In Company in Action: Video Scripts: Is There Anyone Else Who Can Help Me?
In Company in Action: Video Scripts: Is There Anyone Else Who Can Help Me?
In Company in Action: Video Scripts: Is There Anyone Else Who Can Help Me?
In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 SCENARIO VIDEO SCRIPTS 1
B1 B2
Sonali: I know that, Mr Stevenson, and I’m very Bob: Sorry, sorry! Important phone call. Right, so
sorry … Yes, I completely underst … I know, what’s the problem?
I know. I completely understand. I think there Hannah: Okay, thank you everyone for coming …
was a mistake … Well, I can only apologize, Bob: So, something about Internex? They’re a big
Mr Stevenson. I see. Well, I can’t make a decision customer, you know!
on that. I need to talk to my supervisor. Okay, Hannah: Yes, if I can …
thank you, Mr Stevenson. I’ll call you back this
Sonali: It was Brian. It wasn’t me. He didn’t record the
order in the system.
Hannah: Sonali?
Hannah: Can we just …
Sonali: Oh dear!
Bob: When was this? How big is the order?
Hannah: That didn’t sound good. Who’s Mr Stevenson?
Sonali: It’s big, but listen Bob, it wasn’t my …
Sonali: He’s the buyer at Internex UK.
Hannah: Okay everyone, thank you. Thank you. We only
Hannah: Aren’t they one of our … have a short time for this meeting, so let’s focus
Sonali: … one of our biggest customers? Yep. on what we need to achieve. There are three
Hannah: So what’s the problem? things on the agenda today: first we need to find
Sonali: Well, they ordered twenty of the ST series out more about the problem, then we can discuss
touchscreen shredder machines. possible solutions and finally we’ll decide on a
Hannah: Really? That’s a big order. I didn’t know about course of action.
this. Bob: Fine.
Sonali: That’s the problem. Nobody did. There’s no Hannah: Okay. Sonali, can you tell us exactly what the
record of this order on the system, and we don’t problem is, please?
have the machines in the warehouse. It will be Sonali: I got a call from Mr Stevenson – he’s the buyer
at least four weeks until we can get them from at Internex UK – and he said he ordered twenty
Germany. touchscreen shredders last month and he asked
Hannah: How can this happen? me for the delivery date. I checked the system,
Sonali: Brian – who did your job, before you – I think but there was no order. Nothing. We don’t have
maybe he took the order before he left the any of those machines in the warehouse, so we
company, but forgot to put it in the system. have to get them from Germany. They will take
Hannah: This is serious, Sonali! another month to arrive. Maybe more.
Sonali: I know it’s serious! He’s really angry. He wants Bob: And what did Mr Stevenson say?
a twenty per cent discount on the order, or he’ll Sonali: He was really angry. He said he needed the
find another supplier. machines this month. He wants a twenty per
Hannah: Twenty per cent? That’s far too much. There’s no cent discount on the order …
way we can give him that. Bob: Twenty per cent!
Sonali: But we can’t lose this customer, Hannah. What Sonali: … or he will choose another supplier.
can I do? Bob: What? This is serious, Sonali!
Hannah: We need to tell Bob about this. Sonali: I know. I’m sorry Bob, but it wasn’t me. It was
Sonali: Really? Brian. I think he took the order before he left the
Hannah: Yes. I think we need to put our heads together company but didn’t put it in the …
and decide what to do. Hannah: Can we keep to the agenda, please?
Sonali: But Mr Stevenson wants me to call him this Bob: But I don’t understand how Brian can be so
afternoon. stupid.
Hannah: I’ll talk to Bob now and tell him we need a Hannah: The reason we are here is to discuss our options,
meeting before lunch. Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. and to decide on the best one. We don’t want
Sonali: I hope you’re right. to give Internex UK a twenty per cent discount
because we’ll lose too much money.
Bob: Right. But we don’t want to lose Internex as a
Hannah: So, that’s the problem. Now, let’s discuss
possible solutions. Sonali, what do you think?
Sonali: We have some smaller machines in stock.
We could offer him those with a ten per cent
Bob: How many of the smaller machines do we have?
Sonali: I think there are more than twenty in the
warehouse. They’re not touchscreen though.
In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 SCENARIO VIDEO SCRIPTS 2
In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 SCENARIO VIDEO SCRIPTS 3
D1 D2
Alan: You wanted me? Bob: Sorry, sorry! Problems at the warehouse. Right.
Bob: Come in, Alan. How are you? Hello. Thank you for coming, Alan.
Alan: Fine. Hi, Jackie. Alan: Bob, Jackie – can I just say I’m really sorry about
Jackie: Hi there. the financial report.
Bob: Have a seat, Alan. We want to speak to you about Bob: These things happen. Don’t worry. The important
something. thing is to make sure they don’t happen again.
Alan: Okay. What is it? Jackie: We know that you’re very good at your job …
Jackie: It’s about the financial report you sent me last Bob: That’s right.
week. Jackie: … and we think that you are an important
Alan: Oh, yes. Hope it was okay. member of the team.
Jackie: That’s the problem, Alan. There were a lot of Bob: But …
mistakes. Jackie: We can see that you’re very stressed at the
Bob: Jackie showed it to me, and I agree. A lot of moment.
the information was incorrect, and some very Bob: … and we want to help you keep on top of things.
important details were missing. Alan: Oh … Right. I see.
Alan: Oh, I see. Bob: Now, Jackie had some good ideas.
Jackie: We need your financial reports to be accurate. Jackie: We think that part of the problem is your
We use them to decide on our future budgets and commute.
targets. Alan: It is very tiring. I usually leave the house before
Alan: Yes, I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what six in the morning, and I don’t get home until
happened. after eight at night. The traffic is terrible.
Bob: You don’t usually make mistakes like this. To be Bob: So, how about working flexitime?
honest, we’re a bit worried. Alan: Flexitime?
Jackie: That’s right. Is everything okay, Alan? Jackie: Yes. You can start work later or earlier; that way
Alan: Well, I’m feeling a bit stressed at the moment. you miss the traffic and get to work quicker.
As you know, I have a very long commute, and Alan: That sounds good.
this is a busy time of year. I just don’t have Bob: Also, we’re happy for you to work from home one
enough time to do all my work properly. day a week.
Bob: I see. Jackie: So you can really concentrate on your work …
Alan: It takes me two hours to get here and two hours Bob: With no interruptions. How does that sound?
to get home. When I’m at the office, I seem to Alan: I think that would really help me. It’s a great idea.
spend most of my time answering the phone
Bob: Good. So, think about how you might change your
for other people. I’m very tired and it’s hard to
working hours, and decide which day you want to
concentrate on my own work.
work from home.
Jackie: But you didn’t say anything, Alan.
Alan: Okay. Can I email you later today?
Alan: I know. I didn’t want to bother you.
Bob: Of course.
Bob: Look, we’re all very busy at the moment. This is
Jackie: Hopefully, this will make life easier.
a stressful time, but you can always talk to me or
Alan: I’m sure it will help. Thanks, really.
Jackie if you’re having problems.
Bob: No problem. We have a very big project starting
Alan: Okay.
next month and we need you at your best. Okay?
Jackie: You’re a valued member of the team, Alan.
Alan: Okay.
Bob: That’s right, but we need to make sure this doesn’t
Bob: Good. Now, let’s get back to work.
happen again. The financial reports are too
Alan: Absolutely. I don’t know what to suggest.
Bob: I tell you what. Let’s all think about this and meet
again tomorrow afternoon. How’s that?
Jackie: Good idea.
Alan: Sure.
Bob: After lunch tomorrow then. Thank you, Alan.
In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 SCENARIO VIDEO SCRIPTS 4
E1 E2
Sonali: Ooh, that looks nice. What is it? Sonali: Shall I start?
Hannah: Just a salad. Hannah: Ready when you are.
Sonali: Lovely! Can I ask you something, Hannah? Sonali: Okay. So, this is the ST series touchscreen
Hannah: Of course. shredder. First of all, I’ll tell you about its
Sonali: You’re Customer Relations Manager now, but performance.
you worked in sales in your first job, didn’t you? Hannah: Can I ask a question?
Hannah: Yes. I was a Sales Assistant, and then a Sales Sonali: Yes.
Representative. Hannah: Is there just one ST model? You said ‘series’?
Sonali: And when sales people go out to visit new Sonali: Oh, sorry. There are three models – 15, 25
customers, they make a presentation, right? and 35. This is the ST25.
Hannah: That’s right. And I still make presentations, Hannah: Okay. Thanks.
sometimes. Why do you ask? Sonali: It shreds 25 sheets at a pass – that means you
Sonali: How do you do it? I mean, don’t you feel can put 25 sheets in at the same time. … And in
nervous? one day, you can shred up to 1,000 sheets. The
Hannah: Well, I was nervous when I started, in my first motor in this model is designed so it doesn’t get
job. But once I took the plunge I realized it too hot, when you’re using it a lot. … And the
wasn’t so bad. In fact, I like doing it now. bin – that’s where the shredded paper goes – can
Sonali: Hmm. I don’t know how to present. hold 1,000 sheets, so you only need to empty it
Hannah: But you know about the products. once per day. … It’s a strip cut shredder, which
means the paper is cut into thin strips. As you
Sonali: Well, yes. But I want to know about presenting.
can see, they’re very thin – four millimetres
I think it might be useful in the future.
wide. Would you like to look at them?
Hannah: Part of your personal development?
Hannah: Thank you.
Sonali: I suppose so.
Sonali: Secondly, I’d like to tell you about the safety
Hannah: Yeah, that makes sense. features. The ST25 automatically switches off –
Sonali: Actually, at my last appraisal, I asked for more sorry, it goes into standby mode – if you haven’t
responsibilities. I said I’d like to go out and visit used it for ten seconds. It starts again when you
customers, but Jackie thinks I’m not ready yet. put a sheet of paper in.
But she did say I should try to improve my skills. Hannah: Does that mean it saves energy?
Hannah: I see. Sonali: Yes, that’s right. And … if you don’t use it for five
Sonali: Do you think I could learn? hours, it disconnects from the electricity supply.
Hannah: Of course. Look, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you Finally, I’ll tell you about the touchscreen.
prepare a short presentation about one of the Hannah: Oh, yes.
products you know well, and then you could Sonali: The touchscreen shows you the status of the
present it to me. And I could give you some machine – whether it’s in standby, or switched
feedback. off, and it … also shows you if the paper is
Sonali: Really? But you might think I’m terrible! jammed or if the machine needs oil, and when
Hannah: Well, we all have to start somewhere. And I’m the bin is full. Are there any questions?
sure you’re not as bad as you think. I’ve heard Hannah: Yes. Does it only shred paper, or can you shred
you talking to customers on the phone and CDs and credit cards as well?
you’re always professional. Sonali: That’s a very good question; I’m glad you asked
Sonali: Okay, it’s a deal! that. There is a separate slot for credit cards and
Hannah: I’ll send you some links to websites with tips CDs, and the strips go in a separate bin.
for making presentations. And if you have Hannah: Thank you.
any questions, you can ask me while you’re Sonali: That brings me to the end of my presentation.
preparing. Thank you for listening. Was it okay?
Sonali: That sounds perfect. I’m really grateful for this,
Hannah: I’m happy to help. Let’s look at our diaries and
set a date for the presentation.
Sonali: Great! Oh, no. Now my burger is cold!
In Company 3.0 Elementary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 SCENARIO VIDEO SCRIPTS 5