Competition Bidding Procedure
Competition Bidding Procedure
Competition Bidding Procedure
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
IDO Organiser Aplication Form for the IDO Bidding Process ............................................ 6
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The positive image of dance and its reputation is best represented by the quality
of the organisation of the major IDO events and its recognized events.
The procedures contained in these documents have been drawn up to assist any
potential organiser prepare its bid and understand its obligations towards the
International Dance Organization.
The intention of the IDO is to provide a consistency in the way its Championships
and Cups are organised and presented, and by doing so eliminate unnecessary
costs that are often incurred by the organisers.
By introducing this new procedure, the IDO is seeking to ensure that most
uncertainties are removed when an event is allocated. If the demands of
organisation cannot be fulfilled, then it is best that a potential organiser desists
from bidding until it is truly ready.
The IDO Sport and Competition Director is always available to advise and assist
any potential bidder before a formal application is made. In many cases,
important and relevant experience can be gained from organising a lesser event
before seeking to stage a major IDO Dance Championship, and this is a path that
is recommended to new organisers.
Basic considerations
1. Any bid to organise an IDO Dance Competiton must have the endorsement
and full support of the IDO National Member Organization.
2. A guarantee from other official bodies within the country, for example
government, local council or IDO National Member Organization, must be
given in writing at the time of bidding and confirming that all costs are
underwritten and no claim will be made against the IDO. In addition, each
bidding federation must demonstrate the political stability in its country and
describe the security and public health resources allocated to protecting the
3. One fundamental consideration is to be sure that all parties are aware of and
accept their responsibilities in the organising of an event. This includes
assuming the related costs. If these responsibilities are understood at the
time of bidding for an IDO Dance Competition then there is little risk of
unpleasant surprises.
4. These bidding documents have been drawn up as a guide for all organisers of
important competitions to insure that the principles and obligations contained
therein are respected at all IDO comepetitions and events.
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5. By applying these procedures the IDO Sport Director intends to allocate the
organisation of its World and Continental Dance Championships two years in
advance, thereby giving organisers sufficient time to conclude all agreements
and arrangements related to organising the event and its promotion
Competition calendar
The IDO Continental Dance Championships will be held in the time period May to
July and the IDO World Dance Championships in the time period September to
Currently, IDO Dance Championships are generally organised in different time
periods. On the one hand the fixed calendar could limit the opportunities for
existing organisers who are not able or willing to change the dates of their
current competitions.
It is in discretion of the Sport and Competition Director to decide how to handle
special cases that could be seen as an unique opportunity to create new events
in new markets.
Choice of venue
Event Organisation
For more information, please also see the IDO Rules and Regulations,
section 4, Book 1.
1. The selection of organisers for each IDO Events will be made by the IDO
Sport and Competition Director that can ask the President of Adjudicating
Committee and the responsabile Director of a dance department (Performing
Arts, Street and Special Couple dance Director) as a Managing Committee for
ratification by the IDO Presidium.
2. With the introduction of these new bidding procedures, the allocation for the
IDO Dance Championships, cups and other IDO events in 2014 and 2015 will
be made by the IDO Sport Directorand the Managing Committee before the
end of December 2013. Thereafter, the allocation for the IDO Dance
Championships will be made two years prior to the organisation of the
relevant IDO Dance Events.
Consequently, applications for the IDO Championships in 2013 and 2014
should be submitted to the IDO Sport and Competition Office not later than
November 15, 2013.
For IDO DanceSport Championships in 2014 and beyond, applications must
be with the IDO Sport and Competition Office by the end of May 2014 prior to
the IDO General Meeting that will take place two years before the IDO Dance
Championship concerned.
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and its Organising Committee (OC) (when appointed and empowered to commit)
or aproved Organizer
NMO has agreed that if IDO accepts its bid then NMO will assume all
responsibilities regarding the organising of the Event and will do so through a
specially constituted Organising Committee (OC) and will be liable for all costs
associated with the Event and with this contract unless specifically stated to the
contrary in this text.
2. The MB has secured or will secure the use of an appropriate venue suitable
for the IDO Event and with seating for a minimum of 1.000 people. The
venue will have suitable lighting, audio facilities, changing rooms and warm
up areas for the competitors. The dance floor will be of the highest quality
and shall be installed in time for the training requirements of the competitors.
All information can be check on ........................................................(LINK)
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Small Group YES NO
Formation YES NO
Mini production YES NO
Production YES NO
Please send the Bidding Form to the following e-mail address: sportdirector@ido-
Mobil phone: +386 (0) 41 705 515
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