Baker'S Yeast Production: G. Reed Et Al., Yeast Technology © Van Nostrand Reinhold 1991
Baker'S Yeast Production: G. Reed Et Al., Yeast Technology © Van Nostrand Reinhold 1991
Baker'S Yeast Production: G. Reed Et Al., Yeast Technology © Van Nostrand Reinhold 1991
Bread doughs are fermented for very short periods of time with a range of
30 minutes to 4 hours. They are inoculated with 300 X 106 cells per gram
and there is little or no yeast growth during the fermentation. In contrast,
wine, beer, and distiller's mashes are fermented for periods ranging from
several days to several weeks. Inoculation levels are in the range of 2-10 X
106 cells per milliliter and there is a 5- to lQ-fold multiplication of yeast cells
during the fermentation. In addition, yeast cells may be recycled for use in
succeeding batches of beer or wine fermentations. Baker's yeast cannot be
recycled because the yeast is killed during the baking process. Consequently,
the production of baker's yeast can be carried out on a very large industrial
scale, and since the latter part of the nineteenth century, baker's yeast has
been produced by companies that specialize in its production.
It is not quite correct to say that baker's yeast cannot be recycled. For
several millenia, baker's yeast has been recycled in part by retaining a
portion of the yeasted dough (generally from a third to a tenth) and
blending it with fresh water and flour for formation of the next dough.
This method is still practiced in some countries and is used in the United
States for production of San Francisco sour dough bread. It will be dis-
cussed in Chapter 7.
In countries that produce beer it was soon found that ale yeast could be
used in bread production, and prior to 1850, it was widely used for that
purpose. It required only separation from the beer foam and pressing. The
level of inoculation of bread doughs with this ale yeast was carried out at
low levels and the fermentation times were long, generally overnight.
Since about 1848, brewers in the United States started to produce lager
beer instead of ale. The lager beer yeast, Saccharomyces carlsbergensis (later
S. uvarum), was not suitable for leavening doughs because it does not
tolerate the high osmotic pressure. The production of baker's yeast exclu-
sively for the production of bread doughs dates from the latter part of the
nineteenth century. It started with production of distiller's yeast on grain
mashes, which were later replaced with the least expensive source of
assimilable sugar, molasses.
During the last century the major advances in the production of baker's
yeast have been the following:
The history of baker's yeast production has been reviewed by Kiby (1912)
and Butschek and Kautzmann (1962). The development of ADY has been
reviewed by Frey (1957).
Cane or beet molasses supply not only sugars as a carbon and energy
source but also some organic nitrogen, minerals, sulfur, vitamins, and trace
elements. The liquid growth medium must be supplemented with addi-
tional nitrogen (usually ammonia or ammonium salts) and phosphate, as
well as with additional minerals (Ca, Mg), vitamins, and trace elements.