AUTISM Antonio M. Persicoa, B, C,, Valerio Napolionia PDF
AUTISM Antonio M. Persicoa, B, C,, Valerio Napolionia PDF
AUTISM Antonio M. Persicoa, B, C,, Valerio Napolionia PDF
Autism genetics
Antonio M. Persico a,b,c,∗ , Valerio Napolioni a,b
Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry Unit, University “Campus Bio-Medico”, Rome, Italy
Department of Experimental Neurosciences, IRCCS “Fondazione Santa Lucia”, Rome, Italy
Mafalda Luce Center for Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Milan, Italy
h i g h l i g h t s
• Autism spectrum disorder has strong, complex and heterogeneous genetic underpinnings.
• The phenotypic expression of these genetic components is also highly variable.
• All autism genes are also involved in intellectual disability, and several in other disorders like schizophrenia.
• Autism genetics includes syndromic forms, CNVs or point mutations, mitochondrial forms and polygenic autisms.
• Genome-wide association studies and whole-exome sequencing have recently provided valuable contributions to the field.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a severe neuropsychiatric disease with strong genetic underpinnings.
Received 28 November 2012 However, genetic contributions to autism are extremely heterogeneous, with many different loci under-
Received in revised form 3 June 2013 lying the disease to a different extent in different individuals. Moreover, the phenotypic expression (i.e.,
Accepted 4 June 2013
“penetrance”) of these genetic components is also highly variable, ranging from fully penetrant point
Available online 13 June 2013
mutations to polygenic forms with multiple gene–gene and gene–environment interactions. Further-
more, many genes involved in ASD are also involved in intellectual disability, further underscoring their
lack of specificity in phenotypic expression. We shall hereby review current knowledge on the genetic
Autistic disorder
Asperger syndrome
basis of ASD, spanning genetic/genomic syndromes associated with autism, monogenic forms due to
Chromosomal abnormality copy number variants (CNVs) or rare point mutations, mitochondrial forms, and polygenic autisms.
Copy number variant Finally, the recent contributions of genome-wide association and whole exome sequencing studies will
Genome-wide association be highlighted.
Whole exome sequencing © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
2. Monogenic autisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
2.1. Main genetic syndromes associated with autism: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and tuberous sclerosis (TS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
2.2. Copy number variants (CNVs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.3. “Synaptic” genes: neuroligins, SHANK and neurexins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
2.4. Chromatin architecture genes (MECP2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2.5. Morphogenetic and growth-regulating genes (HOXA1, PTEN, EIF4E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.6. Calcium-related genes (CACNA1C, CACNA1F, KCNMA1 and SCN2A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
2.7. Mitochondrial forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3. Non-syndromic autism: the role of common variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
∗ Corresponding author at: Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry Unit, Lab. of Molecular Psychiatry & Neurogenetics, University “Campus Bio-Medico”,
Via Alvaro del Portillo 21, I-00128 Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 06 225419155; fax: +39 06 501703333.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.M. Persico).
Table 1
Known genetic syndromes associated with autism [187,188].
second most common cause of mental impairment after trisomy 21 and pragmatic language clearly distinguish FXS with and without
[21]. Autism prevalence in FXS is approximately 30% and PDD-NOS ASD [23–25].
occurs in an additional 30% of cases [22]. Premutation repeat expan- Tuberous sclerosis (TS) is an autosomal dominant disease with
sions (55–200 CGG repeats) may also give rise to ASD, through a high penetrance, characterized pathologically by the presence of
different molecular mechanism involving a direct toxic effect of hamartomas (tumor-like lesions) in multiple organs. Well-known
the expanded CGG repeat FMR1 mRNA [22]. In premutation carri- clinical manifestations include epilepsy, learning difficulties,
ers, RNA toxicity can also lead later in life to aging effects termed behavioral problems, and skin lesions [26]. TS is due to inactivating
“Fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome”, including tremor, mutations in either of two genes, TSC1 or TSC2, located in 9q34
ataxia and cognitive decline [22]. ASD in FXS is mainly characterized and 16p13.3, respectively. These mutations comprise a variety of
by deficits in peer interactions and to a lesser extent by impairment nonsense, missense, insertion and deletion mutations, involving
in socio-emotional reciprocity, although deficits in theory-of-mind nearly all exons of TSC1 and TSC2 [26]. Autism is significantly more
Table 2
Syndromic autisms due to recurrent CNVs.
1q21 Del Autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity, antisocial behaviour, anxiety, epilepsy, mental retardation, developmental delay,
depression, hallucinations, schizophrenia; minor dysmorphisms, cardiac defects, cataracts, multiple congenital malformations
Dup Autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity, epilepsy, mental retardation, developmental delay, impaired language, learning
disability; minor dysmorphisms, multiple congenital malformations
15q13 Del Autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity, aggression, anxiety, epilepsy, mental retardation, developmental delay, impaired
language, schizophrenia; minor dysmorphisms, cardiac defects
Dup Autism, anxiety, bipolar disorder, mental retardation, developmental delay, obsessive–compulsive disorder, language delay;
minor dysmorphisms, hypotonia, obesity, recurrent ear infections
16p11.2 Del Autism, Asperger syndrome, attention deficit, hyperactivity, dyslexia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, epilepsy, mental retardation,
developmental delay, language impairment, schizophrenia; minor dysmorphisms, hypotonia, multiple congenital
Dup Autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity, anxiety, epilepsy, mental retardation, developmental delay, obsessive–compulsive
98 A.M. Persico, V. Napolioni / Behavioural Brain Research 251 (2013) 95–112
frequent among TS patients than in the general population, as its subgroup of cases. However, latter studies failed to replicate the
incidence has been estimated at nearly 30% in TS [27]. Individuals genome-wide differences initially found in CNV frequency between
with TSC2 mutations are significantly more likely to display greater ASD patients and controls [48–50]. This evidence implies that
severity compared to those with TSC1 mutations, often including excessive genomic instability does not represent a widespread hall-
a positive history of infantile spasms, lower intelligent quotient, mark of autism, but it may only characterize some ASD families.
and autistic disorder [27,28]. Different mutations in the TSC2 gene Recently, it has become evident that CNV location and its functional
have been described in association with severe clinical and epilep- relevance may play a more important role instead of mean CNV
tic phenotypes, including infantile spasms and Lennox–Gastaut number and size. Indeed, two large datasets have lately uncovered
syndrome, West syndrome and cardiac rhabdomyoma, autism, highly heterogeneous de novo copy-number variants collectively
mood and anxiety disorders [27,28]. affecting several loci and presumably accounting for 5–8% of cases
Given the high phenotypic variability in FXS and TS of simplex forms of ASD [51,52]. Network-based functional anal-
patients with autism, current research aims at better defining ysis of these rare CNVs confirms the involvement of these loci in
genotype–phenotype correlations, thus providing a solid frame- synapse development, axon targeting, and neuron motility [53].
work for managing ASD in a clinical genetics setting. Recent studies Although most of CNVs are private, recurrent microdeletion syn-
demonstrated that individuals with ASD and FXS have on average dromes have also been identified (Table 2) [54–58]. Overall, CNVs
lower IQ and greater deficits in receptive and expressive language are linked to a broad variety of clinical features, including major
compared to patients with FXS alone [24]. Deficits in social inter- or minor malformations, facial dysmorphisms, severe neurological
action and communication tend to persistent over time [29], and symptoms, full-blown autism, milder autism-spectrum traits, or
may be correlated with decreased cortico-cortical connectivity even behavioral disorders outside of the autism spectrum. Thus, the
[30]. Interestingly, FMR1 mutations may also contribute to the variable penetrance and great phenotypic heterogeneity character-
etiology of high-functioning, non-syndromic ASD, particularly in izing CNV expressivity make it often difficult to determine whether
women [31]. In reference to TS, the severity of autistic features in a given patient a CNV is the sole cause of autism, confers vulner-
is inextricably linked to intelligence and epilepsy [32]. Lastly, a ability to the disease, or represents a chance finding. Indeed, the
recent study did not report an enrichment of rare TSC1 and TSC2 majority of CNVs are inherited from either one of the parents, who
functional variants in a sample of 300 ASD trios, thus excluding may display some autistic traits, but clearly without satisfying crite-
mutations in TSC1/2 genes as rare causes of non-syndromic autism ria for autistic disorder. Notably, many CNVs found in ASD patients
[33]. have been found also in patients with other psychopathologies,
Several phenotypes of validated FXS and TS mouse models have especially intellectual disability and schizophrenia.
been shown to respond to pharmacological treatments affecting
protein synthesis [34–38]. Notably, Auerbach et al. [39] showed 2.3. “Synaptic” genes: neuroligins, SHANK and neurexins
that these mutations produce opposite effects on long-term depres-
sion (LTD) recorded in area CA1 of the hippocampus of Tsc2(+/−) Several neuroligins, SHANK and neurexin genes, encoding pro-
and Fmr1(−/y) mice, which requires the immediate translation of teins crucial to synapse formation, maturation and stabilization,
mRNAs located in the dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neu- have been found to host mutations responsible for behavioural
rons. In particular, Tsc2(+/−) and Fmr1(−/y) mice display blunted phenotypes, including autism [59–61]. At the extracellular level,
and exaggerated LTD, respectively, which are surprisingly rescued postsynaptic neuroligins interact with presynaptic ␣- or -
to wild-type (WT) levels in double mutants, as occurs with the neurexins stimulating the formation of the presynaptic bouton
memory deficits recorded in both mutant mice using the con- [62,63]; at the intracellular level, neuroligins associate with post-
text discrimination test [39]. Furthermore, LTD can be rescued synaptic scaffolding proteins, such as SHANK3 [64].
in Tsc2(+/−) and Fmr1(−/y) mice by administering agonists and Neuroligins are encoded by the NLGN1, NLGN2, NLGN3, NLGN4X,
antagonists metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5), respec- and NLGN5 genes. Among them, only NLGN3, NLGN4, and NLGN4Y
tively. Hence, genetically heterogeneous forms of ASD, resulting genes have been found to harbour mutations possibly causative of
in opposite neurophysiological abnormalities, can produce simi- autism. However, the frequency of NLGN gene mutations among
lar behavioral deficits amenable to amelioration by modulating in idiopathic ASD patients is low, as collectively confirmed by mul-
opposite directions mGluR5 receptors [39]. Converging evidence of tiple studies (Table 3) [12]. Mouse mutants carrying the human
a synaptic pathophysiology in autism and of the pivotal role played NLGN3 R451C mutation, initially reported by Jamain et al. [65],
by group I mGluRs in social cognition is also provided by experi- display a mild behavioral phenotype [66,67], characterized by
ments demonstrating that mGluR5 is the downstream effector of reduced ultrasonic vocalizations in males and impaired social nov-
MeCP2 in modulating synaptic scaling [40], and by Neuroligin-3 elty preference. Surprisingly enhanced spatial learning abilities
(NLGN3) knockout mice exhibiting disrupted heterosynaptic com- and increased inhibitory synaptic transmission were also reported
petition and elevated synaptic mGluR1␣ levels, both rescued by [66]. In fact, at the neuronal level, the R451C mutation causes
NLGN3 expression even in young adults [41]. Collectively these on one hand defective vesicle trafficking with partial retention
results strongly support a shared synaptic pathophysiology for non- of NLGN3 in the endoplasmic reticulum, blunted NLGN3 delivery
syndromic forms and the genetic syndromes most associated with to the cell membrane, and reduced synapse induction [68–70];
autism (FXS and TS) [42]. on the other hand, contrary to the neocortex, where glutamate-
driven excitation is reduced, in the hippocampus AMPA-driven
2.2. Copy number variants (CNVs) excitation, NR2B subunit delivery and long-term potentiation are
all upregulated by approximately twofold [71]. A different NLGN3
Copy number variants (CNVs) are DNA segments ranging in size mutation, R704C, initially reported by Yan et al. [72], causes a
from 50 base pairs to several megabases among individuals due to major and selective decrease in AMPA receptor-mediated synap-
deletion, insertion, inversion, duplication or complex recombina- tic transmission, leaving the number of synapses unchanged [73].
tion [43]. Early studies [44–47] showed an increased frequency of Also for NLGN mutation carriers, the clinical phenotype is highly
CNVs in ASD population compared to controls (on average 6–10% heterogeneous, ranging from severe autism to Tourette’s Syndrome
vs. 1–3%, respectively). Notably, these studies found several de (Table 3).
novo CNVs in autistic children (mainly from simplex families), a The SHANK gene family consists of three members (SHANK1,
result suggesting the existence of genomic instability in a sizable SHANK2, and SHANK3), which encode scaffolding proteins required
A.M. Persico, V. Napolioni / Behavioural Brain Research 251 (2013) 95–112 99
Table 3
Mutations and cytogenetic abnormalities, either de novo or segregating, affecting “synaptic” genes (neuroligins, SHANK and neurexins).
Table 3 (Continued)
for the proper formation and function of neuronal synapses. reported rare mutations or genomic deletion encompassing the
SHANK3, located on chromosome 22q13.3, is predominantly SHANK3 locus in as many as 0.85% all ASD individuals (Table 3).
expressed in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, and it is local- These ASD subjects are characterized by severe language impair-
ized at excitatory synapses where it binds to neuroligins in ment, often accompanied by ID and neurodevelopmental delay
post-synaptic boutons [74]. It contains multiple protein–protein [12]. Notably, SHANK3 is located in the minimal critical region of
interaction domains and functions as a master organizer of the the 22q13 deletion syndrome, also known as Phelan–McDermid
postsynaptic density (PSD). As for neuroligins, several studies Syndrome, which is also characterized by severe ID, absence of
A.M. Persico, V. Napolioni / Behavioural Brain Research 251 (2013) 95–112 101
speech or a severely expressive speech delay, hypotonia, normal (Ca2+ ) channels to synaptic vesicle exocytosis [86,87]. Several stud-
to accelerated growth, and mild dysmorphic features [75]. No evi- ies have reported rare sequence variants or CNVs affecting the
dence of association was found in large samples, demonstrating NRXN1 locus, as summarized in Table 3. As for neuroligins, also
that the SHANK3 gene hosts rare, but not common variants [76,77]. NRXN1 mutation/deletion carries display striking clinical hetero-
Beside the common feature of language impairment, SHANK3 muta- geneity. Indeed, disruptive NRXN1 variants have been linked to
tions/deletions display highly variable phenotypic expression. They ID [88,89] and schizophrenia [90–94], while a large retrospective
are frequently inherited from an apparently healthy parent and study involving 3540 individuals, identified 12 carriers of exonic
can also be found in unaffected siblings of probands with autism. NRXN1 microdeletions causing vastly different clinical phenotypes,
Two de novo mutations, R536W and R1117X, never reported in ranging from ASD, to ID, specific language disorder, and muscle
ASD patients, were detected in individuals with schizophrenia [78]. hypotonia [95]. Surprisingly, Nrxn1˛ deficiency is not always detri-
Notably, autistic carriers of inherited 22q13 deletions involving mental in rodents: mice with a homozygous (−/−) deletion of
SHANK3 due to a paternal balanced translocation, have siblings with Nrxn1˛ spend more time grooming, but also show improved motor
partial 22q13 trisomy diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, show- learning [96]. Nrxn1˛ heterozygous knock-out (+/−) mice display
ing early language development and ADHD [79,80]. These results increased responsiveness to novelty and accelerated habituation to
demonstrate a physiological window of expression, whereby both novel environments compared to wild type (+/+) litter-mates [97].
excessive or deficient expression lead to opposite linguistic phen- Moreover, this effect is mainly observed in male mice, strongly sug-
otypes and different behavioural disorders. A recent report also gesting that gender-specific mechanisms play an important role
showed a significant association of SNP rs76224556 with PDD-NOS, in Nrxn1␣-induced phenotypes [97]. Recently, rare deletions at
highlighting an interesting genotype/phenotype correlation within NRXN3 locus have been also found in four ASD patients; three of
the autism spectrum [81]. Mutations of SHANK2 have also recently these deletions were inherited from either subclinical or apparently
been reported both in ASD and in ID (Table 3) [50,82]. Using a com- healthy parents, underscoring issues of penetrance and expressiv-
bination of genetic and functional approaches, Leblond et al. [83] ity at this locus [98].
identified a de novo loss of one SHANK2 allele and several muta-
tions observed in autistic patients, shown to reduce neuronal cell
contacts in vitro. Interestingly, three patients with de novo SHANK2 2.4. Chromatin architecture genes (MECP2)
deletions also carried inherited 15q11–q13 CNVs previously asso-
ciated with neuropsychiatric disorders. In two cases, the nicotinic DNA methylation is the major modification of eukaryotic
receptor CHRNA7 was duplicated and in one case the synaptic trans- genomes and plays an essential role in mammalian development.
lation repressor CYFIP1 was deleted [83]. These results strongly MeCP2, a member of the methyl-CpG-binding domain family of
support an oligogenic, “multiple hit” model for the genetic under- proteins, binds to methylated CpG dinucleotides, recruiting histone
pinnings of most cases. A hemizygous SHANK1 deletion was found deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and other proteins involved in chromatin
to segregate with high-functioning ASD in male carriers belonging repression at specific gene promoters. The MECP2 gene is thus
to a four-generation family [84]. A de novo SHANK1 deletion was required for correct brain function and development: loss of MeCP2
also detected in an unrelated male with “high-functioning” ASD, has been shown to delay neuronal maturation and synaptogenesis,
and no equivalent SHANK1 mutations were found in over 15,000 and MECP2 de novo loss-of-function mutations cause Rett syndrome
controls [84]. in approximately 70% of affected females, while they are generally
The third crucial player in the autism-related synaptic net- lethal in males [99,100]. However, de novo MECP2 mutations can
work is represented by neurexins, encoded by the three highly occasionally result in relatively asymptomatic phenotypes, mild
conserved genes, NRXN1, NRXN2 and NRXN3. Each gene has mental retardation and verbal Rett variants, depending upon the
two independent promoters: ␣-neurexins are transcribed from specific mutation [101], the genetic background of the patient,
a promoter upstream of exon 1, whereas -neurexins are tran- and most importantly on X-inactivation pattern, which tends to
scribed from a downstream, intragenic promoter, resulting in a be highly skewed in the presence of mutations affecting X-linked
shorter form of neurexins [85]. As described above, the interac- genes, such as NLGN3 and MECP2, albeit not being skewed in ASD
tion between neuroligins and neurexins triggers the formation families altogether [102]. In addition, MECP2 mutations have also
of functional pre-synaptic boutons both in neuronal [59–61] and been found in non-syndromic autistic girls (Table 4). Most variants
even in non-neuronal cells [62,63]. Moreover, neurexins are impor- are de novo, but some are inherited from mothers usually with bor-
tant mediators for neurotransmitter release by linking calcium derline cognitive functioning (Table 4). Importantly, at the time of
Table 4
Mutations and cytogenetic abnormalities, either de novo or segregating, affecting the MECP2 gene.
their first diagnosis young girls with autism carrying MECP2 muta- with premature protein truncation was found in nine Saudi Ara-
tions typically display none of the clinical features characteristic bian patients belonging to five consaguineous families [117,118].
of Rett syndrome (epilepsy, microcephaly, wringing hand stereo- Although these patients display significant interindividual vari-
typies, and breathing problems). These signs and symptoms will ability, they share some common phenotypic features, including
develop when they grow older, usually at age 6–9 [103]. horizontal gaze abnormalities, deafness, focal weakness, hypoven-
tilation, vascular malformations of the internal carotid arteries and
2.5. Morphogenetic and growth-regulating genes (HOXA1, PTEN, cardiac outflow tract, mental retardation and autism. This array of
EIF4E) clinical traits defines the Bosley–Salih–Alorainy syndrome (BSAS)
[118], and the partially overlapping the Athabascan brainstem dys-
Many syndromic patients display facial dysmorphisms, minor genesis syndrome [119].
or major malformations, microcephaly or macrocephaly either The phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) gene, located
isolated or as part of a broader microsomia or macrosomia, respec- on chromosome 10q23, harbours mutations associated with a
tively. Also children with idiopathic autism often display minor broad spectrum of disorders, including Cowden syndrome (CS),
facial dysmorphisms [104] and abnormal head/body growth rates Bannayan–Riley–Ruvalcaba syndrome, Proteus syndrome, and
[105,106]. Macrocephaly is recorded in approximately 20% of autis- Lhermitte–Duclos disease [120]. PTEN is a tumor suppressor gene
tic children [105], with head overgrowth seemingly occurring which favours cell-cycle arrest in G1 and apoptosis, while balanc-
during the first few years of life [107]. In the majority of the patients, ing the stimulation physiologically exerted on cell proliferation
macrocephaly is part of a broader macrosomia [105,106]. In con- and body growth by nutrient availability, insulin release, and
trast, a small subset of patients with idiopathic autism is instead pro-inflammatory cytokines through the ERK/PI3K/mTOR pathway
microcephalic and usually also microsomic [105]. [121]. Genetic syndromes linked to PTEN germline haploinsuf-
Hox genes play a crucial role during embryonic patterning and ficiency are often associated with autism or mental retardation
organogenesis. Of the 39 Hox genes, HOXA1 (located on chromo- [122]. Indeed, several studies reported missense mutations affect-
some 7p15.3) is the first to be expressed during embryogenesis ing evolutionarily conserved aminoacid residues in macrocephalic
and it is necessary for the proper development of the brainstem, individuals affected by idiopathic autism (Table 5). Interestingly,
cerebellum, several cranial nerves, middle and internal ear, occip- PTEN knockout mice display macrosomy, macrocephaly, CNS over-
ital and hyoid bones [108,109]. Ingram et al. [110] first identified growth with thickening of the neocortex and cytoarchitectonic
a common HOXA1 polymorphism, an A-to-G substitution at codon abnormalities in the hippocampus, excessive dendritic and axonal
218, changing the codon for one histidine in a series of histidine growth, and increased numbers of synapses [123]. Subjects with
repeats to an arginine at position 73. This polymorphism exerts autism carrying PTEN mutations are characterized by severe to
an equally sizable effect on head growth rates both in autistic extreme macrocephaly; in some cases the overgrowth starts pre-
and in typically developing children, with the G allele yielding natally, whereas for other PTEN mutation carriers macrocephaly
faster head growth and smaller cerebellar volumes [111–115]. A occurs only postnatally, as generally reported for macrocephalic
recent meta-analysis shows a lack of association of the A218G poly- ASD children [107]. Behavioral traits in PTEN mutation carriers
morphism with autism risk [116], in line with this polymorphism are heterogeneous and some mutations can be inherited from
exerting head growth-modulating effects in all children, regard- apparently healthy parents [124]. The incidence of PTEN de novo
less of autism. Instead, two rare pathogenic HOXA1 gene variants mutations in macrocephalic ASD patients has been estimated at
have been found: a c.84 C>G mutation resulting in the introduc- 4.7% (6/126) [12]. Importantly, these patients are at increased
tion of a stop codon (Y28X) was detected in a Turkish patient risk of developing a variety of PTEN-related cancers during
with autism, while a 175-176insG causing a reading frame shift adulthood.
Table 5
Mutations and cytogenetic abnormalities, either de novo or segregating, affecting morphogenetic and growth-regulating genes (HOXA1, PTEN, EIF4E). For PTEN, percentages
refer to the entire sample or to “macrocephalic cases” only.
HOXA1 [117] c84 C>G (Y28X) 1 patient from a Turkish consanguineous family
[118] 175–176insG 9 patients from 5 Saudi Arabian consanguineous family
Table 6
Mutations and cytogenetic abnormalities, either de novo or segregating, affecting calcium-related genes (CACNA1C, CACNA1F, KCNMA1 and SCN2A).
Finally, the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E gene do mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or in nuclear DNA
(EIF4E, located on chr. 4q21–q25) plays a pivotal role in protein (nDNA) heavily involved in mitochondrial function explain the
translation downstream of mTOR. Recently, a balanced translo- disease. In fact, a recent comprehensive investigation including
cation disrupting the EIF4E locus was found in a boy with ASD 1298 autistic patients failed to provide any evidence of com-
displaying regression of language and social interactions at 2 years mon contributions by mtDNA variation or heteroplasmy to ASD
of age [125] (Table 5). In the same study, both affected children [136]. Children with mitochondrial disease thus represent a small
of 2/120 multiplex families were found to inherit from an appar- percentage (<1%) of all autistic patients. These children are charac-
ently unaffected father a C insertion, extending to eight a stretch of terized by several atypical clinical features, including oculomotor
seven cytosines located in the basal promoter element of the EIF4E abnormalities, dysarthria, ptosis, hearing deficits, hypertonia and
gene (4-EBE), resulting in a twofold increase in gene expression movement disorders [134,135]. A peculiar characteristic of this ASD
[125]. Interestingly, eIF4E overexpressing mice display enhanced subgroup is behavioral regression, especially in association with
neuronal excitation/inhibition ratio, increased translation of neu- fever [137,138]. From a phenotypic point-of-view, microcephaly
roligins, and autistic-like behaviours, which normalize following and microsomy, as well as neuroanatomical abnormalities, are rel-
pharmacological inhibition of eIF4E activity or down-regulation of atively frequent [137–139]. Ragged Red Fibers, clumps of diseased
neuroligin 1 [18,126]. mitochondria accumulating in the subsarcolemmal region of the
muscle fiber, a typical feature of MERRF syndrome (OMIM*545000),
2.6. Calcium-related genes (CACNA1C, CACNA1F, KCNMA1 and are usually visible in muscle biopsies of adults, but in most affected
SCN2A) children muscle tissue histology is negative.
Genetic and genomic defects affecting mtDNA or nuclear
A body of recent genetic evidence suggests that at least some DNA (nDNA) are detected in approximately 20% of autistic
ASD cases may result from abnormal Ca2+ homeostasis during children with biochemical and clinical signs of mitochondrial
neurodevelopment [127]. Moreover, several genetic studies have disease; each mtDNA mutation or chromosomal rearrangement
identified autism-related genes encoding proteins either directly is reported in ≤0.1% of all cases (Table 7). Chromosomal rear-
or indirectly controlling intracellular Ca2+ levels or regulated rangements in nDNA possibly affecting mitochondrial function,
by cytosolic Ca2+ transients (Table 6). These molecules include include deletions in 15q11–q13 (cytochrome C oxidase subunit
ion channels, receptors, and Ca2+ -regulated signaling proteins, 5A, COX5A), 13q13–q14.1 (mitochondrial ribosomal protein 31,
often times crucial to CNS development. Gain-of-function muta- MRPS31), 4q32–q34.68 (electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehy-
tions in the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel Cav1.2 (CACNA1C) drogenase, ETFDH), 2q37.3 (NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone 1
cause Timothy syndrome, a multisystem disorder including men- alpha subcomplex 10, NDUFA10) [140]. Except for cases of mito-
tal retardation and autism [128]. Similarly, mutations in the L-type chondrial depletion, family history is positive for mitochondrial
voltage-gated Ca2+ channel Cav1.4 (CACNA1F) cause the incomplete diseases along the maternal lineage. In summary, truly mitochon-
form of X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB2): drial ASD forms are indeed rare, as mitochondrial dysfunction
gain-of-function mutations cause CSNB2 frequently accompanied appears to be secondary in most patients, i.e., downstream of other
by cognitive impairment and either autism or epilepsy, whereas pathophysiological abnormalities such as excessive oxidative stress
CSNB2 inactivation due to loss of-function mutations is not [135].
accompanied by neurological symptoms [129,130]. All of these
gain-of-function mutations prevent voltage-dependent channel 3. Non-syndromic autism: the role of common variants
inactivation, leading to excessive Ca2+ influx. Also, mutations and
chromosomal abnormalities indirectly yielding increased cytosolic In a complex disease like autism, it is conceivable that functional
Ca2+ levels or amplifying intracellular Ca2+ signaling by hamper- common polymorphisms can confer vulnerability or protection.
ing Ca2+ -activated negative feedback mechanisms have been found Thus, according to Falconer’s threshold model [141], a host of
associated with autism [131]. A balanced translocation disrupting unfavourable common variants could even cause a disease phe-
one copy of the KCNMA1 gene, resulting in a more depolarized res- notype, either directly, or by lowering the sensitivity threshold to
ting membrane potential and in a relatively less efficient control the point of conferring pathogenicity to widespread environmental
of neuronal excitability has been found in a boy with autism [131]. agents. This scenario is supported by several recent studies, demon-
The R1902C mutation in the SCN2A gene, found in one ASD patient, strating, for example, a moderate to high heritability for autistic
decreases its binding affinity for calmodulin, thus destabilizing the traits in the general population, which does not differ between
inactivation gate and promoting sustained channel activity during extreme scoring groups or between the extreme scoring groups and
depolarization [132]. the general population [142]. Indeed, this evidence clearly supports
the idea for conceptualizing ASD as the quantitative extreme of a
2.7. Mitochondrial forms neurodevelopmental continuum [142]. Analyzing common varia-
tion throughout the genome, Klei et al. [143] demonstrated that
Biochemical parameters linked to mitochondrial function are common genetic variants, acting additively, are a major source of
frequently abnormal in autism [133,134]. However, mitochondrial risk for autism, estimating the fraction of total variation in liabil-
dysfunction appears secondary to the pathophysiology underly- ity conferred by common variants at 40% and 60% or above for
ing ASD in the vast majority of cases [135]. Only in rare instances ASD individuals from simplex and multiplex families, respectively.
104 A.M. Persico, V. Napolioni / Behavioural Brain Research 251 (2013) 95–112
Table 7
Mutations and rearrangements affecting mitochondrial DNA and related to autism.
[137] 3397A>G MT-ND1 25 ASD patients with primary mit. disorder (3/25 mtDNA
4295A>G tRNAIleu mutation carriers)
11984T>C MT-ND4
Notably, data for simplex ASD families closely follow the expecta- most consistently contributing to a complex disease, like autism,
tion for additive models, while data from multiplex families display in genetically homogeneous populations [148]. While several stud-
some deviation, possibly due to parental assortative mating [143]. ies have shown that rare structural variants (deletions/duplications
Hence common variants collectively confer a sizable amount of or point mutations) can have substantial effects on disease risk
vulnerability to autism [143], with each variant exerting a weak [149,150], GWAS have generally not identified any common vari-
effect [144]. Although a detailed review of candidate gene studies ant strongly and consistently associated with autism in multiple
in autism is beyond the scope of this article, a list of the most con- studies. Associations that reach (fully or nearly) stringent genome-
sistently replicated genes is reported in Table 8. Several common wide significance levels in one study typically do not replicate in
variants have been found associated with autism, as reviewed in other GWAS, although patients are apparently recruited according
detail elsewhere [145–147], but evidence from independent repli- to superimposable selection criteria.
cations and from functional studies is not equally strong for all of The first GWAS carried out by Weiss and colleagues [151]
them [147]. Importantly, within the framework of a polygenic dis- reported no statistically significant SNP association in over
ease, by definition no single gene variant should be expected to be 1000 families. However, when the top results (P < 10−4 ) were
associated with the disease in each and every sample, as the host followed-up in independent replication samples, one locus at
of common variants conferring autism vulnerability is predicted to 5p15 replicated, and the meta-data reached genome-wide signifi-
vary widely from patient to patient. However, gene variants pro- cance for association. This association fell between genes encoding
viding the most consistent contributions should be expected to be SEMA5A, a member of the semaphorin family of proteins involved
replicated in over half of independent samples of sufficient size. The in axon guidance, and TAS2R1, a bitter-taste receptor. Independent
vast array of functional effects exerted by each single gene further evidence was presented of reduced expression of SEMA5A in lym-
highlights the complexity of the physiopathological underpinnings phoblastoid cell lines, whole-blood and brain samples of autistic
of ASD. individuals compared to controls [151].
Another GWAS by Wang et al. [152] utilized two populations,
3.1. Genome-wide association studies in ASD one largely overlapping with the sample used by Weiss et al.
[151] and the other including over 1200 cases and nearly 6500
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have emerged as the controls. Combining these samples, one region of genome-wide
method of choice for the unbiased search of common variants significance was identified at chr. 5p14. This locus was replicated
Table 8
The most consistently replicated genes hosting common variants associated with autism, listed in alphabetical order.
CNTNAP2 7q35 Contactin associated protein-like 2 A member of the neurexin family, functioning in the vertebrate
nervous system as cell adhesion molecule and receptor
EN2 7q36 Engrailed homeobox 2 Homeodomain-containing protein implicated in pattern formation
during development of the central nervous system
GABRB3 15q12 Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) The encoded protein is one of at least 13 distinct subunits of a
A receptor, beta 3 multisubunit ligand-gated chloride channel that serves as the receptor
for gamma-aminobutyric acid, the major inhibitory transmitter
present in the brain
ITGB3 17q21.32 Integrin, beta 3 (platelet Integrin participates in cell adhesion- as well as cell surface-mediated
glycoprotein IIIa, antigen CD61) signaling
MET 7q31 Met proto-oncogene (hepatocyte Pleiotropic receptor with tyrosine kinase activity, it mediates HGF
growth factor receptor) signaling and is essential for brain development and wound healing
OXTR 3p25 Oxytocin receptor G-protein coupled receptor which binds oxytocin and activates the
phosphatidylinositol-calcium pathway as second messenger system
RELN 7q22 Reelin Large secreted extracellular matrix protein critical for neuronal
migration in many brain regions during development
SLC6A4 17q11.2 Serotonin transporter Integral membrane protein that transports the neurotransmitter
serotonin from the extracellular space into the presynaptic bouton
A.M. Persico, V. Napolioni / Behavioural Brain Research 251 (2013) 95–112 105
in an independent cohort of nearly 450 families, and the combined from the ADI-R, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, and
evidence exceeded criteria for genome-wide significance [152]. the Social Responsiveness Scale [161]. Significant associations were
The association signal came from a region between CDH10 and found between several phenotypes and a number of loci, includ-
CDH9, two genes encoding neuronal cell-adhesion molecules ing KCND2 (overly serious facial expressions), NOS2A (loss of motor
[152]. This association was also replicated by Ma et al. [153], who skills), and NELL1 (faints, fits, or blackouts).
performed an unbiased GWAS using as a discovery dataset 487 Homozygous haplotype (HH) mapping represents another strat-
Caucasian families from the Collaborative Autism Project and for egy to reduce heterogeneity by detecting homozygous segments
validation an independent publicly available family-based GWAS of identical haplotype structure shared at higher-than-random
dataset from the Autism Genome Research Exchange (AGRE) frequency amongst ASD patients compared to parental controls.
including 680 multiplex families. This interesting association with Applying HH to 1402 trios from the AGP, Casey et al. [162] identified
5p14.1 markers may be driven not by CDH10 and CDH9, but rather 25 known and 1218 putative ASD candidate genes in the discov-
by a 3.9 kb noncoding RNA encoded by the antisense strand of ery analysis including CADM2, ABHD14A, CHRFAM7A, GRIK2, GRM3,
moesin pseudogene 1 (MSNP1), and thus designated MSNP1AS EPHA3, FGF10, KCND2, PDZK1, IMMP2L and FOXP2. Importantly,
(moesin pseudogene 1, antisense) [154]. regions of HH are significantly enriched in previously reported
Ronald et al. [155] undertook the first GWAS of social and ASD candidate genes and the observed associations are indepen-
non-social autistic-like traits in the general population using dent of gene size [162]. One methodological issue that continues
dimensional measures (i.e., DSM-IV-based social and non-social being generally overlooked in the GWAS literature and instead
autistic behavior scales). In their male-only sample, a nominal asso- likely plays a major role in the inconsistencies among different
ciation was found between social autistic traits and rs11894053, GWAS studies, is that association is based on linkage disequili-
a SNP mapping to a hypothetical protein located in an intergenic brium (LD) patterns which differ significantly depending on race
region at chr. 2p21. When using the whole sample, two additional and ethnicity regardless of health and disease. Hence, in addition
SNPs reached nominal significance, namely rs17622673, located in to clinical heterogeneity, also population genetic heterogeneity is
an intergenic region on chr. 6q16.3 downstream from GRIK2 and bound to diminish statistical power in GWAS analyses unless these
associated with social autistic-like traits, and rs12578517, associ- are performed contrasting ethnically and genetically homogeneous
ated with nonsocial autistic-like traits and located on chr. 12p12.3, cases and controls. To our knowledge, no GWAS reports prelim-
upstream from PTPRO. None of these three SNPs were associated inary “population control” analyses to verify for the absence of
with diagnosed ASD in the AGRE sample. significant genetic dyshomogeneity within and between case and
The Autism Genome Project (AGP) Consortium in 2010 geno- control samples. Even recruiting from a single racial group, eth-
typed at 1 million SNPs and analyzed 1558 rigorously defined nically heterogeneous populations such as Caucasian-Americans
ASD families [156], identifying genome-wide association with differ significantly in LD patterns and larger samples may actu-
rs4141463, located in the MACROD2 gene, as crossing a preset sig- ally suffer from lower than higher statistical power, as suggested
nificance threshold of P < 5×10−8 . They also found strong signals by Hu et al. [160]. “Genetic isolates”, such as Iceland, Finland, and
coming from several genes possibly involved in autism phys- Sardinia, represent the ideal setting for GWAS of autism. These
iopathology, namely KIAA0564, PLD5, POU6F2, ST8SIA2, and TAF1C populations have historically undergone less population admix-
[156]. ture, and are more genetically homogeneous and thus better fit
Another GWAS of 990 nuclear families ascertained for two or to highlight differences truly associated with disease mechanisms.
more children with ASD from the AGRE repository, revealed two
SNPs exceeding genome-wide significance by using genome-wide
joint tests allowing for sex differences [157]. Indeed, the SNPs found 4. Recent advances in the genetics of autism spectrum
to be associated with ASD are located in two autism candidate disorder: the impact of whole-exome sequencing
genes, namely the Ryanodine Receptor 2 (RYR2), involved in intra-
cellular Ca2+ homeostasis relevant to autism (see Section 2.6), and Traditional approaches for gene mapping from candidate gene
uridine phosphorylase 2 (UPP2), previously linked and associated studies to positional cloning strategies have been applied for
with autism in independent samples [158]. Mendelian disorders. Since 2005, next-generation sequencing
Inconsistencies among independent GWAS reports, despite the (NGS) technologies are improving as rapid, high-throughput and
great wealth of data gained from each single study, have been cost-effective approaches to fulfil medical sciences and research
interpreted as stemming from the large phenotypic and genetic demands [163]. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) has recently been
heterogeneity of the disease [148–150]. Thus, current efforts are introduced to identify rare or novel genetic defects from genetic
aimed at finding autism subtype-related genetic variants, also by disorders. Particularly, ASD is a model disease to apply WES,
searching for quantitative trait loci (QTL). Using genome-wide because multiple loci are involved in its development with rela-
association data from the study by Wang et al. [152] and catego- tively weak genotype–phenotype correlation.
rizing ASD patients according to symptomatology based on scores Four initial WES studies [164–167] have demonstrated the
obtained administering the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised importance of de novo mutations in the etiology of ASD, while
(ADI-R) [159], novel highly significant associations with 18 SNPs also showing that (a) the vast majority may increase risk but does
were reported [160]. Symptom categories include deficits in lan- not “cause” the disease, further supporting an oligogenic/polygenic
guage usage, non-verbal communication, social development, and model, and that (b) there may be several hundred genes in which
play skills, as well as insistence on sameness or ritualistic behaviors high risk-conferring de novo mutations can occur. In particular,
[160]. It is noteworthy that in this study no association survived a these four studies [164–167], collectively screening 965 patients,
Bonferroni correction when all 1867 ASD cases were combined into identified many de novo mutations predicted to disrupt gene
a single sample and compared against 2438 controls [160]. If these function in the affected child. However, only a fraction of these
associations will be at least partly replicated, they will demonstrate mutations are expected to be causative, and those that do con-
that despite a smaller sample size, clinically homogeneous sub- fer risk are distributed in many autism-related genes, collectively
groups of individuals with ASD may enjoy greater statistical power increasing disease risk by 5- to 20-fold but nonetheless incom-
in GWAS than large but clinically admixed samples [160]. A similar pletely penetrant, meaning they are not sufficient to cause the
strategy was applied more recently on 2165 participants, by exam- disease [164–167]. Secondly, these results further highlight the
ining the association between genomic loci and individual items extreme genetic heterogeneity of ASD, while pointing towards a
106 A.M. Persico, V. Napolioni / Behavioural Brain Research 251 (2013) 95–112
relatively small number of implicated biological pathways. Many of ultra-low-cost candidate gene resequencing in very large cohorts.
the disrupted genes were found to impact important gene networks By capturing and sequencing 44 candidate genes in 2446 ASD
(synaptic plasticity, -catenin/chromatin remodelling), and several probands, 27 de novo events in 16 genes were found, 59% pre-
de novo mutations were found in genes previously implicated in dicted to truncate proteins or disrupt splicing. Recurrent disruptive
other neurodevelopmental disorders and in intellectual disability mutations in six genes, namely CHD8, DYRK1A, GRIN2B, TBR1, PTEN,
(e.g., SCN1A, SCN2A, GRIN2B) [164–167]. Two of these studies also and TBL1XR1, were thus estimated to contribute to approximately
found de novo mutations come mostly from the paternal line in 1% of sporadic ASD cases. Moreover, these data support associa-
an age-dependent manner [166,167], a finding consistent with the tions between specific genes and reciprocal subphenotypes, such
modest, yet detectable increase in autism risk for children of older as macrocephaly and microcephaly in CHD8 and DYRK1A muta-
fathers [168]. From a pathophysiological standpoint, the results of tion carriers, respectively [176]. Another study investigated by
these four initial WES studies have been interpreted as confirming whole-genome sequencing global patterns of germline mutations
the hypothesis that the origin of ASD is at the synapse [164–167]. in monozygotic twins concordant for ASD and their parents [177].
However, their meta-analysis and integration with gene expres- De novo mutations detected in twin samples impacted a total of 34
sion data from the developing human brain highlights that many of genes, including 29 protein-coding genes and 5 noncoding RNAs.
the recently identified mutations affect genes encoding chromatin- The frequency of de novo mutations in these 29 protein-coding
related proteins involved in transcriptional regulation, especially genes was then investigated in larger exome data sets including
during prenatal brain development [169]. a total of 962 cases and 590 controls from recent studies of ASD
Other investigators used WES to find candidate recessive muta- [164–167]. While no exonic hit was reported in controls, seven de
tions in autistic probands with known shared parental ancestry novo coding mutations were detected among cases in five genes,
[170–173]. Applying this strategy, Chahrour and colleagues [170] with two genes (KIRREL3 and GPR98) hit twice [177]. The genetic
identified four novel candidate genes, namely UBE3B, CLTCL1, overlap between genes mutated in concordant monozygotic twins
NCKAP5L and ZNF18, which encode proteins involved in proteoly- and sporadic ASD cases is thus significant for total number of hits
sis, GTPase-mediated signaling, cytoskeletal organization. Notably, (P = 0.006), number of double hits (P = 0.005), and number of genes
the expression of these genes is dependent upon neuronal activity. (P = 0.04) [177].
Bi et al. [171] screened a cohort of 20 ASD patients by WES and Although rare causal inherited variants have been identified in
identified a de novo missense mutation, S1569A, in the Ankyrin some families, no population-based WES study has demonstrated
3 (ANK3) gene. Given the known association of ANK3 with other a significant role for deleterious inherited variants in ASD risk,
neuropsychiatric disorders (bipolar disorder and schizophrenia) leaving the contribution of this class of genetic variation unknown
[172], they sequenced the ANK3 gene in an additional 47 ASD [178]. ASD risk has been found increased when two rare variants
subjects, identifying the S1569A mutation in another unrelated deleteriously affect both copies of a protein-coding gene, consistent
patient, and two other novel heterozygous missense variants, with a role for pseudo-recessive inheritance of nonsynonymous
T3720M and T4255P, located near the C-terminal death domain mutations in autism. Screening for homozygous or compound het-
of ANK3, both inherited from apparently unaffected parents [171]. erozygous loss-of-function variants in 933 cases and 869 controls,
Screening consanguineous families with autism, epilepsy, and Lim et al. [179] reported the doubling of rare, putative recessively
intellectual disability, Novarino and co-workers [173] identified acting autosomal mutations in ASD patients compared with con-
homozygous inactivating mutations in the BCKDK gene (Branched trols (6% vs 3.3%, respectively), confirming this observation in an
Chain Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Kinase), resulting in blunted mRNA independent set of 563 probands and 4605 controls. This class of
and protein expression, E1a phosphorylation and plasma lev- genetic variants was estimated to confer an overall 3% contribution
els of branched-chain aminoacids. Interestingly, Bckdk knockout to ASD risk [178,179]. In addition, rare hemizygous mutations on
mice show abnormal brain aminoacid profiles and neurobehavioral the X chromosome, also yielding protein depletion in males, were
deficits that respond to dietary supplementation, thus represent- enriched in male ASD cases compared to controls (4.8% vs 3.1%),
ing a potentially treatable syndrome [173]. Finally, screening three with an estimated involvement in 1.7% of male patients [178,179].
Old Order Amish and Mennonite sibships encompassing seven These studies fill an important gap in our knowledge of the genetic
affected individuals, Puffenberger et al. [174] found a homozygous architecture of ASD, by estimating that about 5% of ASD cases
missense mutation in HERC2 (c.1781C>T, p.Pro594Leu) associ- may be affected by rare inherited loss-of-function homozygous,
ated with global developmental delay and ASD. The phenotypic compound heterozygous, or X chromosome mutations in males
overlap with Herc1 and Herc2 mouse mutants, as well as with [178]. This mechanism was confirmed performing WES in ASD
Angelman syndrome, support the pathogenic role of HERC2 in consanguineous and nonconsanguineous families [180]. Biallelic
nonsyndromic intellectual disability, autism, and gait disturbance mutations underlying familial ASD were identified in six disease
[174]. genes (AMT, PEX7, SYNE1, VPS13B, PAH, and POMGNT1), with at
Mutations in X-linked genes associated with ASD have been least some of these genes showing biallelic mutations in noncon-
sought by sequencing the entire chromosome X exome in 12 unre- sanguineous families as well [180]. Often these mutations are only
lated families with two affected males [175]. Thirty-six possibly partially disabling, demonstrating that partial loss of gene function
deleterious variants were found in 33 genes, including PHF8 and can indeed play a major pathogenic role in some cases of autism.
HUWE1, previously implicated in intellectual disability [175]. A As occurs in many other monogenic autisms, frequently these
nonsense mutation in TMLHE, which encodes -N-trimethyllysine mutations do not produce clinical phenotypes consistent with
hydroxylase catalyzing the first step of carnitine biosynthesis, was Mendelian disorders due to more deleterious mutations affecting
identified in two brothers with autism and intellectual disability. the same genes.
Screening 501 male patients with ASD, two additional missense
substitutions were identified in the TMLHE coding sequence [175].
Functional analyses demonstrated that these TMLHE mutations 5. Conclusions
lead to loss-of-function, resulting in elevated plasma levels of
trimethyllysine, the biosynthetic precursor of carnitine [175]. The latest advances in the field of autism genetics highlight
WES studies have identified many de novo mutations in ASD, the striking complexity of its underlying pathophysiology. It
but few recurrently disrupted genes. Therefore O’Roak et al. [176] is expected that high-throughput molecular screenings, such
developed a modified molecular inversion probe method enabling as high resolution array-CGH, whole-exome and whole-genome
A.M. Persico, V. Napolioni / Behavioural Brain Research 251 (2013) 95–112 107
sequencing, as well as transcriptomic analysis, will further increase (PRIN n.2006058195 and n.2008BACT54 002), the Italian Ministry
our understanding of the genetic underpinnings of ASD. Specific of Health (RFPS-2007-5-640174 and RF-2011-02350537), the Fon-
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autism, at least in some cases. However, genotype–phenotype (Naples, Italy), Autism Speaks (Princeton, NJ), the Autism Research
correlations are extremely labile. The same mutation can cause Institute (San Diego, CA), and the Innovative Medicines Initiative
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