Temari Ball Charm: Tri-Angle Weave
Temari Ball Charm: Tri-Angle Weave
Temari Ball Charm: Tri-Angle Weave
w Fireline thread; 6 lb
w Beading needles; size 12
w Scissors or Thread Zapper
5 5 6 5 6
4 4 4
2 2 2 2
7 7
1 1 1 1
3 3 3 3
1. Thread needle with 3’-4’ 2. String on a seed bead, 3. String on a seed bead, 4. String on a seed bead,
of thread. String on crystal 1, crystal 4, seed bead, crystal 5, crystal 6, seed bead, crystal 7, crystal 8, seed bead, crystal 9,
seed bead, crystal 2, seed bead, seed bead, and pass through seed bead, and pass through seed bead, and pass through
crystal 3, and a seed bead. Pass crystal 2, seed bead, and crystal 4, seed bead, and crystal 6, seed bead, and
throughcrystal 1, seed bead, crystal 4. crystal 6. crystal 8.
and crystal 2.
13 13 14
12 12
9 10 9 10 9 10
8 8 8
5 6 5 6 5 6
11 11 11
4 4 4
2 2 2
7 7 7
1 1 1
3 3 3
5. String on a seed bead, 6. String on a seed bead, crystal 12, 7. String on a seed bead, crystal 14, seed bead,
crystal 10, seed bead, crystal 11, seed bead, crystal 13, seed bead, and crystal 15, seed bead, and pass through crystal 12,
seed bead, and pass through pass through crystal 10, seed bead, seed bead, and crystal 14.
crystal 8, seed bead, and and crystal 12.
crystal 10.
Brea Bead Works 1027 E. Imperial Hwy, #D5 • Brea CA 92821 • 714.671.9976 • fax 714.671.7941 • www.breabeadworks.com
© 2005-2010 BREA BEAD WORKS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [email protected]
17 17 18
16 16
13 14 13 14
12 12
9 10 9 10
15 15
8 8
5 6 5 6
11 11
4 4
2 2
7 7
1 1
3 3
8. String on a seed bead, crystal 16, seed bead, crystal 17, 9. String on a seed bead, crystal 18, seed bead, crystal 19, seed bead, and
seed bead, and pass through crystal 14, seed bead, and crystal 16. pass through crystal 16, seed bead, and crystal 18.
17 18 NOTE: Yellow filled crystals designates existing beads
TIE KNOT that you’ll be passing your needle through.
13 14
9 10 22
8 21
5 6
4 1
2 17 18
1 16
10. String on a seed bead and pass through crystal 1. Add a seed bead, 11. String on a seed bead, crystal 21, seed bead,
crystal 20, seed bead, and pass through crystal 18 and seed bead. Tie a square knot crystal 22, seed bead, and pass through crystal 20,
using the tail thread end and pass through crystal 1, seed bead, and crystal 20. seed bead, and crystal 21.
Brea Bead Works 1027 E. Imperial Hwy, #D5 • Brea CA 92821 • 714.671.9976 • fax 714.671.7941 • www.breabeadworks.com
© 2005-2010 BREA BEAD WORKS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [email protected]
23 22 24 24
21 13 13
17 20 23 22 23 22
1 21 21
12. String on a seed bead, crystal 23, 13. String on a seed bead, pass through 14. String on a seed bead, crystal 25,
seed bead, and pass through crystal 17, crystal 13, add a seed bead, crystal 24, seed bead, and pass through crystal 9.
seed bead, and crystal 21, seed bead, seed bead, and pass through crystal 23, Add a seed bead and pass through
and crystal 23. seed bead, crystal 13, seed bead, and crystal 24, seed bead, and crystal 25.
crystal 24.
15. Pass your needle through to the opposite end and repeat the 16. Pass your needle through so it exits a crystal.
basic technique used in step 11 through 14 to close up the temari ball. String enough seed beads to form a loop and thread
If you are including a bell please insert it before you close up the temari ball. through same crystal but from opposite end. Pass
through two more times to reinforce and tie half-
hitched knots in at least 3 locations to secure. Do
the same with the other thread end.
Needle under thread. Pull thread to form a
small thread loop and pass needle through
loop. Pull knot over thread in weave, making
sure you pinch your stitch so that the pulling of
the knot doesn’t distort you stitches.
Brea Bead Works 1027 E. Imperial Hwy, #D5 • Brea CA 92821 • 714.671.9976 • fax 714.671.7941 • www.breabeadworks.com
© 2005-2010 BREA BEAD WORKS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [email protected]