Role Play
Role Play
Role Play
Phase 1 Teacher enters the class and greets students. Students greets the
Warming Up
Teacher tells the students that she is going to Students watch
show a news headline video. The news headlines carefully.
says that during lightning a tall building in the city
has been damaged. But it is interesting that the
other buildings nearer to it are safe.
How this happened. Why only one building was Students looked puzzled
What about the nearest building?
Teacher tells the students that today they are Students seems to be
going to see a new method in which the concept interested.
will be explained through a play. They should
properly observe the play and fill the answers in an
activity sheet. Today we are going to see how
buildings can be protected from lightning.
Phase 2 Teacher now selects 6 students for the play. 1st Students actively
student is given the roll of a tall building, 2nd is participate in discussion
Select short building, 3rd is building with lightning
Participants conductor, 4th building without lightning conductor,
5th building with lightning conductor not properly
earthen and the last one is cloud
Phase 3 Teacher selects one student among the observers Students actively
as leader and asks him to manage the class. She participate
Set the stage then takes the players outside and makes the play
clear to them
Stage 4 Teacher now asks the other students to observe Students are ready with
Prepare the the play carefully and while observing special the activity sheets
observer attention has to be given to each situation. Then
only you can find out how device correctly helps
the buildings from lightning.
Activity sheet
Cloud: Yes. You are right. For me you are the right
choice to make a discharge. As i prefer the
shortest path for my discharge to occur.
Tall: Oh No. Don’t do this to me.
Cloud: Sorry, as you are not protected so i am
Scene 2
(cloud enters)
Scene 3
Play ends
The type of collaborative learning used in the above lesson plan is role play.
The role play technique is used to make students understand what is discharging and lightning
conductor which is a device that protects tall buildings, towers, chimneys etc from damage
during lighting.
The students were enthusiastic and have actively participated in this teaching learning
technique. They learnt about lighting conductor in a playful manner which they are going to
remember throughout their lives.
From this students not only learnt about a device but also gained knowledge to analyze
personal values and behaviour. They developed a feeling of empathy towards others. They
came to know that there are different solutions to the problem.
Lastly, the play also had activity sheet which allow us to evaluate the understanding of the
students. Later we can tell students to list down the precautions to be adopted during lighting
as a follow up activity.