j.2050-0416.2006.tb00737.x - Copie
j.2050-0416.2006.tb00737.x - Copie
j.2050-0416.2006.tb00737.x - Copie
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (1.44%), which gave a much higher peak viscosity and
was characterised by the absence of a well defined ‘break-
down’ zone. The breakdown viscosity is normally re-
Initial comparisons of wheat, maize, sorghum
garded as a measure of the disintegration of the starch
and millet granules as they are heated 12, and during the holding
RVA analysis. Fig. 1 shows a typical example of an phase, the disintegration of the starch granules reaches an
RVA profile for distilling wheat generated by the pro- equilibrium which influences the degree of breakdown 12.
gramme which was used during the study, and explains Breakdown viscosity is also referred to as ‘shear thinning’,
the terminology used. The data from the RVA analysis of which results from the alignment of molecules of soluble
wheat, maize, sorghum and millet are shown in Table II. starch in the direction of stirring 14. The degree of RVA
The red sorghum had the highest peak viscosity, while breakdown is related to the solubility of the starch, and
maize had a higher peak viscosity than wheat. The lower the more soluble the starch, the more it will thin on shear-
nitrogen wheat had a much higher peak (2.6 fold) and ing 14. Hence the continuing increase in viscosity after
final (5.3 fold) viscosity than the higher nitrogen wheat. gelatinisation observed with maize indicates that the
Whilst the peak temperatures were similar for all the ce- starch in maize is different from wheat starch, and may
reals at above 94°C, variations were observed in their show a greater degree of cross-linking. The sample of red
pasting temperatures (Table II). The final viscosity was sorghum had higher peak and final viscosities than the
high for all the cereals except for the higher nitrogen white sorghum, as well as a slightly higher total nitrogen
wheat sample that gave the lowest peak and final vis- content (1.53% vs 1.48%). Both of these were similar to
cosities. maize, and the profile was different to that observed for
The overall trends are seen more clearly by looking at wheat (Fig. 2).
the RVA profiles shown in Fig. 2. While the pasting pro- It is evident in Fig. 3, that the RVA pasting properties
files of both low (1.45%) and higher (1.93%) nitrogen of the extracted starch of these cereals gave similar pro-
were similar, differing only in magnitude, these were both files, conforming to the patterns generally associated with
very different from that generated by the maize sample starch 12,15. The main differences between them were in
Table II. RVA results for the different cereals studied (flour of whole cereal).
Pasting temperature Peak time Peak temperature Peak viscosity Final viscosity
Sample (°C) (min) (°C) cP cP
Low N wheat 60.25 5.00 94.80 440 636
High N wheat 66.10 4.67 94.40 169 120
Yellow maize 67.65 6.60 94.90 712 1390
White sorghum 76.65 6.93 95.00 495 1145
Red sorghum 72.60 5.93 95.00 795 1652
Millet 70.05 4.87 94.90 722 917
Fig. 3. RVA Pasting curves for starch extracted from wheat, maize, sorghum and millet.
terms of the magnitude of the viscosities. For some ce- of maize and sorghum (Fig. 2), suggesting that the ex-
reals, such as maize and sorghum, the profiles shown by tracted starches behaved in a different way to the starch in
the starches were different from those given by the origi- the whole cereals for reasons not fully understood. Again
nal cereals (Fig. 2). For all the cereals, the extracted millet starch gave a profile which was intermediate be-
starches not only showed well defined peak viscosity, they tween maize and wheat starch.
also gave similar patterns of “breakdown” and “setback”. The numerical data generated by the RVA instrument
This contrasts with the absence of the distinct “break- from the extracted starches is shown in Table III. Very
down” pattern observed previously with the whole cereals high values for the peak and final viscosities of these
Table III. RVA data from starch extracted from maize, wheat, sorghum and millet.
Pasting temperature Peak time Peak temperature Peak viscosity Final viscosity
Starch source (°C) (min) (°C) cP cP
Maize 64.50 4.93 94.80 2361 2402
Wheat 75.00 5.33 94.90 1552 1546
Sorghum 67.65 5.33 94.85 2168 2265
Millet 70.05 5.27 94.95 1828 2009
Table IV. Total nitrogen, alcohol yield, colour and residue viscosity of wheat, maize, sorghum and millet samples.
TN (%) PSY (dry) PSY (as is) Residue colour Residue viscosity
Sample (dry) LA /tonne LA /tonne °EBC (mPas)
Wheat (Low N) (SWRI) 1.45 472 414 11.0 1.60
Wheat (High N) (SWRI) 1.93 451 401 13.5 1.74
Maize (Yellow) (SWRI) 1.44 475 417 3.5 1.15
Sorghum (White) (HWU) 1.48 472 415 3.5 1.15
Sorghum (White) (Nigeria) 1.70 480 434 — 1.09
Sorghum (Red) (SWRI) 1.53 475 415 3.5 1.16
Sorghum (Red) (Nigeria) 1.53 471 421 — 1.08
Millet (Nigeria) 1.60 462 422 3.5 1.16
Table V. Total nitrogen, alcohol yield, colour and residue viscosity of additional maize samples.
TN (%) PSY (dry) PSY (as is) Residue colour Residue viscosity
Sample (dry) LA /tonne LA /tonne °EBC (mPas)
Maize (Yellow) 1.39 475 416 3.5 1.15
Maize (Yellow) 1.48 477 419 3.5 1.16
Maize (White) 1.41 468 418 3.5 1.16
Table VI. Total nitrogen, alcohol yield, colour and residue viscosity additional wheat samples.
TN (%) PSY (dry) PSY (as is) Residue colour Residue viscosity
Sample (dry) LA /tonne LA /tonne °EBC (mPas)
Low N Wheat (Variety A) 1.59 457 401 13.0 1.72
High N Wheat (Variety A) 1.84 450 399 14.0 1.83
Low N Wheat (Variety B) 1.62 464 408 12.5 1.63
High N Wheat (Variety B) 1.85 450 402 13.5 1.82
Low N Wheat (Variety C) 1.51 462 406 11.5 1.63
High N Wheat (Variety C) 1.82 446 395 13.5 1.78
Low N Wheat (Variety D) 1.62 455 400 13.5 1.71
High N Wheat (Variety D) 1.83 445 395 14.0 1.79
Low N Wheat (Variety E) 1.57 453 400 12.5 1.72
High N Wheat (Variety E) 1.82 440 395 13.0 1.77
Low N Wheat (Variety F) 1.67 452 400 13.0 1.68
High N Wheat (Variety F) 2.02 441 395 14.0 1.85
Table VII. RVA data for six pairs of low and higher nitrogen wheat varieties.
Pasting temperature Peak time Peak temperature Peak viscosity Final viscosity
Sample (°C) (min) (°C) cP cP
LN wheat (Variety A) 66.15 4.93 94.75 385 462
HN wheat (Variety A) 67.00 4.67 94.40 100 69
LN wheat (Variety B) 74.25 5.13 94.90 566 873
HN wheat (Variety B) 66.80 5.93 93.60 101 70
LN wheat (Variety C) 72.60 5.00 94.80 430 727
HN wheat (Variety C) 76.60 5.00 94.85 304 458
LN wheat (Variety D) 69.35 4.93 94.75 327 447
HN wheat (Variety D) 72.50 5.00 94.80 190 243
LN wheat (Variety E) 70.10 4.87 94.85 296 308
HN wheat (Variety E) 75.80 4.80 95.00 101 78
LN wheat (Variety F) 72.50 4.93 94.80 422 690
HN wheat (Variety F) 72.60 4.47 91.95 68 40
Table VIII. Alcohol yield, colour and residue viscosity of starches extracted from wheat, maize, sorghum and millet.
Moisture PSY (dry) PSY (as is) Residue colour Residue viscosity
Starch source (%) LA /tonne LA /tonne °EBC (mPas)
Wheat (Low N) 8.1 404 371 3.5 1.23
Maize 5.1 516 489 2.0 1.09
Sorghum (Red) 5.3 509 483 2.0 1.07
Millet 5.2 397 376 5.5 1.14
Fig. 5. Correlation between wheat alcohol yield and RVA final viscosity for six
pairs of low and high nitrogen wheat samples (A–F).
viscosities are correlated with alcohol yield, they will be that for wheat, which was different from both maize and
linked to the properties of the substrates which are avail- sorghum. The resemblances between the profiles of maize,
able for alcohol production, and together, they will have a sorghum and millet indicate that sorghum and millet
strong impact on the distilling performance of the wheat would perform in similar ways to maize during processing
samples. in the distillery, and suggest that no unusual problems
would be expected with front end processing of these ce-
CONCLUSIONS reals (i.e. with cooking and conversion (saccharification)),
other than those associated with the mechanical handling
These studies have given us a better understanding of of small grains. The RVA properties for the extracted
how methods such as RVA can be useful in assessing ce- starches showed that the actual starches from each cereal
reals for distilling. The rheological (RVA) properties of gave similar profiles, but were different in the magnitude
wheat, maize, sorghum and millet, showed that the RVA of the viscosities resulting from each cereal starch. This
pasting curve for millet was similar in some respects to suggests that some other factors within the cereal grain
have a mediating effect on the RVA properties which were market conditions would be a distinct advantage. In the
observed for the whole cereals. current economic climate, Scotch whisky grain distillers
In the context of the production of Scotch whisky grain would prefer to use wheat, since it is easily and econom-
spirit, the cooking process which is currently used for ically obtained from the local market. However, the pro-
wheat was originally developed to handle maize, and on duction of ethanol is a worldwide activity and this paper
the basis of this work, should be able to efficiently pro- has demonstrated some of the advantages that might be
cess all of the cereals studied. The residue (Ostwald) vis- obtained by processing locally produced cereals available
cosities of sorghum and millet were similar to maize, indi- in other parts of the world, which might result in reduced
cating that distillery co-products deriving from these ce- transport costs and promote other local benefits for these
reals would perform in a similar manner to maize. The areas.
importance and complexity of the role that nitrogen plays
in determining both the distilling quality and processabil- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ity of cereal grains, especially with wheat, was confirmed
in this study. Low nitrogen wheat gave higher RVA peak The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of
and final viscosities and produced higher alcohol yield, Elizabeth Glasgow. We would also like to thank Dr Gordon
compared with high nitrogen wheat, and underlines the Steele, SWRI Director of Research, and the Board of the Scotch
Whisky Research Institute for permission to publish this paper.
importance of the nitrogen content in defining the quality
of distilling wheat. With careful management of nitrogen
application in the field during growing it is now possible REFERENCES
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