IWWA Membership-Form PDF

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Indian Water Works Association

Registration No. Bom. 105168 GBBSD

B.M.C. Compound, Pipeline Road, Vakola, Santacruz
(East), Mumbai - 400 055. India
Tel.: 26672665 / 26672666 Fax .(022) 2618 6113
Email : [email protected]

The Indian Water Works

Association (IWWA) was established in
1968 and registered in India (under the Holding of National Conventions :
Socities Registration Act) with its
headquarter in Mumbai at the address These are organised annually in the month
given above. It has a large membership of January / February in important cities in
spread throughout the country, connected our country. The Conventions attract a
through a network of local centres at large assembly of delegates from all over
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Vadodara, the country for a fraternal get-together and
Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Indore, exchange of views, apart from discussions
Jodhpur, Lucknow, Chennai, Nagpur, New on the high quality technical papers
Delhi, Pune, Srinagar, Guwahati etc. presented on the Convention. Experts from
overseas are also invited to participate in
Activities : and address the Convention. As a part of
the Convention, technical visits are also
Publication of a Quarterly Journal: arranged to important installations nearby
and exhibitions of latest technologies,
The Journal of Indian Water Works plant and equipment connected with water
Association, the only of its kind in the and waste-water works.
country, is a widely read magazine and
carries articles of high technical value The Association also conducts :
contributed by experts in the field of Water
Works and Waste-water Engineering and Refresher courses, workshops on specific
Management. Its other features cover topics for it’s members & other working in
Notes & News (Indian and overseas), the water & waste water sector.
Reviews of publications, Latest product
Information, etc. International Conferences, Special
Conferences, Seminars and Symposia in
Publication of a News letter : association with local & International
(Midstream) Organisations and Agencies and also under
It covers the activities carried out and the aegis of Global Water Partnership,
planned by the H.Q. and different Centres International Water Association and the
of IWWA and News in this field. Association of South Central and West
Asian Countries (ASCEW).
Publication of Manuals :
Lecture meetings, site visits, film shows
IWWA publishes manuals on subjects of etc. in which members attached to
practical interest to professional Water & different centres participate locally.
Waste-water engineers, managers &
Other features of the Association are :
Engineers working with manufacturers and
It has close relations with the Global suppliers of equipment and instruments
Water Partnership, International Water used in water and sewerage works, e.g.
Association and actively participate in pumps, pipes, valves, meters and
their programmes in different parts of the accessories, plumbing fixtures, electronic
world. gadgets for measurements of flow of water
and it’s quality characteristics.
It assists Bureau of Indian Standards in
preparing standards for various items Sanitary engineers practising in domestic
connected with water supply and waste- and industrial plumbing.
water engineering and technology.
Organisations - Govt./Private involved in
Membership of the Association is design, construction, operation,
available to : maintenance, financing, administration and
management of water supply, irrigation,
Water, waste-water and irrigation hydro-electricity and sewerage systems.
engineers holding a Degree or Diploma Companys manufacturing and supplying
and working with design, construction, materials and equipments to be used in
operation and maintenance of water and water supply and waste water services.
sewerage works - e.g. dams, reservoirs,
headworks. canals, wells, water & waste Students of Science and Engineering
water treatment plants & waste water colleges and even others who may not
disposal works. have the qualification necessary for regular
membership but have interest and work
Environmentalists, Chemists, experience in water related subject. They
Bacteriologists, Biologists, Geologists, can become Student and Associate
Economists and Administrators working in members respectively.
organisations for water supply, irrigation
and sewerage works.

Teaching Staff members of Engineering

Colleges and those of Research Institutions
connected with the subjects of water
supply, irrigation, waste-water and
hydraulic engineering.
As to why should you become and continue to remain a Fellow
/ Member of the Indian Water Works Association :

1. You have the opportunity to be with a 5. You will receive (free of cost) an
family of professionals, well-versed in informative Newsletter
the field of water and waste-water ‘MIDSTREAM’ of IWWA.
sector. This can help you in furthering
your personal prospects and carrer in 6. You will get useful publications of
this field. IWWA is the largest IWWA at concessional rates, which
professional Voluntary Organisation of can guide you in your day-to-day
its kind in South and Central Asia. work. You will have free access to
IWWA library, stocked with a large
2. You can attend several technical number of publications on water and
lecture meetings and participate in waste water related subjects.
other programmes, such as film shows,
construction site visits etc. and update 7. You can attend Seminars, Symposia,
your information and knowledge in the Workshops and Exhibitions organized
field of water & waste-water by the Centres of IWWA as well as
engineering. Annual Conventions of the
Association, and meet various
3. You will receive (free of cost) the professionals/experts from India and
quarterly issues of the Journal of abroad. This will help in improvement
IWWA, which contain articles of of your career in the field of water and
current interest and those of lasting waste-water engineering and
value written by experts in this field technology.
and which will guide you in various
aspects of your profession. You can 8. Membership subscription is also quite
also contribute articles of interest to low when compared to the benefits
other fellow members and see your available and is given in Table 3 on page
written words in print. 4 for different classes of membership in
the application form, while their figures
4. The Journal of IWWA carries many for one time subscription for life are
interesting items, such as the local and given in table1.
the foreign news, book reviews, short
communications on assorted topics,
synopsis of articles of allied interest
published in other journals, synopsis of
dessertations of postgraduate students
in the field of environment sciences
and technology. These items will keep
you informed of the latest
developments in your chosen field.


Revised W.E.F. 1st April 2015
No. Class of Members Revised
Age Next Member Fellow Amount
birthday Rupees US $ Rupees US $ Rs.
26 4020 200 - -
27 4000 200 - - 1. Student to Life Member 150/-
28 3990 200 - -
2. Associate to Life Member 150/-
29 3970 195 - -
30 3950 195 - - 3. Life Member to 300/-
31 3930 195 - - Life Fellow
32 3900 195 - -
33 3870 195 - -
34 3860 190 - -
Where X = The difference between the one
35 3840 190 - -
36 3810 190 - -
time subscription fee for Fellows and
37 3770 190 - - members with respect to the Age of the
38 3730 190 - - member at the time of the transfer.
39 3710 190 - -
40 3670 180 7325 370
41 3630 190 7255 365
42 3580 190 7165 360
43 3540 175 7070 350
44 3480 175 6980 350
45 3430 170 6880 345
46 3420 170 6830 325
47 3330 170 6665 340
48 3260 165 5365 325
49 3200 155 6395 320
50 3130 155 6265 310
51 3060 150 6110 305
52 2980 150 5955 300
53 2890 145 5785 295
54 2810 145 5605 280
55 2700 135 5410 275
56 2610 130 5215 260
57 2500 130 4990 250
58 2380 120 4770 240
59 2360 120 4525 230
60 2130 110 4265 215
61 2130 110 3890 200
62 onwards onwards 3680 180
63 3375 170
64 3030 155
65 2690 135
onwards onwards

N. B. : (1) Persons can join IWWA

directly as Life Members/Life Fellows by
sending along with their Application forms
the admission fees plus one time
subscription with respect to their
completed age as shown in the adjacent
table 1.
B.M.C. Compound, Pipeline Road,
INDIAN WATER Vakola, Santacruz (East),
WORKS Mumbai - 400 055. India
ASSOCIATION Tel.: (022) 2667 2665 / 2667 2666
Fax : (022) 2668 6113
Email : [email protected]

Application Form for Membership

is not applicable.

Membership Category : Please mark the category you want to apply for)

Life Fellow Life Member Student Member

(Eligibility for different categories is given in brief in the table 3 of fees on Page 6)

Name : Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Dr. ________________________________ Date of Birth : ___________

(Surname) (First) (Middle) (Attach Copy of Birth Certificate)

A. Address and Designation : (Place of Employment / Business) ___________________________

___________________________________ State : _________________ Pincode : _____________
B. Address (Residential) ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________ State : _________________ Pincode : _____________
(Please mention specifically the address for communication A/B)
Tel. : (Office) _______________________________________________ (Resi.:) ______________
(Please mention STD code of your place)
Fax : ___________________________ E-mail address : __________________________________

Academic Qualifications :

Degree/Diploma Institution University Year of Attainment

Specialisation : __________________________________________________________________
(Copies of Certificates be attached)
Membership of other
Professional Bodies _______________________________________________________________
(with Nos Mentioned)
Professional Carrer _______________________________________________________________
Experience in the fields
of Water and/or Sanitation _________________________________________________________
(attach extra sheets if required)
Application recommended by : (only in case of Life Fellow applicants)
Name of Life Fellow IWWA Fellowship No. Signature


1. __________________________________ _____________________ __________________

2. __________________________________ _____________________ __________________

Details and mode of accompanying payment * : D.D./ Cheque / Cash /
Net Banking

1. Name of the account holder : Indian Water Works Association

2. Name of the Bank : Central Bank of India
Vakola, Santacruz, Mumbai - 400 055.
3. Saving Account : 1015578625
4. MICR No. : 400016068
5. Branch code : 282521
6. IFS code : CBIN0282521

No. Date Bank and its Branch

Admission Fee Annual Fee One time subscription fee Total

* Cheque / D.D. to be in favour of Indian Water Works Association on a Mumbai Bank. For
outstation cheques, add Rs. 50 as Bank Commission

Place : Date Signature of Applicant : ______________


Category of Membership Fees (Rs.)

Admission Annual-subscription
(a) Life Fellow (Senior persons above 40 years of 300 (30) No annual subscription
age, with 15 years of professional experience at Transfer Fee
higher/responsible position and life member of
association or atleast 1 year)
(b) Life Member (Graduates of Diploma holders 400 (65) No annual subscription
working in this field)
(c) Associate Member (Persons with only work- 300 (30) 300
experience in this field)
(d) Student member (Studying in 150 (30) 150
technical/scientific school/college)
(e) Life Organisation Member (Organization 2000 (330) No annual subscription
related to this field)
Figures in brackets indicate amount in U.S. Dollars payable by overseas members.
Life Fellows / Life Members / Life Organization Members will have to pay one time subscription
fee as shown in the Table No.1 in addition to Admission Fee.

For Office Use Only

Endorsed by Administrative Committee on _________Approved by the Council of Management on ____

Assigned Membership Grade No. & Centre __________________________________________________
Remarks ______________________________________________________________________________

Payment Receipts No. & date _____________________ Signature of Admn. Manager _______________

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