How Long Does It Take To Max in Osrs?
How Long Does It Take To Max in Osrs?
How Long Does It Take To Max in Osrs?
Ever wondered how long it takes to max in osrs with maximum efficiency? We did the math for you.
The calculations in this article will assume the maximum efficiency for every skill. This means that tick-manipulation methods are used x
where possible and the most efficient skilling order is used. This also means that with buyable skills such as farming, herblore, and
prayer—the most expensive method is used.
For this article we collected all the fastest methods used in our skilling guides.
Using a dwarf cannon, you can get 0,75 ranged experience for every slayer experience point. This means that getting 99 slayer with
just a cannon would also get you all the way to 95 ranged. Realistically though, you’ll get to about 90 ranged from 1-99 slayer if you
use a cannon for every task as well as regular combat. This means you still have about 7.5M ranged experience left which you can do
in around 10 hours by chinning in the MM2 dungeons in max gear.
That’s 6 skills (slayer, strength, attack, defence, hitpoints, ranged) in just 310 hours total.
Other OSRS Skills In Order From Fastest To Slowest
1. Fletching x
Total time:
2. Prayer
The fastest way to 99 prayer is by doing dagannoth bones on a
chaos/gilded altar and switching over to superior dragon bones
at level 70 prayer. You’ll want to spam click the altar to achieve
the highest possible exp/hr. Doing this method all the way to 99
will take you only 10 hours.
3. Farming
For the fastest way to 99 farming you’ll want to do tree runs all
the way to 99. Magic trees will cost you quite a bit but you can
combine this with herb runs to make back some of the cost.
4. Construction
The fastest way to 99 construction is by doing chairs until 33,
Oak larders until 52, mahogany tables until 77 and finally gnome
benches all the way until 99 construction. This method will cost
you a total amount of around 300M and take you about 15
hours to do.
6. Herblore
The fastest way to 99 herblore is by making anti-venoms which
are unlocked at level 87. Before that you’ll want to make attack
potions until 38, prayer potions until 63 and super restores until
83. Then you can guzzle down botanical pies to boost your
herblore level by 4 so you can start making anti-venoms. Levels
1 – 99 will take you a total time of 24 hours.
7. Crafting
The fastest way to 99 crafting is by doing making dragon hide
bodies all the way to 99. Doing this will take a total of 34 hours.
8. Firemaking
The fastest way to 99 firemaking is by using the conventional
firemaking method in varrock. (guide) For this method you’ll
want to use the highest possible log your level can light all the
way to 99. You’ll also need varrock teleports as you’ll be
teleporting back to the square every time to save a couple hours
in total. This will cost you 11M in total.
9. Smithing
The fastest way to 99 smithing is using the blast furnace to
make gold bars which you unlock at only level 40 smithing. This
method all the way to 99 will take you only 37 hours in total
though you will need goldsmith gauntlets for this.
10. Magic
Magic is very fast for those who have the money to do so.
Getting 99 magic can be done in as little as 38 hours if you
combine enchanting bolts and ice barraging in the MM2 caves.
Alternatively, you can enchant bolts all the way to 99.
11. Thieving
Blackjack thieving is the best way to reach 99 thieving as fast as
possible. Another option is ardougne knights for a slightly more
AFK (you still have to spam-click) way of training. Both can give
you up to 250K Exp per hour at higher levels.
12. Woodcutting
For the fastest way to 99 woodcutting, highly efficient players
use tick-manipulation. Specifically 2-tick woodcutting (80 hours
in total) and 3-tick woodcutting (120 hours in total). But the most
common method is redwood trees until 99 which would take
you around 140 hours.
13. Hunter x
For the fastest hunter experience, you should hunt salamanders
to 80.
from level 80, Hunting herbiboars can gain you up to 130K x
hunter experience with an additional 5-13K herblore experience
per hour.
14. Fishing
Fishing is one of the slowest skills in OSRS but you can do it
while you do other things such as Netflix, homework, work, and
more. For the fastest way to 99 fishing you want to do barbarian
fishing, which will additionally give you 1m Exp in both strength
and agility while you get your 99.
15. Mining
Mining is about just as slow as fishing but not AFK at all when
going for the fastest method to 99. For maximum efficiency, you
should be 3-tick mining in the granite quarry.
16. Runecrafting
Runecrafting is the most dreaded skill in the OSRS community.
It’s training methods are very slow and if you want to get the
fastest runecrafting experience in the game, you have to do lava
runes which aren’t even profitable. Another option is the ZMI
altar but that will add an extra 70 hours to your total time.
17. Agility
Agility is the second slowest skill in the game, just behind slayer.
But slayer should be trained alongside combat which means you
don’t really feel the grind as much.
That said, for maximum efficiency, you can add fletching and x
high-alching methods to your agility runs but that will make it
even more click-intensive.
1-99 agility takes around 230 hours but we can subtract 16 x
hours from the 1m EXP received through barbarian fishing,
meaning we end up with 214 hours in total.
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