Sarcopenia in The Elderly: Diagnosis, Physiopathology and Treatment
Sarcopenia in The Elderly: Diagnosis, Physiopathology and Treatment
Sarcopenia in The Elderly: Diagnosis, Physiopathology and Treatment
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Article history: Sarcopenia, defined as a syndrome rather than as a pathology, is the loss of muscle mass and function
Received 3 November 2011 associated with age. Sarcopenia is an enigma for medicine, and despite the numerous publications avail-
Received in revised form 9 November 2011 able in the literature and the number of papers currently being published, there is no agreement about
Accepted 10 November 2011
its definition, and even less about its root causes. One salient aspect that proves the lack of consensus is
the fact that different working groups are still debating about the right name for this syndrome (which
is associated with the loss of muscle mass and strength in the elderly).
In hospitalized patients, sarcopenia has been shown to raise the risk of complications such as infections,
Bioelectrical impedance analysis
pressure ulcers, loss of autonomy, institutionalization and poor quality of life, as well as to increase
Muscle mass mortality.
Neuromuscular aging The factors that contribute to the development of sarcopenia in the elderly are: the state of chronic
Inflammaging inflammation, atrophy of motoneurons, reduced protein intake (secondary among others to the condition
defined as geriatric anorexia), and immobility. There is ongoing debate about the causes of sarcopenia,
but the aspect that generates most interest today is the quest to achieve repeatable and clinically useful
diagnostic criteria for its diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
The aim of this narrative review is to summarise the abundant information available in the literature
and to draw useful conclusions.
© 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
0378-5122/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
110 V. Malafarina et al. / Maturitas 71 (2012) 109–114
Table 1
Advantages and disadvantages of instrumental tests for the diagnosis of sarcopenia.
Increased circulating levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha Patients with sarcopenic obesity, high fat mass, and low muscle
(TNF-alfa), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and C-reactive mass are more susceptible to mobility and disability problems than
protein (CRP) are seen in the elderly [24]. These age-related changes those who only have obesity or sarcopenia [31]. Muscle mass loss
in immune function are associated with a progressive increase in the elderly is associated with an increased fat mass. Between
in glucocorticoid and catecholamine levels and decreased GH 30 and 60 years of age, 0.23 kg of muscle are lost and 0.45 kg of
and sexual hormone levels. These characteristics are similar to fat are gained every year. This change in muscle composition may
those of chronic stress. Inflammatory cytokines are directly asso- be masked by a stable body weight, and results in the phenotype
ciated with muscle mass loss and muscle strength reduction in called sarcopenic obesity [32].
the elderly. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, particularly TNF-alfa, are The quality of muscle in obese people is very poor due to
potent stimulants of proteolysis through the UPS activation path- intramuscular fat infiltration, which contributes to muscle fatigue,
way (ubiquitin–proteosome system). For each increase in standard fragility, and disability. In elderly people, an increased fat content
deviation in the TNF-alfa value, a 1.2–1.3 kg reduction is seen in may be seen between muscle groups (intermuscular adipose tissue)
hand grip strength. For each increase in standard deviation of IL-6, and between muscle fascicles (intramuscular adipose tissue).
a 1.1–2.4 kg reduction is found in hand grip strength [25]. The catabolic role of IL-6 in sarcopenia may be exacerbated
Inflammation may be a key factor in the genesis of sarcopenia. A in overweight or obese people, because IL-6 levels are related
low level of chronic inflammation is highly prevalent in the elderly, to increased abdominal fat. Increased fat mass is also associ-
as shown by the increased levels of cytokines and acute phase ated with low testosterone and GH levels and increased cortisol.
proteins, and by prolonged inflammatory infectious diseases [10]. All of these factors facilitate muscle catabolism, accumulation of
This underlying age-related chronic inflammation phenomenon abdominal fat, and development of insulin resistance. Adipose
has been called “inflamm-aging” [26]. tissue cannot be regarded as a benign energy store alone. Abdom-
In patients with sarcopenia, higher cortisol levels are found inal adipocytes contribute to production of pro-inflammatory
than in healthy elderly people [27]. IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-␣ have adipokines, cytokines, and other factors that contribute to main-
been shown to decrease food intake and to reduce body weight by taining a chronic inflammation status [33].
112 V. Malafarina et al. / Maturitas 71 (2012) 109–114
Cachexia, from the Greek words “kakos”, bad, and “hexis”, con- Testosterone is a steroid hormone that stimulates develop-
dition, was defined not many years ago as a complex metabolic ment of secondary sexual characteristics in men, including muscle
syndrome associated with an underlying disease and characterized growth [41]. The results of the different studies are not consistent.
by loss of muscle mass, with or without fat mass loss [34]. Cachexia Administration of testosterone to young people is associated with
is often associated with inflammation, insulin resistance, anorexia, an increase in muscle mass, but not in strength. In the elderly,
and increased protein catabolism [35]. In cachexia, inflammation is high testosterone doses increase contraction force [42], but this
the key factor, and weight loss is the main symptom. This is why treatment has been associated with severe complications, con-
many cachectic people also have sarcopenia, but many sarcopenic traindicating its use.Growth hormone
people cannot be considered cachectic. Cachexia occurs in people Growth hormone (GH) supplementation has created a multi-
of any age and may be viewed as an accelerated primary model of million market in anti-aging medicine programs. Administration of
sarcopenia [36]. GH improves body composition by increasing muscle mass, reduc-
It remains to be shown whether functional consequences of ing fat mass, and decreasing bone demineralization rate, but there
acute muscle mass loss (cachexia and bed confinement) may be is strong evidence that it does not improve contraction or functional
compared to the effects of slow and chronic loss of muscle mass, capacity and does not induce positive metabolic changes [43]. It is
characteristic of sarcopenia [37]. also associated to severe side effects [44].
From a therapeutic viewpoint, it is important to distinguish sar-
copenia from cachexia and starvation, because they all cause loss 4.5. Dehydroepiandrosterone
of skeletal muscle mass and strength [38], but starvation read-
ily responds to renutrition, while cachexia is highly refractory to DHEA is a precursor that is converted into sexual hormone in
nutritional interventions [39]. specific target organs. Administration of DHEA to elderly people
increases bone density, but causes no changes in muscle size, con-
traction, or function. Its side effects are unknown, but the lack of
proven benefit restricts its indications. A recent review confirms
4. Treatment that the DHEA treatment data are inconclusive and its use is not
recommended for treating sarcopenia [45].
4.1. Non-drug treatment
4.6. Vitamin D
The practice of physical resistance exercise has been shown to
improve muscle mass and strength, but is not always feasible in 25(OH)-vitamin D (vitD) levels decrease with age. Many stud-
elderly subjects, and it is not yet known how long its effects last ies have reported extremely low vitD levels in elderly people.
after it is discontinued [40]. It has also been shown that it is not vitD levels above 30 ng/mL are considered normal; levels less than
sufficient to reverse the loss of muscle mass in elderly people. 12 ng/mL are diagnostic of vitD deficiency, and levels between 12
and 30 ng/mL suggest vitD insufficiency.
Low vitD levels are associated with decreased muscle strength
and statin-induced myopathy [46]. Supplementation with vitD is
4.2. Drug treatment associated with functional improvement, increased strength, and
decreased falls and mortality [47]. Di Monaco showed that vitD
Pharmacological treatment of sarcopenia is a major area for levels were associated with recovery after rehabilitation in women
research. Many drugs are being tested for their effects on muscle with hip fracture, but were not significantly associated with an
mass and strength, such as Ghrelin, GH secretagogue and myostatin increased fat-free mass [48].
inhibitor, but at present few results have been achieved, some of
which are controversial. We shall therefore only report on the treat- 5. Conclusion
ments that have been most thoroughly investigated. Diet is the
other major field of study for treating sarcopenia, but falls beyond Despite the considerable volume of publications, there is no
the scope of this review. Table 3 shows the characteristics of the conclusive definition of sarcopenia and it is not recognized as a
most studied drug for the treatment of sarcopenia. pathology. There is no clear association between the loss of muscle
Table 3
Summary of the major characteristics of treatment.
Studies in RCT in Improved muscle Results concerning Secondary effects Indications Indicated
the elderly sarcopenia strength mass in
in humans sarcopenia
mass and strength, or the factors that contribute to their develop- Provenance and peer review
ment. It would be logical to assume that there is a direct relationship
between muscle mass and strength: the greater the mass the Not commissioned, externally peer reviewed.
greater the strength, and vice versa. An active life style and diet
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