EE18151-Basic Electrical and Electronics Eng UNIT-I: Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instruments (PMMC)
EE18151-Basic Electrical and Electronics Eng UNIT-I: Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instruments (PMMC)
EE18151-Basic Electrical and Electronics Eng UNIT-I: Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instruments (PMMC)
As the coil is moving and the magnet is permanent, the instrument is called Permanent Magnet
Moving Coil Instruments. This basic principle is called D’Arsonaval Principle.
It consists of Permanent Magnet, Moving coil, Iron core, Pointer with dial scale, Mirror, Spring
Balance, Spindle, Pivot and Jewel Bearing
PMMC instrument
Moving coil: The moving coil is either rectangular or circular in shape. The coil is placed in uniform,
horizontal and radial magnetic field.
Iron Core: Spherical shaped iron core used for Circular coil and Cylindrical shaped iron core used
for rectangular coil.
Pointer with dial scale: The pointer is carried by spindle and it moves over a graduated scale. The
Pointer is light in weight so that it can deflect rapidly.
Torque equation:
𝐓𝐝 = 𝐆𝐈
Where G = NBA
The controlling torque is produced by the spring and it is proportional to the deflection of
𝐓𝐂 = 𝐊𝛉
At equilibrium condition:
𝐓𝐂 = 𝐓𝐝
Kθ = GI
θ = ( )I
Thus the deflection is directly proportional to the current passing through the coil
1. Uniform scale
2. High accuracy
3. Low power consumption in the range of 25W to 200 μW
4. Torque to weight ratio is high. It result high accuracy.
5. Very high sensitivity
6. Provided effective damping
7. Free from hysteresis, external magnetic fields
8. The range of instruments can be extended
When the current flows in the coil, both vanes are magnetized and there is a force of
repulsion between the two vanes which causing the movement in moving vane
❖ It consists of two vanes one is fixed vane and another one is movable vane
❖ The fixed vane is attached to attached to the coil
❖ The movable vane is attached to the spindle
❖ The pointer is attached to the spindle
Both the vanes are magnetized to the same polarity due to the current in the coil. Thus the
movable vane rotates under the repulsive force. As the movable vane is attached to the spindle,
the repulsion result in a rotation spindle. Hence the pointer moves over graduated scale. The
pointer deflection is directly proportional to the square of the current through the coil. So the
scale of the instrument not uniform in nature.
It consists of two concentric vanes one is attached to the coil frame and another one
rotate co-axially inside the stationary vane.
Torque equation:
𝟏 𝟐 𝐝𝐥
𝐓𝐝 = 𝐈
𝟐 𝐝𝐭
𝐓𝐂 = 𝐊𝛉
At equilibrium condition:
𝐓𝐂 = 𝐓𝐝
𝛉 𝛂 𝐈𝟐
Thus the deflection is directly proportional to the square of current passing through the coil
There are four main parts
1. Driving system
2. Moving system
3. Breaking system
4. Registering system
It consists of a light aluminum disc and positioned between series and shunt magnets. It
is supported by the jeweled bearing. There are no spring and no controlling torque.
3. Breaking system:
A Permanent magnet is placed near the aluminum disc for breaking mechanism. When
the disc is moved in the field produced by the permanent magnet the breaking torque is
obtained. The breaking torque is adjusted by shifting the position of Permanent magnet.
4. Registering system:
It records number of revolution made by the aluminum disc. The spindle is connected to
the recording mechanism with gear box which record the amount of energy supplied.
The pressure coil is wound over shunt magnet M2 which is connected across the supply
voltage and it carries current proportional to the supply voltage. The current coil is wound over series
magnet M1 which is connected series to the load and it carries load current. Both coil produce
alternating fluxes 𝛷1 and 𝛷2 respectively. These fluxes links with aluminum disc and induced emfs.
Due to this emf eddy current is induced in the disc. The flux 𝛷1 induced eddy current I1e and the flux
𝛷2 induced eddy current I2e. The torque T1 is produced due to interaction between 𝛷1 and I2e and
The torque T2 is produced due to interaction between 𝛷2 and I1e.
Td α K1 V I1 cos Φ + K 2 V I1 cos Φ
Td α (K1 + K 2 )V I1 cos Φ
Td α KV I1 cos Φ
SVCE, Sriperumbudur Page 9
EE18151-Basic Electrical and Electronics Eng UNIT-I
𝐓𝐛 𝛂 𝐍
N α V I1 cos Φ
𝐍 𝐭 𝛂 𝐕 𝐈𝟏 𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝚽 𝛂 𝐏𝐭
❖ Electro dynamo type instrument is used for both a.c and d.c measurements
❖ All other type of instrument need a.c calibration
❖ In this instrument d.c calibration is enough, this can used in a.c as well as d.c measurements.
❖ It is also called transfer instrument
❖ Used as a voltmeter, ammeter, watt meter, power factor meter and frequency meter.
For ammeter fixed and moving coils are connected series and carry same current. A suitable
shunt resistance is connected to limit the current in the coils
For voltmeter fixed and moving coils are connected series with a high non-inductive resistance
For wattmeter fixed coil act as current coil and must connected in series with the load. The
moving coil act as a pressure coil or voltage coil must connect across the voltage.
When the current flows through these two coils the magnetic fields are produced. The
deflecting torque is produced due to interaction between these two fields.
Torque equation:
Operation with D.C:
The deflecting torque is given by
𝐓𝐝 = 𝐈𝟏 𝐈𝟐
Where I1 = current in the fixed coil
I2 = current in the moving coil
M = mutual inductance between fixed and moving coil
The controlling torque is given by
𝐓𝐂 = 𝐊𝛉
Where K = Spring constant Nm / rad
Under equilibrium condition:
𝐓𝐝 = 𝐓𝐂
Kθ = I1 I2
I1 I2 dM
K dθ
𝛉 ∝ 𝐈𝟏 𝐈 𝟐
Hence the deflection is directly proportional to the product of current in the fixed coil and moving