Assessment in Learning
Assessment in Learning
Assessment in Learning
4. The thrusts and development for employment and professional practice abroad.
Repil, Aubrey Louise P. April 24, 2021
1. The students can effectively communicate their ideas using their capabilities and
learning styles.
2. The students can develop their skills by using the suited resources for their learning
2. The students can produce communicate the results of their research findings and
analyses to fellow classmates in an oral presentation.
Activity 1.
1. Begin with an Action Verb Term that denoted the level of learning expected.
2. There are restrictions that it should be measureable/ assessable; avoid double verbs
and do not use qualifiers.
3. There is a need to arrange learning outcome to achieve skills from lower level,
achievement of a higher level of skills assumes the achievement of the previous levels.
1.1. Remembering- Recalling the importance of water and how the water cycle
every lives.
1.3. Applying- Applying the ways to conserve water and to have better water
1.4. Analyzing- Analyzing the proper consumption of water for the sustainability.
Repil, Aubrey Louise P. April 24, 2021
1.5. Evaluating- Evaluating the process that enact the cycle of water including the
1.6. Creating- Creating a realistic activity about water cycle that it's factor are
2.1. Observing- Identify the different kitchen equipment and tools to be use and
its proper uses.
2.2. Imitating- Demonstrate the different styles in table setting and identify the
kind of each table setting.
2.3. Practicing- Recognizing the similarities and difference of the every kind of
table setting.
2.4. Adopting- Describing each styles of every kinds of table setting and can
explain the history of each setting.
3.2. Responding- Responding on the honesty that an individual give and do the
3.4. Organizing- Organizing the mindset to always do the truth and ignore lies.
1. Among the assessment that I have written and described, I think Formative
Assessment is the most important as it improves students understanding and
performance. The right implementation is based on formative assessments that helps
teacher to use the best strategies for his/her students to learn more.
B. Application:
1. Authetic
2. Traditional
3. Authetic
4. Authetic
5. Traditional
Attributes Rating
5 4 3 2 1
1. Accuracy of the Content
2. Delivery of the presentation
3. Credibility of the data
4. Creativity of the presentation
5. Clarity or conciseness of the
1. I find the activity difficult and challenging beacuse I don’t have a brief background of
what attributes to be assess.
3. Yes, there is a need to provide rating scale every time in grading the student output
to have guide on how the output to be graded and to be fair for the grades to be given.
- Rubrics
- Interview sheet
- Checklist
- Portfolios - Journal
- Projects - Essays
- Outputs
3. Actual performance.
- Actual demonstrations
- Oral recitations
Repil, Aubrey Louise P. April 24, 2021
I refer this to K-12 Basic curriculum for technology and livelihood education,
home economics- dressmaking. This course is designated for grade 7/ Grade 8
students. This is an exploratory and introductory course which leads to Dressmaking
/Tailoring National Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers five common competencies that
a Grade7/Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to
Repil, Aubrey Louise P. April 24, 2021
possess, namely: 1) using tools, equipment and paraphernalia; 2) performing
mensuration and calculation; 3) practicing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
procedures; 4) maintaining tools, equipment and paraphernalia and; 5) reading and
interpreting drawing designs.
Among the list of contents, I decided do choose the topic about “performing
mensuration and calculation”. The activities that I want my students to do based from
the topic I have chosen includes lecture, watching videos, observation and
demonstration. Students come to the classroom with a broad range of pre-existing
knowledge, skills, beliefs and attitudes which influence how they think, remember,
apply, and create new knowledge so it is necessary that the processes which my
students go through must aligned on the learning competencies of curriculum. With this
reason, the following processes based on the topic I have chosen must be followed.
1. Obtain measurements
With the following tasks and processes, I firmly believe that my students will develop
their knowledge in performing the body measurements, to have skills in performing
simple calculations for metric conversion and to estimate appropriate quantities. Most
especially they can apply this knowledge for the construction of clothes.
1. What’s the salient point of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide based on your chosen
The salient point of the K-12 curriculum guide based on the chosen discipline is
to have sufficient time for the mastery of concepts, skills and develop lifelong learners.
This makes the lesson easy to understand and to be guided with every activity.
Using the K to 12 Curriculum Guide as your reference, determine at least two topics in
your area of specialization and formulate process-oriented learning competencies of
each of the topics.
1. Obtain measurements
Learning involves getting ready to get new knowledge and refer the ideas from
previously learned ideas. Knowledge, abilities, values, attitudes and habits of every
students that can affect their performance in the classroom may include in the learning
process. Formal and authentic assessment tools attempts to measure the degree to
which a student can practically apply the knowledge that have been taught. Those tools
can be used to set instructional goals, track students’ growth, provide coaching, make
decision and feedback. We can justify the students learning by assessing on their actual
inputs and products but it is also important to assess students learning not only on their
outputs or products but also on the processes which students arrive until the output
1. Obtain measurements
Identify an activity that would entail more or less the same sets of competencies.
The activities that entails more or less the same sets of competencies based
from the topic I have chosen are the following:
Find a task that would be interesting and enjoyable for the students.
Prepare games or acitivity in order to make the lesson more fun and enjoyable.
Create group works to allow students to share ideas and work together.
Prepare hands on or actual activity to have the students practice what are being taught
and develop the skills that the outcome focusing.
1. Have you already thought of an activity from the two identified topics in the k-to 12
Curriculum Guide based on your discipline?
Repil, Aubrey Louise P. April 24, 2021
2. Where you be able to identify activity? Kindly describe the activity identified and
explain how the students will have to go through about the said activity?
~YES, I have already thought an activity based from the two topics in the K to12
Curriculum Guide. The given activity is more on hand on and actual activity to practice
the students skills in proper measurement. This activity is aligned to the learning
competencies and performance standard that’s why it is suited to the learners need.
The students perform well and finished the activities applying all the knowledge, skills
and attitudes they have been learned from the discussion.
After analyzing the topics I have chosen, the activity that I decided to make for my
students is Pair and Measure to Pattern.
The students will get partners and measure their partners’ body measurements.
After getting the body measurements of their partners they will pattern those
measurements in a manila paper to have an apron pattern to be used in the next topic
which is clothing construction. This activity will make them learn the actual
measurement process as well as the estimation to get the right pattern.
The taste is
Not too much No off-flavor
Well-blended, good but some
Taste spice, from fat,
characteristic spice are still
flavoring, leavening and
of ingredients visible and not
molasses, etc. nuts.
blended well.
After evaluating the chocolate chips using the rubrics, I therefore conclude that the
cookies it can satisfy every costumers according to its crunchiness, taste, size and
3. Do you find it easy or difficult each criterion and it's level of performance?
~The activity was surprisingly interesting because it is all about Scoring Rubrics that
serves as a guide to assess every activity that needs to be graded. Scoring rubrics
assess the student’s performance or work. It helps the evaluator to assess fairly and
accordingly. Based from the criterion that I made from the activity, I can say that the
criterion is easy to describe since it is all about the characteristics of cookies. From the
activity, I learned that it is important to have a scoring rubric in every activity in the
classroom because it is the tool that measures the skills and knowledge of every
students. Scoring rubrics also allow the students to evaluate his/her own work to help
them improve more.
Repil, Aubrey Louise P. April 24, 2021
The activity that I made from Lesson 2 was Partner and Measure to Pattern.
Very Needs
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory
Satisfactory Improvement
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Uses tools
and Uses tools and
Uses tools and Uses tools and
equipment equipment
1. Use of equipment equipment
correctly correctly and
tools and correctly and incorrectly and
and but less
equipment confidently at all less confidently
confidently confidently
times most of the time
most of the sometimes
Manifests Manifests Manifests less
Manifests very clear understanding understanding
2. Application of clear understandi of the step-by- of the step- by-
understanding of ng of the step procedure step procedure
procedures step- by- but sometimes seeking
the step- by-step
procedure step seeks clarification
procedure clarification most of the time
Observes Most of the time
3. Safety work Observes safety safety
safety not observing
precautions at all precautions
habits precautions safety
times most of the
sometimes precautions
Task is
Task is Task is nearly Task is started
completed completed but not
4.Completeness following the
following the following the completed
procedures in the
of Task procedures procedures in following the
in the the project procedures in
project plan plan the project plan