In-Course Assessment (Ica) Specification
In-Course Assessment (Ica) Specification
In-Course Assessment (Ica) Specification
Online (Blackboard)
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General Statement
The ICA brief is two. These are the standard and the COVID-19 Proof ICAs.
The standard ICA is to be undertaken when there is no restriction and students are
able to access the laboratory and carry out the tasks. The COVID-19 ICA is to be
undertaken in the event there are restrictions to laboratory access and students are
unable to carry out the laboratory works.
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1. Introduction
A key part of the Mechanics of Materials 2 and Applied Mechanics Materials modules
is to present the opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience of engineering
material response to externally applied loads. These loads could be axial, torsional,
bending or a combination of these. The material response has a direct relationship to
the material properties which are the module of elasticity (E), modules of rigidity (G)
and the failure mode as well as the nature of the failed surface of the solid material.
In this assignment, a circular bar is loaded in torsion to fracture. Its response to loading
and the fractured surface will be studied to characterise the bar. Thus, two
experiments 1 and 2 will be carried out to achieve the aim of the research investigation.
You are required to submit a laboratory report. The report should be limited to 2000
words. This assignment constitutes 30% of the overall module mark.
2. Report presentation
• Title [5%]
• Abstract (200 words maximum) [15%]
• Introduction [5%]
• Method [5%]
• Results and discussion (based on the questions posed) [50%]
(a) Plot the values of “Torque, Ti, against angle of twist, 𝜃𝑖 ,” on a graph sheet.
(b) Determine the value of the modulus of rigidity G, for the materials.
(c) What is the mode of failure of the material and give reasons?
(d) Give a name for the material of the test vehicle and state your reasons.
(e) How close is your generated G value to the published literature value and
list and explain sources of error to the experiment.
Conclusions [10%]
• References [10%]
For more information on how to write a report you can contact the library for support
from a dedicated team. They will provide advice on report writing. Alternatively, you
may want to refer to the following websites:
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3. Assessment Scheme
The module handbook presents the learning outcomes for the module. The
assignment is designed to give you opportunity to show that you have achieved
learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4. These are centred on your practical and professional
skills development. Hence you will be assessed on your ability to:
(a) Apply confidence and flexibility in identifying and defining complex problem and
the application of appropriate knowledge and methods to their solution.
(b) Act autonomously with limited supervision or direction within agreed guidelines.
(c) Communicate clearly, fluently and effectively in styles appropriate to context.
The university criteria for marking at level 6 are as follows:
Band Level 6
90%- Exceptional work. Presentation is logical, error-free and, where appropriate, creative. There is
100% an in-depth understanding of issues/problems and excellent critical/deep engagement with the
material and concepts involved. Very skilful interpretation of data. Arguments, ideas and, where
appropriate, solutions are presented coherently and fully underpinned by thorough research and
80%- Outstanding work with presentation of a very high standard. There is comprehensive
89% understanding of key concepts and knowledge and clear evidence of critical analysis and insight.
Accurate interpretation of data with arguments, ideas and solutions presented effectively and
based on strong research and reading.
70%- Extremely good work with presentation of a high standard. Demonstrates an excellent knowledge
79% base with a clear understanding of the issues and application to practice where appropriate. There
is some effective critical and analytical application of relevant research and reading.
60%- The work is very good, logically structured and presented to a high standard. Demonstrates a
69% strong knowledge base with a clear understanding of the issues and application to practice where
appropriate. There is some critical and analytical application of relevant research.
50%- The work is clearly presented and logically structured. It shows evidence of a sound understanding
59% of the topic and addresses major issues. The work contains some discussion and interpretation of
relevant perspectives although further development of the arguments presented would be beneficial.
There are examples of critical reflection and evidence of application of theory to practice.
40%- Adequate presentation. The work displays basic knowledge and understanding of the topic but is
49% largely descriptive. There is an attempt to bring together different ideas and concepts although this
would have been strengthened by the inclusion of further key issues. The structure of the work requires
attention to its coherence and logical development of content. The link between theory and practice,
where appropriate, is somewhat tenuous and its development would enhance the work considerably.
30%- The work is poorly presented and contains numerous errors, inconsistencies and omissions with limited
39% use of source material. The work displays a weak knowledge base and a lack of sufficient understanding
– Fail of the topic. There is limited evidence of the application of theory to practice where appropriate. It
contains many unsupported statements with limited attempts to bring issues together and lacks critical
analysis and reflection.
29% The work is very poorly presented and contains numerous serious errors, inconsistencies and omissions
and with little use of source material. The work displays a very weak knowledge base and a lack of
below sufficient understanding of the topic. There is very little evidence of the application of theory to practice
where appropriate. It contains many unsupported statements with very little attempt to bring issues
together and there is a complete lack of critical analysis and reflection. To obtain a mark of 20% the
work must show evidence of a genuine attempt to engage with the assessment requirements and with
the subject matter.
Please note: e-mail submissions will not be accepted.
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1. Overview
Two experiments will be conducted. Experiment 1 is torsional loading of a test vehicle
while experiments two is the microscopic examination of the failed surfaces using
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
2. Aim
The aim of the experiment is to characterise to identify the material of a circular shaft
test vehicle.
3. Objectives
The objectives of the experiments include to:
(i) Apply a series of increasing torques, 𝑇𝑖 on the test vehicle and measure the
corresponding angle of twists, 𝜃𝑖 induced in it.
(ii) Increase the torsional load to failure of the test vehicle and study the facture
mechanics of the failed surface to identify the mode of failure.
(iii) Examine the failed section of the test vehicle in a SEM and obtain a micrograph
of the failed section.
(iv) Determine the material of the unknown circular shaft test vehicle based on your
4. Introduction
Many machine members are under torsional loading during operation. Two common
examples are shaft and steering column of an automobile.
Torsion may be defined as the twisting action on a member which may occur during
system’s operation. The twisting may be caused by two equal and opposing moments
acting about the longitudinal axis of the member. Fig. 1.0 presents a circular shaft
which is fixed at one end and under twisting by the torsional load, T. Application of the
torque induces stresses in the material. The nature of these stresses is complicated
and the stresses have many components.
For axially loaded bar, the expression for shear stress is given by:
𝑃𝑇 𝑃𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑃 𝑃
𝜏= =𝐴 = 𝐴 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 = 2𝐴 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜃 (1.0)
𝐴0 ⁄𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
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sin2𝜃 = 1 (2.0)
The implication is that maximum shear stress occurs at an angle of 45° to shaft
centroidal axis. This is the site of failure by fracture mode for a brittle material under
torsion. The failure of a ductile material under torsion is quite different. The angle of
failure of a ductile material is much higher than 45 degrees in practice.
Determination of the modulus of rigidity G and shear yield stress as well as the
mechanics of failure of a structural member could be used to characterise the member
and determine the material of the member.
5.0 Theory
5.1 Experiment 1:
Fig 1.0 presents a circular bar AB which is fixed at one end and under torsional load,
T. Application of the load deforms the bar. Thus, a line ac on the surface of the shaft
AB deforms to Ad as the free end of the shaft rotates through an angle, θ. During the
deformation, the length of the shaft remains the same, the cross-sectional radius, r,
remains unchanged and the cross-section remains plane and undistorted. With
reference to the figure, for a length L, shear strain ϕ, can be defined as:
𝑠 𝑟𝜃
∅=𝐿= (3.0)
Where: s is linear displacement of point c (ie arc cd), L is the length of the shaft, r is
the radius of the cross-section, θ is the angular displacement of point c (in radians).
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For an elemental body of length dx at a distance r (surface of the shaft) from the
centroidal axis AB as shown in Fig 2.0, the ∅ is expressed thus:
∅ = 𝑟 𝑑𝑥 (4.0)
Where the quantity, 𝑑𝑥 is the angle of twist per unit length.
𝜏 = 𝐺∅ (5.0)
Where: 𝜏 is the shear stress, 𝐺 is the Modulus of rigidity, r is the radius of the cross-
section, ∅ is the shear strain. Substituting Eq. 4.0 in Eq. 5.0, obtain:
𝜏 = 𝐺𝑟 𝑑𝑥 (6.0)
s r x
a A
* B
x dx T
Now, consider Fig 2.0 which shows a cross section, A, containing a differential element
which has an area, dA. The element is at a distance r from the shaft centre, B. The
figure shows that the cross section is acted upon by the induced torque, T and the
elemental body observes a differential force dF which produces a differential torque,
dA 𝑑𝐹 = 𝜏𝑑𝐴
R dT
Cross sectional area, A
Fig 2.0: Distribution of shear stress along the radius of a circular shaft. 7 | 21
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𝑑𝑇 = 𝜏𝑑𝐴 × 𝑟 (7.0)
If J is defined thus:
𝐽 = ∫𝐴 𝑟 2 𝑑𝐴 (9.0)
where J is the polar moment of inertia, also known as polar second moment of area.
The units of J is 𝑚4 if d is in m, Eq. 8.0 becomes:
𝑇 = 𝐺𝐽 𝑑𝑥 (10.0)
For integrand independent of x, (eg prismatic bar carrying a constant torque) then Eq.
11.0 becomes:
𝜃 = 𝐺𝐽 (12.0)
For a circular solid bar, the value of J can be computed using Eq. 13.0:
𝜋𝐷 4
J= (13.0)
where: T is the applied torque or moment (Nm), J is the polar moment of inertia for a
solid shaft (m4), G is the shear modulus (GPa), θ is the angle of twist (radians), L is
the effective length of shaft (m) and D is the diameter of the shaft (m).
5.2 Experiment 2
The knowledge of the mode of fracture (brittle or ductile) of a material obtained from
analysis of image of the fracture surface acquired from scanning electron microscope
(SEM) will provide more information which will aide in material identification.
The materials and equipment use are discussed thus: two experiments.
6.1 Experiment 1
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The materials of the test vehicle may include steel, brass and other materials. Fig 3.0
presents the configuration of the test vehicle.
These are used for the measurement of the diameter and length of the test vehicles.
The equipment is show in Fig 4.0. It is The SM1001 30 Nm Torsion Testing Machine.
6.2 Experiment 2
The material is the fractured surface of the test vehicle. The equipment is a SEM
shown in Fig 7(a) and the micrograph is presented in Fig 7 (b). The procedure for
preparing the materials will be presented by the lab technician who will assist you in
carrying out the experiment.
7. Experiment Setup
7.1: Experiment 1:
Fig. 5.0: Fitting the sockets to the Torque Head and the Gearbox Output
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Experiment 2
The SEM system is shown in Fig 7 (a) and the micrograph of the failed surface is
presented in Fig 7(b).
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Fig. 7 (a): Scanning Electron Fig. 7 (b): Microstructure of the failed surface
Microscope (SEM) system obtained from Scanning Electron Microscope
(SEM). Magnification X2000.
8. Data Collection
9. Analysis of Results
The analysis of results should be done scientifically and presented as outline in Report
presentation section.
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1. Introduction
A key aim of the Mechanics of Materials and Applied Mechanics of Materials modules
is to provide students the opportunity to gain hands-on practical experience on
designing an experiment to characterise an unknown material. This involves the
determination of material coefficient and properties. Obtained data and results are
used to identify the unknown materials.
Table 2 presents the recorded values of the applied torque (in Nm) and the
corresponding values of the angles of twist of the shaft. Figure 8 presents the
microstructure of the failed section of the test vehicle.
You are required to submit a laboratory report. The report should be limited to 2000
words. This assignment constitutes 30% of the overall module mark.
2. Report presentation
A systematic approach should be taken to write the report of the results of the
experiment conducted. The distribution of marks in percentages are as shown. The
report should contain the following sections:
• Title [5%]
• Abstract (200 words maximum) [15%]
• Introduction [5%]
• Method [5%]
• Results and discussion (based on the questions posed) [50%]
(b) Plot the values of “Torque, Ti, against angle of twist, 𝜃𝑖 ,” on a graph sheet.
(b) Determine the value of the modulus of rigidity G, for the materials.
(c) What is the mode of failure of the material and give reasons?
(d) Give a name for the material of the test vehicle and state your reasons.
(e) How close is your generated G value to the published literature value and
list and explain sources of error to the experiment.
Conclusions [10%]
• References [10%]
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