National Futures Association: 340 S. R:erside Cncago, LL 312.781.1467 W$v.nfa - Ful1res - Ars
National Futures Association: 340 S. R:erside Cncago, LL 312.781.1467 W$v.nfa - Ful1res - Ars
National Futures Association: 340 S. R:erside Cncago, LL 312.781.1467 W$v.nfa - Ful1res - Ars
March 8, 201 1
340 S. R:erside Plaza Suite .1800 Cncago,ll nois 60606 312.781.1300 800.621.3570 312.781.1467 tax w$v.nfa.ful1res.ars
Title Vll of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act generally provides a deadline of July 15, 201 1 for final regulations. lt also provides
that the final regulations related to SEFs may become effective sixty days after their
pubf ication in the Final Register, but no earlier than July 15,2011. The Commission
has proposed that the final regulations be effective 90 days after publication in the
Federal Register. lf the final regulations are published in the Federal Register on July
15,2011, then the proposed effective date of the final regulations would be
approximately October 15,2011. NFA is concerned that an October 15,2011 effective
date is too ambitious.
The Commission issued its proposed rules on January 7 , 2011 . Since that
time, NFA has been engaged in designing the systems it will need to conduct trade
practice and market surveillance for SEFs and planning for the increased staff and other
resources that will be necessary to provide these services. After the systems design is
complete, NFA will begin coding and general testing. However, these systems will still
need to be tested for each SEF that contracts with NFA.
Based on the progress NFA has made to date, and assuming the final
rules are substantially similar to the proposed rules, NFA expects that it will be ready to
provide regulatory services to SEFs on the later of January 1,2012, or six months
following the publication of the final SEF rules. A critical element of NFA's timely
completion of the systems will be ongoing discussions with Commission staff as final
rules are being drafted so that NFA can incorporate into the systems design any
variations from the proposed rules that the Commission intends to adopt in the final
rules. Without this continuing dialogue, it may not be possible for NFA to have its
systems ready in a timely fashion. Therefore, NFA suggests that the Commission make
the finaf regulations effective no earlier than the later of January 1,2012, or six months
after the date the final regulations are published.
lf you have any questions concerning this letter, please do not hesitate to
contact the undersigned at (312) 781-1413 or [email protected] or Michael J.
Crowley at (312) 781-1388 or [email protected].
Respectfully submitted,
Hhorflas W. Sexton
Senior Vice President and General