Diving Safety: Technical Oversight
Diving Safety: Technical Oversight
Diving Safety: Technical Oversight
Diving Safety
Technical Oversight
Quality Control
Quality Assurance
2 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc. 8/20/2012
Contract Requirements
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Delegated Authority
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EM 385-1-1
Section 30
Contract Diving
6 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General
•Failure to comply with this section is cause
for cessation of operations
–Any request for variance must be put in
writing and approved by HQUSACE
•Command may elect to implement and
enforce more conservative diving
•Diving not to be utilized if the work objective
can be done by other means
7 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General
• Surface supplied air (SSA) to be used
whenever practical
8 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General
•Training to be documented IAW 29 CFR 1910-
–Must be from a commercial diving school,
military school, or from an Assoc of Diving
Contractors accredited school, or;
–Meet the requirements of ANSI/ACDE-01
9 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General
•A current Assoc of Diving Contractors
Commercial Diving Certification Card may be
used instead of a training certificate
•Contractors must show evidence of
experience consistent with scope of work
–Minimum of 1 year experience
–4 working dives with similar exposure
–1 in prior 6 months
10 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General
•Dive team members to have current First Aid, CPR
and Emergency O2
11 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General
12 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General – Required Submittals
•The following submittals must be reviewed
and accepted by DDC prior to start of dive
–Contractor’s Safe Practices Manual
–Dive Operations Plan
–Emergency Management Plan
–Dive Personnel Qualifications
13 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Safe Practices Manual
•Safety procedures and checklists
•Assignments and responsibilities of dive team
•Equipment certifications and checklists
•Emergency procedures for fire, weather, etc.
•Requirements for inspections
•Copy of OSHA 29 CFR 1910 Subpart T and the
contractor’s method of compliance
•US Navy air tables
•Sample of dive log sheets
14 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Safe Practices Manual
•Sample of repetitive dive worksheets
•US Navy table of no-decompression limits
•US Navy residual nitrogen tables
•Outline of medical qualifications required for divers
and procedures for confirming those qualifications
•Outline of admin and recordkeeping procedures
15 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Dive Operations Plan
•Name of contractor/subcontractor
•Contract number
•Date of dive plan submission
•Name of dive supervisor preparing plan
•Names and duties of dive team members
•List of dive equipment to be used
•Types of diving platform to be used
•Detailed description of the mission
•Dates, times, duration and location of operation
16 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Dive Operations Plan
•Diving mode used – SSA, SCUBA, and description of
•Nature of work to be performed and tools used
•Surface and underwater conditions
•Maximum single dive bottom time for planned depth
•Names of personnel involved in topside support, I.e.,
crane operator, etc.
•Means of communication used
17 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Dive Operations Plan
•NOTE: The Dive Operations Plan will include the
following statement: “If for any reason the dive plan
is altered in mission, depth, personnel, or equipment,
the DDC will be contacted in order to review and
accept the alteration prior to actual operation.”
18 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Activity Hazard Analysis
•Identification of task or activity:
•List of hazards anticipated or possible with the task
•Means of mitigating each hazard listed
•Assignment of Risk Assessment Code
19 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Emergency Management Plan
•Location and phone number of nearest operational
recompression chamber
•Location and phone numbers of hospital
•Location and phone number of USCG Rescue
Coordination Center (if appropriate)
•Description of emergency victim transport plan
•Procedure and means of activating emergency
•Procedures to deal with entrapped or fouled diver
20 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Emergency Management Plan
•Actions taken upon loss of vital support equipment
•Actions taken upon loss of gas supply
•Action taken upon loss of communication
•Lost diver plan
•Injured diver plan
•Diver blow-up or rapid ascent
•Diver loss of consciousness
•Injury/illness of surface crew with diver in water
21 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
30.A General
•Pre-dive conference with all personnel involved
22 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Dive Log
•Dive log is required for each diver / each dive
–Full name
–Date and location of dive
–Maximum depth and bottom time
–Surface interval
–Breathing mode used
–Dive group classification
–Water and air temps
–Decompression stops
–Date and time of last dive
•Copies of dive log submitted to DDC after completion
23 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Pre-Dive Checklist
•Pre-dive checks are performed prior to each dive
–Breathing gas supply
–Equipment function
–Safety equipment on site
–Lockout-tagout procedures followed
–Crane signals reviewed
–Welding cutting prodecures
–Blasting procedures
–Pre dive briefing
24 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Manning Levels
SCUBA Untethered, 0 TO 100 FT
Supervisor 1
Divers (In visual contact 2
Stand-by diver * 1
* The stand-by diver must be sufficiently free of residual nitrogen to
allow for 25 minutes of bottom time at the working depth without
exceeding no decompression limits
25 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Manning Levels
SCUBA, tethered with communication, 0 TO 100 FT
Supervisor 1
Diver (in water) 1
Tender 1
Stand-by diver * 1
* The stand-by diver must be sufficiently free of residual nitrogen to
allow for 25 minutes of bottom time at the working depth without
exceeding no decompression limits
26 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Manning Levels
Surface Supplied Air, 0 TO 100 FT
Supervisor 1
Diver (in water) 1
Tender 1
Stand-by diver * 1
* The stand-by diver must be sufficiently free of residual nitrogen to allow for 25 minutes of
bottom time at the working depth without exceeding no decompression limits
27 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Manning Levels
Surface Supplied Air, 101 TO 199 FT
Supervisor 1
Communications /Console Operator 1
Diver (in water) 1
Tender 1
Stand-by diver * 1
Stand-by diver tender 1
* The stand-by diver must be sufficiently free of residual nitrogen to allow for 25 minutes of of
bottom time at the working depth without exceeding no decompression limits
28 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Manning Levels
29 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
Scientific Snorkeling
•Snorkeling is considered diving and requires
approval of DDC
•Used only for environmental assessment. Not used
for structural inspections
•Snorkeling to be QA’d by diving inspectors
•Not allowed in water greater than 5 ft in depth
•Snorkelers and observers / assistants to be certified
•An observer / assistant to accompany each snorkeler
within 50 ft. Equipped with PFD, throw bag, etc.
30 Activity/Title/Group/Section,etc.
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