2607690-Battle of The Bands Adventure
2607690-Battle of The Bands Adventure
2607690-Battle of The Bands Adventure
By Bryan Mayle
Table Of Contents
- The Battle of the Bands
Adventure Summary. p.1
Running this Adventure. p.1
Introduction. p.1
Adventure Hook. p.1
Adventure Structure. p.2
Player Characters. p.2
Adapting this Aventure. p.2
NPC Bios. p.3
- Chapter 0: Arriving At the Arena p.4
- Chapter 1: Exploring The City p.4
1.1 Getting Inside Club Elvinor . p.5
1.2 Inside Club Elvinor. p.5
- Chapter 2- Entering the Concert p.5
- Chapter 3a- Performing in their
Place. p.6
3.1 Playing the Opening Number. p.6
3.2 Danny Breeze Arrives. p.6
3.3 Fighting Danny Breeze and the Boys. p.6
- Chapter 3b- Finding the Boys. p.7
4.1 Searching the Green Room. p.7
4.2 Entering the Lab. p.7
4.3 Fighting Danny Breeze and the Boys . p.8
4.4 Acid Vats. p.8
4.5 End of the fight. p.9
- Chapter 4- Confronting Bigmoney p.9
- Chapter 5- Ending the Adventure p.9
- Credits p.9
- Appendix A: Maps p.10
- Appendix B: Magic Items p.12
group of indie musicians…A missing band…
And the concert of a lifetime. Introduction
You and your indie band-mates are all Danny Breeze and the boys are putting on the show of a
flunking school, taking time off, or taking a lifetime at the Platinum Dragon Arena, and the whole world
break from adventuring and worked your way to is buzzing about it. The all Genasi bandmates, Danny Breeze,
Sharn and the brand new Platinum Dragon Zane Blaze, Coel Stone and Gurgitem, have swept the nation
arena to see the sold out opening night for over the past two years for their music, looks, and charm. Not
Danny Breeze and the Boys world tour. But something may all is as it seems, however, as this commercial success has
be amiss, as when you all arrive Danny's band is nowhere to been received with scorn and jealousy by Montgomery
be found! Can you discover the mystery of Danny and his Bigmoney, CEO of Bigmoney Conglomerate and Bigmoney
boys? Will you take their place and perform in the career Records. So much so, that the very night of the concert
making concert of a lifetime? And most importantly of all, can Danny and the boys were kidnapped, taken to the other side
you make it into the highly exclusive Club Elvinor? of the city to Bigmoney labs, and Bigmoney attempted to
clone them. This created evil half-monster, half-pop punk,
Adventure Summary elemental creatures now bent on destroying the show.
Battle of the Bands is a level 5 one-shot designed for 3 to 6 However, the party knows none of this. Whatever walk of life
adventurers. The adventure, while 90s themed takes place they come from, there are two truths about this group of
atop the Menthis Plateau, in the city of Sharn in the world of adventurers. First, they are part of a so far unsuccessful band
Eberron. However, the specifics of the musical genres used of their own. Second, they all have tickets to Danny Breeze
can be changed to fit your own world and setting or that of and the Boys. There are a number of activities to get up to
any other official Wizards of the Coast campaign settings. before arriving at the venue, such as attempting the rite of
passage to get their photo on the wall of the illustrious Club
Running this Adventure Elvinor and if they can’t find a way inside on time, well, there’s
always Christopher E. Mouse, the run down old place across
To run this adventure, you need the Dungeons & Dragons 5th the street.
Edition core rulebooks: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Once they get to the venue, the arena's manager, Natalie
Master’s Guide, Monster Manual and Mordenkainen's Tome Dublanc, friend of the party who got them their tickets,
of Foes. comes to them with a problem. The band is nowhere to be
found. The party must choose: will they try to find the band
Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud or
before the concert starts or will they try and perform in their
paraphrased for the players when their characters first arrive at place, the potential of starting a world changing music career,
a location or under a specific circumstance, as described in or facing the ultimate humiliation of bombing at the highest
the text. stakes performance of their lives?
The Monster Manual contains stat blocks for most of the
creatures found in this adventure. All the necessary stat
Adventure Hook
blocks are included there or at the end of this module. When You have all been sent tickets to Danny Breeze and the Boys’
a creature’s name includes a reference to a page number in latest and biggest concert ever, part of the Hurricane
the Monster Manual (for example, MM.269) that’s a cue for Heartthrob tour, by the enigmatic friend of one of the party
you to look up the creature’s stat block in the Monster members, Natalie Dublanc. The reasons for attending the
Manual. If the creature does not appear in the Monster concert can differ from party to party: all or some of the party
Manual, the adventure’s text will instead refer you to the members could be big fans of Danny and his Boys, going to
monster appendix in this book. the musical event of the decade to attempt some industry
networking, or simply attending to gain some sense of ironic
satisfaction. The precise reasons for attending depend on the
specific party, but the free tickets serve as a good motivator.
NPC Bios Chapter 0: Arriving At the
This chapter contains descriptions of the roles and Arena
personalities of the notable NPCs present throughout this The party arrives at the Platinum Dragon Arena late
adventure. afternoon, finding themselves in a bustling crowd. They all
seem amped to be here, about to see the concert of a lifetime.
Natalie Dublanc (She/Her)-Drow
An enigmatic friend of one or more of the player characters. It’s late afternoon as you all arrive at the theatre district of
She is now the venue manager of the Platinum Dragon Menthis Plateau, the center of entertainment in Sharn, and the
Arena, where the concert is being held. She is friendly, but Platinum Dragon Arena towers above you all, huge posters of
acts very professional at work, even around friends, and the now most popular band in the world Danny Breeze and the
highly stressed on the night of the big event. Boys adorn the sides with “Danny Breeze and the Boys:
Hurricane Heartthrob World Tour” in bold jagged yellow, and
Montgomery Bigmoney (He/Him) -
pink lettering. There are huge crowds in the square, almost all
Human of them here to see the show.
The evil middle-aged CEO of Bigmoney Conglomerate and
owner of Bigmoney Records. A jealous man who plotted a To recall information about the band Danny Breeze and the
kidnapping and arcane cloning scheme after the incredible Boys, players can attempt a DC 10 Intelligence (History)
rise in popularity of Danny Breeze and the Boys. Despite his check to recall the names of the band members and their
evil machinations, he is cowardly and sniveling when basic personalities as outlined in NPC Bios, and that they are
confronted. currently the most popular band in the world. If a player
reaches a DC of 15 on this check, they also learn that their
Danny Breeze (He/Him) - Air Genasi rise to fame began two years ago when they appeared from
Head of the band, guitarist and lead vocalist for Danny obscurity with their first hit single Galeforce Love. They also
Breeze and the Boys. Cool head and a cooler smile, his name learn that this rise to fame has been almost entirely
is on the band for a reason. Laid back attitude and grateful independent, as they turned down deals from all record
for his fans. labels who approached them, including the biggest record
label in the world Bigmoney Records.
Zane Blaze (He/Him) - Fire Genasi If you wish to include the Exploring The City chapter, the
Bassist and vocalist for Danny Breeze and the Boys. A party arrives one hour before admission into the arena, and
hothead who’s not too bright, always egging the others on to proceeds directly into Chapter 1: Exploring The City. If you
do outrageous stunts. Has a cool jacket with flaming snakes wish to skip that chapter for a shorter experience, the party
on the back. instead arrives right as admissions begin and you proceed
directly to Chapter 2: Entering the Concert.
Coel Stone (He/They) - Earth
Drummer for Danny Breeze and the Boys. Down to earth and
chill, often considered the most grounded of the group, and
the emotional glue that keeps the band together.
Gurgitem (They/He) - Water Genasi
Keytarist for Danny Breeze and the Boys. The mysterious
heartthrob of the group, Gurgitem is a man of few words but
that hasn’t done anything to limit their popularity.
Suzanna (Suze) Beldar (She/Her) -
Hill Dwarf
Bartender at Club Elvinor. Sarcastic but just here to get her
job done. Will get hyped when something exceptional occurs.
Griff Grumbo (He/Him) - Sea Elf
Bouncer at Club Elvinor. Gruff and no nonsense. Loves
Danny Breeze and the Boys (Gurgitem is his favourite) and is
sad he doesn’t have a ticket to the concert.
Lightningbolt Guitar
Griff Grumbo
Chapter 1: Exploring The Griff is a Knight (MM.347) with the following modifications.
City Griff has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to
[Optional]- grapple a creature.
This chapter is optional. While it is an intended part of the Griff has the Fey Ancestry trait. (PHB.23)
experience, it is able to be cut from the adventure if you wish
to condense the one-shot into a shorter timescale. Skipping Griff has proficiency in the perception skill. Granting him
this chapter will reduce the length of the adventure by a passive perception of 12.
approximately 1-1.5 hours.
If the party gives up, and does not attempt to enter Club
As you approach the arena you see the admission inside isn’t
Elvinor, they may instead wait outside the arena, or get food
at Christopher E Mouse, which is a resoundingly boring and
for another hour. You hear a tiefling couple walking away from
embarrasing experience for the party as it is clearly targeted
the admission booth, the taller one talking excitedly. “Do you towards children.
think we’ll have time to check out Club Elvinor? I mean, we
have to go right? I bet Danny was there today, what if we get Inside Club Elvinor
the same seats they sat on!”. The shorter of the two seems
doubtful, “I don’t know, aren’t the lines to get in always, so The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke hits you all like a
long?” wave as you enter. Inside Club Elvinor, you see the entire
building is packed with musicians and fans, and a bored
If the players want to recall information about Club Elvinor looking Dwarven bartender serving all sorts of drinks. Behind
they can attempt a DC 8 Intelligence (History) check to her you see a truly beautiful sight, rows upon rows of framed
reveal that Club Elvinor is one of the most prestigious bars in photographs of some of the most famous musicians and
the world in the music scene, and they discover the common bands of all time, all taken here at Club Elvinor.
saying in the industry. “Any band worth their salt has their
picture up on the back wall of Club Elvinor”. The party can either spend their time at the club roleplaying
Getting Inside Club Elvinor and talking with other people who are at the club or
attempting to get a picture of themselves on the wall. If they
Once the party arrives outside Club Elvinor, which is also choose the former, people throughout the bar will all talk
located in the theatre distcit of the Menthis Plateau, marked about their excitement for the upcoming concert as well as
by a large sign, they see a large queue stretching outside the their musical tastes. In these conversations the club patrons
entrance, with what they would guess to be a two hour wait will ask the party if they’re in a band, and if they say yes, will
time. The party sees a burly Sea Elf bouncer outside the encourage them to talk to the barkeep and try to get their
entrance, and across the street a run down Christopher E picture up on the wall to prove their worth.
Mouse restaurant, almost empty.
If the party decides to approach the Hill Dwarf bartender
The party may attempt to convince the bouncer to let them in. who introduces herself as Suze (Suzanna Beldar Commoner
The bouncer Griff Grumbo (Male Sea Elf Knight MM.347) MM.345) and if they ask how they can get their own picture
cares about keeping his job, but is otherwise notably on the wall she’ll explain that they’ll have to compete in a
dissatisfied. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) reveals Musical Challenge.
his frustration stems from how many people here are going
to see Danny Breeze when he is unable to go himself. When Musical Challenge
attempting to convince Griff to let them inside, a successful If the party agrees to compete, a small stage is cleared as the
DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion), Charisma (Deception) or whole crowd turns to watch. Suze lets each of the players
DC 28 Charisma (Intimidation) will convince Griff to let pick an instrument from the back, then takes them to the
you pass through. stage to perform a song.
If a player attempts to bribe Griff they must succeed on a DC For a musical performance each player rolls initiative to
10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, if they fail the queue determine order and the contest comprises three rounds. On
of people waiting to get in are outraged, and due to their each turn a player may make a tool proficiency check with
pressure no benefits of the bribe occur. their instrument of choice, when making a tool check with
their instrument of choice a player may add double their
If Griff is bribed with gold, the DC of Charisma proficiency bonus to the skill check.
(Persuasion) checks to enter the club are reduced to 17. The outcome of each round is determined by a skill
challenge, where at least half of the party members must beat
If Griff is bribed with a ticket to the concert, no roll is a set DC with their tool proficiency checks, or another
required and you will be let inside Club Elvinor. However relevant skill if the DM deems it appropriate.
this may cause complications when the party attempts to
enter the concert.
The DC for this musical challenge is 17 and increases by 2
for each subsequent round, if the party succeeds on the skill Chapter 3a- Performing in
challenge that round, the DC instead decreases by 1.
their Place
If zero or one rounds are a success, the party failed the If the party chooses to perform in the place of Danny Breeze
musical challenge and the whole club seems annoyed and and the Boys, Natalie will tell them to quickly get any
disappointed. instruments and supplies needed from the backroom and to
If two rounds are a success, the party gets a small picture hurry backstage. Once backstage assistants will rush to
put up in the far corner of the bar. provide any makeup and outfits needed.
If all three rounds are a success, the party gets a framed Playing the Opening Number
picture put up behind the bar.
After these brief preparations the party are all ushered onto
At the conclusion of the musical challenge, the party the stage to a sea of thousands of fans who were expecting to
realizes it is almost time to enter the arena, and must hurry see Danny Breeze and the Boys. The party must make a DC
back. 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened before their
opening song.
Chapter 2- Entering the With instruments in hand you all walk out onto stage to the
Concert thunderous applause and uncontrollable excitement of the
crowd. That is however, until they quickly notice that you are
With their VIP tickets in hand, the party are able to quickly not Danny Breeze and the Boys. That adoration is quickly
get past the queues outside and enter the concert arena,
however their attention is quickly grabbed by a half-drow replaced with confusion and the terrifying gaze of thousands
woman who the party will recognise as friend and manager of people attempting to work out just who you are and what’s
of the venue Natalie Dublanc. Natalie notices the party as happening, the immense pressure bearing down on you all.
they enter the building, and flags them down to speak with
them in private. For their first song on stage the party must perform another
Musical Challenge as outlined in Chapter 1, however the
While Natalie seems calm if a little terse, a DC 14 Wisdom starting DC is set to 18.
(Insight) check will reveal that she is quite panicked about
something, and trying to do some damage control to save At the end of each round of the Musical Challenge any
some bad situation she’s found herself in. frightened character can repeat their saving throw,
Natalie leads the party to an unpopulated side alley of the removing the condition on a success.
arena in an employees only section, where she explains that If zero or one rounds are a success the party fails the
something has gone wrong and that nobody can find Danny musical challenge, they are booed and heckled by the
Breeze and the Boys anywhere. crowd, who are demanding Danny Breeze and the Boys.
Walking through the packed foyer, you can all feel the If two rounds are a success the crowd is enthused, but still
excitement in the air permeating through the entire building.
seem impatient waiting for Danny Breeze and the Boys.
However your attention is drawn away from this contagious If all three rounds are a success the crowd goes wild,
energy and finding your seats as you notice a half-drow woman cheering and screaming in support of the party's band,
in a business suit you all recognise to be the one who got you with no mention of Danny Breeze and the Boys.
these tickets, Natalie Dublanc, locks eyes with you all and
starts to head towards you. Danny Breeze Arrives
No matter the outcome of this first song, after its conclusion
Natalie will offer the party two options. As she knows they’re a rift opens in the center of stage and out steps someone who
competent as adventurers, Natalie will ask them if they would appears to be Danny Breeze, followed by four figures that
want to try and track down the boys and find what happened look somewhat like his Boys, the rift closing behind them.
to them. She will also offer the option– since she knows the
party to be musicians themselves– to perform on stage in Danny's boys immediately look wrong and elemental. Zane
their place as a surprise opening band in order to find time
for security to locate the band. Blaze’s body shifts and morphs like fire, Coel Stone has a face
of unmoving rock and Gurgitem is translucent and wobbles as
If the party chooses to perform in the concert, proceed on he moves, all with instruments in hand.
to Chapter 3A
If the party chooses to attempt to find Danny Breeze and
the Boys, proceed on to Chapter 3B
While Danny himself seems normal at first glance, a The Stage
successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals his The Stage is 100 feet across and 40 feet deep. The party
twisted elemental nature as well, with parts of his body begins combat in the middle, with Danny Breeze and the
breaking away into wisps of air and wind before reforming in boys 30 feet to one side. The drop from the stage to the
small parts all around his body. ground is 5 feet.
The map for the stage can be found in Appendix A.
The party can quickly realize that these are not the real
Danny Breeze and the Boys, but some kind of fakes. Winning Over the crowd
Danny taunts the party, insulting their performance if they An important element to this combat is the audience, who as
succeeded on two or less rounds of the musical challenge, or an Environmental Action on Initiative 0 (losing ties) can
berates them for attempting to upstage him at his own provide various effects to either the party or Danny Breeze
concert if they succeeded on all three. Danny then turns to and the Boys.
rile up the audience, before attacking the party. At the end of every player character's turn, the character
While the clone of Danny Breeze is mostly articulate, the that ended their turn makes a DC 15 ability check in order
others are less intelligent and mostly repeat cool phrases that to sway the crowd. The skill used in this ability check is either
stereotype their originals’ personalities. a Charisma (Performance) check or a Performance check
with the ability score determined by the primary ability score
Throughout the fight you should describe the boys losing used by the creature during that turn. For example a wizard
their humanoid forms, becoming more elemental and primal who cast Chromatic Orb on their turn could make an
as they take damage. By the time a bandmate other than Intelligence (Performance) check to win over the crowd, or
Danny is below a quarter of their max hp they should no a Barbarian who took the Attack action could make a
longer resemble a humanoid at all and be fully elemental. Strength (Performance) check.
Danny retains his mostly humanoid form until death where Keep track of the number of successes from the party. If
he scatters to the wind. half or more of the players succeeded that round they
temporarily sway over the audience; if not, the audience is
Fighting Danny Breeze and the Boys swayed by Danny Breeze and the Boys. At Initiative 0 (losing
Stats for Danny Breeze and the Boys ties) the audience takes an environmental action to cause one
The recommended stat blocks for Danny Breeze and the boys of the following effects to aid either the party or danny
are as follows. breeze; the audience can’t use the same effect two rounds in
a row:
Danny Breeze is an Air Elemental Myrmidon (MToF
202) with a Charisma score of 20, a max hp of 100 and The audience cheers inspire strength. Each member of
can cast the Lightning Bolt spell once per day using his the band that swayed the audience each gains 2d6
Constitution modifier (Save DC 13). temporary hit points.
The audience throws healing potions from the crowd
Zane Blaze is a Fire Elemental (BR 126) with a splashing against the most injured party member. The
Charisma score of 18 and a max hp of 70. most injured member of the band that swayed the
Gurgitem is a Water Elemental (BR 158) with a audience regains 2d4 +2 hit points.
Charisma score of 18 and a max hp of 80. The audience jeers and boos the other team, each
member of the band that did not sway the audience must
Coel Stone's is an Earth Elemental (BR 330) with a all make DC 14 Wisdom Saving throws or have
Charisma score of 18 and a hit point maximum of 90. disadvantage on the first attack, ability check or saving
throw they make before the end of the next round.
The audience begins chanting the name of the band that
swayed them. Each member of this band has advantage
on the next attack roll or saving throw they make before
the end of the next round.
Beating Danny Breeze and the Boys
Once Danny Breeze and the Boys are defeated the crowd
goes wild, cheering and shouting the name of the party's
band. Where the bodies of the Elemental would be, the party
instead finds glowing crystals with the letters B.M. engraved
on them and Danny Breeze's Lightningbolt Guitar (see
Appendix B). A successful DC 12 Intelligence (History)
check reveals this to be the logo of the Bigmoney
Upon picking up one of the crystals, the rift Danny Breeze
and the Boys entered through reopens, where the party can You make haste across the city, towards Bigmoney Labs atop
see the inside of a laboratory with the same B.M. logo. Inside the Central Plateau, making good pace as you move from
the room the party can see the real Danny Breeze and the street to street, dodging vehicles and pedestrians alike.
Boys tied up and gagged by the far wall. Eventually you find yourselves cloaked by the shadows of an
When the party enters the rift proceed to Chapter 4. imposing tower blotting out the sun, with the name
“Bigmoney Labs” placed proudly on the front. When you set
Chapter 3b- Finding the your eyes on the oppressive structure, the skies open up with
wins and rain as lightning illuminates the sky.
If the party decides to track down Danny Breeze and the The security guards consist of one guard captain (Knight
boys, Natalie swiftly leads them to the green room where they MM.347) and two guards (Guard BR.163). If the captain dies
were last seen, talking nervously the whole way. or is knocked unconscious the guards will flee.
Searching the Green Room The runestone the party collected can be used to unlock
both the main door and the side door. The doors can also be
The green room is messy with no immediate sign of violence opened with a DC 13 Tool Proficiency check (Thieves
having taken place. If a character succeeds on a DC 10 Tools) or a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check,
they find that the lock on the window to the green room was Once the party enters the lab they can hear the sounds of
broken. If a character instead succeeds on a DC 13 glass shattering in the central room ahead, and when they
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) on enter the room they see four broken glass containers
this check, they further discover faint scorch marks around suspended in the air above four large vats each one which a
the window frame, which they can intuit as being a product of different color and element, once containing the failed clones
Zane Blaze being moved through the window unconciously. of Danny Breeze and the Boys who have now broken free.
They also learn that the window was broken from the In the room beyond the party sees the middle aged
outside. businessman Montgomery Bigmoney, along with the tied up
A DC 15 on this check reveals a cracked lanyard knocked original members of Danny Breeze and the Boys. Bigmoney,
behind one of the couches, presumably torn off in some sort upon seeing the party, presses a button to close metal
of struggle, it is a simple lanyard with a runestone with the security shutters to the innermost room he and the original
insignia B.M. Labs on it. A successful DC 12 Intelligence boys are in, blocking access.
(History) check reveals this to be Bigmoney Labs, which is
an hour away from the stadium on the Central Plateau. If As you all rush into the laboratory, you see four large shattered
none of the players succeed on this check, Natalie will
provide the information instead. glass containers, each suspended above a vat of acidic liquid
each of a different color. On the ground in front of each of
Entering the Lab them are creatures that look somewhat like Danny Breeze and
the Boys but clearly something else. Larger and less humanoid,
The party can quickly make their way across Sharn and up to
the Central Plateau to Bigmoney Labs without much trouble– swirling in raw elemental energy they all snap their heads to
however it starts raining and storming as they get close. The look at you with burning eyes, instruments in hand. Behind
lab is a large gray building with three security guards outside, them you see a window into a room beyond, where you see a
and a large glass door with a runestone reader at the front, as large, middle-aged man some of you would recognise as
well as a side entrance. Montgomery Bigmoney, as well as four tied up bodies you
The party can sneak past the guards if at least half of the instantly know to be the real Danny Breeze and the Boys.
party make a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check to
get to the side door, or a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check to Before you can act Montgomery, watching you all, presses a
get to the main entrance. The guards can also be persuaded button closing heavy metal shutters around the windows and
to leave if bribed with gold with a DC 18 Charisma door to that innermost lab.
(Persuasion) check, or convinced to leave with a DC 18
Charisma (Intimidation) check. The clones of Danny Breeze and the Boys are clearly
unstable, looking more like full elementals than genasi, with
Danny looking the most humanoid of them all. Driven to a
violent frenzy the elemental band attacks the party.
Fighting Danny Breeze and the Boys Any creature that falls into one of these vats must make a DC
13 Constitution Saving Throw or take 4d8 damage of the
While the clone of Danny Breeze is mostly articulate, the vats respective type, taking half as much on a successful save.
others are less intelligent and mostly repeat cool phrases that A creature must make this save the first time it enters the vat
stereotype their originals’ personalities. on a turn or ends its turn there. Each member of Danny
The map of the Lab can be found in Appendix A. Breeze and the Boys is immune to the damage of their
respective vat, and vulnerable to the damage from the others.
Stats for Danny Breeze and the Boys Climbing out of a vat requires a DC 10 Strength
The recommended stat blocks for Danny Breeze and the (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check as part of a
boys are as follows. creature's movement. It can repeat this check with its action.
Danny Breeze is an Air Elemental Myrmidon (MToF End of the fight
202) with a Charisma score of 20, a max hp of 100 and Once Danny Breeze and the boys are defeated the security
can cast the Lightning Bolt spell once per day using his shutters to the back room with Bigmoney are opened and the
Constitution modifier (Save DC 13). party can head through the main door to the innermost
Zane Blaze is a Fire Elemental (BR 126) with a laboratory.
Charisma score of 18 and a max hp of 70.
Gurgitem is a Water Elemental (BR 158) with a Chapter 4- Confronting
Charisma score of 18 and a max hp of 80. Bigmoney
Coel Stone's is an Earth Elemental (BR 330) with a Once Danny Breeze and the Boys have been defeated,
Charisma score of 18 and a hit point maximum of 90. Montgomery Bigmoney does not put up much of a fight.
The party enters the innermost laboratory either through a
rift from Chapter 3A or the main door from Chapter 3B.
In the back of the room the original Danny Breeze and the
Boys are tied up and semi-conscious. As the party
approaches, Montgomery Bigmoney (Commoner MM.345)
emerges from behind a corner. He’s a large, sweaty human
man in a business suit.
Bigmoney will go on to explain his plan. How Danny
Breeze and the Boys turned the offer for a record deal at
Two mephits will be an easy encounter for a party of 3-4 Bigmoney Records and were too hot headed to work with
players, while one mephit will be an easy encounter for a him, so he planned to kidnap the band, and clone them with
party of 5-6 players. Having one mephit is recommended the clones performing in their place and signing on for a
for a party of 3-4 players. record deal. The clones didn’t work out perfectly however, and
For each band member that is replaced by a mephit, broke out of their pods malformed and incomplete, too
describe their diminished form and frailty in comparison violent to be useful.
to the others.
Acid Vats The party can dispose of Bigmoney however they feel fit
before, during, or after this explanation.
There are four vats of acid in the lab each corresponding to a
different damage type and band member: Chapter 5- Ending the
Acid Vats
Vat Damage Type The Boys
Gray Lightning Danny Breeze
Once they free Danny Breeze and the Boys, the now
weakened band will be incredibly grateful and will ask the
Blue Cold Gurgitem party if they want to do the rest of their tour together.
Red Fire Zane Blaze Grateful for their rescue, Danny Breeze gifts the party his
Lightningbolt Guitar (See Appendix B). If the party accepts
Brown Acid Coel Stone they head back to the arena with the real Danny Breeze and
the boys playing a song together that will rocket them into
The adventure ends during this first song they sing alongside
Danny Breeze and the Boys. If you wish to continue this
adventure in future sessions, try to think of the new issues
and enemies that this sudden rise to stardom may cause for
your party.
Writer: Bryan Mayle
Editors: Bryan Mayle, Meredith Siegel
Illustrator: Bryan Mayle
Formatting: Homebrewery
Map creator: Dungeonscrawl
Appendix a: Maps
The Stage
Credit: Dungeonscrawl
The Lab
Credit: Dungeonscrawl
Appendix B: Magic Items
Lightningbolt Guitar
Weapon (Battleaxe), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
This magic guitar flows with the elemental magic of Danny
Breeze’s music. This guitar can be wielded as a battleaxe that
grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
This guitar can also be used as a spellcasting focus, when it
is used in this way the spell attack bonus and save DC of
spells that deal Lightning or Thunder damage increase by 1.
It also has the following additional properties. When one of
these properties is used, both properties can't be used again
until the next dawn.
Lightning Strike: When you hit with a melee weapon
attack using the guitar the target takes an extra 4d8
lightning damage, and the target must succeed on a DC
13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end
of your next turn.
Lightning-bolt: You can use an action to cast Lightning
Bolt without expending a spell slot with a DC 13 spell
saving throw.