Bracelet Pattern

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Make an impressive bracelet

. with SuperDuos formed into
an intricate yet simple

designed by Svetlana Chernitsky

Base 2 Pick up an 11Q seed bead, a 3 mm a loop (d-e). Pick up a SuperDuo, and
1 On a comfortable length of thread, magatama drop bead, and an 11Q, sew through the next tile bead (e-f).
attach a stop bead, leaving a 12-in. and sew through the inner hole of 4 Sew through the inner hole of the next
(30 cm) tail. Pick up a SuperDuo bead, the adjacent Superuuo to form a loop SuperDuo, 8 and SuperDuo. Continue

an 8Q seed bead, a SuperDuo, and a ' (figure 2, a-b). Continue through the through the open holes of the next two
two-hole tile bead, and sew through following 82, the inner hole of the 'next SuperDuos (figure 3, a-b).
the open hole of the same tile bead SuperDuo, and the tile bead (b-c). 5 Pick up an 11 and a tile bead, and

(figure 1. a-b). Pick up a SuperDuo, 3 Pick up a SuperDuo, an 8Q, a sew through the open hole of the same
·sew through the following 8Q, and pick SuperDuo, an 11 Q, a magatama, an tile bead (b-e), Pick up an 11Q and four
up a SuperDuo (b-c). 11Q, an~ a SuperDuo (c-d). Sew back SuperDuos, and sew through the outer
throu~h the 8 just added to form
holes of the adjacent two SuperDuos to

Difficulty rating
form a loop (c-d). Keeping a tight ten- continue through the open hole of
sion, continue rhrouqh the following the following SuperDuo (c-d). Pick up ~~OOO
112 and tile bead (d-e). an 112, a magatama, an 112, and a
.•••6 Pick up an 112, and sew through the SuperDuo, and sew back through the
open holes of the n~xt two SuperDuos 8Q just coded to form a loop (d-e). Materials
(figure 4. a-b). Pick up four SuperDuos Pick up a SuperDuo, and sew through purple bracelet 8 in. (2e em)
and an 112, and se'1 through the follow- fhe following tile bead (e-f). • 23 6 mm CzechMates rwo-bole tile beads
ing tile bead (b-c). Continue through 10 Repeat steps 4-9, ending and (polychrome orchid aqua)
the next 112 and' the inner holes of the adding thread as needed, for the • 9 9 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads (metallic
next two SuperDuos. Pull the thread desired length of the bracelet minus suede pink)
tight. and sew through the open hole 11f4 in. (3.2 cm) for the clasp. End the • 2 9 3 mm magatama drop beads
of the same SuperDuo your thread is final row after completing step 4. (Ioho 505, metallic dragonfly)
exiting (c-d). • 1 9 82 seed beads (Toho 741, copper-lined
7 pick up an 8~ and sew through the olcboster)
open hole of the nextsuperpuo. Pick up 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo bead • 1 9 112 seed beads (Toho 1204, opaque

a tile bead, and sew through the open light' amethyst marbled)
hole of the same tile bead (d-e). 6 x 6 mm two-hole • 1 g152 seed beads (Miyuki 360,
8 Pick up a SuperDuo, and sew through tile bead aqua-lined amethyst AB) e
the following 82. Pick up a SuperDuo, an • toggle clasp
112, a magatama, and an 112, and sew
through the outer hole of the adjacent
o 82 seed bead • 2 6 mm jump rings
• Fireline,6 lb. test
112 seed bead
SuperDuo to form a loop (figure 5. a-b). • beading needles, # 11 or # 12
Continue through the next 82, SuperDuo, 3 mm magatama • 2 pairs of chainnose, fiatnose, and/or
and tile bead (b-e). bentnose pliers
9 Sew through the open hole of the • 152 seed bead
next SuperDuo, pick up an 8Q, and green bracelet 7112 in. (19.1 cm)
• 5 mm Tila beads (Miyuki 2002, metallic,
matte silver gray)
• 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads (turquoise
• 3 mm magatama drop beads (Toho Y151,
hybrid topaz qold)
• 82 seed beads (Toho 221 f, frosted bronze)
• 11 Q seed beads (Miyuki 1074, galvanized

sea green)
Basics, p. 19
•. ending and adding thread
• opening and closing jump rings
FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 • attaching a stop bead

Svetlana Chernifsky has been

beading for nine years and
loves working with two-hole
beads. Emaif her at lirigal@ or visit


June 2015 43

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