Vol 10 Issue 09: Life in The Fast Plane The Cessna 210 Destination: Texas Hill Country
Vol 10 Issue 09: Life in The Fast Plane The Cessna 210 Destination: Texas Hill Country
Vol 10 Issue 09: Life in The Fast Plane The Cessna 210 Destination: Texas Hill Country
of these aircraft are the same, though, aircraft and a 400-pound gross weight
including preflight and in-flight handling increase to 3,800 pounds. One of the
characteristics. changes that came with the K model was
the tapered tubular steel landing gear legs
Models with a six-inch wider stance. The gear
The original 210 had four seats and a legs may look fragile, but they aren’t.
normally aspirated 260 hp engine. It was The 210L arrived in 1972 with a 28
essentially a C182, wing struts included, volt electrical system, and in 1975 the
with retractable gear. three-bladed propeller became stan-
The first turbocharged Centurion dard. Flap gap seals in 1976 enhanced
sold was the 1966 T210F powered by a climb performance and a key instrument
Continental TSIO-520C engine. Built-in change occurred: the airspeed indicator
oxygen was standard— and necessary, as was changed to knots from mph.
the specifications claimed a 31,300-foot The M model of 1977 ushered in the
service ceiling. 310 hp TSIO-520R engine for the turbo-
In 1967, the Cessna 210G arrived with charged airplanes, which reduced takeoff
a laminar flow cantilever wing replacing distances and provided increased climb
the strut-braced wing, but it was still a rates. The engine has a five-minute limit on
four-plus-two aircraft. the 310 hp, which then must be reduced
The introduction of the 210K in 1970 to 285 hp maximum continuous power.
brought to market the full-sized six-seat The pressurized 210 was introduced in