Technical Report 1

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Technical Review Report

Modification Works - INDUSTRIAL

REF NO : MPN 64699 Submission Count: 1 Date : 16/05/2024

Applicant Information
Telephone No. 48080333 Trakhees ID C-X-031648
Email Trade License No. 2642
Telephone No. 43471516 Trakhees ID C-0017-039620
Email [email protected] Trade License No. 564541
Telephone No. 42834436 Trakhees ID C-0010-039379
Email [email protected] Trade License No. 505319

Project Information
Business Unit Economic Zones World Location JAFZ - North
Plot No. MO0409 Building No.
Modified Area 77 sq m + LS Unit No.

Work Description Existing Cabin Modification and New Machinery Foundation

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REF NO : MPN 64699 Submission Count: 1 Date : 16/05/2024

Review Comments
Reviewer Belal.Aly
TKS CED Comments
1. 1. Review is based on Jafza NOC ref. 2024/04/025/JAFZA/APM/21189413 dated on 06-05-2024 and all
condition shall be complied with.
2. Review is for ExisFng Cabin ModificaFon and New Machinery FoundaFon and excludes any modificaFon to
services. All existing services shall be protected.
3. All works should be within the plot limits and shall comply with standard code of pracFce & Trakhees
4. All works shall comply with standard code of pracFce and Trakhees regulaFons. Concrete Durability shall
comply with BS 8500-1.
5. Contractor is responsible to ensure that the design value of SBC is attained on site or arrange for soil
investigation after compaction of founding soil.
6. Ensure that the excavaFon and founding level will not go beyond the exisFng foundaFon and proper
measures to be provided to prevent undermining the existing foundation.
- Any excavation below adjacent/existing foundation level is not permitted unless obtaining CED approval for
the protection measures which should be proposed by the consultant/contractor according to the actual site
- For any difference in ground levels between inside & outside the plot limits, the consultant/contractor is
required to submit a proper retaining system for CED approval prior to construction.
- Irrigation or water networks near foundation of adjacent structure/boundary wall shall be properly protected
and constructed under the supervision of the project.
7. Kindly note that all HVAC & Electrical work are excluded from this approval.
8. Refer to circular on "Mandatory Site Inspections" requirement & the "Request for Inspection" form for your
9. ExisFng structural elements such as column, beam, and structural wall shall not be disturbed.
10. It is the Contractor's responsibility to obtain the Civil Defence (DCD) Final approval showing the
facility/office/shop number as per the lease drawing/title deed. The Modification Completion Certificate will
not be issued without the submission of the Civil Defence (DCD) completion certificate.
11. The applicant shall comply with Dubai Civil Defence requirements and the NOC for this Permit works & bear
full responsibility in this regard.
12. Separate Trakhees AdverFsing NOC to be obtained for any proposed adverFsement, whether in wriFng, in
drawings, pictures or any other means of expression, made through the use of any form of advertising medium
i.e. construcFon fence, hoarding, tower crane, flags and others [refer to Decree No. (6) of 2020, RegulaFng
Advertisements in the Emirate of Dubai].....[For Compliance]

Reviewer Jasher.Moreno
TKS EHS Comments
Review Status RE-SUBMIT
1. Please be advised that the COC-MW compliance form submitted is already outdated. Note that the COC
form has been recently updated (Feb 2024). Kindly secure a copy of the updated form and resubmit. The
modification application reference (MPN no.) of your application shall be indicated in the form. For copy of the
new form, please send email to [email protected]....[To be responded]
2. Submit the machinery technical details/catalogue/brochure for reference and review.....[To be responded]

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3. Submit updated machinery list form and indicate/cloud the new (proposed) addiFonal machine/s....[To be
4. Submit the process flowchart covering all process acFviFes and machineries along with the overall
maximum annual production capacity in metric tons to assess the environment-related requirements, if
any.....[To be responded]
5. Submit elevaFon layout showing the proposed machine.....[To be responded]
6. This report should be compiled and addressed point by point in a cover letter, along with the necessary
documents to expedite the processing of your application. Note that these remarks are provisional, and
additional comments may be provided or modified based on the documents you submit or your
responses.....[To be responded]

TKS – Trakhees | CED – Civil Engineering Division| EHS – Environment Health & Safety Division

Final Review Status



• This is a system generated report and doesn’t require signatures.

• If the final application status of the Technical Review Report is “Approved/ Approved with comments”
and the works are not commenced on site, an email for document collection along with fee
notification shall be sent subsequently, once the administrative process is complete.
\\jagrnet02\TRKAPPSTRG_MPS\TRK_DMS1\MPS\WFDocuments\PRD\64699\Technical Reports

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