Maldives - A Safe Haven For Travellers
Maldives - A Safe Haven For Travellers
Maldives - A Safe Haven For Travellers
f avls
Based on the arrival figures of 2019, India is ranked in conducted several marketing campaigns and
the 2nd position of the highest performing markets to activities targeting the Indian markets. These activities
the Maldives. It is one of the key focused markets after help in keeping the destination presence in India
the reopening of borders on 15th July 2020. The target through several mediums and publications. There are
for the recovery of tourism in Maldives is to achieve a number of high impact activities lined up to further
pre-pandemic growth levels and increase tourist increase the destination presence and increase tourist
arrivals from India. In this regard, Visit Maldives has arrival rates from India.
From clublike resorts to chic boutique resorts, from If you are visiting the Maldives on business, staying
those which offer family fun to those that are at a hotel in Male’ is convenient. A range of hotels
exclusive to adults. Choose one that suits your style. varying in size and standards are available.
Liveaboards offer you the opportunity to see more A guesthouse stay offers a different experience.
of the Maldives. Liveaboards offer dedicated surf Your stay will be in a local town where you would
and dive cruises or you can choose one for a get the chance to mingle with the people and get a
leisurely cruise to various atolls. taste of the county’s culture.
Tourist establishments have been regulated to ensure social distancing, whilst enjoying a truly safe and
that they are in line with the COVID-19 tourism secluded holiday.
guidelines; a COVID-19 safe tourism guideline has been While visitors get to enjoy the beautiful country, it is
issued by the Ministry of Tourism along with a vital to provide them with a clear understanding and
certification program to uphold proper safety and awareness of the safety measures in place, to ensure
hygiene standards. that they get to enjoy a hassle-free vacation. They are
The signature “one-island-one-resort” concept means requested to adhere to all measures stated in this
that visitors to the country are based in their document and ensure that all necessary requirements
respective resorts. Together, these unique are met prior to arrival, during arrival and departure
arrangements make it easier for visitors to maintain from Maldives.
Before Departure to Maldives
A confirmed booking in a tourist establishment All tourists are required to submit an online Health
registered with the Ministry of Tourism is mandatory. A Declaration Form within 24 hours prior to departure
list of tourist establishments and their tentative through the IMUGA portal.
reopening dates is available on the Visit Maldives
website. All tourists are required to hold a negative PCR test for
COVID-19 conducted 96 hours prior the scheduled
The “Public Health Interventions to Prevent COVID-19 time of departure from the first port of embarkation
Transmission in the Tourism Sector” guideline details enroute to Maldives.
what tourists can expect as they plan to visit Maldives.
If the tourist makes a transit during the journey, the
Split-Stays are permitted between all tourist initial PCR test will be valid if the transit does not
establishments that meet all compulsory exceed 24 hours.
requirements under the Split-Stay guideline
approved by the local Health Protection Agency. If the tourist makes a transit exceeding 24 hours, the
Requests for approval of these Split-Stays should be passenger must repeat the PCR test within 96 hours
submitted to the Ministry of Tourism two days prior prior to embarkation at the port of transit.
to the traveling date.
Name of the passenger Name and address of Type of test stated Date and time Result
(name as in passport) the testing laboratory as a PCR test of sampling
The PCR test result should be submitted through the IMUGA portal within 24
hours prior to departure to Maldives. In addition, the lab result should be
presented in paper or electronic format during the airline check-in.
On Arrival to Maldives
All tourists are granted a 30-day free visa upon arrival. Hands should be sanitized. Hand sanitization and
hygiene facilities are available throughout the airport.
Quarantine upon arrival is not required. However, if the
passenger has a fever, cough or shortness of breath Physical distancing should be ensured. All physical
on board the flight or upon arrival, it should be distancing guidelines are clearly marked with visible
informed to the local Health Protection Agency. distance information and floor markings in passenger
All tourists must undergo thermal screening at the
arrival terminal. All tourists are encouraged to install the Contact
Tracing app “TraceEkee.”
All tourists should wear masks.
Departure from Maldives
Tourists must undergo an exit screening prior to for a medical emergency.
departure from the resort. This is to ensure that a
symptomatic person or a person in quarantine does Routine testing for COVID-19 is not required prior to
not exit the resort and travel. departure from a resort, however during exit
screening if any tourist is found to have fever or
The exit screening questionnaire should document symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 within the prior 14
any history of fever or respiratory symptoms such as days, they must undergo PCR testing for COVID19.
cough or shortness of breath within the past 14 days. It
should be ensured that the guest is not under For tourists who require COVID-19 test results to
quarantine or isolation. Temperature should be return to their countries of origin or another
checked to exclude fever. destination, testing services are available in the
Maldives. This can be arranged through the
A tourist who is under quarantine or isolation destination or resort representative.
s h o u l d n o t be allowed to exit the resort except
International Recognition of
Safety Standards
Maldives has received the “Safe Travels Stamp” granted Velana International Airport is the second airport in the
by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) on 15th Asia Pacific Region to receive the much-awaited “Airport
September 2020, in recognition of the measures taken in Health Accreditation” by the Airport Council International
making the Maldives a safe and pleasurable destination (ACI) on 31st August 2020.
for visitors.
Maldives Border Miles
Maldives Immigration, together with the Ministry of Maldives Border Miles is a three-tier loyalty program for
Tourism, Maldives Marketing and Public Relations tourists who will earn points based on the duration of
Corporation and Maldives Airports Company launched stay, frequency of visits and other aspects.
the “Maldives Border Miles” program, the very first of its
kind in the world on 27th September 2020. The program will be officially implemented on 1st
December 2020.
Allied Insurance Company, together with the Ministry of 24 hours prior to their arrival in the country through the
Tourism, launched a COVID-19 insurance policy, focusing Allied Insurance website. The resort establishment in
on tourists visiting Maldives. which the tourist is staying can also take this plan on
their behalf, provided that the beneficiary will be
This insurance policy called “Allied Inbound” consists of insured.
two options covering medical charges, isolation facility
charges, emergency medical transportation charges More details and relevant information are also available
and interment charges. on the Allied Insurance website and the toll-free hotline
This insurance policy comes in two options: Allied
Inbound and Allied Inbound Plus. Tourists who are For more information, download brochure here.
interested in this insurance should apply for the plan
The Air Bubble initiative was introduced on 25th August flights between the two countries. With the gradual
2020. It is a first for India within this region to boost increase in flight connectivity and ongoing marketing
tourism, and it has enabled a regular path with weekly efforts, the arrivals from India are gradually increasing.
Flight Connectivity Between
India and Maldives