© Oxford University Press
© Oxford University Press
© Oxford University Press
Preface iii
1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Concept of a Fluid 2
1.3 Engineering System of Units 4
1.4 Properties of Fluid 4
1.5 Fluid as a Continuum 13
1.6 Viscosity 15
1.6 .1 No-Slip Condition of Viscous Fluids 19
1.7 Vapor Pressure of Liquids (Pv) and Cavitations 34
1.7.1 Vapor Pressure 34
1.7.2 Boiling Point 35
1.7.3 Cavitation 37
1.8 Bulk Modulus (K) and Compressibility ( ß ) 37
1.8.1 Bulk Modulus 37
1.8.2 Compressibility 39
1.8.3 Speed of Sound 39
1.9 Capillarity or Meniscus Effect 41
1.10 Surface Tension (s) 44
1.10.1 Pressure Inside a Water Droplet 46
2.9 Manometer 74
2.9.1 U-tube Manometer 74
2.9.2 Multitude Manometer 77
2.9.3 Differential Manometer 78
2.9.4 Single-Column Manometer 82
2.9.5 Inclined Single-Column Manometer 84
2.9.6 Micromanometer 85
2.10 Hydraulic Jack 86
2.11 Mechanical Gauge 87
2.11.1 Bourdon Gauge 87
2.11.2 Diaphragm Pressure Gauge 87
2.11.3 Deadweight Pressure Gauge 87
6. Kinematics 172
6.1 Introduction 172
6.1.1 Kinematics of Fluid Flow 172
6.1.2 Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Quantities 172
6.2 Classi¿cation of Fluid Flow 173
6.2.1 Three-, Two-, and One-Dimensional Flow 174
6.2.2 Steady and Unsteady Flow 175
6.2.3 Uniform and Non-uniform Flow 175
6.2.4 Laminar and Turbulent Flow 176
6.2.5 Compressible and Incompressible Flow 176
6.2.6 Rotational and Irrotational Flow 176
6.2.7 Ideal and Real Fluid Flow 177
6.3 Methods of Describing Fluid Motion 177
6.3.1 Lagrangian and Eulerian Flow Descriptions 177
6.3.2 Components of Acceleration in Other Co-ordinate
Systems 179
6.3.3 Fundamentals of Flow Visualization 182
6.3.4 Discharge or Rate of Flow 184
6.3.5 Average (Mean) Velocity (V ) 184
6.4 One-Dimensional Continuity Equation 185
6.5 Three-Dimensional Continuity Equations: Differential
Equation of Continuity in Cartesian Co-ordinates 189
6.6 Continuity Equation in Polar Co-ordinates 194
6.7 Continuity Equation in Cylindrical Polar Co-ordinates 196
6.8 Continuity Equation in Spherical Polar Co-ordinates 198
6.9 Conservation of Mass in Orthogonal Curvilinear Co-ordinates 199
6.10 Equation of Continuity in the Lagrangian Method 200
6.11 Equivalence of the Two Forms of the Equation of Continuity 201
6.12 Boundary Surface 203
6.13 Intensive and Extensive Properties 206
6.14 System versus Control Volume Approach 206
In this chapter, we discuss the properties that are encountered in the analy-
sis of fluid flow. First we discuss the concept of a fluid and then classify the
fluid through a rheological diagram. This is followed by a description of the
properties such as density, specific volume, specific gravity, relative density,
and thermodynamic properties. Then we treat the fluid as continuum and
describe its viscosity property, which plays a dominant role in most aspects
of fluid flow. Finally, other properties, such as vapor pressure, compressibility,
capillarity, and surface tension are also considered.
The science of mechanics of Àuids based on the fundamental laws of motion
(similar to those applied to mechanics of solids) is known as ÀXLG PHFKDQLFV.
Thus, Àuid mechanics is the study of Àuids in motion or at rest and the subse-
quent effects of the Àuids on the boundaries, which may be either solid surfaces or
other Àuids. In essence, Àuid mechanics combines the rational equations of ideal
Àuid Àow with empirical equations of real Àuid Àow and correlates the physical
analysis with results from experiments. A great deal of theoretical treatment is
available only in case of certain idealized situations, which may not be valid in
real-life problems. Thus, recourse to experiments and numerical approaches is
often found useful to deal with complex Àuid Àows. Traditionally, the engineering
science of Àuid mechanics has been developed through an understanding of Àuid
properties, the application of basic laws of mechanics and thermodynamics, and
an orderly experimentation.
In this chapter, several Àuid properties, such as density, viscosity, surface
tension, and vapor pressure are described. Density and viscosity play major
roles in open and closed channel Àows and in the Àow around immersed objects.
The consideration of surface tension is important in the formation of droplets,
in the Àow of small jets, and in the formation of capillary waves. Vapor pres-
sure accounts for changes from liquid to gas and is particularly important when
reduced pressures are encountered.
Liquid p
11 21 31 τ
12 3 τ
Fig. 1.1 Shear stress on a fluid body
the vessel containing it. It would occupy the vessel fully or partially depending on
its content and it will have free surface. However, a gas has no de¿nite shape, and
it would expand and occupy the vessel fully and it cannot have a free surface. The
volume of a liquid varies very slightly due to the change in temperature and pres-
sure. This variation is so small that for all practical purposes it is often negligible,
and hence, a liquid can be considered as incompressible. But a gas undergoes
considerable change in volume due to changes in temperature and pressure, and
hence, gas is a compressible Àuid.
5KHRORJ\ is a science of deformation and Àow. Fluids may be classi¿ed as
Newtonian and non-Newtonian. Figure 1.2 shows such a classi¿cation of Àuids. In
the case of solid, shear stress τ is proportional to the magnitude of the deformation,
but in many Àuids the shear stress is proportional to the time rate of angular defor-
mation. For Newtonian Àuids, the slope of the line is equal to the viscosity. Glycerin,
air, water, kerosene, thin lubricating oil (under normal working conditions), etc., are
some of the examples of Newtonian Àuids. The ideal Àuid, with no viscosity, is rep-
resented by the horizontal axis, whereas the
Elastic solid
true elastic solid is represented by the vertical
y Ideal plastic
axis. A plastic that sustains a certain amount
of stress before suffering a plastic Àow can be
shown by a straight line intersecting the ver- Non-Newtonian fluid
tical axis at the yield stress. There are certain
non-Newtonian Àuids in which ȝ varies with Newtonian fluid
the rate of deformation. Some examples of
non-Newtonian Àuids are human blood and
thick lubricating oil. The viscous behavior of x
non-Newtonian Àuid may be prescribed by Ideal fluid
the power law equation
Fig. 1.2 Rheological diagram
⎛ du ⎞
τ = k⎜ ⎟ (1.1)
⎝ dy ⎠
Table 1.1
du/dy (rad/s) 0 1 3 5
τ (kPa or kN/m2) 15 20 30 40
τ (kPa)
Non-Newtonian/ideal plastic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 1.3 Shear stress versus rate of deformation graph
Table 1.3 Prefixes for SI units Table 1.4 Variation of mass density
with respect to temperature
Factors by Prefix Symbol
which unit is Temperature (°C) Mass density
1012 Tera T
10 9
Giga G 0 1000
to characterize the mass of the Àuid system, and speci¿c weight is typically used
to characterize the weight of the system.
The density of a substance, in general, depends on temperature and pressure.
The density of most gases is proportional to pressure and inversely proportional
to temperature.
Liquids and solids, on the other hand, are essentially incompressible sub-
stances and the variation of their density with pressure is usually negligible.
For example, at 20°C the density of water changes from 998 kg/m3 at 1 atm to
1003 kg/m3 at 100 atm, a change of just 0.5%.
The density of liquids and solids depends more strongly on temperature than it
does on pressure. For example, the density of water changes from 998 kg/m3 at 20°C
to 975 kg/m3 at 75°C, a change of 2.3%. In view of this, the values of mass density
reported in Table 1.4 are expected to be invariant with the alterations in pressure.
Mass density It is also known as speci¿c mass of a liquid and may be de¿ned
as the mass per unit volume. It is usually denoted by r (rho).
r kg/m3 (1.2)
Figure 1.4 shows a graphical representation of mass density variation with temper-
ature. It can be seen that with an increase in temperature, mass density decreases.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature in °C
Fig. 1.4 Variation of mass density with respect to temperature
To compare the different Àuids, Table 1.5 lists mass density at 20°C. It can be
seen that mercury has a mass density that is 13.6 times that of water.
As the water temperature range of the data is considerable, one requires rela-
tionships for r as functions of temperature 7. Streeter and Wylie(1979) have given
the variation of r for water with 7 ranging from 0°C to 100°C in a tabular form.
Using these data, the following best-¿t equation is obtained in SI units.
⎧⎪⎛ 71 ⎞5 ⎛ 415 ⎞6 ⎫⎪
r 958.4 41.5 ⎨⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎬ (1.2a)
⎩⎪⎝ 100 − T ⎠ ⎝ 415 T ⎠ ⎪⎭
The maximum percentage error in the Table 1.5 Approximate physical prop-
use of Eqn (1.2a) is 1.0, which occurs erty (mass density) of some common
in a very narrow band of temperature. liquids at 1 atmospheric pressure and
at 20°C
Weight density It (also known as spe- Fluids r (kg/m3)
ci¿c weight or unit weight) is de¿ned
as the weight per unit volume. It is usu- Water 998
ally denoted by g (gamma). Sea water 1028
W Mercury 13,570
g= N/m3 (1.3)
V Kerosene 819
Figure 1.5 shows a graphical represen- Carbon tetrachloride 1588
tation of speci¿c weight with respect to
temperature. Glycerin 1258
Gasoline 719
1RWH In engineering, we ¿nd use of spe-
ci¿c weight as well as unit weight in Benzene 879
lieu of each other. Ammonia 829
Air 1.205
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature in °C
Fig. 1.5 Variation of specific weight with respect to temperature
Speci¿c volume It is de¿ned as the volume per unit mass of a Àuid. It is usually
denoted by 9V.
V 1 3
Vs = = m / kg (1.5)
m r
Speci¿c gravity It is a parameter that indicates how heavier is the given sub-
stance than water. It is de¿ned as the ratio of the speci¿c weight of the liquid to
the speci¿c weight of a standard Àuid. It is denoted by 6. For liquids, the standard
Àuid is pure water at 4°C. So,
gliquid r liquid
S or (1.6)
g water rwater
properties play an important role. With the change of pressure and temperature, the
gases undergo large variation in their density. It is convenient to have some simple
relations among the properties that are suf¿ciently general and accurate. Any equa-
tion that relates to the pressure, temperature, and density (or speci¿c volume) of
a substance is called an HTXDWLRQRIVWDWH. The simplest and best-known equation
of state for substances in the gas phase is the ideal gas equation of state and is
expressed as
pVs RT or p r RT (1.8)
or r RT (1.9)
S= absolute pressure in N/m2
9V = speci¿c volume in m3/kg
7 = absolute temperature in °K (temperature scale in the SI system is the
Kelvin scale and the temperature unit on this scale is the kelvin) = 273° + W
in °C
5 = gas constant
The gas constant 5 is different for each gas, and is determined from 5 = 5X/0,
where 5X is the universal gas constant (8.314 kJ/kmol K) and 0 is the molecu-
lar weight of the gas. The values of 5 and 0 for several substances are given in
Table 1.9.
Then, mass density is given by
1 p
r kg/m3 (1.10)
and weight density is given by
g rg N/m3 (1.11)
As already mentioned, the gas constant 5 depends on the particular gas. The
dimension of 5 is obtained as follows:
We know the relationship
pVs RT
From that, we get
In SI units S is expressed in N/m2, r is expressed in kg/m3, and 7 is expressed in
K. Therefore,
N /m 2 N-m J
kg / m × K
kg-K kg-K
5inSI = 287 kg-K
For an ideal gas of volume ∀, mass P, and the number of moles 1 = P/0, the ideal
gas equation of state can also be written as S∀ = P57 or S∀ = 15X7.
Another fundamental equation of a perfect gas between two state points is as
p1∀1 p2 ∀ 2
T1 T2
Example 1.2 Calculate the speci¿c weight, speci¿c mass, speci¿c volume, and
speci¿c gravity of a liquid having a volume of 6 m3 and weight of 44 kN.
Solution Given: Volume of liquid = 6m3, weight of liquid = 44 kN
g 7.33 kN/m3 ( Ans)
g 7.33
r g × 1000 747.19 kg/m3 ( Ans)
1 1
Vs r 0.00134 m3/ kg ( Ans)
S 0.747 ( Ans)
Example 1.3 A volume of 2.5 m3 of certain liquid weighs 9.81 kN. Determine
the speci¿c weight, mass density, and speci¿c gravity of the liquid.
Solution Given: Volume of liquid = 2.5 m3, weight of liquid = 9.81 kN
W 9.81
g 3.924 kN/m3 (Ans)
V 2.5
m 1000
r 400 kg/m3 (Ans)
V 2.5
S 0.4 ( Ans)
Example 1.4 Determine the mass density, speci¿c weight, and speci¿c volume
of a liquid whose speci¿c gravity is 0.85.
gliquid gliquid
Solution Given: 6 = 0.85; S 0.85
g water 9.81
g 8338.5
But, r 850 kg/m3 ( Ans)
g 9.810
Specific volume, Vs 0.00117 m3/ kg ( Ans)
Table 1.10
r (kg/m3) 998.2 997.1 995.7 994.1 992.2 990.2 988.1
Temperature (ºC) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Density in kg/m3 996
992 ρ = –0.0004t2 – 0.053t + 1001
990 R2 = 0.999
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature in °C
Fig. 1.6 Variation of mass density with respect to temperature
g 20
But r 2.0387 kg/m3 ( Ans)
g 9.81
p 35 10 4 J
R 606.64 ( Ans)
rT 2.0387 283 kg-K
Àuid is shown in Fig. 1.7(a). We are interested in determining the density at the
point F, whose coordinates are [0, \0, and ]0. The density is de¿ned as mass per
unit volume. Thus, the mean or average density within the volume Y would be
given by r = .
In general, this will not be equal to the value of density at F. To determine
the density at F, we must select a small volume įY, surrounding point F, and then
determine the ratio įP/įY. To answer the question, ‘How small can we make the
volume įY?’, let us take the ratio įP/įY [Fig. 1.7(b)]. Then allow the volume
to shrink continuously in size, assuming that the volume įY is relatively large
initially. The average density tends to approach an asymptotic value as the volume
is shrunk to enclose only homogeneous Àuid in the immediate neighborhood of
point F. When įY becomes further small that it contains only few number of mol-
ecules, it becomes impossible to ¿x a de¿nite value for įP/įY; then the value will
vary erratically as molecules cross into and out of the volume.
Thus, there is a lower limiting value of įY, designated as įYƍ shown in
Fig. 1.7(b), which is allowable for use in de¿ning Àuid density at a point. The
density at a point is de¿ned as
r lim (1.15)
dv → dv ′ dv
Since the point F was arbitrary, the density at any point in the Àuid could be deter-
mined in a similar manner. If density determination were made simultaneously
at an in¿nite number of point in the Àuid, we would obtain an expression for the
density distribution as a function of the space coordinates r = r([, \, ]), at the
given instant of time. Thus, the complete representation of density is given by
r = r([, \, ], W). Since the density is a scalar quantity, the ¿eld representation is a
scalar, representing only a magnitude.
Example 1.8 The mean free path l of the molecules in air is approximately
given by
l 3.8 105 p
Volume v
c of mass m
Volume δ v ρ = lim δm
of mass δ m δ v→δ v9 δ v
x δ v9
(a) (b)
Table 1.12 shows computed values of mean free Altitude (m) l (m)
path. 1800 1.3 × 10−7
The continuum hypothesis, therefore, holds up 14,000 5.6 × 10−7
to about 61 km ($QV)
46,000 8.4 × 10−5
1RWH This example is only for illustrative pur-
61,000 4.1 × 10−4
pose. The value may be sensitive to the relation-
ship used for mean free path. 76,000 1.74 × 10−3
Viscosity is the most important among all properties, without which the diverse ¿eld
of Àuid mechanics of today might not have come into existence. Viscosity is derived
from the word YLVFRXV, which means sticky, adhesive, or tenacious. We say coconut oil
is thin and castor oil is thick; when spilled over inclined surface the so-called thin oil
Àows down faster compared to the thick oil. Obviously, the terms WKLQ and WKLFN do not
refer to the density of the liquid but to the easiness with which it Àows. Similar to sol-
ids, Àuids also offer resistance to shearing forces/stresses. It is primarily due to cohe-
sion (attraction between similar molecules) and the molecular momentum exchange
between Àuid layers and as the Àow occurs, these effects appear as shearing stresses
between the moving layers of a Àuid. Hence, viscosity is a property of a Àuid that
determines the amount of this resistance to shearing stresses.
Viscosity may be de¿ned in different ways. For example, it is a measure of the
internal Àuid friction that causes resistance to Àow or as a property of a Àuid that offers
resistance to the movement of one layer of Àuid over another adjacent layer of the Àuid
or as a property of a Àuid that determines its resistance to shearing stresses.
Newton’s law of viscosity states that for a given rate of angular deformation
of Àuid, the shear stress is directly proportional to the viscosity. The shear stress
or shear resistance per unit area to a moving Àuid is proportional to the velocity
gradient in a direction normal to the area under consideration, in the same way as
the stress in elastic solid is related to the strain component.
F u
τ a (1.16)
A y
or τm (1.17)
where (mu), the constant of proportionality in Eqn (1.17), is called dynamic viscos-
ity or absolute viscosity of the Àuid. The relationship given by Eqn (1.17) is called
newton’s law of viscosity. Any Àuid that obeys this law is called Newtonian Àuid.
The velocity gradient may be visualized as the rate at which one layer moves
relative to an adjacent layer. Depending on the sign of velocity gradient, the direc-
tion of action of shear force changes. If the shear force acts in the direction of
velocity, it is considered positive. It is evident from Eqn (1.17) that τ = 0 when
0 . Hence, there would not be any shear force in uniform Àow or at the symmetry
of a Àow. The velocity gradient cannot be in¿nite as it is not physically possible
to have an in¿nite value for the shear stress. Hence, the value of velocity gradient
should change continuously without any jump throughout the Àow region includ-
ing the boundary.
An ideal Àuid has no viscosity. There is Viscosity
no Àuid that can be classi¿ed as a perfectly
ideal Àuid. However, the Àuids with very little
viscosity are sometimes considered as ‘ideal Liquids
Àuids’. In general, the viscosity of a Àuid
depends on both the temperature and pressure Gases
(Fig. 1.8), although the dependence on pres-
sure is rather weak. For liquids, both dynamic
and kinematic viscosities are practically inde-
pendent of pressure and any small variation
with pressure is usually ignored, except at Fig. 1.8 The viscosity of liquids
extremely high pressures. decreases and the viscos-
Viscosity of liquids varies inversely ity of gases increases with
with temperature (because in liquids the temperature
shear stress due to intermolecular cohesion decreases with the increase in tem-
perature), while viscosity of gases varies directly with temperature. (In gases, the
intermolecular cohesion is negligible and the shear stress is due to the exchange
of momentum of the molecules, normal to the direction of motion. The molecular
activity increases with temperature and hence the shear stress and also the viscos-
ity of gases will increase with the increase in temperature.)
The kinetic theory of gases predicts the viscosity of gases to be proportional
to the square root of the temperature, i.e.,
mgas T
This prediction is con¿rmed from the practical observations; however, some gases
need correction factors because of some deviations.
The relation between viscosity and temperature for liquids and gases are as
Once again, from Eqn (1.21), one can infer that with the increase in tempera-
ture the viscosity of gases increases.
3. Helmholtz suggested the following expression for water in CGS units:
m poise (1.22)
1 0.03368T 0.000221T 2
where 7 is the temperature in °C.
To quantify viscosity for mathematical manipulation, consider a Àuid con-
¿ned between two parallel plates as shown in Fig. 1.9. The upper plate is moving
at a velocity X, and the distance between the plates is denoted by \. The layer of
Àuid in contact with the upper (moving) plate will move with the same velocity
as the plate (i.e., X), whereas the layer in contact with the lower (¿xed) plate will
have a zero velocity.
Fig. 1.9
If a linear velocity gradient is assumed, as indicated in Fig. 1.9, and if the
shearing stress in the Àuid is assumed to be proportional to the rate of change
of velocity (newton’s law of viscosity), the shearing stress (Fig. 1.10) may be
expressed as follows:
τm (1.23)
Therefore, dy Water
N b
τ m 2 Ns
m = ( ps) (1.24)
du m 1 m 2 Air
dy s m
1RWH m for water = 1.75 × 10−3 Ns/m 2 Rate of deformation
The unit of viscosity in CGS is called Fig. 1.10 The rate of deformation of a
poise [one poise = (1/10) Ns/m2]. Newtonian fluid is proportional
to the shear stress
Kinematic viscosity It is de¿ned as the ratio between the dynamic viscosity and
density of Àuid.
m m2
n r s (1.25a)
⎡ ⎛ T ⎞ 1.165 ⎤
n 1.792 106 ⎢1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ (1.25b)
⎢⎣ ⎝ 25 ⎠ ⎥⎦
Here Y is in m2/s and 7 = water temperature in °C. The maximum percentage of
error in using Eqn (1.25b) is 2.2%.
Water 1.00 × 10−3 1.00 × 10−6
Sea water 1.07 × 10−3 1.04 × 10−6
Gasoline 2.92 × 10−4 4.29 × 10−7
Kerosene 1.92 × 10−3 2.39 × 10−4
Glycerin 1.49 × 10−3 1.18 × 10−3
Mercury 1.56 × 10−3 1.15 × 10−7
Castor oil 9.80 × 10−1 1.02 × 10−3
viscosity with respect to temperature and Table 1.14 gives the values for some com-
mon Àuids at 20°C.
Speci¿c viscosity It is the ratio of viscosity of Àuid to the viscosity of water at 20°C.
Example 1.9 From a table of the properties of liquids it was found that at 20°C
carbon tetrachloride had a dynamic viscosity of 9.67 × 10−4 Pas and a kinematic
viscosity of 6.08 × 10−7 m2/s. Calculate its speci¿c gravity and weight density.
Example 1.10 A volume of 3.2 m3 of certain oil weighs 27.5 kN. Calculate its
mass density, weight density, speci¿c volume, and speci¿c gravity. If kinematic
viscosity of the oil is 7 × 10−3 stokes, what would be its dynamic viscosity in
Solution Given V 3.2 m3 , W 27.5 kN, and n 7 103 stokes
1RWH1 stoke = 10−4 m2/s
g 8.59 kN/m3 ( Ans)
r 876.01 kg/m3 ( Ans)
Vs 1.14 103 m3/kg ( Ans)
S 0.87 ( Ans)
g water
m n × r 6.132 centipoise (Ans)
Example 1.11 Glycerin has a density of 1260 kg/m3 and a kinematic viscosity
of 0.00183 m2/s. What shear stress is required to deform this Àuid at a strain rate
of 104/s?
Solution Given r 1260 kg/m3
n 0.00183 m 2/s
10 4 s1
Therefore, τ nr 1260 × 0.00183 × 10 4 23.058 kPa (Ans)
Example 1.12 A liquid has a speci¿c gravity of 1.9 and a kinematic viscosity of
6 stokes. What is its dynamic viscosity?
Solution Given 6 = 1.9, kinematic viscosity = 6 stokes = 6 × 10−4 m2/s
rliquid S rwater 1.9 1000 1900 kg/m3
But, n
Therefore, m 1900 × 6 104 1.14 Ns/m 2 ( Ans)
Example 1.13 The velocity distribution of Àow over a plate is parabolic, with
vertex 0.3 m from the plate (Fig. 1.11), where the velocity is 1.8 m/s. If the vis-
cosity of the Àuid is 0.9 N s/m2, ¿nd the velocity gradients and shear stresses at
distances 0 m, 0.15 m, and 0.3 m from the plate.
Solution The equation for velocity pro¿le is given by
u ly 2 my n (1.26)
where O, P, and Q are constants.
At \ = 0.3 m, X = 1.8 m/s; therefore, Fig. 1.11 Velocity profile for Example 1.13
Example 1.14 The velocity (Y) at radius U in a pipe of radius U0 is given in terms
of center line velocity (YF) for laminar Àow as
v ⎡r⎤
vc 1 ⎢ r ⎥
⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦
If the centerline velocity in a pipe of 1 m diameter is 6 m/s, and the velocity is 0.002
Ns/m2, draw the velocity and shearing stress pro¿le (Figures 1.12 and 1.13) for a
cross section. 2
v ⎪⎧ r ⎪⎫
Solution Given 1 ⎨ ⎬
vc ⎩⎪ r0 ⎭⎪
⎡ ⎤
{ }
or v 6 ⎢⎢1 r ⎥
⎣ 0.5 ⎦
Therefore, v 6 24r 2, which gives velocity profile.
24 × 2r 48r
Velocity profile
Radial distance in m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Velocity in m/s
Fig. 1.12 Velocity profile for Example 1.14
Radial distance in m
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Shear stress in N/m2
Fig. 1.13 Shear stress distribution for Example 1.14
dv du dv
τ m because 0.002(48r )
dr dy dr
0.096r , which gives shearing stress profile.
Table 1.15 gives computed values for velocity pro¿le and shear stress pro¿le.
Example 1.15 A Àuid of absolute viscosity 8 poise Àows past a Àat plate and
has a velocity 1 m/s at the vertex, which is at 0.2 m from the plate surface. Make
calculations for the velocity gradients and shear stress at points 0.05, 0.1, and
0.15 m from the boundary. Assume (a) Table 1.16 Velocity gradient and
a straight-line velocity distribution and shear stress values
(b) a parabolic distribution. Velocity Shear
Solution (a) For a straight-line veloc- gradient stress
ity distribution, the velocity gradient Y=0 10 8
(Table 1.16 and Fig. 1.14) at the bound-
Y = 0.05 7.5 6
ary, that is, at \ = 0, is
Y = 0.1 5.0 4
du 100 0
5 s1
dy 20 0 Y = 0.15 2.5 2
du 0.1 m/s
τ m 0.8 × 5 4 N/m 2
(b) The parabolic velocity distribution
can be prescribed by the relation 0.2 m/s
u ly my n
and = 2ly + m
Fig. 1.14 Velocity distribution for
Applying boundary conditions, we get Example 1.15
u 0 at y 0, n 0; u 1 m/s at y 0.2 m; 0 at y 0.02 m
Now, we get O = −0.25 and P = 10
Therefore, u 0.25 y 2 10 y and 0.5 y 10
Example 1.16 Air at 20°C forms a boundary layer near a solid wall of sine
wave-shaped velocity pro¿le [Y = Ymax sin(p\/2d)]. The boundary layer thickness
is 6 mm and the peak velocity is 10 m/s. Compute the shear stress in the boundary
layer at \ equal to (a) 0, (b) 3 mm, and (c) 6 mm. Consider the dynamic viscosity
of air as 1.81 × 10−5. 10 m/s
dv Peak
Solution Shear stress is given by τ m
⎡p y ⎤ 6 mm
Given v vmax sin ⎢ ⎥ Sine wave
⎣ 2d ⎦
dv ⎡ p vmax ⎤ ⎡p y ⎤
so that ⎢ ⎥ cos ⎢ ⎥
dy ⎣ 2d ⎦ ⎣ 2d ⎦ Fig. 1.15 Velocity distribution for
2618 cos( 261.8 y ) Example 1.16
At \ = 6 mm, τ 0 ( Ans)
Example 1.17 A large plate moves with a speed 8 over a stationary plate on a layer
of oil as shown in Fig. 1.15. If the velocity pro¿le is that of a parabola (X2 = D\), with
the oil at the plates having the same velocity as the plates, what is the stress on the
moving plate from the oil? If a linear pro¿le is assumed, what is the shear stress on the
upper plate?
Solution For a parabolic pro¿le, X2 = D\, where \ = G, X = 8
Thus, 82 = DG
Therefore, a
Oil layer
Assumed profile
U2 ⎡ y⎤
Therefore, u2 × y U 2 ⎢ ⎥
d ⎣d ⎦
or y
u U
du ⎡ ⎧ 1 ⎫ ⎧ 1 1/ 2 ⎫⎤
⎢U ⎨ ⎬⎨ y ⎬⎥
dy ⎣ ⎩ d ⎭ ⎩ 2 ⎭⎦
du ⎡ ⎧ 1 ⎫ ⎧ 1 1/ 2 ⎫⎤
τm m ⎢U ⎨ ⎬⎨ y ⎬⎥
dy ⎣ ⎩ d ⎭⎩ 2 ⎭⎦
For y = d, τ ( Ans)
du U
For a linear pro¿le,
dy d
Therefore, τm ( Ans)
Example 1.18 Water is moving through a pipe. The velocity pro¿le at some sec-
tion is shown in Fig. 1.17 and is given mathematically as
b ⎡d2 ⎤
u ⎢ r2 ⎥
4m ⎣ 4 ⎦
where X = velocity of water at any position U, b = a constant, m = viscosity of
water, G = pipe diameter, and U = radial distance from centerline. What is the shear
stress at the wall of the pipe due to the water? What is the shear stress at a position
U = G/4? If the given pro¿le persists for a distance / along the pipe, what drag is
induced on the pipe by the water in the direction of Àow over this distance?
⎡ b ⎤ ⎡d2 ⎤
Solution Given, velocity pro¿le as u ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ r 2 ⎥
⎣ 4m ⎦ ⎣ 4 ⎦
du ⎡ b ⎤ 2 br
So, ⎢ ⎥ (2r )
dr ⎣ 4m ⎦ 4m
d u
Velocity profile
Fig. 1.17 Velocity distribution for Example 1.18
du 2 br
Shear stress is given by τm
dr 4
At the wall U = G/2.
⎛ d⎞
2 b ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ bd
Hence τ wall ($QV)
4 4
At U = G/4, τ rd /4 ( Ans)
Drag = ( τ wall )(area ) ( bd / 4)(p dL) ( bd p L) /4 ( Ans)
Example 1.19 A plate weighing 150 N and measuring 0.8 m × 0.8 m slides down
an inclined plane over an oil ¿lm of 1.2 mm thickness. For an inclination of 30°
and a velocity of 0.2 m/s, compute viscosity of the Àuid.
Solution We have from newton’s law of viscosity τ m
force 30°
But τ 150 sin = 117.19 N/m2
area 0.8 0.8
Plate Oil film
Horizontal surface
Fig. 1.18
Rate of deformation, GX/G\ = (0.2 − 0)/0.12 = 166.67/s1
Therefore, m 0.7 Ns/m 2 ( Ans)
Example 1.20 The space between two parallel plates 5 mm apart is ¿lled with
crude oil (Fig. 1.19). A force of 2 N is required to drag the upper plate at a constant
velocity of 0.8 m/s. The lower plate is station- Moving
ary. The area of the upper plate is 0.09 m2.
Determine the dynamic viscosity and kine- u = 0.8 m/s
matic viscosity of the oil, if the speci¿c grav-
5 mm
ity of the oil is 0.9.
⎧ du ⎫
F τ A ⎨m ⎬ A
⎩ dy ⎭
2 m 0.09
5 103
m 0.139 Ns/m 2 ( Ans)
m 0.139
n 1.54 104 m 2/s ( Ans)
r 900
du 2.5
At y = d, τ=m = 1.49 = 621 N/m 2 ( Ans)
d (d ) 6
rdu 6 2.5
N R = m = 1258 × × = 12.7 ( Ans)
1000 1.49
Fixed plate
r ωr
Fig. 1.23
Consider a ring of radius U and width GU. The shear forces in the ring is given by
r 2pm
DF τ 2p r dr m 2p r dr r 2 dr
Dh Dh
2pmv 2pmv
The differential torque, ǻ7 = ǻ) × U r 2 dr r r 3 dr
Dh Dh
Integrating, we get the total torque.
ru/ 2 2pmv pmvD 4
T ∫ r 3 dr Nm (Ans)
r0 Dh 32 Dh
Example 1.25 A solid cone of radius ω r0
U0 and vertex angle 2ș is to rotate at an
angular velocity Ȧ (Fig. 1.24). An oil Oil
h r
of viscosity ȝ and thickness K ¿lls the θ
gap between the cone and the housing. ds
Determine the torque 7 to rotate the
cone. Fig. 1.24
du V vr
Solution Shear stress on the inclined wall, τ m m m
dy h h
Considering an elemental area, 2p r dA
sin u
Differential torque, dT rdF r ( τ2p r )
sin u
⎡ vr dr ⎤ 2pv 1 3
r ⎢ m 2p r ⎥ m h sin u r dr
⎣ h sin u ⎦
r0 2pvm r0
Torque 7 is given by T ∫ dT
h sin u ∫0
r 3 dr
pvm 4
T r ( Ans)
2h sin u 0
Example 1.26 Inside a 60-mm diameter cylinder a piston of 59 mm diameter
rotates concentrically. Both the cylinder and piston are 80 mm long (Fig. 1.25). If the
dy = 0.0005 mm L = 80 mm
d = 59 mm D = 60 mm
Piston Cylinder
space between the cylinder and piston is ¿lled with oil of viscosity of 0.3 Ns/m2 and
a torque of 1.5 Nm is applied, ¿nd the rpm of the piston and the power required.
Solution Given: ' = 60 mm, G = 59 mm, / = 80 mm, G\ = 0.0005 m, and torque
7 = 1.5 Nm
We know that
Torque = shear force × G/2
or 1.5 = ) × 0.059/2
Therefore, ) = 50.85 N
But F τ area τ p dL
whereas τm
Therefore, τ 0.3
⎡ u ⎤ 0.059
F ⎢0.3 ⎥ p 0.059 0.08
or ⎣ 0.0005 ⎦ 2
u 5.72 m/s
p dN
But u
From this, we get 1 = 1849.5 rpm
2p N 1849.5
p T 1.5 2 p 290.5 W
60 60
dn τ 0.467
dy m mr 2
Rearranging the above expression and substituting (−GU) in place of G\ (the minus
sign indicates that U, the radial distance, decreases as Y increases), we obtain
v 0.467 0.12 dr
m ∫0.13 r 2
0.467 ⎧ 1 ⎫
(vinner − vouter ) ⎨ ⎬
m ⎩ r ⎭ 0.13
But vinner = 0.754 m/s (2 × p × 0.12)
vouter = 0 m/s (fixed)
Therefore, substituting the above values, we get
0.467 ⎡ 1 1 ⎤
(0.754 − 0 ) −
m ⎢⎣ 0.12 0.13 ⎥⎦
or m 0.397 Pas ( Ans)
Shear stress, τ m
du ⎧u⎫
m⎨ ⎬
dy ⎩t ⎭
Shear or viscous force = τ × area m ( 2p rl )
Solution The shear stresses on two sides of the plate are as given
du v v
τ1 m m and τ 2 m
dy t1 t2
Drag force or viscous resistance against the motion of the plate is given by
⎡ v v⎤
F ⎢m m ⎥ A
⎣ t1 t2 ⎦
⎡1 1 ⎤
m Av ⎢ ⎥
⎣ t1 t 2 ⎦
Since the plate is midway in the gap, W1 = W2.
m Av
Therefore, F 2
1.5 0.1
But t 0.7 cm or 0.007 m
2 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.1
Therefore, F 57.14 N
Upthrust or buoyant force on the plate = speci¿c weight × volume of oil displaced
0.9 9810 1.0 1.0 0.001 8.829 N
Effective weight of the plate = 20 − 8.829 = 11.171 N
Therefore, the total force required to lift the plate at the given velocity
57.14 8.829 65.97 N (Ans)
Example 1.30 Two large ¿xed parallel planes are 12 mm apart. The space between
the surfaces is ¿lled with an oil of viscosity 0.9 N s/m2. A Àat thin plate 0.2 m2 area
moves through the oil at a velocity of 0.25 m/s.
Calculate the drag force
1. when the plate is equidistant from both the planes (Fig. 1.28)
2. when the thin plate is at a distance of 3.5 mm from one of the plane surfaces
(Fig. 1.29).
Fixed parallel plate
1 6 mm
0.25 m/s
12 mm
2 6 mm
1 8.5 mm
12 mm
0.25 m/s
2 3.5 mm Plate
a closed space is called vapor pressure. Thus, vapor pressure is the pressure of a
vapor in equilibrium with its non-vapor phase.
Vapor pressure increases with increase in temperature. At any given tempera-
ture, for a particular substance, there is a pressure at which the gas of that sub-
stance is in dynamic equilibrium with its liquid or solid forms. This is known as
vapor pressure of the substance at that temperature.
The vapor pressures of some liquids at 20°C are given in Table 1.17 and the
variation of water with respect to temperature is given in Table 1.18.
Equilibrium vapor pressure is an indication of a liquid’s evaporation rate. It
relates the tendency of molecules and atoms to escape from a liquid or a solid. A
substance with a high vapor pressure at normal temperature is often referred to as a
volatile substance. According to the Clausius–Clapeyron relation, the vapor pres-
sure of any substance increases non-linearly with temperature (Fig. 1.30).
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature, °C
Propane Diethyl ether
Methyl chloride Methyl acetate
Butane Fluorobenzene
neo-Pentane 2-Heptene
Fig. 1.30 Vapor pressure chart
the vapor pressure of the liquid becomes suf¿cient to overcome the atmospheric
pressure and lift of the liquid to form bubbles inside the bulk of the liquid.
The heat of vaporization is the amount of heat required to convert or vapor-
ize a saturated liquid (i.e., a liquid at its boiling point) into a vapor. Liquids may
change to vapor at room temperatures below their boiling points through the pro-
cess of evaporation.
Let the molecules impinging on the surface exert a partial pressure called vapor
pressure (SY). And let this pressure of the liquid vapor combined with the pressure of
other gases in the atmosphere make up the total atmospheric pressure (SD).
If SY< SD, then
Number of molecules leaving the surface!number of molecules re-entering
the surface
That is, evaporation is taking place.
If SY > SD, then
Number of molecules leaving the surface < number of molecules re-entering
the surface
That is, condensation is taking place.
If pv = pa , then
Number of molecules leaving the surface = number of molecules re-entering
the surface
That is, boiling takes place, and for this equilibrium condition, SY is called
the saturation vapor pressure (SVP).
Thus, when the vapor pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure or ambient
pressure (in a closed vessel), boiling takes place. This pressure is a function of tem-
perature. As the temperature increases, the vapor pressure also increases until the
boiling point is reached for the ambient pressure. At sea level, water boils at 100°C
and at high altitude (mountain peaks), where the atmospheric pressure is less, water
boils at a temperature less than 100°C. When a liquid is con¿ned in an enclosed
vessel it may boil even at room temperature, if the ambient pressure is decreased to
the magnitude of the vapor pressure of the liquid at that temperature.
Example 1.31 At what pressure in millibars will 40°C water boil?
Solution Vapor pressure at 40°C is 7.38 kN/m2.
Hence, water will boil at 7.38 kN/m2 = 7380 N/m2 = 73.8 mbar ($QV)
(since 1 mbar = 100 N/m2)
1.7.3 Cavitation
The SVP is of great practical use in Àuid problems. If the pressure at any point in
a Àuid phenomenon approaches the vapor pressure, the liquid starts vaporizing.
Vapor bubbles that are created in the region of low pressure are carried with the
liquid to the region of high pressure. These bubbles collapse in the region of high
pressure and explosion of bubbles takes place. This explosion causes damage to
the walls of the conduit and also creates air pockets in the Àow. The phenomenon
is known as cavitation. Because of the destructive nature of cavitation, its occur-
rence in Àow problems should be avoided. This is possible if the pressure at any
point in the Àuid phenomenon is not permitted to fall below the SVP. To avoid
cavitations (cavity formation) in problems related to Àow of water, the pressure is
not permitted to fall below 2.5 m of water.
Example 1.32 At what pressure can cavitation be expected at the inlet of a pump
that is handling water at 20°C?
Solution Cavitation occurs when the internal pressure drops to the vapor pres-
sure. Vapor pressure of water at 20°C is 2.34 kN/m2 and hence cavitation can be
expected at that pressure.
This indicates that air is about 20,000 times more compressible than water.With
a decrease in the volume of a given mass, P = r∀, will result in an increase in
density. Equation (1.29) can also be expressed as
K (1.30)
d r /r
Stress dp
v dv/v
Volumetric strain
Fig. 1.31 Piston and cylinder experiment
When gases are compressed or expanded, the relationship between pressure and
density depends on the nature of the process. If the compression or expansion
takes place under constant temperature conditions (isothermal process), then
r constant (1.31)
1.8.2 Compressibility
Compressibility is nothing but reciprocal of modulus of elasticity N. That is,
b (1.33)
The property by which Àuids undergo a change in volume under the action of
external pressure is known as compressibility. It decreases with an increase in
pressure of Àuid, as the volume modulus increases with the increase of pressure.
The variation in the volume of water with the variation of pressure is so small
that for all practical purposes it is neglected. Thus, the water is considered to be
an incompressible liquid. However, in case of water Àowing through pipes, when
sudden or large change in pressure (e.g., water hammer) takes place, then the com-
pressibility must be taken into account.
K (1.35)
or in terms of bulk modulus c
Since the disturbance is small, one can assume the process to be isentropic. For
gases under isentropic process,
K kp
kp (1.36)
Therefore c
or c kRT (1.37)
Thus, for ideal gases the speed of sound is proportional to the square root of the
absolute temperature.
σ σ
θ θ
Capillary tube
h = capillary rise
General water level
Weight of water
Capillary tube
s d s
Fig. 1.33 Effect of capillarity in case of mercury
In case of mercury, there is a capillary depression as shown in Fig. 1.33.
1. For wetting liquid (water) ș < p/2; for pure water ș = 0 (pure water in con-
tact with clean glass); otherwise, ș = 25° (slightly contaminated water)
2. For non-wetting liquid (mercury) ș > p/2; for mercury ș varies between
130° and 150°
Example 1.37 Two parallel wide, clean, glass plates separated by a distance G of
1 mm are placed in water, as shown in Fig. 1.34. How far does the water rise due to the
capillary action away from the ends of the plate? Take surface tension = 0.0730 N/m.
h h
Fig. 1.34
Solution Because the plates are clean, the angle patm
σ σ
of contact between water and glass is taken as zero,
considering the free body diagram of unit width of
the raised water, away from the ends.
Summing forces in the vertical directions Weight
gives h
2 ∆
1 ⎛ 1 ⎞
2 s ⎜ hg = 0
1000 ⎝ 1000 ⎟⎠ patm
or K = 0.0143 m or 14.3 mm Fig. 1.35
Example 1.40 Develop a formula for the capillary rise of a Àuid having surface
tension ı and a contact angle ș between
1. two concentric glass tubes of
radii UR and UL (Fig. 1.36)
2. two vertical glass plates set par- Concentric
allel to each other and having a glass tubes
gap W between them (Fig. 1.37)
h ri
1. At equilibrium,
Fig. 1.36
g hp ( ro 2 − ri 2 ) s cos u 2p ( ro ri )
σ σ
θ θ
t h
Fig. 1.37
2s cos u
or h (Ans)
g ( ro − ri )
These observations tell us that liquids behave as if their surfaces were stretched
like membranes under tension. Actually, there is no membrane, but a membrane-
like situation is obtained by the property of cohesion (cohesion means intermo-
lecular attraction between molecules of same liquid).
Free surface
Consider a free surface as shown in Fig. 1.39. All molecules inside the medium
are attracted equally in all directions by the surrounding molecules, but the one on the
surface does not have a molecule above to pull it upwards, and it is therefore attracted
inwards. This results in an inward attraction on particles in and near the surface and
tends to make the surface area as small as
possible. Consequently, the surface ¿lm is
Table 1.19 Variation of surface ten-
under a tension equal to its length. sion with respect to temperature
The tensile strength of the surface ¿lm
computed per unit length is termed as VXU Temperature s (N/m)
IDFHWHQVLRQ. Since the magnitude is small (ºC) (water–air)
compared to gravitational forces and pres- 0 0.0756
sure, the surface tension is usually neglected,
10 0.0742
but becomes quite signi¿cant when there
is a free surface and the boundary condi- 20 0.0728
tions are small as in the case of small-scale 3 0.0712
models of hydraulic engineering structures. 40 0.0696
The surface tension is expressed in N/m.
50 0.0679
The values of surface tension (Table 1.19)
depend on the following factors: 60 0.0662
As the water temperature range of the data is considerable, one requires rela-
tionships for s as functions of temperature 7. Streeter and Wylie (1979) have
given the variation of s for water with 7 ranging from 0°C to 100°C in a tabular
form. Using these data, the following best-¿t equations were obtained in SI units.
The maximum percentage error in the use of Eqn (1.40) is 1.0%, which occurs in
a very narrow band of temperature.
s 0.0762 exp( −0.00233T ) (1.40)
Pressure force = p l d
Surface tension force = s 2 l
Equating the two forces, we have l
p (1.43) Semijet
Forces on
Example 1.42 A soap bubble 60.0 mm in diam- the liquid jet
eter has an internal pressure in excess of the out- Fig. 1.42 Free body diagram
side pressure of 25 N/m2. What is the tension in of a liquid jet
the soap ¿lm?
Solution Given, diameter of the soap bubble = 60 × 10−3 m and S = 25 N/m2
We have p
8 s
So, 25
60.0 10 −3
or s 0.1875 N/m ( Ans)
Example 1.43 To form a stream of bubbles, air is introduced through a nozzle
into a tank of water (at 20°C). If the process requires 2.0 mm diameter bubbles to
be formed, by how much should the air pressure at the nozzle must exceed that of
the surrounding water. Take surface tension at 20°C = 0.0735 N/m.
Solution Given, diameter of the bubbles to form = 2.0 mm =2 × 10−3 m
Surface tension = 0.0735 N/m
We have p
4 0.0735
2 103
or p 147 N/m 2 ( Ans)
Example 1.44 What force is necessary F
to lift a thin platinum wire ring of 4.0 cm in
diameter from a water surface? Assume the
Water d d Water
surface tension of water as 0.0728 N/m and surface surface
neglect the weight of the wire (Fig. 1.43). 1-87
Solution Given, diameter of the wire D
= 4.0 cm = 0.04 m Fig. 1.43
Surface tension = 0.0728 N/m
Assuming G<<',
F 2(p Ds ) 2 p 0.04 0.0728
F 0.01829 N (Ans)
Example 1.45 A spherical water droplet of 1.2 mm in diameter splits up in air
into 60 smaller droplets of equal size. Find the work required in splitting up the
droplet. The surface tension coef¿cient of water in air is 0.073 N/m.
1RWH An increase in the surface area out of a given mass takes place when a
bigger droplet splits up into a number of smaller ones. So, the work required is
given by the product of surface tension coef¿cient and the increase in surface
Let, G be the diameter of the smaller droplets.
d 3 p 0.00123
From conservation of mass, 60 p , d 0.31103 m
6 6
Initial surface area (due to single droplet) p (0.012) 2 4.523 106 m 2
Final surface area (due to 60 smaller droplets) 60 p (0.3110 −3 ) 0.0584 m 2
Hence, the increase in surface area 0.0584 4.523 106 0.0584 m 2
The required work = 0.073 × 0.584 = 4.26 × 10−3 J ($QV)
Example 1.46 Calculate the work done in blowing a soap bubble of diameter
15 cm. Assume the surface tension of soap solution = 0.04 N/m.
Solution We know that the soap has two interfaces.
Work done = surface tension × total surface area
⎛ 15 ⎞
0.04 4 p ⎜ 10 −2 ⎟ 2 5.65 10 −3 Nm (Ans)
⎝ 2 ⎠
Example 1.47 If the surface tension at air-water interface is 0.073 N/m, what is
the pressure difference between the inside and outside of an air bubble of diameter
0.02 mm?
Solution An air bubble has only one surface. Therefore,
4s 4 0.073
Dp 14.6 kPa ( Ans)
d 0.02 10 −3
• Fluid mechanics is a branch of mechanics that deals with the static, kine-
matic, and dynamic aspects of Àuids. Fluids are at rest when there is no
external unbalanced force and this aspect of the study of Àuids is called Àuid
statics. Kinematics refers to the study of Àuids in motion where pressure
forces are not considered, and if the pressure forces are also considered for
the Àuid in motion, it is called Àuid dynamics.
• The mass density or speci¿c mass of a liquid is equal to mass per unit volume,
i.e., r .
• The weight density or speci¿c weight of a Àuid is equal to weight per unit
volume, i.e., g r g.
Cengal, Y.A. and J.M. Cimbala, )OXLG0HFKDQLFV, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
Evett, Jack B. and C. Liu, )XQGDPHQWDOV RI )OXLG 0HFKDQLFV, McGraw-Hill,
Singapore, 1988.
Fox, R.W. and A.T. McDonald, ,QWURGXFWLRQWR)OXLG0HFKDQLFV, 7th edn, Wiley,
New York, 2001.
Munson, B.R., D.F. Young, and T.H. Okishi, )XQGDPHQWDOVRI)OXLG0HFKDQLFV,
5th edn, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), Singapore, 2006.
Seshadri, C.V. and S.V. Patankar, (OHPHQWV RI )OXLG 0HFKDQLFV, Prentice-Hall of
India, New Delhi, 1971.
Streeter, V.L. and E.B. Wylie, )OXLG0HFKDQLFV, 7th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York,
Touloukian, Y.S., S.G. Saxena, and P. Hestermans, 7KHUPRSK\VLFDO3URSHUWLHVRI
0DWWHU, The TPRC Data series, Vol.11, Viscosity, Plenum, New York, 1975.
White, F.M., )OXLG0HFKDQLFV 5th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003.
1. The mass per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure
is called
(a) speci¿c weight (b) mass density
(c) speci¿c gravity (d) none of the above
2. The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pres-
sure is called
(a) mass density (b) speci¿c gravity
(c) speci¿c weight (d) none of the above
3. Which of the following is the speci¿c weight of water in SI units?
(a) 9.81 kN/m3 (b) 9.81 × 106 kN/m3
(c) 9.81 N/m (d) none of the above
4. The speci¿c gravity of water is taken as
(a) 0.001 (b) 0.01
(c) 0.1 (d) 1
5. The speci¿c gravity of sea water is _______that of pure water.
(a) Same as (b) Less than
(c) More than
6. The density of liquid in gm/cm3 is numerically equal to its speci¿c gravity.
(a) True (b) False
7. When a shear stress is applied to a substance it is found to resist it by static
deformation. The substance is a
(a) liquid (b) solid
(c) gas (d) Àuid
Review Questions
1. De¿ne speci¿c weight, mass density, speci¿c volume, and speci¿c gravity.
2. What are the different properties of liquid?
3. De¿ne a Àuid. What is the difference between an ideal Àuid and a real Àuid?
4. What is the difference between a Àuid and a solid? Differentiate between
compressible Àuids and incompressible Àuids.
5. De¿ne Newtonian and non-Newtonian Àuids.
6. Why is the speci¿c weight of sea water more than that of pure water? Give
their numerical values.
7. De¿ne the terms cohesion and adhesion.
8. What kind of rheological materials are paint and grease?
9. Distinguish between Newtonian and non-Newtonian Àuids.
10. What is vapor pressure? What is its signi¿cance in Àow problems? What do
you understand by the term cavitation?
11. Why do the different liquids exert different vapor pressures?
12. Write a short note on surface tension.
13. De¿ne surface tension. Derive expressions for the pressure (a) within a
droplet of water and (b) inside a soap bubble.
14. De¿ne the term viscosity and give the units in which it is expressed.
15. On what factors does the viscosity depend?
16. What is the difference between dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity?
State their units of measurements.
17. State the Newton’s law of viscosity and give examples of its application.
18. How does viscosity of a Àuid vary with temperature?
19. Explain the phenomenon of capillarity. Obtain an expression for capillary
rise of a liquid.
20. De¿ne compressibility. How is it related to bulk modulus of elasticity?
21. Mention some examples where compressibility of water is taken into
1. If the speci¿c weight of a liquid is 8 kN/m3, what is its mass density?
(Ans: 815 kg/m3)
2. If speci¿c gravity of a liquid is 0.8, make calculations for its mass density,
speci¿c volume, and speci¿c weight.
(Ans: 800 kg/m3, 1.25 × 10−3 m3/kg, 7848 N/m3)
3. Calculate the speci¿c weight, speci¿c mass, and speci¿c gravity of a liquid
having a volume as 4 m3 and weighing 30 kN.
(Ans: 7500 N/m3, 764.53 kg/m3, 0.76)
4. One liter of petrol weighs 7.02 N. Calculate the speci¿c weight, density,
speci¿c volume, and relative density.
(Ans: 7.02 kN/m3, 716 kg/m3, 1.395 × 10−3 m3/kg, 0.716)
5. Air is kept at a pressure of 200 kPa and a temperature of 30°C in a 500 L
container. What is the mass of the air? (Ans: 1.15 kg)
6. Calculate the gas constant and density of certain gas weighing 14.7 N/m3 at
30°C and at an absolute pressure of 196.2 kN/m2. (Ans: 430 J/kgK)
7. Carbon tetrachloride at 20°C has a viscosity of 0.000967 Ns/m2. What
shear stress is required to deform this Àuid at a strain rate of 5000 s−1?
(Ans: 4.84 Pa)
8. A plate 0.5 mm distant from a ¿xed plate moves at 0.25 m/s and requires a
force per unit area of 2.0 Pa to maintain this speed. Determine the viscosity
of the Àuid between the plates. (Ans: 0.00400 Ns/m2)
9. Two horizontal Àat plates are placed 0.15 mm apart and the space between
them is ¿lled with an oil of viscosity 1 poise. The upper plate of area 1.5 m2
is required to move with a speed of 0.5 m/s relative to the lower plate. Deter-
mine the necessary force and power required to maintain this speed.
(Ans: 500 N, 0.25 kW)
10. The velocity distribution over a plate is given by, u y – y 2, where X is
the velocity in meters per second at a distance \ meter above the plate.
Determine the shear stress at \ = 0 and \ = 0.2 m. Take m 8.4 poise .
(Ans: 0.63 N/m2, 0.294 N/m2)
11. The speci¿c gravity of water at 20°C is 0.998 and its viscosity is 0.001008
Ns/m2. Find its kinematic viscosity. (Ans: 1.009 × 10–6 m2/s)
12. A piston of 69 mm diameter rotates concentrically inside a cylinder
70 mm diameter. Both the piston and the cylinder are 80 mm long. Find the
tangential velocity of the piston if the space between the cylinder and the
piston is ¿lled with oil of viscosity 0.235 Ns/m2 and the torque of 0.0143 N m
is applied. (Ans: 4.87 m/s)
13. An increase in pressure of a liquid from 7.5 MPa to 15 MPa- results into
0.2% decrease in its volume. Determine the bulk modulus of elasticity and
coef¿cient of compressibility of a liquid.
(Ans: 3.75 × 109 N/m2, 0.267 × 10−9 m2/N)
14. A 20 mm wide gap between two vertical plane surfaces is ¿lled with an
oil of speci¿c gravity 0.85 and dynamic viscosity 2.5 Ns/m2. A metal plate
1.25 m × 1.25 m × 0.2 cm thick and weighing 30 N is placed mid-way in
the gap. Find the force if the plate is to be lifted up with a constant velocity
of 0.12 m/s. (Ans: 108.11 N)
15. A square plate of size 1 m × 1 m and weighing 392.4 N slides sown an
inclined plane with a uniform velocity of 0.2 m/s as shown in Fig. 1.44. The
inclined plane is laid on a slope of 5 vertical to 12 horizontal and has an oil
¿lm of 1 mm thickness. Calculate the dynamic viscosity of oil.
(Ans: 0.755 N s/m2)
u = 0.2 m/s
Fig. 1.44
16. A liquid has a viscosity of 0.005 N s/m2 and density of 850 kg/m3. Calcu-
late the kinematic viscosity. (Ans: 5.882 × 10−6 m2/s)
17. Calculate the work done in blowing a soap bubble of diameter 12 cm.
Assume the surface tension of soap solution = 0.04 N/m.
(Ans: 36.2 × 10−4 N m)
18. Neglecting the weight of the wire, what force is required to lift a thin wire
ring 40 mm in diameter from a water surface at 20°C? (Ans: 0.0183 N)
19. What is the pressure within a 1 mm diameter spherical droplet of water
relative to the atmospheric pressure outside? Assume ı for pure water to be
0.073 N/m. (Ans: 292 N/m2)
20. A capillary tube having an inside diameter 5 mm is dipped in water at 20°C.
Determine the height of water which will rise in the tube. Take ı = 0.075 N/m
and Į = 60°. (Ans: 5.2 mm)
21. Find the capillary rise in a 3 mm glass tube when immersed vertically in
water. Assume ı = 0.071 N/m. (Ans: 9.69 mm)
22. Distilled water at 10°C stands in a glass tube of 8 mm diameter at a height
of 25 mm. What is the true static height? (Ans: 21.2 mm)
23. At 30°C what diameter glass tube is necessary to keep the capillary height
change of water less than 1mm? (Ans: 29.2 mm)
24. Derive an expression for pressure difference across a spherical drop-
let. Using the result, ¿nd the surface tension in a soap bubble of 50 mm
diameter when the inside pressure is 1.96 N/m2 above the atmosphere.
(Ans: 0.0125 N/m)