Thomas Sexton

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December 2,2010

Via E-mail: swaps.reportinq@cftc,qov

Mr. David A. Stawick

Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20581

Re: RIN 3038-AD17: Position Reports for Physical Commodity Swaps

Dear Mr. Stawick:

National Futures Association ('NFA) appreciates the opportunity to

comment on the commission's proposed rules regarding position reports for physical
commodity swaps. At the outset, NFA encourages the Commission to carefully
consider comments from swap industry participants regarding the proposed reporting
regulations that the Commission deems reasonably necessary for implementing and
enforcing aggregate position limits for physical commodity derivatives, including swaps
that are deemed economically equivalent to specified futures contracts. Below NFA
addresses one important issue raised in subsection D of Section ll of the Federal
Reqister release whereby the Commission specifically requests comments relating to
"any role that self-regulatory organizations could play in gathering positional data on
paired swaps."

As you are aware, for the last 28 years NFA has supported the CFTC's
regulatory oversight of the futures industry and has helped the CFTC fulfill its regulatory
obligations, including through specific delegations of various functions by the cFTC to
NFA. Therefore, if the Commission desires, NFA is more than willing to continue
exploring what role NFA could play in gathering positional data on paired swaps. Just a
few months ago-in mid-August 2010-NFA and CFTC staff held preliminary
discussions about possible ways in which NFA could act as a utility with respect to swap
transactions.l Specifically, our discussions focused, in part, on monitoring for
compliance with aggregate position limits recognizing that the CFTC will need data
regarding both futures and paired swaps from contract markets, SEFs and swap data
reoositories. The Commission has a well-established infrastructure to obtain the
necessary information regarding exchange-traded futures. With respect to paired

1 As a follow-up to these discussions, NFA made written submissions to the

Commission dated August 25,2010 and September22'201O.

304 S. Riverside Plaza Suite 1800 Chicaso. lllinois 60606 312.781.1300 800.621.35/0 312.781.1467 fax w/,/ a.futures.arp
David A. Stawick December 2,2010

swaps, though, the Commission will need information from SEFs, contract markets
trading swaps and swap data repositories. NFA could certainly play an important role in
gathering and consolidating relevant data from those varied sources and transmitting
that information to the Commission. While to date we have not attempted to detail
exactly how NFA would perform this function we certainly have presented Commission
staff with a conceptual framework for NFA to perform this role.

Specifically, NFA previously recommended that to monitor for compliance

with established aggregate position limits, each person trading cleared paired swaps
through an SEF or DCM or uncleared paired swaps reported to a swap data repository
must have a unique identifying number. These numbers would be the functional
equivalent of the NFA lD number that NFA assigns to each registrant. Persons
registered as swap dealers or as major swap participants could receive their NFA lD
number through the registration process. For non-registrants trading swaps, CFTC
rules would require either an FCM, swap dealer, SEF or swap data repository to obtain
from NFA an identifying number for each customer whose trades it will process. To
avoid confusion over similar names, a social security number or tax identification
number would have to be provided when available, similar to the process for obtaining
NFA lD numbers for registrants. For traders that are self-clearing members of an
exchange, the unique identifying number would have to be obtained by either the
appropriate DCM or clearing organization.

Information regarding futures trading on DCMs would continue to be

provided to the Commission by the exchanges. The Commission could require each
SEF, DCM trading swaps and swap data repositories to provide NFA with a daily
electronic record of paired swap trades that included the positions traded and the
customer account identifying number. NFA would receive this information and
consolidate positions for customers trading paired swaps on multiple forums according
to guidelines set by the Commission and transmit the information to the Commission.
The Commission could then combine this information with the data received from the
exchanges to monitor overall compliance with aggregate position limits. In performing
this function, NFA would not be acting as an SRO but as a delegee of the Commission,
just as we do now with respect to registration, CPO/CTA disclosure documents, and the
filing of lB/FCM financial statements.

Construction of the systems to implement the utility functions described

above would be a significant undertaking but is well within NFA's demonstrated
capabilities. Over the years NFA has designed and built virtually every filing and
David A. Stawick December 2,2010

reporting system used at NFA, including systems for registration, trade practice and
market surveillance, financial reporting by FCMs, lBs and CPOs, and CPO and CTA
disclosure documents. NFA would be able to leverage its existing technology to design
and build the new systems that would be required to perform these additional
responsibilities. For example, the surveillance component of NFA's trade practice and
market surveillance system and NFA's forex trade reporting system which accepts and
consolidates feeds from numerous sources could be adapted to perform similar
functions regarding paired swaps and aggregate position limits. Based on our
experience, we are confident that NFA could build the systems necessary to perform
these functions within one year of being formally requested to do so

Obviously, while any undertakings by NFA in this area would be subject to

approval by NFA's Board, we are confident that the Board would accept this additional
delegation. The delegation, however, would have to clearly define NFA's
resoonsibilities, would have to ensure that NFA would receive the data in an acceptable
format necessary to consolidate positions for customers trading paired swaps on
multiple forums and perform any requested surveillance, and would have to allow NFA
to recover its costs from fees that have been approved by the Commission. Each time
NFA has taken on new areas of responsibility, for example, with respect to forex or
trade practice surveillance for electronic exchanges, we have attempted to operate as a
utility, charging fees and membership dues that are set to recover NFA's costs over
time. We would take the same approach with respect to swap transactions.

Once again, NFA appreciates the opportunity to comment in response to

the Commission's specific request for comments relating to "any role that self-regulatory
organizations could play in gathering positional data on paired swaps." lf the
Commission elects to pursue a self-regulatory solution for how to accomplish position
reporting for paired swaps, then NFA is more than willing to engage in further
discussions regarding this issue.

Senior Vice President and

General Counsel


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