Ircon International Limited: Nterest From
Ircon International Limited: Nterest From
Ircon International Limited: Nterest From
Expression of Interest
Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in
Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/
Solar Photo Voltaic based grid connected power plant to
associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects.
January 2020
(IRCON reserves the right to cancel this request for EOI and / or invite afresh with or without
amendments to this request for EOI, without liability or any obligation for such request for EOI and
without assigning any reason. Information provided at this stage is indicative and IRCON reserves
the right to amend / add further details in the EOI document.)
Contact: For any clarification Please Contact Mr. Arun V. Vernekar, GM/BD at official
number +91-11-26530465, email [email protected]
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Scope of Work
6. Empanelment Duration
7. Amendments to EOI
I. Annexure -I To III
II. Performa's I To IV
2. Objective
IRCON wishes to expand aggressively its market share in development & construction of
Building Projects in order to fulfill its objective of multifold growth in its turn over & profitability.
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
3. Scope of Work
The Following is indicative and not limited to the categories for which IRCON desires to
empanel Contractors-
for Seabird Project of Indian Navy at Karwar, Karnataka and future projects, Under Item Rate
or in EPC Mode in India. Detail of Seabird projects is as below
1. Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Dockyard Buildings, Infrastructure &
Equipment (DY)
2. Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Fleet Base buildings, infrastructure &
Equipment Package 1 (FBB-1)
3. Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Fleet Base buildings, infrastructure &
Equipment Package 2 (FBB-2)
At Naval base, Karwar, Karnataka - Indian Navy, Project Seabird Phase IIA
4. Instructions
Instructions for submission of the expression of interest are enclosed at Annex-I and
guidelines for the preparation for the expression of interest is enclosed at Annex-II. Interested
Companies should fill up the enclosed expression of interest form (Annex-III) and submit
together with a Covering Letter online at CPP portal and in Hard Copy at the following address so
as to reach our office not later than 15.00 hrs. on 20.01.2020:
The minimum eligibility & qualification criteria for said EOI will be as under-
2. The firm should have experience on the works headed by State & Central Authorities
in India or similar authorities Abroad.
3. The firm should not be blacklisted by any Central/State Authority /PSU/ Govt Bodies
etc., or any authority in the foreign country. They should not be under Corporate
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
5. This EOI is invited to shortlist Specialized Sub Contractor for respective sector as per
RFQ Document enclosed as Annexure A.
6. Document attached is for 3 RFQ’s. Specialized Sub Contractor is required for all the
three packages. Specialized Sub Contractor may choose to apply for any one/any
specific RFQ or all of three RFQ together based on their experience and eligibility.
2. Form-08A: EXP-4
3. Form-15A: POA-3
8. Specialized Sub Contractor need to fill Forms as Per given tender Format (Annexure
A). The form strictly needs to be filled as per prescribed format
9. In addition to above, the agency must meet Eligibility Criteria and experience in either
of respective sectors as per following table.
No RFQ Detail Eligibility Criteria
Successfully completed Construction of Effluent
(a) Effluent
Treatment Plants with a minimum capacity of 1.25
Cum/hr including supply and installation of
equipment in any single contract.
Successfully completed Supply and Erection of Chilled
(b) Chilled Water Distribution System comprising chilled water
Request for Water plants and distribution piping for building HVAC
Qualification distribution systems with a minimum capacity of 350 Tonne
(RFQ) for System Rating, including supply and installation of equipment
Dockyard in any single contract.
1 Buildings, The Bidder should have designed, supplied,
Infrastructure & erected/supervised erection and commissioned/
Equipment supervised commissioning of Solar Photo voltaic (SPV)
(DY) (c)SPV based grid connected power plant(s) of cumulative
Based Grid installed capacity of 5 MW or more of roof top solar
Connected PV plant, out of which at least one plant should have
Power Plant been of 1.75 MW capacity or above. The reference
plant of 1.75 MW or above capacity must have been in
successful operation during last seven (07) years ending
6 (six) months prior to last date of submission of RFQ.
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
Request for
(RFQ) for Fleet (a) Chilled Successfully completed Supply and Erection of Chilled
Base buildings, Water Water Distribution System comprising chilled water
infrastructure & distribution plants and distribution piping for building HVAC
2 Equipment System systems with a minimum capacity of 163 Tonne
Package 1 Rating, including supply and installation of equipment
(FBB-1) in any single contract.
Successfully completed Supply and Erection of Chilled
(a)Chilled Water Distribution System comprising chilled water
Water plants and distribution piping for building HVAC
distribution systems with a minimum capacity of 113 Tonne
Request for System Rating, including supply and installation of equipment
Qualification in any single contract.
(RFQ) for Fleet The Bidder should have designed, supplied, erected/
3 Base buildings, supervised erection and commissioned/ supervised
infrastructure & commissioning of Solar Photo voltaic (SPV) based grid
Equipment (b)SPV connected power plant(s) of cumulative installed
Package 2 Based Grid capacity of 2 MW or more of roof top solar PV plant,
(FBB-2) Connected out of which at least one plant should have been of 0.5
Power Plant MW capacity or above. The reference plant of 0.5 MW
or above capacity must have been in successful
operation during last seven (07) years ending 6 (six)
months prior to last date of submission of RFQ
10. The specified Projects should have been satisfactorily completed by the firm in
last 10 Years. Documentary evidence (Client Certificate) in support, need to be
submitted along with proposal.
6. Empanelment Duration
The validity of empanelment shall be for an initial period of One year which may be
extended further based on the performance of the empaneled / shortlisted applicants.
IRCON may issue addendum(s)/ corrigendum(s) to the EOI documents. In such case,
the addendum(s)/ corrigendum(s) shall be issued and placed on website at any time
before closing time of EOI. The firms who have downloaded the EOI documents from
the website must visit the website and ensure that such addendum(s)/ corrigendum(s)
(If any) also have been downloaded by them. This shall be the responsibility of the
prospective registered applicant to check the web site for any such addendum(s)/
corrigendum(s) at the time of closing time of EOI and ensure that the application
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
Screening shall be carried out strictly as per eligibility conditions mentioned and based
on verification of testimonials submitted & as per the discretion of IRCON.
The EOI is not an offer and is issued with no commitment. IRCON reserves the right
to withdraw this EOI at any time and or vary and part thereof any stage. IRCON further
reserves the right to disqualify any application, should it be so necessary at any stage.
2. IRCON reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application (s) without assigning
any reason whatsoever. IRCON’s decision in this regard shall be binding and final.
3. If any of the information, furnished by the applicant, is found incorrect at a later stage,
they shall be liable to be barred from participating in current and subsequent
opportunities with IRCON. IRCON reserves the right to verify the particulars
furnished by the applicant independently.
4. The applicant after submitting the response to this EOI, agrees with IRCON for
honoring all aspects of fair-trade practices.
5. The applicants shall bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of the
response to this EOI.
7. Wherever required, specific MOU/ agreement may have to be signed by respective firms
for specific work requirements.
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
1. Expression of Interest proposal must be submitted together with a covering Letter online
at CPP portal and also in Hard Copy not later
than 15.00 hrs. on 20.01.2020.
2. All applications shall be submitted in English.
3. Application submitted by Joint Venture is not allowed
4. The completed forms with all documents may be submitted in hard copy to the address
of office of
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
The applicant shall prepare 1(One) Original set of the submittals as detailed below in a
sealed envelope.
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
Proforma-' I’
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
Performa II
Annual Turn over
Certificate of Annual Turnover
It is certified that we have examined the books of accounts of M/s…………(Name & Address
of the firm/company) and the detail of the annual turnover from Construction Business
/Business during the last THREE financial years are as under-
Financial details during the last three financial years (Copies of Audited Annual report,
Accounts or a statement duly certified by a chartered accountant should be enclosed).
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
Proforma – III
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
Performa- IV
• Civil
• Mechanical
• Electrical
A certificate issued by the firm shall be attached in support of the above data.
EOI from Specialist Construction Contractors having experience in Effluent Treatment Plant/Chilled water distribution System/ Solar Photo Voltaic based grid
connected power plant to associate with IRCON for upcoming Projects
6.0 AFFIDAVIT (On Letter Head)
1. Neither our firm nor any of the members/ partners in any manner as an individual or the
constituent partner in case of partnership firm have been declared non-performer by any
Organization / Authority / Public Sector Enterprises in India & Abroad, any Government
Department in India or Abroad or a multilaterally funded agency during the last two years prior
to the date of our bid submission.
2. As on date our submission, neither our firm nor any of the members/ partners in any manner as
an individual or the constituent partner in case of partnership firm are debarred for tendering,
blacklisted, suspended in any Central/State Government Department in India or Abroad
including authority controlled by them.
3. As on date of our EOI submission, neither our firm nor any of the members/ partners in any
manner as an individual or the constituent partner in case of partnership firm /JV are in corporate
insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)/Liquidation/ winding up/CDR/SDR/S4A/Flexible
structuring or any other restructuring scheme due to financial stress and have not been in default
on any debt obligation on the due date.
4. No contract agreement between IRCON or its wholly owned subsidiaries and either our firm or
any of the members/partners in any manner as an individual or the constituent partner in case of
partnership firm have been terminated on account of our default during the last two years prior
to the date our submission.
5. We have no objection to IRCON requesting to any bank, person, firm or body and any such
agency furnishing pertinent information as deemed necessary or to verify this statement or
regarding our competence and general reputation.
6. We understand that further qualifying information may be requested by IRCON and we agree to
furnish any such information at the request of IRCON within the prescribed time.
7. We have read and understood all the provisions included in the EOI documents and abide by
8. The information furnished by us is correct and we understand the consequences in case any of
the information furnished is not found to be true.