2gold Nanorod Extinction Spectra
2gold Nanorod Extinction Spectra
2gold Nanorod Extinction Spectra
Erratum: “Gold nanorod extinction spectra” [J. Appl. Phys. 99, 123504 (2006)]
Journal of Applied Physics 103, 119901 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2936980
Determination of the aspect ratio statistical distribution of gold nanorods in solution from a
theoretical fit of the observed inhomogeneously broadened longitudinal plasmon resonance
absorption spectrum
Journal of Applied Physics 100, 044324 (2006); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2244520
Discrete dipole approximation simulations of gold nanorod optical properties: Choice of input
parameters and comparison with experiment
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 102032 (2009); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3116139
DDA simulations have been described elsewhere in sig- B. Effects of particle shape
nificant detail,11,13,14 so here we will only provide the briefest
of introductions. The first requirement of these DDA simula- The exact shape of the gold nanorods being produced is
tions is to represent the continuum scattering target as a fi- not as yet well defined. Various TEM studies seem to indi-
nite, cubic array of polarizable points. These points are then cate that a spherically capped cylinder is a reasonable ap-
able to interact with each other and the incident electromag- proximation to the correct geometry; however, analysis of
netic radiation 共EMR兲, with the DDA algorithm seeking a these TEM images also indicates that many particles have
self-consistent solution for the dipole polarizations and the end caps that are better approximated by an oblate spheroid.
local electric field. Constructing pseudonanorods once more using a cylinder as
In this work, the DDA package DDSCAT 6.0 was used, the center of the particle but this time with two oblate sphe-
provided by Draine and Flatau.15 To facilitate comparison roids as the end caps, one has two limiting cases for the
with experimental data, all spectra reported here are for well- particle shape, as shown in Fig. 1 共note that the aspect ratio
dispersed particles in water, with in vacuo wavelengths. The of the particle, R, is still the total length of the rod divided by
dielectric data for gold were taken from the experimental the total width of the rod兲. The effect of the end-cap shape
data of Weaver et al.16 using standard methods to account for may be studied by varying the eccentricity e of the oblate
the surface damping in small particles.14 spheroid 共for the dimensions shown in Fig. 1, e2 = 1 − b2 / a2兲
within the limits of the spherical end caps 共with e = 0兲 and no
end caps 共i.e., just a cylinder, with e → 1兲.
A. Describing spectra with geometrical factors
Using Mie–Gans theory, for an ellipsoid with the electric C. Modeling particle size distributions
field of the incident radiation parallel to one of its principle
axes, the electrostatic approximation permits the extinction Spectra for samples with a distribution of particle sizes
efficiency spectrum Qext共兲 to be written in terms of a geo- may be synthesized by discretizing the rod size distribution
metrical factor L.8 While for prolate spheroids, oblate sphe- into a number of bins and adding an appropriately weighted
roids, and spheres analytic, expressions for L have been de- spectrum for each of these bins. For a particle size distribu-
rived, this is not the case for most particle geometries. The tion Ni normalized such that 兺iNi = 1, one has
focus of this work is SPlong, hence Lz is abbreviated as L 1
throughout; the geometrical factors for the minor axes may Qext共兲 = 兺 NiQext
具G典 i
共兲Gi , 共2兲
be trivially calculated using the relationship Lx + Ly + Lz = 1
with Lx = Ly by symmetry.8 i
where Qext are the extinction efficiencies for particles falling
For a generalized particle of volume V with an in vacuo into bin i, Gi are the cross-sectional areas of the particles
dielectric function of 共兲 = ⬘共兲 + i⬙共兲, that is dispersed in projected onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of
a nonabsorbing medium with dielectric m, one obtains the propagation, and 具G典 is the cross-sectional area of the aver-
following expression for the extinction efficiency Qext共兲: age particle.
123504-3 S. W. Prescott and P. Mulvaney J. Appl. Phys. 99, 123504 共2006兲
In Fig. 5, we compare the DDA calculations with recent FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Predicted extinction characteristics for various
experimental data from Pérez-Juste et al.7 on the SPlong band Gaussian distributions of rods with a given number-average aspect ratio and
of gold rods grown in aqueous solution using cetyl trimethyl varying standard deviation, showing the redshift and broadening of the ex-
ammonium bromide 共CTAB兲 as a template. For these rods, tinction peak of SPlong due to broadening the rod-length distribution: 共a兲
extinction spectra, 共b兲 extinction maximum, and 共c兲 full width at half
the length and aspect ratio had been determined by analysis maximum.
of several hundred particles by TEM, and the standard de-
viation in both the length and width were known. The SPlong
peak wavelength positions were measured with a precision pure cylinders despite the fact that the electron microscopy
of ±1 nm. images suggest that a spherical cap is present. The actual
Figure 5 shows the results for prolate spheroids, spheri- cylinder length for such calculations is best approximated
cally capped cylinders, and long 共flat兲 cylinders in a medium using the length determined by TEM, without taking into
with refractive index of 1.33. Note that even for long rods account any cap curvature. As shown in Fig. 4, this counter-
with aspect ratios greater than 5, the end cap geometry is intuitive result is coincidental with the effects of the rod-
critical in determining the SPlong position. The results pre- length distribution.
sented here allow us to conclude that the SPlong band for Previous work has suggested two different crystallo-
these small gold rods are not well modeled as ellipsoids. The graphic morphologies for the rods. In one case the longitu-
best fit with experiment is obtained when they are treated as dinal growth direction of the rod was identified as 具112典 and
123504-5 S. W. Prescott and P. Mulvaney J. Appl. Phys. 99, 123504 共2006兲
TABLE I. Geometrical factors for 5 nm radius cylinders with various end geometries.
R L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L
1 0.311 2.2 0.307 2.3 0.295 2.4 0.268 2.7 0.222 3.5
2 0.163 5.1 0.159 5.3 0.151 5.6 0.140 6.1 0.126 6.9
3 0.099 9.1 0.098 9.2 0.094 9.6 0.089 10.2 0.083 11.1
4 0.068 13.6 0.067 13.8 0.065 14.3 0.063 15.0 0.059 15.9
5 0.050 18.9 0.050 19.1 0.048 19.6 0.047 20.4 0.045 21.4
6 0.039 24.8 0.038 25.1 0.038 25.7 0.036 26.5 0.035 27.6
7 0.031 31.4 0.031 31.7 0.030 32.4 0.029 33.3 0.028 34.5
8 0.025 38.7 0.025 39.1 0.025 39.8 0.024 40.8 0.023 42.1
TABLE II. Summary of quadratic parameters to fit geometrical factors for 5 nm radius capped cylinders: 共1
− L兲 / L = aR2 + bR + c.
Type a b c
TABLE III. Geometrical factors for 10 nm radius cylinders with various end geometries.
R L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L
1 0.310 2.2 0.303 2.3 0.291 2.4 0.262 2.8 0.221 3.5
2 0.156 5.4 0.151 5.6 0.143 6.0 0.132 6.5 0.119 7.4
3 0.092 9.8 0.091 10.0 0.087 10.5 0.083 11.1 0.077 11.9
4 0.062 15.0 0.061 15.3 0.059 15.8 0.057 16.6 0.054 17.6
5 0.045 21.1 0.045 21.4 0.043 22.0 0.042 22.8 0.040 23.9
6 0.034 28.1 0.034 28.4 0.033 29.1 0.032 30.0 0.031 31.4
7 0.027 35.9 0.027 36.3 0.026 37.1 0.026 38.1 0.025 39.6
8 0.022 44.8 0.022 45.2 0.021 46.0 0.021 47.1 0.020 48.7
TABLE IV. Summary of quadratic parameters to fit geometrical factors for 10 nm radius capped cylinders:
共1 − L兲 / L = aR2 + bR + c.
Type a b c
TABLE V. Geometrical factors for 15 nm radius cylinders with various end geometries.
R L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L
1 0.303 2.3 0.295 2.4 0.282 2.5 0.253 2.9 0.303 2.3
2 0.144 6.0 0.140 6.1 0.132 6.6 0.122 7.2 0.144 6.0
3 0.083 11.1 0.081 11.3 0.078 11.9 0.073 12.6 0.083 11.1
4 0.055 17.3 0.054 17.7 0.052 18.4 0.049 19.3 0.055 17.3
5 0.039 24.9 0.038 25.3 0.037 26.0 0.036 27.1 0.039 24.9
6 0.029 33.7 0.029 34.1 0.028 35.0 0.027 36.3 0.029 33.7
7 0.022 43.8 0.022 44.3 0.022 45.2 0.021 46.6 0.022 43.8
8 0.018 55.1 0.018 55.8 0.017 56.8 0.017 58.2 0.018 55.1
123504-7 S. W. Prescott and P. Mulvaney J. Appl. Phys. 99, 123504 共2006兲
TABLE VI. Summary of quadratic parameters to fit geometrical factors for 15 nm radius capped cylinders:
共1 − L兲 / L = aR2 + bR + c.
Type a b c
TABLE VII. Geometrical factors for 20 nm radius cylinders with various end geometries.
R L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L L 共1 − L兲 / L
1 0.292 2.4 0.283 2.5 0.269 2.7 0.241 3.1 0.197 4.1
2 0.131 6.6 0.126 6.9 0.119 7.4 0.110 8.1 0.097 9.3
3 0.072 12.9 0.070 13.3 0.067 14.0 0.062 15.0 0.058 16.1
4 0.046 20.7 0.045 21.2 0.043 22.1 0.041 23.2 0.039 24.4
5 0.032 30.3 0.031 30.9 0.030 31.9 0.029 33.2 0.027 35.8
6 0.023 41.8 0.023 42.6 0.022 43.9 0.022 45.1 0.021 47.4
7 0.018 54.8 0.018 55.2 0.017 57.2 0.017 58.7 0.016 61.2
8 0.014 70.2 0.014 71.2 0.014 72.9 0.013 74.6 0.013 76.8
TABLE VIII. Summary of quadratic parameters to fit geometrical factors for 20 nm radius capped cylinders:
共1 − L兲 / L = aR2 + bR + c.
Type a b c
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