Seed Germination Experiment: Aim: To Investigate The Following Factors Affecting Seed Germination (Water, Light and Air)

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Seed Germination Experiment

Unidad 1: Los seres vivos y el suelo en que habitan

Tema: Requerimientos y productos de la Fotosíntesis
Objetivo de aprendizaje: (OA1) Explicar, a partir de una investigación experimental, los
requerimientos de agua, dióxido de carbono y energía lumínica para la producción de azúcar y
liberación de oxígeno en la fotosíntesis
Planificar y llevar a cabo investigaciones experimentales y no experimentales de manera

Aim: To investigate the following factors affecting seed germination (water, light and air). Choose one
of the factors affecting seed germination and carry out your experiment.

2 transparent plastic containers
6 legume seeds ( beans or lentils)

Stage 1:
* Prepare 2 plastic containers with soil (5 cm) and plant 3 bean seeds in each of them (3cm above the bottom).
* Water them when the soil is dry.
*Check daily until the first sprouts germinate. (The first sign a seed is sprouting is when the seed coat breaks
open and the root pushes out)

Stage 2: IMPORTANT. You can start stage 2 ONLY if your seeds have germinated.

*Measure each sprout and write the info in Day 1 in a chart.

*Label the containers:
*Container 1: control plant (it will get sunlight, water and air)
*Container 2: Choose one of these factors
 (1) no water
 (2) no light. You need a shoe box.
 (3) no air. You need a Ziplock bag.

*Water the “control” container.
*Water the “no air” container. Place it in Ziplock bag and seal it.
*Water the “no light” container. Place it inside the shoe box. No light should be allowed.
*Place the “control”, “no air” and “no water” containers near a window.

Stage 3:
*Check each sprouts every two days, water them when the soil is dry, except the “no water” container.
*Measure the height of the sprouts and record it in a chart. (You can take pictures to see how they are growing)
*Write conclusions about the experiment.
Seed Germination Experiment

Complethe this chart: Date and height

CONTROL PLANT (receives sunlight, water and air)

Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date:

Seed 1 mm

Seed 2

Seed 3

Plant without _______________

Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date:

Seed 1 cm cm

Seed 2

Seed 3

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