Thomas Sexton
Thomas Sexton
Thomas Sexton
December 2,2010
As you are aware, for the last 28 years NFA has supported the CFTC's
regulatory oversight of the futures industry and has helped the CFTC fulfill its regulatory
obligations, including through specific delegations of various functions by the cFTC to
NFA. Therefore, if the Commission desires, NFA is more than willing to continue
exploring what role NFA could play in gathering positional data on paired swaps. Just a
few months ago-in mid-August 2010-NFA and CFTC staff held preliminary
discussions about possible ways in which NFA could act as a utility with respect to swap
transactions.l Specifically, our discussions focused, in part, on monitoring for
compliance with aggregate position limits recognizing that the CFTC will need data
regarding both futures and paired swaps from contract markets, SEFs and swap data
reoositories. The Commission has a well-established infrastructure to obtain the
necessary information regarding exchange-traded futures. With respect to paired
304 S. Riverside Plaza Suite 1800 Chicaso. lllinois 60606 312.781.1300 800.621.35/0 312.781.1467 fax w/,/ a.futures.arp
David A. Stawick December 2,2010
swaps, though, the Commission will need information from SEFs, contract markets
trading swaps and swap data repositories. NFA could certainly play an important role in
gathering and consolidating relevant data from those varied sources and transmitting
that information to the Commission. While to date we have not attempted to detail
exactly how NFA would perform this function we certainly have presented Commission
staff with a conceptual framework for NFA to perform this role.
reporting system used at NFA, including systems for registration, trade practice and
market surveillance, financial reporting by FCMs, lBs and CPOs, and CPO and CTA
disclosure documents. NFA would be able to leverage its existing technology to design
and build the new systems that would be required to perform these additional
responsibilities. For example, the surveillance component of NFA's trade practice and
market surveillance system and NFA's forex trade reporting system which accepts and
consolidates feeds from numerous sources could be adapted to perform similar
functions regarding paired swaps and aggregate position limits. Based on our
experience, we are confident that NFA could build the systems necessary to perform
these functions within one year of being formally requested to do so