St. Augustine's School: SUBJECT: General Physics 2
St. Augustine's School: SUBJECT: General Physics 2
St. Augustine's School: SUBJECT: General Physics 2
Electromagnetic interactions involve particles that have a property called electric charge, an attribute that
is as fundamental as mass. Just as objects with mass are accelerated by gravitational forces, so electrically
charged objects are accelerated by electric forces. The shock you feel when you scuff your shoes across a
carpet and then reach for a metal doorknob is due to charged particles leaping between your finger and the
doorknob. Electric currents are simply streams of charged particles flowing within wires in response to
electric forces. Even the forces that hold atoms together to form solid matter, and that keep the atoms of solid
objects from passing through each other, are fundamentally due to electric interactions between the charged
particles within atoms.
We begin our study of electromagnetism in this chapter by examining the nature of electric charge. We’ll
find that charge is quantized and obeys a conservation principle. When charges are at rest in our frame of
reference, they exert electrostatic forces on each other. These forces are of tremendous importance in
chemistry and biology and have many technological applications. Electrostatic forces are governed by a
simple relationship known as Coulomb’s law and are most conveniently described by using the concept of
electric field.
To learn and understand the nature of electric charge
Intended Learning Outcomes
A. Define electric charge, and describe how the two types of charge interact
B. State the law of conservation of charge
C. Define conductor and insulator, explain the difference, and give examples of each
D. State Coulomb’s law in terms of how the electrostatic force changes with the distance between two
E. Describe a force field and calculate the strength of an electric field due to a point charge.
F. Calculate the force exerted on a test charge by an electric field.
G. Explain the relationship between electrical force (F) on a test charge and electrical field strength (E).
H. Calculate the total force (magnitude and direction) exerted on a test charge from more than one
I. Describe an electric field diagram of a positive point charge; of a negative point charge with twice
the magnitude of positive charge
Power Point Presentation thru google meet (if needed)
Learning Module
Assessment thru Edmodo Applications with time frame (invitation will be send)
Experiment (Simple and readily available at home)
Electric Charge and Electric Field
Introduction to Electric Charge and Electric Field
Benjamin Franklin demonstrated a connection between lightning and static electricity.
Sparks were drawn from a key hung on a kite string during an electrical storm. These sparks were like those
produced by static electricity, such as the spark that jumps from your finger to a metal doorknob after you walk
across a wool carpet.
Luigi Galvani (1737–1798) performed a series of experiments in which static electricity was used to stimulate
contractions of leg muscles of dead frogs, an effect already known in humans subjected to static discharges. But
Galvani also found that if he joined two metal wires (say copper and zinc) end to end and touched the other
ends to muscles, he produced the same effect in frogs as static discharge.
Alessandro Volta (1745–1827), partly inspired by Galvani’s work, experimented with various combinations of
metals and developed the battery.
The ancient Greeks discovered as early as 600 B.C. that after they rubbed amber with
wool, the amber could attract other objects. Today we say that the amber has acquired a
net electric charge, or has become charged. The word “electric” is derived from the
Greek word elektron, meaning amber.
Figure 2:
(a) The glass rod is attracted to the
silk because their charges are
(b) Two similarly charged glass
rods repel.
(c) Two similarly charged silk
cloths repel.
Charging by induction
(a) Two uncharged or neutral metal
spheres are in contact with each other but
insulated from the rest of the world.
(b) A positively charged glass rod is
brought near the sphere on the left
(c)The spheres are separated before the
rod is removed, thus separating negative
and positive charge.
(d) The spheres retain net charges after
the inducing rod is removed—without
ever having been touched by a charged
Coulomb’s Law
Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736–1806) was first to publish the mathematical equation that descirbes the
electrostatic force between two objects
Coulomb’s law states:
“The magnitude of the electric force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.”
where :
F is the magnitude of the Coulomb Force, Newtons(N)
k proportionality constant
N .m 2 9 N .m
k 8.988 x109 8.99 x10
q1q2 C2 C2
F k 2 q1 , q2 point charges
r r 2 distance between two point charge
Electric Field
The Electric Field (E) is defined in such a manner that it represents only the charge creating it and is unique
at every point in space. Specifically, the electric field E is defined as:
F Where:
E F Electrostatic Force (Coulomb Force),N
q q Test charge, C
E Electric Field, N/C
Application of Electrostatics
1. Van de Graaff Generator
is an electrostatic generator which uses a moving belt to accumulate electric charge on a hollow
metal globe on the top of an insulated column, creating very high electric potentials.
2. Xerography
is a printing and photocopying technique that works on the basis of electrostatic charges.
3. Laser Printer
is an electrostatic digital printing process
GENERAL PHYSICS 2: MODULE DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: Explain and Describe based on what you understand. Cite
examples if necessary
The electric force between two charged particles becomes weaker with increasing distance. Suppose
instead that the electric force was independent of distance. In this case, would a charged comb still cause a
neutral insulator to become polarized as in
Figure below? Why or why not? Would the neutral insulator still be attracted to the comb?
PROBLEM SOLVING QUESTION: Solve the following problems. Show all necessary solutions to
justify your answers. All final answer must be up to the 3rd decimal places with the appropriate units. Box
your final answers
1. Common static electricity involves charges ranging from nanocoulombs to microcoulombs. (a) How
many electrons are needed to form a charge of –2.00 nC (b) How many electrons must be removed
from a neutral object to leave a net charge of 0.500 μC ?
2. Suppose a speck of dust in an electrostatic precipitator has 1.0000×10 12 protons in it and has a net
charge of –5.00 nC (a very large charge for a small speck). How many electrons does it have?
3. (a) How strong is the attractive force between a glass rod with a 0.700 μC charge and a silk cloth
with a –0.600 μC charge, which are 12.0 cm apart, using the approximation that they act like point
charges? (b) Discuss how the answer to this problem might be affected if the charges are distributed
over some area and do not act like point charges.
There are very large numbers of charged particles in most objects. Why, then, don’t most objects exhibit static
electricity? Why do most objects tend to contain nearly equal numbers of positive and negative charges?
Resources and Additional Resources
Urone, Paul Peter and Hinrichs, Roger. (2012). College Physics. Texas: Openstax
Young, Hugh D. and Freeman, Roger A. (2014). University Physics with Modern Physics Technology.