career and unwilling to
Relevant Training (partial list) become a full-time homemaker, enrolled in
Officer Indoctrination School, Foreign Service the University of Denver's electrical
Institute Transition Center Security Overseas engineering program. Graduated magna cum
Seminar, Information Security Orientation, laude in 1995. Worked for local
OPSEC Fundamentals Course, Department of telecommunications provider Diversified
Defense Information Assurance Awareness Group before joining the fledgling New York-
Course, GIJOE Basic Small Arms Proficiency based L-3 Communications company in
for Non-Military Personnel Course, GIJOE 1997. Served as team lead and field test
Basic Combatives for Non-Military Personnel technical adviser for a number of classified
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification ISR systems and secure communications
Training projects contracted by the Department of
Defense. Son killed during the Battle of
Nasiriyah in Iraq in 2003 while serving as a
soldier in the Army's 3rd Infantry Division.
Divorced amicably from Colton in 2004. Left
L-3 Communications in 2007 to earn her
master's degree from CalTech.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
McBride, Cooper G. Scout-Sniper/Spotter (Detachment Despite an initial reluctance on his part, was
Headquarters STA Sniper Team, TIGER taught at an early age by father in the
DOB Detachment) rudiments of shooting. Introduced to varmint
1977-06-22 hunting at ten years old. Brought down his
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection first four point buck at the age of 12.
POB Volunteered with the North Dakota Game
B Company, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger
Crosby, North Dakota, USA Regiment (Airborne) (US Army) and Fish Department throughout high
school. Joined the Army after graduating
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education from the University of North Dakota in 2000,
Low-Light BS in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology (University assigned to the 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry
of North Dakota) Regiment (Light). Participated in joint
Pay-Grade security and training exercises in Uzbekistan,
Relevant Training (partial list) 2001. Took part in Operation Anaconda in
Infantryman AIT, Basic Military Mountaineer the mountains of Afghanistan, 2002.
Summer Course, Basic Airborne School, Air Deployed to Afghanistan's Paktika province
Assault School, Pathfinder School, Sniper in 2003 for Operation Enduring Freedom,
School, Basic Instructor Course, Small Group conducted humanitarian assistance and
Instructor Course, Ranger School, Ranger combat operations from forward operating
Assessment & Selection Program, Special bases near the towns of Gardēz, Shkin, and
Operations Target Interdiction Course, Military Orgune. Returned to the US in 2004. Joined
Free Fall Parachutist Course, Reconnaissance the 75th Ranger Regiment in 2005.
& Surveillance Leaders Course, SERE Level-C Graduated from the Special Operations
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness Target Interdiction Course at the top of his
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, class, besting much more experienced 75 th
Rappel Master Course, ISAF SOF Operations Ranger Regiment and Special Forces senior
Course, NATO Technical Exploitation marksmen. On cadre with the 2nd Battalion's
Operations Course, GIJOE Professional Ranger Training Detachment throughout
Qualification Training most of 2006. Returned to Afghanistan in
2007, conducted surveillance and target
acquisition sniper operations in support of
CJSOTF-A and ISAF units in the country's
northeastern provinces.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
McCarthy, David B. Motor Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor (Motor Drove a taxi in Boston for three years hoping
Vehicle Maintenance Section, STEEL to earn enough money to attend a top-flight
DOB Detachment) university engineering program. Joined the
1975-12-27 Army in 2000 after a stretch where his cab
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection was held-up four times in as many months,
POB convinced that the military offered a much
Automotive Test Division, Yuma Test Center,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Yuma Proving Ground (US Army) more fulfilling avenue towards a higher
education. Assigned to the 782nd Main
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Support Battalion as a mechanic after
Blocker BS in Mechanical Engineering (Northern graduating from wheel vehicle mechanic AIT.
Arizona University-Yuma) Deployed to Afghanistan in 2003, provided
Pay-Grade support to elements of the 82nd Airborne
Relevant Training (partial list) Division during Operation Eagle Fury.
Wheel Vehicle Mechanic AIT, Basic Airborne Deployed to Iraq the following year, staying
School, Automotive Electrical Systems Repair in-country through 2005. Joined the Yuma
Course, Wheel Vehicle Recovery Specialist Test Center's Automotive Test Division in
Course, Defense Hazardous Materials/Waste 2006. Responsibilities at the Center included
Handling Course, Air Assault School, Basic maintaining various prototypes for the Joint
Military Mountaineer Course, Mechanical Light Tactical Vehicle and Future Tactical
Maintenance NCO Common Core Course, Truck Systems programs and providing
Support Operations Course Phase I, GIJOE detailed product evaluation to contractors
Professional Qualification Training and system designers. Besides being a
supremely skilled automotive mechanic, is
also an excellent driver familiar with the
operation of all light and medium wheel
vehicles in the US Army inventory and their
associated systems.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
McConnell, Craig S. Scout-Observer/Cover Man (LRRS Team 1, An amateur weightlifter and surfer before
TIGER Detachment) joining the military. Won a reputation as a
DOB bass guitar virtuoso playing for local area
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-08-11 rock bands. Enlisted in the Army in 2001.
Regimental Reconnaissance Company, Special Spent his initial term of service with the 4th
POB Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment (Light).
Troops Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
Malibu, California, USA (Airborne) (US Army) Deployed to the Horn of Africa region in 2003
through early 2004, taking part in joint
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education training exercises and combat patrols in
Rock 'n' Roll BS in Exercise Science (Columbus State support of CJTF-HOA. Received extensive
University) familiarization training with the AK-47 assault
Pay-Grade rifle and related weapons systems in cross-
Relevant Training (partial list) training exercises with military personnel
Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic from Djibouti and Ethiopia. Spent most of the
Airborne School, Light Leaders Course, Anti- remainder of 2004 and the the first half of
Armor Leaders Course, SERE Level-C 2005 stationed in Baghdad, performing
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness combat operations and security patrols to
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer ensure the successful completion of Iraq's
Course, Advanced Foreign Weapons national elections. Participated in a number
Familiarization Training, Fast Rope & SPIE of air assault operations in the south of the
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, Combat Baghdad governorate. Joined the 75 th
Lifesaver Course, Ranger School, Patrol Ranger Regiment's Regimental
Course, Ranger Assessment & Selection Reconnaissance Company in 2006.
Program, ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE Deployed to Afghanistan in 2009, emplaced
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF surveillance and tactical equipment in
Technical Exploitation Operations Course Taliban-controlled areas in Nangarhar
province. Perspicacious, if somewhat naive.
Outwardly easygoing, but possesses an
inherent and uncompromising sense of
justice and fair play.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
McMahon, Aaron Countertracker/Rear Security Man (HVT Raised in a relatively affluent Los Angeles
Tracker Team 1, TIGER Detachment) suburb. Developed an early sense of
DOB appreciation for the outdoors and the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-02-14 importance of fieldcraft skills as a Boy Scout
B Company, 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 30th (Troop 789). Worked at the Saddleback
POB Butte State Park Visitor Center as a staff
Infantry Regiment (US Army)
Walnut, California, USA member and equestrian trail guide prior to
Post-Secondary Education enlisting in the military in 2002. Assigned to
Call-Sign the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 509th Infantry
AS in Environmental Studies (Columbia
Ambush College-Fort Stewart) Regiment after completing infantryman AIT,
honed his combat skills in numerous Joint
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Readiness Training Center exercises in Fort
E–5 Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air Polk, engaging light infantry and special
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer operations units in comprehensive mock-
Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master combat as a member of the OPFOR.
Course, Rappel Master Course, Pathfinder Deployed to Iraq with the 1 st Battalion's B
School, Ranger School, SERE Level-C Company in 2004, taking part in numerous
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness counterinsurgency and security operations in
Course, Tactical Information Operations and around Baghdad. Re-assigned to the 1-
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation 30 Infantry in 2006. Returned to Iraq in mid-
Operations Course, Fort Huachaca Combat 2007 for another tour of duty. An
Tracking School, GIJOE Professional indefatigable and quietly efficient worker,
Qualification Training possesses a keen eye for detail and an
unerring sense for improvisation in the field.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Melendez, Rafael J. Scout-Observer/MAAWS Gunner (LRRS Team Comes from an upper middle-class family of
1, TIGER Detachment) Puerto Rican origin with an established
DOB tradition of civic duty and volunteerism,
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-08-23 brother a Harlem-based attorney known for
A Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment his pro bono work, sister a pediatrician with
POB Médecins Sans Frontières. Joined the Army
(Airborne) (US Army)
New York City, New York, USA in 2001. Initially trained as a combat
Post-Secondary Education engineer, assigned to the 37th Engineer
Call-Sign Battalion (Airborne), 20th Engineer Brigade
BS in Civil Engineering (MIT)
Zap (Combat). Saw combat in Northern Iraq,
Relevant Training (partial list) 2003. Deployed to Afghanistan in 2006,
Pay-Grade engaged Taliban-backed forces alongside
Combat Engineer AIT, Air Assault School, Basic
E–6 Airborne School, Javelin Gunnery Course, elements of the 10th Mountain Division in the
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course, eastern and southern regions of the country
Infantryman AIT, Anti-Armor Leaders Course, while also contributing to provincial
Ranger Assessment & Selection Program, reconstruction and humanitarian efforts. Re-
Combat Lifesaver Course, Ranger School, classed as an infantryman in 2007 and
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism joined the 75th Ranger Regiment soon
Awareness Course, Rappel Master Course, thereafter. Returned to Afghanistan in 2008
ISAF SOF Operations Course, NATO SOF as a member of the CJSOTF-A forces
Technical Exploitation Course, GIJOE operating in Kunar province. Fluent in
Professional Qualification Training Spanish. Has a knack for finding and
exploiting the built-in weaknesses in earthen
bunkers and similar structures, a skill he
uses to great effect with tactical explosive
devices and the M3 MAAWS.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Menninger, Edward J. Deception Operations Supervisor-Combat Family lived in an apartment in Queens just
Arms/LAAD Systems Expert (Tactical off the Van Wyck Expressway near the JFK
DOB Deception Group Camouflage & Concealment International Airport. Given their home's
1981-10-14 Team, C2E) proximity to one of the world's busiest air
terminals and exposure to the non-stop
POB Assignment prior to GIJOE selection cacophony of jet aircraft take-offs and
New York City, New York, USA I Troop (Air Defense), 1st Squadron, 11th landings and the intrusive flashing of landing
Armored Cavalry Regiment (US Army) lights, it was perhaps not surprising that the
Call-Sign young Menninger developed a long-standing
Post-Secondary Education aversion to flight and all manner of
AS in Natural Science/Math (Barstow commercial aircraft. Negative attitudes
Pay-Grade Community College) towards commercial jet aircraft further
E–6 amplified in the wake of the September 11,
Relevant Training (partial list) 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.
Certificate in Information Systems Management Enlisted in 2002, initially assigned to a
(Barstow Community College), Air and Missile Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle Battery in
Defense Crewmember AIT, Basic Airborne the 3rd Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery
School, Pathfinder School, Air Assault School, Regiment. Oft-stated claim that the decision
Stinger Fighting Vehicle Master Gunner Course to join the Army's Air Defense Artillery branch
Phase I, Stinger Fighting Vehicle Master was motivated by a desire to directly confront
Gunner Course Phase II, Basic Military his anxieties is made only partially in jest,
Mountaineer Summer Course, Tactical derives a strong sense of satisfaction from
Information Operations Course, SERE Level-C the tracking and destruction of airborne
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness targets. Conducted air and missile defense
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification operations in the Korean DMZ throughout
Training 2003 and into 2004. Re-assigned to the 11 th
Armored Cavalry Regiment's I Troop (Air
Defense) in late 2004. Deployed to Iraq's
Baghdad governorate with the rest of the
regiment's 1st Squadron in 2005. Returned to
the US the following year, participated in
various exercises at the National Training
Center in Fort Irwin as part of the Regiment's
OPFOR mission, lending his air and missile
defense experience and expertise not only to
I Troop, but also to the OPFOR Deception
Force's missile decoy teams.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Metzger, Wendell A. LRRS Team Leader (LRRS Team 2, TIGER Joined the Marines in 1991, assigned to the
Detachment) 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit. Took part in
security missions protecting ethnic Kurds in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1971-11-01 Northern Iraq from government reprisals in
Reconnaissance Training Company, Advanced the wake of Operation Desert Storm
POB throughout 1992. Deployed to the Balkans in
Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry
Stromsburg, Nebraska, USA (West) (USMC) support of Operation Deny Flight and
Operation Provide Promise (1994).
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Supported IFOR units in Bosnia throughout
Leatherneck BA in History (California State University-San 1996. Joined the 2nd Force Reconnaissance
Marcos) Company in 1998. Participated in joint
Pay-Grade training programs in Germany, Egypt, and
Relevant Training (partial list) Israel in 1998, including an extended
E–8 (MSgt)
Marine Rifleman Course, Infantry Squad exercise with the Fernspählehrkompanie 200
Leaders Course, Basic Reconnaissance at the NATO LRRP School in Pfullendorf.
Course, Combatant Diver Course, Basic Was a member of a Marine detachment
Airborne School, MEU(SOC) Certification Joint charged with protecting American nationals
Training, NATO LRRP School Patrol Course, in Albania later that same year. Deployed to
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Iraq in 2003 during the beginning stages of
Fast Rope Suspension Technician Certification Operation Iraqi Freedom. Returned to Iraq in
& HRST Master Course, Military Free Fall 2004, and again in 2005, providing deep
Parachutist Course, JWTC Jungle Skills reconnaissance support to conventional and
Course, Desert Operations Course, Marine special operations forces. With 2 nd Force
Combat Instructor Course, Drill Instructor Recon's deactivation in 2006, re-assigned to
School, Advanced Personnel Administration the School of Infantry (West) as an instructor
Course, Reconnaissance & Surveillance in the Reconnaissance Training Company.
Leaders Course, RUTEX Training, Battle Conversant in German. Brutally honest,
Damage Assessment Course, Collateral holds no qualms about being seen as
Damage Estimation Course, SERE Level-C uncouth and opinionated. Has no patience
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness with those he considers indecisive, lazy, and
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation dishonest. Not terribly popular with his
Operations Course, NATO SOF Senior NCO GIJOE teammates, but someone they trust
Operations Course, GIJOE Professional and respect on and off the field.
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Mewett, Clifford V. Command Intelligence Officer (Office of the Joined the service in 1991 straight out of
Director, C2E) high school. Started his military career as an
enlisted rifleman, assigned to the 15th Marine
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1973-01-28 Expeditionary Unit. Participated in
Expeditionary Support Branch, Marine Corps humanitarian relief distribution and convoy
POB escort missions in Somalia during Operation
Intelligence Activity (USMC)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Restore Hope (1992-1993) and in Rwanda
Post-Secondary Education (1994). Spent most of the mid-1990s
Call-Sign involved in peacekeeping and security
BA in Political Science, International Relations
Courage specialty (UCSD); MS in Information operations throughout Eastern Africa.
Operations-Joint Information Operations Received his officer's commission in 2001
Pay-Grade Curriculum (NPS), AA in Arabic (DLIFLC) through the Marine Corps Enlisted
O–3 Commissioning Educational Program
Relevant Training (partial list) (MECEP) after graduating from Boston
Marine Rifleman Course, Machine Gunner University. Served as company S-2, B
Course, Machine Gun Leaders Course, Infantry Company, 2nd Light Armored Recon Battalion
Squad Leaders Course, MAGTF Intelligence on two seven-month deployments to Iraq:
Officer Course, Counterintelligence Officer the first in 2003, the second in 2004. Re-
Course, Advanced Counterintelligence Course, assigned to the Marine Corps Intelligence
Multi-Discipline Counterintelligence Analysis Activity's Expeditionary Support Branch in
Course, Counter-terrorism Analyst Course, 2005. Fluent in Arabic (Modern Standard,
MEU(SOC) Certification Joint Training, Defense Iraqi, and Yemeni). Values authenticity,
Strategic Debriefing & Interrogation Course, efficiency, and precision; has little tolerance
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism for artifice and bureaucratic double-talk.
Awareness Course, SOF Inter-agency
Collaboration Course, NATO SOF Intel Course,
NATO SOF Advanced Intel Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Meyers , Andrew D. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 3, TIGER Valedictorian of his high school class and
Detachment) captain of the track team. Accepted into IUB
DOB on an academic scholarship. Was 35 credit
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-03-17 hours away from earning a bachelor's
B Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry degree in kinesiology when he unexpectedly
POB left school and hitchhiked his way to the
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army)
Gary, Indiana, USA West Coast. Spent the next three years
Post-Secondary Education living in a California commune. Was selling
Call-Sign overpriced bead necklaces to Venice Beach
89 credit hours towards the fulfillment of the
Footloose requirements for the BS in Kinesiology, major in tourists when he heard news of the
Physical Education Teacher Education (Indiana September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Joined
Pay-Grade University-Bloomington) in the Army not long after, his high ASVAB
E–6 line scores mitigating any negatives
Relevant Training (partial list) suggested by his personal history. Assigned
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air to the 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer (Airborne). Spent his first deployment in Iraq,
Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master conducting combat patrols in the city of
Course, Rappel Master Course, Pathfinder Kirkuk through most of 2003. Deployed to
School, SERE Level-C Training, Individual Afghanistan in 2006 and 2008. GIJOE
Terrorism Awareness Course, NATO SOF teammates will occasionally have their
Technical Exploitation Operations Course, ISAF laughs at his expense, poking fun at the time
SOF Operations Course, Combat Lifesaver he spent as a folk art-peddling New Ager. But
Course, Ranger School, Collateral Damage the jokes never go beyond innocuous jabs.
Estimation Course, GIJOE Professional They know that in many ways, Meyers'
Qualification Training journey is a microcosm of the one
collectively being taken by a generation of
arrested adolescents still trying to come to
terms with their place in a new world filled
with fear and uncertainty. It may have taken
a tragedy of truly horrific proportions to make
him realize the frivolousness of an existence
built around self-indulgent complacency, but
all that really matters to them now is that he's
trying to do all the right things and make his
way through the world the best that he can.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Michaels, Leonard Imaging Equipment Operator (SSE Section, Worked as a “cable puller” for Chicago's
SONIC Detachment) WMAQ-TV while putting himself through
DOB college, eventually becoming a station
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1981-03-20 cameraman and videographer. Worked at
55th Signal Company (Combat Camera), 114 th the station for three years, growing
POB increasingly appalled at television
Signal Battalion, 21st Signal Brigade (US Army)
Chicago, Illinois, USA journalism's growing disposition towards
Post-Secondary Education sensationalism and scandal-mongering.
Call-Sign Joined the Army in 2004 intent on a change
AAS in Electronic Publishing (Southwestern
Scoop Illinois College) in work environment. Assigned to the 114th
Signal Battalion's 55th Signal Company
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) (Combat Camera) after completing combat
E–5 Combat Documentation/Production Specialist documentation/production specialist AIT.
AIT, Information Security Orientation, Spent ten weeks in Afghanistan with the 2 nd
Department of Defense Information Assurance Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment (Light),
Awareness Course, Insider Threat Course, Air documenting the unit's initial forays into
Assault School, Basic Airborne School, Combat Taliban-controlled territory in 2006, engaging
Lifesaver Course, SERE Level-C Training, in close quarters combat on occasion.
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic Attached to the 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Fast Regiment (Airborne) in 2007, capturing for
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master posterity images of ISAF forces conducting
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation combat and humanitarian missions. Familiar
Operations Course, Weapons Intelligence with most COTS analog and digital still and
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification motion cameras, trained in the use and basic
Training upkeep of all standard DoD-issue analog
and digital still and motion cameras, portable
power generation equipment, and electronic/
film-based image processing, editing, and
printing software and equipment.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Millman, Peter R. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 5-Mountain, Born in the Midwest, family moved to
TIGER Detachment) Tacoma, Washington when he was eight. A
DOB highly successful insurance salesman in the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-09-08 Pacific Northwest before joining the military.
F Company (Pathfinder), 4th Battalion (Assault), It was joked in Seattle metropolitan area
POB insurance professional circles that he “could
101st Aviation Regiment (US Army)
St. Louis, Missouri, USA sell a term policy to a dead cow.” Well-liked
Post-Secondary Education and trusted in the community. Enlisted in the
Call-Sign Army in 2002 out of a sense of duty and
AAS in Business (Tacoma Community College)
Spearhead responsibility more than anything else.
Relevant Training (partial list) Assigned to F Company (Pathfinder), 4th
Pay-Grade Battalion (Assault), 101st Aviation Regiment
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air
E–6 Assault School, Pathfinder School, Combat in 2005. Deployed to Iraq later that year,
Lifesaver Course, Squad Designated conducted assault zone reconnaissance
Marksman Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master missions for air assault operations originating
Course, Rappel Master Course, Ranger primarily from Forward Operating Base
School, SERE Level-C Training, Individual Remagen on the outskirts of Tikrit. Returned
Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic Military to the United States in 2007. Eloquent and
Mountaineer Summer Course, Assault Climber persuasive in his speech but never insincere.
Summer Course, Collateral Damage Estimation A natural-born leader, but instinctively knows
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification when to defer to others.
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Morelli, Giacomo S. Transmission Operations Supervisor An avid electronics hobbyist since his early
(Communications Station 1, TIGER teens. Built a 386BSD-based personal
DOB Detachment) computer at the age of sixteen using parts
1977-10-01 bought with money earned from bagging and
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection delivering groceries. Joined the Army out of
POB high school in 1996, initially seeing it as a
Signal Detachment (Europe), 112th Special
Eugene, Oregon, USA Operations Signal Battalion, 528 th Sustainment means to earn money for college. Served as
Brigade (Airborne) (US Army) an infantryman with the 1st Battalion, 502nd
Call-Sign Infantry Regiment (Air Assault), taking part in
Post-Secondary Education hurricane relief operations in El Salvador and
BS in Physics, Applied Physics option (Oregon Nicaragua in 1998, deploying for six months
Pay-Grade State University) as a member of the American MFO
E–6 contingent in the Sinai Peninsula in 1999,
Relevant Training (partial list) and serving on an OPFOR and desert
Infantryman AIT, Basic Military Mountaineer warfare training rotation at the Fort Irwin
Summer Course, Basic Airborne School, Air National Training Center in 2000. Separated
Assault School, Pathfinder School, Radio from the service in early 2001. Received his
Operator-Maintainer AIT, Enhanced Position bachelor's degree in physics from Oregon
Location Reporting System (EPRLS) Net State in 2005, worked briefly as a university
Control Station Operator Course, Network laboratory assistant before re-enlisting in
Management (ENM) NCS-A Enhanced 2006. Joined the 112th Special Operations
Operator Course, SERE Level-C Training, Signal Battalion after graduating from Radio
White House Communications Agency Console Operator-Maintainer AIT, assigned to the
Control Operations Course, Department of battalion's European detachment. Supported
Defense Information Assurance Awareness ISAF and CJSOTF-A operations in eastern
Course, Individual Terrorism Awareness and northeastern Afghanistan throughout
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, 2008. Fluent in Italian, conversant in French
Rappel Master Course, Special Forces Basic (Metropolitan), Portuguese, and Spanish.
Combat Course-Support, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Moreno, Dillon L. Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent/Dynamic Youngest child of comfortably middle-class
Building Entry Technician-Explosives (HVT parents. Gave no indications at all that he
DOB Tracker Team 3, TIGER Detachment) was interested in a career in the military
1978-01-03 growing up, so it was a surprise to both
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection parents and his siblings when he joined the
POB Army almost immediately after graduating
58th Combat Engineer Company, Regimental
Los Angeles, California, USA Support Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry from UCLA in 2002. As a member of the 20th
Regiment (US Army) Engineer Brigade's 27th Engineer Battalion,
Call-Sign participated in combat patrols and mobility/
Post-Secondary Education countermobility operations in support of the
BA in Anthropology (UCLA) 101st Airborne Division in northern Iraq
Pay-Grade throughout 2003. Deployed to Afghanistan in
Relevant Training (partial list) 2006, where he worked and fought Taliban-
Combat Engineer AIT, Basic Airborne School, backed insurgents alongside CJSOTF-A and
Air Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer ISAF units. In 2007, transferred to the 58 th
Summer Course, Military Free Fall Parachutist Combat Engineer Company (“The Red
Course, Javelin Gunnery Course, Engineer Devils”), a combat engineer unit tasked with
Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent Course, supporting the 11th Armored Cavalry
Combat Lifesaver Course, Sapper Leader Regiment's OPFOR mission at the Ft. Irwin
Course, Ranger School, SERE Level-C National Training Center. Conducted
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness extensive self-directed studies in traditional
Course, Rappel Master Course, Fast Rope & Soviet Sapjornaja Armija (Sapper Army) and
SPIE Master Course, GIJOE Professional contemporary Russian military engineering
Qualification Training tactics and doctrine in preparation for his role
as a “Krasnovian” sapper. Used his
experiences in Southwest Asia to inform his
part in the “People's Parumphian Guerillas”
OPFOR unit as an insurgent specializing in
the use of IEDs and combat demolition.
Conversant in Persian (Dari, Farsi, and Tajiki
dialects), Russian, Spanish, and Tagalog. A
workhorse on and off the field, noted by
teammates to have a bizarre, almost morbid,
sense of humor.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Morgan, Mark Jr. Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft Pilot/Aircraft Graduated from the Air Force Academy in
Commander (Medium Fixed-Wing Utility Aircraft 1984. Assigned to the 354 th Tactical Fighter
DOB Team, STEEL Detachment) Wing based in Myrtle Beach. Flew A-10A
1961-03-12 Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft during
Employer prior to GIJOE selection
Bright Star exercises in Egypt in 1985 and
POB again in 1987. Transitioned to flying the AC-
Alenia North America, Inc.
Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA 130H Spectre gunship in 1989, flew close air
Post-Secondary Education support missions over Panama in support of
Call-Sign Operation Just Cause (1990) as a member
BS in Aeronautical Engineering (USAFA), MS in
Payload Flight Test Engineering, Experimental Test Pilot of the 16th Special Operations Squadron.
track (USAF Air University) Participated in Operation Desert Storm,
Pay-Grade engaged Iraqi heavy armor during the Battle
Relevant Training (partial list) of Khafji. Provided protection for UN relief
Initial Flight Screening, USAF Specialized convoys in Somalia, 1993–1994. Transferred
Undergraduate Training, Transitional and to the 310th Airlift Squadron in 1995, returned
Operational Flight Training (A-10A Thunderbolt to Panama, flying C-27A Spartan transports
II), Transitional and Operational Flight Training out of Howard Air Force Base on joint
(AC-130H Spectre), USAF Weapons School counter-narcotics and counterinsurgency
(AC-130H Spectre), Mission Qualification operations with the Panamanian Air Force.
Training (C-27A Spartan), Flight Commander Applied and was accepted into the USAF
Course, Mission Qualification Training (MC- Test Pilot School in 1998, graduated top of
130H Combat Talon II), Mission Qualification his class, 1999. Assigned to the to the 412 th
Training (AC-130U Spooky), Organizational Flight Test Wing, put MC-130H Combat
Leadership Course, Expeditionary Leadership Talon II and AC-130U Spooky aircraft
Course, Squadron Officer School, C-27J through their paces with the 418th Flight Test
Qualification Training (Alenia North America), Squadron from 2000 until his retirement from
GIJOE Basic Small Arms Proficiency for Non- the service, with the rank of lieutenant
Military Personnel Course, GIJOE Basic colonel, in 2004. Hired by Alenia North
Combatives for Non-Military Personnel Course, America in 2005 to serve as a consultant on
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training their C-27J Spartan program, then the
leading candidate for the Department of
Defense's Joint Cargo Aircraft requirement.
Worked as an instructor at the C-27J Joint
Cargo Aircraft Schoolhouse located at
Robins Air Base in early 2009.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Moore, Harlan W. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 6-Cold Weather, An alternate on the 1998 Winter Olympic
TIGER Detachment) Games US men's biathlon contingent, and a
DOB fourth place finisher in the 2000 and 2001
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-10-29 Biathlon World Championships individual
C Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501 st and sprint events. Feeling that he had
POB progressed in the sport as far as he could
Infantry Regiment (US Army)
Rutland, Vermont, USA under the national biathlon team's guidance,
Post-Secondary Education enlisted in the Army in 2001 in search of a
Call-Sign different approach to training, a development
BS in Statistics (University of Vermont)
Snow-Job welcomed by a US Army Recruiting
Relevant Training (partial list) Command looking to further raise the
Pay-Grade service's public profile and a national
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air
E–6 Assault School, NWTC Arctic Light Individual biathlon program desperate for its first
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Olympic medal. Participated in Operation
Course, Squad Designated Marksman Course, Avalanche, Operation Mountain Blizzard,
Combat Lifesaver Course, Basic Military and Operation Mountain Storm in
Mountaineer Winter Course, NWTC Cold Afghanistan's Paktika province as a member
Weather Leaders Course, MWTC Scout Skier of 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infantry
Course, Sniper School, Ranger School, Fast Regiment in 2003. Returned to Fort
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Richardson, Alaska with the rest of the 1-501
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual Infantry in the summer of 2004. To the
Terrorism Awareness Course, ISAF SOF consternation of USA Biathlon, re-enlisted in
Operations Course, GIJOE Professional 2005 and declined participation in the 2006
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical Winter Olympics altogether. Excelled during
Exploitation Operations Course sniper training, due in no small part to his
Olympic-level rifle marksmanship skills.
Deployed to Iraq in 2006, conducting full-
spectrum missions out of Forward Operating
Base Iskandariyah. Took part in contingency
operations in Al Anbar governorate in 2007.
Has a well-deserved reputation among his
GIJOE comrades as a prankster and
practical joker.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Morris, Earl S. Platoon Leader (Physical Security Operations Started his law enforcement career as a
Platoon Headquarters, STEEL Detachment) federal marshal with the US Marshals
DOB Service in 1997. Assigned to duties with the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-02-16 Federal Witness Protection Program before
Military Police Officer (USMC) attached to the joining the Service's full-time Special
POB Operations Group cadre stationed at the
US Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)
Chicago, Illinois, USA Contingency Response Field Office Marshals Service Tactical Operations Center
in 2000. Participated in a number of
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education interagency counter-narcotics operations
Bulletproof BS in Political Science (University of Illinois at along the US-Mexico border in 2001. Left the
Urbana-Champaign), Master of Systems US Marshals Service to enter Marine Corps
Pay-Grade Analysis (NPS) OCS in 2002, graduated at the top of his
O–3 class. Attached to the NCIS Contingency
Relevant Training (partial list) Response Field Office in 2004. Conversant
US Marshals Service Basic Training Program, in French (Metropolitan), Italian, and
US Marshals Service Protective Investigations Spanish. Highly discerning and observant,
Training, High Risk Warrant Service Course, possesses acutely honed survival instincts
Tactical Drug Law Enforcement Course, US eminently suited to overseeing personnel
Marshals Service Special Operations Group protection and physical security operations.
Qualification Course Advanced Airborne
Counterdrug Operations Training, Military
Police Officers Basic Course, Commercial
Vehicle Counterterrorism Training Program,
Critical Infrastructure Protection Training
Program, Reactive Shooting Instructor Training
Program, Vehicle Ambush Countermeasures
Training, Program Survival Shooting Training
Program, Protective Detail Refresher Program,
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Law Enforcement
Supervisor Leadership Training Program,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Morris, Lamont A. Scout-Observer/Cover Man (LRRS Team 3, Graduated cum laude from Columbia
TIGER Detachment) College Chicago with a bachelor's degree in
instrumental performance, specializing in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-05-21 classical guitar. Worked briefly writing jingles
C Company, 52nd Infantry Regiment (Anti-Tank) for a local advertising agency before
POB embarking on a career as a studio musician,
(US Army)
Chicago, Illinois, USA appearing on albums by prominent Chicago-
Post-Secondary Education based popular music acts. Found being a
Call-Sign work-for-hire musician to be unsatisfying on
BA in Instrumental Performance (Columbia
Heavy Duty College Chicago) an emotional, artistic, and economic level.
Enlisted in the Army in 2004. Assigned to the
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team's separate
E–5 Infantryman AIT, Stryker Transition Course, anti-tank company. Deployed to Iraq in 2006,
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Air served on a combat outpost near Iraq's
Assault School, Combat Lifesaver Course, border with Syria in the first few months of
Basic Airborne School, Fast Rope & SPIE his 15-month tour. Would take part in
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, SERE weapons cache raids in and around
Level-C Training, Anti-Armor Leaders Course, Baghdad during the latter portion of his
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Ranger deployment. Meticulous and detail-oriented,
School, GIJOE Professional Qualification approaches the work of a soldier with the
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation same creative passion and single-minded
Operations Course dedication he exhibits in his artistic
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Mulholland, Brian K. Deception Operations Chief-Counterintelligence Joined the Army in 1991. Assigned to the
(Tactical Deception Group Headquarters, C2E) 524th Military Intelligence Battalion and
stationed in South Korea after graduating
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1972-07-02 from intelligence analyst AIT. Re-classed as
Military Intelligence Company, Special Troops a counterintelligence agent in 1997. Served
POB on a twelve-month deployment in Iraq from
Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment (Airborne) (US
New York City, New York, USA Army) 2005 to 2006 as a member of Task Force
Mongoose. Made the move to the 75 th
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Ranger Regiment Special Troops Battalion's
Big Brawler BA in Psychology (University of Maryland Military Intelligence Company in early 2007.
University College Asia), AA in Korean Trained alongside elements of the 441 st
Pay-Grade (DLIFLC) Military intelligence Battalion (Forward
E–8 (MSG) Collection) at the Camp Gonsalves Jungle
Relevant Training (partial list) Warfare Training Center in Okinawa in 2008.
Intelligence Analyst AIT, Enhanced Tactical Fluent in Korean; conversant in Arabic
User Terminal Course, Collection Management- (Iraqi), Japanese, and Persian (Dari and
TENCAP System Specific Module, Intelligence Farsi dialects). A yi dan (second degree
in Combating Terrorism Course, Basic Airborne black belt) in Kukkiwon taekwondo, has also
School, Air Assault School, Counterintelligence received extensive training in muay thai and
Special Agent Course, Ranger Assessment & JJIF-rules Sport ju-jitsu.
Selection Program, Combat Lifesaver Course,
Defense Strategic Debriefing & Interrogation
Course, Defense Against Sound Equipment
Course, Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence
Course, Ranger School, SERE Level-C
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness
Course, JWTC Jungle Skills Course, JWTC
Jungle Endurance Course, Introduction to
Networks & Computer Hardware Course,
Counterintelligence in Cyber Space Course,
NATO SOF Intel Course, Battle Staff NCO
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course, NATO SOF Advanced Intel
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Nash, Clifton L. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 6-Cold Weather, Joined the Army in 2001, initially assigned to
TIGER Detachment) the 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry
Regiment. Participated in numerous OPFOR
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-07-17 exercises with light infantry and special
B Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501 st operations units in the Mojave desert area as
POB a member of the 1st Squadron's mechanized
Infantry Regiment (US Army)
Brownsville, Texas, USA infantry A Troop. Deployed to Baghdad in
Post-Secondary Education 2005, participating in full-spectrum missions
Call-Sign in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
AAS in Homeland Security and Emergency
Iceberg Management (Central Texas College-Fort Having had his fill of living, working, and
Richardson/Elmendorf AFB) fighting in arid environments, went out of his
Pay-Grade way to get assigned to a cold weather duty
Relevant Training (partial list) station upon extending his enlistment,
Infantryman AIT, Stryker Transition Course, eventually getting his wish by being sent to
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Air the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infantry
Assault School, Combat Lifesaver Course, Regiment, stationed at Fort Richardson,
Basic Military Mountaineer Winter Course, Alaska. Returned to Iraq in 2006, conducting
Basic Airborne School, NWTC Arctic Light security, direct action, and armed
Individual Course, NWTC Cold Weather reconnaissance missions out of Forward
Leaders Course, Ranger School, Fast Rope & Operating Base Iskandariyah. Took part in
SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Course, contingency operations in Al Anbar
SERE Level-C Training, Reconnaissance & governorate in 2007. Conversant in Spanish.
Surveillance Leaders Course, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Natale, Gregory M. LRRS Team Leader (LRRS Team 6-Cold Spent the bulk of his pre-GIJOE military
Weather, TIGER Detachment) career stationed in Alaska. Joined the Army
DOB out of high school in 1993, assigned to the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-01-11 1st Brigade, 6th Infantry Division (Light),
Training Branch, Northern Warfare Training staying with the unit through its 1998 re-
POB flagging as the 172nd Infantry Brigade
Center, 3rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, (US Army) (Separate) and posting at Fort Wainwright.
USA Attended the nearby University of Alaska-
Post-Secondary Education Fairbanks. Received his bachelor's degree in
Call-Sign 2002. Served on an extended 16-month
BS in Northern Studies, minor in Arctic Skills
Blizzard (University of Alaska-Fairbanks), AA in Russian deployment in Iraq from 2005 to 2006,
(DLIFLC) seeing combat numerous times in the
Pay-Grade greater Baghdad area. With the 172 nd
Relevant Training (partial list) Infantry Brigade's inactivation in December
Infantryman AIT, NWTC Arctic Light Individual of 2006, assigned to the US Army Northern
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Winter Warfare Training Center's Training Branch.
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Served as a Mobile Training Team instructor
Course, Basic Airborne School, Air Assault in JCET exercises with the Denmark's elite
School, Assault Climber Winter Course, Jægerkorpset in Greenland in 2008. Fluent
Combat Lifesaver Course, NWTC Cold in Central Alaskan Yup'ik and Russian;
Weather Leaders Course, MWTC Scout Skier conversant in Danish, Greenlandic
Course, Ranger School, Basic Instructor (Kalaallisut and Inuktun dialects), and
Course, Small Group Instructor Training Nunavut (Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun dialects).
Course, Patrol Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Outwardly grim and sullen except in the most
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, SERE unguarded situations. Physically and
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism mentally tough, totally dedicated to the craft
Awareness Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, of cold weather survival and the science of
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Course, cold region warfare.
Battle Damage Assessment Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
O'Hara, Shana M. Counterintelligence Technical Officer Father and three older brothers all martial
(Counterintelligence Team, SONIC arts instructors. Began serious martial arts
DOB Detachment) training at the age of eight, received her first
1975-11-05 degree black belt in Kukkiwon taekwondo at
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
age 16. Awarded the shodan rank in
POB Kodokan judo shortly after graduating from
A Company (CI/HUMINT), 524th Military
Atlanta, Georgia, USA Intelligence Battalion, 501st Military Intelligence high school. Received extensive training in
Brigade (US Army) the use of the Zhūgě nǔ (ancient Chinese
Call-Sign repeating crossbow) and sunogung
Post-Secondary Education (medieval Korean repeating crossbow).
BS in Computer and Information Science, Worked as a junior instructor in her father's
Pay-Grade minor in Asian Studies (University of Maryland martial arts studio before joining the Army as
W–2 University College Asia), AA in Arabic (DLIFLC) an enlisted intelligence analyst in 1997.
Initially assigned to the 532nd Military
Relevant Training (partial list) Intelligence Battalion stationed in Camp
Intelligence Analyst AIT, Enhanced Tactical Humphreys, South Korea. Re-classed as a
User Terminal Course, Collection Management- counterintelligence agent in 2001, re-
TENCAP System Specific Module, Basic assigned to A Company (CI/HUMINT), 524 th
Airborne School, Counterintelligence Special Military Intelligence Battalion. Took part in
Agent Course, Intelligence in Combating various counterintelligence operations near
Terrorism Course, Air Assault School, Defense the Korean DMZ in 2002 and 2004.
Strategic Debriefing & Interrogation Course, Conducted counterintelligence missions in
Defense Against Sound Equipment Course, Iraq in 2005 while assigned to the MNF-I
Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence Course, Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center at
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Camp Cropper. Received her warrant officer
Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, appointment in 2006. Fluent in Arabic
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, (Modern Standard and Iraqi), Japanese, and
Warrant Officer Candidate School, Korean; conversant in Mandarin (Standard
Counterintelligence Technician Warrant Officer dialect). Quick-thinking and resilient, able to
Basic Course, Introduction to Networks & deal with fast-moving, ambiguous, and
Computer Hardware Course, NATO SOF Intel unstructured situations; has maintained a
Course, Counterintelligence in Cyber Space healthy sense of humor despite the high
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation levels of stress associated with
Operations Course, NATO SOF Advanced Intel counterintelligence work.
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Owens, Cory R. Explosive Ordnance Disposal NCO (SSE Worked as a chemist for Kansas-based
Section, SONIC Detachment) smokeless small arms and artillery
DOB ammunition propellant maker the Hodgdon
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-03-28 Powder Company before enlisting in the
744th Ordnance Company, 63rd Ordnance Army in 2003. Joined the Ordnance Corps,
POB seeing it as a natural extension of his civilian
Battalion, 52nd Ordnance Group (EOD) (US
Wichita, Kansas, USA Army) career. Deployed to Iraq in 2005, providing
EOD services to units conducting security
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education operations in support of the country's
Lightfoot BS in Chemistry (Wichita State University) national elections. Sent to Afghanistan in
2007 as a member of a small EOD
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) detachment supporting ISAF operations in
E–5 EOD Specialist AIT, EOD Advanced Access & Kandahar province. Trained alongside
Disablement Course, EOD Advanced members of the British Army's 11 Explosive
Management & Technology Course, Technical Ordnance Disposal Regiment at the
Escort Course, Basic Airborne School, Air International School for Security and
Assault School, SERE Level-C Training, Explosives Education in Chilmark, Wiltshire,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, ISSEE England in 2008. An assiduous student of
IED Technician Course, ISSEE Weapons the science of bomb disposal; methodical
Intelligence Team Training/Joint IED and painstakingly precise in the execution of
Exploitation Course, ISSEE Booby Traps his duties.
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Paolino, Michelino J. Interrogation & Strategic Debriefing Supervisor The youngest son of Italian-American
(SSE Section, SONIC Detachment) parents; father a civil engineer, mother a
DOB music teacher. Enlisted in the Army in 2002
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-02-17 after graduating from Brown University.
C Company, 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, Initially trained as an intelligence analyst,
POB assigned to the 24th Military Intelligence
504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (US Army)
Parma, Ohio, USA Battalion. Re-classed as a HUMINT collector
Post-Secondary Education in 2006, transferred to the 504 th Battlefield
Call-Sign Surveillance Brigade's 163rd Military
BA in Psychology (Brown University), AA in
Faces Arabic (DLIFLC) Intelligence Battalion in 2007. Served on a
twelve month deployment in Iraq in 2008.
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Fluent in Arabic (Modern Standard and Iraqi),
E–6 Intelligence Analyst AIT, Enhanced Tactical French (Metropolitan), Italian, and Spanish;
User Terminal Course, Collection Management- conversant in German, Persian (Dari and
TENCAP System Specific Module, Intelligence Farsi dialects), and Portuguese. Cultivates
in Combating Terrorism Course, Human an amateur stand-up comedy act in his
Intelligence Collector AIT, Defense Strategic spare time, although his limited repertoire
Debriefing & Interrogation Course, Basic has yet to go beyond crude off-color humor
Airborne School, Air Assault School, SERE and uncannily accurate impressions of
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism celebrities.
Awareness Course, NATO SOF Intel Course,
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Operations
Course, NATO SOF Advanced Intel Course,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Parker, Blaine L. Digital Forensics Investigator (SSE Section, Joined the Army straight out of high school in
SONIC Detachment) 1986. Assigned to the 82nd Airborne
Division's 504th Infantry Regiment.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1968-11-10 Participated in combat operations in
Special Technical Operator (USMC) attached to Honduras during Operation Golden
POB Pheasant (1988) and in Panama during
the Defense Criminal Investigative Service
Phoenix, Arizona, USA (DCIS) Southwest Field Office Operation Just Cause (1989). Went to MIT
after fulfilling his active duty terms of service,
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education graduating with a degree in computer
Mainframe BS in Computer Science and Engineering (MIT) science and engineering in 1994. Spent the
latter half of the 1990s working as one of the
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) top programmers-for-hire in Silicon Valley. By
E–6 Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic 2000, found himself bored with the corporate
Airborne School, Data Network Specialist grind and decided to return to the military,
Course, Defense Message System Course, taking the unorthodox but not-unheard-of
Tactical Data Systems Supervisor Course, option of joining the Marines as a non-
Advanced Personnel Administration Course, Marine prior-service enlistee. Breezed
Information Security Orientation, Department of through Marine combat training and data
Defense Information Assurance Awareness network specialist training. A member of the
Course, Insider Threat Course, USMC Network Marine Corps Intelligence Activity's
Operations Program training, Information Cryptologic Support Battalion from 1998 to
Assurance Manager Course, Information 2005. Attached to the DCIS Southwest Field
Assurance Technician Course, SERE Level-C Office as a Special Technical Operator in
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness 2006. Digital forensic evidence he helped
Course, Information Systems Security gather throughout 2007 and 2008 was
Professional Certificate, System Administrator instrumental in the 2009 indictment of a spy
Certificate, Certified Ethical Hacker Program, caught attempting to acquire sensitive
Managing Computer Investigations Course, military and NSA-encryption gear from on-
Advanced Log Analysis Course, Network line auction and shopping website eBay.
Exploitation Techniques Course, GIJOE Conversant in Spanish. An avid NBA fan,
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF runs a fantasy basketball league in his spare
Technical Exploitation Operations Course time. Affable and genuinely humble,
teammates and superiors alike are
sometimes inclined to forget that he has put
in his time as an elite front-line fighter.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Perlmutter, Stanley J. Tracking Dog Handler (HVT Tracker Team 3, Spent five years working as a corrections
TIGER Detachment) officer and sentry dog handler at the
DOB Middlesex County Adult Correctional Facility
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-09-25 in North Brunswick, New Jersey. Led a
108th Military Police Company (Air Assault) volunteer K-9 team in search of survivors in
POB the ruins of the World Trade Center after the
(Airborne), 503rd Military Police Battalion, 16th
Iselin, New Jersey, USA Military Police Brigade (Airborne) (US Army) September 11, 2001 attacks. Joined the
Army later that year. Deployed to Bagram Air
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Base in Afghanistan as a member of the 65th
Mutt AS in Criminal Justice, Correction Military Police Company (Airborne) in 2003,
Administration option (Middlesex County where he served as a military working dog
Pay-Grade College) handler until 2005. Transferred to the 108 th
E–6 Military Police Company (Air Assault)
Relevant Training (partial list) (Airborne) in 2006. Designated company
Correction Administration Certification kennel master in 2007. Participated in inter-
(Middlesex County College) Law Enforcement service cross-training exercises with USMC
Survival Spanish Training Program, CBP-CETC personnel stationed at Camp Gonsalves,
Basic Narcotic Detection Course LE, CBP- Okinawa in 2008. Returned to Afghanistan
CETC Passenger Processing Course LE, later that year as part of a Provincial-Police
Military Police AIT, Air Assault School, Basic Mentor Team tasked with training Afghan
Airborne School, Military Working Dog Handler National Police units in Kandahar province.
Course, Combined Detector Dog Handlers Conversant in Persian (Dari and Farsi
Course Backcountry Tactics & Tracking Course, dialects) and Spanish. Possesses an innate,
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel almost instinctive, capability for establishing
Master Course, Military Police Investigator rapport with animals, so much so that
Course, Conventional Physical Security teammates sometimes think he prefers
Course, Protective Service Training Course, canine company over human socialization.
High Risk Personnel Security Course, SERE
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Military Working Dog
Trainer/Kennel Master Course, Basic Military
Mountaineer Summer Course, Combat
Lifesaver Course, Suicide Bomber Mitigation
Training Program, JWTC Combat Tracking
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Pidel, Martin A. Digital Forensics Investigator (SSE Section, Born in Yonkers to second-generation nipo-
SONIC Detachment) brasileiro parents. Precociously articulate as
a child. Skipped two grades in elementary
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1982-10-03 school. Entered MIT at the age of 16. As a
Office of Special Investigations Detachment collegiate wrestler in the 141 lbs. weight
POB class, won All-American honors in his senior
624, Kadena Air Base (USAF)
Yonkers, New York, USA year. Turned down numerous lucrative job
Post-Secondary Education offers in the software industry after
Call-Sign graduating magna cum laude in 2002 and
BS in Computer Science and Engineering (MIT)
Hard Drive joined the Air Force as an enlisted network
Relevant Training (partial list) intelligence analyst. Joined the Air Force
Pay-Grade Office of Special Investigations in 2007,
First Responder Certification (Massachusetts
E–6 Emergency Care Training Agency), Basic assigned to the Kadena Air Base OSI
Network Intelligence Analysis Course, Detachment in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
Information Security Orientation, Department of later that same year. Fluent in Portuguese,
Defense Information Assurance Awareness conversant in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin,
Course, Certified Ethical Hacker Program, and Spanish. A polymath in the classic
Insider Threat Course, Special Investigators sense, constantly seeks to increase his
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual knowledge of the world around him, improve
Terrorism Awareness Course, Advanced Log his physical abilities, and broaden his socio-
Analysis Course, Network Exploitation cultural perspectives.
Techniques Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Pine, Albert M. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 5-Mountain, Took up mountaineering and rock climbing
TIGER Detachment) during college and continued as a
DOB recreational climber during his short tenure
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-01-21 as an accountant for Ballantine Books, even
B Company, 1st Battalion (Light), 87th Infantry competing in a number of UIAA-sanctioned
POB mountaineering and rock climbing events.
Regiment (US Army)
Minidoka, Idaho, USA Joined the Army in 2001, assigned to the 1st
Post-Secondary Education Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infantry Regiment.
Call-Sign Deployed to Afghanistan in 2003, taking part
BS in Accounting (University of Idaho)
Alpine in armed reconnaissance and manhunt
Relevant Training (partial list) operations against Taliban-backed forces
Pay-Grade and armed smugglers in the harsh
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Basic
E–6 Military Mountaineer Summer Course, ISAF mountainous terrain of Paktika province.
SOF Operations Course, Air Assault School, Transferred to the 1st Battalion (Light), 87th
Combat Lifesaver Course, NWTC Arctic Light Infantry Regiment in 2006. Sent to Iraq in
Individual Course, Basic Military Mountaineer 2007 on a year-long deployment in the
Winter Course, Assault Climber Summer Kirkuk governorate performing full-spectrum
Course, Assault Climber Winter Course, Fast operations from Forward Operating Base
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Light Leaders Warrior and Kirkuk Air Base. Holds the
Course, Rappel Master Course, Basic unofficial Ranger School Mountain Phase
Instructor Course, Ranger School, record for the fastest unassisted Yonah
Reconnaissance & Surveillance Leaders Mountain ascent. Conversant in French
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual (Metropolitan) and German. Genuinely
Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE friendly and approachable, always ready with
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF a humorous anecdote or an uplifting word.
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Price, Daniel W. CBRN Reconnaissance Scout (SSE Section, Worked as a garbage collector for Newark's
SONIC Detachment) Division of Sanitation before deciding to
DOB enlist in the Army in 2001. Initially trained as
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-08-19 a topographic surveyor, assigned to the 30 th
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Engineer Battalion (Topographic) (Airborne).
POB Deployed to Iraq in 2004, worked alongside
Special Troops Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division
Elizabeth, New Jersey, USA 1st Brigade Combat Team (US Army) E Company (LRS) (Airborne) of the now-
inactive 313th Military Intelligence Battalion in
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education support of 82nd Airborne Division operations.
Clean Sweep BS in Chemistry (Campbell University) Re-classed as a CBRN specialist in 2006.
Joined the 82nd Airborne Division's 1st
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Brigade Combat Team Special Troops
E–6 Topographic Surveyor AIT, Basic Airborne Battalion, where he was assigned to the
School, Air Assault School, CBRN Specialist headquarters and headquarters company's
AIT, Technical Escort Course, NBC CBRN reconnaissance platoon. Returned to
Reconnaissance Course, Biological Integrated Iraq in 2007, his tour extending well into
Detection Systems Course, Field Identification 2008.
of Biological Warfare Agents Course, Joint
Biological Agent Identification and Diagnostic
System Course, Master Fox Scout Course,
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Combat Lifesaver Course,
Field Management of Chemical & Biological
Casualties Course, Ranger School, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Provost, Philip M. Criminal Anti-Terrorism Investigator (SSE Worked as a freelance insurance fraud
Section, SONIC Detachment) investigator in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
DOB before joining the Army in 1997. Started his
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1970-11-29 military career as an MP with the 108 th
87th Military Police Detachment, 10th Military Military Police Company (Air Assault)
POB (Airborne), re-trained as a CID special agent
Police Battalion (CID) (Airborne), 3rd Military
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA Police Group (CID) (US Army) in 2002. Performed force protection and
criminal anti-terrorism operations in support
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education of Task Force Devil in Afghanistan
Chuckles AS in Criminal Justice (Broward Community throughout 2003 as a member of the 87 th
College), BA in Criminology, minor in Forensic Military Police Detachment, 10th Military
Pay-Grade Science (UNC-Wilmington) Police Battalion (CID) (Airborne). In 2004,
W–2 sent to Iraq to conduct investigations into
Relevant Training (partial list) various offenses allegedly perpetrated by
Military Police AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air American soldiers ranging from desertion,
Assault School, Traffic Management and fraud, robbery, murder, and sexual assault.
Accident Investigation Course, Military Police Received his warrant officer appointment in
Investigator Course, Conventional Physical 2006. In 2007, attached to the 82 nd Airborne
Security Course, Criminal Investigation Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team's Special
Apprentice Special Agent Course, Domestic Weapons Exploitation Team, taking part in
Violence Investigative Techniques Course, sensitive site exploitation operations
Child Abuse Prevention and Investigative throughout the 1/82 Airborne's area of
Techniques Course, Interviews & Interrogations responsibility in northern Iraq. Received his
Course, Fraud Investigation Course, Crime bachelor's degree from UNC-Wilmington in
Scene Reconstruction Course, Cold Case 2009. Fluent in Arabic (Modern Standard and
Seminar, Criminal Investigative Techniques Iraqi), Persian (Dari, Farsi, and Tajiki
Course, Homicide Investigation Course, dialects), and Spanish; conversant in
Advanced Interviews and Interrogations Hebrew, Portuguese, and Russian. A “man's
Course, Warrant Officer Candidate School, CID man” by most definitions of the phrase.
Warrant Officer Basic Course, Procurement Confident but unpretentious, tough but
Fraud Investigation Training Program, SERE adaptable, easygoing but never heedless.
Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism Possesses a disarmingly jocular disposition
Awareness Course, Weapons Intelligence that cloaks an uncompromising dedication to
Course, Criminal Anti-terrorism & Police seeing justice served.
Intelligence Management Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Pulaski, Ralph W. Detachment Commander (Detachment Comes from a blue-collar working class
Command Team, TIGER Detachment) background. Put himself through college on
DOB an ROTC scholarship and work as a heavy
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1972-08-20 equipment operator. Commissioned as an
B Troop (LRS) (Airborne), 2nd Battalion, 38th Armor officer in 1997, assigned to the 1 st
POB Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment. Led a
Cavalry Regiment, 504th Battlefield Surveillance
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Brigade (US Army) cavalry scout platoon during ARFOR-T's
extended 500 mile route reconnaissance of
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education southeastern Turkey and the Turkey-Iraq
Steeler BS in Mechanical Engineering and Applied border in late 2002. In 2004, participated in
Mechanics (University of Pennsylvania); Master operations around the Iraqi city of Tikrit as
Pay-Grade of Business Administration, Management part of Task Force Danger. Took part in joint
O–4 concentration (University of Mary Hardin- training exercises with elements of
Baylor) Germany's KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte at
the (formerly known as the NATO LRRP
Relevant Training (partial list) School) in 2005. With the 1-4 Cavalry's
Armor Officer Basic Course, Basic Airborne inactivation in 2006, reassigned to the 504 th
School, Javelin Gunnery Course, M2/M3 Battlefield Surveillance Brigade's Long
Fighting Vehicle Commanders Course, Scout Range Surveillance Troop. Returned to Iraq
Leaders Course, Air Assault School, Combat in 2008, taking part in security and
Lifesaver Course, Basic Military Mountaineer reconnaissance and surveillance operations
Summer Course, Tactical Intelligence in Ninawa governorate. Fluent in Polish,
Familiarization Course, Pathfinder School, conversant in Arabic (Modern Standard and
Ranger School, Joint Fires Observer Course, Iraqi), German, and Turkish. Fiercely
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel intelligent, intrepid, and outspoken;
Master Course, Patrol Course, Armor Captains characteristics that have had him clashing
Career Course, Sniper Employment Leaders with higher-ranking officers on more than
Course, Tactical Information Operations one occasion. Nevertheless, his GIJOE
Course, Contemporary Insurgent Warfare superiors have learned to trust his judgment
Course, SERE Level-C Training, Individual in tactical matters given his proven record in
Terrorism Awareness Course, NATO SOF the field.
Technical Exploitation Operations Course,
Command & General Staff School, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, Joint
Special Operations Warfighter Certification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Ram, Chakradhar Parachute Rigging Supervisor (Parachute Got into skydiving and paragliding in high
Rigging Team, STEEL Detachment) school. Earned his skydiving “A” license at
DOB the age of 18. Qualified as a USPA-certified
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-04-04 coach less than two years later. Continued to
Rigger Detachment, Brigade Troops Battalion, engage in recreational skydiving and
POB paragliding while working as a junior
528th Sustainment Brigade (Airborne) (US
San Diego, California, USA Army) marketing executive for a San Diego-based
sporting goods company. Burnt out on the
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education corporate rat race at the age of 27, decided
Cloudburst BA in Marketing (San Diego State University) to turn his passion for parachuting into a full-
time career. Enlisted in the Army to become
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) a parachute rigger in 2002, assigned to the
E–6 United States Parachute Association Coach 612th Quartermaster Company (Aerial
Rating Course, United States Parachute Delivery) after completing parachute rigger
Association Tandem Instructor Course, United AIT. Deployed to Iraq in 2003 in support of
States Parachute Association Accelerated Free Operation Iraqi Freedom. Would contribute
Fall Instructor Course, Parachute Rigger AIT, to aerial delivery humanitarian relief efforts in
Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, the wake of Hurricane Katrina's lashing of
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic the Gulf Coast in 2005.Joined the 528 th
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Fast Sustainment Brigade's Rigger Detachment in
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master 2006. Participated in a number of aerial
Course, Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, delivery activities supporting US Army
Special Forces Basic Combat Course-Support, Special Forces elements operating in
Static-Line Jumpmaster Course, GIJOE Afghanistan, 2007–2009. Conversant in
Professional Qualification Training Hindi-Urdu (Standard Hindi dialect).
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Renwick, Richard Motor Vehicle Maintenance Section Chief Joined the Army in 1995. Assigned to the 3 rd
(Motor Vehicle Maintenance Section, STEEL Infantry Division's 3rd Forward Support
DOB Detachment) Battalion after completing Bradley Fighting
1975-04-18 Vehicle System Maintainer AIT. Sent to Iraq
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
in the summer of 2003, supporting elements
POB Maintenance Troop, Regimental Support of the 3rd Infantry Division in Baghdad during
South Bend, Indiana, USA Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment (US the opening stages of Operation Iraqi
Army) Freedom. Re-classed as a wheel vehicle
Call-Sign mechanic in 2006, transferred to the Vilseck,
Post-Secondary Education
Dodger Germany-based 2nd Stryker Cavalry
BS in Management Studies (University of Regiment's Regimental Support Squadron.
Pay-Grade Maryland University College Europe) Sent to Iraq in 2007 on a 15 month
E–7 deployment in the Baghdad and Diyala
Relevant Training (partial list) governorates supporting the Regiment's
Bradley Fighting Vehicle System Maintainer mechanized infantry squadrons. His
AIT, Track Vehicle Recovery Specialist Course, unparalleled practical expertise in the
Basic Airborne School, Air Assault School, workings of all manner of standard and non-
M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Multi-capable standard tactical vehicle systems makes him
Maintainer Course, Wheel Vehicle Mechanic a valuable asset during extended incursions
AIT, Automotive Electrical Systems Repair into foreign and/or hostile territory.
Course, Defense Hazardous Materials/Waste
Handling Course, Mechanical Maintenance
NCO Common Core Course, Stryker Armored
Vehicle Operations/Maintenance New
Equipment/Organizational Training, Support
Operations Course Phase I, Wheel Vehicle
Recovery Specialist Course, Support
Operations Course Phase II, Mechanical
Maintenance Senior NCO Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Rich, Kenneth D. Military Deception Officer (Tactical Deception Rose to prominence in the academic
Group Headquarters, C2E) community as an undergraduate with his
DOB groundbreaking work on the application of
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection stochastic modeling in the analysis and
Joint Information Operations Warfare Center prediction of pathological criminal and
POB terrorist behavior. Joined the Army in 1997
San Francisco, California, USA upon his acceptance into the Uniformed
Post-Secondary Education Services University of the Health Sciences'
Call-Sign Military Clinical Psychology Program.
BA in Psychology (UC-Berkeley); PhD in
Psyche-Out Clinical Psychology, Military Psychology track Continued to pursue his interest in the study
(Uniformed Services University of the Health of behavioral disorders in graduate school,
Pay-Grade Sciences); AA in Farsi (DLIFLC) culminating in his doctoral dissertation
O–4 entitled “The Incidence and Relationship of
Relevant Training (partial list) Audio Sensory Confusion and Induced
AMEDD Officer Basic Leaders Course, AMEDD Paranoid Disorder in Enemy Combatants”.
Captains Career Course, Basic Airborne Worked briefly as an assistant professor at
School, Air Assault School, PSYOP Officer the school's Medical and Clinical Psychology
Qualification Course, Tactical Information Department. Served as a technical
Operations Course, Military Deception consultant with the LRAD Corporation
Planner’s Course, Joint Special Operations (formerly known as the American Technology
Collaborative Planning Course, Joint Special Corporation), provided expert opinions on
Operations Advanced Planning Applications the possible military applications for their
Course, Air Assault School, Joint Special man-portable long-range acoustic devices,
Operations Staff Officer Course, Tactical particularly in tactical psychological
Information Operations Course, Joint operations. Found the the classroom and the
Information Warfare Staff and Operations laboratory as insufficient proving grounds for
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation his theories. Joined the 4th PSYOP Group's
Operations Course, Joint Special Operations Target Audience Analysis Detachment in
Warfighter Certification, GIJOE Professional 2004. Transferred to USSTRATCOM's Joint
Qualification Training Information Operations Warfare Center in
2007. Fluent in Persian (Dari, Farsi, and
Tajiki dialects), conversant in French
(Metropolitan), Russian, and Spanish.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Riley, Thomas P. Scout-Observer/Commando Mortarman (LRRS Excelled in athletics in high school, entered
Team 2, TIGER Detachment) Cleveland State University on an athletic
DOB scholarship. Was the starting point guard for
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-10-07 the CSU Vikings basketball team for all four
B Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment years of his post-secondary education,
POB setting the school record for career free-
(Airborne) (US Army)
Cleveland, Ohio, USA throw percentage and three-pointers made
Post-Secondary Education and attempted. Played professional
Call-Sign basketball in Russia after graduating from
BS in Allied Sports Professions, Sport Manager
Downtown specialization (Cleveland State University) university, spending two seasons with the
Russian Basketball Super League's BC
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Khimki Moscow Oblast team as a key
E–6 Indirect Fire Infantryman AIT, Air Assault reserve. Returned to the United States after
School, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer his contract expired. Joined the Army in
Course, Ranger Assessment & Selection 2001, initially assigned to the 1 st Squadron,
Program, Basic Airborne School, Combat 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Participated
Lifesaver Course, Ranger School, Infantry in numerous OPFOR exercises with light
Mortar Leaders Course, SERE Level-C infantry and special operations units in the
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness Mojave desert area as a member of the 1 st
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Squadron's mechanized infantry A Troop.
Rappel Master Course, GIJOE Professional Deployed to Baghdad in 2005, participating
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical in full-spectrum missions in support of
Exploitation Operations Course Operation Iraqi Freedom. Cross-trained with
British Army and Bulgarian Army MNF-I
personnel in the use of the 51 mm and 60
mm commando mortars. Honed his skills in
the use of the weapon as a member of the
OPFOR Hellfighter Troop's mortar platoon at
the National Training Center in Fort Irwin.
Joined the 75th Ranger Regiment (Airborne)
in 2007, deployed to Afghanistan in 2008
and 2009. Conversant in Russian.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Ritchie, Michael P. Combat Observer/Joint Fires Observer Enlisted in the Army in 2002, began his
(Combat Observation & Lasing Team, TIGER military career as a fire control repairer with
DOB Detachment) the 82nd Sustainment Brigade's 659th
1983-07-23 Maintenance Company, where he
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
demonstrated a knack for repairing and
POB calibrating laser rangefinders, target
A Company, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Regiment (Airborne) (US Army) designators, and other associated fire control
equipment. Re-classed as a fire support
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education specialist and assigned to the 173rd Airborne
Red Spot AAS in Technical Studies, Electronic/ Brigade Combat Team as a forward observer
Instrumentation Technologies specialization in 2006. Deployed to Afghanistan in 2007. An
Pay-Grade (Excelsior College-Fort Bragg) exceptionally quick study, absorbs
E–5 information in the classroom and on the field
Relevant Training (partial list) like a sponge takes up water.
Fire Control Repairer AIT, Basic Airborne
School, Air Assault School, Fire Support
Specialist AIT, Advanced Field Artillery Tactical
Data System (AFATDS) Transition Course,
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course,
Combat Lifesaver Course, Joint Fires Observer
Course, Ranger School, Fast Rope & SPIE
Master Course, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Rappel
Master Course, Tactical Information Operations
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Rossi , Thomas (III) R. Transmission Operations Supervisor A popular Boston-area deep house and
(Communications Station 2, TIGER liquid funk DJ the during the late 1990s. By
DOB Detachment) mid-2001, found himself tired of the constant
1974-12-23 grind of professional disc-jockeying and
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection disillusioned by the depthless frivolity of the
POB New England nightclub scene, a feeling
268th Network Support Company (Signals),
Providence, Rhode Island, USA 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (US Army) further reinforced by the September 11, 2001
terrorist attacks. Joined the Army in 2002.
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Initially trained as an infantryman, assigned
Dee-Jay AA in Fine Arts, Music Arts concentration to the 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment
(Quincy College) (Air Assault). Fought against Iraqi Special
Pay-Grade Republican Guard forces in Baghdad during
Relevant Training (partial list) the opening stages of Operation Iraqi
Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air Freedom in 2003. Returned to Iraq in 2005
Assault School, Radio Operator-Maintainer AIT, for a year long deployment, participating in
Enhanced Position Location Reporting System full-spectrum missions from Forward
(EPRLS) Net Control Station Operator Course, Operating Base Falcon and later, Forward
Network Management (ENM) NCS-A Enhanced Operating Base Brassfield-Mora. Re-trained
Operator Course, SERE Level-C Training,, as a radio operator-maintainer in 2006,
White House Communications Agency Console assigned to the 504th Battlefield Surveillance
Control Operations Course Department of Brigade's 268th Network Support Company
Defense Information Assurance Awareness (Signals) in 2007.
Course, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer
Course, Individual Terrorism Awareness
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course,
Rappel Master Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Sanders, Bradley J. Supply Operations Supervisor (Detachment At 6'8” (203.2 cm), is easily the tallest
Command Team, TIGER Detachment) member of the GIJOE team. A highly
DOB recruited basketball prospect coming out of
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-01-11 high school, entered USC on an basketball
Group Support Company, 3rd Special Forces scholarship. Led the school's basketball
POB squad in scoring and assists during his junior
Group (Airborne) (US Army)
Chicago, Illinois, USA year, taking the Trojans to their first NCAA
Post-Secondary Education tournament appearance in five years.
Call-Sign Bypassed the 1997 NBA draft in the hopes of
BS in Business Administration, Management
Big Lob and Organization concentration (University of mounting another NCAA tournament
Southern California) campaign. Injured his knee at the beginning
Pay-Grade of his senior year and sat out the rest of the
Relevant Training (partial list) season after undergoing surgery. Went
Unit Supply Specialist AIT, Standard Property undrafted in the 1998 NBA draft (scouting
Book System (SPBS) Course, Standard reports cite concerns by NBA general
Property Book System-Redesign (SPBS-R) managers over potential lingering effects of
Course, Basic Airborne School, Combat his knee injury). Signed by the Vancouver
Lifesaver Course, Air Assault School, Special Grizzlies to a series of 10-day contracts
Forces Basic Combat Course-Support, Basic halfway through the 1998-1999 NBA season.
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Went to Italy in 1999 to play for Kinder
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Fast Bologna. A growing concern with the turmoil
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master both abroad and in the US led him to enlist in
Course, Operational Contract Support Course, the Army in 2002. Assigned to the 507 th
Installation Logistics Management Course, Maintenance Company after graduating from
Defense Distribution Management Course, unit supply specialist AIT, took part in the
SERE Level-C Training, GIJOE Professional Battle of Nasiriyah in Iraq in 2003. Joined the
Qualification Training 3rd Special Forces Group's Group Support
Company in 2005. Assigned to the Task
Force 31 Forward Logistics Element in 2006,
taking part in combat logistics operations in
support of Operation Medusa in Afghanistan.
Worked alongside Canadian Forces combat
logistics elements in Kandahar province
during Operation Falcon Summit later that
same year. Conversant in Italian and
Spanish. Runs an annual summer basketball
camp in Chicago for the children of veterans.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Schnurr, Kurt CBRN Reconnaissance Scout (SSE Section, Enlisted in the Army in 2001, initially trained
SONIC Detachment) as an ammunition specialist, assigned to the
68th Corps Support Battalion's 60th Ordnance
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-04-01 Company (Ammunition). Deployed to Kuwait
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, in 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi
POB Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Special Troops Battalion, 173rd Airborne
New Haven, Connecticut, USA Brigade Combat Team (US Army) Deployed to the notorious “Sunni Triangle” in
2004 to support MNF-I operations in
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education Baghdad governorate. Helped train local
Airtight AS in Chemistry (Pikes Peak Community forces in basic security, patrolling, and
College), BS in General Studies, Mathematics logistics tasks. Re-classed as a CBRN
Pay-Grade focus (University of Maryland University College specialist in 2006. Joined the 173 rd Airborne
E–6 Europe) Brigade Combat Team Special Troops
Battalion, assigned to the headquarters and
Relevant Training (partial list) headquarters company's CBRN recon
Ammunition Specialist AIT, Defense Hazardous platoon. Fought Taliban-led insurgents and
Materials/Waste Handling Course, Basic performed CBRN reconnaissance activities
Airborne School, Air Assault School, CBRN in Afghanistan's Hindu Kush mountains
Specialist AIT, Technical Escort Course, NBC during Operation Rock Avalanche (2007). An
Reconnaissance Course, Biological Integrated avid toy collector since childhood. Spends
Detection Systems Course, Field Identification much of his free time practicing his amateur
of Biological Warfare Agents Course, Joint prop-based stand-up comedy act in front
Biological Agent Identification and Diagnostic (and much to the chagrin) of obliging
System Course, Master Fox Scout Course, teammates.
SERE Level-C Training, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Pandemics and
Bioterrorism Short Course (MIT Professional
Institute), Combat Lifesaver Course, Field
Management of Chemical & Biological
Casualties Course, Ranger School, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Scott, Brent Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 5-Mountain, Orphaned at the age of three by a drunk
TIGER Detachment) driver. Grew up in a county institution from
DOB which he escaped with alarming regularity.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1982-02-10 Went from the custody of the county directly
A Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry into the Army, enlisting at the age of 18 in
POB 2000. Assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 504th
Regiment (Light) (US Army)
Sioux City, Iowa, USA Infantry Regiment (Airborne). Deployed to
Post-Secondary Education Afghanistan in 2003, participating in full-
Call-Sign spectrum operations alongside conventional
BA in Historical Studies, Military History
Hit 'n' Run concentration (Empire State College) ISAF forces out of Bagram Air Base. Re-
assigned to 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Regiment (Light) in early 2005. Stationed in
E–6 Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air Baghdad governorate from August 2005
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer through the summer of 2006. Participated in
Summer Course, ISAF SOF Operations numerous air assault operations, weapons
Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, Basic cache search missions, Iraqi Security Forces
Military Mountaineer Winter Course, Assault training exercises, and humanitarian relief
Climber Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE operations. Returned to Iraq for a second
Master Course, Light Leaders Course, Rappel tour in 2007. Managed to convert his military
Master Course, Basic Instructor Course, experience into significant college credit via
Ranger School, Reconnaissance & the Army/American Council on Education
Surveillance Leaders Course, SERE Level-C Registry Transcript System, enabling him to
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness earn his bachelor's degree in historical
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification studies in 2009 primarily through part-time
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation classroom instruction and distance learning
Operations Course initiatives. Well-read and articulate,
circumspect in his day-to-day dealings.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Scott, Eric U. Driver (Office of the Director, C2E) Began his military career in 2003 as a
chaplain assistant assigned to the 2nd
DOB Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
Battalion, 504th Infantry Regiment. Deployed
1981-02-13 627th Transportation Detachment, 39th to Afghanistan in 2004. Re-classed as a
Transportation Battalion (Movement Control), motor transport operator in 2007, assigned
16th Sustainment Brigade (US Army) to the 39th Transportation Battalion
Northampton, Massachusetts, (Movement Control). Sent to Iraq later that
Post-Secondary Education same year as a member of the 627 th
AA in Business and Management (University of Transportation Detachment (Movement
Call-Sign Control Team). Plainspoken and always
Maryland College Europe)
Wild Card moves with an abrupt sense of purpose,
Relevant Training (partial list) characteristics which contribute to the
Pay-Grade mistaken perception that he is socially inept
Chaplain Assistant AIT, Basic Airborne School,
E–5 Air Assault School, Emergency Medical Ministry and occasionally blunderous.
Course, Chapel Tithe and Offering Clerk
Course, Motor Transport Operator AIT, Basic
Freight Traffic Course, Installation Traffic
Management Course, Passenger Travel
Specialist Course, Camp Adder Combat
Logistical Patrol (CLP) Academy Training,
Battle Command Sustainment Support System
(BCS3) Training; Force XXI Battle Command,
Brigade-and-Below (FBCB2) Software
Familiarization Training; Air Assault School,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training, Anti-
terrorism Evasive Driving-Staff Driver Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Selkirk, Stuart R. LRRS Team Leader (LRRS Team 5-Mountain, Enlisted in the Army out of high school in
TIGER Detachment) 1990. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 502nd
Infantry Regiment (Air Assault). Deployed to
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1972-07-24 Panama in 1995 as part of the government's
C Company, 5th Ranger Training Battalion, response to the balseros crisis precipitated
POB by Cuban civil unrest. Separated from the
Ranger Training Brigade (US Army)
Big Piney, Wyoming, USA service in 1996. Worked for the Wyoming
Post-Secondary Education Game and Fish Department after receiving
Call-Sign his degree in rangeland ecology from the
BS in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed
Outback Management (University of Wyoming), AA in University of Wyoming in 2000. Re-enlisted
Arabic (DLIFLC) in 2002, joining the 3 rd Battalion, 75th Ranger
Pay-Grade Regiment (Airborne). Participated in
Relevant Training (partial list) numerous clandestine operations targeting
Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic Fedayeen Saddam irregulars and scattered
Airborne School, JOTC Jungle Warfare Course, remnants of the Iraqi Special Republican
Ranger Assessment & Selection Program, Guard in the Baghdad governorate's
Pathfinder School, Ranger School, Basic notorious “triangle of death” between 2003
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Fast and 2006. Conducted armed reconnaissance
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master missions and fought alongside ISAF SOF
Course, NWTC Arctic Light Individual Course, forces against Taliban insurgents in
Basic Military Mountaineer Winter Course, southeastern Afghanistan throughout 2007.
Assault Climber Summer Course, Assault Re-assigned to the 5th Ranger Training
Climber Winter Course, SERE Level-C Battalion, Ranger Training Brigade in 2008.
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness Fluent in Arabic (Modern Standard and Iraqi)
Course, Reconnaissance & Surveillance and Spanish, conversant in Czech, German,
Leaders Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, Persian (Dari and Farsi dialects), and
NWTC Cold Weather Leaders Course, Combat Slovak. A staunch conservationist, resolutely
Lifesaver Course, SERE Instructor Qualification believes in being a part of his natural
Course, Master Resilience Trainer Course, environment, not its adversary.
Battle Staff NCO Course, Battle Damage
Assessment Course, Collateral Damage
Estimation Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Seward, Farley S. Scout-Observer/OSV Driver (LRRS Team 6- Worked as an oil and gas inspector for three
Cold Weather, TIGER Detachment) years, driving up and down the entire 414
DOB mile-length of Alaska's Dalton Highway in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-05-16 arctic conditions surveying for problems like
C Troop, 1st Squadron (Airborne), 40th Cavalry leaks and pipe shifting on the Trans-Alaska
POB Pipeline System before deciding to join the
Regiment (US Army)
Galena, Alaska, USA Army in 2001. Started his military career as a
Post-Secondary Education motor transport operator assigned to the 3 rd
Call-Sign Maneuver Enhancement Brigade stationed
AAS in Process Technology (University of
Frostbite Alaska-Fairbanks/Tanana Valley Campus) at Fort Richardson. Re-classed as a cavalry
scout in late 2005 and joined 1st Squadron
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) (Airborne), 40th Cavalry Regiment, setting
E–6 Motor Transport Operator AIT, NWTC Arctic multiple record times for the 1.5 mile
Light Individual Course, Military Standard snowshoe march component of the unit's
Transportation and Movement Procedures unique, cold weather-oriented Cavalry
Course, MWTC OSV/Rough Terrain Driver Fitness Program. Deployed to Iraq in the fall
Training, Cavalry Scout AIT, Javelin Gunnery of 2006 for a 15 month-long tour.
Course, Basic Airborne School, Air Assault Participated in independent reconnaissance
School, Basic Military Mountaineer Winter and security missions in support of 25 th
Course, NWTC Cold Weather Leaders Course, Infantry Division operations in Babil, Karbala,
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel and Najaf governorates. Fought alongside
Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, reorganized Iraqi Army elements against
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Ranger insurgents in Arab Jabour during Operation
School, Bradley Master Gunner Course, GIJOE Marne Torch (2007). Composed and calm in
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF even the most dire of situations, traits he had
Technical Exploitation Operations Course to develop as a matter of course while living
and working in the harsh Alaskan wilderness.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Shannon, Carl G. Medium Fuel Tanker Operator (Motor Vehicle Worked for several years in the steel mills
Maintenance Section, STEEL Detachment) along Minnesota's Lake Superior coast after
DOB graduating from high school. Enlisted in the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1980-10-20 Army in 2004. Assigned to the 82nd
364th Quartermaster Company, 264th Combat Sustainment Brigade after completing
POB petroleum supply specialist AIT. Deployed to
Sustainment Support Battalion, 82nd
Blackduck, Minnesota, USA Sustainment Brigade (US Army) Afghanistan in 2005, where he participated
in operations supporting conventional and
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education special operations-capable ISAF units.
Charbroil AA in Business Administration (Campbell Deployed to Iraq in support of 82 nd Airborne
University) Division infantry elements, 2006–2007.
Pay-Grade Helped train Iraqi Army personnel in
Relevant Training (partial list) installation security and combat logistics
Petroleum Supply Specialist AIT, Petroleum operations throughout his tour in Iraq.
Vehicle Operator Course, Basic Airborne
School, Defense Hazardous Materials/Waste
Handling Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, Air
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer
Summer Course, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Camp Adder Combat
Logistical Patrol (CLP) Academy Training,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Sikorski, Victor W. Aeroscout Helicopter Pilot (Composite Aerial Was laboring as a payroll clerk at a
Reconnaissance Section, SONIC Detachment) retirement home with little chance of
DOB progressing into a higher paid position when
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-06-29 he got the idea to try out for the US Army's
B Troop, 1st Squadron, 6th Cavalry Regiment Flight Warrant Officer Program as a way to
POB introduce some positive economic and social
(US Army)
Lawton, Oklahoma, USA change in his life. Scored a 99 on the AFAST
Post-Secondary Education (Alternate Flight Aptitude Selection Test)
Call-Sign much to his (and his friends' and family's)
AAS in Applied Technology (Cameron
Lift-Ticket University) surprise. Assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 82nd
Aviation Regiment in 2004. Took part in
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) manned aerial reconnaissance operations in
W–2 Payroll Accounting Clerk Training (Great Plains direct support of DEA counter-narcotics
Technology Center), Warrant Officer Flight operations in the Caribbean in 2005.
Training Program, Advanced Helicopter Deployed to Iraq in 2006 for a tour in support
Ditching and Dunker Training, OH-58D Pilot of the 82nd Airborne Division. Joined the 6th
Qualification, UH-60A/L/M Pilot Qualification, Cavalry Regiment later that year. Returned
CH-47D Pilot Qualification, Basic Airborne to Iraq in 2007 as a member of the 1 st
School, Air Assault School, Fast Rope & SPIE Infantry Division (Mechanized) Combat
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, Aviation Brigade (“Demon Brigade”), flew
Survivability Equipment/Electronic Warfare OH-58D Kiowa Warriors out of Contingency
Officer Course, Aviation Warrant Officer Operating Base Speicher on observation and
Advanced Course, SERE Level-C Training, armed reconnaissance missions over
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, GIJOE sections of Salah ad Din governorate.
Professional Qualification Training Occasionally brash and brusque in his
manners but always well-intentioned.
Perceptive and cagey on and off the field.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Skoog, Tormod S. Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent/Dynamic Dropped out of Nile C. Kinnick High School
Building Entry Technician-Explosives (HVT in Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan (father is
DOB Tracker Team 1, TIGER Detachment) career Navy) during his senior year. Spent
1979-12-03 two years training to be a Zen Buddhist
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection monk at the Kenchō-ji temple in Kamakura
POB before deciding to return to the United
744th Ordnance Company, 63rd Ordnance
Hibbing, Minnesota, USA Battalion, 52nd Ordnance Group (EOD) (US States. Joined the Army in 2000 after
Army) earning his GED, jokingly claims to have
Call-Sign achieved Zen insight while undergoing
Post-Secondary Education M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel mine
AAS in Occupational Studies, Construction familiarization during basic training. Assigned
Pay-Grade Technology concentration (Austin Peay Center- to the 27th Engineer Battalion (Combat)
E–6 Fort Campbell) (Airborne) after graduating from combat
engineering AIT. Deployed to northern Iraq in
Relevant Training (partial list) 2003, participated in engineering support
Combat Engineer AIT, Basic Airborne School, operations backing up elements of the 101 st
Air Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer Airborne Division. Re-trained as an EOD
Summer Course, Engineer Explosive Ordnance specialist in 2006, joined the 63 rd Ordnance
Clearance Agent Course, Sapper Leader Battalion, 52nd Ordnance Group (EOD). Sent
Course, EOD Specialist AIT, EOD Advanced to Afghanistan in 2007 as a member of a
Access & Disablement Course, EOD Advanced small EOD detachment supporting ISAF
Management & Technology Course, Technical operations in Kandahar province. Executed
Escort Course, SERE Level-C Training, VIP protection duties while attached to an
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Fast interagency protective services unit
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master accompanying then-presidential candidate
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification Barack Obama on his July 2008 campaign
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation tour of American military installations in
Operations Course Southwest Asia and Western Europe. Fluent
in Japanese.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Sneeden, Wayne R. LRRS Team Leader (LRRS Team 3, TIGER Enlisted in the Army in 1995, initially trained
Detachment) as a small arms/artillery repairer. Served with
the 10th Support Group in Torii Station,
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-04-15 Okinawa prefecture, Japan, from 1996 to
B Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger 2000. Re-trained as an infantryman in 2001,
POB joined the 75th Ranger Regiment later that
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army)
Auburn, Alabama, USA same year. Participated in a number of
Post-Secondary Education airborne assaults in Baghdad governorate in
Call-Sign 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
BBA in Management (Columbus State
Beachhead University) Deployed to Afghanistan in 2005 and again
in 2007, taking part in CJSOTF-A operations
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) targeting Taliban assets in the country's
E–7 Small Arms/Artillery Repairer AIT, Air Assault southeastern provinces. Conversant in
School, Basic Airborne School, JWTC Jungle Arabic (Iraqi), Persian (Dari and Farsi
Skills Course, JWTC Jungle Endurance dialects) and Spanish. An avid recreational
Course, Infantryman AIT, Ranger Assessment & bowhunter. Meticulous, patient, and strong-
Selection Program, Pathfinder School, Ranger willed. Level-headed and unperturbable,
School, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer believes anger to be counterproductive, a
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, waste of time and energy antithetical to
Rappel Master Course, Basic Instructor efficiency, sound judgment, and logic.
Course, Small Group Instructor Training
Course, Assault Climber Summer Course,
SERE Level-C Training, Combat Diver
Qualification Course, Individual Terrorism
Awareness Course, Reconnaissance &
Surveillance Leaders Course, ISAF SOF
Operations Course, Military Free Fall
Parachutist Course, NATO SOF Technical
Exploitation Operations Course, Battle Staff
NCO Course, Battle Damage Assessment
Course, Collateral Damage Estimation Course,
Master Resilience Trainer Course, GIJOE
Professional Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Steel, James Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 6-Cold Weather, Joined the Iowa Army National Guard while
TIGER Detachment) still studying at the University of Iowa.
DOB Trained “one weekend a month, two weeks a
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-09-06 year” with the 1-168 Infantry's C Company
A Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment while working as a sporting goods store
POB manager in Iowa City. Sent to Afghanistan in
(Stryker) US Army)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA 2004, helped provide security for military
Post-Secondary Education convoys and Provincial Reconstruction Team
Call-Sign sites while also engaging Taliban-backed
BS in Leisure Studies (University of Iowa)
Wind Chill insurgents in combat operations. Granted a
Relevant Training (partial list) conditional release from the Iowa Army
Pay-Grade National Guard in late 2006 so that he could
Entrepreneurial Management Certificate
E–6 (University of Iowa), Infantryman AIT, Basic join the Regular Army. Joined the 25 th
Airborne School, Air Assault School, Squad Infantry Division's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat
Designated Marksman Course, Fast Rope & Team (“Arctic Wolves”) in 2007, assigned to
SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Course, the 5th Infantry Regiment's 1st Battalion
NWTC Arctic Light Individual Course, Stryker stationed in Fort Wainwright, Alaska. An avid
Transition Course, Basic Military Mountaineer outdoorsman and hunter, especially
Winter Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, proficient in winter navigation and fieldcraft.
NWTC Cold Weather Leaders Course, Ranger
School, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, SERE Level-C Training, Individual
Terrorism Awareness Course, NATO SOF
Technical Exploitation Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Treatment Team Chief (Medical Treatment Was a paramedic with the Seattle Fire
Team, STEEL Detachment) Department for three years before enlisting
DOB in the Army in 1996. Assigned combat medic
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1972-04-26 duties with the 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3 rd Regiment (Light) after graduating from health
POB care specialist AIT. Supported 10th Mountain
Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation
Seattle, Washington, USA Regiment (Airborne) (US Army) Division elements and participated in
humanitarian medical, surgical, and search
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education and rescue activities in Bosnia in 1998 as
Lifeline BS in Public Management, minor in Health part of the NATO Stabilization Force. Joined
(Austin Peay Center-Fort Campbell) the 160th Special Operations Aviation
Pay-Grade Regiment (“Night Stalkers”) in 2001 as a
Relevant Training (partial list) flight medic. Sent to the Philippines in 2002
EMT-Basic Program (North Seattle Community as part of a 160th SOAR contingent
College), Intravenous Therapy Technician supporting JSOTF-P operations in the island
Training (Harborview Medical Center-University of Mindanao. Deployed to Iraq in 2007 and
of Washington), Airway Management 2008, taking part in numerous high-risk
Technician Training (Harborview Medical CASEVAC and CSAR operations in the
Center-University of Washington), Intermediate country's western desert bordering Syria. A
Life Support Technician Training (Harborview yūdansha (ranked black belt) in Kokikai
Medical Center-University of Washington), aikido and an amateur triathlete. Well-read
EMT-Paramedic Program (Harborview Medical and thoughtful, maintains a sincere and
Center-University of Washington), Health Care profound respect for the views of others. Has
Specialist AIT, Air Assault School, Basic been romantically linked to Van Mark
Airborne School, Flight Medic Course, Rappel Consolidated Industries heiress Britney
Master Course, Field Management of Chemical “Bree” Van Mark, whom he first met during a
& Biological Casualties Course, Medical Effects stop in Dubai while on his initial deployment
of Ionizing Radiation Course, 160th Special to Southwest Asia.
Operations Aviation Regiment Enlisted
Qualification Course, Special Operations
Combat Medic Course, Fast Rope & SPIE
Master Course, SERE Level-C Training,
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Battle
Staff NCO Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Steinberg, Lance J. Scout-Observer/NSTV Driver (LRRS Team 1, Worked as an automobile mechanic and
TIGER Detachment) professional auto racer prior to enlistment.
Placed 6th at the 1999 Baja 1000 Race,
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-10-17 driving an extensively customized Trophy
C Company, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Truck. Enlisted in the Army in 2000. Served
POB as a driver with the 264 th Corps Support
Regiment (Light) (US Army)
Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA Battalion before re-classing as an
Post-Secondary Education infantryman in 2004. Deployed to Iraq with
Call-Sign elements of the 10th Mountain Division's 31st
AAS in Automotive Technology (Brookdale
Clutch Community College) Infantry Regiment later that year, taking part
in combat operations in and around Baghdad
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) governorate. Returned to Iraq for a 15 month
E–6 Motor Transport Operator AIT, Basic Airborne deployment in the summer of 2006, took part
School, Air Assault School, Passenger Travel in extensive counterinsurgency operations
Specialist Course, Anti-terrorism Evasive with the goal of establishing a permanent
Driving-Staff Driver Course, Military Standard MNF-I presence in the Baghdad
Transportation and Movement Procedures governorate's “Sunni Triangle.” Has a
Course, Installation Traffic Management reputation as being somewhat crude and his
Course, Integrated Computerized Deployment attitudes towards women, particularly those
System Course, Infantryman AIT, Basic Military in the armed services, can be considered
Mountaineer Course, MWTC OSV/Rough archaic at best. Nevertheless, he is
Terrain Driver Training, Light Leaders Course, considered by most GIJOE teammates to be
Ranger School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master the organization's best road and rough
Course, Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C terrain tactical vehicle operator. Possesses
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness an unerring, almost preternatural sense for
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification defensive and evasive driving.
Training, NATO SOF Operations Course
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Stone, Winfield A. Command Logistics Officer (Office of the Named by his father after Kinsley native Earl
Director, C2E) Winfield Spencer, Jr., a pioneer naval aviator
DOB and the first commanding officer of Naval Air
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection Station San Diego. Insisted on going by the
Command Staff, Tactical Law Enforcement nickname “Skip” throughout high school in
POB an effort to distance himself from the late
Team South, Deployable Operations Group
Kinsley, Kansas, USA (USCG) Spencer (the US Navy commander was just
as known for stories of his raging alcoholism
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education and spousal abuse as he was for his military
Cutter BS in Management (USCGA), Master of accomplishments). Petitioned his district's
Systems Analysis (NPS) congressman for two years to get an
Pay-Grade appointment to the US Naval Academy in
Relevant Training (partial list) Annapolis to no avail. Entered the US Coast
Port Security Unit Basic Skills Course, Crew- Guard Academy instead. Excelled
Served Weapon (MK-19 40mm Machine Gun) academically and in varsity athletics, was
Course, Tactical Coxswain Course, Basic captain of the men's swimming team his
Tactical Operations Course, Non-Compliant senior year. Assigned to USCG Activities
Vessel Pursuit Course, Advanced Tactical Europe after graduating from the Academy in
Operations Course, Boarding Officer Course; 1998. Deployed to Kuwait in 2004,
Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security participated in port security and maritime
Course; Critical Infrastructure Protection interdiction operations in the northern
Training Program, Law Enforcement Supervisor Persian Gulf in support of American military
Leadership Training Program, Law operations in Iraq through early 2006.
Enforcement Manager Training Program, Returned to the United States in 2007 and
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, SERE took up a non-teaching administrative post at
Level-C Training; Streamlining Government the USCG Academy, briefly served as coach
Through Outsourcing, Privatization and Public- for the academy's women's swimming team
Private Partnerships Course; Defense before joining the USCG Deployable
Resources Management Course, Multi-Criteria Operations Group. Took part in extensive
Decision Making Course, SOF Inter-agency interagency security exercises in the Gulf of
Collaboration Course, GIJOE Professional Mexico in 2008. Fluent in Spanish,
Qualification Training conversant in Arabic (Iraqi). Iron-willed and
unremitting, always finds a way to get the job
done while managing to maintain a
somewhat bizarre sense of humor. An avid
Boston Red Sox (professional baseball
team) fan since his days as a midshipman in
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Stratton, Felix P. Special Projects Team Leader (Special Projects Bussed tables throughout high school to
Team, SONIC Detachment) supplement his mother's meager earnings as
DOB a hairdresser. Joined the Army in 1994,
Employer prior to GIJOE selection
1975-06-25 began his military career as an armorer with
Veteran Infantry Personnel (VIPER) Division, the 548th Corps Support Battalion. Re-
POB classed as an infantryman in 1998, assigned
Controller-Observer Regional Assistance
Spencer, West Virginia, USA (COBRA) Command, Inc. to the 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment
(Light). Served a tour in the Sinai peninsula
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education with the USBATT MFO Contingent, 1999.
Mercer BA in History (Columbia College-Fort Drum) Deployed to Bosnia in 2001 as part of Task
Force Falcon. Participated in Operation Iraqi
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) Freedom (2003). Separated from the service
GS–10 Small Arms/Artillery Repairer AIT, Air Assault in 2005. Took a high-paying position with
School, Basic Airborne School, Basic Military controversial private military contracting firm
Mountaineer Summer Course, Infantryman AIT, Controller-Observer Regional Assistance
Pathfinder School, Patrol Course, Ranger (COBRA) Command, Inc. later that same
School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, year to help pay for his mother's cancer
Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, treatments. Was part of a COBRA Command
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Core VIPER unit implicated in a number of
Activities Familiarization (COBRA Command, international law violations in Colombia while
Inc.), Veteran Infantry Personnel (VIPER) providing security for Drug Enforcement
Division Indoctrination (COBRA Command, Agency personnel in 2007 and 2008,
Inc.), GIJOE Professional Qualification although he was not named in a lawsuit
Training, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation subsequently filed by Colombian citizens
Operations Course against COBRA Command under the Alien
Tort Statute and the Torture Victim Protection
Act. Left COBRA Command in early 2009,
sought out for recruitment by GIJOE's
administrative affairs team based on the
endorsement of GIJOE operative Matthew
Burns (call-sign: Sgt. Slaughter), whom he
had served with in Iraq. Conversant in
Serbo-Croatian and Spanish. A hard-bitten
warrior, jaded and cynical, but refuses to let
the grind of professional soldiering wear
away at his innate sense of honor and
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Suarez, Guillermo CBRN NCO (Service Support Platoon Father a poet, mother a midwife; both
Headquarters, STEEL Detachment) parents subjected to persistent harassment
DOB and intimidation by Cuban Communist Party
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1977-01-12 cells for their public criticism of Cuban
103rd WMD Civil Support Team (USARNG) President Fidel Castro's economic policies.
POB Family fled Cuba and moved to the United
Post-Secondary Education States when Guillermo was just three years
Regla, Havana, Cuba
AAS in Aviation Maintenance Technology old, departing Cuba in a rust-eaten, jury-
Call-Sign rigged watercraft overloaded with refugees
(University of Alaska-Anchorage)
Snow Storm during the mass defection known as the
Relevant Training (partial list) Mariel Boatlift, arriving in Key West, Florida
Pay-Grade in May of 1980. Parents encountered
Aircraft Armament/Electronic/Avionic Systems
E–6 Repairer AIT, Air Assault School, Basic Airborne difficulty establishing themselves
School, CBRN Specialist AIT, Technical Escort economically and socially in Miami, where
Course, NBC Reconnaissance Course, many locals viewed the Marielitos with a
Biological Integrated Detection Systems combination of fear, disgust, and anger. In
Course, Field Identification of Biological 1986, after much deliberation, father decided
Warfare Agents Course, Joint Biological Agent to move the family to Alaska to put as much
Identification and Diagnostic System Course, distance between them and the post-exodus
Combat Lifesaver Course, Field Management negativity. Entire family became naturalized
of Chemical & Biological Casualties Course, American citizens in 1987. Joined the Alaska
Ranger School, GIJOE Professional Army National Guard after receiving his
Qualification Training, SERE Level-C Training, associate's degree in aviation maintenance
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course in 2000, assigned to the 207th Aviation
Regiment after completing aircraft
powerplant repairer AIT. Accompanied
Company E, 207th Aviation Regiment on
deployments to Kuwait and Iraq, 2003–2005.
Re-trained as a CBRN specialist in 2006.
Attached to USNORTHCOM's Joint Task
Force Alaska later that year. Assigned to the
Fort Richardson-based 103rd WMD Civil
Support Team in 2008. Fluent in Spanish.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Swilley, Earl R. Criminal Anti-Terrorism Investigator (SSE Worked for several years as an IRS Criminal
Section, SONIC Detachment) Investigation Special Agent prior to joining
DOB GIJOE. Contributions to a number of related
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1974-12-16 “white-collar crime” investigations between
Criminal Investigation Division, Internal 1999 and 2003 helped indict and eventually
POB convict high-ranking officials of the Bayou
Revenue Service
Raeford, North Carolina, USA Hedge Fund Group on charges of fraud. Has
Post-Secondary Education also participated in a number of inter-agency
Call-Sign investigative and enforcement efforts
BS in Accountancy (UNC-Wilmington)
Rumbler combating Colombia-based drug cartels,
Relevant Training (partial list) North America-based financial backers of
Pay-Grade international acts of terrorism, and Eastern
Criminal Investigator Training Program, IRS
GS–10 Criminal Investigation Training, Survival European organized crime organizations
Shooting Training Program, Law Enforcement involved in human trafficking operations and
Rifle Training Program, Financial Forensic white slavery rings in the US. Functions in an
Techniques Training Program, International unofficial capacity as the SONIC
Banking and Money Laundering Training Detachment's subject matter expert in
Program, Money Laundering and Asset financial forensics. Relentless in his pursuit
Forfeiture Training Program, Procurement of the criminal element wherever it can be
Fraud Investigation Training Program, Vehicle found, makes it his personal mission to bring
Ambush Countermeasures Training Program, offenders to justice.
Advanced Asset Forfeiture Training Program,
Interviews and Interrogations Course, Black
Market Peso Exchange Training Program,
Product Substitution Investigations Training
Program, Fundamentals of Terrorism Training
Program, GIJOE Professional Qualification
Training, SERE Level-C Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Tadur, Ronald W. Visual Tracker (HVT Tracker Team 1, TIGER Worked as an HVAC repairman while
Detachment) studying at Nevada State College. Joined the
DOB Army in 2001, looking to leave behind the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1976-08-11 gaudy environs and indulgent confines of
F Company (Provisional) (Pathfinder), 2nd Las Vegas. Stationed at Camp As Sayliyah
POB near Doha, Qatar as a utilities equipment
Battalion (Assault), 10th Aviation Regiment (US
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Army) repairer assigned to Combat Equipment
Battalion-Qatar, 2002–2004. Briefly attached
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education to the 245th Arid Environment Detachment as
Dusty AAS in Air Conditioning Technology a subject matter expert in the maintenance
(Community College of Southern Nevada), BS of utilities equipment in desert conditions.
Pay-Grade in Environmental and Resource Science Re-trained as an infantryman and assigned
E–6 (Nevada State College) to the 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment
(Light) in 2005. Conducted combat and
Relevant Training (partial list) nation-building operations in 2006 in
Utilities Equipment Repairer AIT, Infantryman southern Afghanistan as a member of Task
AIT, Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Force Warrior. Cross-trained with elements
Course, Air Assault School, Fast Rope & SPIE of the Mongolian Army General Purpose
Master Course, Rappel Master Course, Assault Troops' ISAF contingent in adversary
Climber Summer Course, Basic Airborne weapons familiarization and advanced arid
School, Pathfinder School, Combat Lifesaver environment navigation and survival. Moved
Course, Ranger School, SERE Level-C to eastern Afghanistan later that same year
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness to support operations being conducted by
Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, NATO the 10th Mountain Division as part of
SOF Technical Exploitation Operations Course, Combined/Joint Task Force 76. Transferred
Fort Huachaca Combat Tracking School, to the 10th Mountain Division's provisional
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training Pathfinder Company in 2007. Participated in
armed reconnaissance and counter-
smuggling operations near Iraq's border with
Iran as part of the multinational Task Force
Minuteman in 2008. Fluent in Spanish;
conversant in Arabic (Iraqi), Mongolian
(Khalkha dialect), and Persian (Dari and
Farsi dialects). Has a genuine appreciation
for the simple pleasures of austere desert
living, but also harbors a healthy respect for
its associated perils.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Tall Elk, James Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 3, TIGER Worked for the White Earth Land Recovery
Detachment) Project before joining the Army in 2001.
DOB Initially trained as a topographic surveyor.
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-05-23 Served with the 30th Engineer Battalion
F Company (Pathfinder), 4th Battalion (Assault), (Topographic) (Airborne) in Iraq in 2004. Re-
POB classed as an infantryman in late 2005,
101st Aviation Regiment (US Army)
White Earth, Minnesota, USA assigned to the 101st Aviation Regiment's
Post-Secondary Education pathfinder company. Took part in the
Call-Sign Operation Swarmer (2006), a joint Iraqi-US
BS in Geosciences, Geoarchaelogy emphasis
Dart (Minnesota State University-Moorhead) air assault operation against a suspected
insurgent stronghold in Salah ad Din
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) governorate. Deployed to Afghanistan in
E–6 Topographic Surveyor AIT, Basic Airborne 2007 for a 12 month-long deployment,
School, Air Assault School, Pathfinder School, conducting airmobile counterinsurgency
Basic Military Mountaineer Summer Course, operations alongside conventional and
Infantryman AIT, Combat Lifesaver Course, special operations-capable ISAF units near
Ranger School, SERE Level-C Training, the country's border with Pakistan.
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Fast Possesses an unerring sense of direction
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master and geographical orientation honed through
Course, Reconnaissance & Surveillance years of navigating the wilds of northwestern
Leaders Course, Battle Damage Assessment Minnesota. Fluent in Southwestern Ojibwe/
Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE Chippewa; conversant in French (Métis and
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF Metropolitan), Michif/French Cree, and
Technical Exploitation Operations Course Severn Ojibwe/Oji-Cree.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Talltree, Franklin M. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 7-HALO/HAHO, Parents are oil-rich Navajos who indulged
TIGER Detachment) their eldest son with skydiving lessons as a
DOB teenager. Graduated with a political science
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1978-02-18 degree in 2001. Surprised his parents and
F Company (Pathfinder), 2nd Battalion (Assault), professors when he opted to join the Army
POB instead of going on to law school. Initially
82nd Aviation Regiment (US Army)
Ganado, Arizona, USA trained as a UH-60 helicopter repairer,
Post-Secondary Education assigned to B Company, 2nd Battalion
Call-Sign (Assault), 82nd Aviation Regiment. Deployed
BS in Political Science (University of Arizona-
Airborne Tempe) to Afghanistan in support of Operation
Enduring Freedom in July of 2002, providing
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) combat support to coalition forces and
E–6 UH-60 Helicopter Repairer AIT, Air Assault directly engaging Taliban forces as a
School, Basic Airborne School, UH-60M Blackhawk helicopter door gunner.
Transition Course, UH-60 Non-rated Crew Participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom
member Instructor Course, Infantryman AIT, (2003). Took part in manned aerial
Static-Line Jumpmaster Course, Pathfinder reconnaissance and air movement
School, Combat Lifesaver Course, Ranger operations in direct support of DEA
School, Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, operations in the Bahamas and Turks and
Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Caicos Islands in 2005, re-trained as an
Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, infantryman later that same year. Re-
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic assigned to F Company (Pathfinder), 2nd
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, ISAF Battalion (Assault), 82nd Aviation Regiment in
SOF Operations Course, GIJOE Professional 2006. Returned to Iraq in late 2006 on a six-
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical month tour. Deployed to Afghanistan in 2007
Exploitation Course as part of the ISAF. Fluent in Navajo and
Spanish, conversant in Arabic (Modern
Standard and Iraqi). Extremely adept at
eliciting information from captured and
uncooperative hostiles, a skill he developed
while practicing cross-examination
techniques as a member of the Phi Alpha
Delta pre-law fraternity at Arizona State.
Occasionally gives “cold reading” exhibitions
for the amusement of friends and
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Taputapu, David Special Projects Technician (Special Projects Powerfully built even as a youth,
Team, SONIC Detachment) exceptionally quick and agile despite his
DOB prodigious size. Attended Ohio State
Employer prior to GIJOE selection
1975-08-01 University on a football scholarship. Played
Freelance stuntman, stunt coordinator, and offensive tackle for the Buckeyes, helped the
POB Big Ten Conference football team to multiple
motion capture model affiliated with the
Pago Pago, American Samoa Stuntmen's Association of Motion Pictures bowl wins during the 1990s. Taken in the 5 th
(unincorporated territory of the round of the 1998 NFL draft by the San
Post-Secondary Education Diego Chargers. Played two seasons with
BA in Sport and Leisure Studies, Physical the team, the highlights of his otherwise
Call-Sign nondescript professional football career
Education Teacher Education track (Ohio State
Red Dog University) taking the form of spectacularly brutal
tackles that occasionally led to fines and
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) suspensions for unnecessary roughness.
GS–08 Infantryman AIT, Basic Airborne School, Air Left the NFL in 2000 to join the Army later
Assault School, Basic Military Mountaineer that year. Served as an airborne infantryman
Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master with the 2-504 Infantry, participated in
Course, Rappel Master Course, International combat operations against Taliban-backed
Stuntman School-Standard Session (United insurgents during two deployments to
Stuntmen's Association), International Afghanistan, the first in 2003, the second in
Stuntman School-Aerial Intensive Session 2005. Separated from the service in 2006.
(United Stuntmen's Association), ISAF SOF Moved to Los Angeles, worked as a
Operations Course, GIJOE Professional stuntman and motion capture model for a
Qualification Training, NATO SOF Technical number of TV shows and video games
Exploitation Course, SERE Level-C Training, before being accepted into GIJOE. Fluent in
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course Samoan, conversant in Tongan. An avid
martial arts practitioner, schooled in
collegiate and Greco-Roman wrestling,
Kodokan judo, Limalama (“Hand of
Wisdom”), and muay thai.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Therien, Jeffrey R. Scout-Observer/Cover Man (LRRS Team 4, Joined the Army in 1986 as a fresh-faced
TIGER Detachment) high school graduate. Trained as an
infantryman, assigned to the 2nd Battalion,
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1969-03-22 27th Infantry Regiment (Light). Saw his first
B Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment combat action during Operation Golden
POB Pheasant (1988), fighting Nicaraguan
(Airborne) (US Army)
Cumberland, Rhode Island, Sandinista forces that had strayed over the
Post-Secondary Education border into the Honduras during their military
BS in Elementary Education (Rhode Island campaign against the Resistencia
Call-Sign Nicaragüense. Deployed to Panama in 1989
Repeater as part of Operation Just Cause (1989).
Relevant Training (partial list) Separated from the service in 1990.
Pay-Grade Attended Rhode Island College on the GI
Infantryman AIT, Basic Military Mountaineer
E–6 Summer Course, Air Assault School, JOTC Bill, graduated with a degree in elementary
Jungle Warfare Course, Basic Airborne School, education in 1994. Taught third grade
Pathfinder School, Ranger School, Ranger classes at the Garvin Memorial School in his
Assessment & Selection Program, Assault hometown of Cumberland, Rhode Island
Climber Summer Course, SERE Level-C from 1996 to 2002. Married the school nurse
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness in 1999, couple have a daughter born in
Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, 2001. Re-enlisted in the Army in late 2003
Rappel Master Course, Combat Lifesaver after education budget cuts and school
Course, ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE district re-structuring rendered his position
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF redundant, barely making it under the
Technical Exploitation Operations Course maximum enlistment age (with allowance for
previous time in-service). Joined the 75th
Ranger Regiment in 2005. Participated in
CJSOTF-A operations in northeastern
Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008. Conversant
in Spanish. One of the older enlisted
individual augmentees on the GIJOE team,
although this fact is not readily apparent due
to his excellent physical conditioning. A
steady, efficient, no-nonsense professional in
the field, highly regarded by teammates for
his genuinely amiable and caring nature off
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Thomas, David O. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 7-HALO/HAHO, A talented organist and pianist, played for
TIGER Detachment) the Iowa Central Concert Band and Iowa
DOB Central Jazz Band in college. Enlisted in the
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-11-24 Army in 2001, passing up a career in music
A Company, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger for “the chance to jump out of perfectly good
POB airplanes.” Initially trained as a parachute
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army)
Fort Dodge, Iowa, USA rigger, assigned to the 612 th Quartermaster
Post-Secondary Education Company. Eminently skilled in the assembly
Call-Sign and maintenance of cargo and personnel
AA in Music (Iowa Central Community College)
Crazylegs parachutes and the rigging of equipment and
Relevant Training (partial list) supply containers for airdrop. Attached to the
Pay-Grade Task Force 31 FLE (Forward Logistics
Parachute Rigger AIT, Basic Airborne School,
E–6 Air Assault School, Special Forces Basic Element) in 2006, taking part in combat
Combat Course-Support, Infantryman AIT, logistics operations in support of Operation
Ranger Assessment & Selection Program, Medusa in Afghanistan. Re-classed as an
Ranger School, SERE Level-C Training, infantryman later that year and joined the
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Basic 75th Ranger Regiment. Fought Taliban forces
Military Mountaineer Summer Course, Fast numerous times alongside CJSOTF-A and
Rope & SPIE Master Course, Rappel Master Afghan National Army elements near
Course, Military Free Fall Parachutist Course, Afghanistan's border with Pakistan in 2008.
ISAF SOF Operations Course, GIJOE An active member of the Fort Bragg-based
Professional Qualification Training, NATO SOF Red Hat Chapter, Association of the
Technical Exploitation Operations Course Quartermasters.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Vennemeyer, David Fire Support Coordinator (Operations Section, Attended the University of Minnesota on an
C2E) ROTC scholarship. Led the Golden Gophers
DOB wrestling team to back-to-back NCAA
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection Division I Wrestling Team Championships in
C Battery, 1st Battalion, 319th Field Artillery 2000 and 2001. Graduated from field artillery
POB officer basic training in early 2002, found
Regiment (Airborne)
Victoria, Texas, USA himself in Afghanistan with the 319th Field
Post-Secondary Education Artillery Regiment (Airborne) providing
Call-Sign supporting fires for the 82nd Airborne
BS in Geography (University of Minnesota),
Barrage Master of Business Administration (Campbell Division's 3rd Brigade Combat Team later that
University) same year. Sent to Iraq on a 15 month
Pay-Grade deployment in 2006, operating mainly in Iraqi
Relevant Training (partial list) Kurdistan in the north, participating in
Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, Basic professionalization training exercises with
Airborne School, Air Assault School, Combat Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
Lifesaver Course, Basic Military Mountaineer law enforcement and military forces and
Summer Course, Tactical Intelligence leading security missions in support of the
Familiarization Course, Ranger School, Joint South Korean Army's Zaytun Division.
Fires Observer Course, Tactical Information Observant and thoughtful on and off the
Operations Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master field. An imposing physical specimen at 6'6”
Course, Rappel Master Course, Field Artillery (198.1 cm) and 210 lbs. (95.2 kg) with 7%
Captains Career Course, Joint Operational body fat percentage. Conversant in Arabic
Fires & Effects Course, SERE Level-C Training, (Iraqi) and Kurdish.
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Joint
Special Operations Warfighter Certification,
Modern Army Combatives Level 1 Instructor
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Verdi, Alessandro D. Command Administration Officer (Office of the The eldest son of a senior American
Director, C2E) diplomat to Italy. Spent the bulk of his pre-
DOB teen and teen years immersed in the cultural
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection heterogeneity of the diplomatic community,
Technical Programs Unit; Programs, Policy, and picking up perspectives and languages from
POB friends and classmates from disparate
Budget Directorate; Office of the Coordinator
Carcare, Savona, Italy for Counterterrorism (US Department of State) regions of the world. Family returned to the
United States when he was seventeen years
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education old. Entered MIT on an academic
Sparks BS in Management Science, minor in Political scholarship, would enroll in a number of
Science (MIT), MS in Program Management courses taught by future GIJOE Director
Pay-Grade (The George Washington University), AA in Joseph Colton (call-sign: Eagle-Eye).
GS–14 Farsi (DLIFLC) Worked as a freelance interpreter/translator
after graduating from university in 2001,
Relevant Training (partial list) taking various assignments from the State
Foreign Service Institute Transition Center Department's Office of Language Services,
Security Overseas Seminar, Information including a contract to serve as a seminar
Security Orientation, OPSEC Fundamentals interpreter for the Bureau of Diplomatic
Course, Foreign Service Institute Transition Security's Antiterrorism Assistance Program.
Center Advanced Security Overseas Seminar, Employed as a liaison officer and translator
Department of Defense Information Assurance for a contingency Foreign Emergency
Awareness Course, Insider Threat Course, Support Team (FEST) assigned to the 2006
Defense Resources Management Course; Winter Olympic Games held in Turin, Italy.
Budget Preparation, Execution and Helped coordinate diplomatic, military, and
Accountability Course; Multi-Criteria Decision law enforcement efforts to ensure the
Making Course, George P. Shultz National successful release of abducted American
Foreign Affairs Training Center Arabic nationals in Ecuador and Nigeria in 2007.
Language Course, George P. Shultz National Joined the State Department's Office of the
Foreign Affairs Training Center Hebrew Coordinator for Counterterrorism as a full-
Language Course, SOF Inter-agency time employee later that year. Fluent in
Collaboration Course, Combating Terrorist French (Metropolitan), Italian, Persian (Dari
Networks Seminar, Graduate Certificate in and Farsi dialects), and Spanish; conversant
International Security Policy (The George in Arabic (Gulf Arabic and Modern Standard),
Washington University), GIJOE Professional Hebrew, Portuguese, and Romanian.
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Weems, Wallace A. Scout-Observer (LRRS Team 7-HALO/HAHO, Was a cadet with the Civil Air Patrol-Ohio
TIGER Detachment) Wing throughout high school. Discovered
DOB recreational and competitive skydiving in
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1979-04-09 college. Joined the military in 2001 in search
B Company, 1st Battalion, 508th Infantry of more formidable parachuting challenges,
POB but quickly learned that the life of a soldier
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army)
Columbus, Ohio, USA demands more than just a sense of daring
Post-Secondary Education and adventure, it also requires a mature
Call-Sign appreciation of civic duty and the
AAS in Construction Management (Columbus
Ripcord State Community College) responsibilities that come with representing
the country as a professional fighting man in
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) the world's battlefields. Initially trained as a
E–6 Combat Engineer AIT, Basic Airborne School, combat engineer, assigned to the 37th
Javelin Gunnery Course, Basic Military Engineer Battalion (Airborne), 20th Engineer
Mountaineer Summer Course, Air Assault Brigade (Combat). Deployed to northern Iraq
School, Sapper Leader Course, Infantryman in 2003, participated in engineering
AIT, Pathfinder School, Static-Line Jumpmaster operations in support of the 101 st Airborne
Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, Ranger Division. Re-classed as an infantryman in
School, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Course, 2005, transferred to the 1st Battalion, 508th
Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C Training, Infantry Regiment (Airborne). Was a member
Individual Terrorism Awareness Course, Military of the 82nd Airborne Division “All-American”
Free Fall Jumpmaster Course, ISAF SOF Free Fall Parachute Demonstration Team in
Operations Course, NATO SOF Technical 2006. Deployed along with other elements of
Exploitation Course, GIJOE Professional the 82nd Airborne's newly activated 4th
Qualification Training Brigade Combat Team to Afghanistan in
2007 in support of Operation Enduring
Freedom. Continued to operate in-country
through 2008. Candid in conversation, which
can sometimes be misconstrued for
rudeness or naiveté.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Whitcomb, Averill B. Recovery Vehicle Operator (Motor Vehicle Employed for eight years as a heavy
Maintenance Section, STEEL Detachment) equipment/diesel engine mechanic for
DOB Minnesota's largest Caterpillar/AGCO dealer
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1975-03-26 before he decided to join the Army in 2002.
D Company (Forward Support), 173rd Support Assigned to the 3rd Armored Cavalry
POB Regiment after graduating from track vehicle
Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team
Duluth, Minnesota, USA (US Army) repairer AIT, where he would apply his
mechanical skills and extensive diesel
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education engine experience to the upkeep and
Steam Roller AA in Business and Management (University of maintenance of the regiment's fleet of M3A3
Maryland University College Europe) Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicles. Served a
Pay-Grade tour in Iraq, 2003 to 2004. Re-trained as a
Relevant Training (partial list) wheel vehicle mechanic and transferred to
Diploma in Diesel Mechanics/Heavy Equipment the Italy-stationed 173rd Support Battalion in
Maintenance (Hibbing Community College), 2005. Deployed to Afghanistan for a year-
Track Vehicle Repairer AIT, Track Vehicle long deployment in 2006, assigned to a
Recovery Specialist Course, Defense forward support company attached to the
Hazardous Materials/Waste Handling Course, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team's
Wheel Vehicle Mechanic AIT, Basic Airborne reconnaissance squadron. Occasionally
School, Air Assault School, Automotive obstinate and stubborn, always opinionated,
Electrical Systems Repair Course, Wheel but teammates have learned to trust his
Vehicle Recovery Specialist Course, instincts and experience when it comes to
Mechanical Maintenance NCO Common Core vehicle recovery and mechanical
Course, GIJOE Professional Qualification maintenance matters.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Wilkinson, Lonzo R. HVT Tracker Team Leader (HVT Tracker Team The youngest in a brood of three, mother a
2, TIGER Detachment) single-parent who worked as a short-order
DOB cook. Lost both brothers to gang-related
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1972-09-20 violence. Affiliated himself with a gang in a
Regimental Reconnaissance Company, Special misguided attempt to escape a similar fate.
POB Eventually came to the realization that the
Troops Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
Detroit, Michigan, USA (Airborne) (US Army) military offered him the best chance to
escape the poverty and violence of the inner
Call-Sign Post-Secondary Education city. Enlisted in the Army out of high school in
Stalker AA in Serbo-Croatian (DLIFLC), BS in 1991. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 87th
Sociology (Columbus State University) Infantry Regiment (Light) after completing
Pay-Grade infantryman AIT. Deployed to Somalia for
Relevant Training (partial list) Operation Gothic Serpent (1993). Served
E–8 (MSG)
Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic consecutive tours (1995, 1996) in the Sinai
Airborne School, JOTC Jungle Warfare Course, peninsula as part of the MFO's USBATT
Pathfinder School, Ranger Assessment & Contingent. Took part in joint security
Selection Program, Basic Military Mountaineer operations in Panama in 1997. Served as a
Summer Course, Basic Military Mountaineer peacekeeper in Bosnia in 1998. Joined the
Winter Course, Ranger School, Military Free 75th Ranger Regiment in 1999. Returned to
Fall Parachutist Course, NATO LRRP School Bosnia in 2000 as part of Regimental
Patrol Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Reconnaissance Detachment Team Two,
Course, Rappel Master Course, SERE Level-C serving alongside future GIJOE member
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness Robert Light (call-sign: Snake-Eyes) and
Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, future COBRA Command consultant
Reconnaissance & Surveillance Leaders Tomasiburo Arashikage (alias: Storm-
Course, Combat Diver Qualification Course, Shadow). Would spend the next nine years
Battle Staff NCO Course, NATO SOF Technical participating in various aboveboard and
Exploitation Operations Course, British Army clandestine operations in Southwest Asia
Jungle Tracking Course, ISAF SOF Operations and the Horn of Africa. Trained with the
Course, NATO SOF Senior NCO Operations Brigade of Gurkhas Training Team at the
Course, SOF Senior Enlisted Course, Joint British Army Jungle Warfare Training School
Special Operations Warfighter Certification, in Brunei. Fluent in Arabic (Maghrebi),
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training French (Maghreb dialect), Serbo-Croatian,
Spanish, and Swahili; conversant in Somali
(Benaadir dialect). Exceptionally perceptive
and intelligent, functions especially well in
high stress situations.
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Williams, Ross A. Countertracker/Rear Security Man (HVT As a youth, would augment his family's
Tracker Team 3, TIGER Detachment) income by selling raccoon, possum, wild
DOB boar, and even alligator carcasses from
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1978-06-08 animals that he personally hunted and
B Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry trapped in the wetlands of southeastern
POB Louisiana. After graduating from college,
Regiment (Airborne) (US Army)
Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA worked as a prison guard for five years at the
Post-Secondary Education Louisiana State Penitentiary (a.k.a. Angola
Call-Sign Maximum Security Prison), used his
AS in Criminal Justice (Baton Rouge
Muskrat Community College) extensive knowledge of the local geography
and skills in backcountry tracking time and
Pay-Grade Relevant Training (partial list) again to help recapture escaped convicts.
E–5 Peace Officer Standards & Training Enlisted in the Army in 2004, assigned to the
Certification (Louisiana Commission on Law 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment
Enforcement), Corrections Training (Louisiana (Airborne). Participated in joint exercises with
Commission on Law Enforcement), Peace Germany's KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte at
Officer Standards & Training Firearms Course the ISTC in Pfullendorf throughout 2006.
(Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement), Deployed to Afghanistan in 2007 as part of
Backcountry Tactics & Tracking Course, Task Force Bayonet, taking part in ISAF
Infantryman AIT, Air Assault School, Basic operations in Nuristan and Laghman
Airborne School, Basic Military Mountaineer provinces through 2008. Fluent in Louisiana
Summer Course, Fast Rope & SPIE Master Creole, conversant in French (Cajun dialect)
Course, Rappel Master Course, ISTC Patrol and Spanish.
Course, Ranger School, SERE Level-C
Training, Individual Terrorism Awareness
Course, NATO SOF Technical Exploitation
Operations Course, Fort Huachaca Combat
Tracking Course, GIJOE Professional
Qualification Training
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Willoughby, Malcolm R. Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent/ Enlisted in the Navy in 1995. Initially trained
Ordnance Clearance Diver (LRRS Team 8- as an aviation ordnanceman. Served aboard
DOB NSW, TIGER Detachment) the USS Thorn (DD-988) destroyer from late
1976-06-03 1995 to 2000. Participated in Maritime
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
Combined Operations Training (MARCOT)/
POB Unified Spirit joint training exercises in 1998
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Mobile
Baltimore, Maryland, USA Unit 3, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and 2000 alongside Canadian, British, and
Group ONE (USN) French naval personnel. Re-trained as an
Call-Sign EOD diver in 2001, joined EOD Group
Post-Secondary Education ONE's EOD Mobile Unit 3 later that same
BS in Biology, Marine Biology emphasis (San year. Deployed to the Persian Gulf in 2003,
Pay-Grade Diego State University) supported elements of the 5th Fleet by taking
E–7 out numerous anti-ship mines and
Relevant Training (partial list) underwater booby traps in the Khawr Abd
Aviation Ordnanceman “A” Schoo, Armament Allah estuary as part of a MK 8 marine
Weapons Support Equipment Technician mammal (bottlenose dolphin) mine-hunting
Training, Surface Rescue Swimmer Training, team. Sent to Al Anbar governorate in Iraq
Air Launched Weapons Technician Training, the following year, conducted counter-IED
Armament Weapons Support Equipment operations in support of the 2nd Marine
(AWSE) Maintenance Manager Training, Basic Expeditionary Force. Worked alongside
EOD Diver Training, EOD Diver Training, EOD Latvian and Polish Army elements in Al-
Tactical Training, Basic Airborne School, Qādisiyyah governorate in 2006 and through
Ordnance Clearance Diver Training, Marine 2007, conducted counter-IED missions and
Mammal Systems Operator Training, EOD trained local police bomb disposal teams in
Advanced Access & Disablement Course, EOD intermediate and advanced explosive
Advanced Management & Technology Course, ordnance clearance techniques. Taciturn and
Air Assault School, Basic Swimming and Water often aloof, generally prefers the solitude of
Survival Instructor Course, Tactical Rope the open sea over the company of his GIJOE
Suspension Technician Certification and HRST teammates whenever possible.
Master Course, Military Free Fall Parachutist
Course, Master EOD Technician Screening,
GIJOE Professional Qualification Training,
NATO SOF Technical Exploitation Operations
File Name Duty Assignment Miscellaneous Notes
Zullo, John Detachment Commander (Detachment The scion of a moneyed New England
Command Team, SONIC Detachment) family, had a largely sheltered upbringing
DOB surrounded by affluence. Spent his first few
Assignment prior to GIJOE selection
1969-10-16 years out of college traveling the world,
Directorate of Intelligence, Special Operations occasionally writing dispatches for The
POB National Geographic Magazine. Firsthand
Command-Korea (USFK)
Manchester, Vermont, USA exposure to the effects of the brutal ethnic
Post-Secondary Education conflicts that characterized the socio-political
Call-Sign landscape of countries such as Rwanda and
BA in Asian and Middle East Studies, East Asia
Claymore concentration (Dartmouth College); MS in the former Yugoslavia throughout the mid-
Military Arts and Sciences (CGSC-SAMS) 1990s had a profound effect on his outlook
Pay-Grade on life. Entered US Army OCS in 1996.
Relevant Training (partial list) Disputes that personal or class guilt
Infantry Officer Basic Course, Air Assault prompted the decision, maintains that it was
School, Basic Airborne School, Rappel Master the realization of a responsibility shared by
Course, Ranger School, Infantry Mortar Platoon all the world's citizens to improve worldwide
Leaders Course, Sniper Employment Leaders living conditions that served as his primary
Course, Fast Rope and SPIE Master Course, motivation for joining the military. Initially
Tactical Intelligence Familiarization Course, trained as an infantry officer, assigned to the
Military Intelligence Officer Transition Course, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment
Defense Strategic Debriefing & Interrogation (Airborne). Participated in security operations
Course, Defense Against Sound Equipment in Southwest Asia and Haiti in 1998. Made
Course, Military Intelligence Captains Career the transition to the Military Intelligence
Course, Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence Corps in 2000, assigned to the 501st Military
Course, NATO SOF Intel Course, Introduction Intelligence Brigade in South Korea. Led a
to Networks & Computer Hardware Course, contingent of counterintelligence and
Counterintelligence in Cyber Space Course, interrogation teams from the brigade's 524 th
NATO SOF Advanced Intel Course, NATO SOF Military Intelligence Battalion in Iraq in 2005
Technical Exploitation Operations Course, Joint and 2006. Transferred to SOCKOR's
Special Operations Warfighter Certification, Directorate of Intelligence in 2007. Fluent in
Joint SOF Senior Intelligence Leaders Arabic (Modern Standard and Iraqi), Italian,
Orientation Seminar, Command & General Staff Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin (Standard
School, GIJOE Professional Qualification dialect).

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