Ahu Documentantion Minimum Requirements
Ahu Documentantion Minimum Requirements
Ahu Documentantion Minimum Requirements
Equipment Matrix
Model verification
Equipment Identification: AHU-XX Contractor Initials/Date
Manufacturer: XX
Model Number: XX
Serial Number: XX
Capacity: XX
Electrical Motor: AHU-XX
Manufacturer: XX
Model Number: XX
Serial Number: XX
Full Load Amps
(PAGE 3)
Brief description about protocol to inspect unit (OEM manual, Start-up, Safety, etc)
Operation Checks
Equipment Identification: AHU-01 Contractor
Checklist: Yes No
Supply/Return fan rotation correct?
Check gas pressure on the last unit on gas line when all
units are firing?
Check gas train for leaks with burner operating?
With all Electric Power off, all disconnect switches open and
fuses removed, check each circuit with an Ohm meter to
ground observing no continuity. Reinstall fuses?
Energize power to the unit disconnect switch mediately
check current draw of each leg of each motor?
VFD, refer to manufactures start up guide, Verify correct
voltage, phase and cycles?
Energize fan motor(s) briefly (bump) and check for correct
fan rotation?
Record motor running amps?
VFD Model verification – to confirm the installed equipment complies with Design and Approved Shop Drawings.
Equipment Identification: AHU-XX Contractor Initials/Date
Manufacturer: XX
Model Number: XX
Serial Number: XX
Capacity: XX
VFD Installation and Operation checklist (These augment manufacturer’s list. This is not the functional
performance testing)
Equipment Identification: AHU-01 Contractor
General Installation Checklist: Yes No
Permanent label affixed?
Securely mounted?
Accel and decel times are around 10-50 seconds, except for
special applications. Record actual for each unit?
Lower frequency limit at 0 for VAV fans and around 10-30%
for chilled water pumps. Record actual for each unit?
Upper frequency limit set at 100%, unless explained
VFD interlocked to control system?
Startup report completed with this checklist attached?
Sensor or
Actuator &
Location OK?
Gage reading = reading of the permanent gage on the equipment. BAS = building automation system. Instrument =
testing instrument. Visual = actual observation. The Contractor’s own sensor check-out sheets may be used in lieu of the
above, if the same recording fields are included and the referenced procedures are followed.
To be included all instruments used for testing, calibration certificates