Annexure 'A' Annexure 'B' Annexure 'C' Annexure 'D'

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12/21/2020 RAILWAY & RAILWAY BOARD'S CIRCULARS & ORDERS: Master Circular No.

10 Special Casual Leave

Occasions for grant of SCL and General Conditions
SCL for Railwaymen's Cooperative Societies
SCL for Family Welfare Scheme.
SCL for Sports events/Tournaments.
SCL for meetings of Trade Union/Federation.
SCL on other occasions.
List of letters on which consolidation has been made.
Annexure 'A'
Annexure 'B'
Annexure 'C'
Annexure 'D'

The instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time on the subject of
grant of special casual leave are contained in several letters. It has now been
decided by the Railway Board to issue a Consolidated Master Circular, as below,
incorporating all the instructions issued so far on the subject for the information
and guidance of all concerned.

i. For attending to work connected with

running/administration of Railwaymen's Cooperative Societies;
ii. For promoting small family norms under the Family
Welfare Programme;
iii. For participation in sports events;
iv. Attendance as officials at meetings of Trade
v. Participation in cultural activities like Drama, Music
vi. Scout work;
vii. Occasions like Voluntary Donation of Blood; attendance
at meetings of Technical/ Scientific institutes; attendance at courts a
jurors/assessors; participation in Republic Day parade; unavoidable
absence due to civil disturbances; etc. ;

Annexure 'A'

Annexure 'B'.

Annexure 'C'.

Annexure 'D'. 1/20
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[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)75 WE 6/13 dated 12.05.1980]

i. Special casual leave up to a maximum of 30 days in a
calendar year may be granted to Railway employees and also apprentices
and trainees who are scouts or Rover scouts for attending camps or
rallies or when engaged on scouting duties on instructions from Scouting
authorities. If a Railway servant, while on special casual leave on
scouting duties, is injured and is required to be hospitalised the period of
his absence due to hospitalisation should be regulated as special casual
leave but the limit of 30 days of special casual leave in a calendar year on
scouting duties including the period of absence on account of
injuries/hospitalisation should not be exceeded.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)83 SP 1/4 dated 12.08.1983]
ii. Special casual leave, when sanctioned for scouting
work, may be combined with casual leave or regular recorded leave.
When regular leave is granted in combination with special casual leave,
casual leave cannot also be granted in combination.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)80 WE 6/21 dated 05.01.1983]
iii. The term 'scouting duties' covers activities of Committee
Members and other office bearers in attending meetings of the HQrs. or
District Associate services rendered by Scouts/Guides for organisation of
Scouting Conferences etc., duly authorised by the Scouting officers
[Ref: Note (i) below sub-para (i) of para 1104-Estt. Manual]
i. Members of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade: Period of
absence of Railway employees who participate in the Republic Day
parades held annually the rehearsals connected therewith in their
capacity as members of St. John Ambulance Brigade should be treated as
special casual leave.
ii. Railway servants other than the members of the St.
John's Ambulance Brigade: The period of absence of a Railway employee
who participates in Republic Day parades and celebrations can be treated
as special casual leave only when the Railway employee participates in
such events under the orders of the Central Government. In cases where
the Railway employees are deputed on a request by a State Govt., special
casual leave will be sanctioned where the Railway Administration
specially permits the Railway servant concerned and also considers that
such participation or assistance is essential for the success of the
programme and is in the public interest.
[Ref: Para 1104 (ii) of Establishment Manual]

Attendance of Government servants at the meetings listed below has

been recognised as being in the interest of the Government-
Annual General Meetings of the Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta and its
Regional Centres, and of the Institute of Railway Accountants and Auditors
Meetings of the local Associations of the Institution of Engineers. 2/20
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The Annual General branch meetings of the Indian, Western and Eastern centres
of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Railway Division) and of the Indian
Medical Association or the Association of the Surgeons of India or the Association
of Physicians of India or the meetings and conferences arranged by the Institute
of Costs and Works Accountants.
The annual conferences of the Indian Statistical Institute.
The annual Session of the Indian Science Congress.
Regional Centres of the Permanent Way Institutes,
Meetings of the Sectional Committee set up by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Meetings of the Advisory Committee of the Indian Council of Medical Research.
Meetings of the Institution of Telecommunication Engineers.
Meetings of the Institute of Permanent Way Engineers.
The All India Malaria Conferences, The Annual Conferences of the All India
Tuberculosis Association, the Annual Conferences of Indian Public Health
Association, The Annual Conference of Association of Family Planning, the Annual
Conference of the Indian Association of Occupational Health, Two meetings of the
Bombay Railway Signal and Telecommunications Society in a Calendar Year.
Annual Convention of the Institute of Indian Foundrymen, Calcutta, Annual
meeting of the Institute of Rail Transport.
Any one meeting of the Institute of Rail Transport in a year when attended by the
Members of the Institute.
Annual General Meetings of Institution of Chemists (India).
Joint Chemical Convention (Annual) of the Chemical Research Committee of the
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Ministry of Education, Government of
India), the Institution of Chemists (India), the Indian Chemical Society and the
Society of Biological Chemists (India).
Cases not covered by the above should be referred to the Railway Board for
The time spent by the Railway servants in attending such meetings, when they
are permitted to attend the meetings at their own request, will be treated as
special casual leave.
Railway Doctors who are either Members of the following Associations
or who read papers may be permitted to attend such meetings at their
own request, the period of absence being treated as special casual leave.
Special Railway passes may also be given for the journey to and from the
place of meetings but no road mileage or daily allowance for halts at the
place of meeting would be allowed.
The Annual Conference of Association of Radiologists, Annual Conference of
Association of Ophthalmologists, Annual Conference of Association of Oto-Rhine-
Laryngalogists, Annual Conference of India Society of Anaesthetists, Annual
Conference of Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians, Annual Conference
of Association of Nurses, Meetings of the Dental Council of India, Annual
Conference of All India Dental Association.
Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Paediatrics.
Annual Conference of Cardio-logical Society of India.
Annual Conference of Association of Neurologists of India. 3/20
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Indian Association of Pathologists.

The Annual Conference of the Indian Association for Chest disease.
The Indian Society of Gastro-enterology.
National Congress on Occupational Health.
Dermatological Society of India.
Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatrists Society.
Annual Convention of the Indian Hospital Association.
Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine.
Thoracic Surgical Conference.
Annual General Meetings of Railway Signalling and Tele-Communication Engineers.
Annual Seminars of the Institute of Town Planners, India.
Indian Orthopaedic Association.
[Ref: Rule 1689- R. II/1987 edition]
Railway servants volunteering to donate blood to Railway Centres may be granted
special casual leave to cover the outward and inward journeys and one day's stay
at the Centre, in cases in which it is necessary to undertake a journey for going to
the Centres. In other cases, a day's special casual leave may be granted if the
blood is donated on a working day.
[Ref: Para 1104(x) of the Establishment ManualBoard's letter No. 62/H/199 dated
The absence of the Railway employees who take part in Annual Meet shall be
treated as special casual leave without payment of any travelling allowance.
[Ref: Para 1104 (xi) of Establishment Manual andBoard's letter No. E (G) 63
LE2/25 dated 04.03.1964]
Time spent by Railway employees attending Courts as Jurors or Assessors with the
permission of their respective Heads of Deptt should be treated as special casual
[Ref: Para 1104(iv) of Establishment Manual andBoard's letter No. E(G)55 LE 2-
127/3 dated 18.12. 1957]
i. The absence of Railway employees for the days on
which they take the Hindi examinations may be treated as special casual
leave subject to the condition that in the case of employees taking a third
chance no such privilege will be allowed.
[Ref: Board's letter No. Hindi/57/6/HE dated 05.10.1957]
ii. The concession of special casual leave on the days of
examination allowed to employees appearing at Hindi examinations
conducted by the Ministry of Railways should be extended to employees
appearing at Prarambik, Pravesh and Parichay Hindi examinations
conducted by the Rashtra Bhasha Prachar Samati, Wardha. Railway
employees who appear at these examinations privately will not be
entitled to special casual leave.
[Ref: Board's letter No. Hindi/60/5 dated 02.07.1960]
iii. Facility of special casual leave allowed to Railway
employees for appearing at Hindi examinations is applicable to Group 'D'
employees also.
[Ref: Hindi/61/5/1dated 20.05.1961] 4/20
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iv. A Railway employee, who is an office bearer of the

Kendriya Sachivalaya Hindi Parishad may be granted special casual leave
in connection with general body meetings of the Parishad and on the
occasion of its prize distribution ceremony. The special casual leave is
subject to a limit of five days in a year including the time taken on
journeys, subject to the condition that the leave will be confined to the
days on which the meetings/ceremonies are held and the time actually
taken on travel;
v. A Railway employee, who is an office bearer of the
Parishad may be granted special casual leave up to a limit of five days for
participation in the meetings of the Central Committee at Delhi,
depending on the distance of his place from Delhi;
vi. Railway employees, who are office bearers working in
the Ministry of Railways and proceeding to different places for attending
to activities of the Parishad other than those mentioned in sub-paras (iv)
and (v) above may be granted special casual leave up to a limit of twenty
days in a year for the outward and return journeys, subject to the
condition that (a) the special casual leave will be restricted to the time
actually spent on the journeys; and (b) for reckoning the limit of twenty
days in a year, the special leave that may have been availed in terms of
sub-paras (iv) an (v) will be counted.
vii. The special casual leave granted to an individual for any
of the purposes mentioned in (v) and (vi) above or for all the purposes
mentioned in (iv), (v) (vi) above together should not exceed twenty days
in a year. The special casual leave granted in terms of the above may be
combined with casual Leave only and not with any other kind of leave.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(G)76 LE 1-24 dated 17.12.1976]
i. Territorial Army Personnel, when released for Annual
Training Camps may be allowed only a total of leave for six days before
and after the training in addition to special casual leave to cover to and
fro travel time prior to and after the Annual training camp. The un-availed
portion of special casual leave granted on this account cannot be credited
to the leave account of TA Personnel.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(ML)83(10)20 dated 28.02.1984& E(ML)68 (10)J1 dated
ii. In terms of Rule 20-B of the Territorial Army Act Rules,
1948, every officer commissioned in the Territorial Army and appointed
to the Railway Engineer Groups shall be embodied for undergoing post-
commission training for a continuous period not exceeding 30 days
excluding the period of journey. For the purpose of Post-commission
training, a Railway employee, when released for such training may be
allowed special casual leave for six days plus special casual leave for the
travel time to cover to and fro journeys prior to and the post-commission
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(ML)87 (10)/3, dated 04.05.1987] 5/20
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iii. In both the situations mentioned in sub-paras (i) & (ii)

above, the ceiling 30 days of special casual leave may be allowed to be
Unless any specific instructions are issued by the Board for any particular bandh,
disturbances etc., HODs are competent to grant special casual leave to their staff,
subject to their being satisfied that the absence is due to reasons beyond their
control, in the following cases and the position should be reported to the Board
after sanction: -
i. Failure of transport facilities, if the distance to
be travelled is more than 3 miles/5 KMs to the place of duty;
ii. In case of picketing or disturbances or curfew,
the above condition of distance may not be insisted upon; and
iii. Disorganization of train services either on
account of train accident or floods, when no other mode of transport
could have been availed of to reach the place of duty.
[Ref: E(LR)71/ST 2/9 dated 29.11.1972 E(LR)II/79 ST2/2 dated
24.08.1979,E(LR)II/81 ST 2/1 dated 03.11.1981,and E(LR)II 82/ST2/1 dated
iv. In case of employees who proceed on leave
but are unable to return to place of duty owing to dislocation of train
services on account of floods, subject to their producing a certificate from
the SM or supervisory staff in charge at the station nearest to the breach
indicating that the employee had reported to him on a particular date and
had to hold on at that station up to the time of restoration of
communication. Special casual leave in such cases can be combined with
any other kind of leave. (For those who proceeded on duty, such forced
halts may be treated as duty.)
[Ref: E(G)66 LE 2-38 dated 20.08.1966]
i. A Railway employee, who is assisting another Railway
employee at inquiry conducted by the Inquiring Authority under the
Railway Servants (D&A) Rules 1968, is eligible to grant of reasonable
special casual leave.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E.51 RG6/20 dated 08.04.1953 -Provision reproduced in
para 1.2 of the main annexure to the Brochure on Railway Servants (D&A) Rules,
ii. A Railway employee, assisting another Railway
employee for inspection of official documents in connection with inquiry
under the R.S. (D&A) Rules, 1968 ordered against him, may be given at
the discretion of the competent authority, special casual leave up to a
maximum of three days in one disciplinary case.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(D&A)64 RG 6/22 dated 23.07.1966, and E(D&A)64 RG
6/22 dated 02.02.1967]
iii. Special casual leave granted under items (i) and (ii)
above may be allowed to be combined with either casual leave or regular
leave as may be due and admissible to the individual employee provided 6/20
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that the leave in continuation of special casual leave so sanctioned is

taken for reasons beyond one's control, i.e., sickness etc.
[Authority: Board's letter No. E(G)68 LE 1-17 dated 28.11.1968]
[Authority: Board's letter No. E(G)62 LE 1/1 dated 15. 02.1962]
Period of absence of Railway School Teachers when nominated by the State
Government to attend the Educational/Science Seminars etc. may be treated as
special casual leave. No TA/DA will be payable to them but may be allowed to
retain the remuneration, if any, received by them from the State Government
[Authority : Board's letter No. E(G)72 LE 1/12 dated 11.06.1974]
There is no ceiling limit to the grant of special casual leave in order to regularise
the absence of the Railway servants called up for training and duty in the Home
Guards Organisation.
[Authority : Board's letter No. E(ML)66 ML8/17, dated 23.01.1967]
Railway servants embodied in the Auxiliary Units may be permitted to combine the
special casual leave granted for the annual training with regular leave (not
ordinary casual leave).
[Authority : Board's letter No. E(G)63 LE 2-27. dated 25.07.1963]
Members of the Governing Body should be given special casual leave for attending
the meeting of the Governing Body the special casual leave should be limited to a
maximum of 15 days in a year.
[Authority : Board's letter No. 76 Sec./ Spl. 6/5/Pt. II. dated 24.04.1974]
In order to provide facilities to the Central Govt. employees who reside at a place
where the date of polling is different from that at the place where their office is
situated and where the day of poll at the place of residence is not a public or
closed holiday. They should be given a day's special casual leave to enable them
to exercise their franchise.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(G)82 LE 1/ 1, dated 18.05.1982]

i. While referring to this master circular the original

letters mentioned herein should be read for a proper appreciation. The
master circular is only a consolidation of the existing instructions and
should not be treated as, substitution to the original circulars. In case of
doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority;
ii. The instructions contained in the original circulars
referred to, have only prospective effect from the date of their issue,
unless indicated otherwise
iii. If any circular on the subject which has not been
superseded has been lost sight of, in the preparation of the master
circular, the said circular which has been missed through oversight,
should not be ignored, but should be treated as valid and operative.

References on the basis of which the consolidated master circular has beei
E(G)64 LE 1/2 dated 23.03.1964
E(G)64 LE 1/22 Pt. dated 11.12.1964
E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 22.11.1965 7/20
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E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 31.01.1966

E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 17.06.1966
E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 18.02.1967
E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 20.03.1968
E(G)70 LE 1-2 dated 16.11.1970
E(G)70 LE 1/2 dated 21.01.1971
0. E(G)70 LE 1/2 dated 03.09.71
1. E(G)86 LE 1-3 dated 03.08.1986 (RBE 146/86)
2. E.51 RG 6/20 dated 08.04.1953
3. E(D&A)64 RG 6/22 dated 23.07.1966
4. E(D&A)64 RG 6/22 dated 02.02.1967
(Provisions of letters mentioned against S.Nos.12 to 14 reproduced in para 1.2 of
the main Annexure to the Brochure on R.S.(D&A)Rules, 1968 (1976 Edition)
Hindi/57/6/HE dated 05.10.1957
Hindi/60/5 dated 02.07.1960
Hindi/61/5/1dated 20.05.1961
E(LR)71/ST 2/9 dated 29.11.1972
E(G)76 LE 1-24 dated 17.12.1976
0. E(LR)II/79 ST2/2 dated 24.08.1979
1. E(W)75 WE 6/13 dated 12.05.1980
2. E(LR)II 82/ST2/1 dated 28.04.1982
3. E(W)80 WE 6/21 dated 05.01.1983
4. E(W)83 SP 1/4 dated 12.08.1983
5. E(ML)83(10)20 dated 28.02.1984
6. E(ML)87(10)3 dated 04.05.1987
7. Paras 1104(i) to 1104(ii), 1104(iv), 1104(vi),1104(vii),1104(x) and
1104 (xi) of Establishment Manual.
8. 66/H/(FW)6l/74 dated 15.03.1972
9. 76/H(FP)9/6 dated 29/30.05.1976
0. 77/H/(FW)9/27 dated 08.01.1978
1. 77/H(FW)9/5 dated 02.02.78
2. 78/H(FW)9/1 Pt. dated 01.07.1978
3. 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 15.02.1979
4. 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 17.01.81
5. 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 11.06.81
6. 84/H/FW/9/1 dated 14.03.1984 (07.03.84)
7. 84/H/FW/9/1 dated 30.04.84
8. 84/H/FW/9/1 dated 06.06.84
9. E(W)56 SP 1-13 dated 29.07.1959
0. E(W)67 SP 1-15 dated 04.04.1968
1. E(W)67 SP 1-15 dated 25.06.68
2. E(W)67 SP 1-15 dated 05.10.68
3. E(W)67 SP 1-15 dated 24.10.68
4. E(W)67 SP 1-15 dated 24.07.69
5. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 06.12.1972
6. E(W)74 SP 1-4 dated 24.01.1975 8/20
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7. E(W)76 SP 1-1 dated 23.09.1977

8. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 24.01.1981
9. E(W)81 SP 1-3 dated 19.09.1981
0. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 25.08.1981
1. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 02.08.84
2. E(W)85 SP 1-1 dated 12.04.1985 (RBE 107/85)
3. E(W)85 SP 1-1 dated 11.06.85 (RBE 163/85)
4. E(W)85 SP 1-4 dated 16.07.1985
5. E(W)89 SP 1-4 dated 02.02.1990 (RBE 21/1990)
6. E(LR)II81 ST2-1 dated 03.11.1981
7. E(G)65 LE 1/6 dated 15.02.67
8. E(L)66 NM 1/21 dated 25.01.1967
9. E(LU)71 UT 3-3 dated 09.03.1971
0. E(LU)71 UT 3-3 dated 14.01.1972
1. E(LU)72 UT 3-9 Part I dated 06.02.1973
2. E(L)60 UT 1-141 dated 24.03.1962
3. E(LR)I/79 NM 1/57 dated 14.02.1980
4. E(LR)I 84 NM 1/51dated 10.10.1984
5. 84/H(FW)9/1dated 28.07.1988
*Letters available in the reference books compiled by South Central Railway &
Northern Railway and others. Copies not attached.

Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway servants concerned with the managing/
administration of Railwaymen's Cooperative Societies.
Special casual leave up to a maximum of 15 days in a calendar year plus the
minimum period required for journeys from the place of duty to the Headquarters
of the Cooperative Societies is admissible to Members, Delegates of members.
Managing Committee members and/or office bearers of Railwaymen's
Credit/Consumer/Housing Cooperative Societies to attend meetings of Managing
Committee of such societies including the meetings of Board of Directors and
Subcommittees of the Societies.
[Ref. : Board's letter No. E(G)64 LE 1/2 dated 23.03.1964;E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated

To attend Court(s) in connection with Cooperative Society matters;

To contact and settle matters with Registrar or other State officials at
the instance of Railway Administration;
To attend any special meeting which may be convened by the Railway
To contact Civil authorities for lifting weekly quota for fair price shops
[Ref.: Board's letters No. (G)64 LE 1/22 Pt. dated
11.12.1964, 31.01.1966 and 17.06.1966]
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 18.02.1967]
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 18.02.1967] 9/20
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i. attending regular monthly meetings of the Cooperative

Societies held at the Hqrs of the Societies and
ii. on occasions mentioned in para 3 above.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(G)64 LE 1/10 dated 20.03.1968]
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(G)70 LE 1-2 dated 16.11.1970]
[Ref: Board's letters No. E(G)70 LE 1/2 dated 21.01.1971, and 03.09.71]
[Ref: Board's letters No. E(G)64 LE 1/22 Pt. dated 11.12.1964 and E(G)86 LE 1-3
dated 03.08.1986 (RBE 146/86)]
[Ref : Board's letter No. E(G)64 LE 1/2 dated 23.03.1964]

Description Nature
Not exceeding six working days. Sundays
Vasectomy operation-
(i). and closed Holidays intervening should be
Ist time
Vasectomy operation - Six days on production of certificate from
2nd time due to failure the medical authority concerned that the
of the first time second operation was done, due to failure
operation. of the first.
1. Additional Special Casual Leave, as
may be required to cover the period for
which the employee is hospitalised, subject
to production of certificate from the
concerned hospital authority/medical
(iii). attendant.
2. Maximum of seven days, where due to
Male Railway
post operational complications the
employee is not fit to resume duties but not
hospitalised subject to production of
medical certificate.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 15.02.1979 , 78/H(FW)9/5
dated 11.06.81,and 77/H(FW)9/5 dated 02.02.78]
Tubectomy operation,
either puerperal or Seven days to attend on his wife. Where
non-puerperal for the the operation has been performed for the
first time (Puerperal second time due to the failure of the first
(iv). Tubectomy is the the production of a medical certificate to
operation done with in that effect from the medical authority
2-5 days of child birth) concerned is necessary for the grant of
or second time, special casual leave.
undergone by his wife.
(v). Tubectomy/ Seven days, subject to production of
Salpigectomy medical certificate stating that the
operation undergone employee's wife has undergone
by his wife after Tubectomy/ Salpigectomy after medical
termination of pregnancy. 10/20
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medical termination of
[ Ref: Board’s letter No. 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 17.01.81,78/H(FW)9/5 dated
Sterilisation of wife
through operation
(vi). Seven days
under the Laproscopic
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H/FW/9/1 dated 14.03.1984 (07.03.84)]
Tubectomy operation-
Married Female Rly
(i). Ist time-puerperal or Not exceeding fourteen days.
non- puerperal.
Not exceeding fourteen days subject to
Tubectomy operation- production of a certificate from the
(ii). 2nd time due to failure concerned hospital authority/ medical
of first. attendant that first operation was a failure
and a second operation was performed.
Additional special casual leaves, as may be
needed to cover the period of
hospitalisation subject to production of
certificate from the concerned hospital
Post-Tubectomy authority/ medical attendant.
complications. Maximum of fourteen days, where due to
post-operational complications, the employee
is not fit to resume duties but not
hospitalised, subject to production of medical
certificate from the appropriate authority.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 78/H(FW)9/5 dated
15.02.1979,17.01.1981, 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 11.06.81and 77/H(FW)9/5
dated 02.02.78]
Inspection of I.U.D. (Intra One day on the day of insertion. Also
Uterine Contraceptive admissible for one day, the day of re-
Device) insertion.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 76/H(FP)9/6 dated 29/30.05.1976 and 78/H(FW)9/5
dated 11.06.81].
Sterilisation through
operation under the Fourteen days.
Laparascopic method
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H/FW/9/1 dated 14.03.1984 (07.03.84)]
Vasectomy operation on One day-the day on which the husband
husband undergoes the operation.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H(FW)9/1dated 28.07.1988]
i. Unmarried Recanalisation Operation Twenty-one days or actual period of
Railway employee; should be performed in a hospitalisation as certified by the medical 11/20
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ii. Railway hospital/ medical college/ attendant, whichever is less. The request
employee having less institute having the for grant of special casual leave should be
than two children; requisite facilities for supported by the Doctor who performed
iii. Railway recanalisation. It can also the operation, indicating that
employee desirous of be done at private hospital hospitalisation for the period stipulated
recanalisation for the nominated by the State was necessary for the operation and
substantive reasons, i.e. Govt./ Union Territory recovery thereafter. In addition, special
the employee having Admn. for the purpose. casual leave can be granted to cover the to
lost all male children and fro journey performed for undergoing
after sterilisation the operation.
operation performed
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 78/H (FW)/9/1 Pt. I dated
01.07.1978 and 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 17.01.81]
Special casual leave to the extent
admissible as indicated in items 1 & 2
Sterilisation operations
Railway employees – above, subject to the production of medical
undergone in Private
both Male & Female certificate from the private hospital/clinic
concerned, duly countersigned by a
Railway Doctor.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H/FW/9/1 dated 30.04.84]
Canteen Employees
Special casual leave may be granted, as per
(Departmental/ Co- Sterilisation operations
the scale allowed to Railway employees.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H/FW/9/1 dated 06.06.84]
Daily rated Casual
Vasectomy operation -
Labour (Both male and (i) Not exceeding six working days.
female labourers)
Tubectomy operation -
(ii) Not exceeding fourteen days.
Insertion of I.U.D. -
Benefit will be
admissible only to those
daily rates casual labour
One day.
who have been in
(Full wages will be claimed for these days
continuous employment
(iii) and debited to contingencies under the grant
for at least three months
provided by the Min. of Health & Family
before undergoing
Planning, Govt. of India.).
sterilisation operation/
I.U.D. insertion and
who are likely to
continue thereafter for
at least three months.
[ No. 66/H/(FW)6l/74 dated 15.03.1972and 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 15.02.1979] 12/20
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Note: Special casual leave connected with sterilisation operations, recanalisation

under the Family Welfare Programme may be prefixed as well as suffixed to
regular leave or casual leave. Special casual leave should be prefixed either to
casual leave or regular leave and not both. Similarly, special casual leave may be
suffixed either to casual leave or regular leave and not both. The intervening
holidays and or Sundays may prefixed/suffixed to regular leave, as the case may
[Ref: Board's letter No. 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 11.06.81]

Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway servants for participation in Sports
Participation in National
champion-ships including
Period of participation in the events treated as duty, including the
time taken in journey to
period of journey; to and from the place of the events.
and from the place of
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 24.01.1981]
Attending pre-
participation training Treated as duty for a period not exceeding thirty days, in addition to
camps for National the period of participation in the events.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)85 SP 1-1 dated 12.04.1985 (RBE 107/85)]
Participation as Members
of Railways' teams
sponsored by RSCB not
termed as'Nationals' but Treated as duty. List of tournaments approved by RSCB where
are of national participation is treated as on duty attached.
importance, such
tournaments being
specified by RSCB.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)85 SP 1-1 dated 12.04.1985 (RBE 107/85)]
Participation in coaching
camps prior to actual
Treated as duty.
participation in events
specified in (3) above.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)85 SP 1-1 dated 12.04.1985 (RBE 107/85)]
Participation in the Special casual leave (SCL) up to Ninety days excluding Sundays and
following events of holidays. However, General Managers have powers to sanction
National and special casual leave for such periods as considered necessary
International without any upper limit to the Railway employees sponsored by
importance:- RSCB for participation in sporting events of National and
All India Inter-Railway International importance. 13/20
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tournaments in different
Coaching camps
organised by RSCB
[other than those in (4)
Coaching camps organised by the
National Sports Federation to which
participants are sponsored by RSCB
[other than those included in (2)
Major tournaments in which
combined Railway teams are
sponsored by RSCB [other than those
included in (3) above.]
Participation in International events
in India or abroad as representative of
the country;
[Ref: Board's letters No. E(W)74 SP 1-4 dated 24.01.1975,E(W)81 SP 1-3 dated
19.09.1981, E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 06.12.1972 and E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 03.07.1979]
Constitutes participation in neither National nor
National tournaments in which
Ordinary events. Participants are entitled to special
Railwaymen participate as Members of
casual leave up to 45 days in a year excluding
State teams.
Sundays and holidays.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)85 SP 1-1 dated 11.06.85 (RBE 163/85)]
Participation in the following events,
classified as Ordinary Sporting events.
Tournament between Railway
Institutes, Areas and Divisions.
Inter-Divisional Tournaments
organised by different Railways.
Open Tournaments organised by the
State Sports Bodies and outside
Special Casual leave up to thirty days in a Calendar
bodies where the Railwaymen
year excluding Sundays and holidays.
represent the respective Railways.
Coaching camps organised by the
respective Railways.
Coaching camps organised by the
State Sports Councils when sponsored
by the Railways concerned.
Inter-Railway Technical School Sports
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 06.12.1972 and E(W)SP 1-4 dated 05.02.1973] 14/20
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Apprentices and Trainees are eligible for special casual leave subject to the training not being
interfered with or training being extended suitably, if necessary. However, apprentices
undergoing training in the Railway Training School under Apprentices Act, 1961 should not
be granted special casual leave on Sports Accounts.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)56 SP 1/3 of 21.03.1957and E(W)69 SP 1/7 dated 03.09.1971]
Mountaineering Expeditions which
have the approval of the Indian Period of absence in excess of 30 days should be
Mountaineering Foundation. treated as regular leave of the nature admissible. For
Trekking expeditions organised by the this purpose, Railway employees may be permitted
Youth Hostels Association of Indian as a special case to combine special casual leave with
or which have the approval of the regular leave.
Indian Mountaineering Foundation.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)85 SP 1-4 dated 16.07.1985and E(W)89 SP 1-4 dated
02.02.1990 (RBE 21/1990)]
Deputation of Railway employees who
Treated as duty for a period of 15 days at a stretch.
are NIS (Patiala) Coaches, from the
The total period for which a NIS Coach may be so
Railway to another, under authority
deputed shall not exceed 30 days in a Calendar year.
from RSCB.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 24.01.1981]
Treated as duty as under:
1. Coaches - Fifteen days prior to commencement of
the National Championships for imparting training
to Railway Sportsmen/ Women in a coaching camp.
Period of absence of Railway
When organised and participation of the team
employees who are nominated as
including the period of journey to and from the place
Coaches/ Managers/ Asstt. Managers
of events (wherever necessary) in both cases.
of the Railways, teams participating in
2. Managers or Asstt. Managers: Three days prior to
the National Championships in various
commencement of or during the coaching camp for
sports disciplines.
one of the officials and actual period of participation
of the team including period of journey to and from
the place of events (wherever necessary) in both the
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)72 SP 1-4 dated 25.08.1981 and 02.08.1984]
Deputation of Railway employees by
the RSCB to undergo training as
Treated as duty.
Coaches in the NIS in different sports
disciplines lasting ten months.
Participation in Inter Railway or
National Bridge Tournaments or other
Bridge Tournaments where the GM Thirty days in a Calendar year.
would like the Railway employees to
participate on behalf of Railways.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)76 SP 1-1 dated 23.09.1977]
Railway Officers, other than Welfare Period of absence should be treated as duty.
& Personnel Officers, specially 15/20
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deputed to attend meetings of All India

Sports Bodies or to organise sports in
their official capacity.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)61 SP 1/24 dated 06.09.1962]{E(W)56 SP 1-13 dated 29/07/1959}
Sundays and holidays, falling within the period of
Computation of special casual leave special casual leave, should be excluded in computing
sanctioned for participation in sporting the period of special casual leave required to be
events. sanctioned/sanctioned to Railway servants for
participation in sporting events.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)67 SP 1-15 dated 04.04.1968 and 05.10.1968]
Railway servants participating in practice sessions of
Participation in practice sessions for a sports for a part of the day/ short duration in a day
short duration in a day. should be allowed to remain absent from duty with
prior permission, for the purpose.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)67 SP 1-15 dated
04.04.1968, 25.06.68, 05.10.1968, 24.10.68 and24.07.69]
Railwaymen participating in the National Physical
Efficiency Drive Test may be granted special casual
leave for one day, i.e., the day on which they take the
Attendance at National Physical tests at the Testing Centres set up by the State
Efficiency Drive Tests Government, Union Territories, Ministry of
Education and the Railway Administration those
who are deputed to conduct the NPEDT may be
treated as on duty.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(W)64 SP 1-13 dated 04.06.1964]

List of Championships/ Tournaments approved by RSCB where participation

treated as duty.
Combined Railways
National Aquatic Championships:
NSA Invitational Swimming Championships Calcutta .
Open Events
Dalmiya Invitational Championships, New Delhi.
Combined Railways
All India Open Athletic Meet
National Cross Country Meet
Open Event
Pune International Marathon
Combined Railways
National Badminton championships
Zonal Badminton Championships Open Event 16/20
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Inter-Institutional Championships
Zonal Open Championships
Combined Railways
National Ball Badminton championships
Zonal Ball Badminton Championships
Zonal Railways
Madras Ball Badminton Tournament
Combined Railways
National Basketball Championships
Pre-Asian Championships
Federation Cup Tournament Zonal Railway
Ramu Memorial Tournament Bombay Teams
Advani Memorial Tournament, Jaipur
Combined Railways
National Billiards & Snooker Championships
Combined Railways
National Boxing Championships
YMCA Boxing Championships
GM's Trophy Boxing Championships, South Central Railway
Open Events
Ranji Trophy Tournament
Sheesh Mahal Tournament, Lucknow
All India Indira Gandhi Memorial Cricket Tournament,
Birsinghpur(MP) Combined Railways
Buchi Babu Tournament, Madras Team
Moin-ud-dowla Tournament, Hyderabad
Scindia Gold Cup Tournament, Gwalior
All India Shahid Smriti Tournament, AGRA
Combined Railways
National Cycling Championships
Promise Cycling Championships Open Events
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Santosh Trophy Tournament (Nationals) Combined Railways

Durand Cup Football Tournament, Delhi
Rovers Cup Football Tournament, Bombay Zonal Rlys. Team
DCM Football Tournament, Delhi
Inter Zonal Championships (National) alongwith All India Amateur and Combined Railways
Zonal Championships Team
Wills Masters's & Wills Trophy Tournament, Calcutta
DCM Open Tournament, Delhi Open Events
North Eastern Railway Golf Championships
Combined Railways
National Gymnastic Championships
National Hockey Championships
Aga Khan Tournament, Bombay Combined Railways
Indira Gandhi Memorial Tournament, Srinagar Team
Beighton Cup Tournament, Calcutta
Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey, Delhi
Zonal Railways
Bombay Gold Cup Tournament, Bombay
Combined Railways
National Hockey Championships for Women
National Kabaddi Championships
Federation Cup Championships Combined Railways
Central Zone Championships Team
Bombay Gold Cup Tournament
National Championships Combined Railways
Inter-Institutional Championships Team
Time of India Tournament, Delhi Open Event
National Lawn Tennis Championships & All India Veterans' Combined Railways
Championships Team
Open Championships in States Open Events 18/20
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National Volleyball Championships
Combined Railways
Federation Cup Tournament
Nagarcoil Volleyball Championships
Mohan Singh Memorial Tournament, Delhi Zonal Rly. Teams
National Senior Weightlifting Championships Combined Railways
National Junior Weightlifting Championships Team
National Wrestling Championships Combined Railways
National Wrestling Championships (Indian Style) Team
Rustam-e-Hind Wrestling, Haryana
Mahan Bharat Kesari Wrestling, Rajasthan
Open Events
Rustam-e-Bharat Wrestling, Maharashtra
Sanjay Gandhi Gurj/Moti lal Nehru Trophy (Indian Style)

Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway Servants for Attendance at Meetings etc.
of the Trade Unions/Federations
Special Casual Leave is granted to cover the period of absence of Railway servants
i. PNM meetings at the Zonal level. Divisional level;
- Meetings are held quarterly at the Zonal level and once in two months at the
Divisional level;
- PNM meetings at the Railway Board's level - Attendance treated as duty vide
Board's letter No. E(LR)I 84/NM1/5 dated 10.10.84. However for discussion at
Board's level no issues arising out of PNM meetings. Special Casual Leave will be
granted to the representatives.
- Representatives attending the PNM meetings at the Zonal/Divisional level should
be given special casual leave to enable them to be available at the place of PNM
meeting one day in advance of the date of meeting for consultation amongst
themselves and for the days of the meeting.
[Ref: Board's letter No. E(LR)I 79 NM1/57 dated 14.02.1980]
ii. Organisational meetings at the Zonal level;
iii. Organisational meetings of affiliated Federations;
iv. Staff Side consultations connected with Joint Council
meeting at the National level under the JCM Scheme.
- Special casual leave of not more than 5 days in a year to a Railway servant who
is a Member of the Joint Council. To be granted at the request of the Leader of the
staff side. In addition Leader of the Staff side and one Secretary from the Staff
side, designated as such by the Leader, may be granted special casual leave of not
more than 10 days in a year, for preparing staff side cases. 19/20
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[Ref: for items No. 4 + Board's letters No. E(L)66 NM 1/21 dated 25.01.1967]

Occasion Admissibility of Special Casual leave

Special casual leave is admissible to all members of the Working Committee for
meetings of the Working Committee;
[Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71 UT 3-3 dated 14.01.1972]
Special casual leave is admissible to the members of the General/ Central Council
for attending the meetings of General/ Central Council and meetings of the
General Body at the rate of one member for every 1250 members. Special Casual
Leave is also admissible to delegates availing of their own passes and PTOs for
Meetings attending the meetings, provided that the delegates to whom the special casual
of Zonal leave is granted does not exceed the number at the rate of one for every 1000
Union members. These facilities will be granted for not more than 5 meetings in a year of
all the bodies together.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71 UT 3-3 dated 09.03.1971]
In addition to the limit of 5 meetings mentioned in the letter of 09.03.1971, the
additional facility of Special Casual Leave may be extended to the recognised
Railway Unions for a maximum of two more Working Committee meetings as and
when the request for the same is received from them.
[No. E(LR)III/80/UTF/3 dated 04.07.1980]
Special Casual Leave admissible to all the members of the Divisional Executive
Committee for two meetings in a year. For two more meetings in the year, which
would be held in conjunction with meetings under the PNM, an extra day's special
casual leave, either for the day before or after the PNM meeting is admissible.
Meetings This facility is admissible to all the members including those who may not attend
of the PNM meeting.
Divisional [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71 UT 3-3 dated 09.03.1971, and E(LU)72 UT 3-9 Part I
Union dated 06.02.1973]
Where there is no Divisional Executive Committee, the facility of special casual
leave is admissible to all members of the Divisional Council Comprising of
Divisional office bearers, Branch Secretary of each branch of the Union in
Division and representatives elected by each Branch.
Five members in addition to the office bearers will be eligible for special casual
leave for one day for 6 meetings in a year.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71 UT 3-3 dated 09.03.1971]
of Branch 1 Office bearers of the Unions attending meetings of the Union/Federation may be
Council allowed to combine special casual leave, when granted for Union/ Federation
purposes, will regular leave just before commencement or immediately after the
expiry of regular leave, each case being decided on merits.
[Ref: Board’s letter No. E(L)60 UT 1-141 dated 24.03.1962] 20/20

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