Case Study BBC Worldwide
Case Study BBC Worldwide
Case Study BBC Worldwide
September 2015
change: Closing
the gap between
theory and practice
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1 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
BBC Worldwide case study
a content company, commercial arm of the BBC and Balanced regionalisation: 2012
a wholly owned subsidiary of the In October 2012, BBC Worldwide
but the way in BBC. BBC Worldwide exists to announced a structural
build the BBC brand around the reorganisation, which saw the
which content is world, support the BBC public business reconfigured from
consumed has been service mission and maximise
returns on its behalf while ensuring
divisional to geographic lines of
management. Rather than being
changing over the all activities are conducted in organised around business areas
a way that is consistent with (channels, consumer products,
last decade. The BBC standards and values. BBC sales and distribution, content
Worldwide was set an ambitious and production, and so on), BBC
consumer decides task of substantially increasing Worldwide is now structured
what content to revenue to BBC public service over
five years.
across four geographical regions:
the UK; North America; Australia
consume, when and New Zealand; and the rest
BBC Worldwide employs around of the world, known collectively
and how.’ 1,800 people and has 18 offices as global markets. Alongside
around the globe. The executive this, there are global functions
team at BBC Worldwide are known overseeing brands and content,
as WEx (Worldwide Executive with digital embedded throughout
Committee). The executive team the company. The aim was to
are also members of GLT (Global increase growth from international
Leadership Team), a group of markets and be closer to
100 senior managers in BBC customers. The whole organisation
Worldwide. The BBC Executive had to adapt to the new business
Board has responsibility for model. The restructure was
the overall supervision of BBC disruptive for staff and included
Worldwide. The two parts of the some redundancies.
organisation are closely aligned,
with a focus on being ‘one BBC’. ‘Morale across the company I think
was pretty low.’
BBC Worldwide is a content
company, but the way in which After the restructure there was
content is consumed has been sometimes still a tendency
changing over the last decade. The towards silo working and a sense
consumer decides what content that GLT needed to develop
to consume, when and how. New their leadership skills; however,
entrants have been challenging the WEx appeared to the business
market. BBC Worldwide needed to to be more aligned. Externally,
adapt to be in a position to capture BBC Worldwide was seeking to
future growth opportunities around recruit talent in a competitive
the world. environment. WEx needed to offer
employees something distinctive:
an environment and a culture that
would enable the employees to be
the best on a global platform.
2 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
Driving clarity on strategy: 2013
Tim Davie took up the post of
Dialling up the culture: 2014
Although most people in BBC
‘Staff wanted to
CEO of BBC Worldwide in April Worldwide started to experience have a clear story;
2013. One of the first things he did the culture drive in October
was to clarify the purpose of BBC 2014, for six months prior to that feel their difficulties
Worldwide: WEx worked on the vision of
what that culture should be. The
were listened to
• first, build the reputation and
brand of the BBC
people director took time to get
WEx members on board through
and acted on; and
• second, deliver sustainable individual and team conversations that they would
financial returns to gain input and consensus.
• third, build a world-class media be treated fairly
company. In August 2014 a new global
director of organisation
and included in
He focused on communicating
a clear strategy of investing in
development started with BBC
Worldwide. This was a strategic
content, building global brands hire. WEx then agreed that to
and delivering digital innovation. achieve the culture plans in
practice, BBC Worldwide staff
The CEO took every opportunity would need to feel empowered to
to repeat that message. ‘Pulse’ put customers and audiences first
staff surveys were used every and take smart risks.
few months to measure internal
understanding of and alignment HR designed a workshop to
with the strategy. Having a clear cascade the culture drive to
strategy that focused around three the GLT, with the overall design
key pillars ensured everyone across and messaging agreed by WEx.
the business could understand the The CEO was keen to see true
company’s focus: alignment within WEx, not just
‘Tim says this’, but was aware that
‘Even the most junior of staff can the sessions would need to be
go content, brand and digital.’ compulsory to make sure all staff
were included.
A WEx member describes the
CEO’s role: Kirstin Furber, the people director,
sought to ensure WEx members
‘He’s got us to worry about the were exhibiting the values and
money, the cash flow, individual behaviours needed to build the
businesses or individual territories. growth culture, so they would be
His job is to be clear about the authentic in promoting the culture
strategy and create the best culture drive:
and make that happen.’
‘They have got to be living and
The CEO’s view was that day-to- breathing [the values] and putting
day difficulties and lack of clarity, [them] into their day-to-day
rather than the market challenges management.’
for the business, could cause
unhappiness. Staff wanted to have A WEx member describes:
a clear story; feel their difficulties
were listened to and acted on; and ‘At the town hall, the last thing
that they would be treated fairly I said to everybody was, “If I’m
and included in communications. concentrating on something I’ll
look like my face is thunder, but
stop me. Talk to me … have a chat.”
You’d be amazed at the following
3 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
week how many people have said, agreed that the key phrase about a deadline. Managers had room to
“Hello, I am… such and such.” So working at BBC Worldwide was personalise the workshop for their
yes, you do have to change your coming in to ‘be part of making areas:
behaviour.’ history’. The statement was an
ambition which also summarised ‘We focused on projects
3 The change process the culture. It was both an specifically.’
invitation and a challenge to do
Conversation with the GLT: something special. ‘We decided not to play the reel.’
September 2014
WEx facilitated a ‘virtual’ The people director advised: ‘We just sat around the table and
worldwide GLT conference (where basically they framed it around a
international staff could dial ‘We have to land this now.’ few key discussion points. … We
in) and took them through the just put lots of Post-it notes up on
workshop. The approach was to Worldwide workshops: October/ the wall with all our comments and
explain what the business was November 2014 then we went through them to get
seeking to achieve and suggest The GLT were tasked with carrying people’s specific examples.’
resources leaders could use out workshops with their teams.
to make that happen because The purpose of the ‘Working Emphasis was placed during
some people ‘don’t do culture … Together’ workshops was to draw the workshops on the value of
that is for the HR department’. everyone into the conversation, to personal stories. These were then
Questions included: What do find out what the employees of shared across BBC Worldwide in
they love about the culture at BBC Worldwide love about their writing, videos and pictures, with
BBC Worldwide? What needs to organisation, if they agree with the one employee singing their story.
change? Stories were shared: a culture ambition and to listen to The managers also reported back
member of WEx recalls giving his their thoughts. on what could be better:
personal story and explaining what
matters to him. WEx talked about ‘Part of it is the vision for the ‘Every Post-it note got transcribed
their passions for the BBC, their company, which is to be the as an appendix … we summarised
worries and what they wanted premium provider of content to into key themes.’
to do, drawing the GLT into the audiences globally. Part of that is
conversation. about being a company … that is To get through 1,800 people in 18
admired from the outside and loved offices around the world, HR had
In spite of some problems with silo from within … “What can we do to to be robust in ensuring senior
working, participants described a be admired from the outside and leaders all held their sessions.
culture in which people wanted to loved from within?”’ The CEO pushed the message
work together. There was an ability that culture was just as important
to attract, motivate and retain the ‘It was positioned as, “we’re not as everything else and his
best staff. However, there were starting these discussions because involvement as champion allowed
concerns about accountability and anything is broken; we want to use HR to be the facilitator.
failing to be tough when needed. To culture to deliver results.”’
be successful globally they needed The workshops were on average
to behave like a global company The CEO was invaluable at this three hours long. Some consisted
and be even better at working point, not only in fronting the of ten people; other leaders chose
together while holding on to what message that a conversation to do bigger groups with breakout
was good about the culture. around culture was important tables. In the UK business, the WEx
but also in pushing to get the member attended the start of a
HR wanted the GLT to have the offering ‘really strong and really few workshops to introduce them
space to think through how the tight’. Rather than dictating how and say they were important but
message would land, what it would the workshops should be run, HR then left to allow people to speak
mean for them and to allow them stipulated the outcomes to be their minds.
to translate it for their teams. achieved. A facilitation pack was
provided, including a video of Within the workshops an
WEx now had the feedback from the people director interviewing anticipated challenge was how
the GLT, wordsmithing was no the CEO about BBC Worldwide to respect the people who had
longer adding value and it was culture, with some instructions and been in the organisation a long
4 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
time. In advance of the focus example, while relationships with Following this the global director
groups, the people director met the regions may have appeared to of organisation development
with individuals in the GLT who be fine, in Australia the reality was condensed the discussions to
might have been through culture the workforce regularly had work six behaviours. To maintain
programmes before and might be calls between 7pm and 1am due momentum, he generated a single
less engaged: to time zone differences and this page linking the most important
challenged the value of respect. themes to the BBC Worldwide six
‘And they look round the room and The feeling that not all successes competencies – clear direction,
say, “Oh yes, we’re the oldies aren’t were celebrated and recognised world-class development,
we?” I said: “I want to learn from was more of a surprise. strong relationships, business
you … so what’s your advice?”’ success, innovative and creative
Involving leaders in identifying environment, and global excellence.
HR was also concerned not to the changes required: December It was delivered back to WEx and
overwhelm the business. It became 2014 then shared with the GLT in a
apparent that the rollout of the The 11 broad themes were: conference call before Christmas
Working Together workshops when feedback was invited. These
was coming at an inappropriate • Take personal accountability. repeated interactions with the GLT
time for the US operation, • Move away from silo working. sought to ensure the GLT owned
because of a joint venture. WEx • Work together across London the vision of change.
demonstrated flexibility by putting and the regions.
the programme on hold for the US • Explain ‘One BBC’. Change initiatives driven from the
operation. • Encourage simplicity in centre: 2014–15
everything we do. Meanwhile HR sought to work out
The workshops were galvanising • Ensure tools and resources are on a global basis which two or
for the workforce: fit for purpose. three key projects needed to be
• Improve trust and respect. ‘led’ from the centre. One of these
‘It helped me to fall back in love • Pioneer new ways of working. global initiatives was training.
with the company I work for.’ • Recognise and celebrate
individual and team successes. WEx had already identified the
The workshops are considered a • Connect with content. need to provide world-class
great success. For some employees • Increase the opportunities for development for staff but the
it offered them a chance to be part development. feedback from the Working
of the wider conversation about Together workshops generated
the culture they wanted to work in The GLT came together and these urgency. To keep the momentum,
for the first time. The outcome of themes were shared with them. the W:People intranet site was
the discussions and areas where The conference provided an revamped to go live in December
changes could be made had been opportunity for group discussion 2014. It gathered together in
anticipated by WEx, but simply around key topics including, ‘What one place all the development
telling people about that list behaviours do we as a leadership opportunities and attracted a high
would not have achieved the same team need to demonstrate?’ There volume of visitors.
impact. A WEx member admits was also an interactive voting
that initially the workshops ‘felt like system that enabled members to HR also set itself another goal:
a sheep-dip part of the process to rank the themes. Members were every employee should have a
me. Actually, I was proven wrong.’ then tasked to take these themes development plan, devised with
The next challenge was to consider back to the business and put their manager, within a year.
how best to convey the list to the them into practice, for example, Training programmes such as the
business. improving recognition by saying sales development programme
‘thank you’ more. The conference were already happening, but WEx
OD took the 400 pages of output was a success: wanted the minimum development
generated by the workshops and bar at BBC Worldwide to be higher
synthesised them down to 11 broad ‘[The people director] did a than the standard development
themes. While WEx were already really, really good job of feeding offering of its competitors.
aware of many of the areas where back the global picture. … It was
improvements were required, clearly communicated. It was well New offerings – such as BBC
there were some surprises. For organised.’ Worldwide staff being able
5 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
to participate in the BBC ‘Hot The GLT: behaviour change and communicators might not say
Shoes’ internal work placement divisional action plans all the words in the right order
that allows a person to do work HR synthesised the themes but would be credible about the
experience in a different part from the workshops into The delivery of the message.
of the BBC – resulted in several Commitment, a quasi-contract
placements being made for 2015 between leaders and staff, not only At first glance The Commitment
but sometimes needed support setting out what you might expect might appear not to have gained
from team leaders to encourage from a GLT member, but also what traction in some teams:
staff to take part because: you would be expected to give in
return. ‘They’re saying, “Well, I had a
‘I don’t think that it’s actually going specific thing I remember airing
to be able to happen for someone The headings were: about X and now you’re talking to
like me.’ me about Y and Z.”’
• a clear direction
Team leaders tried to tackle this: • world-class development The Commitment is, necessarily,
• strong relationships quite long; it sets out how to
‘I did send an email to all of my • business success tackle the important themes. One
team … but none of them came back • an innovative and creative leader thought their team had not
to me … some of them are sceptical environment expected the next communication
as well as to whether I would let • global excellence. to be a quasi-contract.
them go, and I said I would.’
Under each heading was a However, leaders appeared more
BBC Worldwide also launched sentence or two about how the engaged with The Commitment:
a global staff awards scheme GLT should behave to achieve it
in May 2015. This not only and about how everyone should ‘I think there was a lot of time and
sought to answer the call from behave to achieve it. For example, effort put into the GLT group. So
the workshops for improved to achieve a clear direction, leaders we bought into it. … We had ... half
recognition of good work, but would communicate the strategy a day, probably, on it.’
was also a vehicle for helping BBC and live and breathe the culture
Worldwide staff gain a greater and values; the staff responsibility GLT members were actively and
understanding of the company was to know the strategy and live successfully making changes
strategy and how it translated the culture and values. It gave in their areas and to their own
to their roles. During the annual clarity on what everyone should do behaviour, guided by the themes
results day in July 2015, the to boost the culture. from the workshops and The
awards were announced, offering Commitment. They were developing
the business an opportunity to To support GLT members divisional action plans. These were
celebrate team and individual in meeting their side of The additional to the plan for actions
performances which had Commitment, HR will introduce from the organisation centre.
demonstrated ‘The Commitment’, 360 feedback on leadership
with the hope of motivating staff behaviours. Going forward, one ‘In the area that I work in there is a
further. The stories of the winners WEx member commented The lot of focus on collaborative effort
were published on the intranet. Commitment would help address across different areas of finance.’
the handful of people who ‘are just
Overall, on initiatives driven from not playing the game’ by providing ‘All of our project briefs … now have
the centre: a framework that supports a précis. … You’ve got to identify
members of the business tackling with your line manager who’s
‘We’ve come a long, long way. behaviours that don’t fit with the responsible, who’s accountable,
I think even from the way we expectations of the company. who’s consulted, who’s informed.’
on-board people to the way we
train them, the way we develop GLT members were tasked with Getting the more open, transparent
them or we think about that. The relaying The Commitment in a and flexible culture while at the
way that we appraise, the way that way they felt would be most same time thinking about the
we move people round are all much appropriate to their teams, which business outputs achieved through
better than they were.’ led to some interesting variations. systems and processes requires
One WEx member said the best ‘clutch control’. To be able to
6 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
adapt initiatives to a region there
needs to be clarity about what
people worked. The move affected
about 1,500 of the 1,800 people in
‘The increased
is mandatory. The HR business BBC Worldwide. presence of TV
partner in one division described
creating their plan: ‘We’ve deliberately used the screens made people
‘I literally sat in an equivalent
building shift as well, massively.’
feel more part of a
room to this with my whiteboard
completely covered, with Post-it
For a year before the move the
number of desks in the old building
media company.
notes everywhere … to get that was gradually reduced to force new Meeting rooms are
clarity and get those … things that behaviours and ways of working
are really going to work for us.’ before the move, as the new office themed around
would be set up for hot-desking.
Consistent with the drive to focus
famous content, for
on content and an inspiring,
creative environment, programme
A WEx member explained: example EastEnders
talent were invited to speak to ‘This is the first time the UK region and Doctor Who.’
the UK region offsite town hall in has been together on one floor in
April 2015. In content, the chief one building. … [Now] we were
content officer is now available to putting everyone together in one
everyone at breakfast meetings, space, we were doing desk ratios
to share more knowledge and find of 15 to 10. That would necessarily
out about different parts of the involve people for the first time
business. not having their own desk with
photographs of the kids. … The way
‘It just improves interaction we were going to use this building
between people at all levels.’ was part of the culture that we
believed was part of the success
‘I feel like I say hello to more people that was necessary for the future.’
in the division. … There is now a
relationship or someone I could Nobody, regardless of position, has
probably go to.’ a permanent desk now. The clear
desk policy was enforced with zero
A WEx member talked about tolerance; something left on a desk
using the HR business partner in would not be there tomorrow. It’s
his region to give the frameworks similar to The Commitment: we
coming from central HR some will give you a fabulous workspace
personality and individuality. For and in return we have high
example, to help build strong expectations of behaviour in it.
relationships with staff, anyone
wanting to access him with ideas The increased presence of TV
‘Better Call Paul’, referencing screens made people feel more
the Better Call Saul spinoff from part of a media company. Meeting
Breaking Bad. rooms are themed around famous
content, for example EastEnders
Now The Commitment has been and Doctor Who. The building has
disseminated, GLT members know also been used to tackle specific
their people will be looking for problems around the meeting
them to meet their obligations. culture. Rather than seeking to
book meeting rooms, the people
New office: April 2015 director now uses breakout areas.
BBC Worldwide in London moved If you do book a room, you must
to a new building in spring arrive on time and log in on the
2015 and took advantage of the screen outside or you lose your
relocation to change the way booking.
7 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
‘A big improvement because it survey). WEx and HR want to really good culture through that
makes people stick to schedule … improve on this score. The Pulse organisation out there.’
and it forces them out of the room survey from June 2014 provides
afterwards.’ a similar starting position on ‘We were so dysfunctional, like
the Pulse questions. In terms of we weren’t even working with the
The building is of value to BBC measuring progress, HR plan to [name of a country] team who
Worldwide staff: compare the results year on year sat beside us … so we have what
of the 360 feedback of the leaders we call a [team] mixer. It’s either
‘For me it’s knowing that everyone and appraisal objectives (once a breakfast or an afternoon thing
in this building works for BBC the new Commitment behaviours … it was as a result of the cultural
Worldwide … because it didn’t feel are embedded in them). While workshops. … I feel like they’re far
like we were one company before.’ there are challenges around more accessible.’
attribution of business results to
And importantly for tackling the change programmes, the other With regards to WEx:
day-to-day difficulties, which Tim initiatives running simultaneously
argued were significant, tools and with the culture change can be ‘She tries to come and sit down
resources are better: seen as embodiments of the with us at least twice a week.’
transformational change. In that
‘The printers aren’t always on the sense, if the results hit the target, ‘They’re far more accessible and
blink.’ success can be attributed to the they’ve got their ears to the
overall change drive. ground.’
Generally the CEO and the people 4 Change achieved With regards to recognition by
director are seen as very good There were changes happening on senior leaders:
at communicating vision and the ground:
bringing people on a journey by ‘It was really nice that somebody at
using storytelling. The CEO shows ‘We all sit somewhere different that level was actually calling out
enthusiasm and authenticity. He every day.’ individual names.’
is a great communicator. He has a
common touch and is a straight- ‘There has been a shift in the past Overall the move to dynamic
talker who is willing to be tough six months actually. It’s been much working in the new building,
when needed. more collaborative, rather than, balanced regionalisation, the big
“You will do this.”’ culture conversation and action
WEx and HR have balanced the plans for change have combined
desire for uniform communication ‘I’ve made more of a conscious to launch BBC Worldwide on a
versus how best to engage creative effort around dissemination of journey of change and, while we
people. The CEO’s view is that as information … involving my team cannot link results directly to
a leader in a creative organisation, and making them feel that they’re these changes, in 2014–15 BBC
you have to be comfortable with a really part of and have a vested Worldwide returned a record
certain amount of ambiguity. The interest in the company as a whole.’ £226.5 million to the BBC.
latitude given to GLT members
on this and the other initiatives, There are local area-specific stories
such as how to communicate The of change:
Commitment, appears to have
helped engage this group and ‘I think probably the place that’s
sufficient consistency has been clearest for me is in my Australian
maintained for changes to start to business. … That business will be
be seen. up 10% in revenue, about 8 or 9%
in profit over each year over the
Evaluation of change last two years. I think in the main
The BBC staff survey took place it’s about clarity of the overall
in November 2014. The results strategy, the move to balanced
provided a starting position of regionalisation, putting the right
72% engagement (top quartile leader in place, building a good
of the IPSOS MORI engagement team around him and having a
8 Landing transformational change: Closing the gap between theory and practice – case study
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