Learning Journals: What Is A Learning Journal?
Learning Journals: What Is A Learning Journal?
Learning Journals: What Is A Learning Journal?
Learning Journals
What is a learning journal?
What is a learning journal?
A learning journal is a collection of notes, observations,
thoughts and other relevant materials built-up over a period of
Structuring your learning
time and usually accompanies a period of study, a placement
experience or fieldwork. Its purpose is to enhance your learning journal >>1
through the very process of writing and thinking about your
learning experiences. Your learning journal is personal to you
Why use a learning
and will reflect your personality and experiences.
journal? >>1
Structuring your learning journal
What is reflective
A learning journal may be called several different things: a
learning? >>2
learning log, a fieldwork diary or personal development planner,
for example. Different subject areas may ask you to focus on
different aspects of your experiences and may also have a Diagram of the process
different format. A journal could be a notebook, an electronic
of reflective learning >>2
document or sometimes can be recorded verbally on a tape. You
will need to check which format is required with your module
tutor. Benefits of developing
your skills in reflective
learning >>3
Reflection is an important skill to develop, and requires you to think about how you
personally are relating to what is happening on your course, during your
assignment, or in your placement. The following diagram illustrates the process of
reflective learning.
Explore my understanding,
perceptions and ideas
Question my assumptions
Identify anything confusing or
difficult to understand
What more do I need to know
to help my understanding?
A learning journal should focus on your own personal responses, reactions and
reflections to new ideas or new ways of thinking about a subject that have been
introduced to you through:
The most important thing is to make time for your writing – regularly set aside
some time to think, and then write down your thoughts. Try to focus on using the
journal to help you to communicate:
What you think about issues raised on your course/ placement etc
Any flashes of inspiration you have had
What you understand so far
What you find puzzling, difficult or contradictory
How you can reach a better understanding of the above
What do you need to know more about, and how can you go about
finding out more?
What resources have helped you to understand and/or been interesting
to use?
How do you feel about the way you have approached the issue/topic so
What new knowledge, skills or understanding have you gained during the
process of writing your learning journal?
or you can follow the links from You can also search for ‘reflective learning’ in the
your SOLE page. keyword search on the library catalogue for additional
relevant titles.
You may also find it useful to check
out the ‘Moving On’ pack,
accessible from the link on your Talk to your module tutor for further advice about
SOLE page. any specific requirements for your course
‘Moving On’ is a study skills
package specifically designed to There may be relevant guidance in your student
help you prepare for Higher handbook, depending on your subject area.
Education & to become a successful
student. The Student Qualities Profile provides a framework
Contact: [email protected] for you to record your self-evaluation, reflection,
skills development, action planning, target setting
and achievements through all your learning at