Rebooting HVAC Systems For Post Pandemic Revival
Rebooting HVAC Systems For Post Pandemic Revival
Rebooting HVAC Systems For Post Pandemic Revival
Khalid Syed
A s s is t a n t P r o f e s s o r – F a c i l i t i e s M a n a g e m e n t
Rooms must have a 100% exhaust into the atmosphere using 1. The annual maintenance contract (AMC) which includes the
smart and self-governing return technologies. This can be cleaning and sanitization of ducts every 3 months of
introduced through air cooled chillers where colossal designs operation, should be immediately re-instated.
consisting of cooling towers for coils to be water cooled need 2. Ordinary cloth filters must be replaced with HEPA filters and
not be used. All private and public areas need to have cleaned every 2 months for effective filtration, irrespective of
automated Room Management Systems (RMS) and Building the initial cost incurred.
Management Systems (BMS) to have self-regulating automatic 3. Avoid recirculation of air, use 100% treated fresh air (TFA) and
flow control valves called “Pressure Independent Control Valves” maintain the environmental balance through natural
(PICV). This controls the flow of air and water as per the cooling temperature exchanges.
requirement inside the room, duly communicated through the 4. New designs must include treatment of air at multiple
thermostat. Pumps with Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) are stages to avoid contamination and to increase the
required instead of constant speed ones to avoid huge energy effectiveness of air conditioning.
losses and optimization of the HVAC system. Self-cleaning ducts 5. Return or stale air must be expelled by using a proper return
with aseptic bots could be a possibility in the near future. duct, which is connected with the natural atmosphere
external to the building.