Vitamin C Write-Up
Vitamin C Write-Up
Vitamin C Write-Up
Biology AS
Independent variable: The different sources used: orange juice, lime, lemon, orange.
Dependent variable: The volume of juice (attained from the source) required to
decolourise 2cm³ of DCPIP. This can be used to calcuate, when compared with the control
of 0.1% vitamin C solution, how much vitamin C the source contains in mg/cm³.
Background information: Citrus fruits, such as lemons, contain vitamin C which prevents
the deficiency disease scurvy. Vitamin C is a reducing agent, and decolourises the blue
dye DCPIP. This reaction allows us to estimate the vitamin C content of different sources.
Raw data
Volume / cm³ required to decolourise 2cm³ DCPIP
Solution 1 2 3 4 Mean
0.1% vitamin C 1.5 2 1.5 1.6 1.65
Orange juice 4.5 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.43
Lime 6.5 7 7.4 7 6.98
Lemon 4 6.4 5.2 5.5 5.28
Orange 6 7.8 6.5 6.3 6.65
Calculated data
From these results, you can calculate the vitamin C content in mg/cm³ of each of the
sources, and using the volume of the source, the mg of vitamin C in each piece of fruit.
1cm³ of 0.1% vitamin C solution is 1mg vitamin C, therefore 1.65mg vitamin C
decolourises 2cm³ DCPIP.
There were numerous sources of error throughout the experiment. One error was the
argument of when the DCPIP had gone clear, as many people had different views of when
it was. Also, as the juices obtained and used were coloured, it was difficult to decide when
it had gone clear as it was tinted with the colour of the juice. Within each group, this was
avoided by having the same person decide when it was clear. However, there were
discrepancies between groups. This could be avoided by a pre-arranged definition of clear
from the whole class.
Another source of error was the pipettes used. Some of them were graduated with smaller
measures, and were therefore more accurate than others, so in some cases it was
uncertain exactly how much juice from a source had been added. This could be avoided
through everyone using the same kind of pipette for each purpose, preferably one with
small graduations for optimum accuracy. Another problem with the pipettes was that some
of the ones used did not hold the liquid in well, and a small amount escaped before
reaching the test tube. This could have had an effect in the case of measuring DCPIP, as
there would be less to be decolourised, tainting the results. This could be avoided by
ensuring the pipettes used were fully functional beforehand, and making sure the pipettes
still contained the correct amount before placing in the test tube.
An additional source of error could be the amount the test tube was shaken after each
drop of a vitamin C containing solution was added. Some people may have shaken it for
longer than others, which could have meant the vitamin C dispersed more or acted faster
than in other cases. This could be avoided by having a pre-set amount of time to shake for,
e.g. 20 seconds, and having the same person in each group do so each time.
A problem with the results obtained is that they are based on solely the juice taken from a
fruit. This ignores the other parts of the fruit, i.e. the rind and fleshy parts. This makes the
assumption about how much vitamin C is contained in a piece of fruit unreliable. To
improve this, the experiment could be tried by cutting up and processing a whole piece of
fruit, and adding the obtained liquid to the DCPIP. This would take into account the whole
of the fruit, although there may be further issues with viscosity and clearness.