Knave 2e - Expanded Lore (v1) - BRGJJQ

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Made by
Simon „Noobirus” Piecha

© 2020 Vagelio Kaliva, used with permission. All rights reserved

For use with Knave: Second Edition TTRPG by Ben Milton

Knave 2ed: Expanded Lore is an independent production of
Noobirus and is not affiliated with Questing Beast LLC. Quest-
ing Beast LLC takes no responsibility for any legal claims
against your product. The game mechanics of Knave: Second
Edition may be reused freely, but the text and art may not.

Mail: [email protected]

Knave 2ed: Expanded Lore ©2024 by Simon „Noobirus” Piecha

Expanded Lore New Rules
Greetings, knaves! The book you are The following chapters discusses some
reading is a supplement for the second new rules, that are are present in this
edition of Knave by Ben Milton. book.
This supplement emerged after running Pages. Sometimes this supplement will
several adventures and from the cre- reference page number (example - p. 28).
ative input of players (mostly me) who These are pages in the Knave rulebook.
came up with new ideas to expand the The holy d4. The d4 in the Knave rule-
game. You know, standard OSR stuff! book is only used to determine sling
To use this book, you'll need a copy of damage and the NA of some monsters.
Knave: Second Edition. Its much more important here, so make
sure you have one ready!
Damage reduction. Some skills that
are present in this book allow the char-
Table of acter to reduce incoming damage.
Damage cannot be reduced to 0 or be-
low. This means, that characters always
Contents suffer at least 1 damage.
Skill use. Some skills can be used, and
have the word “use” underlined. Char-
New Rules 4 acters can activate these skills once
between rests (either in the wilderness
or downtime).
Character skills 5
Everything is optional. As always, all
the rules presented here optional. Pick
Point Crawl Travel 10 and choose the ones that fit your cam-
paign, or edit them further to your
Monster Treasure 14 liking.

But what is Treasure? 15

Encounter helper 18

Option 3 - Starting skills
Character skills Characters start with two skills that fit
Character skills add new options for their career and character description
players. The following pages contain a best. Players can pick these skills after
list of 50 skills, organized into a d100 ta- choosing a career, distributing attribute
ble. scores and rolling on any of the tables
The following skills make player charac- on p. 54-59. Characters do not gain any
ters a bit more powerful, but not much, new skills after that.
as a lot of skills presented here are either Some examples:
situational, narrative or may be used
only once between rests. However, if Cocky Musician - Fencing, Diplomacy
you prefer more deadly games, you may Lowborn Burglar - Alcohol expertise,
consider lightly rising the encounter Stealth
difficulty after the characters gain their
first skill. Pedantic Watchman - Investigation,
Shield holding
Skills can be implemented in many
ways, pick the option that suits your Glutton Fisherman - Fishing, Cooking
campaign best. This option is best for one-shots or
Option 1 - Character advancement games held on conventions. Players
start with two useful skills and have
Whenever a character reaches level 2, 4, many options during their game.
6 and 8, they roll twice on the skill table
and choose one, that they learned dur-
ing their adventures.
This option works well with long cam-
Option 2 - Career change
Characters start with no skills, but may
learn a new skill whenever they change
their career during downtime (p. 52).
The new skill must thematically fit the
new career (for example, a pit fighter
career could offer the dirty fighting
A character can learn a skill once, when
learning a common career, an uncom-
mon one and a rare one. So the
maximum number of skills a character
can learn this way is 3.
This option is a bit more narrative, and
it encourages the players to spend coins
and downtime (~2,5 years) on learning
new skills. You could say this is the most
realistic option, best suited for longer
campaigns, where players want to earn
a lot of money and expect their charac-
ters to get a bit older as the adventure
goes on.

1-2 Alchemy 51-52 Investigation
3-4 Alcohol expertise 53-54 Leadership
5-6 Animal handling 55-56 Lip reading
7-8 Arcane Lore 57-58 Mace mastery
9-10 Archery 59-60 Martial arts
11-12 Armor mastery 61-62 Medicine
13-14 Armor creator 63-64 Meditation
15-16 Athleticism 65-66 Muscles
17-18 Berserking 67-68 Performing
19-20 Blessed 69-70 Poison crafting
21-22 Chosen 71-72 Pole-arm mastery
23-24 Cooking 73-74 Powerful connection
25-26 Diplomacy 75-76 Protecting
27-28 Dirty fighting 77-78 Riding
29-30 Dodging 79-80 Sailing
31-32 Exploration 81-82 Scavenging
33-34 Fencing 83-84 Shield holding
35-36 Fishing 85-86 Stealth
37-38 Flexible body 87-88 Tactics
39-40 Gambling 89-90 Tanning
41-42 Hauling 91-92 Tracking
43-44 Herbalism 93-94 Trading
45-46 Hidden pocket 95-96 Trap mastery
47-48 Hunting 97-98 Two-weapon fighting
49-50 Intimidation 99-00 Weapon creator

• ALCHEMY: You always get a +5 • CHOSEN: After choosing this skill, a
modifier while trying to brew potions strange being visits your dreams next to
and gathering ingredients from mon- you rest and grants you a random spell.
sters does not take a turn. You may still cast this blessing, even
• ALCOHOL EXPERTISE: You know when having 0 INT.
how to party! While carousing, you • COOKING: You may use this skill and
may spend up to 2x more coins. How- sacrifice two rations, to create a special
ever, you always roll a mishap when dish. Generate the dish by using the food
spending above the standard value. tables on p. 49 of the rulebook. Special
• ANIMAL HANDLING: You may use dishes can feed three people and restore
this skill while trying to tame or calm 1 HP when eaten. Non-player characters
down an animal, to get a +5 bonus. can usually be easily impressed by offer-
Also, animals that fight alongside you ing them special dishes.
get +1 to damage and attack rolls. • DIPLOMACY: You learn an addi-
• ARCANE LORE: You may use this tional language, that is present in your
skill to “refresh” a spell you already cast game world (discuss this with the Game
this day (you may cast it again). Master). When you encounter a type of
intelligent creatures for the first time,
• ARCHERY: You may use this skill to the Game Master adds +1 to the NPC
perform a trick shot with a bow or reaction roll.
crossbow you have. The attack gets a +5
modifier and can fly towards “impossi- • DIRTY FIGHTING: You may use
ble” targets (like an enemy hiding this skill and spend a turn in combat, to
behind a tree), as long as the missile is instantly perform a maneuver against a
able to travel there. target opponent (for example - throw
sand into their eyes to blind them). This
• ARMOR MASTERY: You know how maneuver does not deal any damage.
to fully apply your armor to any situa-
tion. Whenever you would receive • DODGING: You may use this skill
damage, you may use this skill and de- while being attacked, to increase your
stroy a piece of your armor to reduce the Armor points by 2 during the attack.
damage by 2. • EXPLORATION: You may use this
• ARMOR CREATOR: During your skill to force the Game Master to re-roll
next downtime, you become inspired the travel hazard roll.
and create a powerful armor piece, that • FENCING: If you are attacked in
will be known in this land. Pick an ar- melee and are wielding a sword, axe or
mor (example - helmet), roll a trait (p. 43 any other bladed weapon, you may use
- rulebook) and an effect (p. 28). Describe this skill to parry that attack and reduce
how you created it and name it. the incoming damage by d4.
• ATHLETICISM: You can exert your- • FISHING: If you are foraging for food
self to perform impossible feats of and a lake, river or sea is nearby, you add
athleticism. You may use this skill to +1 to the amount of rations found. You
gain a +5 modifier to any climbing, may also use STR instead of WIS while
swimming, running or jumping check. foraging (you need muscles to haul
• BERSERKING: You add d4 to your out!).
damage dealt while having no Hit • FLEXIBLE BODY: Instead of getting
Points. bigger and stronger, your body became
• BLESSED: After choosing this skill, very flexible! You can squish yourself
a holy (?) being visits your dreams next through small gaps (for example
time you rest and grants you a random through metal bars or holes in the wall).
blessing. You may still cast this blessing,
even when having 0 WIS.

• GAMBLING: When gambling in a • MEDICINE: As long as you have ac-
settlement, you may roll a d10 instead of cess to clean cloth and water, you may
a d6. But if you roll a 1 or 10, you lose use this skill to heal someone for d6 HP.
instantly and get caught cheating. • MEDITATION: You always heal
• HAULING: You get 3 additional item wounds while resting, you don’t need to
slots and can hold 800 coins in one slot be in a safe settlement.
instead of 500. • MUSCLES: You gain 3 additional HP.
• HERBALISM: Whenever you search • PERFORMING: You may spend your
for rations while traveling, you also find downtime on performances. You earn
one healing herb (even if you fail to find d6x10c in villages, d6x20 in towns,
food). Healing herbs are an item that d6x40 in cities. However, every 3 per-
can be used to restore d4 hit points. formances you do in a settlement,
• HIDDEN POCKET: Underline one something goes wrong and you roll on
item slot on your character sheet. This the mishap table.
is now your hidden pocket. You still can • POISON CRAFTING: After each rest
have a wound in this slot, but items in in the wilderness or in a settlement with
your hidden pocket are secured and can access to poisonous plants or chemicals
never be lost, dropped or detected while you create a vial of poison. Choose the
being searched. poison type: acidic, sleep-inducing or
• HUNTING: If you are foraging for heart-stopping. Acidic poisons can be ap-
food and a forest, swamp or cave is plied on weapons or arrows, and deal 1
nearby, you add +1 to the amount of ra- direct damage the first time the weapon
tions found. You may also use DEX hits. All poisons can be added to drinks
instead of WIS while foraging. or food, and require the victim to per-
• INTIMIDATION: If a NPC is doing a form a CON check.
MRL check, you may use this skill to in- • POLE-ARM MASTERY: After per-
timidate them and force them to roll forming a successful attack with a long
3d6, instead a 2d6. weapon (halberd, spear…), you may use
• INVESTIGATION: You can try to de- this skill to also shove the opponent.
termine if someone is lying with a WIS They can’t move but may perform any
check. other actions their next turn and until
their turn starts, the next combatant
• LEADERSHIP: Companions and that attacks them gets +5 to their attack
Mercenaries fighting alongside you get check. You can’t shove opponents that
+1 to attack checks. Mercenaries also are larger than you.
follow you to dungeons (IF they are paid
a % of their wage upfront and they can • POWERFUL CONNECTION: Dur-
store the coins somewhere safe before ing your next rest in a settlement, you
heading out). make a powerful friend or recall, that
you know someone important here.
• LIP READING: You can “see” what Generate a NPC with the GM. They
people are saying, as long as you also have two assets (p. 58 in the rulebook),
speak that language. have your LVL+4 and still haven’t paid
• MACE MASTERY: You may use this you their debt (describe in what way did
skill while attacking with a blunt you help them).
weapon, to add d4 to the damage dealt. • PROTECTING: You may use this skill
If this damage would kill the opponent, to redirect to you an attack that was tar-
instead they are knocked unconscious. geting another character. Reduce the
• MARTIAL ARTS: You deal d4 dam- damage dealt by that attack by 1.
age while unarmed and perform
maneuvers like this on a 19+.

• RIDING: Mounting and dismounting • TRADING: Next time when you rest
an animal takes you no time, you never at a settlement, you earn 400c by mak-
lose your balance on a mount, you can ing a good deal (describe what
call your loyal steed by whistling and happened). These gold coins do not
while riding an animal, you can use this grant the party XP. You also get three
skill to trample an unmounted oppo- additional trading item slots, these item
nent and deal d4 damage. slots are separate from the rest of your
• SAILING: You can use this skill to get item slots, you cannot gain wounds
a +5 modifier in one of the following there and you can only store items in
situations: you attack someone while these slots, that you plan to sell or trade.
being on a ship or boat, fire a cannon, • TRAP MASTERY: Whenever you
jump from deck to deck, try to swim, rest for a day and have downtime, you
perform a maneuver on the ship. may create a portable trap, that takes up
• SCAVENGING: Whenever you reach one item slot. The trap deals d8 damage
the end of a dungeon, you also find junk if something walks into it and has an ad-
worth d6x10x[number of the levels the ditional effect (p. 16). You can also sell
dungeon has]c. The junk is located at your trap for 10c.
the end of the dungeon and takes as • TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING: You
much space as coins (you can carry 500c have the ability to dual-wield one-
of junk in one item slot). As any other handed weapons, enabling you to exe-
treasure, junk grants XP to the party cute two attacks in a single turn. Each
when taken to a settlement. attack inflicts d4 damage.
• SHIELD HOLDING: You never drop • WEAPON CREATOR: During your
your shield, even when you have a next downtime, you become inspired
wound on its item slot. As long as you and create a powerful weapon, that will
carry a shield, you also reduce all dam- be known in this land. Generate a
age you receive by 1. weapon, trait (p. 43 - rulebook) and an
• STEALTH: You can use this skill for effect (p. 28 - rulebook). Describe how
one of two effects: either gain a +5 you created it and name it.
modifier to your hiding/sneaking
check, or when an encounter begins,
immediately attempt a DEX check to
• TACTICS: You may use this skill
when your party is rolling for initiative,
to instantly win the initiative. This can-
not be used to prevent being surprised.
• TANNING: You may spend a 10-
minute turn to skin any dead creature
and secure the leather you acquired.
Leather acquired this way is worth 10c
per creature LVL. Monster above LVL 5
almost always have magical leather,
scales or skin, that can be used in
alchemy or to make armor.
• TRACKING: You may use this skill
while searching for tracks, clues or
traces - you find what you need quickly
and do not provoke a hazard roll.

Forced march. The party may force
Point Crawl Travel themselves to travel through more than
The original Knave rules promote hex- two regions only with short rests, but
crawl travel and include lightweight each explored region after the first two
rules to facilitate it. However, not all deal 1 direct damage due to fatigue. This
players enjoy the slow, meticulous, and damage increases by 1 for each addi-
perilous nature of hex travel. Some tional region (third region deals 1,
groups prefer expedited journeys from fourth deals 2 and so on).
point A to B, focusing instead on engag- Actions. After reaching a region or sec-
ing events and interesting adventure tor, the party may perform travel
sites. actions. These are described on the next
This chapter adjusts the travel rules in pages.
the Knave rulebook to align with a New travel table. This supplement in-
straightforward point crawl travel sys- troduces new travel tables, that use 2d6
tem. rolls instead of d6. These tables are
How to prepare. Instead of drawing a more “player friendly” than the original
hex map on a sheet of paper, the Game Knave ones and speed up travels, allow-
Master loosely draws borders of various ing the players to explore more places in
regions. Sizes are abstract and not very one game.
important in this system. Some regions Point crawl dungeons. Dungeons can
may be large, but are easy to traverse also be explored by using these rules. In-
thanks to roads and a forgiving terrain. stead of drawing on squares, just draw
Other regions may be small, but hard to dungeon sectors. A sector could be a long
conquer due to harsh terrain features or hallway, the kitchen, throne room etc.
hostile monsters. Traveling from sector to sector takes one
Traveling between regions. In one travel roll, but they are more dangerous.
day, the party is able to explore two ad- Rations. Characters need to consume at
jacent regions. “Jumping” from region least 1 ration per day (this usually means
to region requires two travel hazard every 2 regions on the overworld, and
rolls. So for example, if the Kingdom of whenever the party wants to sleep in a
Salasa is next to the Forest of Blood re- dungeon). Characters who are unable to
gion, the party needs two rolls to travel consume a ration suffer 1 direct damage
from the Kingdom to the Forest. and restore no Hit Points when resting.

If you are entering a region or sector for the first time, generate a location (p. 10)
and a trait (p. 11) if it’s on the overworld, or a room (p. 14) and theme (p. 15)
if it’s a dungeon.
2-3 Encounter. Someone or some- 2-5 Danger. Someone or something
thing is here! Determine activity is here! The GM performs
(p. 19) and monster (p. 61). Most a hidden d6 roll:
monsters are aggressive, but if 1-4: Encounter
unsure, roll for reaction (p. 19).
Determine if the party is sur- 5-6: Trap (only when entering the
prised, then roll for initiative. sector for the first time. Otherwise -
4-5 Danger. A sign (p. 10) suggesting encounter).
danger is nearby. The party may Encounter. Someone or some-
ignore it and continue the travel, thing is here! Determine activity
but inspecting it may award trea- (p. 19) and monster (p. 61). Most
sure (p. 42). Inspecting danger monsters are aggressive, but if
almost always leads to encoun- unsure, roll for reaction (p. 19).
ters. Determine if the party is sur-
6-8 Safe. Well that was a nice walk. prised, then roll for initiative.
9-10 Bad road. Due to bad terrain, Trap. Roll for a trap effect (p. 16)
weather, hostile forces or simply and mechanism (p. 17). The first
getting lost, the trek takes longer person to enter the room must
and is more tiring than expected. make a DEX check react to the
Each character takes 1 damage, trap in time. If failed - they re-
but they may consume 1 ration to ceive 1d6 damage. If successful,
prevent this. the party is safe and can discuss
11-12 Change of weather. The weather how to deal with the trap.
(p. 9) drastically changes. If it got 6-8 Safe. Nothing attempted to kill
worse, each character must per- you. Great.
form a CON check. If failed - they 11-12 Dungeon shift. Something
suffer 1 damage. strange happens in the dungeon -
sound are heard, apparitions are
seen, debris falls from the ceiling
etc. Use the list of shifts (p. 14) as
inspiration. If something bad or
scary happened, a CON check is
made by all characters. If failed,
the character is stressed, confused
and suffers 1 damage.

The party may use the actions below, when visiting a region or sector. Each action
can be performed by the party once per region/sector and it costs a watch, this
means, that the party provokes another hazard roll, whenever they preform one of
the actions. You may use the hazard roll tables from the original Knave rulebook, or
new ones, suggested below.
NAVIGATE. One party member dis- SEARCH. The party carefully searches
cusses the map with the rest, in an the sector they just entered. Any poten-
attempt to find a safer and better path. tial secrets and dangers are revealed by
They can perform a INT check. On a the GM.
success, the next 2-3 result on a over- SECURE. The party secures the sector
land travel hazard roll is treated as any way possible (bars the door, con-
“danger” rather than “encounter”. structs some quick traps, checks for
FORAGE. The party hunts for animal danger) and rests for a few minutes. Ev-
and/or gathers edible plants. Each party eryone makes a CON checks. Each
member performs a WIS check. Each characters on a success restores 1 Hit
success generates one ration. Point per character level. Otherwise, a
EXPLORE. The party finds an area of character restores just 1 Hit Point.
interest. Roll a d6:
1-3 Location (p. 10)
4-6 Structure (p. 11)
2-5 Wandering monsters! Deter- 2-5 Wandering monsters! Deter-
mine activity (p. 19) and monster mine activity (p. 19) and monster
(p. 61). Most monsters are aggres- (p. 61). Most monsters are aggres-
sive, but if unsure, roll for sive, but if unsure, roll for
reaction (p. 19). Determine if the reaction (p. 19). Determine if the
party is surprised, then roll for party is surprised, then roll for
initiative. initiative.
6-10 Nothing else happened 6-10 Nothing else happened
11-12 Change of weather. The weather 11-12 Dungeon shift. Something
(p. 9) drastically changes. If it got strange happens in the dungeon -
worse, each character must per- sound are heard, apparitions are
form a CON check. If failed - they seen, debris falls from the ceiling
suffer 1 damage. etc. Use the list of shifts (p. 14) as
inspiration. If something bad or
scary happened, a CON check is
made by all characters. If failed,
the character is stressed, confused
and suffers 1 damage.

Monsters or other enemies rarely carry
Monster Treasure coins or treasures with them, these are
The original Knave rulebook doesn’t usually left and guarded in a safe
specify how many treasures monsters spot, and the party will have to fight
might carry or guard when encoun- their way through other dangers and
tered. This detail is often left to the GM, obstacles to get it. With the help of
who can decide the appropriate amount these simple rules, the GM may design
for adventurers to receive. Alterna- whole dungeons and place a calculated
tively, it is implied that an old-school treasure pile at the end.
module, which mentions treasures Dungeon treasure. If the treasure is
guarded by monsters, is being used. placed at the end of a dungeon and is
However, if you are running a more guarded by a group leader or powerful
sandbox and improvisational game, it's foe, multiply it x2.
helpful to know how many coins or Example: the LVL 1 party of four adventur-
treasures the party should typically gain ers found the hidden goblin base. During the
after an encounter. gaming session, the party defeated four LVL
To determine the coin amount, follow 1 goblins (+100x4=400 treasure). The main
these steps: After the party solves or de- hall was guarded by a LVL 3 bugbear (+400
feats an encounter (e.g., the party defeats treasure) and a LVL 2 goblin boss (+200
a group of gnolls guarding an old tower), al- treasure), the treasures of the bugbear and
locate treasure based on the LVL of each boss will be multiplied by x2, as it is a trea-
monster. sure guarded by a group leader at the end of
MONSTER a dungeon. The GM calculated the coin
TREASURE amount, and it seems the party found:
400+2x(400+200) = 1600 treasure! If the
1 100 party of four adventurers returns now to a
2 200 settlement with this haul, everyone receives
400 XP (1600/4 party members).
3 400 How many encounters?. These rules
4 800 are designed to allow adventurers to
gain a level after encountering (alone)
5 1500 roughly twenty enemies of the same
level. For example, a LVL 1 adventurer
6 3000 will reach LVL 2 after encountering
7 6000 twenty LVL 1 goblins. If the GM prefers
to design adventures in advance, this
8 12,000 guideline can help them calculate the
appropriate number of encounters.
9 20,000
10 40,000

Example: The GM separates the 1600 trea-
But what is sure pile found in the goblin base into a
Treasure? 1000+500. 100 is left, so these are actual 100
gold (?) coins.
In this supplement, "treasure" doesn’t
necessarily mean coins! It's unrealistic For every 1000 and 500 treasure piles,
to assume a LVL 1 adventurer will leave one player may roll a d6 to determine
a simple goblin base with a large sack what they actually are.
containing 1600 gold or silver coins. It's These rules may randomly generate
also unlikely that a simple band of gob- treasures, that are worth more (or less)
lins would have gathered such an than expected! If an unexpected en-
amount by raiding nearby villages. counter yields precious treasures,
When a party of adventurers acquires always ask questions how it got here
treasure using the aforementioned and where is it from.
rules, the GM can divide the treasure pile Gems. Some treasure piles may turn
into thousands (1000) and then into five into gems. Gems are simply worth 500
hundreds (500) if possible. If any rest is or 1000 coins (depending on the pile
remaining, it is considered as actual they were in). Characters may hold 3
coins. gems in one item slot.


A misc. item (p. 39) made out out a A tool (p. 39) with decorations (p. 41).
strange material (p. 42). 1 Interesting, but weird.
1 Doesn’t look so good… [Worth - 800 treasure]
[Worth - 300 treasure] 2 An art piece
2 A rare book (p. 40) A rare armor piece (roll d6 below)
Clothing (p. 40) with special fabric with a decoration (p. 41):
3 (p. 41) 1. Helmet
4 A precious gem! (p. 42)
2. Gambeson
A finely crafted weapon 3
(p. 43) with decorations 3. Mail shirt
5 (p. 41). 4. Breastplate
[Worth - 700 treasure] 5. Arm plate
A treasure (p. 42).
You can also determine what it is 6. Leg plate
6 made of, depending on the mate- 4 A precious gem! (p. 42)
rial type - fabric (p. 41) or A mysterious weapon (p. 43) with
material (p. 42). decorations (p. 41) and a random trait
[Worth - 900 treasure] 5 (p. 43).
[Worth - 1400 treasure]
A misc. item (p. 39) made out out a
strange material (p. 42) and imbued
6 with a powerful effect (p. 28).
[Worth - 1800 treasure]

1-20 Old lost painting showing an event (p. 46)
21-30 Master crafted sculpture representing a creature (p. 61) made out of a mate-
rial (p. 42)
31-40 Tome with incredible stories. The cover has decorations (p. 41) and is fur-
ther ornamented with a material (p. 42).
41-45 Crown. Roll for decorations (p. 41) and material (p. 42)
46-50 Ring. Roll for decorations (p. 41) and material (p. 42)
51-55 Amulet. Roll for decorations (p. 41) and material (p. 42)
56-60 Chalice. Roll for decorations (p. 41) and material (p. 42)
61-70 Clockwork toy. Roll for material (p. 42) and an animal it represents (p. 64)
71-80 Mask. Roll for decoration (p. 41), material (p. 42) and then a d6:
1-2: Human visage
3-4: Animal visage (p. 64)
5-6: Monster visage (p. 61)
81-90 Helmet. Roll for decorations (p. 41) and material (p. 42) that has been added
to the armor
91-00 Breastplate. Roll for decorations (p. 41) and material (p. 42) that has been
added to the armor

If the monster is too strong and the di-
Encounter helper vision is not possible - use the last
The original Knave bestiary chapter monster type encountered here instead.
provides the GM with a general frame- Example. The party consists of four LVL 1
work for creating various monsters in a adventurers, the GM rolls a d4 gets a 2, this
fantasy setting. means the encounter LVL is 6 (4+2). The
This chapter adds further details to the GM rolls on the monster table and gets a
rules presented in the original rulebook. beastman, which is LVL 2, this means three
If you're still having trouble or are un- of them are encountered (6:2=3).
sure how to quickly generate monsters New monster table.
for your adventure, use the ideas below
to swiftly determine your monster's ba- This supplement presents a new d100
sic stats: monster table, that you can use instead
of the table presented in the rulebook.
Hit Points. This table not only presents the ATK of
4x Monster Level the rolled monster, but also gives you a
Armor. short description of the abilities the
monster possess.
Depends how heavily equipped the
monster is: Some abilities repeat in the table. This is
what they mean and how you can (op-
Unarmored: 11 tionally) use them as a GM:
Light equipment: 13 Abilities with Saves - Some monster abili-
Heavy equipment: 15 ties include (CON) or (WIS) in their
description. This indicates that a char-
Magical?: 18 acter can make a check using the
Morale. specified ability score to resist the effect.
Small and relies on leaders. MRL 6 Flying - The monster is (usually) in the
Most soldiers. MRL 8 air. A successful attack forces them to
land till the end of their next turn.
Leaders. MRL 10
Animal instincts - +5 to checks requiring
Magical, powerful. MRL 12 smelling, sensing, tracking
Mindless. Never checks MRL Undead - immune to poison, mind
Number appearing. magic, can’t be put to sleep
The NA of the monster is heavily depen- Massive - massive creatures attack two
dent on the setting or module the GM foes in range in one attack and instead
uses. If playing a sandbox full-improv of attacking, they may destroy a nearby
game, the GM may instead use level scal- structure or terrain feature
ing instead of rolling for NA. Weaknesses - Some monsters may have
The bigger and stronger the party, the weaknesses to certain effects, such as
greater problems the attract. Whenever fire. This is indicated as (+5), meaning
an encounter should happen while trav- that if you attack the creature with a fire
eling or in a dungeon, sum-up the level spell or a flaming weapon, you add +5 to
of the party (including any mercenaries the attack.
or NPCs!) and add a d4 roll. This is the Attacks.
current encounter LVL of the party.
Suggested monster attacks and damages
Then, roll for a random monster on the are mentioned in the new monster ta-
monster table. A number of monsters ble.
appears equal to the Encounter LVL di-
vided by the Monster LVL.

1 Aboleth LVL 10 Waterborne, can enslave minds (WIS), can drain 2d8 HP from enslaved
ATK 3x d10 creature to heal the same amount

2 Air elemental LVL 5 Levitates - ignores tough terrain, can move through other creatures
ATK 2x d6

3 Angel LVL 8 Flying, resistant to magic (+5), knows if it hears a lie, can heal with touch
ATK 2d8 (2d10+sickness removed), serves a higher being

4 Animal (p. 64) LVL 1 Animal instincts

ATK d6

5 Animated armor LVL 4 Mindless, extremely resistant (damage received reduced by 1), dispelling
ATK 2d6 magic kills the armor
Banshee LVL 6 Undead, wails once per day - everyone who hears them must check CON
6 ATK 2d4 or die
Beastman LVL 2
7 ATK Tribal, has random mutation (p. 30)
Beetle (Fire) LVL 2
8 ATK Has three glowing glands that can be used as a torch when removed
Black pudding LVL 10 Can only be harmed and against fire (+5), dissolves metal and wood, can
9 ATK 2d8 cling to walls and ceilings
Blink dog LVL 4
10 ATK Teleports instead of running, highly intelligent
Brain flayer LVL 8 Levitates - ignores tough terrain, can force someone to perform an action
11 ATK 2d4 (WIS) instead of attacking, can read thoughts, resistant to magic (+5)
Brigand LVL 1
12 ATK Morale falls to 4 when leader defeated
Bugbear LVL 3
13 ATK Large but very stealthy (+5)
Bulette LVL 9
14 ATK Massive, high jumps, skin plates can be forged into
Centaur LVL 2
15 ATK Very fast
Massive, three attacks in order: goat heads rams (2d6), dragon head
16 Chimera LVL 8 breathes fire vs. two targets (2d4), lion head roars at one character to ter-
See desc. rify them (WIS)
Cockatrice LVL 5
17 ATK Anything it touches slowly turns to stone (CON check possible to prevent)
Crawling claw LVL 1
18 ATK Undead, hides in furniture or chests and swarms target
Cyclops LVL 11 Massive, lacks depth perception - -5 to attack against targets that are far
19 ATK 2d10 away, slow thinking
Dark champion LVL 5 Random blessing from a dark god, unhinged, immune to mind magic and
20 ATK d8 illusions, never fails MRL check
Darkmantle LVL 2
21 ATK Flying, echolocation, can create magical darkness
Deepkin LVL 2 Fishman, can breath underwater, fast swimmer, sometimes blessed by a
22 ATK d6 dark god
Demon LVL 8 Can teleport, change appearance and appear before others, knows 2d6
23 ATK 2x d6 random spells, short-range telepathy
Dire wolf LVL 2
24 ATK Keen hearing and smell, hunts in packs
Djinn LVL 13 Flying, can cast illusions, conjure items and grant wishes (1-2 chance on a
25 ATK 2d8 d6 that it

Doppelganger LVL 4 Can adopt the form of a human-like creature it sees, loves trickery and
26 ATK d6 backstabbing
Dragon LVL 10 Flying, massive, can breathe fire once instead of attacking - damage = HP
27 ATK 2x d10 left, loves power and wealth
Dryad LVL 3 Dies when her tree dies, can merge with trees, can charm (CHA), pro-
28 ATK d6 tected by animals
Earth elemental LVL 5 Can merge with stone and move through earth, weak to blunt weapons
29 ATK 2x d6 (+5)
Efreet LVL 9 Immune to fire, can throw fire missiles as an attack, can create walls of fire
30 ATK 2x d8 and set things ablaze
Ettin LVL 9 Massive, can’t be surprised and one head is always awake while sleeping,
31 ATK 2d8 loves fish
Levitates and ignores tough terrain, sees all, instead of attacking shoots 4
32 Eye tyrant LVL 8 magic rays from eyes that do the following magical effects in order: scorch
See desc. (2d8), telekinetic push (1d6), charm (CHA), slowdown (CON)
Fire elemental LVL 5
33 ATK Immune to fire, sets things ablaze, can’t touch water
2x d6
Gargoyle LVL 4 Flying, resembles a statue when not moving, slashing weapons don’t work
34 ATK d6 that well (-5)
Gelatinous cube LVL 4 Transparent (hard to spot), carries items and characters it moves through
35 ATK 2d4
Ghost LVL 8 Undead, terrifying (WIS), can possess others, draining attacks (each at-
36 ATK 2d6 tack deals +1 direct damage)
Ghoul LVL 2
37 ATK Undead, attacks paralyze for one turn (CON)
Giant LVL 9
38 ATK Massive, clumsy
Giant animal (p. 64)
39 LVL 3 ATK d8 Massive, animal instincts

Gnoll LVL 2
40 ATK Cannibalistic
Goblin LVL 1
41 ATK Sees in dark, follows strong goblins, orcs or trolls
Golem LVL 11 Relentless, immune to fire and cold, extremely resistant (all damage re-
42 ATK 2d8 ceived reduced by 1), weak to blunt weapons (+5)
Gorgon LVL 8
43 ATK Powerful charge (+5), can breathe petrifying breath once per day (CON)
Gray ooze LVL 3
44 ATK Sticks to stone, acidic slime destroys a random armor piece
Griffon LVL 7
45 ATK Flying, protective of nest, hates horses
Hag LVL 5 Hideous, can cover true form, resistant to magic (+5), can grab and pull
46 ATK 2d4 someone as a maneuver on 18+, craves flesh
Harpy LVL 3
47 ATK Flying, a group of harpies can charm someone with a song (CHA)
Hell hound LVL 3 Can breath fire (d8) towards two foes instead of attacking, detects invisi-
48 ATK d8 ble, animal instincts, immune to fire
Hippogriff LVL 3
49 ATK Flying, hates pegasi
Hobgoblin LVL 2
50 ATK Organized, tactical and ruthless

Homunculus LVL 1
51 ATK Runaway experiment, can communicate telepathically with its master
Hook horror LVL 5
52 ATK Keen hearing - hard to surprise
2x 2d4
Hydra LVL 7
53 ATK Has 1d4+2 heads. Each can attack for d4 damage
See desc
Imp LVL 1
54 ATK Can turn into a small animal and become invisible for a short time
Invisible stalker LVL 8 Always invisible, invisibility-removing magic can kill it
55 ATK 2d6
Kobold LVL 1
56 ATK Loves gems, sees in the dark, will follow strong leaders
Kraken LVL 12
57 ATK Has 8 attacks (8 tentacles, d6), massive, ruler of the ocean
See desc
Lich LVL 10
58 ATK Undead, knows 2d6+3 random spells, can command weaker undead
2d8 (magic ray)
Lizardfolk LVL 2
59 ATK Favors spears, can hold breath for ~15 minutes
Manticore LVL 6 Massive, as an attack can either shoot six spikes (6x d4) or slam one foe
60 ATK See desc (2d6)
Mercenary LVL 2
61 ATK Has both a melee and ranged weapon ready
Merfolk LVL 2
62 ATK Can breath both air and water, extremely fast in water
Mimic LVL 3-7 Mimics objects like chests, carpets or whole huts, +5 to surprising, LVL
63 ATK 3d4 depends on size
Minotaur LVL 6
64 ATK Never gets lost, powerful charge (+5, 2d8 damage)
Mummy LVL 5 Undead, terrifying (WIS), spreads ancient disease with each attack (CON,
65 ATK d12 -1d4 max HP on fail)
Myconoid LVL 2 Sees in the dark, immune to poisons and gases, telepathically connected
66 ATK d6 with other myconoids, rather peaceful
Naga LVL 8 Bite can cause nightmare-infused sleep for d4 days (CON), knows d8 ran-
67 ATK 2d6 (bite) dom spells, can detect thoughts
Weak to (+5) and can only be harmed by fire and cold, divides into two LVL
Ochre jelly LVL 5
68 ATK 3 standard jellies if damaged by weapon, can squeeze through small holes
2d4 and cracks
Ogre LVL 4 Big and tough - has 5xLVL HP, carries a bag with items and rations, loves
69 ATK d10 food (everything is food)
Orc LVL 2
70 ATK Proud and strong, battle rage - +1 to damage if below or exactly at half HP
Owl bear LVL 5 Can grab and perform a bear hug as a maneuver - the foe is is thrown on
71 ATK 2d6 the ground and suffers additional d8 damage
Pegasus LVL 4
72 ATK Flying, hates hippogriffs, likes lawful characters
Peryton LVL 4
73 ATK
Flying, eats hearts of slain foes (heals 2d6 HP), always grabs
2d4 and carries foes in the air as a manouver
Creates webs, poisonous, roll d6 every turn - on a 4-6, the phase spider be-
Phase spider LVL 4
74 ATK comes intangible for one turn and cannot be attacked by non-magical
2d6 means
75 Piercer LVL 2
Blends with stone, drops from the ceiling if it senses a warm creature be-
ATK 2d6 (drop) low, creeps back up if attack fails

Purple worm LVL 15
76 ATK Massive, can swallow whole, attacks all nearby foes in one sweep
Raider LVL 3
77 ATK Sets the place on fire when Morale check fails
Rakshasa LVL 8
78 ATK Can cloak their true form, cast illusions and cannot be detected with magic
Redcap LVL 3
79 ATK Unhinged, must kill a living being once per 3 days to remain alive
Roc LVL 10
80 ATK Flying, massive
Roper LVL 8 Can attack far away targets with tentacles, each attack grabs a character and
81 ATK 4x d4 pulls it to the roper, moves very slowly
Rust monster LVL 5
82 ATK Dissolves and eats metal objects
Satyr LVL 1
83 ATK Addicted to music, dance and alcohol
Shadow LVL 2
84 ATK Not undead? Cannot be detected in unlit areas
Skeleton LVL 1
85 ATK Undead, weak to blunt weapons (+5)
Slime LVL 1
86 ATK Weak to slashing weapons (+5)
Sphinx LVL 8 Massive, flying, extremely intelligent, loves gathering lore, knows 2k6 ran-
87 ATK 2d6 dom spells
Stirge LVL 1
88 ATK Flying, sucks blood with each attack (½ damage = Hit Points restored)
Succubus LVL 6 Flying, can change shape, can charm others, can kill charmed victims with
89 ATK d8 kiss
Tarrasque LVL 20
90 ATK Massive, carapace reflects spells, can swallow whole
Treant LVL 8 Massive, can turn 1d4 trees into LVL 4 animated trees for one day, weak to
91 ATK 2x 2d6 fire (+5)
Troll LVL 7
92 ATK Regenerates d6 Hit Points each turn, weak to fire (+5)
2x d8
Tyranosaurus LVL 15
93 ATK Massive
2x d10
Unicorn LVL 4 Willing to communicate with pure-hearted people, can teleport and heal
94 ATK d8 wounds with its horn
Undead, loses 2d6 Hit Points per turn when in natural light, can transform
Vampire LVL 7
95 ATK into a wolf, bat or cloud, can charm someone by looking into their eyes, can
2x d8 drink blood to restore Hit Points
96 Water elemental LVL 5 Can merge with water and squish through tight spots, paralyzed by cold
ATK 2x d6

97 Werewolf LVL 7 Superhuman smell and hearing, extremely fast runner and climber, weak
ATK 2x d8 to silver weapons (+5)

98 Wyvern LVL 7 Flying, can attack once per turn with a poison sting
ATK 2d8
Yeti LVL 6 Immune to cold, can freeze creatures with breath, easily hides in snow and
99 ATK 2d6 ice
Zombie LVL 1 Undead, roll d6 if defeated for the first time. 5-6: it comes back to life with
00 ATK d6 some missing limbs


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