Distinctive Oil Shale Pyrolysis Behavior in Indirectly
Distinctive Oil Shale Pyrolysis Behavior in Indirectly
Distinctive Oil Shale Pyrolysis Behavior in Indirectly
Lanxin Lin,ab Dengguo Lai,ab Zhen Shi,ab Zhennan Hanab and Guangwen Xu *ac
Intrinsic characteristics of oil shale pyrolysis in a fixed bed reactor with internals have been investigated in
this study. Mounting particularly designed internals in fixed bed reactor improved shale oil production to up
to 90% yield by Fischer assay. Comparing particle characteristics at different radial positions of the reactors
with and without internals demonstrated that, inside the particle bed with internals, the product flow was
regulated to move from the high-temperature zone (outer) to low-temperature zone (center), which
reduced the secondary reactions of released volatiles. Terminating oil shale pyrolysis at central particle
bed temperatures of 150, 300, 450, and 550 C showed that the contents of vacuum gas oil and heavy
oil in the shale oil produced had increased from 9.63 wt% to 53.29 wt%. The volatile contents of particles
in the inner layer of the reactor slightly increased in the early stage of pyrolysis and, in turn, decomposed
to form pyrolysis products as the temperature was raised. The adsorption or condensation of liquids on
the surface of particles gradually increased from the outer region to the central region of the reactor
due to the regulated product flow direction and low temperatures in the central zone of the reactor
causing heavy components to condense. Increasing the degree of pyrolysis was also found to decrease
Received 25th February 2017
Accepted 3rd April 2017
the alkene, aromatic, and cycloalkane contents in shale oil, but increased those of alkane and
heteroatomic compounds. These results demonstrate that adopting internals into oil shale pyrolysis
DOI: 10.1039/c7ra02347b
optimized the product flow direction and selectively directed secondary reactions to occur for heavy
rsc.li/rsc-advances volatile species only.
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temperatures lead to lower oil yield. In conventional indirectly A conventional xed bed reactor without internals was used
heated xed bed reactors, it is generally difficult to achieve high as reference in this work. The pyrolysis investigation was con-
Open Access Article. Published on 18 April 2017. Downloaded on 11/1/2023 9:11:15 AM.
oil yields at high reaction temperatures due to unavoidable ducted in a reactor mounted with a central collection pipe and
signicant secondary reactions of volatiles.15–18 In contrast, four metallic plates. The plates were welded perpendicular to
devised internals can reduce cracking in the reactor to achieve the xed bed reactor wall. Fig. 1 shows schematic diagrams of
a higher shale oil yield at higher heating or reaction tempera- the two reactors used. The reactors had an inner diameter of 200
tures. Matching the product ow eld with temperature distri- mm, and effective volumes for loading oil shale of around 5600
bution in the reactor using internals has been speculated to mL. From the wall to the center of the reactor (Fig. 1), both
avoid excessive cracking of primary products and improved reactors were demarcated into three layers (a–c) in a radial
pyrolysis production. Therefore, further understanding of the direction. Three temperature measurement points were present
detailed pyrolysis characteristics of the new reactor and its in layers a–c to record real-time heating curves inside these
superiority are required to guide industrial applications of the layers. The experimental system was the same as used in our
technology. previous work,14 consisting of four parts: pyrolysis, liquid
Many studies have focused on the behavior and kinetics of collection, pressure control, and gas sampling.
oil shale pyrolysis, which are needed for reasonable analysis
and optimization guidance.15–22 Al-Ayed et al. adopted second-
2.2 Pyrolysis and analysis
order kinetics to model liquid accumulation15 and rst-order
kinetics to t the total weight loss of oil shale in a xed bed.16 The furnace was heated to 850 C and held until the pyrolysis
In contrast, various parameters, such as heating rate, nal test was completed. For each individual experiment, dried
temperature, particle size, density, and additional minerals, Huadian oil shale (4900 g) was loaded into the test reactor. In
have been investigated to clarify their effects on oil shale some tests, the oil shale particles in the outboard layer were
pyrolysis at various scales.22–32 A heating rate of 10 C min 1 for replaced with silica sand of equal volume. Aer connecting to
oil shale particles is optimal for obtaining a high oil yield.26–29 the experimental system, the reactors were placed into the
The internals adopted in the preceding reactor gave an obvious heated furnace and quickly covered with silica wool. The pres-
improvement on heating rate.12–14 Nonetheless, this improve- sure in the reactor was maintained at 1 atm using a vacuum
ment was not as effective at altering pyrolysis behavior in pump. Pyrolysis products were exhausted from the top of the
indirectly heated reactors.12,13 Lan et al. obtained a maximal reactor and cooled in a downstream condenser pipe. The cooled
shale oil yield at a reaction-stopping temperature of 550 C.30 liquid product was collected in a bottle. Residual low-boiling
Lai et al. demonstrated that the oil yield decreased with components in the gaseous product were adsorbed using
increasing temperature by conducting an oil shale pyrolysis three acetone bottles. The pyrolysis gas was then passed
series with and without ash.31 Zhang et al. investigated the through a wet gas meter to measure the volume and then
impact of residence time on the pyrolysis product in a uidized successive through a few clean bottles to remove dust, moisture,
bed.33 These studies were all performed in reactors without the and hydrogen sulde. Every 5 min, a gas sample was taken for
aforementioned internals.34 Pyrolysis behavior in xed bed compositional analysis by GC. When the central temperature
reactors with internals and the working mechanism of internals measurement point reached 150 C, 300 C, 450 C, and 550 C,
have yet to be reported. Therefore, a targeted fundamental the reactor was removed from the furnace to terminate pyrolysis
investigation of oil shale pyrolysis in this innovative xed bed and the reactor was cooled in air.
reactor with internals was conducted in this study. Subsequent product treatment was conducted for all pyrol-
ysis experiments conducted at central temperatures of 150 C,
66.27 28.10 5.62 21.77 2.58 0.64 2.09 0.96 12.78 2158.88
O content was obtained from the difference of balance.
21468 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 21467–21474 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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gradient has a critical impact on the in-bed secondary reactions internals in reactor A, the pyrolysis products owed outwards
of pyrolysis products. If the products owed through the high- toward the reactor wall. In contrast, Fig. 3 shows that the loaded
temperature outboard, excessive product cracking would silica sand remained white in reactor B with internals,
occur. In contrast, secondary reactions are likely to be weak in demonstrating that the generated pyrolysis products did not
the reactor center. Herein, the product ow direction in the ow into the outer region next to the reactor wall. This veried
reactors with and without internals was claried to obtain that the use of particularly designed internals in a xed bed
better understanding of the system. pyrolyzer resulted in the internal ow of pyrolysis products from
A char bed gives a smaller pressure drop than an oil shale the wall zone to the central zone around the gas collection pipe.
bed of the same thickness.13 As pyrolysis progresses in an Samples of oil shale or char were taken from layers a–c at
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
indirectly heated xed bed, a char layer is formed on the different reaction stages or reaction times and analyzed to
outboard or annulus, causing the gaseous pyrolysis products to further understand the product ow direction in reactor B with
Open Access Article. Published on 18 April 2017. Downloaded on 11/1/2023 9:11:15 AM.
ow toward the reactor wall. The pyrolysis products must internals. Table 2 summarizes the results of proximate analysis
undergo a large amount of secondary reactions in the outboard for all samples, in which the reaction stage is shown by different
zone to greatly decrease shale oil production. The internals temperatures reached at the monitored central position (rep-
potentially reduce this problem by redirecting the ow of resenting the bed center). At all pyrolysis stages, from the outer
pyrolysis products into the pyrolysis reactor.12–14 Silica sand layer a to central layer c, the ash and xed carbon contents of
(1.0–2.0 mm) has better gas permeability than oil shale. the analyzed samples decreased, but their volatile contents
Therefore, silica sand was used to imitate char by replacing oil conversely increased. This agreed with the temperature gradient
shale particles with silica sand in the outer layer of the reactor. in the reactor that high-temperature in the outer layer caused
This also ensured that no chemical change would occur in the a high degree of pyrolysis. Meanwhile, as the reaction pro-
sand layer, while volatile products were only generated by gressed (measured temperature increased) the volatile contents
pyrolyzing oil shale in the central zone. Observing the color of all samples tended to decrease gradually, but those of layers
change of the silica sand allowed the ow direction of volatiles b and c initially increased slightly or did not vary until the
formed in the bed center to be determined. measured central temperature was over 300 C. As the ow of
Fig. 3 shows top-down photos inside the beds aer pyrolysis products was from the outer wall to center, species with high
tests in reactors (A) without and (B) with internals. The outer boiling points (or heavy species) would be condensed and
layer lled with silica sand had obviously different colors. Sand adsorbed on the surface of inner-layer particles when their
particles were blackened in reactor A, also having a deeper color temperatures were low, such as below 300 C. This explained the
at inner positions close to the central oil shale layer. This was slight rise in volatile content of samples from layers b and c. The
caused by the deposition of unreacted matters, including condensation of heavy species also improved the quality of the
carbon, formed from pyrolysis. Therefore, without mounting tar product. Once the temperature of the inner-layer particles
was high enough, oil shale pyrolysis and secondary reactions of
this condensed matter had to occur. Therefore, the central gas
collection pipe realized selective cracking of condensed
matters, while other non-condensable matter was directly
released as nal products without signicant secondary reac-
tions occurring when passing through the reactor space.
For UV analysis, unsaturated functional groups and hetero-
atoms in the pyrolysis products must induce light absorption in
UV region. This absorbance is proportional to the chromophore
concentration, indicating the amount of condensate deposited
on the particles. Fig. 4 compares the UV spectra of the conden-
sate on 1 mL of particles (0.2–1 mm) taken from layers a–c, and
the original oil shale. The absorption peak at around 225 nm,
indicating the C]C bond of a large alkene, was used as the
Fig. 3 Evidence of secondary cracking through color change on comparison reference. For each of the reaction temperatures
particles in the vicinity of the reactor wall for reactors A and B.
Table 2 Proximate analysis for oil shale or char taken from different radial positions (a–c)
Central temperature [ C] a b c a b c a b c
150 67.43 63.84 63.37 25.89 31.10 31.33 6.68 5.07 5.02
300 74.63 64.30 63.78 17.88 31.52 31.17 7.49 6.05 5.57
450 80.03 76.32 70.70 10.52 15.09 21.97 9.45 8.59 7.35
550 82.38 82.53 81.35 7.05 8.21 9.78 10.57 9.27 8.88
21470 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 21467–21474 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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Fig. 4 UV analysis of condensate on particles in different particle layers a–c from pyrolysis terminated at different central temperatures.
compared, the absorbance of observable peaks increased from shale oil and pyrolysis gas increased, while that of char
outer layer a to central layer c, with the original oil shale having decreased. For the tabulated time, the variation in yield with
the lowest absorbance. This indicated that more chemicals were time was almost linear for all such products. Pyrolysis water
present on particles in the inner low-temperature layers, further production showed little variation during the last stage of
verifying the product ow from the high-temperature outer layer reaction because it resulted from water evaporation and
to the bed center and into the central gas collection pipe. UV decomposition of hydroxy groups at low temperatures. These
absorbance for samples from a single layer of the reactor man- features of production were different from those in a conven-
ifested a similar variation with pyrolysis temperature (or time). tional xed bed reactor (without internals), which gives obvious
Absorbance was elevated to a maximum when the plotted central peak production at temperatures of 480–530 C.22–27 This
temperature was about 450 C, and then sharply dropped to difference was caused by oil shale pyrolysis in the reactor with
a very low value by the end of pyrolysis (scale is different in four internals occurring layer-by-layer from outside to inside, and
sub-plots of Fig. 4). This evidenced the secondary reactions of the ow and temperature elds in the reactor being controlled
species condensed on the particle surface. During pyrolysis, non- to form the desired direction and gradient, respectively.
condensable products directly ow into the central gas collection The shale oil product can be characterized according to
pipe, but most heavy species with high boiling points must be boiling points as fractions of gasoline (<180 C), diesel (180–350
condensed on the low-temperature surface of particles in the C), vacuum gas oil (VGO, 350–500 C) and heavy oil (>500 C).
inner layer. As the reaction progresses, the inner bed reached Fig. 5 shows the variations in fractions of these distillates with
a high temperature, causing re-evaporation and cracking of the pyrolysis temperature at the measured central point and the
condensed components into further pyrolysis products via yield at each pyrolysis stage at a range of measured central
secondary reactions. Therefore, in the reactor with internals, the temperatures. In Fig. 5, the fraction was the oil obtained in
heavy species experienced, in succession, generation, condensa- a test at room temperature to the mentioned individual central
tion, and re-evaporation or cracking, while light species were temperature, while the yields are for the shale oil product ob-
directly discharged as products. This demonstrated that inter- tained at each temperature range, including 0–150 C, 150–
nals resulted in secondary reactions selectively on only heavy 300 C, 300–450 C and 450–550 C. Using the temperature
species, affording oil production with high yields (due to no range 150–300 C as an example, two pyrolysis experiments were
secondary reaction of light species) and quality (only cracking of
heavy species).
Table 3 Pyrolysis product distributions using different reaction times
3.3 Product generation characteristics in the reactor with internals
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Fig. 5 Variations in (a) oil fraction and (b) yield with changing central temperature in the reactor with internals.
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