L3C Manual
L3C Manual
L3C Manual
Version 1.1
All right reserved, including rights to translations. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (print,
photocopy, microfilm or any other process), or processed or duplicated by means of electronic systems
without written consent from Festo AG & Co. KG.
Exclusion of liability
The values ascertained/generated by this program are theoretically calculated results. In actual practice, the results
often depend on other technical conditions within the framework of the application which are unknown to Festo AG &
Co. KG, for which reason Festo is unable to guarantee the correctness and the suitability of theoretically calculated
results for the practical application. Festo AG & Co. KG cannot be held liable for claims due to failure to achieve the
calculated results, in the case of erroneous calculations as well.
Subject to change without notice.
In the special application of auto body fabrication (Figure 1.1), this allows the modelling of a system consist-
ing of cells, robots and functions as illustrated below (see also Figure 1.2).
This tool provides users with a systematic approach to estimating the energy consumption of compressed
air applications as a calculated value – already during the system planning stage – and for representing
optimisation potential in a clear-cut, quantitative manner. In doing so, the L3C tool offers an holistic view
which includes maintenance costs as well as acquisition and energy costs.
This tool does not determine whether or not the system components selected for the automation functions
are capable of safely executing the respective tasks under the prevailing conditions. It’s assumed that suit-
A comprehensive overview of control options for energy-efficient use of compressed air in auto body fabrica-
tion is provided in the “Guideline” which is integrated into the tool’s help function (in the [Help] menu un-
der [Guideline]).
A shift in thinking is currently taking place in the field of industrial equipment acquisition, as a result of
which more and more attention is being focused on operating and disposal costs in addition to acquisition
costs. Within this context, we frequently speak of so-called life cycle cost considerations, which are becom-
ing more and more widespread in the business world as an economic point of view.
Life cycle costs can be understood as acquisition costs, as well as the operating and maintenance costs of
an automation solution incurred during its entire life cycle. Furthermore, disposal costs are also incurred at
the end of the system’s service life, but these are not taken into account by the tool.
It’s not necessary to install the L3C tool to the local PC in order to use it. Fundamentally, the tool can be
used in any web browser. However, the browser must support Javascript, and Javascript must be activated
as well. You can log on to the tool using the “single sign on” procedure, by means of which the browser logs
on to the server automatically during Windows login. This function is supported by the Internet Explorer,
which is preinstalled to all Festo PCs, without any additional adjustments.
In addition to the tool’s standard functions, expanded graphic processing can also be used, which necessi-
tates a current version of Version Java© Runtime Environments (http://www.java.com).
If Mozilla Firefox will be used instead of the Internet Explorer, it must recognise the Festo Intranet as a
trusted website. The “about:config” command must be entered to the address line and the necessary en-
tries must be filtered under the “trusted-uris” search term. A value of “.festo.net” must then be assigned to
these entries (see also Figure 1.3).
Caution: Settings in the “about:config” dialogue may have a negative effect on Firefox functionality!
If the mouse pointer is moved over buttons, icons or input fields (mouseover), a brief description appears in
some cases, providing the user with information regarding use of the application or the status of the respec-
tive element.
All input fields appear with a single-lined frame and a white background. If the mouse pointer is located inside
an input field, a new value or designation can be entered after selection by means of left clicking. The entered
value is then accepted after left clicking once more outside of the input field. Limit value checking is performed
at this time if applicable.
Depending on the selected options, input fields can be active (white), inactive (grey) or strictly output fields
Dealing with units of measure always works the same way with this tool. Changeable units of measure are
implemented as dropdown menus and result in automatic conversion of the entered value after a change
has been made.
Quick access to documentation is available at various locations within the tool. These locations are identi-
fied by a blue question mark:
In the event that technical problems occur while working with the tool, they can usually be eliminated by
restarting the application (shortcut <F5>). Immediately after restarting, the previously edited project can be
restored with the “Last project” function. This project, which is stored to the clipboard, is included in the
normal open dialogue. Technical problems include, for example, connection timeouts or a browser which no
longer responds.
The L3C tool has been developed as part of the Green Carbody research project. For this reason, the stan-
dard designations for the hierarchical levels come from the field of auto body fabrication and are as follows:
These level designations are used in many places in this documentation as well. However, it should be
mentioned that the level designation has absolutely no effect on functionality and can be changed if re-
quired under project properties. In this way, designations specific to other industry sectors can also be
taken into consideration.
As soon as the tool is started, a dialogue appears in which the user is prompted to enter the most important
project properties. These include details regarding energy prices, operating hours and setup of the hierar-
chical levels (see Figure 3.1). The entered values can also be adjusted under [Settings] [Project properties].
In order to add elements to the project, the project tree must be selected by clicking the project name (top
left). The first hierarchical level (cell level) can now be added by clicking <Add>. A name and a cycle time
must be entered in the next dialogue.
The second hierarchical level is added by clicking the <Add> button again (with cell level selected). This level
also has a name. However, instead of a cycle time, the user is prompted to enter the number of cycles per
superordinate (cell) cycle.
Each automation function includes a footer which contains a summary of the most important consumption
A tabular display with all levels and functions can be opened by clicking the <Project overview> button in the
quick access toolbar in order to obtain an evaluation of the overall project. It’s also possible to select the
elements which will be used for calculation with the help of the checkboxes in the table (all are selected as a
default setting). After right clicking into the table, further columns can be selected/unselected in the popup
menu which then appears.
In addition to the tabular evaluation, the tool also offers the option of displaying project results as a dia-
gram. The diagram display is started by clicking <Diagram display> in the project overview or the corre-
sponding button in the quick access toolbar. A dialogue window appears with a hierarchical tree at the left-
hand side. The level designations can be selected or unselected by clicking the boxes to their left. A cost
type can be selected in the selection list to the right of Diagram type, which subsequently appears in the
diagram on the Y axis. A time interval can be selected with the selection list to the right of Time, which sub-
sequently appears on the X axis.
The diagram is generated by clicking the <Update> button.
The individual elements of the data entry interface are described in detail in the following sections with re-
gard to their functionality and representation.
If a project is currently open in the browser window, it should be saved before a new project is created. If it’s
not saved, the current project is deleted and an empty project window is loaded. However, a message ap-
pears warning the user of this danger. You can return to the current project by clicking the <Cancel> button.
If the <OK> button is clicked instead, a new project is created and the open project is exited without saving.
As an alternative to using the menu, a new project can be opened with the Ctrl-N key combination.
The user whose data will be accessed is selected in the dialogue window (Figure 4.2, left). A field displaying
saved projects appears to the right of this. Other users’ projects can be opened and edited, but they can
only be saved to one’s own directory (the project remains unchanged for the original user).
A project can be loaded by clicking it and acknowledging with the <OK> button. A previously selected project
can be deleted by clicking the <Delete> button. You can return to the current project without any changes by
clicking the <Cancel> button.
Each directory also includes a “Last project”. The last edited project is always stored intermediately to this
project. If a technical problem should occur while editing a project and, for example, the browser no longer
responds as a result, the tool can be restarted and the project’s last status can be restored. However, if a
new project is created, the project in intermediate storage is of course overwritten.
After selecting the field in the dialogue box, a new file name can be entered here. Your entry is confirmed by
clicking the <OK> button. It’s also possible to select an old project, which is overwritten upon acknowledg-
ment with the <OK> button. If the <Delete> button is clicked, the selected project is cleared from the data-
base. You can return to the current project by clicking the <Cancel> button.
[Export] [XML]
XML export is possible at all levels. A hierarchical tree with checkboxes appears in the dialogue box. Either
complete cells, entire robots or individual cells can be exported here (see also Figure 4.4).
A higher level can only be selected if none of the checkboxes have been activated in the respective lower
level. After clicking the <Export …> button, a dialogue appears in the browser with the help of which XML
files can be saved locally to the PC. You can return to the current project by clicking the <Cancel> button
without exporting any levels.
[Export] [Excel]
Numeric project results can be exported to Microsoft Excel. All available columns from the project overview
are exported, regardless of whether or not they appear in the browser view. After selecting the above men-
tioned directory path, a popup menu appears in the browser window which allows the user to download the
Excel file and save it locally to the PC.
[Import …]
After clicking the <Select file> button in the dialogue box, a saved XML file can be selected via its directory
path and certain levels can be imported. You can return to the current project by clicking the <Cancel> button
without causing any changes.
If an XML file is selected via its directory path, it can be imported by clicking the <Import> button. It’s possi-
ble to select and import individual structure levels with the help of the structure level field. The files can be
uploaded from the local PC.
[Project overview]
All costs and consumption relative to the observation time period are calculated in this view.
See section 6.1 for further details. Alternatively, this function can also be started form the quick access tool-
This function makes it possible to estimate the average supply volume for the created project. Further in-
formation can be found in section 4.8.
In the dialogue box which appears when this view is selected, various levels can be selected from the hierar-
chical tree at the left. After clicking the <Update> button, diagram types can be generated for specific time
intervals. Further settings can be entered under <Advanced diagram>, such as diagram colour selections.
Further information regarding diagram displays can be found in section 6.2. Alternatively, this function can
also be started form the quick access toolbar.
4.2.3 [Settings]
The language for the user interface can be changed via [Settings] [Language]. At the moment, English, Ger-
man and Russian are available.
A currency can be selected with this menu item. [Euro] can be selected, and this is the default setting. [Other
currency] can also be selected, in which case a dialogue box appears. The conversion factor for converting
Euros to the other currency is entered here. The currency then appears as “cu” (currency unit). Attention!
Already entered values are converted, and all other values can be entered in the currently selected currency.
[Project data]
Additional project data such as project name, project number, project owner, comments and customer data
can be entered under this menu item. All data except for the project name are saved, and the project name is
additionally displayed via the hierarchical tree.
4.2.4 [Help]
The guideline explains in greater detail how energy savings can be attained.
Emphasis is placed on pneumatic applications in auto body fabrication.
The version of the tool is displayed in a window. You can return to the current project by clicking the <OK>
The buttons in the quick access toolbar allow for quick access to frequently used functions. These functions
are listed in the table below. If the mouse pointer is hovering over a button in the toolbar, a brief description
of the icon is displayed.
The hierarchical tree appears in all views. It’s at the left-hand side of the browser window. The hierarchy tree
consists of various levels. In the initial state these include the cell level, the robot level and the function
level, which can be added with the help of buttons. The hierarchical tree can be edited with the buttons
located underneath it (<Copy>, <Paste> …). If the buttons are light blue, they cannot be used. Dark blue but-
tons can be clicked.
The following button functions apply to all dialogue boxes which can be opened with the <Add> button un-
derneath the hierarchical tree. You can return to the current project without any changes by clicking the
<Cancel> button.
If you want to add a new level, the superordinate level is selected and then the <Add> button underneath
the hierarchy tree is clicked.
In the case of a cell, this would mean that the project name is clicked (“New project” if the name hasn’t been
changed), and then the <Add> button is clicked. A dialogue box then appears (Figure 4.7), to which the cell
name can be entered, as well as the duration of the cell cycle. The name appears in the hierarchical tree to
the right of the added cell. After clicking the <Add> button, a new cell is added to the hierarchical tree with
automatic numbering.
In order to add a robot, a cell is selected and then the <Add> button is clicked. A dialogue box appears in this
case as well (Figure 4.8), to which the robot’s name can be entered. The name appears in the hierarchical
tree to the right of the added robot. Cycles / cell cycle can also be entered. This number indicates how often
the robot will repeat its task within the time interval specified for the cell.
After clicking the <Add> button in the dialogue box, a new robot appears in the hierarchical tree.
A new function can be added by first of all selecting a robot. After clicking the <Add> button underneath the
hierarchal tree, a dialogue box appears for adding a new automation function. Selection can be made here
amongst the tabs for [Pneumatic functions], [Electrical functions] and [Servo-pneumatics functions].
After selecting a tab and then clicking a list entry, a function with default settings can be generated by ac-
knowledging with the <Finish> button. Alternatively, settings can be entered for the function after clicking
the <Next> button.
Deletion always works in the same way regardless of the level (cell, robot or function level).
First of all, an element must be selected from the hierarchical tree, after which it appears dark blue. The
<Delete> button is then clicked in order to delete the element. A dialogue box appears and the process can
be executed by clicking the <OK> button. The deletion process can be stopped by clicking the <Abort> but-
ton. Caution! Elements which are subordinate to the selected element are also deleted.
4.4.3 Copy/Paste
First of all, the element to be copied must be selected from the hierarchical tree, after which it appears dark
blue. Then the <Copy> button is clicked.
In order to paste the element, a higher level element must first be selected. This is the project name if a cell
is being pasted (default name: “New project”), the cell if a robot is being pasted and the robot if a function is
being pasted. After selecting the correct level, the
<Paste> button appears dark blue, indicating that it’s active. After left clicking the <Paste> button, the previ-
ously copied element is added one level below the selected level. It’s always added after the last element
automatically. The same element can be added several times by clicking the <Paste> button repeatedly.
Depending on which element is selected in the hierarchical tree, the associated view appears at the left-
hand side of the tool. If the project name at the top of the hierarchical tree is selected, the project view ap-
pears at the left-hand side along with additional tabs in which basic project settings can be changed. Simpli-
fied calculation of the supply quantity can be taken advantage of here as well.
If an element is selected from the lower hierarchical levels, a table appears which displays the content of the
selected element. Furthermore, the operating pressure of the selected element can be changed and addi-
tional acquisition costs can be added.
Operating pressure (relative) can be specified at each level. If operating pressure is not changed, it’s taken
from the [Project properties]. Operating pressure is always specified as a relative value. If pressure is
changed at a given level, the new value is used for all underlying levels as well (the cell uses project pres-
sure, the robot level uses cell pressure and the function level uses the pressure value from the robot level).
This basic setting can be changed again at each level, all the way down to the function level.
Acquisition costs can be added at all levels, i.e. at the cell, robot and function levels. Furthermore, this func-
tion can be used to take other costs into consideration which are incurred during operation, for example
maintenance costs. See section 5.1.2 for a detailed description of these functions.
The project overview provides a tabular representation of the entire project. It includes all hierarchical levels
and offers large amounts of information, which the user can display in table columns (the columns menu is
opened by right clicking into the table). In addition to this, there’s an area underneath the table where the
most important project results are summarised.
The project view can be accessed by clicking [Project overview] in the [View] menu, or by clicking the project
name in the hierarchical tree (see section 6.1 for details).
The most important parameters for calculating life cycle costs are configured under project properties. The
user is prompted to enter them as soon as the program is started, and they can be subsequently accessed
by clicking [Project properties] in the [Settings] menu.
After selecting the field to the right of compressed air costs and entering a value, the compressed air price
for all pressure levels equal to or less than 6 bar is changed.
Due to the fact that different pressure levels result in different costs, a different compressed air cost can be
optionally entered for various pressure ranges. After clicking the <…> button in the Costs column, prices can
be entered for pressure ranges of up to 6 bar, from 6 to 12 bar and from 12 to 20 bar.
Depending on the utilised type of compressed air generation and the targeted pressure level, we can basi-
cally say that the costs of generating a standard cubic metre of compressed air (€/Nm³), calculated relative
to operating hours, may vary greatly. The following is intended to provide an overview of costs incurred and
possible compressed air costs for a system.
Average operating costs for compressed air are roughly €0.02 to €0.025 per Nm3.
Electricity tariff
This value is used to calculate the energy costs of electrical power consumers. Typical values range from
€0.10 to €0.15 per kWh.
Attention: Due to the fact that compressed air costs are already specified as €/Nm³, the price of electricity
has no effect on compressed air costs in the tool.
Operating conditions are required for calculation in the project overview, as well as for the bottom part of
the automation functions. Operating hours per day, working days per year and the observation time period
can be specified by clicking into the respective field and entering the corresponding value.
Operating pressure can be set for the project under parameters. This pressure value is then used for all
pneumatic functions within the project. Operating pressures within a range of 0 to 20 bar are possible.
Please note:
All pressure specifications in the tool are relative.
Operating pressure can be changed manually at each level of the project tree. This change is then
effective for all subordinate levels and is independent of the project’s general operating pressure.
Furthermore, the operating temperature of the compressed air can also be set under parameters. A stan-
dard value of 20° C is recommended.
There are two possible settings for the structural layout. The default setting in the selection list is
Cell/Robot/Function. Other setting modes can be chosen with the option buttons located underneath the
list. Long labels is always selected here. As a result, the cell, robot and function levels are written out along
with the associated number.
If the Short labels option field is clicked, the directory tree changes. The levels are then designated as C, R
and F along with the associated number. On the other hand, if the No labels option is selected, the level
designations are removed entirely (see also Figure 4.12).
The names can be changed in the levels within the tree structure. At the cell level, the name can be changed
by clicking the field to the right of the cell name. At the robot level as well, the name is entered by clicking
the field to the right of the robot name. At the function level, the name is changed by clicking into the field to
the right of Function name.
It’s also possible to assign any desired level names with the project overview. User defined is selected in
the Selection list under Project overview in [Project properties] to this end. Any desired identifiers can then
be entered to the fields to the right of “Name of level 1”, “Name of level 2” and “Name of level 3”.
Project data and customer data can be saved along with the project in this tab.
The only entry which is currently reused directly in the program is the Project name.
New project is the default setting, and if this is changed the new designation appears above the hierarchical
tree. Further entries regarding the project, the person in charge and the customer for whom the project has
been created are also possible in this window.
The average required supply volume can be determined in this tab on the basis of entered energy consum-
ing devices, for example in order to adequately dimension compressed air supply.
These entry fields can be used to distribute supply volumes to different pressure levels (networks).
Losses/Reserves/False estimations
Percentage values ranging from 0 to 100% can be entered to the Losses, Reserves and False estimations
fields. These entries are used in the following formula for average compressed air consumption:
The header for the detail view is laid out the same for all plugins. A function name can be entered to the field
to the right of “Function …:” which appears in the hierarchical tree. An ID number, for example, can be en-
tered to the Reference field.
The line with Function cycles / robot cycle is located underneath this. By clicking the field to the right, a
whole number can be entered which indicates how often the function cycle should be executed during a
single robot cycle.
Figure 5.1: Header in the detail view for the automation function
The bar subdivisions in the bar graph next to this indicate how often the robot/function cycle is executed
during one cell cycle. The numbers next to the bar reinforce this display. The duration of the function cycle is
calculated automatically by the system (this field appears light blue because it cannot be edited).
As is also the case with the header, the footer has a similar layout for all automation functions. It consists of
an option for entering acquisition costs and a table which shows the function’s energy consumption and
costs over various levels.
Acquisition costs can be added at all levels, i.e. at the cell, robot and function levels. They can be added to
the acquisition costs line by clicking the <…> button. A table then appears with the following columns:
Adding lines
To a given extent, this table is created automatically by the tool. However, the user can create additional
entries by simply clicking into the next empty line.
A certain amount of basic leakage is calculated by the tool for the cylinder. Additional leakage can be taken
into consideration in the Additional leakage line. After clicking the <…> button, an entry table appears to
which leakage values can be entered.
A description of the leakage can be entered to the Name column. A leakage value and unit of measure must
then be entered (if the unit of measure is changed the entered value is converted automatically). The tool
adds up all leakage values to arrive at a total value, which is displayed after exiting the table.
Fundamentally, a great variety of pneumatic drives can be defined with this plugin, and thus examined with
reference to compressed air consumption. Differentiation is made between single and double-acting drives.
Piston diameter is one of the initial entries. On the one hand, standard values from the initial selection list
can be chosen here. The alternative to this is the selection of the “X” option and the entry of any desired
piston diameter to the field at the right.
The same method can be used for the selection of standard values in the Maximum stroke line. If a standard
value is not selected, a value ranging from 0 to 2000 mm with two decimal places can be entered to the field
at the right. Due to the fact that the stroke which the piston actually executes may be smaller than the
maximum stroke (designated here as Executed), it can also be selected separately. The checkbox between
the two equal signs (=) must be deactivated to this end. The field to the right then becomes white and the
desired value can be entered. The value can be anywhere from 0 up to the maximum stroke length.
After clicking the <…> button to the right of the piston diameter fields, a dialogue box appears to which addi-
tional entries can be made for the drive. The different ends of the cylinder are designated I and II in this
Number of drives
A whole number can be entered to this field, which indicates how many drives are connected to the valve.
The maximum permissible entry is 99 drives. The costs for drives and associated tubing are multiplied by
the entered number for the calculation of acquisition costs for the automation function, and compressed air
consumption is also multiplied by this factor.
Number of pistons
Due to the fact that twin-piston cylinders are also available, for example Festo’s DPZ, it’s possible to se-
lected more than one piston in the second field in the dialogue box. This subsequently influences com-
pressed air consumption. As a rule, a value of no more than 2 should be entered to this field, but whole
numbers up to 99 are possible.
Dead volume results from the fact that the piston in a pneumatic drive can never travel all the way into the
end-position. However, this volume must also be filled during drive motion, and thus it has an effect on
consumption. A value can be entered manually here, or a rule of thumb can be applied. However, a cylin-
der’s dead volume is frequently negligible.
If the rule of thumb checkbox is not activated, it’s also possible to first of all enter the unit of measure for
dead volume, and then to enter a numeric value by clicking into the field to the left of the unit of measure.
The entry may not exceed 10,000 cubic cm. The two possible entries (I and II) refer to the ends of the figure
entitled “Dead volume, piston-rod-free”.
Entries regarding piston rod diameter can be made to this field in the dialogue box.
As a default setting, the program selects the piston rod diameter based on the entered piston diameter
using the following table, which is based on common values for pneumatic drives from Festo.
In addition to this, the checkbox to the left of double rod can be selected by clicking it.
As a result, a double piston rod is selected and, as a default setting, the estimated piston rod diameter
(Table 5.1) is assumed in the same way as for the first piston rod. After selecting a unit of measure, a diame-
ter can be entered here as well.
It’s very difficult to determine a cylinder’s leakage in advance. For this reason, the tool uses the leakage
classes specified in FN 940081. Table 5.2 shows how a drive’s leakage class can be determined. The shape
of the piston and the piston rod, the type of cylinder barrel, piston rod continuity and the type of drive all
play a role in this respect.
The values listed in table A2 apply exclusively to drives and cylinders with the following characteristics:
Single and double-acting pneumatic cylinders with round piston and round piston rod
Rodless pneumatic cylinders with closed cylinder barrel (e.g. without slot)
Twin and tandem pneumatic cylinders (permissible leakage values = n * x)
Products in whose data sheets leakage is specified in accordance with FN 940081
Exclusion criteria:
The values listed in table A2 do not apply to the following drives and cylinders:
SA drives and cylinders
Combination drives such as cylinder-valve combinations, clamping and locking units
Drives and cylinders which do not clearly correspond to the above specified characteristics
After activating the checkbox to the left of Display additional information, additional entries appear in the
dialogue box such as piston surface area, volume and compressive force, as well as the function, robot, and
cell cycle, and running performance with reference to the observation time period.
In the next section of the dialogue box, entries can be made regarding the tubing. These are specified with
the same method used for cylinder selection, i.e. by means of a selection list or manual entry.
By activating the checkbox between the two equal signs (=), Tubing 3 can be set equal to Tubing 1. If the
checkbox is not activated, this tubing can be specified in the same way as tubing 1. The same applies to
tubing 2 and tubing 4. The figure to the right of the entry interface indicates which tubing is involved.
PUN-4x0,75 2.9 mm
PUN-6x1 4 mm
PUN-8x1,25 5.7 mm
PUN-10x1,5 7 mm
PUN-12x2 8.4 mm
Due to the fact that the outside diameter of the tubing is usually known, but the inside diameter of the tub-
ing influences the actuator’s consumption rate, this table shows a selection of common Festo tubing diame-
The operating pressure of the automation function is usually transferred automatically from the project
properties. However, it’s also possible to enter a different operating pressure for this function. Automatic
transfer of operating pressure from the project properties is disabled at the function level if an adjusted
pressure value is entered.
Festo offers pneumatic pressure boosters for decentralised pressure boosting. These are capable of dou-
bling supply pressure, but are associated with high energy consumption. In order to take a pressure booster
of this sort into consideration as part of an application, the appropriate checkbox must be activated.
With the help of this plugin, various electrical consumers can be modelled and examined with reference to
their life cycle costs. The plugin is subdivided into an entry area and a components table. The name and the
specific data for a given electrical component are entered to the entry area and then transferred to the table
by clicking the <Add line> button. In this way it’s possible to enter the subcomponents (motor, brake, con-
troller) of an electrical solution.
A name for the electrical consumer can be entered to the function’s first line. This designation appears in the
table at the bottom after clicking <Add line>.
For the calculation of electric drives, either mean power relative to workload and cycle time or energy con-
sumption per cycle can be used. The following formula is used to calculate energy consumption on the basis
of power:
Energy consumption = effective power * cycle time * utilization + standby power * cycle time * (1-workload)
After entering power or energy consumption, it must be transferred to the components table by clicking the
<Add line> button. Not until then is consumption taken into consideration by the tool.
As part of the Green Carbody research project, servo-pneumatic welding guns were also examined in detail.
Mean consumption values have been derived from these examinations, and have been incorporated into
this plugin.
Welding gun types C50-100, C50-125, X100-125 and X100-140 can be chosen from the selection list.
Various consumption patterns are used for calculation depending on the welding gun type.
How many welding points will be completed per cycle can be specified here. How long each cycle will take is
shown in the header in the detail view. After clicking the field to the right of Number of welding points per
cycle, a whole number can be entered.
Due to the fact that servo-pneumatic welding guns are capable of a great variety of travel profiles, three
reference sequences have been sketched out for which typical consumption has been ascertained on the
basis of measurements. For this reason, a profile must be selected in addition to the type of welding guns, in
order to be able to estimate compressed air consumption. Actual welding takes place at the lowest point of
the curves in the diagram for all of the profiles.
In the case of travel profile A, it’s assumed that the welding guns are moved down when the cycle is started.
Numerous short strokes (welding points) are then executed. In the case of profile (B), medium strokes are
executed and for profile C complete strokes are executed for each welding point.
If known, electrical power consumption per welding point can also be entered here.
Servo-pneumatic drives demonstrate a certain amount of quiescent consumption due to regulation. This
consumption can be taken into account here. Typical values are 10 to 20 litres per minute.
Quiescent electrical power consumption can be taken into consideration with this entry.
With this plug-in you can represent several airblast functions to see their effects on the air consumption. It is
also possible to use it as a simplified model of leakage. Compared to other plug-ins you cannot choose the
type of the nozzle from a list but you have to enter the values manually. Please note that the geometry of a
leak or air nozzle can have a major effect on consumption and that the following values are therefore only
suitable for a simplified assessment
Via the input field number of nozzles you can define how many similar nozzles should be modelled.
In the panel of the blowing time you enter the time in which the nozzles are active in every period. If the
nozzles are always active, then the blowing time has to match the cycle time
At the field nozzles diameters you can choose the unit of your value. After you have done this you only have
to add the diameter of the nozzle
The operating pressure of the automation function is usually transferred automatically from the project
properties. However, it’s also possible to enter a different operating pressure for this function. Automatic
transfer of operating pressure from the project properties is disabled at the function level if a modified
pressure level is entered.
With this plug-in you can represent simple vacuum generating functions to see their effects on the air con-
sumption. Here, you can choose between different standard versions of the UN, OVEM, VADM and VAD
In the first window of this section you have to add the Number of generators which are used in this function.
The line Vacuum generator is divided into two parts. In the left window you can fill in the model of the used
vacuum nozzle (VN, OEVM, VADM, VAD). After that you can add the size of the vacuum nozzle into the right
The line Vaucum generation time is used to define the time in which the vacuum generator is actively gen-
erating vacuum. This is the time in which air is flowing through the nozzle. Normally from the beginning of
the vacuum generation till the object is droped. If you are using a standard generator the time of vacuum
generation would be the flag “b” from the graphical illustration. In the best case scenario you are using a
vacuum generator with an air saving circuit instead of a standard generator which can reduce the air con-
sumption to the phase where the vacuum is generated (flag “a”).
The operating pressure of the automation function is usually transferred automatically from the project
properties. However, it’s also possible to enter a different operating pressure for this function. Automatic
transfer of operating pressure from the project properties is disabled at the function level if a modified
pressure level is entered.
With this plug-in you can illustrate many different combinations of electrical drives and their components.
If you want to use this plug-in you have to install the PositioningDrives Software from Festo.
You will find this plug-in within the Electrical functions tab of the function creation wizard.
PLEASE NOTE: The selected file only contains the last projected systems and will be overwritten. If you want
to save it permanently, you have to copy it to another location.
Selection of System
In the appearing list there are many combinations of different axes, montage kits, motors, gears and control-
lers from which you have to pick your desired combination.
Once you’ve chosen a system you can add it to your current project by clicking on the Finish button
Since a L3C-Function inherits its cycle time from the superior levels it has to be secured that the projected
motion profile from PositioningDrives is possible within this time. This means in fact the cycle time from
PositioningDrives has to be lower than the cycle time from the L3C. The difference will be added as addi-
tional dwell time for the electrical system. But due to accuracy reasons it is strongly recommended to con-
sider dwell times directly within PositioningDrives!
A simple displaying of the travel profile is possible via the “Show profile” button to the right.
6.1 Tabular
The first column in the tabular view shows the project’s hierarchical tree, which is supplemented with
checkboxes. With the help of these checkboxes, it’s possible to specify exactly which elements will be used
in the calculation. Selecting or unselecting a checkbox results in automatic updating of the results area un-
derneath the table:
The project overview also includes an option for adding or removing various evaluation columns to or from
the table. Left click into the table in order to access the columns overview.
The project overview also includes a button which can be used to access the diagram display. Alternatively,
the quick access toolbar can also be used.
Diagram type
The quantity which will be entered to the Y-axis can be selected under diagram type. The following alterna-
tives can be selected:
Note: At the cell and robot levels, subordinate levels are added up and represented as one curve.
An observation time period of 5 years has been entered to the project properties. The diagram will thus
represent months 0 through 60 (5*12). 15 months (60/4) is the designation for the first axis subdivision (see
also Figure 4.11).
If Cell cycle is selected as the time scale, the quantities are represented over the number of cycles. Cycles /
cell cycle multiplied by cycles / robot cycle dictates the end of the time axis. The increment per axis subdivi-
sion is arrived at by dividing by four. If there are two or more robots and cells, the highest product is used as
the end of the time axis.
If a project with one robot with three cycles per cell cycle and one function with eight function cycles per
robot cycle is selected, the end of the axis is 24 function cycles (3*8) 24. Dividing by 4 results in a marking of
six function cycles (24/4) for the first axis subdivision.
A further option is the representation of a single robot cycle. The number of function cycles divided by robot
cycles is the end of the time axis in this case. Once again, the value divided by four appears after the first
time axis subdivision. If there is more than one function, the highest value is used as the end of the axis.
If, for the given function, 12 is entered for function cycles / robot cycle, this is also the end of the axis. Divid-
ing by 4 results in the first axis subdivision, i.e. 3.
Advanced diagram
After clicking the <Advanced diagram> button, a new browser window appears in which the currently dis-
played diagram is loaded again. Further diagram settings can be entered here, and the diagram can be con-
verted to a PDF file by clicking the button. However, the <Extended diagram functions> button is only
visible if the user has installed a current version of Java Runtime Environments.
7.1 Printing
On the one hand, printing is currently possible with the utilised browser. Printing from the browser
is frequently possible by clicking the printer icon , or by clicking [Print] in the browser’s [File]
Calculation results can be exported to Microsoft Excel© (refer to section 4.2.1 for details). Project
results can thus be printed out with Microsoft Excel or any other compatible program.
A PDF file can be generated by clicking the PDF symbol in the diagram display. This can then be
printed out with, for example, Acrobat Reader.
You’ll find a contact person for questions and problems on the intranet under “Systems Engineering”.
Any error messages, as well as screenshots and information regarding the utilised operating system, are
necessary for the analysis and elimination of errors.
You only need to close the browser window in order to exit the program.
However, save any changes first.
Power W Joule J 1 J = 1 Nm = 1 Ws