IWWA Membership-Form PDF
IWWA Membership-Form PDF
IWWA Membership-Form PDF
1. You have the opportunity to be with a 5. You will receive (free of cost) an
family of professionals, well-versed in informative Newsletter
the field of water and waste-water ‘MIDSTREAM’ of IWWA.
sector. This can help you in furthering
your personal prospects and carrer in 6. You will get useful publications of
this field. IWWA is the largest IWWA at concessional rates, which
professional Voluntary Organisation of can guide you in your day-to-day
its kind in South and Central Asia. work. You will have free access to
IWWA library, stocked with a large
2. You can attend several technical number of publications on water and
lecture meetings and participate in waste water related subjects.
other programmes, such as film shows,
construction site visits etc. and update 7. You can attend Seminars, Symposia,
your information and knowledge in the Workshops and Exhibitions organized
field of water & waste-water by the Centres of IWWA as well as
engineering. Annual Conventions of the
Association, and meet various
3. You will receive (free of cost) the professionals/experts from India and
quarterly issues of the Journal of abroad. This will help in improvement
IWWA, which contain articles of of your career in the field of water and
current interest and those of lasting waste-water engineering and
value written by experts in this field technology.
and which will guide you in various
aspects of your profession. You can 8. Membership subscription is also quite
also contribute articles of interest to low when compared to the benefits
other fellow members and see your available and is given in Table 3 on page
written words in print. 4 for different classes of membership in
the application form, while their figures
4. The Journal of IWWA carries many for one time subscription for life are
interesting items, such as the local and given in table1.
the foreign news, book reviews, short
communications on assorted topics,
synopsis of articles of allied interest
published in other journals, synopsis of
dessertations of postgraduate students
in the field of environment sciences
and technology. These items will keep
you informed of the latest
developments in your chosen field.
Membership Category : Please mark the category you want to apply for)
(Eligibility for different categories is given in brief in the table 3 of fees on Page 6)
Academic Qualifications :
Degree/Diploma Institution University Year of Attainment
Specialisation : __________________________________________________________________
(Copies of Certificates be attached)
Membership of other
Professional Bodies _______________________________________________________________
(with Nos Mentioned)
Professional Carrer _______________________________________________________________
Experience in the fields
of Water and/or Sanitation _________________________________________________________
(attach extra sheets if required)
Application recommended by : (only in case of Life Fellow applicants)
Name of Life Fellow IWWA Fellowship No. Signature
* Cheque / D.D. to be in favour of Indian Water Works Association on a Mumbai Bank. For
outstation cheques, add Rs. 50 as Bank Commission
Payment Receipts No. & date _____________________ Signature of Admn. Manager _______________