Strength of Materials: Sức Bền Vật Liệu

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Strength of Materials

Sức Bền Vật Liệu

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• You don’t have to go to class if you have known the lesson

• You may sleep in the class, but don’t disturb your friends and
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Giới thiệu

Strength of Materials studies

materials, structures, loads,
deformations, failures and
how to prevent failures
though analysis and design.

Môn học Sức Bền Vật Liệu

nghiên cứu các loại vật liệu,
cấu trúc, lực, biến dạng,
hỏng hóc và cách phòng
ngừa hỏng hóc thông qua
phân tích và thiết kế.

• Robert L. Mott, Joseph A. Untener, Applied Strength of Materials,

6th Edition, CRC Press, 2017

• Đỗ Kiến Quốc (Chủ biên), Nguyễn Thị Hiền Lương, Bùi Công
Thành, Lê Hoàng Tuấn, Trần Tấn Quốc, Giáo trình Sức bền vật
liệu, NXB ĐH Quốc Gia Tp Hồ Chí Minh
Objectives of this course
Mục tiêu của môn học

• It’s all about safety awareness in structural analysis and design.

• Machine, product, structure must be safe and stable under the

loads exerted on it during any foreseeable use

• The material may deform excessively under load or could

fracture completely

• The structure could become unstable and buckle

• Examples of these failure modes should help you to understand

the importance of the principles of applied strength of materials
Learning Outcomes

• You will be able to identify di erent components of a structure:

loads, deformations, stresses, strains

• You will be able to predict the failures and the instabilities of a


• You will be able to design some structures to work safely

• You will di erentiate di erent engineering standards in di erent

Examples of applications
Example of applications
What will we learn?

• Basic nature of stresses and strains

• Types of stresses created by di erent loading and support


• Analyze situations where more than one kind of stress is

experienced by a load-carrying member at the same time

• Determining shape and size of a load-carrying member and

specify the material from which it is to be made

• Designing safe load-carrying components of machines and

Examples of Loads and Deformations
Simple Tension/Compression

Tension Compression
Examples of Loads and Deformations
Buckling and shear

Buckling Shear
Examples of Loads and Deformations
Bending and Twisting


Failure modes

• How much weight do the

rods carry?

• What material should they

be made of?

• How strong is the material

of the rods?
Failure modes
Excessive deformation

• F1 and F2 tend to pull the

gears apart: misalignment

• How to prevent?
Failure modes

• Slender column subjected

to compression force

• Not a material failure but

Basic Unit Systems
SI metric unit system and U.S. Customary unit system
Basic quantities in the SI metric unit system

Basic quantities in the US Customary unit system

Conversion factors?
Basic Unit Systems
Pre xes for SI units

Proper method of reporting computed quantities

Mass, Force and Weight

• Mass refers to the amount of

the substance in a body

• Force is a push or pull e ort

exerted on a body either by an
external source or by gravity

• Weight is the force of

gravitational pull on a body
Density and Specific Weight

Speci c weight is the amount of

Density is the amount of mass
weight per unit volume of a
per unit volume of a material

Symbol: ρ Symbol: ɣ

Units: slugs/ft3 or kg/m3 Units: lb/ft3 or N/m3

De nition

• The study of strength of materials

depends on an understanding of the
principles of stress and strain
produced by applied loads on a
structure or a machine

• Stress is the internal resistance

o ered by a unit area of the material
from which a member is made to an
externally applied load

• Uniformly distributed stress: the same

magnitude at any point in the cross

• Uneven distributed stress: di erent

magnitudes at di erent points in the
cross section
De nition

• Strain is the deformation per unit length of the member, also known as “unit

• Deformation can be a result of applied loads or temperature changes

• Strain is dimensionless, but it can be reported as in/in or mm/mm to re ect

deformation per unit length

• Stress - strain relationship follows Hooke’s law in elastic material

• E is the sti ness of material or modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus

Stress - strain relationship
Example of Hooke’s law

How to get
these charts?

Direct Normal Stress
De nition

• Normal stress (σ): perpendicular, or normal, to the cross

section of the load-carrying member.

• One of the most fundamental types of stress

• If the stress is uniform across the resisting area, the stress is

called a “direct normal stress”.
Direct Normal Stress
Compressive and Tensile Stress

Compressive stress: tends to Tensile stress: tends to pull

crush the material and the material apart and stretch
shorten the member the member
Direct Normal Stress
Example Problem

Two circular rods carrying a

casting weighing 11.2 kN. If each
rod is 12.0 mm in diameter and
the two rods share the load
equally, compute the stress in the


Objective: Compute the stress in

the support rods

Given: Casting weighs 11.2 kN.

Each rod carries half the load.

Rod diameter = D = 12.0 mm

Analysis: Direct tensile stress is

produced in each rod
Direct Normal Stress
Example Problem

Compute the stress in the square shaft at the

upper part of the stand for a load of 27 500
lb. The line of action of the applied load is
centered on the axis on the shaft, and the
load is applied through a thick plate that
distributes the force to the entire cross
section of the stand.


Objective: Compute the stress in the upper

part of the stand.

Given: Load = F = 27 500 lb; load is centered

on the stand.

The cross section is square; the dimension of
each side is 1.50 in

Analysis: Internal resisting force that acts

upward to balance the downward applied
load on any cross section.

Uniformly distributed internal force.

Compressive stress.
Direct Normal Stress
Stress Elements

• In nitesimal element inside the member: cube (3D) or square (2D)

• A net force acting on the top and bottom faces of the cube

• Consider the faces to be unit areas: forces ~ stresses

• Equilibrium element: stresses on the top and the bottom are the
Direct Shear Stress
De nition

• Shear stress or tangential stress (τ): parallel (tangential) to the

cross section of the load-carrying member

• Causes layers or parts to slide upon each other in opposite


• Example: the force of two connecting rocks rubbing in opposite


• A uniform level of shearing force across the entire area being

sheared: direct shear stress
Direct Shear Stress
Example Problem
Problem: Solution:

Compute the shear stress in the Objective: Compute the shear stress in
the material.

material if a force of 1250 lb is

applied through the punch. The Given: F = 1250 lb; t = 0.040 in.

thickness of the material is 0.040 in.

Analysis: The sides of slug are placed in
direct shear resisting the applied force.


• A punching operation: the objective is

to actually cut one part of the material
from the other

• The punching action produces a slot in

the at sheet metal. The part removed
in the operation is sometimes called a

• The shearing action occurs along the

sides of the slug, shown in blue
Example of Direct Shear Stress
Single Shear
Problem: Solution:

Objective: Compute the shear stress in the

The force on the link in the simple pin.

pin joint is 3550 N. If the pin has Given: F = 3550 N; D = 10.0 mm

a diameter of 10.0 mm, compute

the shear stress in the pin. Analysis: The pin is in direct shear with one
cross section of the pin resisting all of the
applied force (single shear).


• A pin or a rivet is often inserted into a

cylindrical hole through mating parts to
connect them.

• When forces are applied perpendicular

to the axis of the pin, there is the
tendency to cut the pin across its cross
section, producing a shear stress

• A single cross section of the pin resists

the applied shearing force
Example of Direct Shear Stress
Double Shear
Problem (homework):

The force on the link in the double

pin joint is 3550 N. If the pin has a
diameter of 10.0 mm, compute
the shear stress in the pin.


• In this design, there are two

cross sections to resist the
applied force

• The pin is in double shear

Example of Direct Shear Stress
• Application of shear in mechanical
drives: a power transmitting element,
such as a gear, chain sprocket, or
belt pulley, is placed on a shaft, a
key is often used to connect the two
and permit the transmission of
torque from one to the other.

• The torque produces a tangential

force at the interface between the
shaft and the inside of the hub of the
mating element.

Problem (homework):

If a torque of 1500 lb·in. is transmitted

from the shaft to the hub, compute the
shear stress in the key. For the
dimensions of the key, use L = 0.75 in.; h
= b = 0.25 in. The diameter of the shaft is
1.25 in.
Direct Shear Stress
Stress Elements

• In nitesimal element inside the member: cube (3D) or square (2D)

• The shear stresses acting parallel to the surfaces of the cube

• Equilibrium element: stresses on the top and the bottom are the

• To balance the rotation: a pair of equal shear stresses is

developed on the vertical sides of the stress element
Experimental and Computational Analysis

Three methods of structural analysis:

• Analytical analysis: exact solution, but di cult in complex


• Experimental analysis: practical solution, required equipment

• Computational analysis: approximation solution

Question: Which method is preferred?

Experimental Analysis
Photoelastic stress analysis
• Photoelasticity describes changes
in the optical properties of a
material under mechanical
deformation. It is a property of all
dielectric media and is often
used to experimentally determine
the stress distribution in a
material, where it gives a picture
of stress distributions around
discontinuities in materials.

• The material is typically a

transparent plastic that is
illuminated while being loaded.

• In complex structures:
photoelastic coating applied

• Video:
Experimental Analysis
Strain Gage
• Electrical resistance strain
gage: very thin metal foil grid
made from a strain- sensitive
material, such as constantan,
with an insulating backing

• The gage is carefully applied

with a special adhesive to the
surface of the component
where critical stresses are
likely to occur.

• When the component is

loaded, the gage experiences
the same strains as the
surface. The resistance of the
gage changes in proportion to
the applied strain
Computational analysis

Finite Element Analysis

• 3D/2D modeling by CAD

• Dividing the body into

small elements

• Loads, boundary
conditions, material

• Various software available

Next Lesson

Design Properties of Materials

Open Discussion

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