West 57th Street by Hilton Club, RCI Ventures Magazine
West 57th Street by Hilton Club, RCI Ventures Magazine
West 57th Street by Hilton Club, RCI Ventures Magazine
Bright lights,
Rooftop view
big city vacations
West 57th Street by Hilton Club
Established: 2009
28 floors, all new construction rban destinations have distin- KRK Our success with The Hilton
guished themselves as unique Club—New York convinced us
Units: 161 studios, one-bedroom and special experiences for that having a larger presence in the city
suites and penthouse suites
vacation owners. The pace and access would be advantageous for our Club
to a variety of activities—shopping, fine Members. Spending a few days in one
Floor-to-ceiling windows offer a
dramatic complement to sleek dining, cultural institutions, entertain- of the world’s most celebrated cities
decor and upscale furnishings ment, sightseeing and more—fulfills has emerged as a favorite experience.
the increasing demand for flexibility And the West 57th Street neighborhood
Located in the heart of in resort vacation options. To provide is terrific. It’s within walking distance
Manhattan’s prestigious more resort vacation opportunities in of Central Park, the shops along Fifth
Plaza District with easy access one of the greatest cities in the world, Avenue and Broadway, and accessible
to New York’s most notable Hilton Grand Vacations Club recently to New York City’s most renowned and
treasures, such as Carnegie Hall,
introduced West 57th Street by Hilton popular attractions.
Central Park and Broadway
Club—the first purpose-built timeshare
resort in New York City. A recent Reuters report states
V that the average price of a week
at West 57th Street is $58,000 and a
“Spending a few days in Ventures recently spoke with Kim Robert penthouse week goes for more than
one of the world’s most Kreiger, senior vice president of Club and $100,000. How are sales going?
Resorts for Hilton Grand Vacations, about
celebrated cities has emerged this unique resort. We are on track from the
as a favorite experience.” original pace of sales. As with
What about the location on West any project of this scope, we expect
— Kim Robert Kreiger, senior vice president of V 57th Street in New York City sales to continue for the next few
Club and Resorts for Hilton Grand Vacations
made sense for a new property? years, but we believe West 57th Street
will be one of the most in-demand location. But no matter where you go, all The project launched in 2004,
resorts in our Club collection. vacations share certain characteristics. when our development team began
searching for just the right location in
Can you share any demographic Does HGVC have plans for more Manhattan. The initial search process
V information about these owners?
V urban timeshare development? involved looking at nearly all available
Do they skew differently from owners at real estate in Manhattan. Then we
more traditional resorts? KRK Ever since we introduced The narrowed our focus to Midtown
Hilton Club—New York, we have Manhattan and ultimately, to the
KRK We are finding that the Club recognized the importance of the urban prime location on West 57th Street.
members buying at West 57th timeshare market. As we grow and
Street cut across demographics and expand our Club offerings, the addition of Construction
come from around the country and the these types of properties to our collec- The two existing buildings on the
world. The common characteristic of all tion makes a lot of sense strategically. site, had to be demolished—care-
owners at West 57th Street is their fully! Planning, design and construc-
strong desire to return frequently to What trends are you seeing tion were required to fit within the
indulge in New York’s cultural treasures,
V in vacation ownership? confines of the available space. It was
shopping, dining and entertainment. a daunting task, but we had a great
KRK We certainly believe that more team that was able to execute a very
V Given the price point, have
you employed a different
people will embrace the urban
resort concept and see it as a welcome
intricate strategy.
resorts in more traditional destinations? many reasons for our success, notably that we would be the first brand to
the unique benefits and flexibility of our bring a luxurious purpose-built time-
KRK For one thing, the city delivers program. Our Club program combines share project to the city.
an experience that is inherently the distinctive benefits of Hilton
more fast-paced and diverse in its local hospitality with a tremendous collection
attractions. And the services and of extraordinary travel advantages—it’s
amenities vary depending on your the best of all worlds. V Exterior of West 57th Street by Hilton Club