1) Spin-Polarised Calculations 2) Geometry Optimisation: CHEM6085: Density Functional Theory
1) Spin-Polarised Calculations 2) Geometry Optimisation: CHEM6085: Density Functional Theory
1) Spin-Polarised Calculations 2) Geometry Optimisation: CHEM6085: Density Functional Theory
Lecture 10
1) Spin-polarised calculations
2) Geometry optimisation
C.-K. Skylaris
• In the unrestricted formalism the up and down spins are free to have
different spatial orbitals and ,
closed shell
Restricted or
open shell
Can obtain two neutral H atoms
Total density
Spin density
Restricted open shell spin density Unrestricted open shell spin density
Electronic Repulsion
Example: PES of a diatomic energy energy between
nuclei I and J
Equilibrium geometry Re
Method Re (Å)
HF/STO-3G 1.31328
HF/6-31+G* 1.26712
HF/aug-cc_pVTZ 1.26752
Experiment 1.27455
geometry Re
This PES represents chemical interactions that can take place between 3 H atoms
1) Examine the form of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonians for each spin and decide in which cases the up-spin electrons will
experience different interactions from the down-spin ones, and hence the orbital energies for the same orbital will
be different for each spin.
2) Each spin function is an eigenfunction of the operator for the z-component of the spin of an electron. In atomic units
the eigenvalue equation is as follows:
Show that any Slater determinant wavefunction is an eigenfunction of the total z-component spin operator
with eigenvalue regardless of whether the Slater determinant is made of restricted or unrestricted
spin orbitals.
3) Assume that a simple potential energy surface (PES) is defined by only two coordinates x and y and has the
expression E(x,y)= 2xy+3x2+2y+5. Find the stationary points of this PES and determine whether they are equilibrium
geometries or transition states.
1) How do the Kohn-Sham molecular orbitals differ between a conventional and a spin-polarised DFT
2) Write down the expression for the LDA exchange energy in a spin-polarised calculation (so use the up-spin and
down-spin densities)
3) Considering the general shape (saddle) of the energy surface on a transition state point on the PES, what do
you expect a molecule whose geometry is a transition state to do?