What Is Communication
What Is Communication
What Is Communication
It’s quite difficult to define the word “communication” because of 2 reasons. First one is that this
word is very common. “Communication is one of the most overworked terms in the English lesson”
F. Dance (journalist). Culture, community. If we asked a hundred people what Communication is,
we will receive hundred different answers.
Communication comes from “communicare” (Latin) that means to share, to make something in
Communication is the process by which people transmit information, share verbal and nonverbal
messages and create meaning with each other.
Information source (sender) has a message that he transmits through the channel. Then this signal
is received by a receiver and its final destination. There are also Noise Source that can disturb a
process of communication.
According to this model meaning “contained” in the words. And such phenomenon like a feedback
isn’t contained in Shannon’s model. This model is linear and isn’t designed to express face-to-face
For him communication was dynamic, on-going, back-and-forth simultaneous exchange between
people. Each member of the communication is a sender and a receiver at the same time.
Meaning exists in the heads (minds) of people, when members of the communication try to
interpret what their opponent says and means. That is why two people can hear one and the same
message but interpret it completely different.
Communication isn’t a secondary phenomenon what happens after our views in our hand, after the
culture etc. Communication is the primary constitutive process that explains all these other
Important here that we create meaning and ideas in the process of communication. We don’t deal
with already existing meanings or ideas. The whole social reality is the product, an outcome of
Areas of Communication:
Rhetoric is about how speaker can create and share artfully with an audience fror maximum
persuasiveness (убедительность). The area of rhetoric study is: political speeches, argumentation,
freedom of expression etc.
Interpersonal Communication looks at one on one conversations and relationships, and
focuses on face to face interaction (friendships, romantic relationships and family).
Basic levels – active listening skills, conflict resolution (разрешение конфликта), stages of
relationship development.
Interpersonal Communication looks also how small things, small changes in communication can
influence our relationship, can lead to big changes.
Here you can study different leadership styles, workplace culture, communication proce3ss
through both formal and informal networks.