Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics: Macmillan Macmillan
Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics: Macmillan Macmillan
Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics: Macmillan Macmillan
Fluid Mechanics
The titles in this series
Dynamics Mathematics for Economists
Electric Circuits Molecular Genetics
Electromagnetic Fields Operational Research
Electronics Organic Chemistry
Elements of Banking Physical Chemistry
Engineering Materials Structural Mechanics
Engineering Thermodynamics Waves and Optics
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
G. Boxer
© G. Boxer 1988
6.4 Nozzle at Pipe Outlet 83
6.5 Friction Factor 85
6.6 Worked Examples 86
7 Dimensional Analysis and Dynamical Similarity 99
7.1 Introduction 99
7.2 Use of Dimensionless Groups 99
7.3 Model Testing 100
7.4 Buckingham's Pi Method 101
7.5 Worked Examples 102
8 Open-channel Flow 110
8.1 Introduction 110
8.2 Manning Formula Ill
8.3 Flow-measuring Devices for Open-channel
Flow- Notches and Weirs Ill
8.4 Worked Examples 114
9 Steady Laminar Incompressible Viscous Flow 122
9.1 Incompressible Flow of Fluid Between
Parallel Plates 122
9.2 Shear Stress in a Circular Pipe with Steady Flow 123
9.3 Laminar Flow Through a Circular Pipe 124
9.4 Laminar Flow Between Stationary Parallel Pipes 126
9.5 Dashpot 129
9.6 Worked Examples 130
10 The Steady, One-<limensional Flow of an Ideal Compressible Fluid 140
10.1 Introduction 140
10.2 Stagnation Properties 141
10.3 Acoustic Velocity and Mach Number 142
10.4 Critical Pressure Ratio in a Nozzle 147
10.5 Nozzle Efficiency 147
10.6 Worked Examples 148
Note on Specimen Examination Papers 161
11 Examination Paper Number 1 162
II .I Questions 162
11.2 Suggested Solutions 164
12 Examination Paper Number 2 172
12.1 Questions 172
12.2 Suggested Solutions 174
Recommended Reading 182
Index 183
This is a revision tutorial book like its companion volumes in the Work Out Series.
It is intended to be used in the period between the end of lectures in the early
stages of a degree course and the start of sessional examinations. In certain cases
a fairly full summary of fundamental lecture material is incorporated as students
will want to compare the nomenclature in use here with that in their own notes or
A knowledge of elementary differential and integral calculus on the part of the
student is taken for granted and the solutions are effected in the Systeme Inter-
national since this is now in common use throughout the United Kingdom and on
the European continent.
The fundamentals of fluid mechanics and engineering thermodynamics bear a
close relationship to each other and the principles of conservation of mass, energy
and momentum apply in each subject in very similar fashion. Indeed, attempts
have been made elsewhere to combine the two subjects at first-year level to
demonstrate this essential unity, but without real success. Where the two subjects
are inextricably linked (e.g. in one-dimensional steady-flow gas dynamics- Chapter
10 in this book) the commonality is clearly depicted. Indeed, it is not until
Chapter 10 that temperature becomes a significant variable and thermodynamics
becomes an essential part of the analysis.
I have attempted wherever possible to use a nomenclature common to both
thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, since they are companion volumes in this
series and the two go hand in hand in any degree course in mechanical engineering.
The subject matter chosen should cover all that is likely to be included in the
early stages of a degree course and the book is completed by the full solution of
two sessional examination papers (as in Work Out Engineering Thermodynamics),
so that students are forced to make their own decision concerning the nature of
the question and the particular fundamentals involved without the prior benefit
of chapter headings.
I have tried in the Introduction to stress the vital importance of a logical
approach to all problems and the correspondingly vital need to maintain a correct
dimensional balance in all reasoning. This cannot be too strongly emphasised. A
great many difficulties can be resolved if the student forms the right habits from
the word go.
I must pay tribute to two former colleagues of mine at the University of Aston
for permission to include a considerable proportion of the material used in this
book, namely Mr W. H. Kinsman and Mr J. C. Scouller.
The tutorial work presented herein has been used over a long period of time at
Aston and is fully tested in the classroom. However, if any errors are discovered I
will be very grateful if they are notified to me.
1988 G.B.
A area
A location
a dimension
a atmospheric, acoustic or air (subscript)
B dimension
B location
b dimension
C centre line
C Chezy constant or coefficient
(Co/Jl - (A 0 /Ad 2 , where C0 =Discharge coefficient)
c specific heat capacity
Cp specific heat capacity at constant pressure
D dimension
d dimension
d differential operator or location
D location or discharge
E internal energy
e specific internal energy(= E/m)
e location or equivalent (subscript)
F force
f friction factor
f friction or (as a subscript) liquid state
G centre of gravity
g gravitational acceleration
g saturated vapour state (as a subscript)
H horizontal (subscript)
H enthalpy or head
h specific enthalpy (=H/m) or head or depth in a fluid
I second moment of area
/0 second moment of area about the centroid
i inlet (to a pump)
i slope of a channel
K bulk modulus of elasticity
K Kelvin (unit of temperature on the absolute scale)
L length
l length
M fundamental dimension for mass
m manometric or mean (subscript)
m mass
mv relative molar mass
m mass flow rate(= dm/dt)
N rotational speed
n polytropic index
0 orifice
0 oil or conditions at solid boundary (subscript)
p perimeter
p pressure
p pump, piston or plunger
Q heat transfer
Q heat transfer rate(= dQ/dt)
Q specific heat transfer(= Q/m)
R Rankine unit of absolute temperature
R radius or specific gas constant
Ro universal gas constant
r radius
s entropy or specific gravity
s system
s specific entropy(= S/m) or distance
t time or thickness (of an oil film)
t throat
T temperature
T turbine (subscript)
u velocity
v volume
v volume flow rate(= dV/dt)
v specific volume(= V/m)
v vertical (subscript)
w work transfer or weight
w rate of work transfer (i.e. power)(= dW/dt)
w water (subscript)
w specific work transfer(= W/m)
X principal coordinate, distance or quality (dryness) of vapour
y principal coordinate or dimension
y dimension
z datum height (as in potential energy per unit mass gz)
ex angle
'Y isentropic index
[j increment in (e.g. l)x)
e excrescence height (average) in rough pipes
'Tl efficiency
0 angle
IJ. coefficient of absolute viscosity
v kinematic viscosity(= IJ.fp)
1T as in area of circle (i.e. 1rr2 )
p density
T shear stress
w angular velocity
A increment in (e.g. Ax)
a surface tension
¢ function of
head coefficient= (g t:.z)/u 2
drag coefficient= F 0 /(0.5pu 2 L 2 )
lift coefficient= FLf(0.5pu 2 L 2 )
Other symbols
a partial differential operator
ex: proportional to
> greater than
< less than
maximum value (e.g. W)
oo infinity
~ sum of
- equivalent to
General Approach to Problem Solving
Fluid mechanics deals with the study of fluids (liquids and gases), both at rest
(statics) and when flowing (fluid dynamics). The need to study fluid mechanics is
paramount for the engineer and the applications are numerous and very varied.
The flow of oil in a pipeline, of blood through a human body, of air round a
propeller are but three examples of fluid dynamics. The forces on a masonry dam,
the study of manometry and the use of hydraulic pressure to bend pipes are three
obvious examples of fluid statics.
Very often the engineering problem involves the principles embodied in both
fluid mechanics and thermodynamics and the trained engineer has learned to
handle both simultaneously. However, having read and heard the arguments for a
combined treatment of the two subjects at first-year level, I feel (as already stated
in the Preface) that there is probably more to be gained by separate treatment at
first, with appropriate cross-reference, leaving the dovetailing of the subjects to
the more mature student. One obvious cross-reference is the link between the
steady-flow energy equation and Bernoulli's equation which is demonstrated later
in this book.
Like thermodynamics, the subject of fluid dynamics is often, misguidedly, sub-
divided in the student's mind into a series of discrete packets of theory, e.g. flow
through venturimeters, manometry, and water meters, each containing its own
individual formulae. In thermodynamics a comparably erroneous approach would
similarly segregate piston engines, gas turbines, steam engines, and so on.
The student who wishes to master both subjects must learn to recognise that
the same fundamental concepts are used repeatedly in both subjects, and that
when these are absorbed the subsequent development of each is manifestly easier.
I have tried to emphasise this by postulating certain basic questions which
should be asked every time a problem is attempted. I do not maintain that the
questions are relevant to every problem encountered in engineering, since the range
is so wide (there are obvious exceptions such as in manometry where they are of a
limited assistance), but very often they give a clear guideline to a possible solution.
The first two questions are interrelated, but are given separately in the hope
that students will be helped to a quicker understanding of the nature of the
problem than they would be if the two questions were combined into a rather
longer and more complex one.
(b) What Kind of Fluid?
Engineers work with pictures because they afford a valuable insight into the
problem under examination. In thermodynamics the obvious picture is a field of
state (e.g. pressure versus specific volume) and this may also be helpful in fluid
mechanics, but any relevant diagram will be helpful.
This question is bound up with (a) and (b) above. For example, Bernoulli's
equation may well be an essential part of the solution since this is a statement of
the conservation of mechanical energy. However, for compressible fluid flow,
where temperature proves to be a significant variable, the full steady-flow energy
equation will be required since this shows the conservation of the sum of both
mechanical and thermal energies.
For example, w for specific work transfer (in kJ/kg), W for work transfer (in kJ)
and W = dW/dt = rate of doing work (or power) (kW), since the dimensions of a
differential coefficient are determined by drawing a line, viz. d W , and consider-
d t
ing the dimensions to the right of the vertical line i.e. in this case W/t in kJ/s or
(h) Have You Ensured Correct Dimensional Reasoning?
This is, of course, allied to (g) above since correct language goes hand in hand
with correct dimensions.
Example 1
From the steady flow of water through a horizontal nozzle from negligible velocity
and a pressure of 50 bar to an exit pressure of 40 bar where p = I 0 3 kg/m 3 , we
have from Bernoulli's equation for incompressible flow:
2 2
p 2 p 2 '
and since u 1 is given as very small then
2(50- 40) bar = 2 bar m 3
U2 = 102 kg
10 3 ~
which is not recognisable as a velocity.
Now, by introducing two unity brackets we rationalise the result. Thus
Note: Although the SI unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa) (== 1 N/m 2 ), in this
volume use is made of the bar(== 10 5 N/m 2 ) and its multiples and submultiples
because this is such common practice elsewhere, for example the millibar in
weather forecasting.
Throughout this volume the fundamental ideas are given emphasis in the text to
make them stand out and in the two examination papers at the end an attempt is
made to apply the above questions wherever possible to show their recurring
This is assumed to have zero viscosity (for a fuller definition see Chapter 1). There
is no conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy with an incompressible
ideal fluid. If an ideal fluid is initially at rest, it can be shown that, subsequently,
all particles must continue to have the same total mechanical energy.
Real Fluid
Viscosity is unavoidable in a real fluid; flow of a real fluid involves the conversion
of mechanical energy to thermal energy.
In this case, fluid particles move along in layers or laminae with one layer sliding
over an adjacent layer. The flow is governed by Newton's law of viscosity (for
one-dimensional flow). (See Chapter 1 for further treatment.) The degradation in
mechanical energy varies approximately as (velocity) 1 •
Turbulent Flow
This occurs when the fluid particles move in very irregular paths causing an
exchange of momentum from one portion of a fluid to another. The degradation
in mechanical energy varies approximately as (velocity) 2 •
Laminar flow tends to occur when the fluid velocity is small or the fluid
viscosity is large or both. In cases where the given flow can be either laminar or
turbulent, the turbulent flow sets up greater shear stresses and causes more
mechanical energy to be converted to thermal energy.
Steady Flow
This is characterised by a steady mass-flow rate and by the fact that across any
section at right angles to the flow all properties are constant with respect to time.
True steady flow is found only in laminar flow.
Steady, turbulent flow is said to exist when the mean velocity of flow at a
section remains constant with time.
Unsteady Flow
This occurs when conditions at any point change with time. An example is the
flow of a liquid being pumped through a fixed system at an increasing rate.
Uniform Flow
This occurs when, at every point, the velocity vector is identical in magnitude and
direction at any given instant. That is, ou/os = 0, in which time is held constant
and s is the displacement in any direction. This equation states that there is no
change in the velocity vector in any direction throughout the fluid at any instant.
It states nothing about the change in velocity at a point with time.
In the flow of a real liquid in an open or closed conduit, the definition may be
extended in most cases, even though the velocity vector at the boundary is always
zero. When all parallel cross-sections through the conduit are identical (i.e. when
the conduit is prismatic), and the average velocity at each section is the same at
any given instant, the flow is said to be uniform.
An example is the flow of a liquid being pumped through a long straight pipe
(uniform in the direction of flow).
Non-uniform Flow
This occurs when the velocity vector varies from place to place at any instant, i.e.
ou/os =I= 0. An example is the flow of a liquid through a tapered or curved pipe.
Other Examples
Steady, uniform flow The flow of a liquid through a straight horizontal pipe at a
constant rate.
Unsteady, uniform flow The flow of a liquid through a straight horizontal pipe at
a changing rate.
Steady, non-uniform flow The flow of a liquid through a conical pipe at a con-
stant rate.
Unsteady, non-uniform flow The flow of a liquid through a conical pipe at a
changing rate.
Path Line
This is the path of a single fluid particle taken over a length of time. Path lines
may cross each other.
Stream Tube
The total flow can be divided into parts, each taking place along an imaginary
tube, called a stream tube. A stream tube is bounded by streamlines and hence no
flow can cross the boundary of the stream tube. If the fluid is ideal (i.e. if there is
no energy degraded) then the total mechanical energy per unit mass of fluid
remains constant along a stream tube (i.e. the flow is isenergic).
The product of velocity and cross-sectional area is assumed constant for all
stream tubes when drawing streamline fields for an incompressible fluid.
Boundary Layer
When a real fluid flows past a solid boundary, the fluid in the immediate neigh-
bourhood of the boundary is retarded by viscous shear forces set up within the
fluid. The retarded layer of fluid is called the boundary layer.